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1. How would you classify the genre of the film?This question got majority positive feedback as 94% of people recognised that our opening was from the thriller genre, however 6% made the mistake of portraying the film as a horror. Even though this is the case I believe that we made a clear distinction that it was a thriller film rather than a horror, and that we have succeeded one of our outcomes as many identified it as a thriller. We did this by adding the eerie music and the quick shots nearer the end of the sequence.

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2.What age group do you feel this film would appeal to?

We rated are film a 15, this was exactly what our viewers thought too, as 100% said that this would appeal to 15 year olds, therefore it is extremely accurate. This communicates to us that we have managed to analysis the risks and aspects of 15 correct and that we predicted are target audience correctly.

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3.What role do you think the male character plays in the film?

This seems to be a area of great confusion as some people that did the survey seem to think that the antagonist was rather the protagonist or the victim. When putting are product together we did think that the audience might be unaware if the character was saving the girl or keeping her hostage; but through the use of the non diegetic music and the how the ending was put together we thought we had made it clear that he was the antagonist. However we did get majority of the voters reckoning that the main character was the antagonist. For next time we will try and make this clearer for the viewer as only 80% pick the correct answer which is no good enough.

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4. How effective do you feel the music is in conveying the genre?

The audience found this extremely effective in conveying our thriller genre. The music was eerie and fit the product nicely. In my opinion the music would make or break the final product. We found it very difficult to pick a piece of music we liked as we didn’t want it to heavy for an opening, we wanted to have a light piece of music that built suspense slowly.

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5. Do you think this is an effective opening title sequence?

Its always positive to see that the audience found our sequence effect, we didn’t get one negative piece of feedback. Therefore we have succeeded in creating an effective thriller opening that the viewers enjoyed to watch.

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6. Would you go and see this film in the cinema?The next question we asked the viewers was would you go and see this film in the cinema, we got 100% saying yes, which is very positive feedback and as we asked people of the ages that fit the target audience it highlights that they enjoyed the opening of the film and would happily go see in, meaning they enjoy thriller genre. This indicates that are target audience is accurate.

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7)What kind of films do you usually watch at the cinema? Lastly we asked the viewer what

films that they would normally watch in the cinema to see the kind of thinks that the audience would prefer other than thriller. As you can see that thriller and comedy genre were ranked the top genres to see in the cinema. This as shows that are predictions were correct as the thriller genre is extremely popular within young teens to go see, however so is comedy.This was useful in seeing particular trends within teens and what they prefer to see.