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Resonant terahertz transmission in subwavelengthmetallic hole arrays of sub-skin-depth


Abul K. Azad and Weili ZhangSchool of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma 74078

Received June 8, 2005; accepted July 1, 2005

We study surface-plasmon-enhanced terahertz transmission through subwavelength metallic hole arrays ofsub-skin-depth thickness. Dynamic evolution of surface-plasmon resonance in terms of array thickness ischaracterized by use of terahertz time-domain spectroscopy in the frequency range 0.1–4.5 THz. A criticalthickness of lead array film is observed, above which surface-plasmon coupling of terahertz pulses beginsand is enhanced rapidly as the array thickness is increased toward the skin depth. The experimental resultsindicate that high-efficiency extraordinary terahertz transmission can be achieved at an array thickness ofonly one third of skin depth. © 2005 Optical Society of America

OCIS codes: 320.7120, 240.6680.

The extraordinary transmission of electromagneticwaves through metallic films of periodic subwave-length hole arrays has stimulated significant interestin recent years. Optical transmission efficiencyhigher than unity has been demonstrated when it isnormalized to the area occupied by the holes.1 Be-cause of the resonant excitation of surface-plasmonpolaritons (SPPs) at the metal–dielectric interface,extraordinary optical transmission can be observedat much lower frequencies than that of the cutoff de-fined by the dimensions of the subwavelengthholes.2,3 Extensive experimental and theoreticalstudies have been carried out not only to understandthe fundamental physics behind this extraordinarytransmission but also to explore the potential appli-cations in the integrated photonic devices and nano-fabrication processing.4–7 Sub-diffraction-limitednanolithography has been demonstrated by use ofsurface-plasmon-enhanced transmission of UV lightthrough a subwavelength hole array.7

Recently, extraordinary transmission of terahertzpulses was observed in both metallic8–12 andsemiconductor13–15 arrays. The characteristics ofsurface-plasmon-enhanced terahertz transmissionhave been studied in terms of various parameters ofthe subwavelength hole arrays, such as the latticeconstant, the dielectric constant of the constituentmetals, the shape of the holes, and the thickness ofthe semiconductor arrays. Enhanced terahertz trans-mission was experimentally demonstrated in sub-wavelength arrays made from both good and poorelectrical conductors.9 The amplitude transmissionwas found to rise with higher values of the ratio ofthe real to the imaginary dielectric constant of theconstituent metals, −�rm/�im, for which the dielectricfunction follows the Drude model. The influence ofhole shape on the terahertz transmission was dra-matically different from that of the optical region.8,10

In the arrays of doped silicon an exponential decay inthe peak transmission was observed as the arraythickness increased to orders of magnitude higherthan the skin depth.15 In addition, a redshift and a

reduction in transmission amplitude were demon-strated when the surrounding dielectric constantswere increased.13

So far, investigations of SPP resonances have fo-cused on optically thick subwavelength hole arrays inboth optical and low-frequency regions. It is intrigu-ing how the SPP resonances are developed in metal-lic arrays of sub-skin-depth thickness. In this Letterwe demonstrate resonant terahertz transmissionthrough subwavelength hole arrays patterned on me-tallic films with thickness less than skin depth. Ex-perimental results have revealed a critical arraythickness above which the SPP resonance occurs. Themaximum amplitude transmission is achieved whenthe thickness of metal films approaches skin depth.However, enhanced terahertz transmission of up tonine tenths of the maximum transmission can be re-alized at a film thickness comparable to the skindepth at wavelengths of light that is only one third ofthe skin depth at 0.55 THz. This finding may exten-sively reduce the metal thickness in the applicationsof terahertz SPPs in biosensing,16 high-throughputterahertz near-field imaging systems,17 and plas-monic terahertz optoelectronic devices.13

The metallic arrays studied here were made fromlead on a 0.64-mm-thick p-type silicon wafer with aresistivity of �=20 � cm. A conventional photolitho-graphic process was used to form the 100 �m�80 �m rectangular holes with a lattice constant of160 �m. Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy trans-mission measurements were performed to character-ize the SPP resonance of the subwavelength arrays.The detailed experimental setup was describedpreviously.8,9,13 The amplitude transmission of the ar-rays is depicted by the ratio between the sample andthe reference spectra.

The value of the skin depth of electromagneticwaves in metal is determined by the penetration dis-tance at which the electric field falls to 1/e. TheSPPs, which propagate on the metal–dielectric inter-face, decay exponentially in both media. The complexwave vector inside the metal perpendicular to the in-

November 1, 2005 / Vol. 30, No. 21 / OPTICS LETTERS 2945

0146-9592/05/212945-3/$15.00 © 2005 Optical Society of America

Page 2: Resonant terahertz transmission in subwavelength metallic hole arrays of sub-skin-depth thickness

terface is given as18,19

kz = ��

c�� �m


�m + �d�1/2

, �1�

where c is the speed of light in vacuum; � is the an-gular frequency; �m=�mr+ i�mi is the complex dielec-tric constant of metal, �d is the dielectric constant ofthe medium, in our case �d=11.68 for silicon; thelightly doped silicon does not make a contribution tothe imaginary dielectric constant. At terahertz fre-quencies, the dielectric constant of metals is severalorders of magnitude higher than that of the sur-rounding dielectric medium, �m��d. So, Eq. (1) canbe approximated by the simple relationship

kz = ��/c���m. �2�

Since only the imaginary part of kz causes exponen-tial decay of the electric fields, the skin depth is de-fined as





Im���m�. �3�

Based on this relation, we calculate the skin depthsof lead (Pb), aluminum (Al), and silver (Ag) from thepublished values of the dielectric constants ofmetals.20 The frequency dependence of the skin depthin the frequency range of our interest is plotted inFig. 1. At 0.55 THz, the primary surface plasmon�±1,0� resonance, the skin depths for Pb, Al, and Agare 320, 110, and 83 nm, respectively.

We chose Pb as the constituent metal of the arraysfor two reasons. First, extraordinary terahertz trans-mission in Pb subwavelength hole arrays has beendemonstrated with an amplitude efficiency of up to82% at 0.55 THz, which is very close to the perfor-mance of arrays made from good electrical conductorssuch as Ag, Al, and Au. Second, the skin depth of Pbat 0.55 THz is 320 nm, nearly three times that of Ag

and Al. It thus provides a large dynamic range tocharacterize the evolution of SPP resonance at sub-skin-depth thickness. Pb arrays with various thick-nesses ranging from 60 to 1000 nm were prepared. Inthe terahertz time-domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS)measurements, the input terahertz pulses are polar-ized along the minor axes �80 �m� of the rectangularholes and penetrate the array at normal incidence. InFig. 2, evolution of the SPP resonance as a function ofthe array film’s thickness is depicted in the Fourier-transformed spectra of the reference and thesamples. When the array film is thin, the spectrumshows no resonance but similar features of the refer-ence spectrum with attenuation. At 64 nm, which isobserved as a critical thickness for the Pb array, theSPP resonance excited at the Pb–Si interface appearsin the spectrum. Above this critical thickness, theresonance peak is enhanced with a thicker arrayfilm.

In the experiments we found that the deteriorationof metal surfaces of the arrays may cause the declinein transmission efficiency. To keep surface-dependentvariation to a minimum, the THz-TDS measure-ments were carried out immediately after completionof the metallization. The frequency-dependent ampli-tude transmission of arrays with different film thick-nesses is shown in Fig. 3, which clearly reveals tworegions of thickness dependence. Below the criticalthickness, 64 nm, the frequency-dependent transmis-sion is nearly flat, showing no resonance peak. Abovethe critical thickness, a resonance at 0.55 THz ap-pears in the spectra, whose amplitude increases witharray thickness while the background transmissionis reduced at the same time. This resonance is attrib-uted to the excitation of SPPs at the Pb–Si interface.At terahertz frequencies, the resonant wavelength ofa rectangular array at normal incidence is given ap-proximately by sp

m,n� l��d /�m2+n2, where l is thelattice constant of the array and m and n are themode indices of the SPPs.8 The resonance at 0.55THz corresponds to the �±1,0� surface-plasmon modefor arrays with l=160 �m at the Pb–Si interface. Im-mediately above the critical thickness, the resonanceamplitude is very sensitive to the thickness of arrays.

Fig. 1. Frequency-dependent skin depths of Pb, Al, and Agcalculated from the published values of the dielectric con-stants. Vertical dotted line, the �±1,0� surface-plasmonmode at 0.55 THz for the Pb–Si interface.

Fig. 2. Fourier-transformed spectra of the transmittedterahertz pulses through the reference and subwavelengthPb hole arrays of various film thicknesses.

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The dependence of the peak transmission on thethickness above the critical thickness is shown inFig. 4. The amplitude transmission efficiency in-creases exponentially when the array thickness is be-low 100 nm. It then saturates gradually and ap-proaches the maximum at the skin depth.

It is worth noting that a transmission efficiency ashigh as 76% is achieved at the array thickness of 100nm, only one third of the skin depth. This value ismore than nine tenths of the maximum transmissionefficiency achieved at skin depth. For comparison, wehave fabricated two additional arrays of the samestructure, but made from Ag and Al. The film thick-nesses (27 nm for Ag and 36 nm for Al) are also onethird of their corresponding skin depths. The mea-sured transmission efficiencies are 83.5% and 77.5%,respectively, for Ag and Al arrays, all above ninetenths of their maximum transmission efficiencies.

We thank Susheng Tan and Matthew J. Klopfsteinfor supplying an atomic-force microscope character-ization of the array film’s thickness. This study waspartially supported by the Oklahoma ExperimentalProgram to Stimulate Competitive Research for theNational Science Foundation. Weili Zhang’s e-mailaddress is [email protected]

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Fig. 3. Measured amplitude transmission of Pb arrays ofvarious thicknesses. The curves are vertically displaced forclarity.

Fig. 4. Measured peak amplitude of the �±1,0� surface-plasmon mode at 0.55 THz as a function of Pb thickness(open circles, connected by a dashed curve to guide the eye).The solid curve is an exponential fit for the region of arraythickness below 100 nm.

November 1, 2005 / Vol. 30, No. 21 / OPTICS LETTERS 2947