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ResponseWare for Android Participants Guide 1

RESPONSEWARE FOR ANDROID PARTICIPANTSResponseWare turns a participant's web-enabledmobile device or tablet into a virtual clicker. Participants are able to respondto polling questions using aWi-Fi or data connection.

ResponseWare allows the user to respond tomultiple styles of questions, such as: multiple-choice, alphanumeric, multipleresponse and essay questions. Questions and answer choices are displayed on the web-enabled device while polling is open.ResponseWare is compatible with TurningPoint 5 and TurningPoint Cloud.

A Turning Account may be required to use ResponseWare. The Turning Account is a free account that provides a uniqueidentifier for each user and can be tied to all response devices, including ResponseWare. Instructors and classrooms runningTurningPoint Cloud will require a Turning Account License to register response devices for courses and to receive credit inclass. The Turning Account License is available for purchase from the Turning Technologies Student Store.

A ResponseWare Presentation Licensemay also be required to be able to respond to questions from TurningPoint 5 andTurningPoint Cloud.

Technical RequirementsThe following technical requirements are required for ResponseWare to properly function:

l Android OS 4.0 or higherl Wi-Fi connection (recommended for optimal performance) or data connectionl TurningPoint 5 or higherl TurningPoint Cloud

WARNINGYoumay be charged by your wireless provider if you do not have an unlimited data plan. TurningTechnologies is NOT responsible for any cellular usage charges.

Setting Up ResponseWareBefore using ResponseWare in class, the appmust be downloaded to your Android device. This section covers:

Creating a Turning AccountPurchasing and/or Activating a LicenseChanging the Turning Account Password

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Creating a Turning AccountA Turning Account may be required to use the ResponseWare app.

IMPORTANTPrevious ResponseWare Accounts will require the password to be reset. To reset the password, go to and click Forgot your password? to reset.

1 OpenResponseWare on your Android device.

2 Tap theMenu icon in the upper left corner of the screen.3 TapSign In.4 TapCreate an account.

Your default web browser opens the Turning Account page.Alternatively, go to

5 Below Sign Up, enter your First Name, Last Name and Email.6 Select Participant.

7 TapCreate Account.TheCreate Account page is displayed.

8 Enter your information in the required fields.9 Enter and confirm a password in the appropriate fields.

NOTEThe passwordmust be at least eight (8) characters long and contain at least one lowercase letter,one uppercase letter and one number.

10 TapSave.A message is displayed confirming that the Turning Account was successfully created.

Purchasing and/or Activating a LicenseA licensemay be required to use ResponseWare. Licenses may be purchased from the Turning Technologies Student Store invariations of one year, two years or four years. Alternatively, a ResponseWare licensemay be purchased as part of a bundlewhich includes a clicker and Turning Account license from the Turning Technologies Student Store or frommost universitybookstores.

Follow the steps below to purchase and activate a license from the Turning Technologies Student Store or activate a licensepurchased from a university bookstore.

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1 Go to, go to, click Sign In and skip to step 6.

2 Below Sign In, enter yourEmail andPassword.

IMPORTANTIf you do not have a Turning Account, seeCreating a Turning Account. A Turning Account isnecessary to complete a purchase from the Student Store.

3 Click Sign In.4 Select License from the navigation bar.

The License page is displayed.5 Click Purchase.

Your web browser will open to theStudent Store.6 Enter your school code and click Submit School Code.

NOTEA school codemay be provided by your instructor. If no code is provided, click Enter Without aCode.

7 Select aResponseWare license or a bundle and click Add to Cart.Alternatively, if activating a license purchased from a bookstore, enter the license code below License Code Activationand click Redeem. A message displays that the license was added to your account.

8 When finished, click in the upper right corner of the web page.9 Click Checkout.10 Enter your billing information and click Review Order.11 Review your order and click Complete Purchase.

A receipt is displayed and emailed to you.

IMPORTANTYouwill be signed in to the Student Store with your Turning Account. The license willautomatically be applied to your account upon checkout.

Changing the Turning Account PasswordParticipants can change their passwords by logging into their Turning Account.

1 Go to UnderSign In, enterEmail andPassword.3 Click Sign In.4 Select Account from the navigation bar.

TheManage Account page is displayed.5 Below Change Password, enter and confirm the new password in the appropriate fields.

NOTEThe new passwordmust be at least eight (8) characters long and contain at least one lowercaseletter, one uppercase letter and one number.

6 Click Save.

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Using the ResponseWare AppThis section covers using the ResponseWare app for Android.

Logging into a ResponseWare SessionResponding to Multiple Choice Polling QuestionsResponding to Short Answer, Numeric or Essay QuestionsResponding to Multiple Response QuestionsResponding to Moment to Moment QuestionsMessaging the Presenter and the Group

Logging into a ResponseWare SessionMost presenters require participants to be signed into a ResponseWare account. Alternatively, presenters may allowparticipants to sign in as guests.

IMPORTANTParticipants can only join one session at a time.

1 OpenResponseWare on your Android device.2 Enter theSession ID provided by the presenter in theEnter Session ID field.

3 Tap Join Session.4 The presenter may require you to sign in to your Turning Account to participate.

Enter yourEmail andPassword and tapSign In, or skip to step 5.

TIPTo change your password or create a new account, tap Forgot your password? orCreate anaccount.

5 If prompted, enter additional information, such as first and last name, email address, or User ID. Required informationmust be entered.

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NOTEUser ID can refer to a Student ID, section number or any other identification required by thepresenter.

6 TapSubmit.7 The first question appears on-screen after the presenter opens polling. Click the button that corresponds to your answer

choice.The results appear after polling is closed.


To prevent your phone or tablet from locking during a presentation, tap theMenu icon,select Settings and tap the button next to Keep Device Awake.

Responding to Multiple Choice Polling QuestionsMultiple Choice questions are themost common form of polling questions.

1 When polling is open, the question and answer choices are displayed.

2 Tap the number or letter that corresponds to the answer choice(s).

NOTEAnswer selections can be changed as long as polling is open and the question is not set in thesoftware to accept your first response only.

Once polling is closed, the results are displayed.

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To view the question, tap theQuestion View icon in the upper right of the screen. To return to the chart, tap the

Chart View icon in the upper right of the screen.

Responding to Short Answer, Numeric or Essay QuestionsResponseWare allows for easy input for Short Answer, Numeric or Essay questions.

1 When polling is open, the question is displayed.2 Tap theEnter Answer field next toSend.

TheOn-screen Keyboard is displayed.

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3 Enter a response by typing the answer choice.

NOTENumeric Response questions only accept numbers, one decimal point, and +/- value at thebeginning of an answer.

4 TapSend.If your answer was successfully sent, themessageResponse Received is displayed.

NOTEAnswers may be edited as long as polling is open and the question is not set in the software toaccept your first response only .

When polling is closed, your answer is displayed.

Responding to Multiple Response QuestionsMultiple Response questions allow participants to sendmore than one response to a question.

1 When polling is open, the question and answer choices are displayed.2 Tap the number(s) or letter(s) that correspond to the answer choices.

The presenter may have enabled to allow duplicate answers, which you are permitted to select the same answer choicemore than once.

NOTEAnswer selections can be changed as long as polling is open.

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3 Once polling is closed, the results are displayed.

To view the question, tap theQuestion View icon in the upper right of the screen. To return to the chart, tap the

Chart View icon in the upper right of the screen.

Responding to Moment to Moment QuestionsMoment to Moment questions are used to track the on going opinions of participants over a period of time. Moment to Momentquestions display a scale from 1 to 5.

1 Tap the number 1 (minimum) to 5 (maximum) that corresponds to your rating of the current question.2 Repeat step 1 to change your rating of the current question.

NOTEResponseWare does not display Moment to Moment results. Refer to the presenter's screen to viewresults.

Messaging the Presenter and the GroupParticipants can send questions or comments to the presenter via theMessaging icon. The presenter may enable an optionthat allows for participants to message the entire group including the presenter.

1 TapMessaging.2 TapEnter Message field.

TheOnscreen Keyboard opens.

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3 Enter a question or comment for the presenter or group.

4 Tap thePresenter icon to send the question or comment to the presenter only, or tap theGroup icon to sendto the group.The sent message is displayed in blue.

5 TapQuestion to return to the current question.

NOTETominimize the keyboard, tap the back button.

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Setting Up ResponseWare

Where can I download the app for my smartphone or tablet?

l Android - Search forResponseWare in the Google™Play Store. Download the app.

How much does the app cost?

The app is free. However, a licensed account may be required to participate in class.

I downloaded the app. Where do I create an account to sign in?

Tap theMenu icon in the upper left corner of the Home screen and select Sign In. TapCreate an account.

Alternatively, go to and sign up for a Turning Account.

Why do I need a Turning Account? What is a Turning Account?

A Turning Account is a unique identifier that is used to tie together all software accounts and response devices. TurningAccounts may be required for use with ResponseWare.

Do I need a Turning Account license?

A Turning Account license is required for responses from response devices or ResponseWare to be tracked and used inTurningPoint Cloud and LearningManagement Systems (LMS).

Do I need a ResponseWare license?

A ResponseWare license enables you to respond to polling questions in class.

Where do I buy a ResponseWare license code for my Turning Account?

Create a Turning Account prior to purchasing the license code. Go to and sign in.Select License from the navigation bar. Click Purchase to be redirected to the Turning Technologies Student Store. Select aResponseWare License or a bundle that includes Responseware. Checkout. The license will be automatically added to yourTurning Account.

How do I add a license to my account?

Go to and sign in. EnterSchool Code or click Enter Without Code. Below LicenseCode Activation, enter your code and click Submit License Code.

What is my User ID?

User ID can refer to a Student ID, section number or any other identification required by the presenter.

How do I prevent my phone/tablet from falling asleep during class?

To prevent your phone or tablet from locking during a presentation, tap theMenu icon, select Settings and tap the button nextto Keep Device Awake.

My old ResponseWare account does not work anymore.

Youwill receive an email with a link to reset your password. Alternatively, go to click Forgot your password?, enter the email associated with your ResponseWare account and reset the password.

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Using ResponseWare

What is my Session ID?

TheSession ID is a unique identification number provided by the presenter that allows participants to join the current session.

Why are my options grayed out?/Why can't I change my answer?

Answers can only be changed while polling is open and the presenter does not have a setting enabled that allows only firstresponses submitted.

Why am I unable to message the presenter or group?

The presenter has disabled themessaging function. The presenter can choose to allow you tomessage the presenter only orthe presenter and the group or to disable messaging entirely.

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CONTACT USFor additional help, contact Turning Technologies Technical Support.

Technical Support is available from 7 a.m. - 9 p.m. EST.

From within the contiguous United States, you can reach Technical Support toll-free by calling 866.746.3015. If you are callingfrom outside of the United States, please call +1 330.746.3015.

Technical Support may also be reached via e-mail at [email protected] or [email protected], abrand of Turning Technologies.