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Response Journal of Julius Caesar

Name: Millaty Nadia FauziahNim: 2109100139

Class: 3B


Response Journal of Julius Caesar

I must be honest that to understand this drama script fully, for me personally, is very hard. It has been two weeks since my lecturer gave my friends and me assignment to give a Julius Caesar drama script analysis. She has given us extra time for analyzing it, for in the first week she was disappointed of us while we cannot answer her question related to what we have read about the drama text. The text written by Shakespeare on the Elizabethan Period, so that there are so many archaic words contained of it. It is confusing to get a point. The story takes place in ancient Rome. I could say that the tone of this story is serious, because I found many sentences that indicate serious in the way the actor talk and deliver the story. In the way the writer write the drama, I think he use what in literature said blank verse or unrhymed verse. Beside that, the theme is about someones power that is being envy by others and they have a planned to kill and delete his power of that era.Julius Caesar is called drama tragedy with the tragic hero is Brutus. Thus, he became the central figure of this story. With all sorts of things that he experienced, started why he kill "Caesar"; his own best friend, about his anxiety, about him being incited by the conspirators, until about a deep sense of guilt over what he have done, being told in this story deeply. In the beginning of the story, describes the situation of Rome after the war ended. That euphoria enveloped exalts Caesar. People were calling his name loudly. Among the people who are happy for the successes of Caesar, there are two people named Murellus and Flavius who was worried about Caesar's victory as the beginning of a new disaster for Roman. They were frightening resurgence of tyranny in their country happen again. Maybe it is the background of the conflict of no confidence motion of Caesar by Brutus instigated by Cassius. Brutus; for Cassius like a doll who personally did not like Caesar. Told in one scene, there is a conversation between Lucius and Cassius, talking about Brutus who was indeed arrange for their incitement inedible. Deception, the lure, and the praise, being tell Brutus to carry out their plan to kill Caesar. They know Brutus is Caesar's close friend, and it is not easy for them to remove the loyalty of Brutus to Caesar. Therefore, in addition to the two people has mentioned above, there are many people supporting his position, which they were also in Caesar opposition side.Brutus dilemma after conducting negotiations with the conspirators is small. He paced like mad to think whether he would do it later against Caesar. On the one hand, he believes that what he did was right for the prosperity of Rome, also to show that he also has the honor of being the same as that Caesar had. Figures such conspirator Casca, Cinna and others support the idea Brutus. Actually, Caesar himself would have received a warning of a survival prediction letter he received. In the letter warned Caesar to beware premises so-called "idle march", but Caesar ignored the warning. It stills remain his trust that Caesar will not get any trouble or misfortune is predicted. Antinius; Caesars confidant, he also wants to tell Caesar that the king was in danger of being there. He tried all means to survival king. Brutus and his friends also worried of the existence of Antony as a threat to them. Julius was killed a short story. A sword stuck in his stomach. Brutus as actors backed by Casca and others, have eliminated the figure is satisfied tyranny in their country.After Caesar's death, Casca asked Brutus to go up to the pulpit delivering a speech; he said that the death was a matter of time. Not whether they are happy for the downfall of tyranny in their country, he added. However, the hysterical people like losing control. They still do not believe that they are dead emperor. That does not mean they believe in the greatness of Brutus, but the figure of Caesar seems to be difficult to replace. Then many things going on, Brutus recognize that Casca were not as a people who had been with him for a long time. Finally, he went with Cassius to gathered strength for suspecting that Antony is likely to take revenge. However, while asleep in his tent, Brutus dreamed Caesar's ghost who said that he was at fault for what has happened. Brutus was shocked. By the end of the story there is upheaval of self-Brutus when Cassius dead look. He was sad and intend to continue the struggle that he and Cassius previous path. In the end, Brutus gave up power built by Antonius and Octavius. He asked his soldiers together and talk about what happened. He even asked one of his followers to kill himself. In addition, later Brutus was dead, but on his death he was also still get honor as a noble man in Rome.

This story is full of conflict, intrigue and exciting plans. The plot needs a lay reader like me feels the emotion of the actor who wants to be the best for their country despite the way he did wrong. It is also the possibility that he was not afraid. Due to the background of the action, that they did originated from "allegations" in the resurrection of tyranny. In fact maybe they are wrong, because Caesar probably not going to run that kind of power. I think the character Brutus also act as a puppet. The conspirators take advantage of its proximity to Caesar to kill the king who does not know what his own mistakes. Based on hatred, a person can be a victim. Just not one, but many people have been affected. We can see at least the story of footage, how the effort is someone who basically does not like the person doing everything they can to add to its strength. In this case, its efforts to increase the number of people who share the same views with him. In fact affect people with negative thoughts is easier than influencing them with positive thoughts. After all, in reality, when hatred channeled passion, honor is not entirely desirable also obtained. The first seems the more influential figures compared with the two leaders in power. This story also teaches loyalty. How we loyal to our friends, regardless of the seduction-seduction dirty from people who want to destroy our closeness with someone. Here, the needs of communication and mutual understanding is important as well as the trust and loyalty.