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Classroom Respect and Accommodations

Daniel Conner

Denver Public Schools

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Positive Classroom Climate and Culture To provide a positive classroom

climate and culture, we must foster a learning environment which is:supportiveand respectful among all students

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Students have different abilities and skill sets! It is a challenge for any classroom to have

a culture which is supportive and respectful to everyone.

Special education students will be in classes with a range of ability levels.Whether these are classes that provide direct,

indirect, or integrated sped services.

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Students have different abilities and skill sets! How can we, as special educators, set a

precedence for students who have disabilities to be respected and be supported?The honest truth is that some people find it

difficult to work with others who have skill sets which are different from their own.

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What can bridge the gap?

How can students, who have special needs, be successful in classes in their areas of concern?

Is there something in place which students can utilize that will help them contribute to their classroom activities? [hint: yes, there is!]

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Modifications & Accommodations

Modifications and Accommodations are very important parts of an IEP.Too often they are overlooked.An IEP team determines that these are

supports which will enable a student’s success.

If they are in an IEP, which is legal document, they must be in place in the classroom.

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Modifications & Accommodations

A student’s modifications and accommodations should be in place starting on the first day of class.

If a teacher finds that a student is not having the anticipated success, the accommodations and modifications are the first things to consider.

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Are they appropriate?

High school students may find that they would benefit from a different set of accommodations and modifications than they did in previous years.Course responsibilities are different.Skills may have improved during years when

revising accommodations was not considered.

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If a student needs an accommodation or modification to be successful in a class, it should be included on an IEP.

If a student does not need an accommodation or modification, it should not be included on an IEP.

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Post Secondary

Many colleges will allow students to have accommodations for their college classes which are similar to the ones they had in high school.

If they need it now, make sure to document it, so that they can have it in the future!

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Accommodation Realities

Let’s face it-Accommodations can seem time consuming

or even intimidating to teachers who are not used to implementing them.

There are teachers who prefer to not provide them.

It is not good if a student was not offered their accommodations and is having trouble passing a class.

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Work as a Campus Team

Work with other teachers to provide accommodations!Show how implementing accommodations

initially can encourage students to not get behind on work.

Remind them that providing accommodations is not an option!

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Work as a Campus Team

Initially providing AccommodationsPrevents having to do more remediation after

an initial lessonAllows students who are keeping up with their

lessons to contribute to class activities with the rest of the class.

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Less is More!

Too often students have many more accommodations than are neededPerhaps an IEP team wanted to provide them

with every support possible.While that could sound good in theory, it may

be giving students supports they do not need. This could be more of a hindrance than a help.

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Less is More!

If a teacher sees a large amount of accommodations on an IEP, that teacher may be less likely to implement any of them.

If we have a few strategic and highly needed accommodations, they will be much easier to implement consistently.

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Challenge Students!

Do not give students accommodations which allow them to not apply themselves to their work.This is especially important in high level

courses where they have to contribute to group work with their peers.

We do not want students to learn less since they have accommodations which allow it!

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Teach Self Advocacy

We need to not only provide students with accommodations, but have them in place so that students can seek these accommodations.

This is crucial for their success after high school.

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Example- Extended Time

If a student has an accommodation of extended time for assignments:Set up the parameters for this when the

assignment is given, not after, when the assignment is already late.

Students may not need extended time for every assignment.

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Example- Extended Time

If a student has an accommodation of extended time for assignments:Give realistic time extensions. Maybe they

have a few days longer- not a few weeks!Encourage students to ask their teachers to

extend the timeframe for their assignments and not to wait for the teacher to initiate this.

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Example- Classroom Notes

Providing notes of a lesson is an accommodation which has a tendency to be overlooked. Many teachers do not teach from a full outline of

notes. They may not give notes to students because they do

not have them. They may not want to generate them on their own.

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Example- Classroom Notes

Special Education teachers may not have the opportunity to meet with other teachers to make these notes outside of class.

Another student could provide their notes to be copied for a student with this accommodation.You may want to remove the note taking

student’s identifying information [name, etc.]

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Example- Classroom Notes

Students sharing notes could be a great way for collaborative learning.

Encourage students with this accommodation to share their skills with other students in other circumstances.

Encourage students to politely ask for notes. This is good for self advocacy and social skills.

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While modifications affect the course and credit a student is learning, accommodations do not.

Accommodations allow students to learn the same material, and meet the same requirements, in a way which meets their needs.

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Share with other teachers

Think of it like this: If an assignment is to write a one page

reflection on a topic, students can demonstrate this knowledge whether it is hand written or typed [or maybe even spoken orally!].

The assignment is not changed, only the function of expressing their knowledge.

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Benefits of accommodations

If students with special needs have measures in place to be successful, they will be able to contribute to their classes in much greater ways.

They will be more confident. They will earn respect from their


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When successful…

Students are more likely to take academic risks and tackle new challenges when they have been successful with their initial assignments.

We need students to be exploratory learners, making connections with their content and class members.

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In summary…

Accommodations allow students to be successful in ways which are designated by their most recent IEP team.

When students are successful, their academic confidence grows and they feel much more supported and respected.

They are also more likely to support and respect others!

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Further questions?

If you have any specific questions about accommodations for high school students, or would like to comment on any of this, feel free to e-mail:[email protected]

Thank you!