Download -  · resume Wednesday, January 15, 2020 in the sanc-tuary. Enjoy the mini-vacation! We would like to invite anyone who would like to sing with the choir just for the Christmas Eve

Page 1:  · resume Wednesday, January 15, 2020 in the sanc-tuary. Enjoy the mini-vacation! We would like to invite anyone who would like to sing with the choir just for the Christmas Eve

December 2019/January 2020 A Publication of Peace Lutheran Church of Robbinsdale

Peace Lutheran Church Worshiping, Gathering, Serving

4512 France Avenue North Robbinsdale, MN 55422 Church Office: 763-533-0570 Office Administrator’s Hours:

Tues. - Fri. 900-2:30 PM Email: [email protected] Day Care: 763-533-5517


Peace Lutheran Church Mission Statement


Worship Service Time Sun., Worship at 9:15 A.M.

Sun. Education Hour (September through May) at 10:30 A.M. ——————————————

Staff Pastor: Rev. Steven Jones

Vicar: Martin Cornes

Organist & Director of Music: Leah Galaudet

Peace Choir and Hand Bell Director: Grace Maunula

Director of Peace Praise Singers: Julia Fahey

Parish Nurse: Melissa Jones, R.N.

Interim Youth Director: Katrina Schmidt

Resource Coordinator: Jacalyn Schulze

Office Administrator: Pa Vang

Daycare Director: Judy Sims

(Pastor’s article continued on page 2)

“And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths and ly-ing in a manger.” And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!”

(Luke 2:10-14). Christmas gifts are probably already upon your mind as you go to

do your shopping. And how wonderful that you remember the family and friends who bless your life with love, joy, and companionship. Most of you embrace this task with joy and energy, consciously weighing the op-tions and seeking to match the perfect gift to each on your list. I admire you! I’m more the guy who rushes out at 4pm on the day before Christ-mas Eve. Visions of sugar-plums and the ideal gift quickly take a backseat to what stores are still open and what’s left on the shelf. Good thing the Lord God blessed me with Melissa who has bailed me out more times than I can remember!

Could you imagine God the Father approaching His gift list like

that? Thankfully we are blessed with an organized God – one who has ordered creation and all the times therein. God, who cares for the greatest, but also the least – matching His great gift of salvation and redemption to those who need it most. People like you and me! People in our community of Robbinsdale who are lonely, fearful, hurting, ill, depressed, and more. All the people around us need and crave the word of hope and peace which comes through the greatest Christmas Gift of All: the Lamb Upon the Throne! And God has Christmas gifts for these, as well as for you and me.

“If you then, who are [sinful], know how to give good gifts to

your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him!” (Matthew 7:11).

Page 2:  · resume Wednesday, January 15, 2020 in the sanc-tuary. Enjoy the mini-vacation! We would like to invite anyone who would like to sing with the choir just for the Christmas Eve

(Pastor’s article continued from page 1)

NEAR Christmas Give-away Calling all Volunteers to help with our

Christmas Shopping at Crystal Community Center. Refer to the sign-up sheets on our

bulletin boards or contact Joanne Neumann

The dates we’ll be needing HELP will be

Friday morning, December 13th at 8:30AM, and Saturday, December 14th, 1st shift: from 8:30am-12:00noon and 2nd shift: 11:30am-3:00pm, as we organize gifts so that our clients can go shopping for their family.

You can also donate gently used toys. *Please NO stuffed animals &/or gun para.

Please help if you are available.

FYI: We won’t be needing any “clean up” help-ers, as Serenity Village Community Church staff are coming to help us!





Help Decorate the

Church for Christmas You are invited to help decorate our church for

the Christmas season.

Please feel free to help- Many hands make light work!

1. Friday the 13th or Saturday the 14th, put up the

tree but not decorate it until later… in anticipa-tion of things to come.

2. 0900 (or when you can get there) Saturday Dec

14th during Sunday School program practice. Do you need something to do while you wait for you kids…OR an opportunity for kids to help the church after practice!

-Church cleaning -We will post a list on the prior if you want

to sign up for a task to do at another time. -Crockpot Potluck 3. 0900 (or when you can get there…) Saturday Dec 21st

- Decorate the church for Christmas 4. 0900 (or when you can get there…) Saturday January 4th take down Christmas decorations and put up Epiphany

Please watch for more information!

Thank you for your help!

As you go about your shopping and com-pleting your holiday errand to-do list, please, re-

member to share the gift of God. Share “Merry Christmas” with all whom you meet and interact. Invite them to church. Stop and listen to someone.

Give thanks to the Great God of All for those around you and even those who might have hurt you! For God has gifts this season for you, gifts to

fill you with awe and wonder – gifts that shine through the ages much like the song of the angels that First Christmas. And give glory to God know-

ing that your name, because of Jesus, is written in Jesus’ Book of Life. Now there’s a Christmas List!

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Music Ministry Minute December 2019 /January 2020 Happy Advent! The choir and bells rehearsals will have an adjust-ed rehearsal schedule during Advent season. The bells will rehearse prior to each Advent service at 6:15pm, while the choir will rehearse immediately following the service. The Peace Praise Singers will rehearse at 6:00pm in the chapel during Ad-vent through December 11 only. Rehearsals will resume Wednesday, January 15, 2020 in the sanc-tuary. Enjoy the mini-vacation! We would like to invite anyone who would like to sing with the choir just for the Christmas Eve Can-dle Light Service (10:30pm) to come to ANY or all the rehearsals on the Wednesdays during Ad-vent. Also, in keeping with the tradition that we have started a few years ago, I would love to have a women’s group sing on Christmas Eve again this year at the 10:30pm. Those interested should con-tact me so we can find a good rehearsal time or plan on attending a regular choir rehearsal. As always, anyone interested in sharing their spe-cial musical talents-whatever they may be-is en-couraged to contact me to put you on the schedule! I am looking for additional musical additions to the early Christmas Eve service, as well as, the Christmas Day service for anyone interested. Transfiguration and Talentless Night will be here before you know it! If anyone is interested in collaborating on a One Act Play or 5-minute mini-musical, please let me know. Blessing on this joyous season! Musically yours,

Leah Galaudet Director of Music

Children’s Christmas Service “Light A Candle”

Children’s Christmas Service Sunday, December 15 at 9:15am worship

Dress Rehearsal is Saturday, December 14 9am-11am Children should arrive on December 15 at 8:45am so we can get their costumes on and ready to go. Don't forget to invite your family, friends, and neigh-bors because this will be a fun worship event for eve-ryone! Please let me know if you have any questions and I will see you on Sunday! More information (script, lyrics, music, etc)

*Katrina Schmidt* Youth Dir.

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********OPENING POSITION******** Children of Peace Lutheran Preschool and Day-care, is currently looking to hire an enthusiastic full-time teacher/Asst Director to engage pre-schoolers through education, large motor skill de-velopment, and music in a Christian atmosphere. Job Description: The Teacher/ Asst Director is responsible for teacher in the classroom. The teacher will plan weekly curriculum, follow the daily schedule out-lined, work together with classroom staff to main-tain a clean and safe learning environment, com-municate and perform conferences and assist the daycare director in routine administrative duties, tours and curriculum planning. Qualifications:

2 or 4 year degree in Early Childhood Educa-tion (preferred) or equivalent work experience Pre-school age teaching: 1 year (Preferred)

Early Childhood Education: 1 year (Preferred)

Meets Education & Experience requirements of a teacher as defined by DHS Rule 3 Exemplifies the standards and characteristics of Children of Peace employee (responsible, flexible, reliable, positive role model) Please Contact Jodi Odens at 763-245-8203 or by email [email protected]

Peace Fundraiser at Davanni’s

on December 8th If you are interested in going out for lunch on Sunday, December 8th, please consider dining at Davanni’s, 5937 Sum-mit Drive North, Brook-lyn Center. This will be a fundraiser lunch for the church. Please pick up a coupon available in the Narthex on December 8th so that Peace gets credit for your lunch. There is no need to sign up for this event – the more the merrier! This is a wonderful opportunity to enjoy lunch with other members and also support Peace. Please contact Jodi Odens or Vicky Frank if you have any ques-tions. The TCF Lunch Group meets for lunch monthly. Everyone is welcome!

The Board of Worship will be ordering poinsettias

to beautify the church for the Christmas season

again this year. If you would like to purchase a

medium poinsettia in honor or in memory of

someone, envelopes will be available in the Nar-

thex on Christ the King and Advent Sundays, No-

vember 24, December 1, 8, and 15, as well as,

each Advent Wednesday through December 18.

The cost will be $9.50 each. PLEASE PUT THE



Contact Leah Galaudet with any questions.

[email protected] Thanks!

Page 5:  · resume Wednesday, January 15, 2020 in the sanc-tuary. Enjoy the mini-vacation! We would like to invite anyone who would like to sing with the choir just for the Christmas Eve

Healing the Mind, Body and Spirit

December 29, 2019 at 9:15 am.

“But he was wounded for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the

chastisement that brought us peace, and with his stripes we are healed” Isaiah 53:5.

This is a worship service specifically asking the Lord for healing of mind, body and spirit, as Scripture tells us i n James 5:13-16, by prayer and anointing with oil those who so desire. We are gathering together the children of God along with His elders and praying for forgiveness and healing. Spiritual and physical well-being are closely interrelated in ways we as creatures do not fully understand. This special healing and worship opportunity invites God through the Holy Spirit to convey His healing and loving touch to restore the health balance of Body and Soul. God heals in many ways – approach Him and see what HE can do! Now you may have questions, such as: Who should come forward? Anyone who desires to be healed of any ailment of the physical body, mind, emotional state, or spiritual soul. An example might be, an individual who has lost a loved one or who has gone through a divorce or something similar. Another example is one battling cancer or a psychological disorder. This could also be for someone who is seeking God's help in overcoming a sin that has hold over them. Does a person have to say why they are coming forward? No, they do not. God already knows why they are seeking His grace and mercy. What if I don't have a specific need? You are welcome to join in prayer with those who do. Why have this service? Don't we pray for people already? Yes, we do. But sometimes, we as individuals can benefit from a more personal interaction with God. Consider confession, most of the time we have confession in a corporate manner (altogether) in worship. But there are times in which confession may be done privately in a more personal interaction with God and pastor. In the Service of the Word for Healing, we are providing an opportunity to have a personal connection to God in asking for healing. How about the laying on of hands? This is nothing new. Pastor lays on hands during Baptism and Confirmation Rites. Hands are laid on pastors at their installation into a congregation. We often “lay hands on” persons or groups embarking on a mission trip or service project. Consider how many times you take someone's hand to pray before a meal or at a bedside. How about anointing with oil? This may be new. But James calls for its use, just as it is used throughout the Bible. We are not using the oil for medicine, nor are there magical or sacramental properties in the oil. It is not required, the practice will be no differ-ent than those who desire to receive ashes on Ash Wednesday. The only power is God Himself who heals. All are welcome - consider inviting friends and neighbors. Let’s help our community and bring Jesus’ heal-ing to everyone we know.

“And Jesus went throughout all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and proclaim-ing the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and affliction” Matthew 9:35.

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December When I go out to Maple Grove, I pass a church that is named "Joseph the Carpen-ter". We only hear of Joseph a few times in Scrip-ture: When the angel tells Jo-seph it is OK to marry Mary. When the angel told him to take Mary and Jesus to Egypt to keep them safe. The last time we hear about him is during the family trip to Jerusalem when Jesus was 12 years old. So, what do we know about him? He had faith. He listened when the angel spoke to him -- twice. He had faith that God was speaking truth to him. He loved his family. He protected them from the evil gossiping townspeople. He protect-ed them from the evil actions of Herod. He taught his family to follow God's Word, see above. He brought Jesus to the Temple as a baby and as a teen. A great example for families to-day. In all the excitement of Christmas, I feel Joseph gets forgotten as Jesus' earthly father. May he be an example to all Christian males!

January Head thing? Faith thing? I ask my Sunday School students this question quite often. Let's take the example of the Magi (Wise Men). They saw something unusual in the sky. They used their heads, searched the Scrip-ture and found it was a sign of a new King. Then they used their faith to follow that sign to Jesus. I wonder if God laughs at the number of hours that have been spent using that "head thing" to figure out if that light was a new star, a combina-tion of stars or a group of planets. That "head thing" can get you in trouble!

Why is the inclusion of the Wise Men im-portant? Because they affect us! They were the first non-Jewish people who were told of Jesus' birth.This was God's way to telling the whole world that His Son was sent for all. Epiphany means to be "made known". January 6th is Epiphany. We can call it the "Gentile Christ-mas".

In Christ, Sherry Kroll, Board of Worship

From the Board of Worship

Children of Peace

Preschool & Daycare

Fall seems to have flown and winter is upon us! We had a great “Harvest Day” celebration on October 31. On Tuesday, Nov. 26, we had our Thanksgiving Feast. All the children were thank-ing GOD for their family, friends, school, teach-ers and all our special holidays. Christmas will be upon us before we know it. We can’t wait to celebrate Jesus’s birth. The Peace Church Seniors came to visit on No-vember 13 at 11:00 a.m. to help the COP children make ornaments for the Children’s Christmas program on December 15, 2019. The children will get to hang the ornaments on the tree in the sanctuary. We will be practicing our song to sing at the Children’s Christmas Program. There is nothing like getting ready to celebrate Jesus Christ’s birthday. We will look forward to seeing all of you at the service. The Children of Peace Christmas Dinner & Cookie Decorating will be on Friday, December 13. The Dinner will be from 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. and the cookie decorating will start about 6:15 p.m. Everyone is welcome to attend. Please let us know how many will be attending with you so we can prepare enough food and have enough cook-ies for everyone. See sign-up sheet on the sign in cabinet. We appreciate all the people who help with events. We look forward to working together with you throughout the New Year 2020. Thank you for all your continued support to Children of Peace. In His Service, Judy Sims

Page 7:  · resume Wednesday, January 15, 2020 in the sanc-tuary. Enjoy the mini-vacation! We would like to invite anyone who would like to sing with the choir just for the Christmas Eve

“For you shall go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and the hills before you shall break forth into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands. Isaiah 55:12 I am sure many of you have taken some form of personality test such as Meyers Briggs. When I take those, it tells me what many of you probably can guess. I am an organizer personality. This means that I value struc-ture; part of this for me is that I tend to work before play. This can be both good and bad. Certainly, the good is that if you want something done, I am your woman. The bad is that I can miss the simple joys in life because I am busy being busy. I have learned to take the words of Martin Luther seriously and allow time for joy (the dishes will always be waiting…). “One should be warned to push aside reason and heresy because they always want to count and measure things.” — Martin Luther Joy comes in many forms, we find joy through laughter, quiet moments, sights, sounds, smells, tastes. Joy is such a gift of the spirit. But we can fake joy, and when we do it affects us physically -- those pesky stress hor-mones increase. At this time of Advent and Christmas, it is so easy to get caught up in the busyness of the sea-son. There is much to be done, especially if you are going for the picture book, idyllic celebration. So, in De-cember we are going to take some time for joy, specifically the joy we have in Christ Jesus. We celebrate his birth and look to his death on the cross. It is this joy that transcends all joys, the joy of everlasting life in Him. And he came to her and said, “Greetings, O favored one, the Lord is with you!” But she was greatly troubled at the saying, and tried to discern what sort of greeting this might be. And the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. Luke 1:28–30 And behold, Jesus met them and said, “Greetings!” And they came up and took hold of his feet and worshiped him. Then Jesus said to them, “Do not be afraid; go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee, and there they will see me.” Matthew 28:9–10 Often coming on the heels of joy is serenity, so we will be looking at this positive emotion in January. Serenity allows us to snuggle back into the security that Jesus was born. The bustle of Christmas is over, and we can settle back into the serenity and afterglow. As many of you know, Pastor and I typically go to the North Shore after Christmas. Yes, to get away but also to revel in the serenity and surety that Christ has come. Where do you find serenity? How do you cultivate those moment of quiet? To some extent that is why we have the law of Keeping the Sabbath, time to sit back and enjoy the wonders and glow of life itself. And he said to them, “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. So the Son of Man is lord even of the Sabbath.” Mark 2:27-28 In January we will look at the emotion of serenity, taking some time to rest. And after he had dismissed the crowds, he went up on the mountain by himself to pray. When evening came, he

was there alone, Matthew 14:23

Parish Nurse, Melissa Jones, RN.

Page 8:  · resume Wednesday, January 15, 2020 in the sanc-tuary. Enjoy the mini-vacation! We would like to invite anyone who would like to sing with the choir just for the Christmas Eve

USING HEALING TOUCH TO ENHANCE RECOVERY FROM SURGERY The response of the human body to surgery can be varied and affect many of its systems from a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual perspective. The body uses pain to recognize that an injury has occurred and, in this case, a surgical incision and either re-moval or addition (in the case of joint replacement) is the trigger event. Recovery is often reflected in a variety of ways including the lack of complications, use of medication, time to discharge and other factors. Healing Touch has been used prior to cardiac angioplasty with a reduction in adverse outcomes. In a follow up study, mortality at 6 months was lower with the combined Healing Touch, music, and imagery group, although this might have been due to other factors not associated with the intervention. Using Healing Touch be-fore surgery was found to significantly decreased worry and increase satisfaction in another study. The Healing Touch group also showed a decrease in anxiety, sadness, and shortness of breath; and an increase in calmness, hope and happiness. Healing Touch is being used in hospitals across the country. Patients can request a session if Healing Touch is part of the


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The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod

LCMS Stewardship Ministry

Newsletter Article – December 2019

Jesus, in His Sermon on the Mount, is teaching those who follow Him that worrying about the necessities of life is idolatry: worshipping a false god. This is because worry and anxiety show what we care about. Our anxiety reveals what we love and to what we’re devoted. It reveals what we trust in. This is why our Lord begins this section with an overarching principle: “No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.”

But you say: “I must eat and drink. I must have clothing to wear and have a home in which to dwell.” Yes, all these things you need. And Jesus says that your Father in heaven will ensure that you have them. He demon-strates this with a simple argument. Your Father in heaven feeds the birds of the air, who neither sow, nor reap, nor gather into barns. He clothes the lilies of the field, who neither toil nor spin but are arrayed more luxuriously than Solomon in all his glory. If, then, your Father in heaven feeds the birds and clothes the lilies, how will He not also feed and clothe you when you are worth more than they are? For you know that you are worth more than them. You are worth infinitely more. You are worth the price of the eternal Son of God. Did the Son of God come down from heaven and become a lily? Did he descend and take on the form of a bird? No! He came down from heaven and became a man: flesh of our flesh and bone of our bone. He is one of us, our brother. And what did He do when He became flesh to dwell among us? He gave His holy, precious blood and His innocent suffering and death, that you might be His own and live under Him in His kingdom forever. God became man in Christ Jesus. He lived the life we failed to live, and He died the death we deserve because of it. He was raised again on the third day to overcome sin and death … for us. He was crucified for our trans-gressions and raised for our justification. So, if your Father in heaven has given His Son to die for us in order that we might live with Him eternally, how will He not also give us all things to support this body and life? To be anxious about the necessities of life, to devote yourself to food and clothing, to care about this and find security in it, is to serve another god. It is to deny that you will live forever because Jesus, the Son of God is risen from the dead, lives and reigns for all eternity. It is to believe that God – who created you, redeemed you by the death and resurrection of His Son, and sanctifies you by His Spirit – will not keep His promises of sus-taining you in this life. Jesus says this: Seek first God’s kingdom and His righteousness. God’s kingdom is His rule among us. His rule among us comes when our Father in heaven gives us His Holy Spirit, so that by His grace we believe His holy Word and lead godly lives here in time and there in eternity. This is what we ask God to do for us in the prayer Jesus taught us. Your Father in heaven knows what you need – food and clothing, house and home, etc. – and He promises to give it to you. Chief of the things you need is His grace and mercy in His Son, Jesus Christ. So, seek after that. Those who seek will find. And all the necessities of life, our Lord says, will be added to you.

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(Pastor’s article continues on pg. 2)

Bradley Abbott ................... December 5 Shirley Johnson ................... December 7 Randy Thiel ........................ December 7 Phyllis Benson .................... December 9 Beth Carter .......................... December 9 Kyana Padilla .................... December 10 Jordan Schmidt ................. December 13 Kay Niederloh ................... December 14 Christopher Nelson ........... December 15 Jeff Niederloh ................... December 18 Berit Gerhardson ............... December 20 Judi Kieper ........................ December 21 Don Spotts ........................ December 22 Vicki Johnson ................... December 23 Brandon Abbott ................ December 24 Bill Lindig ......................... December 25 Shari Evenson ................... December 26 Kyle Johnson .................... December 26 Leah Galaudet ................... December 29

Gaye Lindfors .......................... January 1 Paul Pitschka ........................... January 2 Louisa Greenwald ................... January 3 Virginia Johnson ..................... January 3 Allison Abbott ......................... January 5 Mike Allshouse ....................... January 6 Christiane Knaus ..................... January 6 Gary Johnson ......................... January 11 Jacki Schulze ......................... January 13 Ray Vomhof .......................... January 14 Wayne Werner ....................... January 15 Jeanette Flygare ..................... January 19 Luverne Toll .......................... January 20 Marilyn Weinand ................... January 23 Debbie Harrison .................... January 25 Stephanie Lindig ................... January 28 Vicky Frank ........................... January 31

DECEMBER & JANUARY BIRTHDAYS All are invited to join us after Worship on the first Sunday of the month for cookies

provided by Perkins, and birthday cake to celebrate the month’s birthdays!

We apologize if you are celebrating your birthday, and your name is not on our list. Please contact the office to update your membership record

so that we can celebrate your special day with you next year!

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Communion Preparation 08 Paul Pitschka comm. At rail. 22 Sherry Kroll 24 Bill Lindig (Early PM 4:30PM) 24 Dale & Dar Hauschildt ( Late PM 10:30PM) 25 Connie Johnson -Christmas Day (10AM) Greeters: 01 Dale Behrens & Phyllis Benson 08 Elizabeth Reiter & Jeff Niederloh 15 Steve & Gayle Lindfors (Children’s Christmas Service) 22 Elizabeth Reiter & Phyllis Benson 24 Jeff Niederloh (4:30PM) (Christmas Eve) 24 Bill Lindig (10:30PM) (Christmas Eve) 25 Nancy & Bob Wadsworth Christmas Day (10:00AM) 29 Elizabeth Reiter & Sherry Kroll Lectors & Communion Assistants: 01 Martin Cornes 04 Gary Schmidt (Advent Service 7PM) 08 Heidi Spotts & Jeff Niederloh 11 Karen Schmidt (Advent Service 7PM) 15 Bill Lindig (Children’s Christmas Service) 18 Mark Hervey (Advent Service 7PM) 22 Martin Cornes & Jeff Niederloh 24 Annette Flaig & Tom Flaig (4:30PM) 24 Nancy Wadsworth & Jeff Niederloh (10:30PM) 25 M. Hervey & T. Flaig Christmas Day (10:00AM) 29 Bill Lindig Children’s Message: 01 Sherry Kroll 08 Pastor Steve 15 Katrina Schmidt (Children’s Christmas Service) 22 Martin Cornes 29 Annie Pitschka Acolytes: 01 Carolyn Odens 04 Cole Haaland (Advent Service 7PM) 08 Abby Niederloh 11 Layla Martinez (Advent Service 7PM) 15 Eilir Zimmermann (Children’s Christmas Service) 18 Aiden Haag (Advent Service 7PM) 22 Carolyn Odens 24 Cole Haaland (4:30PM) 24 Abby Niederloh (10:30PM) 25 Layla Martinez Christmas Day (10:00AM) 29 Eilir Zimmermann 30 Fellowship Time Hosts: 01 Birthday –Board of Congregational Ministries 08 TBD 15 TBD 22 TBD 29 TBD

Worship Video Record 01 Kyana Padilla 08 Johnny Reiter 15 Ryan Niederloh (Children’s Christmas Service) 22 Johnny Reiter 24 Kyana Padilla 29 Johnny Reiter Ushers Team 1: L. Tomperi, D. Hauschildt, C. Nelson, R. Vomhof, Quinn Haaland Team 2. T. Flaig, J. Reiter III, J. Reiter Jr, A. Wrayee, Team 3: S. Van Tassel, B. Wadsworth, G. Schmidt, K. Schmidt, Jim Hald Team 5: D. Neumann, R. Theil, J. Wawrzyniak, P. Pitschka, Dave Minke

01 Team 5 04 Team 1 (Advent Service 7PM) 08 Team 2 11 Team 3(Advent Service 7PM) 15 Team 5 (Children’s Christmas Service) 18 Team 1 (Advent Service 7PM) 22 Team 2 24 Team 3 Christmas Eve (4:30PM) 24 Team 5 Christmas Eve Candlelight(10:30PM) 25 Team 1 Christmas Day (10:00AM) 29 Team 2 Nursery Attendants 9:15AM: TBD Altar Guild:

Melissa Jones, Christina Kunn, Jenny Cox

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his

shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

Isaiah 9:6

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Winter Weather Cancellation Procedures

Did you know that we have a procedure in place to cancel services due to inclement weather?

It’s been years since we have had to cancel a wor-ship service due to a blizzard, but since we live in Minnesota, we need to be prepared. Pastor and the Council President together decide when to cancel services due to inclement weather.

If a decision has been made to cancel services, Peace has an automatic calling system in place that will call members with a recorded message notifying you that services are cancelled. We will also post a cancellation notice on Peace’s website ( ), and broadcast the cancellation notice on local TV stations.

If your phone number has recently changed, you should confirm that the phone number listed in the church directory is accurate so that you can be reached in case of a service cancellation.


Communion Preparation 05 Paul Pitschka—Epiphany 12 Sherry Kroll 26 Bill Lindig Greeters: 05 Bill Lindig & Lois Brue—Epiphany 12 Dale & Darlene Hauschildt, Berit Gerhardson 19 Steve & Gaye Lindfors 26 Dave & Joanne Neumann, Elizabeth Reiter Lectors & Communion Assistants: 05 Nancy Wadsworth —Epiphany 12 Bill Lindig 19 Heidi Spotts 26 Martin Cornes Children’s Message: 05 Pastor Steve Jones 12 Katrina Schmidt 19 Sherry Kroll 26 Annie Pitschka Acolytes: 05 Aiden Haag 12 Carolyn Odens 19 Cole Haaland 26 Abby Niederloh Fellowship Time Hosts: 05 Birthday –Board of Congregational Ministries 12 TBD 19 TBD 26 TBD Worship Video Record 05 Ryan Niederloh 12 Kyana Padilla 19 Ryan Niederloh 26 Johnny Reiter Ushers Team 1: L. Tomperi, D. Hauschildt, C. Nelson, R. Vomhof, Quinn Haaland Team 2. T. Flaig, J. Reiter III, J. Reiter Jr, A. Wrayee, Team 3: S. Van Tassel, B. Wadsworth, G. Schmidt, K. Schmidt, Jim Hald Team 5: D. Neumann, R. Theil, J. Wawrzyniak, P. Pitschka, Dave Minke

05 Team 3 12 Team 5 19 Team 1 26 Team 2 Nursery Attendants 9:15AM: TBD

Totals September October November December

General Fund Contributions*

$18,849.16 $18,428.44

Expenses $18,417.01 $18,350.22

Net (Shortage) ($432.15) ($78.22 )

Peace 2019 Finances At A Glance

Sunday Attendance:

11/03: 133 All Saint’s Day 11/10: 89

11/17: 105 11/24: 80

(*does not include donations for Missions, Air conditioning Fund and Properties Fund)

Air Conditioning Loan Balance as of 10/31/19: $29,928.13


Page 13:  · resume Wednesday, January 15, 2020 in the sanc-tuary. Enjoy the mini-vacation! We would like to invite anyone who would like to sing with the choir just for the Christmas Eve





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Advent Midweek Worship Schedule Wednesdays - Dec. 4,11,18 at 10:00AM & 7:00PM with soup supper at 5:30 - 6:30 in the evening.

Christmas Worship Schedule:

Dec. 24, Christmas Eve 4:30 PM Communion Worship Service 10:30 PM Communion Candlelight Worship Service

December 25, Christmas day 10:00AM Worship Service With Lord’s Supper

Peace Lutheran Church of Robbinsdale 4512 France Avenue North Robbinsdale, MN 55422 Website: Email: [email protected] Phone: 763-533-0570 Office Hours: Tues.—Fri. 9:00—2:30

Change Service Requested

December, 2019

January 2020