Download - Rev. Fr. Dale Branson, Pastor

Page 1: Rev. Fr. Dale Branson, Pastor

We welcome you and we ask that you please take a few moments to register. Registra on forms are located at the Greeters Table or can now be found and submi ed online. Visit our website and click on the link, Parish Registra on Form, found at the bo om of the home page and follow the instruc ons.

AAre you new to St. Michael the Archangel Church?


Prayer a er Communion The rites following the recep on of Communion are very short. It is as if the Church is saying to us that the only way to respond to this great gi is to go forth and live it! But there are some significant rites yet before we are sent forth from the Mass. A er Communion, we pray together in silence or sing a hymn; both are ways to thank God for the gi of the Son. Then the priest prays another collect, the Prayer a er Communion. This prayer, usually very short, gathers our prayers into one. It reminds us of what we have already experienced: in receiving the Eucharist, we have received a foretaste of the heavenly banquet; we have eaten the bread of angels. This reality, this knowledge, should transform us, so that we may journey through this life with our hearts set on eternal life, and find in the Eucharist—which is food from heaven and daily bread—the strength and hope we need to work toward God’s kingdom of jus ce here and now.

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in ba le, be our protec on against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast

into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

St. Michael the Archangel Parish Thirth First Sunday in

Ordinary Time October 31, 2021

Parish Office

Mailing and delivery address:

26035 N Apollo Dr. San Tan Valley, AZ 85132 Phone: (520) 723-6570

Fax: (520) 723-7116

Office hours: 9:00am - 5:00pm

Rev. Fr. Dale Branson, Pastor

Weekend Mass Schedule

Saturday: Adoration 9am (following 8:30am mass)

Vigil 4pm Sunday: 8 am & 10:00 am

Daily Mass Schedule

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday - 8:30am

at the Parish Center. Thursday service is without a Priest.

Parish Center 26035 N Apollo Dr.

San Tan Valley, AZ 85132

Page 2: Rev. Fr. Dale Branson, Pastor

AV Ministry Alvin Rivera, [email protected] (480)720-6486 Scott Robert, [email protected] (480)309-0506

CCD/ALTAR SERVERS Reajean Porter, [email protected] (808)386-6925

DEACONS Chuck Pistorio (630)336-0905 [email protected]

EUCHARISTIC MINISTER/PRAYER CHAIN Virginia Bombolino [email protected], (480)888-7914

FOOD BANKCarroll Rohrich [email protected] (218) 731-8680 GREETERS Terry Ybarra [email protected] (480)223-2335 GRIEF SUPPORT Don Manuel [email protected] (480)710-9468 Meet Mondays at 9:30 HOMEBOUND MINISTRY Lynn Griego [email protected] (520)431-3781 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Tom Davidson [email protected] 480-276-6268

RED HAT Michaele es / LECTORS Suzanne Baitinger [email protected] (480)745-5621 MUSIC Diana Albert [email protected] PASTOR Rev. Fr. Dale A. Branson [email protected], (520)723-6570 PRISON MINISTRY Kathy Ernst [email protected] PRO LIFE Greg Mayer [email protected]

RCIABob Butchko [email protected] (480)703-7212 SACRISTANS Irene Chagoya [email protected] (480)643-0098 SAFE ENVIRONMENT Sue Stonerook [email protected] (602)501-3859 Mary Teese, [email protected] (520)723-9311 Bev Lennen [email protected]

SECRETARY/BULLETINElisa Victoria [email protected] (520)723-6570 SCOUTS Scott Robert [email protected] (480)309-0506 USHERS Darrell Stonerook, [email protected] (602)501-3859

WEBMASTER Craig Rudko [email protected] (480)250-0722 VIDEO MONITOR Ron Stegner [email protected]


Parish Pastoral Council: Diana Albert, Sue Baitinger, Bob Butchko, Virginia Bombolino, Reajean Porter, Tom Davidson,

Craig Rudko, Darrell Stonerook, Sue Stonerook, Mary Teese, Irene Chagoya, Terry Ybarra, Carroll Rohrich, Scott Robert, and Lynn Griego.

Oct 30 4:00pm John Bombolino

Bernie Hillen Orlando Fuentez

Oct 31 8:00am Karin Zapata Karin Zapata

Robert Soza Sr 10:00am Pro Populo Nov 1 8:30am Darrell & Sue Stonerook Janice Branson Maria Forcier Nov 2 8:30am Michael Cooper Nov 3 8:30am Al Cooper Nov 5 8:30am Jeffery Panhans Amiel Olivo

Pro Populo - Latin: “for the people - Deceased

Every mass is available with the exception of the mass that is offered for the parishioners (Pro Populo) and Thursdays,

to be requested for a particular intention. Be it the anniversary of wedding or death, birthday blessings, soul

of a deceased loved one, special favors or just in thanksgiving. The offering stipend is $10.00, please call

the parish office to request a mass intention. Payments can be made online or dropped off in the baskets that are

at the exits of the center.

Sacramental Policies ANOINTING OF THE SICK

At the 8:30am Mass on the first Friday of each month or by appt. BAPTISM

Parents will need to provide a copy of the child’s birth certificate and participate in a class. Baptismal Classes are held on the 2nd Saturday of the month at 11 am in the Church office. Parents must call the church office a week prior to register for the class. Godparents must be practicing Catholics who are confirmed and married in the Church, if married. CONFESSION Confessions are heard after mass on the weekdays or on Sunday

half hour before mass time. CONFIRMATION

Confirmation will be given students in 8th grade or above. They must have completed the 8th grade religious education class and optimally the 7th as well. Sponsors must be practicing Catholics who are already confirmed and married in the Church, if married. Parents should not be sponsors for their own children. For information on Confirmation preparation for adults please contact the pastor.

FIRST HOLY COMMUNION First Holy Communion will be offered to children in Grade 2. Children must attend CCD regularly throughout Grade 2 in order to receive the Sacrament in May of that year. Students will also be prepared for the Sacrament of Reconciliation in Grade 2.

MARRIAGE Both parties are expected to participate in the preparation

program. Parties must notify the pastor at least one year prior to their proposed marriage date. Please meet with the pastor for a

fuller explanation and to make arrangements. QUINCEANERAS

St. Michael the Archangel Parish does not have Quinceaneras at this time.

Page 3: Rev. Fr. Dale Branson, Pastor

TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — The L , the God of your fathers, will give you a land flowing with milk and honey (Deuteronomy 6:2-6).

Psalm — I love you, Lord, my strength (Psalm 18).

Second Reading — Jesus is always able to save those who approach God through him (Hebrews 7:23-28).

Gospel — To love God with all your heart and to love your neighbor as yourself is worth more than all burnt offerings and sacrifices (Mark 12:28b-34).

In today’s First Reading, from Deuteronomy, we hear the great summary of the very core of God’s covenant with Israel, its title taken from its opening word, the Shema (“Hear!”). The Shema is at once a doctrinal summary of Israel’s faith and the personal/corporate prayer o f Israel’s sons and daughters. To this day, devout Jews inscribe the Shema on parchment and enclose it in the mezuzah that adorns the doorways of so many Jewish homes. The residents kiss the mezuzah, and thus the Word of God, upon entering their homes and when going forth from them into a world that often acknowledges neither God nor the covenant. Recited several times daily, Deuteronomy’s “formula” comes alive as a vivid reminder to devout Jews that their personal relationship with God is both source and safeguard of their public identity as members of God’s chosen people. EDITING THE GREAT COMMANDMENT Today’s Gospel shows Jesus as fully part of Israel’s covenant tradition: he responds to the scribe’s question by proclaiming Deuteronomy’s Shema which both of them would have reverenced and recited since childhood: “Hear, O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord alone! Therefore you shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength” (Deuteronomy 6:4–5). But note the “editorial changes” both Jesus and the scribe make to the Shema. To Deuteronomy’s heart, the Biblical seat of the will and affections, and soul, the deepest part of the human person, and strength, encompassing both physical ability and material treasure, Jesus adds “with all your mind,” a phrase the scribe changes to “with all your understanding” (Mark 12:30, 33). Perhaps Mark, the author of today’s Gospel, wanted to consecrate to the kingdom’s service the philosophical reflection and intellectual exploration so valued by the Greco-Roman world—and our world—in which the Gospel would be preached. KNOWING AND DOING Jesus makes a further change to Israel’s Shema: to the Deuteronomy text Jesus adds Leviticus 19:18: “you shall love your neighbor as yourself.” For Jesus, these commandments cannot be separated. The scribe, delighted at Jesus’ answer, goes on to indicate that he has grasped one of the central tenets of Jesus’ kingdom: ritual worship and practical charity toward one’s neighbor are twin expressions of love for God. This insight places the scribe “not far from the kingdom of God,” says Jesus (Mark 12:34). But is “not far” close enough? For the scribe, as for the rich would-be disciple from a few Sundays ago, as for each of us, it is one thing to know what we ought to do and quite another actually to do it. So, then: what about us? How do we live out, in daily practice, the covenant whose words we know so well, but whose deeds we so often find a challenge?

Page 4: Rev. Fr. Dale Branson, Pastor


For informa on on Bap sm please email:

[email protected] Class is held the 2nd Saturday of the month.

Paperwork will need to be filled out a week prior to the class.

Online Giving… If you would like to give online please visit our website and select the Online Giving tab.

October 17, 2021 Parish Offertory $4,782.59 Art & Liturgical $25.00

S pend $ Holy Land $0

CCD Registra on $0 Building Fund $890.00

Community Outreach $1,473.35 Capital Campaign $1,500

Total $8,670.94

To obtain free access to, click sign-up, I belong to a parish and type in

St Michael the Archangel Florence and you are all set.

Mass with Fr. Branson

Subscribe on YouTube for weekly mass

h ps:// UC3G01wR32rbJMMAsTUEiAmQ

Or type in St Michael the Archangel STV on

the YT search bar. Follow us on Facebook for up to date

informa on. h ps://

MASS ATTENDANCE 561 people attended mass on

October 24, 2021 Confessions

Confessions are heard half hour before the weekend mass or a er morning mass on weekdays

Mass mes - Saturday 4pm, Sunday 8am & 10am weekdays Mon - Sat morning - 8:30am

Readings for the Week Monday: Rv 7:2-4, 9-14; Ps 24:1-6; 1 Jn 3:1-3; Mt 5:1-12a Tuesday: Wis 3:1-9; Ps 23:1-6; Rom 5:5-11 or 6:3-9; Jn 6:37-40, or any readings from no. 668 or from the Masses for the Dead, nos. 1011-1016 Wednesday: Rom 13:8-10; Ps 112:1b-2, 4-5, 9; Lk 14:25-33 Thursday: Rom 14:7-12; Ps 27:1bcde, 4, 13-14; Lk 15:1-10 Friday: Rom 15:14-21; Ps 98:1-4; Lk 16:1-8 Saturday: Rom 16:3-9, 16, 22-27; Ps 145:2-5, 10-11; Lk 16:9-15 Sunday: 1 Kgs 17:10-16; Ps 146:7-10; Heb 9:24-28; Mk 12:38-44 [41-44]

Page 5: Rev. Fr. Dale Branson, Pastor

All my Love According to Jesus, the first commandment is to

love God with heart, mind, soul, and strength. This is usually taken to mean loving God with your whole being. But it wouldn’t hurt to look at the modern meanings of those words to see how we can apply them.

The heart is the symbol of our desires and love. So to love God with all your heart can mean that you recognize God as the one source of your life. That means you love God above everything and everyone. How many of us can say we would rather spend time with God, than with our friends, family, or loved ones?

To love God with all your mind can mean that you never stop thinking of God. You can ask God to help you any time you make a decision, whether it is what to watch next on TV, or what to do for a living. The better you know God, the more likely you are to hear God in your decisions. You can get to know God through the scriptures and other spiritual reading.

If the soul is the center of your spiritual life, then loving God with all your soul can remind you to listen to God when you pray. You might remember how annoying it can be to converse with someone who does all the talking. At first it is easy, but eventually you find yourself getting nervous because you have things you would like to say also. Think of that when you pray; give God a chance to put in a few words, too.

Finally, to love God with all your strength can mean you put as much energy into loving God as you do with exercising, doing your day-job, cleaning the house, or mowing the lawn. Just remember that no matter how hard you work for the Lord, God loves you even more than you love Him.

It is our trust and faith in God that allows him to heal us and gives us peace. Is God in charge of

your marriage? Deepen your communication, rekindle your romance and renew your

sacrament by attending the next Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend on November 6-7.

Early registration is highly recommended. For more information visit our website at:

Grief and Loss Support Group

Grief and loss group groups provide an opportunity for individuals of all ages to express feelings, build rapport,

get support, and be heard. The group provides encouragement and support. Grief support meets on Monday’s from 9:30am ll 11am in the parish office.

Please feel free to join us or for more informa on please

Saturday November 6,2021 7:30am - 6:00pm

Location: St Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish

You are invited to join men from across the Diocese of Tucson in our annual Catholic Men's Conference in Tucson on Saturday, November 6,

2021. This year's conference will be held at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish and will feature keynote

presentations from Fr. Larry Richards and Matthew Leonard.

To register: https://


Tomorrow Monday, November 1st. All Saints Day: Our Regular 8:30 am Mass only. (Not a Holy Day of Obliga on) this year. Tuesday, November 2nd. All

Souls Day Our Regular 8:30 am Mass only. Rosary is said at 8:00am

Page 6: Rev. Fr. Dale Branson, Pastor
Page 7: Rev. Fr. Dale Branson, Pastor

CCD Weekly Announcements OOctober 24, 2021

Screen Monitor Schedule

November 6/7 4pm Ron Stegner 8am Kyle Dunlap 10am Fernando Peinado

Altar Server Schedule

November 6/7 4pm Tessa Robert

8am Tobee Dunlap Parker Mendoza

10am Scott Kennedy

November 13/14 4pm Isabella Simeone

8am John Miller

10am Scott Kennedy

Sunday Readers

Confirmation Students

10 AM Mass

November 7 R 1 Mathew Brizuela R 2 Katherine Denson

November 14 R 1 Dakota Bustos R 2 Weston Griffen

November 21 R 1 Emmanuel Hoyos R 2 Sofia Diaz

November CCD Schedule

Tuesday Nov. 2

All Students K- 8th Fun Learning about Saints

3 No SAC Class meet on Tuesday Nov. 2

9/10 CCD and SAC Classes 6:00 - 7:30pm

16/17 CCD and SAC Classes 6:00 - 7:30pm

Who are


St. Damien of Molokai, St. Michael the Archangel, St. Kateri Takawitha, St. Dymphna, St. John Neumann, St. Nicholas, St. Joan of Arc, St. Patrick, St. Bernade e, St. George, St. Ma lda, St. Josephine Bakhita, St. Rafqa,

St. Bruno of Cologne, and St. Gerard.

Page 8: Rev. Fr. Dale Branson, Pastor

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