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Research Resources for Medievalists

in East Central Europe

(A Practical Guide)

With the cooperation of several medievalists

edited by

Zsolt Hunyadi

Department of Medieval Studies

Central European University, Budapest

Centre for Medieval Studies

University of Toronto


Project co-ordinator

János M. Bak


Zsolt Hunyadi


Goda Giedraitytė (Lithuania) Zsolt Hunyadi (Hungary)

Antonín Kalous (Czech Republic) Siarhei Kaun (Belarus)

Juhan Kreem (Estonia and Latvia) Etleva Lala (Albania)

Giedre Mickunaite (Lithuania) David Movrin (Slovenia) Natallia Slizh (Belarus)

Gordan Ravančić (Croatia) Siarhei Salei (Belarus) Juraj Ševidý (Slovakia)

Rafal Witkowski (Poland)

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© Editor and Contributors

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ISBN 963 86569 4 8

Printed in Hungary

CONTRIBUTORS János M. Bak Department of Medieval Studies, Central European University POB 1082, H-1245 Budapest, Hungary; [email protected] Zsolt Hunyadi Department of Medieval and Early Modern Hungarian History, University of Szeged 2 Egyetem u., H-6722 Szeged, Hungary; [email protected] Antonín Kalous Department of History, Philosophical Faculty, Palacký University Křízkovského 10, CZ-772 00 Olomouc, Czech Republic; [email protected] Siarhei Kaun Kafedra krynitsaznaustva, Belaruski Dzjarzhauny Universitet Vul. Chyrvonaarmejskaya, 6; BY-220030 Minsk, Belarus; [email protected] Juhan Kreem Tallinn City Archives Tolli Street 6, EE-10133 Tallinn; [email protected] Etleva Lala Department of Medieval Studies, Central European University POB 1082, H-1245 Budapest, Hungary [email protected] Giedrė Mickūnaitė, Department of Art History and Theory , Vilnius Academy of Fine Arts Maironis 6, LT—01124 Vilnius, Lithuania [email protected] David Movrin Department of Medieval Studies, Central European University POB 1082, H-1245 Budapest, Hungary; [email protected] Gordan Ravančić Croatian Institute of History Opatička 10, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia; [email protected] Siarhei Salei Kafedra gistoryi Belarusi, Grodzenski Dzjarzhauny Universitet imja Janki Kupaly Vul. Azheshki, 22, BY-230023 Grodno, Belarus; [email protected] Juraj Šedivý Department of Archival and Historical Auxiliary Sciences, Comenius University Gondova 2, SK-818 01 Bratislava, Slovakia; [email protected] Natallia Slizh Grodzenskae ablasnoe gramadskae abjadnanne maladyh navukoutsau VIT, Vul. Budzionaha, 48a-419, BY-230004 Grodna, Belarus; [email protected] Rafal Witkowski Institute of History, Adam Mickiewicz University ul. sw. Marcin 78, PL-61-809 Poznan, Poland; [email protected]



Lectori salutem..........................................................................................................3 Estonia and Latvia (Juhan Kreem) ............................................................................5

General guides and bibliographies Archives, museums and libraries with medieval holdings Source editions

Laws and charters Narrative sources Urban records

Lithuania (Giedrė Mickūnaitė–Goda Giedraitytė) and Belarus (Siarhei Salei, Natallia Slizh, Siarhei Kaun) .....................................................................................11

In Lituania Institutions and research centers Main archives and libraries

In Belarus Institutions and research centers Main archives and libraries

Major source editions Charters, laws, cartularies and other written sources The Lithuanian Metrica Documents of church history and hagiography Narratives: annals, chronicles, diaries, epistles

Handbooks, studies, and reference works Lithuania Belarus

Poland (Rafal Witkowski) .........................................................................................21 Archival resources

Polish archives with significant medieval holdings Major publications of laws and charters

Manuscript resources – catalogues and studies Main libraries in Warsaw with manuscript collections

Major editions of narrative texts Czech Republic (Antonin Kalous).............................................................................37

Archival Resources Description of archives Archival inventories Czech archives with significant medieval holdings

Major Publications of Laws and Charters Manuscript Resources

General Incunabula Main libraries with substantial manuscript collections

Major editions of narrative texts Edition series (up to the early 16th century) Medieval texts (11th–14th centuries) Late medieval and early modern texts

Electronic resources Slovakia (Juraj Šedivý)..............................................................................................47

Guides to archives and libraries in Slovakia Slovak archives with significant medieval holdings Charters and town books


Major Slovak libraries with medieval manuscripts Catalogues and studies to the medieval manuscripts and fragments in Slovakia Selected editions of narrative texts related to present-day Slovakia

Hungary (Zsolt Hunyadi) ..........................................................................................53 Archival resources

Hungarian archives with significant medieval holdings Major publications of laws and charters Manuscript resources

Catalogues and studies Liturgical and ecclesiastical works Bibliotheca Corviniana Incunabula (et antiqua) Studies

Main libraries in Budapest with significant manuscript collections Major editions of narrative texts

Guides Medieval texts (11th–14th centuries) Late medieval and early modern texts

Auxiliary materials, manuals, work-helps Electronic resources

Slovenia (David Movrin)...........................................................................................67 Bibliographical research Sources, catalogues and studies Libraries, archives, museums and research institutions Main libraries with manuscript collections Major archival holdings Major research institutions

Croatia (Gordan Ravančić)........................................................................................71 Archival resources

Descriptions of archives Archival inventories Publication of records

Croatian archives with significant medieval holdings Major publications of laws and charters Manuscript resources

Main libraries in Zagreb with manuscript collections Major editions of narrative texts Electronic resources

Albania (Etleva Lala) ................................................................................................79 Archival Resources Description of archives and inventories Major Publications Manuscript Resources

Liturgical and ecclesiastical works Incunabula (et antiqua)

Major editions of narrative texts Late medieval and early modern texts


LECTORI SALUTEM The present guide grew out of a first draft prepared for a Summer Institute held at CEU in cooperation with CARA in 2000. We decided to enlarge and revise it for the session at the 40th Medieval Congress in Kalamazoo, with the help of friends and graduates of the Medieval Studies Department at Central European University (Budapest) and the support of the Centre for Medieval Studies, University of Toronto. None the less, it is still a draft, but we felt that half a loaf is more than none. The printed version is an abbreviated one; a more complete guide, with a list of major source-publications of the region will be available on CD-ROM as well as on the homepages of Medieval Studies, CEU ( and of the Centre of Medieval Studies in Toronto ( The final editing and formatting of both the printed and electronic version was done by Zsolt Hunyadi, whom we all owe many thanks. The resources are grouped according to present-day geography, not identical with medieval boundaries. We thought that researchers would wish to see what can they find if they visit one of the countries, and expect that they will be aware of the fact that records for regions that belonged to, say, the medieval kingdom of Hungary, may now be in Slovakia, or, in turn, records of Transylvania, now Romania, may be (also) in Hungarian depositories. The guide to resources in Poland contains, inevitably, sources for the history of Lithuania and other territories not presently part of the Republic as well. And so on. On the other hand, precisely because of the changes in boundaries, overlaps and repetitions (e.g. between Hungary and Croatia) could not be avoided and we did not attempt to sort them out. The sequence of countries is, of course, arbitrary. We decided to go from north to south. Considering that Slavist medievalists and Byzantinists have their own reference works, this time we did not include extensive information on resources on the Slavia Orthodoxa in Greek or the eastern Slavic languages. Altogether, we gave preference to titles and locations that refer to or hold written sources in Latin, whithout fully excluding others. At some point this Guide may have to be augmented with sections on countries adjacent to the presently included ones. (Of course, this raises the question of what is „eastern” or „east-central” Europe—an issue we do not wish to discuss now.) Unfortunately, we did not have enough time to complete the guide for all the areas that may be of interest. We are aware of the fact that one country may be better “covered” than another, even if there would be ample resources to list. Moreover, we did not this time manage to have for every country all the sections (archival, manuscript, etc.) equally completed or—what may be also useful for colleagues—to list contacts to research and teaching institutions. That should also be added soon. The contributors from the single countries would be glad to assist colleagues planning to do research in their region. Their addresses are listed at the end of the guide. For visual resources that have been left out from the present comprised version, the Guide to Visual Resources of Medieval East-Central Europe edited by Béla Zsolt Szakács; Budapest: CEU Medievalia, vol. 2, 2001 (which contains detailed reference to topographies, image-banks, photographic archives, etc.) should be consulted. Short reference to these is also available on the electronic version of this Guide. We did not attempt to make all country guides uniform; the contributors followed a general lay-out, but designed their guides independently. We standardized style and format only in the most general terms. Let us, finally, repeat that this is nothing more than a practical guide and does not claim “scholarly merits.”

For the contributors, János M. Bak as project co-ordinator


Estonia and Latvia



These two states are treated together because in the Middle Ages they constituted together a “land” (Ger. Land) known as Livonia.

1. General guides and bibliographies

Blumfeldt, Evald, Nigolas Loone. Bibliotheca Estoniae Historica 1877–1917. Tartu, 1933–1939.

Grimsted, Patricia Kennedy. Archives and Manuscript Repositories in the USSR. Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Belorussia. Princeton, 1981. Extremely detailed and useful guide with extensive bibliography, which, however is slightly outdated because of the reorganisations and changes after the end of the Cold War.

Liiv, O. J. Elepson, A. Perandi, R. Kenkman, E. Tender, et al. eds. Arhiivinduse Käsiraamat. [Handbook of Archivistics] Tartu, 1933–1936.

Winckelmann, Eduard. Bibliotheca Livoniae Historica. Berlin, 1878.

2. Archives, museums and libraries with medieval holdings

2.1. In Estonia

Eesti Ajalooarhiiv [Estonian Historical Archives] J. Liivi 4, EE-50409 Tartu, Estonia Phone: + 372 7/387 500, + 372 7/ 387 501 Fax: + 372 7/387 510 e-mail: [email protected] The central archive in Estonia, established in 1921, keeps the surviving remains of the archives of medieval institutions from the 13th century onwards. Among them are most notable the archives of the knightly corporations (Ritterschaften) of Estonia and Saaremaa/Ösel, of the municipalities Narva, Pärnu/Pernau and Tartu/Dorpat, as well as of the single noble families and manors. Eesti Ajalooarhiivi fondide loend = Bestandsverzeichnis des Estnischen Historischen Archivs

= Перечень фондов Исторического архива Эстонии / koostanud Malle Loit, Jüri Hellat. Tartu, 1992.

Freymann, Georg von, “Katalog des Fellinschen Stadtarchivs (1481–1889).“ In: Jahresbericht der Felliner Literärischen Gesellschaft für die Jahre 1912–1917. Viljandi, 1918, 401–422.

Hausmann, Richard. “Archivstudien zur livländischen Geschichte II. Das Dörptsche Ratsarchiv.” Verhandlungen der Gelehrten Estnischen Gesellschaft zu Dorpat 7 (1873): 129–159.

Osten-Saken, Paul von. “Bericht über das Estländische Ritterschaftsarchiv.“ Jahrbuch für Genealogie, Heraldik und Sphragistik (1910–1913): 306–316.

Stillmark, Werner. “Das Pernauer Stadtarchiv.“ Sitzungsberichte der Altertumforschenden Gesellschaft zu Pernau 7 (1914): 273–278.

Tallinna Linnaarhiiv [Tallinn City Archives] Tolli Street 6, EE-10133 Tallinn, Estonia Phone: +372 645 7401 Fax: +372 645 7400 e-mail: [email protected] The historically developed collection of the Tallinn (Reval) municipal government since the 13th century. Originally the collection of the town government, it now holds a variety of archives of institutions that have functioned under the town’s jurisdiction, including guilds and church congregations. The central part consists of the archives of the town council which is the best preserved medieval collection in the northern Baltic region.

Estonia and Latvia


Tallinna Linnaarhiivi kogude loend = Beständeverzeichnis des Stadtarchivs Tallinn = Перечень фондов Таллиннского городского архива / koostanud Lea Kõiv, Merle Sutt, Katrin Vesterblom. Tallinn, 2002.

Katalog des Revaler Stadtarchivs, ed. Gotthard von Hansen, Reval 1896. Second edition: Tallinna linna arhiiwi kataloog/Katalog des Revaler Stadtarchivs von Stadtarchivar Gotthard von Hansen. ed. Otto Greiffenhagen, Tallinn/Reval, 1926.

Tallinna Linnaarhiivi kataloog. IV, Kanuti gildi arhiiv / koostanud Aleksander Margus; [eessõna: P. Johansen] = Katalog des Stadtarchivs Tallinn, IV, Archiv der St. Kanutigilde / zusammengestellt von Aleksander Margus, Tallinn/Reval, 1938.

Eesti Ajaloomuuseum [Estonian History Museum] Pikk 17, EE-10123 Tallinn Phone +372 6411630 Fax +372 6443446 e-Mail: [email protected] Contains important collections of charters of the manors form Northern Estonia, as well as many private collections. Jürjo, Indrek. “Das Archiv des Historischen Museums Estlands.“ Berichte und Forschungen:

Jahrbuch des Bundesinstituts für ostdeutsche Kultur und Geschichte 1 (1993): 147–176. Tartu Ülikooli Raamatukogu [Tartu University Library] W. Struve 1, Tartu EE-50091, Estonia Phone: +372 7375 702 E-mail [email protected] Founded in the 19th century, its manuscript department contains also medieval Latin, German and Russian manuscripts. Inkunaablid Tartu Riikliku Ülikooli Teaduslikus Raamatukogus: kataloog. [Incunabulas in the

University Library of Tartu. A Catalogue] koostanud O. Nagel [toimetanud K. Noodla] Tallinn, 1982.

Noodla, Kaja. TRÜ Teadusliku Raamatukogu käsikirjad ja fotod. Teatmik. [Manuscripts and photos in the University Library. Manual] Tartu 1970.

Tallinna Ülikooli Akadeemiline Raamatukogu [Academic Library of the Tallinn University] Rävala pst. 10, EE-15042 Tallinn, Estonia Phone: +372 645 49 32 Fax: +372 665 9400 e-mail: [email protected] The department of Baltica contains important collections of the Library of St. Olaf’s church in Tallinn (formed in the sixteenth century) and the library of the Estonian Literary Society. Bibliotheca Revaliensis ad D. Olai / Tallinna Oleviste raamatukogu / Revaler Bibliothek zu

St. Olai / Nätiuse kataloog ja artiklid / Ausstellungskatalog und Aufsätze. Toim. / hrsg. v. Lea Kõiv, Mare Luuk, Tiiu Reimo, Tallinn, 2002.

Robert, Kyra. “Eestimaa Kirjanduse Ühing (1842–1940) ja tema raamatukogu.“ [Estonian literary Society and its Library] Keel ja Kirjandus 8 (1992): 449–458; 9 (1993): 535–543.

2.2. In Latvia Latvijas Valsts Vestures Arhivs [The State Historical Archives of Latvia] Slokas iela 16, LV-1048, Rīga, Latvia Phone: +371 7612406; 371 7613118 Fax: +371 7612406 e-mail: [email protected] A central archive in Latvia, where the archives of the earlier institutions are centralised, including the former town archives of Riga, the archives of the Dukes of Curonia/Kurland and the Ritterschaft of Livonia. These collections, however, have suffered from the evacuations

Estonia and Latvia


during WW2. The Historical Archives contains also the remains of the Archives of the Society of History and Antiquities in Riga and the provincial Museum of Curonia. Ārija, Zeida. “Feodālās Rīgas rāte un tās arhīvs.” [The city magistracy of feudal Riga and its

Archive] Latvijas PSR Zīnātnu akadēmijas Vēstis/ Izvestiia Akademii nauk Latviskoi SSR (Riga) 12 (1974): 61–71.

Georgii, Jenšs. “Centralne panstwowe Archiwum Historyczne Łotewskiej Socjalistycznej Respubliki Radzieckiej w Rydze.” [Central State Historical Archive of the Latvian Soviet Socialist Republic in Riga] Archeion 51 (1969): 161–177.

Latvijas Akadēmiskā Bibliotēka [Latvian Academic Library] Rūpniecības iela 10, LV-1235 Rīga, Latvia Phone: +371 710 6206 Fax: +371 710 6202 e-mail: [email protected] The origins of the Library go back to the 16th century, older collections of the library were include the holdings of the former Riga Town Library. Almost half of the library was destroyed by a fire in 1941. Biblioteke 450. Kiubileju Fundamentalnoi biblioteki Akademii Nauk Latviskoi SSR 1524–

1974. Riga, 1974. Busch, Nicolaus. “Die Geschichte der Rigaer Stadtbibliothek und deren Bücher.“

Nachgelassene Schriften, Bd. 2. Hrsg. v. L. Arbusow, Riga, 1937. Latvijas Nacionālā Bibliotēka [National Library of Latvia] 14 K. Barona Street, LV-1423 Rīga, Latvia Secretariat phone: +371 7365250 References phone: +371 7287620 Fax: +371 7280851 e-mail: [email protected] The National Library was founded in 1919 and has presently a Rare Book and Manuscript Division that contains material starting from the fourteenth century. Zemzaris, Jānis. “Latvijas feodalisāperiodu tiesību vēstures avoti V. Lāča LPSR Valsts

bibliotēkas rokrakstu fondos.“ [Sources for the history of law during the feudal period in Latvia in the manuscript fonds of the V. Lācis State Library of the Latvian SSR] V. Lāča LPSR Valsts bibliotēka. Raksti 5 (1974): 216–236.

Latvijas Vēstures Muzejs [History Museum of Latvia] Pils laukums 3, LV-1050 Rīga, Latvia Phone +371 7223004 Fax +371 7220586 e-mail: [email protected] Manuscript holdings of the museum contain documents starting from the fourteenth century.

3. Source editions

3.1. Laws and charters

Bruiningk, Hermann von, Nicolaus Busch, eds. Livländische Güterurkunden. 2 vols. Riga, 1908.

Bunge, Friedrich Georg von, ed. Archiv für die Geschichte Liv-, Esth- und Curlands. 8 vols., Dorpat, 1842–1861.

Bunge, Friedrich Georg von, et al., eds. Liv-, Est-und Curländisches Urkundenbuch. Vol. 1/1–12, 2/1–3, Reval–Riga–Moskau, 1853–1914.

Bunge, Friedrich Georg von, Robert von Toll, ed. Est-und Livländische Brieflade 1–4. Eine Sammlung von Urkunden zur Adels- und Gütergeschichte Est-und Livlands. Reval, 1856.

Bunge, Friedrich Georg von. Die Quellen des Revaler Stadtrechts. Vol. 1–2. Reval, 1844–1847.

Goetz, Leopold Karl. Deutsch–Russische Handelsverträge des Mittelalters. Hamburg, 1916. Hausen, Reinhold. Finlands Medeltidsurkunder. 8 vols. Helsingfors, 1910–1935.

Estonia and Latvia


Heckmann, Dieter, ed. Revaler Urkunden und Briefe von 1273–1510. Köln, 1995. Höhlbaum, Konstantin, Karl Kunze, Walther Stein, eds. Hansisches Urkundenbuch. 11 vols.

Halle–München–Leipzig, 1876–1916. Index corporis Historico-diplomatici Livoniae, Esthoniae, Curoniae. Vol. 2, Riga–Dorpat,

1835. Kala, Tiina von. Lübecki õiguse Tallinna koodeks/Der Revaler Kodex des lübischen Rechts

1282. Tallinn, 1998. Koppmann, Karl et al., eds. Hanserecesse 1256–1530. 3 Abt., 24 vols., Leipzig–

München,1870–1930. Napiersky, Jakob Gottlieb Leonhard, ed. Die Quellen des Rigischen Stadtrechts bis zum Jahr

1673. Riga, 1876. Seeberg-Elverfeldt, Roland. Testamente Revaler Bürger und Einwohner aus den Jahren

1369–1851. Revaler Regesten 3, Göttingen, 1975. Stavenhagen, Oskar, Leonid Arbusow, ed. Akten und Recesse der livländischen Ständetage. 3

vols. Riga, 1907–1938. 3.2. Narrative sources

Arbusow, Leonid, Albert Bauer, eds. Heinrichs Livländische Chronik. Hannover, 1955. (English translation: The chronicle of Henry of Livonia. A Translation with Introduction and Notes by James Brundage, Madison, 1961).

Bartholomäus Hoeneke Liivimaa noorem Riimkroonika (1315–1348). [The Rhymed Chronicle by Bartholomäus Hoeneke 1315 –1348] Translated and commented by Sulev Vahtre. Tallinn, 1960.

Hausmann, Richard von, und Konstantin Höhlbaum, eds. Johann Renner’s Livländische Historien. Göttingen, 1876.

Meyer, Leo, ed. Livländische Reimchronik. Paderborn, 1876; The Livonian Rhymed Chronicle. Transl. by J. Smith and W. Urban. Bloomington, 1977 (reprint 1997).

Monumenta Livoniae Antiquae. Sammlung von Chroniken, Berichten, Urkunden und anderen schriftlichen Denkmalen und Aufsätzen welche zur Erleichterung der Geschichte Liv-, Ehst- und Kurland’s dienen. Bd. 1–5, Riga–Leipzig, 1835–1847.

Russow, Balthasar. Cronica der Prouintz Lyfflandt. Scriptores Rerum Livonicarum Vol. 2. Riga–Leipzig, 1853. (The Chronicle of Balthasar Russow & A Fortright Rebuttal by Elert Kruse & Errors and Mistakes of Balthasar Russow by Heinrich Tisenhausen, tr. Jerry C. Smith, Juergen Eichhoff and William L. Urban, Madison, 1988).

Scriptores Rerum Livonicarum. Sammlung der wichtigsten Chroniken und Geschichtsdenkmale von Liv-, Ehst- und Curland, Bd. 1–2. Riga–Leipzig, 1853.

3.3. Urban records

Bulmerincq, August von, ed. Kämmerei-Register der Stadt Riga, 1348–1361, 1405–1474. Vol. 1, Riga, 1909.

Bulmerincq, August von, ed. Zwei Kämmerei-Register der Stadt Riga. Leipzig, 1902. Greiffenhagen, Otto, ed. Das Revaler Bürgerbuch 1409–1624. Reval, 1932. Greiffenhagen, Otto, ed. Die ältesten Kämmereibücher der Stadt Reval 1363–1374. Tallinn,

(Reval), 1927. Heckmann, Dieter, ed. “Das Revaler Kämmereibuch von 1376–1380.“ Zeitschift für

Ostforschung 41 (1992): 186–247. Johansen, Paul, ed. Libri de diversis articulis 1333–1374. Reval, 1935. Johansen, Paul, ed. Revaler Geleitsbuch-Bruchstücke 1365–1458. Reval, 1929. Leimus, Ivar, ed. Tallinna mündiraamatud / Die Revaler Münzbücher 1416–1526. Tallinn,

1999. Leonid Arbusow sr., ed. Das älteste Wittschopbuch der Stadt Reval (1312–1360). Reval,


Estonia and Latvia


Mettig, Constantin, ed. Die Schragen der Grossen Gilde zu Dorpat: Materialien zur Verfassungsgeschichte der Stadt Dorpat. Riga, 1907.

Napiersky, Jakob Gottlieb Leonhard, ed. Die Erbebücher der Stadt Riga 1384–1579. Riga, 1888.

Nottbeck, Eugen von, ed. Das drittälteste Erbebuch der Stadt Reval (1383–1458). Reval, 1892.

Nottbeck, Eugen von, ed. Das zweitälteste Erbebuch der Stadt Reval (1360–1383). Reval, 1890.

Nottbeck, Eugen von, ed. Die alten Schragen der Grossen Gilde zu Reval. Reval, 1885. Plaesterer, Artur, ed. Das Revaler Pergament Rentenbuch 1382 –1518. Reval, 1930. Poltsam, Inna, and Aldur Vunk. Pärnu linna ajalooallikad 13.–16. sajandini. Quellen zur

Geschichte der Stadt Pernau 13.–16. Jahrhundert. Pärnu, 2001. Schiemann, Theodor, ed. Revals Beziehungen zu Riga und Russland in den Jahren 1483–

1505. Briefregesten und Briefe aus einem Conceptbuche des Revaler Rathes (Aa10). Reval, 1885.

Stieda, Wilhelm, and Constantin Mettig, ed. Schragen der Gilden und Aemter der Stadt Riga bis 1621. Riga, 1896.

Vogelsang, Reinhard, ed. Kämmereibuch der Stadt Reval 1432–1463. Cologne, 1976. Vogelsang, Reinhard, ed. Kämmereibuch der Stadt Reval 1463–1507. Cologne, 1983.

Estonia and Latvia


Lithuania and Belarus



(Archives and libraries are listed by country; publications could not be well separated, as they usually refer to all parts of the medieval Grand Duchy of Lithuania)

1. In Lithuania

1.1. Institutions and research centers

Lietuvos istorijos institutas – LII [Institute of Lithuanian History] The main research center on the history of Lithuania Kražių g. 5, LT-01108 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel: +370 5 261 44 36 Fax: +370 5 261 14 33 e-mail: [email protected] Lietuvių literatūros ir tautosakos institutas – LLTI [Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore] Antakalnio str. 6, LT-10308 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel: +370 5 2621943 Fax: +370 5 2616254 Kultūros paveldo centras – KPC [Centre for the Lithuanian Cultural Heritage] Asmenos str. 10, LT-01135 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel: +370 5 2622926 Fax: +370 5 2122191 e-mail: [email protected] Rich collection of visual resources for the history of Lithuania (mostly post-medieval). Vakarų Lietuvos ir Prūsijos 1.2. Main archives and libraries (see also Grimsted, as on p. 5.)

Lithuanian State Historic Archives Gerosios Vilties g. 10, LT-03134 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel. +370 5 213 7482 Fax: +370 5 213 7612 e-mail: [email protected] The Archives contain manuscript and microfilm documents from the state institutions (chancellery, treasury, the supreme tribunal, courts, military commission, etc.) of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (14th–18th centuries). The Library of Vilnius University Universiteto 3, LT-01122 Vilnius Tel: +370 5 268 71 01 Fax: +370 5 268 71 04 e-mail: [email protected] The manuscript collection contains about 239,000 archival documents. Documents are stored according to their type: manuscripts, manuscript books, parchments, photographs, negatives, paintings, drawings, maps, minor press, microfilms, motion pictures, magnetic tapes, CDs. The oldest document dates back to the year 1209 and is followed by old courtbooks of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, archives of church institutions, documents and inventories of churches, cloisters and manors, the treasury archives, privileges, patrimonial archives of the noble families. The major part of documents is from the 17th–20th centuries, written in Latin, Polish, Old Belorusian (‘Ruthenian’), Russian, German, and Lithuanian. Catalogue: Rankraščių skyriaus rinkinių rodyklė. [The List of the Manuscripts Collection]

Vilnius University; comp. N. Šulgienė. Vilnius, 1990. The Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Science Žygimantų 1/8, LT-01102 Vilnius, Lithuania

Lithuania and Belarus


Tel: +370 5 262 95 37, Fax: +370 5 212 13 24 e-mail: [email protected] A rich collection of medieval and early modern manuscripts from the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The collection ranges from charters to codices (some Old Church Slavonic gospel lectionaries), incunabula and early prints. Lithuanian National Martynas Mažvydas Library, Department of Rare Books and Manuscripts Gedimino pr. 51, LT-01504 Vilnius Tel: +370 5 2497023 Fax: +370 5 2496129 e-mail: [email protected] The collection of manuscripts in the Rare Book and Manuscript Department holds 70,000 storage units. Autographs, historical acts, photographs and other documents (from the 15th century to the present) constitutes 200 separate collections. The most substantial part of the collection comprises private archives of the 19th–20th century persons (Lithuanian writers, public figures, scholars, artists who had been living in Lithuania and abroad). The most distinguished among the collection in the Manuscript Department are 149 parchments (privileges of Grand Dukes of Lithuania and Kings of Poland, the Papal privileges, etc.). The Rare Book division contains some 30,000 books from the 15th to the 18th century.

2. In Belarus (see also Grimsted, as on p. 5.)

National Historical Archives of Belarus in Minsk = Нацыянальны гістарычны архіў Беларусі ў Мінску 55 Kropotkina St., BY-220002 Minsk, Republic of Belarus Tel: +375 17 286 75 20, 286 75 23 Tel./fax: +375 17 286 75 22 e-mail: [email protected], [email protected] The Archives contain 3,120 manuscript and 19 microfilm collections of documents related to the territory of present-day Belarus from the14th century onwards in Old Belarusian, Polish and Latin; including family archives of the Radziwills, Liubomirskys, Pliater-Zibergs and microfilms of Lithuanian Metrica. Guides: Tsentralnyi gosudarstvennyi istoricheskii arhiv BSSR v Minske. Putevoditel. [Central State

Historical Archives of the BSSR in Minsk. Guide] Minsk, 1974. Bagińska, E. “Fond Radziwiłłów w Państwowym Arhiwum Historycznym w Mińsku.”

[Radziwill fond at the National Historic Archives of Belarus in Minsk] Belastocczyzna 1 (1998): 58–63.

Kriegseisen, Wojciech. “Żródła do historii Rzeczypospolitej Szlacheckiej w Narodowym archiwum historycznym Białorusi w Mińsku.” [Sources to the History of the Republic of Poland and Lithuania in the National Historic Archives of Belarus in Minsk] Kwartalnik Historyczny 105/4 (1988): 87–105.

National Historical Archives of Belarus in Grodna = Нацыянальны гістарычны архіў Беларусі ў Гродна 2 Tizengauza Sq., BY-230023 Grodna, Republic of Belarus Tel./Fax: +375 152 44 94 66 e-mail: [email protected] The Archives contain 1,200 collections of documents related to the north-western administrative units of contemporary Belarus. Medieval holdings include records of religious institutions and private collections of the Bykhovets, Slizen, Adamovich and other noble families. Tsentralnyi gosudarstvennyi istoricheskii arhiv Belorusskoi SSR v Grodno. Putevoditel.

[Central State Historical Archives of the Byelarussian SSR in Grodno. Guide] Minsk, 1965.

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National Library of Belarus = Нацыянальная бібліятэка Беларусі 9 Krasnoarmeyskaya St., Minsk, 220636, Republic of Belarus Tel./Fax: +375 17 229 24 94 e-mail: [email protected] Collection of manuscripts from the 14th–20th c. with more than 1,000 units in Slavic, West-European and Asian languages. The fond of old prints (more than 26,000 items) includes the collection of incunabula (44 units), the collection of palaeotypes (nearly 200 units), the collection of Cyrillic print. Natsyianalnaia bibliiateka Belarusi. Bibliiagrafichny katalog. [National Library of Belarus.

Bibliographical catalogue] Minsk, 1992. Central Scientific Library of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus = Цэнтральная навуковая бібліятэка Нацыянальнай Акадэміі навук Беларусі 15 Surganov St., BY-220072 Minsk, Republic of Belarus Tel./Fax: +375 17 284 14 28 e-mail: [email protected] The Rare Books and Manuscript Collection keeps the most valuable manuscripts, archival and printed materials, and maps from the 15th–20th centuries in Slavic, West-European and other languages and consists of a number of collections and private archives. Fundamentalnaia bibliiateka imia Ia. Kolasa AN BSSR. Albom. [Fundamental library of the

Academy of Science of BSSR named after Y. Kolas. Album] Minsk, 1976. Bibliotechnoe delo i bibliografiia v sisteme Akademii nauk BSSR. Sbornik statei. [Libraries

and bibliography in the system of Academy of Science of BSSR. Collected articles] Minsk, 1976.

Grodna State Museum of History and Archeology = Гродзенскі дзяржаўны гісторыка-археалагічны музей 20 Zamkavaya St., BY-230000 Grodna, Republic of Belarus Tel. +375 152 44 94 31 The Museum holds a collection of privileges and family documents of the nobility from the Grodna and Brest regions (in Latin, Old Belarusian and Polish) from the 15th–18th century. The Rare Book division of the Museum contains more than 23,000 books from the 15th to the 19th centuries, including 3 incunabula. Katalog vydanniau XV–XVI st. z fondau Grodzenskaga dziarzhaunaga gistoryka-

arhealagichnaga muzeia. [Catalogue of the published in the 15th–18th centuries in the Grodna State Museum of History and Archeology] Slonim, 2003.

Shalanda, Aliaksei. “Pergaminy kanca XVI–XVII st. na latsinskai i polskai movah u Grodzenskim dziarzhaunym gistoryka-arhealagichnym muzei.” [Parchments of the late 16th–17th centuries in the holdings of the Grodna State Museum of History and Archeology] Gerold-Litherland 3–4 (2002): 97–119.

3. Major source editions

3.1. Charters, laws, cartularies and other written sources

1385 m. rugpjūčio 14 d. Krėvos aktas. [The Krewo act of the 14 August, 1385] LII; comp. J. Kiaupienė. Vilnius, 2002. Series: Lietuvos užsienio politikos dokumentai XIII–XVIII a.: tyrinėjimai. The first part of the book presents the original text of the Krewo act and its transcript of 1445, as well as fragments of other primary sources. The second part consists of articles related to different aspects of the Krewo act’s history, palaeography, etc.

Akty Litovsko-russkogo gosudarstva. [Charters of the Lithuanian-Ruthenian State] 2 vols. Moscow, 1896–1897.

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Akty, izdavaemye Vilenskoi arkheograficheskoi komissiei. [Charters published by Vilna Archeographic Commission] 39 vols. Vilna, 1865–1915.

Akty, otnosiashchiesia k istorii Iuzhnoi i Zapadnoi Rossii. [Charters concerning the history of South and West Rus’] 15 vols. St.-Petersburg, 1863–1892.

Akty, otnosiashchiesia k istorii Zapadnoi Rosii. [Charters concerning the history of West Rus’] 2 vols. St. Petersburg, 1846–1853.

Arheograficheskii sbornik documentov, otnosiashchihsia k istorii Severnoi i Zapadnoi Rossii. [Archeographic collection concerning the history of North and West Rus’] 14 vols. Vilna, 1867–1904.

Arhiv Iugo-Zapadnoi Rossii. [Archives of South and West Rus’] 8 vols. Kiev, 1859–1914. Baltų religijos ir mitologijos šaltiniai. [The Sources of Baltic Religion and Mythology] comp.

Nornbertas Vėlius. 4 vols. Vilnius, 1996–2003. Vol. 1. – Nuo seniausių laikų iki XV a. pabaigos. [From the Ancient Times to the end of the 15th century] Vilnius, 1996. Vol. 2. – XVI a. [16th century] Vilnius, 2001. Vol. 3. – XVII amžius [17th century] Vilnius, 2003. The most extensive edition of sources on Baltic pagan faith and mythology. The primary texts are published in the original languages.

Belaruski arhiu. [Belarusian Archives] 3 vols. Mensk, 1927–1931. Belorussiia v epohu feodalizma. Sbornik dokumentov. [Belarus in epoch of feudalism.

Collection of documents] 4 vols. Minsk, 1959–1979. Belorusskii arhiv drevnih gramot. [Belarusian archive of ancient charters] Moscow, 1824. Chartularium Lithuaniae res gestas magni ducis Gedeminne illustrans / Gedimino laiškai. ed.,

tr., and commented by S. C. Rowell. Vilnius: Vaga, 2003. The new edition of letters by Grand Duke Gediminas (1316–1341) and documents relevant to his reign in Latin, Greek, Old Slavonic, and Middle High German with a translation into Lithuanian.

Codex epistolaris Vitoldi, Magni Ducis Lithuaniae, 1376–1430. ed. Antoni Prochaska. Monumenta medii aevi historica res gestas Poloniae illustrantia 6. Cracow: Academiae Literarum Cracoviensis, 1882.

Cracovia Lithuanorum saeculis XIV–XVI. [Lithuanian Cracow of the 14th–16th centuries] LLTI; comp. W. Urban, S. Lūžys, trans. A. Vaškelienė. Vilnius, 1999.

Dogiel, M. Codex diplomaticus regni Poloniae et magni ducatus Lithuaniae. Vols. 1, 4–5. Vilnae, 1758–1765.

Lappo, I. I. Litovskii statut 1588 goda. [Lithuanian Statute of the year 1588] 2 vols. Kaunas, 1934–1838. Analysis and edited text of the Third Lithuanian Statute.

Lazutka, Stanislovas and Edwardas Gudavichus. Privilegija evrejam Vitautasa Velikogo 1388 goda / Privilege to Jews Granted by Vytautas the Great in 1388. Moscow–Jerusalem: Jewish University in Moscow, 1993. A thorough analysis of the privilege, its sources, and its application in the legal practice of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

Pirmasis Lietuvos Statutas / Pervyi Litovskii Statut [The First Lithuanian Statute] 3 vols., eds. S. Lazutka, E. Gudavičius, Vilnius, 1983–1991.

Skarbiec dypłomatów papieskich, cesarskich, królewskich, książęcych, uchwał narodowych, postanowień różnych władz i urzędów, posługujących do krytycznego wyjaśnienia dziejów Litwy, Rusi litewskiej i ościennych im krajów. [Collection of the papal, imperial, royal, ducal charters, state decrees, decisions of different governments and authorities, related to the history of Lithuania, Lithuanian Rus’ and neighboring countries] 2 vols. Wilno, 1860–1862.

Starostina, I. P., ed. “Sudebnik Kazimira 1468 g.” [Code of Laws of Casimir of 1468] Drevneishie gosudarstva na territorii SSSR: Маterialy i issledovania. 1988–1989 gody. [Ancient States on the territory of the USSR: Materials and studies, 1988–1989] Мoscow, 1991, 170–340.

Statut Velikogo kniazhestva Litovskogo 1529. [Statute of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania of 1529] Мinsk, 1960.

Statut Vialikaga kniastva Litouskaga 1566 goda. [Statute of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania of 1566] Мinsk, 2003.

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Statut Vialikaga kniastva Litouskaga 1588. [Statute of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania of 1588] Мinsk, 2003.

Statut Vialikaga kniastva Litouskaga 1588. Teksty, davednik, kamentary. [Statute of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania of 1588. Texts, guide, comments] Мinsk, 1989.

Vitoldiana: Codex privilegiorum Vitoldi Magni Ducis Lithuaniae, 1386–1430. ed. Jerzy Ochmański, Warsaw–Poznań: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 1986.

XV–XVI a. Lietuvos lotyniškų knygų sąrašas. Index librorum latinorum Lituaniae saeculi quinti decimi et sexti decimi. [The index of the 15th–16th-century Latin Books of Lithuania] comp. Daiva Narbutienė, Sigitas Narbutas. Vilnius, 2002. Series: Senoji Lietuvos literatūra; 12. The list includes around 374 Latin books, published in or relating to the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

3.2. The Lithuanian Metrica

The most extensive collection of registers of ducal, princely and judicial records for the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, mainly in Latin and old Belarusian (‘Ruthenian’). 3.2.1. Studies

Berezhkov, N. G. Litovskaia metrika kak istoricheskii istochnik. [Lithuanian Metrica as historical source] Moscow–Leningrad, 1946.

Kennedy-Grimsted, P. and I. Sułkowska-Kurasiowa. The “Lithuanian Metrica” in Moscow and Warsaw: Reconstructing the Archives of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Including the Annotated Edition of the 1887 Inventory, compiled by Stanisław Ptaszycki. Harvard, 1984.

Ptashytski, S., comp. Opisanie knig i aktov Litovskoi Metriki. [The description of books and charters of Lithuanian Metrica] St.-Petersburg, 1887.

3.2.2. Published texts

Akty Litovskoi Metrirki, sobrannye zasluzhennym professorom imperatorskogo Varshavskogo universiteta F. I. Leontovichem. [Charters from the Lithuanian Metrica collected by professor of the Imperial University of Warsaw, F. I. Leontovich] 2 vols. Warsaw, 1896–1897.

Litovskaia Metrika. Knigi sudebnyh del. [Lithuanian Metrica] Vol. 1. Court Record books # 1–3. Russkaia istoricheskaia biblioteka [Russian historic library] 20 (1903).

Litovskaia Metrika. [Lithuanian Metrica] Vol. 1. Books of Inscriptions # 3–5/1. Russkaia istoricheskaia biblioteka. [Russian historic library] 27 (1910).

Litovskaia Metrika. [Lithuanian Metrica] Vol. 1. Books of Public Affairs # 2, 4, 5, 6/1, 7/1. Russkaia istoricheskaia biblioteka. [Russian historic library] 30 (1914).

Litovskaia Metrika. Kniga publichnych del. Perepisi voiska Litovskogo. [Lithuanian Metrica. Book of Public Affairs # 1. Census of Lithuanian Army] Russkaia istoricheskaia biblioteka. [Russian historic library] 33 (1915).

Kniga posol’skaia Velikogo kniazhestva Litovskogo 1506–1507. [Legation book of the Metrics of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, 1506–1507] Sbornik kniazia Obolenskogo: 1 (1838).

Kniga posol’skaia metriki Velikogo kniazhestva Litovskogo. [Legation book of the Metrics of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania] Vol. 1, 1545–1572. Moscow, 1843.

Kniga posol’skaia metriki Velikogo kniazhestva Litovskogo. [Legation book of the Metrics of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania] Vol. 2, 1573–1586. Moscow, 1845. Recent Belarusian publications

Metryka Vialikaga kniastva Litouskaga. [Metrica of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania] Book of Inscriptions # 28. (1522–1552). Minsk, 2000.

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Metryka Vialikaga kniastva Litouskaga. [Metrica of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania] Book of Inscriptions # 43. (1523–1560). Minsk, 2003.

Metryka Vialikaga kniastva Litouskaga. [Metrica of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania] Book of Inscriptions # 44. (1559–1566). Minsk, 2001.

Perapis vojska Vialikaga kniastva Litouskaga 1528 goda. Metryka Velikaga kniastva Litouskaga. Кniga 523. Kniga Publichnych sprau 1. [Census of the army of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Book 523. Book of Public Affairs # 1] Мinsk, 2003. Recent Lithuanian publications

Lietuvos Metrika. [Lithuanian Metrica] Vilnius, 1994–. (

(1380–1584); Užrašymų knyga 1, Knyga 1. [Book of Inscriptions 1, Book 1] Vilnius, 1998. The book represents an inventory of original documents issued immediately after the Union of Lublin. The documents were stored in the archives of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the 2d half of the 16th century.

(1440–1498); Užrašymų knyga 3, Knyga 3. [Book of Inscriptions 3, Book 3] Vilnius, 1998. The book is compiled of short inscriptions by the Grand Dukes of Lithuania – Casimir and Alexander, related to payments for service, grants of land and people. The 2d part of the book includes full texts of the privileges issued by Grand Duke Alexander.

(1427–1506); Užrašymų knyga 5, Knyga 5. [Book of Inscriptions 5, Book 5] Vilnius, 1993. The book is mostly compiled of the documents issued by Grand Duke Alexander: official appointments, instructions, privileges, court acts, charters, etc.

(1499–1514); Užrašymų knyga 8, Knyga 8. [Book of Inscriptions 8, Book 8] Vilnius, 1995. The book compiles different documents: privileges, letters, and official appointments, concerning contacts with the Crimean Khanate as well as charters issued by Grand Dukes Alexander, Sigismund the Old, etc.

(1440–1523); Užrašymų knyga 10, Knyga 10. [Book of Inscriptions 10, Book 10] Vilnius, 1997. The book consists of documents issued by the Lithuanian Grand Dukes Casimir and Sigismund the Old: privileges, official appointments, instructions for the army, etc.

(1518–1523); Užrašymų knyga 11, Knyga 11. [Book of Inscriptions 11, Book 11] Vilnius, 1997. The book contains documents written and confirmed by the chancery of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, concerning donations of estates, rental contracts, etc. Besides the decrees and letters by rulers, the inventories and other documents are included. The con-tent of this volume reflect the beginning of the political activities of Albertas Gostautas, chancellor of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania from 1522.

(1522–1529); Užrašymų knyga 12, Knyga 12. [Book of Inscriptions 12, Book 12] Vilnius, 2001. The book includes copies of the documents of the Grand Duke Sigismund the Old issued in 1522–1529: privileges, charters conferring Magdeburg law on towns, and etc.

(1528–1538); Užrašymų knyga 15, Knyga 15. [Book of Inscriptions 15, Book 15] Vilnius, 2002.

(1387–1546); Užrašymų knyga 25, Knyga 25 (Book of Inscriptions 25, Book 25). Vilnius, 1998.

3.3. Documents of church history and hagiography

Аrhiu uniiatskih mitrapalitau. Dakumenty pa gistoryi tsarkvy u Belarusi ХVІ–ХХ stst. u fondach gistarychnych arkhivau Ukrainy: Davednik. [Archives of the union metropolitans. Documents on the history of church in Belarus in the 16th–20th centuries from the holdings of the Ukrainian historical archives. Guide] Minsk–Polatsk, 2001.

Аrhiu uniiatskih mitrapalitau. Dakumenty pa gistoryi tsarkvy u Belarusi ХV–ХХ stst. u fondze “Kantsyliaryia mitrapalita greka-uniiatskih tserkvau u Rasii”: Davednik. [Archives of the union metropolitans. Documents on the history of church in Belarus in the 15th–20th

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century from the collection “Chancellery of metropolitan of the Greek union church in Russia. Guide] Minsk–Polatsk, 1999.

Baronas, Darius. Trys Vilniaus kankiniai: gyvenimas ir istorija. [The Three Martyrs of Vilnius: Life and History] Vilnius, 2000. Series: Fontes ecclesiastici historiae Lithuaniae; 2. The study is dedicated to the martyrdom and veneration of the Orthodox SS Anthony, John, and Eustathius of Vilnius who were executed by the order of the Grand Duke Algirdas ca. 1347, the subsequently developed cult and its political implications. The appendix includes sources on the lives and veneration of the saints from the 14th until the mid-18th century in Greek, Old Slavonic, Polish, and Russian with Lithuanian translation. English and Russian summary.

Baronas, Darius. “The Three Martyrs of Vilnius: a Fourteenth-Century Martyrdom and its Documentary Sources.” Analecta Bollandiana 122/1 (2004): 83–134. An English presentation of the research published in the above monograph.

Casimiriana I: fontes vitae et cultus S. Casimiri / Šv. Kazimiero gyvenimo ir kulto istorijos šaltiniai, comp. M. Čiurinskas, Vilnius, 2003. Series: Fontes ecclesiastici historiæ Lithuanianiæ 3. Introduced and commented selection of sources on the life of St Casimir (1458–1484) published in the original language with Lithuanian translation.

Casimiriana II: vitae antiquiores S. S. Casimiri / Ankstyvieji šv. Kazimiero “gyvenimai,” comp. M. Čiurinskas, Vilnius, 2004. Series: Fontes ecclesiastici historiæ Lithuanianiæ 4. Introduced and commented selection of the early lives of St Casimir (1458–1484).

Codex diplomaticus Ecclesiae Cathedralis necnon dioeceseos Vilnensis / Kodeks dyplomatyczny Katedry i diecezji Wileńskiej. Vol. 1, 1387–1507. ed. Jan Fijałek and Władysław Semkowicz. Cracow: Nakładem Polskiej Akademii Umiejętności, 1948.

Codex Mednicensis seu Samogitiae diocesis. Pt. 1, ed. Paulus Jatulis. Fontes Historiae Lituaniae 3. Rome: Academia Lituana Catholica Scientiarum, 1984. A collection of documents of the Samogitian diocese.

Giedroyć, Michał. “The Arrival of Christianity in Lithuania: Early Contacts (Thirteenth Century).” Oxford Slavonic Papers 18 (1985): 1–30.

Goldfrank, David M. “The Lithuanian Prince-Monk Vojšelk: A Study of Competing Legends,” Harvard Ukrainian Studies 11:1–2 (1987): 44–76.

Unia v dokumentach [The Union in the documents] Minsk, 1997. Vetera monumenta Poloniae et Lituaniae: gentiumque finitimarum historiam illustrantia

maximam partem nondum edita ex tabulariis Vaticanis deprompta collecta ac serie chronologica disposita. ed. Augustin Theiner. Vol. 1, Ab Honorio PP. III usque ad Gregorium PP. XII, 1217–1409. Vol. 2, Ab Ionne pp. XXII. Usque ad Pium pp. V., 1410–1572. Rome: n.p, 1860–1861; reprint: Osnabrück: Otto Zeller, 1969.

Visitatio Diocesis Samogitiae (A.D. 1579) / Žemaičių vyskupijos vizitacija (1579), ed. Liudas Jovaiša, introduced and commented by Juozas Tumelis and Liudas Jovaiša. Vilnius: aidai, 1998. Series: Fontes ecclesiastici historiae Lithuaniae 1. The first full edition of the acts of visitation.

3.4. Narratives: annals, chronicles, diaries, epistles

Belaruskiia letapisy i hroniki. [Belarusian annals and chronicles] Minsk, 1997. Memuary, otnosiashchiesia k istorii Iuzhnoi Rusi. [Memoirs concerning the history of South

Rus’] Kiev, 1896. Mihalon Litvin. О nravach tatar, litovtsev i moskvitsian. [On tempers of Tatars, Lithuanian,

and Muscovians] Мoscow, 1994. Polnoe sobranije russkikh letopisei. [The full collection of Russian annals] Vol. 32, Khroniki:

Litovskaya i zhomojtskaya, i Bykhovtsa. Letopisi: Barkulabovskaya, Averki i Pantsyrnogo. [Chronicles: Lithuanian and Samogitian, and of Bykhoviets. Annals of Barkulabov, Averka, and Pantsyrnyj] ed. N. N. Ulashchik. Moscow: Nauka, 1975.

Polnoe sobranije russkikh letopisej. [The full collection of Russian annals] Vol. 35, Letopisi belorussko-litovskie. [The Belorus’ian-Lithuanian annals] ed. N. N. Ulashchik, Moscow:

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Nauka, 1980. Pomniki starazhytnai beleruskai litaratury. [Collections of ancient Belarusian literature]

Minsk, 1975. Stryjkowski M. Kronika Polska, Litеwska, Żmódzka i wszystkiej Rusi. [Chronicle of Poland,

Lithuania, Samogitia and all Rus’] 2 vols. Warszawa, 1844–1846.

4. Handbooks, studies, and reference works

4.1. Lithuania

4.1.1. General

Gudavičius, E. Lietuvos istorija. [The history of Lithuania] Vol. 1, Nuo seniausių laikų iki 1569 metų. [From the Ancient Times to 1569] Vilnius, 1999. The author surveys the history of Lithuania in the context of European history. The issue of Polish–Lithuanian relations and their impacts i discussed in a broad cultural and political context. The edition is enriched with visual material.

Gudavičius, Edvardas. Mindaugas. Vilnius: Žara, 1998. The first monograph on the life and deeds of the first and only king of Lithuania Mindaugas / Mindowe (1253–1263). Special attention is paid to the formation of the Lithuanian state.

Ivinskis, Z. Lietuvos istorija: iki Vytauto Didžiojo mirties. [The History of Lithuania: until the death of Vytautas the Great] Vilnius, 1991. [Reprint of 1978 publication introduced and comented by E. Gudavičius] Series: Lietuvos istoriografija. The most important work of famous emigrant historian dedicated to the survey of Lithuanian historiography as well as history of Lithuania from the ancient times to the early 15th century.

Jovaišas, A., et al. eds. Metraščiai ir kunigaikščių laiškai. [The Annals and the Dukes’ Letters] LLTI; Vilnius, 1996. Series: Senoji Lietuvos literatūra, Book 4. The book is devoted to the letters of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania, Lithuanian Annals, and the dilemma of the beginning of written language in Lithuania. The edition is dedicated to the oldest period of Lithuanian writings: letters of Gediminas, Algirdas, and Vytautas. A short collection of Lithuanian chronicles is included.

Kiaupa, Zigmantas, Jūratė Kiaupienė, Algimantas Kuncevičius. The History of Lithuania before 1795. Vilnius: Arlila, 2000. Contetns: Z. Kiaupa, “The Grand Duchy of Lithuania from the Establishment of the State to the Union of Lublin: I. Establishment of the State,” “Gediminian Lithuania before Christianization,” “The Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the Republic of Two Nations, 1569–1795: I: The Country and Its People,” “The Traits of the Political History of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania from Sigismund Vasa up to Augustus III,” and “Research Review: 2. History of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.”

Kiaupa, Zigmantas. The History of Lithuania. Vilnius: Baltos lankos, 2002. An English translation of the synthesis of Lithuanian history from the ancient times until the restoration of the country’s independence in 1990.

Rowell S. C. Lithuania Ascending: A pagan empire within east-central Europe, 1295–1345. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994. Thus far, the best account of the early Lithuanian history in English.

4.1.2. Special (selection from mainly non-Lithuanian-language titles)

Backus, O. Motives of West Russian Nobles in Deserting Lithuania for Moscow in 1377–1514 (1957).

Kiaupa, Zigmantas. “Die litauischen Städte im Spätmittelalter – zwischen eineger Herkunft und dem Einfluß ausländischer Nachbarn.” In Zwischen Lübeck und Novgorod: Wirtschaft, Politik und Kultur im Ostseeraum vom frühen Mittelalter bis ins 20. Jahrhundert: Norbert Angermann zum 60. Geburtstag; hrsg. v. O. Pelc, G. Pickhan. Luneburg, 1996, 167–177.

Kiaupienė, J. “Die litauische Forschung zu den litauisch-deutschen Beziehungen des 15. bis

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19. Jahrhunderts.” In Deutschland und Litauen. Bestandsaufnahmen und Aufgaben der historischen Forschung; hrsg. v. N. Angermann, J. Tauber. Luneburg, 1995, 45–54.

Kiaupienė, J. “Das historische Erbe des Grossfürstentums Litauen: Erfolge und Verluste.” Litauen. Nachbar im Osten Europas. hrsg. v. J. Hackmann. Köln, 1996, 13–26.

Kiaupienė, J. “Das Bild des Grossfürstentums Litauen in der Historiographie.” Revue Baltique 6 (1996): 5–15.

Kiaupienė, J. “Geschichtsquellen des Ostseeraumes in der Litauischen Metrik.” In Zwischen Lubeck und Novgorod. Wirtschaft, Politik und Kultur im Ostseeraum vom fruhen Mittelalter bis ins 20. Jahrhundert: Norbert Angermann zum 60. Geburtstag; hrsg. v. O. Pelc, G. Pickhan. Lüneburg, 1996, 223–232.

Kiaupienė J. “The Grand Duchy of Lithuania in East Central Europe or once again about the Lithuanian–Polish Union.” Lithuanian Historical Studies 2 (1997): 56–71.

Lietuvos heraldika. [The Heraldry of Lithuania] sud. E. Rimša. Kn. 1. Vilnius, 1998. English trans. The Heraldry of Lithuania / comp. by E. Rimša. Book 1. Vilnius, 1998.

Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigaikštijos kultūra: tyrinėjimai ir vaizdai. [The Culture of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania: Studies and Views] comp. V. Ališauskas, et al. Vilnius, 2001. This encyclopedic publication contains topical articles on various aspects of history and culture of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

Pashuto, Vladimir T. Obrazovanie Litovskogo gosudarstva [The formation of the Lithuanian state] Moscow, 1959. A thorough Marxist analysis of the early Lithuanian statehood. Petrauskas, Rimvydas. Lietuvos diduomenė XIV a. pabaigoje XV a. Sudėtis – struktūra –

valdžia [Lithuanian nobility at the end of the 14th and in the 15th century. Composition – structure – power] Vilnius, 2003. An exhaustive study of the rise and establishment of Lithuanian nobility appended with a thorough catalogue of nobles, their families, and positions. German summary.

Petrauskas, Rimvydas. “The Lithuanian Nobility in the Late Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries: Composition and Structure.” Lithuanian Historical Studies 7 (2002): 1–22. An English summery of the monograph listed above.

Rowell S. C. “Dynastic Bluff? The Road to Mielnik, 1385–1501.” Lithuanian Historical Studies 6 (2001).

Rowell S. C. “The Jagiellonians and the Stars: Dynasty-Sponsored Astrology in Fifteenth-Century Poland-Lithuania.” Lithuanian Historical Studies 7 (2002).

Rowell S. C. “Of men and monsters: Sources for the history of Lithuania in the time of Gediminas (ca.1315–1342).” Journal of Baltic Studies 23 (1993): 73–112. Presents and reviews sources for Lithuanian 14th-c. history mostly published in collections of Western Europe

Rowell S. C. “Pious princesses or the daughters of Belial: pagan Lithuanian dynastic diplomacy 1279–1423.” Medieval Prosopography 15 (1994): 1–77. An in-depth analysis of the female role in dynastic politics of the early Gediminids.

4.2. Belarus (short selection)

Bibliiagrafiia pa gistoryi Belarusi: Feadalizm i kapitalizm. [Belarusian history Bibliography: Feudalism and Capitalism] Minsk, 1969.

Entsyklapedyia gistoryi Belarusi. [Encyclopedia of the History of Belarus] 6 vols. Мinsk, 1993–2002.

Kniga Belorussii: 1517–1917. Svodnyj katalog. [The book of Belarus: 1517–1917. Consolidated catalogue] Minsk, 1986.

Krautsevich, A. Stvarenne Vialikaga kniastva Litouskaga. [Foundation of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania] Rzeszów, 2000.

Religia i tsarkva na Belarusi: Entsyklapedychny davednik. [Religion and church in Belarus: Encyclopedia] Мinsk, 2001.

Saganovich, G. Narys gistoryi Belarusi ad starazhytnastsi da kanca XVIII st. [Outline of the History of Belarus from ancient times till the end of the 18th c.] Minsk, 2001.

Lithuania and Belarus


Vialikae kniastva litouskae: gistoryia vyvuchennia u 1991–2003 = Grand Duchy of Lithuania: History of Research, 1991–2003. Minsk, 2005.

See also: Poland Central Archive of Old Acts = Archiwum główne akt dawnych (Warsaw) – (as below, p. 20) Muzeum Czartoryskich – (as below, p. 32.) Russia Russian State Archives of Old Acts (Российский государственный архив древних актов) Moscow – Latvia Latvian State Historic Archives – (as above, p. 6.) Germany Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preussischer Kulturbesitz (Berlin)




(containing also sources regarding Lithuania, Prussia and Silesia)

1. Archival resources

1.1. Description of archives (selection)

Archiwa w Polsce. Informator adresowy. The Archives in Poland. The archival directory. Warszawa, 2002. Basic information about Polish archives; text also in English.

Barycz, Henryk, ed. Historia archiwum Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. [History of the Archives of the Jagiellonian University] Kraków, 1965.

Bielecka, J. Inwentarze ksiąg archiwów grodzkich i ziemskich Wielkopolski XIV–XVIII wieku. Województwo poznańskie, kaliskie, gnieźnieńskie, inowrocławskie. [Inventories of the Land and City Records of the Province of Greater Poland in 14th–18th Century. Districts of Poznań, Kalisz, Gniezno and Inowrocław] Poznań, 1965. A basic description of the land and city records in archives in Poznań.

Biernat, Czesław. Archiwa Państwowe w Gdańsku. [State Archives of Gdańsk] Łódź, 1992. A basic description of the collections in archives in Gdańsk.

Czaplicka J.; Klesińska W. Archiwum miasta Elbląga. Przewodnik po zespołach 1242–1945. [City Archives of Elbing. Records Inventory 1242–1945] Warszawa, 1970.

Friedberg, Marian, Inwentarz archiwum miasta Kazimierza pod Krakowem 1335–1802. [Inventory of City Archives of Kazimierz near Cracow] Warszawa, 1966.

Kaczmarczyk, K.; Kowalski, B. Katalog archiwum opactwa cystersów w Mogile [Archives Catalogue of the Cistercian Abbey in Mogiła] Kraków, 1919.

Kolak, Wacław. Inwentarz akt jurydyk krakowskich 1412–1809. [Inventory of the Records Regarding the Suburbs of Cracow 1412–1809] Warszawa, 1968.

Kolankowski, Z. Przewodnik po zespołach i zbiorach Archiwum Polskiej Akademii Nauk [Guide book to the Records and Collection of the Archives of the Polish Academy of Sciences] Warszawa, 1965.

Kozłowski, Kazimierz, ed. Archiwa polskie i ich zbiory. [Polish Archives and their Collections] Warszawa 2000. Basic information about Polish archives; text also in English.

Przewodnik po zasobie archiwalnym Archiwum Państwowego Miasta Poznania i Województwa Poznańskiego oraz jego archiwów terenowych. [Guide book to the Archival Collections of the State Archives in Poznań and its Local Branches] Warszawa, 1969.

Węsierska-Biernatowa T.; J. Czaplicka; M. Stawoszewska. Archiwum miasta Gdańska. Przewodnik po zespołach 1253–1945. [Archives of the Gdańsk City. Guide Book to the Collections 1253–1945] Warszawa, 1970.

Wyczawski, Hieronim Eugeniusz. Przygotowanie do studiów archiwalnych kościelnych. [Introduction to Ecclesiastical Archival Studies] Kalwaria Zebrzydowska, 1990. Extensive introduction with basic information about changes in Catholic Church administration, orders, history of the ecclesiastical archives as well as basic terminology.

Tomczak, Antoni. Zarys dziejów archiwów polskich. [Outline of the History of the Polish Archives] 2nd ed. Toruń, 1982. Most popular history of the Polish archives from the Middle Ages to the 20th century; academic handbook.

Zielińska, Teresa, ed. Archiwum Główne Akt Dawnych. Informator o zasobie. [Main Archives of Old Records. Prospectus] Warszawa, 1992. Basic information about Main Archives of Old Records which houses mainly Royal Court and central administration records.

1.2. Archival inventories

Dereń, A.; Żerelik, R.,eds. Archiwum Państwowe we Wrocławiu. Przewodnik pod zasobie archiwalnym do 1945 roku. [State Archives of Wrocław = Breslau. Guide Book to



Archival Collections till 1945] Wrocław, 1996. Brief description of the every collection of the State Archives in Breslau, possibly the richest in Poland for medieval studies.

Katalog Archiwum Aktów Dawnych Miasta Krakowa. [Catalogue of the Archive of the Old Records of Cracow ] Vol. l: Dyplomy pergaminowe [Parchment Documents], Vol. 2: Rękopisy. Nr 1–3568 [Manuscripts Ms 1–3568] Vol. 1–2, Kraków, 1907–1915. Old but still valuable catalogue, some of the documents and manuscripts were lost during WW2.

Piechota, Regina; Kobierska-Motas, Elżbieta. Katalog inwentarzy archiwalny. [Catalogue of Archival Inventories] Vol. 2, Warszawa, 1977. Updated and emended catalogue of the inventories in public archives.

Płaza, Stanisław. Źródła rękopiśmienne do dziejów wsi w Polsce feudalnej. Studium archiwoznawcze. [Manuscript Sources to the History of Villages in Feudal Poland. Archival Study] Warszawa, 1976. Description of manuscript sources, mostly medieval, regarding social and economic history of village in Poland in feudal period.

Stebelska, Halina; Pestkowska, Maria. Katalog inwentarzy archiwalny. [Catalogue of Archival Inventories] Vol. 1, Warszawa, 1971. A basic catalogue of the inventories in public archives.

Sułkowska-Kurasiowa, Irena; Woźniakowa, M., eds. Inwentarz Metryki Koronnej. Księgi wpisów i dekretów polskiej kancelarii królewskiej z lat 1447–1795. [Register of the Royal Court Chancellery. The Books of Inscriptions and Decrees of the Polish Royal Chancellery in 1447–1795] Warszawa, 1975.

1.3. Publication of records

Radzimiński, Andrzej; Tandecki, Janusz. Katalog dokumentów i listów krzyżackich Archiwum Państwowego w Toruniu. [Catalogue of the Documents and Letters Issued by the Teutonic Knights Preserved at the State Archives in Toruń] Vol. 1, (1251–1454), Warszawa, 1994. Introduction also in German.

Radzimiński, Andrzej; Tandecki, Janusz. Katalog dokumentów i listów krzyżackich oraz dotyczących wojny trzynastoletniej z Archiwum Państwowego w Toruniu. [Catalogue of the Documents and Letters Issued by the Teutonic Knights as well as Acts regarding Thirteen Years War Preserved at the State Archives in Toruń] Vol. 2 (1454–1510). Warszawa, 1998. Introduction also in German.

Radzimiński, Andrzej; Tandecki, Janusz. Katalog dokumentów i listów królewskich z Archiwum Państwowego w Toruniu (1345–1789) [Catalogue of the Royal Documents and Letters Preserved at the State Archives in Toruń (1345–1789)] Warszawa, 1999.

Urban, Wincenty, ed. Katalog dokumentów Archiwum Archidiecezjalnego we Wrocławiu. Catalogus diplomatum Archivi Archidioecesiani in Wratislavia, Part 1: Dokumenty oznaczone sygnaturami alfabetycznymi, [Documents with Alphabetical Bar Codes] n. p. 1970.

2. Polish archives with significant medieval holdings

Archiwum Główne Akt Dawnych w Warszawie [Main Archives of the Old Records in Warsaw] ul. Długa 7, PL-00-263 Warszawa, Poland Tel: +48 22 831 5491 Fax: +48 22 831 1608 Archiwum Państwowe w Gdańsku [State Archive in Gdańsk] ul. Wały Piastowskie, PL-580-958 Gdańsk, skr. poczt. 401, Poland Tel: +48 58 301 7463; +48 58 301 74 64 Fax: +48 58 301 8366



Archiwum Państwowe w Poznaniu [State Archive in Poznań] ul. 23 Lutego 41/43, PL-60-967 Poznań, skr. Poczt. 546 Tel: +48 61 852 4601 do 03 Fax: +48 61 851 7310 Archiwum Państwowe w Toruniu [State Archive in Toruń] Oddział I (materiały archiwalne wytworzone do końca XVIII w.) Plac Rapackiego 4, PL-87-100 Toruń, Poland Tel: +48 56 622 4754 Fax: +48 56 621 0129 Archiwum Państwowe we Wrocławiu [State Archive in Wrocław] ul. Pomorska 2, PL-50-215 Wrocław, Poland Tel: +48 71 328 8101 Fax: +48 71 328 8045 Archiwum Państwowe w Szczecinie [State Archive in Szczecin] Ul. Św. Wojciecha 13, PL-70-410 Szczecin, Poland Tel: +48-91-433-5002 Fax: +48-91-434-3896 Archiwum Państwowe w Krakowie [State Archives in Cracow] Ul. Sienna 16, PL-30960 Kraków, Poland Tel: +48 12 4224094 or 421 2790 Fax +48 12 421 3544

3. Major publications of laws and charters

Monumenta medii aevi historica res gestas Poloniae illustrantia. ed. Polska Akademia Umiejętności, including the following volumes:

Vol. l: Piekosiński, Franciszek, ed. Cathedralis ad S. Venceslaum ecclesiae Cracoviensis diplomatici codicis pars prima 1166–1366. Kodeks dyplomatyczny katedry krakowskiej Św. Wacława. Kraków, 1874.

Vol. 2: Sokołowski, August; Szujski, Józef, eds. Codex epistolaris saeculi decimi quinti. Kraków, 1876.

Vol. 3: Piekosiński, Franciszek, ed. Codex diplomaticus Poloniae Minoris, pars l. Kodeks dyplomatyczny Małopolski, cz. 1: 1178–1386. Kraków, 1876.

Vol. 4: Piekosiński, Franciszek; Szujski, Józef, eds. Libri antiquissimi Civitatis Cracoviensis 1300–1400. Najstarsze księgi miejskie krakowskie. Kraków, 1878.

Vol. 5: Piekosiński, Franciszek, ed. Codex diplomaticus Civitatis Cracoviensis, pars l. Kodeks dyplomatyczny miasta Krakowa, cz. 1: 1257–1506. Kraków, 1879.

Vol. 6: Prochaska, Antoni, ed. Codex epistolaris Vitoldi magni ducis Lithuaniae 1376–1430. Kraków, 1882.

Vol. 7: Piekosiński, Franciszek, ed. Codex diplomaticus Civitatis Cracoviensis, pars 2–4: 1336–1506. Kraków, 1882.

Vol. 8: Piekosiński, Franciszek, ed. Cathedralis ad S. Venceslaum ecclesiae Cracoviensis diplomatici codicis pars secunda 1367–1423. Kraków, 1883.

Vol. 9: Piekosiński, Franciszek, ed. Codex diplomaticus Poloniae Minoris, pars 2: 1153–1333. Kraków, 1886.

Vol. 10: Piekosiński, Franciszek, ed. Codex diplomaticus Poloniae Minoris, pars 3: 1333–1386. Kraków, 1887.

Vol. 11: Lewicki, Antoni, ed. Index auctorum saeculi XV ad res publicas Poloniae spectantium, quae quidem typis edita sunt. Kraków, 1888.



Vol. 12: Lewicki, Antoni, ed. Codex epistolaris saeculi decimi quinti. pars 2, Kraków, 1891. Vol. 13: Ulanowski, Bolesław, ed. Acta capitulorum nec non iudiciorum ecclesiasticorum

selecta, wyd. B. Ulanowski, pars 1: Acta capitulorum Gneznensis, Poznaniensis et Vladislaviensis (1408–1530). Kraków, 1894.

Vol. 14: Lewicki, Antoni, ed. Codex epistolaris saeculi decimi quinti. Kraków, 1894. Vol. 15: Piekosiński, Franciszek, ed. Rationes curiae Vladislai Jagellonis et Hedwigis regum

Poloniae 1388–1420. Kraków, 1896. Vol. 16: Ulanowski, Bolesław, ed. Acta capitulorum nec non iudiciorum ecclesiasticorum

selecta, pars 2: Acta iudiciorum ecclesiasticorum dioecesum Gneznensis et Poznaniensis (1403–1530). Kraków, 1902.

Vol. 17: Piekosiński, Franciszek, ed. Codex diplomaticus Poloniae Minoris, pars 4: 1386–1450. Kraków, 1905.

Vol. 18: Ulanowski, Bolesław, ed. Acta capitulorum nec non iudiciorum ecclesiasticorum selecta, pars 3: Acta iudiciorum ecclesiasticorum Dioecesum Plocensis, Wladislaviensis et Gneznensis (1422–1533). Kraków, 1908.

Vol. 19: Papée, Fryderyk, ed. Acta Alexandri regis Poloniae, magni ducis Lithuaniae etc. (1501–1506), Kraków, 1927.

This edition is still valuable and useful, although some diplomatic codices were wrongly edited; all 19 volumes were reprinted in New York–Warsaw in 1965.

Monumenta Poloniae Vaticana, includes the following volumes: Vol. 1–2: Ptaśnik, Jan, ed. Acta Camerae Apostolicae (1207–1374). Kraków, 1913. Vol. 3: Ptaśnik, Jan, ed. Analecta Vaticana 1202–1366. Kraków, 1914. Vol. 4: Boratyński, Ludwik, ed. J. A. Caligarii, Epistolae et acta 1578–1581. Kraków, 1915. Vol. 5–7: Kuntze, Edward; Nanke Czesław, eds. Alberti Bolognetti nuncii apostolici in

Polonia epistolae et acta. Kraków, 1920–1950. Vol. 8 part l: Długopolski, Edmund, ed. Acta Bonifacii Papae IX, 1389–1391. Kraków 1939–

1946. Vol. 9: Szczur, Stanisław, ed. Acta Camerae Apostolicae. Liber colectoris apostolici Petri,

filii Stephani 1373–1375. Kraków, 1994.

* * *

Broel-Plater, Włodzimierz Stanisław, ed. Zbiór pamiętników do dziejów polskich. [Collection of Sources for Polish History], Vol. 1–3. Warszawa, 1858. Documents, chronicles, memoirs and other writings composed in the 15th and 16th centuries.

Bunge, Friedrich Georg; Arbusow Leonid, eds. Liv-, Esth- und Curländisches Urkundenbuch nebst Regesten. Abteilung 1–2, Bd. 17, Reval–Riga–Moskau, 1853–1914, neue Aufl., hrsg. von F. Benninghoven, Hamburg, 1959.

Chłopocka, Helena, ed. Lites ac res gestae inter Polonos Ordinemque Cruciferorum. Spory i sprawy pomiędzy Polakami a Zakonem Krzyżackim. Vol. 1: Sprawa wytoczona w Inowrocławiu i Brześciu Kujawskim w latach 1320–1321. Wrocław–Warszawa–Kraków 1970; Vol. 2, Wrocław–Warszawa–Kraków, 1996. Edition of the documents regarding the litigations between Poland and the Teutonic Knights in the 14th and 15th centuries, partly reedited and emended by later editors.

Ciesielska, Karola; Janosz-Biskupowa, Irena, eds. Księga komturstwa gdańskiego. [Records Book of the Teutonic Knights District Office in Gdańsk] Warszawa, 1985. Edition of the documents and other acts, inscribed in Records book of the Teutonic Knights District Office in Gdańsk.

Ehrenberg, Hermann, ed. Urkunden und Aktenstücke zur Geschichte der in der heutigen Provinz Posen vereinigten ehemals polnischen Landesteile, im Auftrage des Provinzialausschusses der Provinz Posen in italienischen Archiven und Bibliotheken, vornehmlich dem Vatikanischen Archiv gesammelt. Leipzig, 1892. Register contains the documents issued in 1345–1801 regarding the territory of Greater Poland.



Estreicher, Stanisław, ed. Antiquum registrum privilegiorum et statutorum Civitatis Cracoviensis. Najstarszy zbiór przywilejów i wilkierzy miasta Krakowa. Kraków, 1936. Calendar containing the oldest privileges granted to the city of Cracow as well as its descriptions.

Górski, Karol; Biskup, Marian, eds. Akta Stanów Prus Królewskich. [Acts of the Provincial Council of Royal Pomerania] Vol. l (1479–1488), Toruń 1955; vol. 2 (1489–1492), 1957; Vol. 3 (1492–1501), 1961–1963; Vol. 4 (1501–1506), 1967; Vol. 5, ed. M. Biskup, part l (1506–1508), Poznań 1973, part 2 (1508–1511), Poznań 1974, part 3 (1511–1512), Warszawa–Poznań, 1975; ed. M. Biskup, I. Janosz-Biskupowa, Warszawa; Vol. 6 (1512–1515), 1979; Vol. 7 (1516–1520), 1986; Vol. 8 (1520–1526), Warszawa–Toruń, 1993. Edition of the documents and other acts issued by the Provincial Council of Royal (Western) Pomerania.

Guldon, Zenon; Kabaciński, Ryszard; Kallas; Marian; Wojciak, Jerzy eds. Dokumenty do dziejów Kujaw i Ziemi Dobrzyńskiej XIV-XIX wieku [Documents on the History of Cujavia and Dobrzyń Land in the 14th–19th centuries] Warszawa-Poznań, 1974. Includes the most important medieval records for the two regions.

Joachim, Erich; Hubatsch, Walter, eds. Regesta historico-diplomatica Ordinis S. Mariae Theutonicorum 1198–1525, pars 1–2, Göttingen, 1948–1950, Register, Göttingen, 1965, Vol. 3 pars l: Index Tabularii Ordinis S. Mariae Theutonicorum 1511–1525. Göttingen–Zürich, 1973.

Kaczmarczyk, Kazimierz, ed. Catalogus diplomatum pergameneorum Universitatis Jagellonicae Cracoviensis. Kraków, 1953.

Kętrzyński, Wojciech; Smolka, Stanisław, eds. Codex diplomaticus monasterii Tynecensis. Kodeks dyplomatyczny tyniecki. pars 1 (1105–1399). Lwów, 1885. Edition of the medieval documents related to the oldest (still existing) medieval Benedictine Abbey in Tyniec, near Cracow.

Klempin, Rudolf; Prümers, Rodrigo et al. eds. Pommersches Urkundenbuch: Bd. 1 (786–1253), hrsg. v. Rudolf Klempin, R. Prümers, Stettin 1868–1877; Bd. 2 (1254–1286), hrsg. v. R. Prümers, Stettin 1881–1890; Bd. 3 (1287–1295), hrsg. v. R. Prümers, Stettin 1891; Bd. 4 (1301–1310), hrsg. v. G. Winter, Stettin 1903; Bd. 5 (1311–1320), hrsg. v. O. Heinemann, Stettin 1905; Bd. 6 (1321–1324), hrsg. v. O. Heinemann, Stettin 1906; Bd. 7 1326–1330 und Nachträge, hrsg. v. H. Frederichs, E. Sandow, 1934–1940; [Bd. 1–6 reprint Aalen 1970]; Bd. 1–2, newly edited by K. Conrad, Köln–Wien: Böhlau, 1970; Bd. 8 (1331–1335), hrsg. v. E. Assmann, Köln–Graz 1961; Bd. 9 (1336–1340), bearb. V. K. Conrad, 1984; Bd. 10 (1341–1345), bearb. V. K. Conrad, 1990.

Koczy, Leon, ed. University of Cracow. Documents Concerning its Origins. (General Sikorski Historical Institute) Dundee, 1966. Edition of the oldest documents regarding the founding and later development of the Cracow University under the Jagiellonian kings.

Korta, Wacław, et alii, eds. Regesty śląskie. [Silesian Regesta] Wrocław–Warszawa–Kraków, Vol. l (1343–1348), ed. Kazimierz Bobowski, 1975; Vol. 2 (1349–1354), ed. K. Bobowski, 1983; Vol. 3 (1355–1357), ed. J. Gilewska-Dubis, 1990; Vol. 4 (1358–1359), ed. J. Gilewska-Dubis, K. Bobowski, Wrocław–Warszawa, 1992; Vol. 5 (1360), ed. J. Gilewska-Dubis, Wrocław–Warszawa, 1992.

Korwin-Kochanowski, , Jan, ed. Codex diplomaticus et commemorationum Masoviae generalis. Vol. l, Warszawa, 1919.

Kuraś, Stanisław, ed. Zbiór dokumentów katedry i diecezji krakowskiej. [Collection of the Documents regarding the Cathedral and Diocese of Cracow] Vol. l (1063–1415), Lublin 1965; Vol. 2 (1416–1450). Lublin, 1973. Edition of the documents issued by various secular and Church officials.

Lekszycki, Joseph, ed. Die ältesten großpolnischen Grodbücher. Vol. l: Posen 1386–1399, Poznań, 1887; Bd. 2: Peisern [Pyzdry] 1390–1400, Gnesen [Gniezno] 1390–1399, Kosten [Kościan] 1391–1400. Poznań, 1889. Edition of the oldest city register books of the province of Greater Poland; both volumes were reprinted in Osnabrück in 1965.



Maisel, Witold, ed. Ortyle sądów wyższych miast wielkopolskich z XV i XVI w. [Court Verdicts of the Main Towns in Greater Poland in the 15th and 16th centuries] Wrocław, 1959.

Maisel, Witold, ed. Wilkierze poznańskie. [Records of the Poznań City] Vol. l: Administracja i sądownictwo. [Administration and Juridical System] Wrocław–Warszawa–Kraków, 1966; Vol. 2: Handel, rzemiosło i rolnictwo. [Trade, Crafts and Agriculture] Wrocław–Warszawa–Kraków, 1968; Vol. 3: Organizacja cechowa. [Guilds’ Organization] Wrocław–Warszawa–Kraków, 1969.

Maisel, Witold, ed. Przywileje miasta Poznania XIII–XVIII wieku. [Privileges of the City of Poznań in the 13th–18th centuries] Poznań, 1994. Edition of the medieval and modern privileges granted by kings and other officials to city of Poznań.

Maleczyński, Karol, ed. Codex diplomaticus nec non epistolaris Silesiae. Vol. 1–3, Wrocław 1951–1964.

Ochmański, Jerzy, ed. Vitoldiana. Codex privilegiorum Vitoldi magni ducis Lithuaniae 1386–1430. Warszawa, 1986. Edition of the documents issued by Witold (Vytautas), Grand Duke of Lithuania.

Perlbach, Max, ed. Pommerellisches Urkundenbuch. Danzig, 1882; reprint: Aalen, 1969. Edition of the medieval documents regarding the history of province of Eastern Pomerania (Pommerellen).

Perzanowski, Zbigniew, ed. Codex diplomaticus Maioris Poloniae, series nova. Vol. l: Diplomata abbatiae Lubinensis saec. XIII–XV. Dokumenty Opactwa lubińskiego z XIII–XV w. Warszawa–Poznań, 1975. Edition of the medieval documents regarding the history of the oldest Benedictine Abbey in Great Poland, in Lubiń.

Philippi, F.; Woelky, Carl Peter; et al., eds. Preußisches Urkundenbuch, Königsberg. Bd. L, Hälfte 1–2, hrsg. v. R. Philippi, C. P. Woelky, 1882; reprint: Aalen, 1961; Hälfte 3, hrsg. v. A. Seraphim, 1909; Bd. 2 (1309–1335), hrsg. v. M. Hein, E. Maschke, 1939; Bd. 3, Lief. l (1336–1341), hrsg. v. M. Hein, 1944, repr. Aalen 1961, Lief. 2 (1342–1345), hrsg. v. H. Koeppen, Marburg/L. 1958; Bd. 4 (1346–1351), hrsg. v. H. Koeppen, Marburg 1960; Bd. 5, Lief. l (1352–1356), hrsg. v. K. Conrad, H. Koeppen, Marburg 1969, Lief. 2 (1357–1361), hrsg. v. K. Conrad, H. Koeppen, Marburg, 1973, Lief. 3: Nachträge und Register, hrsg. v. K. Conrad, Marburg 1975; Bd. 6, Lief. l (1362–1366), hrsg. v. K. Conrad, Marburg, 1986. Edition of the medieval documents regarding the history of the province of Prussia under the Teutonic Knights’ reign.

Rzyszczewski, Leon; Muczkowski, Józef., eds. Codex diplomaticus Poloniae, Vol. 1–2, Warszawa, 1847–1852; Vol. 3, ed. L. Bartoszewicz, Warszawa, 1858; Vol. 4, ed. M. Bobowski, Warszawa, 1887. Edition of the documents regarding the history of Poland in the Middle Ages; most of the documents critically reedited.

Sawicki, Józef, ed. Concilia Poloniae. Źródła i studia krytyczne. [Concilia Poloniae. Sources and Critical Studies] Vol. 1–9, Lublin, 1945–1957. Each volume is dedicated to single bishopric and contains the local council records, mainly from the 16th century.

Schlesisches Urkundenbuch, hrsg. von der Historischen Kommission für Schlesien, Bd. l, bearb. v. Heinrich Appelt, Lief. l (971–1216), Graz–Wien–Köln 1963, Lief. 2 (1217–1230), 1968, Lief. 3 (Falschungen und Register), 1971; bearb. V. W. Irgang: Bd. 2 (1231–1250), 1977; Bd. 3 (1251–1266), 1984; Bd. 4 (1267–1281), 1988. Basic edition of the medieval documents regarding the history of Silesia.

Suchodolska, Ewa, ed. Regesty dokumentów mazowieckich z lat 1248–1345. Warszawa, 1980. Edition of the calendars of the medieval documents pertaining to the history of Masovia in 1248–1345.

Sułkowska-Kuraś, Irena; Kuraś, Stanisław, eds. Zbiór dokumentów małopolskich. [Collection of the Documents regarding Lesser Poland = Małopolska], Wrocław–Warszawa–Kraków: Vol. l (1257–1420), 1962; Vol. 2 (1421–1441), 1962–1963; Vol. 3 (1442–1450), 1969; Vol. 4 (1211–1400), 1969; Vol. 5 (1401–1440), 1970; Vol. 6: Dokumenty króla Władysława Jagiełły z lat 1386–1417. [Documents issued by King Wladislaw Jagiello in



1386–1417], 1974; Vol. 7: Dokumenty króla Władysława Jagiełły z lat 1418–1434. [Documents issued by King Wladislaw Jagiello in 1418–1434] 1975; Vol. 8 (1435–1442), 1975. Basic edition of the medieval documents regarding the history of Lesser Poland (Małopolska).

Sułkowska-Kuraś, Irena; Kuraś, Stanisław, eds. Codex diplomaticus Masoviae novus, pars II annorum 1248–1355. Wrocław–Warszawa–Kraków, 1989; pars III, Index, ed. J. Piętka, ib. 1993. Edition of the medieval documents pertaining to the history of Masovia, intended as the continuation of the Codex diplomaticus edited by J. Korwin-Kochanowski (see above).

Sułkowska-Kuraś, Irena, Stanisław Kuraś, eds. Bullarium Poloniae, (Vol. 4 with Henryk Wajs), Vol. l (1000–1342), Roma–Lublin, 1982; Vol. 2 (1343–1378), Roma–Lublin, 1985; Vol. 3 (1378–1417), Roma–Lublin, 1988; Vol. 4 (1417–1431), Roma–Lublin, 1992. Edition of papal bulls and other documents regarding history of Kingdom of Poland (partly full edition, partly only short description of already published documents).

Szacherska, Stella Maria, ed. Zbiór dokumentów i listów miasta Płocka. Vol. l, Warszawa, 1975; vol. 2, Warszawa, 1987. Register of the documents and letters issued by the town of Płock (but also regarding other towns and regions).

Szelińska, Wacława; Tomaszewicz, Janina, eds. Katalog dokumentów pergaminowych Biblioteki Czartoryskich w Krakowie. [Catalogue of the Parchment Documents of the Czartoryski Library in Cracow] Vol. 1. Dokumenty z lat 1148–1506. [Documents issued in 1148–1506] Kraków, 1975.

Theiner, August, ed. Vetera monumenta Poloniae et Lithuaniae gentiumque finitimarum historiam illustrantia maximam partem nondum edita ex tabulariis Vaticanis deprompta, collecta ac serie chronologica deposita. 4 vols. Roma, 1860–1864. Edition of the documents regarding the history of Poland and Lithuania in the Middle Ages, based mainly on the Vatican Archives, still valuable.

Töppen, Max, ed. Akten der Ständetage Preußens unter der Herrschaft des deutschen Ordens. Bd. 1–3, Leipzig, 1878–1882; reprint: Aalen, 1973–1974. Edition of the documents and other acts issued by the Provincial Councils in Prussian under the Teutonic Knights’ reign.

Thunert, Hans, ed. Akten der Ständetage Preußens, königlichen Anteils (Westpreußen). Vol. l (1466–1479). Danzig, 1896; reprint: Aalen, 1979. Edition of the documents and other acts issued by the Provincial Council of Royal (Western) Pomerania.

Ulanowski, Bronisław, ed. Dokumenty kujawskie i mazowieckie przeważnie z XIII wieku. Kraków, 1888. Old edition but still valuable to consult the documents regarding provinces of Cujavia and Masovia, mainly issued in the 13th century.

Voigt, Johann, ed. Codex diplomaticus Prussicus. Vol. 1–6. Königsberg, 1836–1861; reprint: 1965. Edition of the documents and other acts regarding the history of Prussian lands in the Middle Ages; most of the documents critically reedited.

Weise, Erich, ed. Die Staatsverträge des Deutschen Ordens in Preußen im 15. Jahrhundert, Bd. l (1398–1437); Bd. 2 (1438–1467), Marburg, 1955 [2 Aufl., Marburg 1970]; Bd. 3 (1467–1497), Marburg, 1966–1969. Critical edition of the main states’ documents issued by the Teutonic Knights at the end of the 14th and in the 15th century.

Wierzbowski, Teodor, ed. Matricularium Regni Poloniae summaria. Vol. 1–5/1, Warszawa, 1905–1919; Vol. 5/2, ed. J. Płocha, A. Rybarski, Irena Sułkowska, Warszawa, 1961. This register contains very short description of the documents issued by the Royal Chancellery (first volumes – in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Period).

Woelky, Carl Peter, ed. Urkundenbuch des Bistums Culm. Vol. 1–2. Danzig, 1885–1887. Edition of the documents and other acts regarding the history of bishopric of Culm (Chełmno) in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times.

Woelky, Carl Peter; Martin Johann Saage, eds. Codex diplomaticus Warmiensis oder Regesten und Urkunden zur Geschichte Ermlands. Vol. 1–2, Mainz, 1860–1864, Bd. 3, ed. C. P. Woelky, Braunsberg–Leipzig, 1874, Bd. 4, Braunsberg, 1935. Edition of the documents



and other acts regarding the history of bishopric and province of Ermland (Warmia) in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times.

Zakrzewski, Ignacy, et al., eds. Codex diplomaticus Maioris Poloniae. Kodeks dyplomatyczny Wielkopolski. Vol. 1–4, ed. Ignacy Zakrzewski; Vol. 5, ed. Franciszek Piekosiński, Poznań 1877–1908, Vol. 6–7, ed. Antoni Gąsiorowski, Ryszard Walczak, Poznań, 1982–1985, Vol. 8–10, ed. A. Gąsiorowski, Tomasz Jasiński, Poznań 1989–1993. Basic edition of the documents and other acts regarding the history of province of Greater Poland in the Middle Ages; many documents edited in first volumes then critically reedited.

Zakrzewski, Ignacy; Celichowski, Zygmunt, eds. Lites ac res gestae inter Polonos Ordinemque Cruciferorum. Vol. 1: Sprawa wytoczona w Inowrocławiu w r. 1320. Sprawa wytoczona w Warszawie r. 1339, Poznań, 1890; Vol. 2, Poznań, 1892; Vol. 3, ed. Jadwiga Karwasińska, Warszawa, 1935. Edition of the documents regarding the litigations between Poland and the Teutonic Knights in the 14th and 15th century, partly reedited and emended by later editors.

4. Manuscript resources – catalogues and studies

4.1. Catalogues and studies

Chmielowska, Bożena, Kowalczyk, Maria; Włodek, Zofia; Zathey Jerzy; Zwiercan, Marian, et al., eds. Catalogus codicum manuscriptorum medii aevi Latinorum qui in Bibliotheca Jagellonica Cracoviae asservantur. Vol. 1–7, Wrocław, 1980–2000.

Czubek, Jan. Katalog rękopisów Akademii Umiejętności w Krakowie. [Catalogue of the Manuscripts preserved at Academy of Sciences in Cracow] Kraków, 1906.

Czubek, Jan. Katalog rękopisów Akademii Umiejętności w Krakowie. Dodatek 1 [Catalogue of the Manuscripts preserved at Academy of Sciences in Cracow. Supplement 1] Kraków, 1912–sqq. Includes also several precious medieval manuscripts

Jabłońska W. “Inwentarze i katalogi biblioteczne w zbiorach rękopiśmiennych Biblioteki Zakładu Narodowego im. Ossolińskich.” [Inventories and Library Catalogues in the Manuscript Collections of the Ossoliński National Foundation] Ze Skarbca Kultury 20 (1969): 73–179. It includes also several medieval inventories and library catalogues.

Jażdżewski, Konstanty Klemens. Catalogus manu scriptorum codicum medii aevi latinorum signa 180–260 conprehendens. Wrocław, 1982.

Kądzielski, Stanisław; Gromadzki Jan; Mrozowicz, Wojciech. Catalogus codicum medii aevi manuscriptorum qui in Bibliotehca Universitatis Wratislaviensis asservantur signa 6055–6124 conprehendens. Wrocław, 1998.

Korzeniowski, Józef, ed. Catalogus codicum manuscriptorum Musei Principum Czartoryski. Vol. 1, Kraków, 1887–1893. Catalogues of the manuscripts in the Czartoryski Library of the National Museum in Cracow. Contiunued by: Kutrzeba, Stanisław, ed. Catalogus codicum manuscriptorum Musei Principum Czartoryski. Vol. 2, Kraków, 1910.

Drewniewska-Idziak, Barbara, ed. Katalog mikrofilmów Zakładu Zbiorów Mikrofilmowych Biblioteki Narodowej [Catalogue of the Microfilms of the Microfilm Department of the National Library], Vol. 1–26, Warszawa, 1951–1992. A description of numerous microfilms from all important library in Poland (mainly precious manuscripts).

Polkowski, Ignacy. Katalog rękopisów kapitulnych Katedry Krakowskiej. [Catalogue of the Manuscripts preserved in the Capture of the Cracow Cathedral] Archiwum do Dziejów Literatury i Oświaty, Vol. 3, Kraków, 1884. Old but still valuable catalogue, some manuscripts were lost during WW2.

Trzciński, Tadeusz. Katalog rękopisów biblioteki kapitulnej w Gnieźnie aż do początku wieku XVI. [Catalogue of the Manuscripts of the Gniezno Chapter Library till the beginning of the 16th century] Poznań, 1910. Old but still valuable catalogue, some manuscripts were lost during WW2.

Urban, Wacław. “Katalog Archiwum Archidiecezjalnego we Wrocławiu. Rękopisy.” [Catalogue of the Archbishopric Archives in Breslau. Manuscripts] Archiwa, Biblioteki i



Muzea Kościelne 10 (1965): 5–32; 11 (1965): 5–108; 12 (1966): 5–74; 13 (1966): 5–90; 14 (1967): 5–132; 15 (1967): 91–248; 16 (1968): 19–242.

Zathey, Jerzy; Anna Lewicka-Kamińska, Leszek Hajdukiewicz. Historia Biblioteki Jagiellońskiej. [History of the Jagellonian Library] Vol. 1, Kraków, 1964. A basic study on the Jagellonian University library with extensive chapters on medieval period.

4.1.1. General

Hornowska, Maria; Zdzitowiecka-Jasieńska Halina. Zbiory rękopiśmienne w Polsce średniowiecznej. [Manuscript Collections in Medieval Poland] Warszawa, 1947. A general study on the Polish medieval libraries completed before 1939 and emended after WW2.

Kamolowa Danura; Muszyńska Krystyna. Zbiory rękopisów w bibliotekach i muzeach w Polsce. [Manuscript Collections in Polish Libraries and Museums] Warszawa, 1988. A general overview of all important manuscript collections, including the medieval ones.

Potkowski, Edward. Książka rękopiśmienna w kulturze Polski średniowiecznej. [Manuscript Book in the Medieval Culture of Poland] Warszawa, 1984. Comprehensive introduction to the codicology in Poland.

Wielgus, Stanisław. Obca literatura biblijna w średniowiecznej Polsce. [Foreign Biblical Literature in medieval Poland] Lublin, 1990. It lists the foreign ancient and medieval authors and their manuscripts in Polish libraries.

Wielgus, Stanisław. Średniowieczna łacińskojęzyczna biblistyka polska. [Medieval Polish Biblical Studies in Latin] Lublin, 1992. A basic study on Polish medieval authors and their manuscripts in Polish libraries.

Wiesiołowski, Jacek. Kolekcje historyczne w Polsce późnośredniowiecznej. [Historical collections in the late medieval Poland] Wrocław, 1967. A detailed study on the manuscripts containing the collections of the historical texts.

Włodarski, Maciej. Ars moriendi w literaturze polskiej XV i XVI wieku. [Ars moriendi in the Polish Literature in the 15th and 16th centuries] Kraków, 1987. A basic study on this kind of literature based on works composed by Polish authors.

4.1.2. Liturgical and ecclesiastical works

Boguniowski, Józef. Rozwój historyczny ksiąg liturgii rzymskiej do Soboru Trydenckiego i ich recepcja w Polsce. [Historical Development of the Roman Liturgical Books till the Council of Trent and Their Use in Poland] Kraków, 2001. Incl. summary in English and a bibliography.

Bolz, Bogdan, ed. Najdawniejszy Kalendarz Gnieźnieński. Według Kodeksu MS 1 [The Oldest Calendar in Gniezno. According to MS 1] Poznań, 1971. A critical edition with introduction, notes and bibliography.

Borkowska, Urszula. Królewskie modlitewniki. Studium z kultury religijnej epoki Jagiellonów (XV i początek XVI wieku). [Royal Prayer-Books. Studies on the Religious Culture of the Jagiellonian Dynasty (15th and beginning of the 16th century)] Lublin, 1999.

Kürbis, Brygida, et al., eds. Codex mathildis. Liber officiorum cum foliis dedicationis. Monumenta Sacra Polonorum, Vol. 2. Kraków, 2000. A modern edition of the 11th-century codex with introduction and notes.

Kürbis, Brygida; Leśniewska Dorota; Strózyk, Paweł, eds. Liber precum Gertrudae Ducisse e Pslterio Egberti cum Kalendario. Monumenta Sacra Polonorum, Vol. 2. Kraków, 2002. A modern edition of the 11th-century Psalter with introduction and notes.

Obertyński, Zdzisław, ed. Pontyfikat krakowski z XI wieku (Z rękopisu Biblioteki Jagiellońskiej w Krakowie, MS 2057). Lublin, 1977; English version: The Cracow Pontifical (Pontificale Cracoviense saeculi XI), Cracow, Jagiellonian Library, MS 2057, ed. Z. Obertyński, London, 1977.



Podleś, Antoni, ed. Pontyfikał płocki z XII wieku. Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Munchen Clm 28938; Biblioteka Seminarium Duchownego Płock Mspł 29. Studium liturgiczno-źródłoznawcze. Edycja tekstu. [The 12th-century Pontificale of Płock. Studies on Liturgy and its Sources. Edition of the Text] Płock, 1986.

Rechowicz, Marian; Schenk, Wacław, eds. Studia z dziejów liturgii w Polsce. [Studies on History of Liturgy in Poland] Lublin, 1973. Summary and contents in French; also deals with medieval liturgy.

Sczaniecki, Paweł. Służba Boża w dawnej Polsce. Studia o mszy świętej. [Divine Office in Old Poland. Studies on Holy Mass] Vol. 1: Poznań–Warszawa–Lublin, 1962; Vol. 2: Poznań–Warszawa–Lublin, 1962. A detailed studies on medieval and early modern liturgical sources in Poland.

Wąsowicz, Henryk. Łaciński kalendarz sylabiczny (cisiojanus) do połowy XVI wieku. [Latin Calendar Known as Cisiojanus until the mid-16th century] Lublin, 1986. A detailed study on the development of this kind of medieval calendar.

Wąsowicz, Henryk. Kalendarz ksiąg liturgicznych Krakowa do połowy 16. wieku, Studium chronologiczno-typologiczne. [Calendar of the Liturgical Books in Cracow until the mid-16th century. Studies on Chronology and Typology] Lublin, 1999. A detailed study on medieval liturgical calendar based on manuscript and printed source in Cracow.

Schenk, Wacław. “Rękopisy liturgiczne od XIII do XV wieku w Bibliotece Uniwersyteckiej we Wrocławiu.” [Liturgical Manuscripts from the 13th to 15th century preserved at the University Library in Breslau] Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne 2 (1960): 185–206. A detailed description of liturgical manuscripts (mainly of Cistercian origin) preserved at the University Library in Breslau.

4.1.3. Bibliotheca Jagiellonica

Biblioteka Jagiellońska al. Mickiewicza 22, PL-30-059 Kraków, Poland Tel./Fax +48 12 633 09 03 The Jagellonian Library of Cracow University contains over 3500 incunabula and over 1800 precious medieval manuscripts. Lepszy, Kazimierz, ed. Dzieje Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego w latach 1364–1764. [History of

the Jagellonian University in 1364–1764] Vol. 1, Kraków, 1964. Zarębski Ignacy, ed. Historia Biblioteki Jagiellońskiej. Vol. 1: 1364–1775 by Jerzy Zathey,

Anna Lewicka-Kamińska, Leszek Hajdukiewicz, Kraków, 1966. 4.1.4. Incunabula (et antiqua) Catalogues

Incunabula quae in bibliothecis Poloniae asservantur. moderante Alodia Kawecka-Gryczowa composuerunt Maria Bohonos et Elisa Szandorowska, part 1 (A–L), part 2 (M–Z), Wratislaviae–Varsaviae–Cracoviae ex Officina Instituti Ossoloniani, 1970. Incunabula quae in bibliothecis Poloniae asservantur moderante Alodia Kawecka-Gryczowa composuerunt Maria Bohonos, Michael Spandowski et Elisa Szandorowska, Vol. 2. Addenda. Indices, Wratislaviae–Varsaviae–Cracoviae ex Officina Instituti Ossoloniani, 1993. A comprehensive register of the incunabula preserved in the Polish libraries; also photographs and bibliography.

Formanowicz, Leon, ed. Katalog inkunabułów Biblioteki Kapitulnej w Gnieźnie. [Catalogue of the Incunabula in the Chapter Library of Gniezno] Vol. 1, Poznań, 1939.

Jędrzejowska, Helena; Pelczarowa Maria, eds. Katalog inkunabułów Biblioteki Mijeskiej w Gdańsku. [Catalogue of the Incunabula in the Gdańsk City Library] Gdańsk, 1954. Also photographs and bibliography.



Kocowski, Bronisław, ed. Katalog inkunabułów Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej we Wrocławiu (Catalogus incunabulorum typographicorum Bibliothecae Universitatis Wratislaviensis). Vol. 1–3, Wrocław, 1959–1962. Incl. photographs and bibliography.

Lewicka-Kamińska, Anna, ed. Inkunabuły Biblioteki Jagiellońskiej. Incunabula Bibliothecae Jagellonicae Cracoviensis. Kraków, 1962. Incl. photographs and bibliography.

Wydra, Wiesław, ed. Katalog inkunabułów Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej w Poznaniu. [Catalogue of the Incunabula of the University Library in Poznań] Poznań 2002. Also photographs and bibliography. Studies

Estreicher, Karol, Bibliografia polska XV–XVI stulecia. Zestawienie chronologiczne 7200 druków w kształcie rejestru do Bibliografii, tudzież spis abecadłowy tych dzieł, które dochowały się w bibliotekach polskich. Warszawa, 1978 (reprint).

Kawecka-Gryczowa, Alodia, ed. Drukarze dawnej Polski od XV do XVIII wieku. Vol. 1/1: Małopolska. Wiek XV–XVI. Wrocław, 1983. A basic description of every printing press and its possessor; also photographs and bibliography.

Liedtke, Antoni. Saga pelplińskiej Biblii Gutenberga. [History of the Pelplin copy of Gutenberg’s Bible] 3rd edition, Pelplin, 1988. A history of the only copy of Gutenberg’s Bible preserved in Pelplin, Poland; summary in English and German.

5. Main libraries in Warsaw with manuscript collections

Biblioteka Narodowa (National Library) al. Niepodległości 213, PL-02-086 Warszawa, Poland Phone: +48 22 608 2999 or 22 452 2999 Fax: +48 22 825 5251 Biblioteka Narodowa Dział Zbiorów Specjalnych [National Library. Rare Books Collection] Rare Books Collection includes manuscripts, incunabula, early printing books, iconographical collection and is located: plac Krasińskich 3/5, PL-02-086 Warszawa, Poland Phone: +48 22 831 3241 (til 45) Fax: +48 22 635 4498 All catalogues and databases are located at the new building of National Library Al. Niepodległości 213, PL-02-086 Warszawa, Poland Also available on-line: INNOPAC (main catalogue and bibliographical d-base) telnet:// (other d-bases of the National Library) The library preserves over 420 precious medieval manuscripts originated from various provinces of Poland (and many more from the early modern times). Biblioteka Uniwersytecka we Wrocławiu [Library of the Wrocław University] Ul. Św. Jadwigi 3-4, PL-50-266 Wrocław, Poland The largest library in Poland which preserves 2,800 precious medieval manuscripts originated mainly from Silesia, including Cyrilic, Greek and oriental manuscripts (and many more from the early modern times). Biblioteka Gdańska Polskiej Akademii Nauk [Gdańsk Library of the Polish Academy of Sciences] Ul. Wałowa 15, PL-80-858 Gdańsk, Poland


32 The library preserves over 380 precious medieval manuscripts, mainly originated from the province of Pomerania Biblioteka Katedralna w Gnieźnie [Gniezno Cathedral Library] PL-62-200 Gniezno, Poland The library preserves over 160 precious medieval manuscripts, mainly originated from the province of Greater Poland, mainly of ecclesiastical origin (including one composed ca. 800) Biblioteka Kórnicka Polskiej Akademii Nauk [Kórnik Library of the Polish Academy of Sciences] Kórnik-Zamek, PL-63-120 Kórnik [or] Stary Rynek 78/79, Pałac Działyńskich, PL-61-772 Poznań, Poland The library preserves over 100 precious medieval manuscripts originated from various provinces Poland (and many more from the early modern times). Biblioteka Polskiej Akademii Nauk [Library of the Polish Academy of Sciences] Ul. Sławkowska 17, PL-31-016 Kraków, Poland The library preserves over 160 precious medieval manuscripts and over 140 precious parchment documents originated from various provinces Poland (and many more from the early modern times). Biblioteka Czartoryskich Muzeum Narodowego w Krakowie [Czartoryski Library of the National Museum in Cracow] ul. Św. Marka 17, PL-31-018 Kraków, Poland The library preserves over 180 precious medieval manuscripts and over 700 precious parchment documents originated from various provinces Poland (and many more from the early modern times). Archiwum Kapituły Metropolitalnej [Archives of the Metropolitan Chapter] Wawel 3, PL-31-001 Kraków, Poland The library preserves over 200 precious medieval manuscripts (including Praedicationes composed ca. 800). Biblioteka Seminarium Duchowengo w Pelplinie [Library of the Pelplin Priest Seminary] Plac Mariacki 7, PL-83-130 Pelplin, Poland The library preserves over 150 precious medieval manuscripts originated from various suppressed monasteries in Northern Poland (and many more from the early modern times). Biblioteka Metropolitalnego Seminarium Duchownego [Library of the Metropolitan Priest Seminary in Poznań] Ul. Lubrańskiego 1, PL-61-108 Poznań, Poland The library preserves over 110 precious medieval manuscripts originated mainly from various suppressed monasteries in Greater Poland (and many more from the early modern times). Biblioteka Zakładu Narodowego im. Ossolińskich [Library of the Ossoliński National Foundation] Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich



ul. Szewska 37, PL-50-139 Wrocław, Poland Te: +48 71 344 4471 to 76 fax: +48 71 344 8561 The library preserves over 210 precious medieval manuscripts originated mainly from eastern provinces of Poland (and many more from the early modern times); the collection preserved in Lviv (now Ukraine) before 1945.

6. Major editions of narrative texts (selection)

6.1. Guides

Dąbrowski, Jan. Dawne dziejopisarstwo polskie (do roku 1480). [Old Polish Historiography (till 1480)] Wrocław–Warszawa–Kraków, 1964. Still useful but partly outdated register of every historiographical work and its author.

Drelicharz, Wojciech. Annalistyka Małopolska XIII–XV wieku. Kierunki rozwoju wielkich roczników kompilowanych. [The Małopolska Annals’ Historiography in 13th–15th century: The Evolution of Great Annalistic Compilations] Kraków, 2003. A basic study on medieval annals compiled in the province of Lesser Poland.

Korta, Wacław. Średniowieczna annalistyka śląska. [Medieval Annals in Silesia] Wrocław 1966. A basic study on medieval annals compiled in the province of Silesia.

Kürbis, Brygida. Dziejopisarstwo wielkopolskie XIII i XIV wieku. [The Historiography of Greater Poland in the 13th and 14th centuries] Warszawa, 1959. A basic study on medieval annals compiled in the province of Greater Poland.

Kürbis, Brygida. “L’Historiographie médiévale en Pologne.” Acta Poloniae Historica 6 (1962): 7–34. Useful overview of the Polish medieval historiography.

Labuda, Gerard, ed. Święty Wojciech w polskiej tradycji historiograficznej. [Saint Adalbert in the Polish Historiographical Tradition] Warszawa, 1997. An anthology of the works dedicated to Saint Adalbert.

Mrozowicz, Wojciech. “Mittelalterliche Annalistik in Schlesien. Ein Beitrag zur neuen Ausgabe schlesischer Annales.” Questiones medii aevi novae 6 (2001): 277–296.

Michałowska, Teresa. Średniowiecze. [Middle Ages] Warszawa, 1995. An extensive monograph on medieval literature in Poland composed in Latin and Old Polish; many photographs and selected bibliography.

6.2. Medieval texts (11th–14th centuries)

Monumenta Poloniae Historica. Pomniki dziejowe Polski (MPH). Vol. 1–2, ed. August Bielowski, Vol. 3–6. ed. by Polska Akademia Umiejętności (PAU), Lwów: Vol. l, 1864; Vol. 2, 1872; Vol. 3, 1878; Vol. 4, 1884; Vol. 5, 1888; Vol. 6, Kraków 1893; reprint Vol. 1–6, Warszawa, 1960–1961. The series contains the main narrative sources regarding the medieval history of Poland, including chronicles, necrologies, lives of the saints, calendars as well as many other shorter works.

Monumenta Poloniae Historica, series nova, Vol. 1–3, 11–12 ed. by PAU; Vol. 4–10, fasc. 2, ed. by PAN; The series contains the new, modern and critical edition of most sources published before, supplemented with critical introduction, textual notes and apparatus, including:

Vol. l: Relatio Ibrahim ibn Jakub de itinere Slavico, quae traditur apud Al-Bekri. Relacja Ibrahima ibn Jakuba z podróży do krajów słowiańskich w przekazie al-Bekriego. ed. Tadeusz Kowalski, in cooperation with J. Kostrzewski, K. Stołyhwo, K. Moszyński, K. Nitsch, Kraków, 1946.

Vol. 2: Galli Anonymi Chronicae et Gesta ducum sive principum Polonorum. Anonima tzw. Galla Kronika czyli dzieje książąt i władców polskich. ed. Karol Maleczyński, Kraków, 1952. (Now also with English translation by P.W.Knoll and F. Schaer, Gesta principum Polonorum, with a Preface by T. Bisson, Budapest 2003, Central European Medieval Texts 4)



Vol. 3: Cronica Petri comitis Poloniae, accedunt Carminis Mauri fragmenta. Cronica Petri comitis Poloniae wraz z tzw. Carmen Mauri. ed. Marian Plezia, Kraków, 1951.

Vol. 4, fasc. l: Sancti Adalberti Pragensis episcopi et martyris Vita prior. Św. Wojciecha biskupa i męczennika Żywot pierwszy. ed. Jadwiga Karwasińska, Warszawa, 1962.

Vol. 4, fasc. 2: Sancti Adalberti Pragensis episcopi et martyris Vita altera auctore Brunone Ouerfurtensi. Św. Wojciecha biskupa i męczennika Żywot drugi napisany przez Brunona z Kwerfurtu. ed. J. Karwasińska, Warszawa, 1969.

Vol. 4, fasc. 3: l. Vita Quinque Fratrum eremitarum [sive] Vita uel Passio Benedicti et lohannis sociorumque suorum auctore Brunone Ouerfurtensi; 2. Epistola Brunonis ad Henricum regem. l. Żywot Pięciu Braci Pustelników [albo] Żywot i męczeństwo Benedykta, Jana i ich towarzyszy napisany przez Brunona z Kwerfurtu; 2. List Brunona do króla Henryka. ed. J. Karwasińska, Warszawa, 1973.

Vol. 5: Annales Cracovienses priores cum Kalendario. Najstarsze roczniki krakowskie z kalendarzem. ed. Zofia Kozłowska-Budkowa, Warszawa, 1978.

Vol. 6: Annales Poloniae Maioris. Roczniki wielkopolskie. ed. Brygida Kürbis in cooperation with G. Labuda, J. Luciński, R. Walczak, Warszawa, 1962.

Vol. 7, fasc. l: Sancti Ottonis episcopi Babenbergensis Vita Prieflingensis. Św. Ottona biskupa bamberskiego Żywot z Prufening. ed. Jan Wikarjak, Kazimierz Liman, Warszawa 1966.

Vol. 7, fasc. 2: Ebonis Vita Sancti Ottonis episcopi Babenbergensis. Ebo, Żywot św. Ottona biskupa bamberskiego. ed. J. Wikarjak, K. Liman, Warszawa, 1969.

Vol. 7, fasc. 3: Herbordi Dialogus de vita Sancti Ottonis episcopi Babenbergensis. Herbord, Dialog o żywocie św. Ottona biskupa bamberskiego. ed. J. Wikarjak, K. Liman, Warszawa, 1974.

Vol. 8: Chronica Poloniae Maioris. Kronika Wielkopolska. ed. Brygida Kürbis, Warszawa, 1970.

Vol. 9, fasc. l: Liber mortuorum Abbatiae Sancti Vincentii Wratislaviensis. Księga zmarłych Opactwa św. Wincentego we Wrocławiu. ed. K. Maleczyński, introduction and annotations Brygida Kürbis, Ryszard Walczak, Warszawa, 1971.

Vol. 9, fasc. 2: Liber fratenitatis et Liber mortuorum Abbatiae Sanctae Mariae Lubinensis. Księga bracka i Księga zmarłych Opactwa Najświętszej Panny Marii w Lubiniu. ed. Zbigniew Perzanowski, Warszawa, 1976.

Vol. 10, fasc. 2: Catalogi episcoporum Cracoviensium. Katalogi biskupów krakowskich. ed. Józef Szymański, Warszawa, 1974.

Vol. 11: Magistri Vinncentii dicti Kadłubek Chronica Polonorum. Mistrza Wincentego zwanego Kadłubkiem Kronika polska. ed. Maria Plezia, Kraków, 1994.

Vol. 12: Annales S. Crucis. Rocznik Świętokrzyski. ed. Anna Rutkowska-Płachcińska, Kraków 1996.

6.3. Late medieval and early modern texts

6.3.1. Editions

Pollak, Roman, gen. ed. Piśmiennictwo staropolskie. [Old Polish Writing] Vol. 1–3, Warszawa, 1963–1965. The most important reference book on late medieval and early modern writers (known and anonymous), includes brief life description and extensive lists editions and elaborations

Dąbrowski, Jan; Krystyna Pieradzka, Jan Garbacik, eds. Annales seu Cronicae incliti Regni Poloniae, Vol. 1–, Warszawa, 1964–sqq; A modern critical but not yet complete edition of Długosz’s chronicle.

Wojtyska, Henryk Damian, ed. Brevia Romanorum Pontificum ad Poloniam spectantia ex minutis et regestris pontificis, Vol. l: Brevia saeculi XV, Roma, 1986.

Potkowski, Edward, Polska pisząca w średniowieczu. Kopiści i kolofony rękopisów średniowiecznych ze zbiorów polskich. [Polish Writers in the Middle Ages. Copyists and



Colophons in Polish Medieval manuscripts] Vol. 1–, Warszawa, 1993–sqq. Series dedicated to least known writers; examples of colophons and other similar works.

Przeździecki, Alexander. Joannis Długossi Senioris canonici Cracoviensis, Opera omnia, vol. 1–15, Kraków, 1863–1887. A complete edition of all works composed by Jan Długosz

Szujski, Józef, ed. Kroniki Bernarda Wapowskiego z Radochoniec kantora katedralnego krakowskiego, część ostatnia – czasy podługoszowskie obejmująca 1480–1535). Kraków, 1874. Old but still useful edition of the chronicle of Bernard Wapowski.

The Annals of Jan Długosz. Annales seu Cronicae incliti regni Poloniae. An English abridgement by H. Michael with a commentary by P. Smith, Chichester: IM Publications, 1977. To be used cautiously.

6.3.2. Studies

Banaszkiewicz, Jacek, Kronika Dzierzwy. XIV-wieczne kompendium historii ojczystej. [The Chronicle of Dzierzwa. The 14th-century Compendium on the National History], Wrocław–Warszawa–Kraków, 1979. A detailed study on an important chronicle composed by Dzierzwa.

Chojnacki, Piotr, Jaworski, Rafał, Kaliszuk, Jerzy; Weckowski, Piotr. Bibliografia źródeł drukowanych do dziejów Polski późnośredniowiecznej (1386–1506). [Bibliography of the Printed Sources to the History of Late Medieval Poland (1386–1506)] Vol. 1, Warszawa, 1999.

Gawęda, Stanisław, ed. Dlugssiana. Studia historyczne w pięćsetlecie śmierci Jana Długosza. [Dlugssiana. Histriographical studies in commemoration of 500 anniversary of death of Jan Długosz] Vol. 1, Kraków, 1980; Vol. 2, Kraków, 1985. A detailed study on the most important late medieval chronicler and its work.

Walczak, Ryszard. “Protocollum” Augustianina-eremity zwanego Angelusem ze Stargardu. O polsko-pomorskich związkach historiograficznych w średniowieczu [“Protocollum” of an Austin hermit called Angelus of Stargard. Polish-Pomeranian historiographical connections in the Middle Ages] Poznań, 1991. A detailed study on Polish–Pomeranian connections in the Middle Ages reflected in the regional chronicles.



Czech Republic



(Sources for Bohemia and Moravia and adjacent regions)

1. Archival Resources

1.1. Description of archives

Bystrický, Vladimír and Václav Hrubý. Přehled archivů ČSR. [An overview of the Archives of Czech Socialist Republic] Prague: Archivní správa MV ČSR, 1984. Contains large bibliographies of inventories to archival fonds of individual archives; a modern handbook is in preparation; with large bibliography for archival sources; for up-to-date information see

Volf, Miloslav. Popis městských archivů v Čechách. [A description of town archives in Bohemia] Prague: Zemský národní výbor v Praze, 1947. Brief description of the archives of all the Czech towns.

1.2. Archival inventories

Přehled archivních pomůcek a publikací Státního ústředního archivu v Praze. [An overview of archival aids and publications of the State Central Archive in Prague] 2 vols. Prague: Státní ústřední archiv, 1979.

Národní archiv [National Archive, Prague] (the present name valid only since 1 January 2005; before that date Státní Ústřední Archiv (SÚA), State Central Archives) Archivní 4/2257, CZ-149 01 Praha 4 (for all correspondence), Czech Republic Milady Horákové 133 (the medieval holdings are kept here) Tel: +420 974821115 Fax.: +420 974847214, The most important fond is the “Archive of the Czech Crown (1158–1871)” with 1971 medieval charters (until 1526), out of which 1426 charters are older than 1420 (pre-Hussite), most of them from the period of Charles IV. The charters are of state and land importance.

Concerning the church history in the medieval period, there are archives of the Prague Archbishopric, archives of the Collegiate Chapter in Vyšehrad, and the archives of the religious orders – the archives of the monasteries dissolved by Emperor Joseph II (1740–1790), archives of some central-Bohemian monasteries, the Archives of the Franciscan Province etc. The fonds themselves can be looked up on the Internet, the actual documents can be searched only in the printed inventories in the archives.

Guides to fonds: “Průvodce po Ústředním archivu ministerstva vnitra v Praze.” [A guide of the Central archives of the ministry of interior in Prague] Sborník archivních prací 2:2 (1952).

Státní ústřední archiv Praha: Průvodce po archivních fondech. [State Central archive Prague: a guide to archival fonds] Vol. 2. Prague: Archivní správa Ministerstva vnitra, 1955.

1.3. Czech Archives with significant medieval holdings

State Regional Archives in Třeboň Zámek, CZ-379 11 Třeboň, Czech Republic Tel: +420 384721128, 384721511, 384721346 Fax: +420 384721346 e-mail: [email protected] (branches in České Budějovice, Český Krumlov, Jindřichův Hradec)

Czech Republic


The archives are based on the archival collections of the Rožmberk, Švamberk and Schwarzenberg families. The archives contains a large number of documents concerning the Rožmberks and the state affairs in the medieval period (collection Historica). Many fonds of noble families and the south-Bohemian estates are kept here. Guides to fonds: Státní archiv v Třeboni. Průvodce po archivních fondech. [State archives in

Třeboň: a guide to archival fonds] 4 vols. Prague, 1957–1959. Kalný, A. et al. Soupis fondů a sbírek, Státní oblastní archiv Třeboň. [List of fonds and

collections: state regional archives of Třeboň] České Budějovice, 1981. Moravian Land Archives in Brno Koliště 13, CZ-657 80 Brno (centre); Žerotínovo nám. 3/5pp 1, CZ-656 01 Brno (study hall), Czech Republic Tel: +420 545534301; 542162008 (study hall) Fax: +420 545247391; 541211489 (study hall) e-mail: [email protected], [email protected] The most important collection in the archives is the archive of the Estates of Moravia – a great number of medieval charters concerning Moravia; the Land registers of Moravia (since 1348). The archives is also particularly important for the fonds of the monastic institutions of Moravia and family archives of important noble families (with many documents from the eleventh to fifteenth centuries). Guides to fonds: Průvodce po Státním archivu v Brně. [Guide to the State archives in Brno]

Brno, 1954; Státní archiv v Brně. Průvodce po archivních fondech. [State archives in Brno: a guide to archival fonds] Vol. 2. Brno, 1964. Vol. 3. Brno, 1966.

Land Archives in Opava Sněmovní 1, CZ-746 22 Opava, Czech Republic Tel: +420 553 607 240 Fax: +420 553 607 247 e-mail: [email protected] Olomouc branch: U Husova sboru 10, CZ-771 11 Olomouc Tel: +420 585220919, 585225023 Fax: +420 585221287 In Opava it contains land documents of (the “Austrian”) Silesia and the Opava region. The Olomouc branch keeps the archival fonds of the (Arch)bishopric of Olomouc and the Metropolitan chapter – with a large number of medieval charters and a medieval chapter library. Guide to fonds: Státní archiv v Opavě. Průvodce po archivních fondech. [State archives in

Opava: a guide to archival fonds] 4 vols. Prague, 1955–1961. State District Archives of České Budějovice Rudolfovská 40, CZ-370 10 České Budějovice, Czech Republic Tel/Fax: +420 386701214 e-mail: [email protected] The archive contains the town archive of České Budějovice with an excellent collection of medieval city charters. State District Archives of Jihlava Fritzova 19, CZ-586 01 Jihlava, Czech Republic Tel: +420 567301963 Fax: +420 567322067 e-mail: [email protected] The archive contains the town archive of Jihlava with a good collection of medieval charters and letters and an excellent series of town books and registers. State District Archives of Olomouc U Husova sboru 10, CZ-771 11 Olomouc, Czech Republic

Czech Republic


Tel: +420 585236111, 585236101 Fax: +420 585236152 e-mail: [email protected] The archive contains the city archives of Olomouc with a substantial number of medieval charters and letters and a good collection of city books and registers. Catalogue of the charters: Spáčil, Vladimír. Sbírka listin Archivu Města Olomouce 1261–

1793: Inventář. [Collection of charters of the City Archives of Olomouc, 1261–1793: an Inventory] Olomouc: SOkA Olomouc, 1998.

State District Archives of Cheb Františkánské náměstí 14, CZ-350 02 Cheb, Czech Republic Tel: +420 354422556, 354422557 Fax: +420 354423491 e-mail: [email protected] Holds a very good collection of medieval charters of the city of Cheb given by its position in the imperial area. Siegl, K. Die Kataloge des Egerer Stadtarchivs. Eger, 1900. Sturm, H. Das Archiv des Stadt Eger: Schriften über sudetendeutsches Archivwesen I. Eger,

1936. Municipal archives of Prague Archivní 6, CZ-149 00 Praha 4, Czech Republic Tel: +420 236004017; 236004012 (study hall) Fax: +420 272932632 e-mail: [email protected] Contains fonds of the administration of the individual Prague towns (Staré Město, Nové Město, Hradčany, Malá Strana, Jewish town) – charters, town registers (since 1310). Guide to fonds: Archiv hlavního města Prahy. Průvodce po fondech a sbírkách. [Archives of

the capital Prague: a guide to fonds and collections] Prague, 1955. Municipal archives of Plzeň Veleslavínova 19, CZ-305 77 Plzeň Tel: +420 378032600–01, 04–11 Fax: +420 378032602 Among many other fonds related to the city itself (e.g. the friaries in the city) contains the city archives of Plzeň, one of the most important royal cities of Bohemia in the Middle Ages (a large number of medieval charters and city registers). Guide to fonds: Bělohlávek, Miloslav. Archív města Plzně: průvodce po fondech a sbírkách.

[The city archives of Plzeň: a guide to fonds and collections] Plzeň: Západočeské nakladatelství, 1987.

Municipal archives of Brno Dominikánské nám. 1, CZ-601 67 Brno (medieval holdings); Přední 2, 618 00 Brno-Černovice (centre), Czech Republic Tel: +420 542 172 140, 542 172 141 (Dominikánské nám.); +420 548 129 616, 548 129 620 Fax: +420 548 210 083 (Přední) Contains a considerable number of medieval charters of the city archives, city registers, a medieval library of the town school of St James’s and the written documents related to the school itself and a Brno humanist Jan Thabrarr, documents related to the monastery of Oslavany and the city churches. Guide to fonds: Dřímal, Jaroslav. Archiv města Brna: Průvodce po fondech a sbírkách. [The

city archives of Brno: a guide to fonds and collections] Prague: Archivní správa Ministerstva vnitra, 1956.

Archives of the Prague Castle CZ-119 80 Praha 1 – Hrad, Czech Republic

Czech Republic


Tel: +420 224373165, 234303165 Fax.: +420 224373257, 234303257 e-mail: [email protected] Contains among modern fonds the archive and the library of the Metropolitan Chapter at St Vitus in Prague with the oldest and most precious manuscripts in the Czech Republic. Inventory: Eršil, Jaroslav a Jiří Pražák. Archiv pražské metropolitní kapituly. [Archives of the

Prague Metropolitan Chapter] 2 vols. Praha: Univerzita Karlova, 1956, 1986. (Vol. 1, charters and letters to 1419; Vol. 2, 1420–1561).

Podlaha, Antonín. Catalogus incunabulorum, quae in bibliotheca Capituli metropolitani Pragensis asservantur. Prague, 1926.

2. Major Publications of Laws and Charters

*=calendars (regesta)

Archiv český. 38 vols. Prague, 1840–; mainly 14th–16th century Czech texts; charters, letters, and laws; description of all the pre-1500 volumes in Staročeský slovník: Úvodní stati, soupis pramenů a zkratek. [Old-Czech dictionary: introductory articles, list of sources and abbreviations] ed. Jaromír Bělič, Prague: Academia, 1968, 58–60.

Archiv České koruny: Edice faksimilí. [Archives of the Czech Crown: facsimile edition] 4 vols. Praha: Archivní správa MV ČSR, 1978–1987. 4 vols. of calendars in Czech and Latin, 4 vols. collection of facsimile editions of the charters.

Bachmann, Adolf, ed. Urkunden und Actenstücke zur österreichischen Geschichte im Zeitalter Kaiser Freidrichs III. und König Georgs von Böhmen (1440–1471). (Fontes rerum Austriacarum II, 42). Vienna, 1879.

Bachmann, Adolf, ed. Urkundliche Nachträge zur Österreichisch-deutschen Geschichte im Zeitalter Kaiser Friedrich III. (Fontes rerum Austriacarum II, 46). Vienna, 1892.

Bistřický, Jan, František Spurný, Ludvík Václavek, and Metoděj Zemek, eds. Moravské a slezské listiny liechtensteinského archívu ve Vaduzu. [Moravian and Silesian charters of the Liechtenstein archives in Vaduz] Vol. 1, 1173–1380. Brno, 1991.

Boček, Antonín et al., eds. Codex diplomaticus et epistolaris Moraviae. 15 vols. Olomouc, 1836–1845 (4 vols.), Brno, 1850–1903.

Borový, Clemens, and Antonín Podlaha, eds. Libri erectionum archidioecesis Pragensis saeculo XIV et XV. 6 vols. Prague, 1875–1927.

Brandl, Vincenc, ed. Kniha Tovačovská aneb Pana Ctibora z Cimburka a z Tovačova Pamět obyčejů, řádů, zvyklostí starodávných a řízení práva zemského v Mar. Mor. [The Tovačov book: Ctibor of Cimburk and Tovačov’s memory of customs, rules, old traditions and administration of the Land law in the Magravate of Moravia] Brno, 1868.

Brandl, Vincenc and Bertold Bretholz, eds. Libri citationum et sententiarum seu Knihy půhonné a nálezové. 7 vols. Brno, 1872–1911.

Chlumecký, Peter et al., eds. Tabulae terrae margraviatus Moraviae / Desky zemské markrabství moravského / Die Landtafel des Markgrafthums. (Olomouc, Brno). 6 vols. Brno, 1856–1947; Prague, 1950–1957.

Čelakovský, Jaromír, Gustav Friedrich, and Antonín Haas, eds. Codex iuris municipalis regni Bohemiae / Sbírka pramenů práva městského království českého. 4 vols. Prague, 1886–1961.

Čoupková, Magdalena, ed. Nejstarší uherskohradišťská městská kniha. Liber negotiorum civitatis Hradisch. [The oldest town register of Uherské Hradiště] Uherské Hradiště, 2001.

Demuth, K. J., I. Tkač, and W. Saliger, eds. Quellen-Schriften zur Geschichte Mährens und Österr.-Schlesiens / Monumenta rerum Bohemico-Moravicarum et Silesiacarum. Sectio II, Leges et statuta. 3 vols. Brno and Uherské Hradiště, 1858–1882.

Emler, Josef, ed. Reliquiae tabularum terrae Regni Bohemiae anno MCXLI igne consumptarum / Pozůstatky desk zemských Království českého r. 1541 pohořelých. 2 vols. Prague, 1870–1872.

Czech Republic


Emler, Josef, ed. Decem registra censuum bohemica compilata aetate bellum husiticum praecedente / Deset urbářů českých z doby před válkami husitskými. Prague, 1881.

Erben, Karel Jaromír et al., eds. Regesta diplomatica nec non epistolaria Bohemiae et Moraviae. 7 vols. Prague, 1855–2000. (so far until 1363)

Eršil, Jaroslav and Jiří Pražák, eds. Archiv pražské metropolitní kapituly (Archives of the Metropolitan chapter in Prague). Vol. 1, Katalog listin a listů z doby předhusitské (–1419). [Catalogue of charters and letters from the pre-Hussite period] Vol. 2. Katalog listin a listů z let 1420–1561 (Catalogue of charters and letters from 1420–1561). Prague, 1956–1986.

Fasseau, A. S., ed. Collectio synodorum et statutorum almae dioecesis Olomucenae in IV. partes distributa. Rezii, 1766.

Flodr, Miroslav, ed. Právní kniha města Brna z poloviny 14. století. [The law book of Brno from the mid-fourteenth century] 3 vols. Brno, 1990–1993.

Friedrich, Gustav, ed. Tabulae curiae regalis per Bohemiam / Desky dvorské království českého. 8 vols. Prague, 1921–1944.

Friedrich, Gustav et al., eds. Codex diplomaticus et epistolaris regni Bohemiae. 5 vols. Prague, Olomouc, 1904–2002. So far until 1278, in preparation up to 1310.

Historický archiv. 52 vols. Prague, 1893–1949. Höfler, Karl, ed. Concilia Pragensia 1353–1413. Prague, 1861. Hlaváček, Ivan and Zdeňka Hledíková, eds. Protocollum visitationis archidiaconatus

Pragensis annis 1379–1382 per Paulum de Janowicz archidiaconum Pragensem factae. Prague, 1973.

Hlaváček, Ivan and Zdeňka Hledíková. Nichtbohemikale Mittelalterliche Orginalurkunden in den böhmischen Ländern. Köln–Wien: Böhlau, 1977.

Jireček, Hermenegild, ed. Codex iuris Bohemici. 5 vols. Prague, 1867–1898. Jenšovská, Věra, Vladimír Vavřínek, and Božena Kopičková, eds. Regesta Bohemiae et

Moraviae aetatis Venceslai IV. 4 vols. Prague, 1967–1989. (1378–1419) (fifth volume in preparation)

Klicman, Ladislav et al., eds. Monumenta Vaticana res gestas Bohemicas illustrantia. 7 vols. + tomus prodromus. Prague, 1903–2003. (1305–1431)

Kopičková, Božena and Anežka Vidmanová, eds. Listy na obranu Husovu z let 1410–1412. Konec jedné legendy? [The letters in defense of Jan Hus from 1410–1412: End of a legend?] Prague, 1999.

Koss, Rudolf, and Antonín Haas, eds. Archiv Koruny české (Archives of the Czech Crown), vols. 2–6. Katalog listin (1158–1526) (A catalogue of charters, 1158–1526). Praha, 1926–1958.*

Lechner, Karl, ed. Die ältesten Belehnungs- und Lehengerichtsbücher des Bisthums Olmütz. Brno, 1902.

Neumann, Augustin, ed. Nové prameny k dějinám husitství na Moravě. [New sources to the history of husitism in Moravia] Olomouc, 1930.

Palacký, František, ed. Urkundliche Beiträge zur Geschichte des Hussitenkrieges vom Jahre 1419 an. 2 vols. Prague, 1873.

Palacký, František, ed. Urkundliche Beiträge zur Geschichte Böhmens und seiner Nachbarländer im Zeitalter Georgs von Podiebrad 1450–1471. (Fontes rerum Austriacarum II, 20). Vienna, 1860.

Patschowski, Alexander, ed. Quellen zur böhmischen Inquisition im 14. Jahrhundert. (MGH, Quellen zur Geistesgeschichte des Mittelalters, vol. 11). Weimar, 1979.

Pátková, Hana, ed. Berní knihy Starého Města pražského (1427–1434) / Libri collectarum Antiquae civitatis Pragensis 1427–1434. Prague, 1996.

Podlaha, Antonín, ed. Liber ordinationum cleri 1395–1416. Prague, 1922. Polc, Jaroslav V. and Zdeňka Hledíková, eds. Pražské synody a koncily předhusitské doby

[Prague synods and councils of pre-Hussite period]. Prague, 2002. Rynešová, Blažena, and J. Pelikán, eds. Listář a listinář Oldřicha z Rožmberka, 4 vols.

Prague, 1929–1954.

Czech Republic


Scriptores rerum Silesiacarum. Wrocław, 1835–1902. Spáčil, Vladimír. Sbírka listin Archivu Města Olomouce 1261–1793: Inventář. [The collection

of charters of the Archives of Olomouc, 1261–1793: an inventory] Olomouc: SOkA Olomouc, 1998.*

Spáčil, Vladimír, ed. Nejstarší městská kniha olomoucká (Liber actuum notabilium) z let 1343–1420. [The oldest town register of Olomouc] Olomouc, s.d.

Spáčilová, Libuše and Vladimír Spáčil, ed. Památná kniha olomoucká z let 1430–1492, 1528. [The memorable town register of Olomouc from 1430–1492, 1528] Olomouc, 2004.

Šebánek, Jindřich. Archivy zrušených klášterů moravských a slezských. [Archives of the dissolved monasteries of Moravia and Silesia] Vol. 1, Inventář pergamenů z let 1078–1471 [Inventory of the parchments, 1078–1471] Brno, 1932.*

Švábenský, Mojmír. A 1 – Stavovské listiny 1212–1847. Katalog. [Moravian Charters of the Estates, 1212–1847] Brno, 1965.*

Tadra, Ferdinand, ed. Acta iudiciaria consistorii Pragensis / Soudní akta konsistoře Pražské. 7 vols. (Historický archiv, 1, 2, 8, 11, 15, 18, 21). Prague, 1893–1901.

Tadra, Ferdinand, ed. Cancellaria Arnesti: Formelbuch des ersten Prager Erzbischofs Arnest von Pardubic. Vienna, 1880.

Tingl, F. A., and Josef Emler, eds. Libri confirmationum ad beneficia ecclesiastica Pragensem per archidioecesim. 10 vols. Prague, 1865–1889.

3. Manuscript Resources

3.1. Catalogues

3.1.1. General

Boháček, Miroslav and František Čáda. Beschreibung der mittelalterlichen Handschriften der Wissenschaftlichen Staatsbibliothek von Olmütz. Köln–Weimar–Vienna: Böhlau, 1994. Registerband. Cologne, Weimar, Vienna: Böhlau, 1998.

Brodský, Pavel. Katalog iluminovaných rukopisů Knihovny Národního muzea v Praze. [Catalogue of the illuminated manuscripts of the Library of the National Museum, Prague] Praha: KLP, 2000.

Dolch, Walther. Katalog der deutschen Handschriften der k. k. Universitätsbibliothek zu Prag. Vol. 1, Die Handschriften bis etwa z. J. 1550. Prague, 1909. German MSS, mainly sign. XVI.

Hoffmann, František. Soupis rukopisů knihovny kláštera premonstrátů Teplá. [Catalogue of MSS of the library of the Premonstratensian monastery Teplá] 2 vols. Prague, 1999.

Hoffmann, František. Soupis rukopisů Státního okresního archivu v Jihlavě. [Catalogue of MSS of the district archives of Jihlava] Jihlava, 2001.

Nový, Rostislav. Městské knihy v Čechách a na Moravě 1310–1526: Katalog. [Town registers in Bohemia and Moravia 1310–1526] (Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Philosophica et historica 4). Prague: Universita Karlova, 1963.

Patera, Adolf and Antonín Podlaha. Soupis rukopisů knihovny metropolitní kapituly pražské. [Catalogue of the manuscripts of the Prague cathedral chapter] 2 vols. Prague, 1910–1922.

Plocek, Václav. Catalogus codicum notis musicis instructorum, qui in Bibliotheca publica rei publicae Bohemicae Socialisticae in Bibliotheca universitatis Pragensis servantur I–II. Prague, 1973.

Svobodová, Milada. Katalog českých a slovenských rukopisů sign. XVII získaných Národní (Universitní) knihovnou po vydání Truhlářova katalogu z roku 1906. [Catalogue of Czech and Slovak MSS sign. XVII obtained by the National (University) library after the publication of Truhlář’s catalogue in 1906] Praha, 1996.

Tošnerová, Marie, red. Průvodce po rukopisných fondech v České republice. [Guide to the MS collections in the Czech republic] Vol. 1, Rukopisné fondy zámeckých, hradních a palácových knihoven. [MS collections of castle, chateau, and palace libraries] Vol. 2, Rukopisné fondy archivů v České republice [MS collections of the archives in the Czech

Czech Republic


republic] Vol. 3, Rukopisné fondy muzeí a galerií v České republice [MS collections of museums and galleries in the Czech republic] Prague: Archiv Akademie věd ČR, 1995, 1998, 2001.

Truhlář, Josef. Catalogus codicum manu scriptorum latinorum qui in C. R. Bibliotheca publica atque universitatis Pragensis asservantur I–II. Pragae, 1905, 1906. Latin mss, sign. I–VIII, IX–XV.

Truhlář, Josef. Katalog českých rukopisů c. k. veřejné a universitní knihovny pražské. [Catalogue of Czech MSS of the Prague imperial royal public and university library] Praha, 1906. (Czech mss, sign. XVII)

Weber [Kadlec], Jaroslav, Pavel Spunar, and Josef Tříška. Soupis rukopisů v Třeboni a v Českém Krumlově. [A list of manuscripts in Třeboň and Český Krumlov] Prague: ČSAV, 1958.

3.1.2. Incunabula

Dokoupil, Vladislav. Soupis prvotisků z fondů Universitní knihovny v Brně. [A list of incunabula of the university library in Brno] Prague, 1970.

Klausnerová, Eva. Prvotisky Státní vědecké knihovny v Plzni / Incunabula quae in Bibliotheca scientiarum publica Pilsnae asservantur. Plzeň, 1990.

Louda, Jiří. Soupis prvotisků Universitní knihovny v Olomouci a její pobočky v Kroměříži. [A list of incunabula of the university library in Olomouc and its branch in Kroměříž] Prague, 1956.

Podlaha, Antonín. Catalogus incunabulorum, quae in bibliotheca Capituli metropolitani Pragensis asservantur. Prague, 1926.

Riedl, Mirko. Katalog prvotisků jihočeských knihoven / Catalogus incunabulorum quae in bibliothecis Bohemiae meridionalis asservantur. Prague, 1974.

Šimáková, Jitka and Jaroslav Vrchotka. Katalog prvotisků Knihovny Národního muzea a zámeckých a hradních knihoven v České republice. [Catalogue of incunabula of the Library of the National Museum and castle and chateaux libraries of the Czech Republic] Prague: KLP, 2001.

Zmrzlá, Milena. Soupis prvotisků z historických fondů Státní vědecké knihovny Zdeňka Nejedlého v Hradci Králové. [A list of incunabula of historical fonds of the State research library of Zdeněk Nejedlý in Hradec Králové] Hradec Králové, 1983.

3.3. Main Libraries with substantial Manuscript Collections

Národní knihovna v Praze [National Library in Prague] Historické a hudební fondy [Historical and music fonds] Klementinum 190, CZ-110 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic Tel: +420 221 663 280 e-mail: [email protected] Knihovna Národního muzea [Library of the National Museum] Oddělení rukopisů a starých tisků [Manuscript and Old Prints Department] Václavské náměstí 68, CZ-110 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic Tel: +420 224497345 e-mail: [email protected] Strahovská knihovna, Strahovský klášter [Strahov library, Strahov monastery, Prague] Strahovské náměstí 1/132, CZ-118 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic Tel: +420 233355712, 233107710 Fax: +420 233355712 e-mail: [email protected]

Czech Republic


Moravská zemská knihovna v Brně [Moravian Land Library] Oddělení rukopisů a starých tisků [Manuscript and Old Prints Department] Kounicova 65a, CZ-601 87 Brno, Czech Republic Tel: +420 541 646 157 Fax: +420 541 646 100 (central) e-mail: [email protected] Vědecká knihovna v Olomouci [Research library in Olomouc] Bezručova 2, CZ-779 11 Olomouc 9, Czech Republic Tel: (Reading room of historical fonds) +420 585223441, ext. 385 Fax: +420 585225774 e-mail: [email protected]

4. Major editions of narrative texts

4.1. Guides

Tyl, Zdeněk. “Soupis pramenů staročeského slovníku a jejich zkratek.” [List of the sources of the Old-Czech dictionary and their abbreviations] In Staročeský slovník: Úvodní stati, soupis pramenů a zkratek. [Old-Czech dictionary: introductory articles, list of sources and abbreviations] ed. Jaromír Bělič, Prague: Academia, 1968, 50–118.

4.2. Edition series (medieval period up to the early 16th century)

Clavis monumentorum litterarum. Vol. 1, Cechovní kniha pražských malířů. [Liber Societatis pictorum Pragensium] 1348–1527. ed. Hana Pátková, Prague 1996. Vol. 2, Paulerinus (Pavel Žídek). Liber viginti arcium (ff. 185ra–190rb). ed. Alena Hadravová, Praha, 1997.

Dobner, Gelasius, ed. Monumenta historica Boemiae. 6 vols. Prague, 1764–sqq. Emler, Josef et al., eds. Fontes rerum Bohemicarum / Prameny dějin českých. 7 vols. (1–6, 8).

Prague, 1873–1932. Fontes Latini Bohemorum. Vol. 1, Stanislaus de Znoyma. De gracia et peccato. ed. Zuzana

Silagiová. Prague, 1997. Vol. 2, Frater Colda ordinis praedicatorum. Tractatus mystici. ed. Dana Martínková. Prague, 1997. Vol. 3, Christianus de Prachaticz. Algorismus prosaicus. Computus chriometralis. Ed. Zuzana Silagiová. Prague, 1998. Vol. 4, Christianus de Prachaticz. De sanguinis minucione. ed. Hana Florianová-Miškovská, Prague, 1999.

Fontes rerum Bohemicarum, series nova. (Prameny dějin českých, Nová řada). Vol. 1, Chronicon Francisci Pragensis / Kronika Františka Pražského. ed. Jana Zachová, Prague, 1997. Vol. 2, Staré letopisy české (texty nejstarší vrstvy). [The old Czech annalists (texts of the oldest layer] ed. Alena M. Černá, Petr Čornej, and Markéta Klosová, Prague, 2003.

Památky staré literatury české. [Monuments of the old Czech literature] 34 vols. Prague, 1946–1983.

Pelzel, František Martin, Josef Dobrovský, and František Palacký, eds. Scriptores rerum Bohemicarum e bibliotheca ecclesiae metropolitanae Pragensis. 3 vols. Prague, 1783–1829.

Fontes rerum regni Bohemiae (e) 4.3. Medieval texts (11th–14th centuries)

Bretholz, Bertold, ed. Die Chronik der Böhmen des Cosmas von Prag. (MGH, SS rer. Germ., n.s. 2). Berlin, 1923.

Daňhelka, J., Karel Hádek, Bohumil Havránek, N. Kvítová, and Marie Bláhová, eds. Staročeská kronika tak řečeného Dalimila. [The old-Czech chronicle of the so-called Dalimil] 3 vols. (text and commentary) Prague: Academia, 1988–1995.

Havlík, Lubomír, Dagmar Bartoňková and Rudolf Večerka, eds. Magnae Moraviae fontes historici. Vol. 1, Annales et chronicae, Vol. 2, Textus biographici, hagiographici, liturgici, Vol. 3, Diplomata, epistolae, textus historici varii, Vol. 4, Leges – textus iurici. Supplementa, Vol. 5, Indices. Prague and Brno, 1966–1977.

Czech Republic


Ludvíkovský, Jaroslav, ed. Kristiánova legenda: Život a umučení svatého Václava a jeho báby svaté Ludmily / Legenda Christiani: Vita et passio Sancti Wenceslai et Sancte Ludmile ave eius. Prague: Vyšehrad, 1978.

Nagy, Balázs, Frank Schaer, eds. Autobiography of Emperor Charles IV and his Legend of St. Wenceslas. Central European Medieval Texts, Budapest: CEU Press, 2001.

4.4. Late medieval and early modern texts

Čornej, Petr, ed. Království dvojího lidu: České dějiny let 1436–1526 v soudobé korespondenci. [The kingdom of two peoples: Czech history of 1436–1526 in private correspondence] Prague, 1989.

Čornej, Petr, Alena M. Černá and Markéta Klosová, eds. Staré letopisy české: texty nejstarší vrstvy. [The old Czech annals: texts of the oldest layer] Praha: Filosofia, 2003.

Dittrich, A., A. Spirk, J. Jungmann, and L. Jandera, eds. Monumenta historica universitatis Carolo-Ferdinandeae Pragensis. 3 vols. Prague, 1830–1848.

Dudík, Beda and Christian d’Elvert, eds. Quellen-Schriften zur Geschichte Mährens und Österr.-Schlesiens / Monumenta rerum Bohemico-Moravicarum et Silesiacarum, sectio I, Scriptores. 3 vols. Brno, 1858–1861.

Eschenloer, Peter. Geschichte der Stadt Breslau. 2 vols. ed. Gunhild Roth. Münster, New York, Munich, Berlin: Waxmann, 2003.

Flajšhans, Václav, Vlastimil Kybal, Otakar Odložilík, Václav Novotný, S. H. Thomson, and František Šimek, eds. Sbírka pramenů českého hnutí náboženského ve XIV. a XV. Století. [Collection of sources of the Czech religious movement in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries] 19 vols. Prague and Innsbruck, 1903–1933.

Höfler, Karl, ed. Geschichtschreiber der Hussitischen Bewegung in Böhmen, 3 vols. (Fontes rerum Austriacarum I, 2, 6, 7). Vienna, 1856–1866.

Křišťan z Prachatic (Christianus de Prachaticz). Stavba a užití astrolábu / Composicio astrolabii. Usus astrolabii. ed. Alena Hadravová and Petr Hadrava. Prague, 2001.

Liber decanorum facultatis philosophicae Universitatis Pragensis ab anno Christi 1367 usque ad annum 1585. Prague: Universitas Carolina, 1983. Facsimile edition.

Magistri Iohannis Hus Opera omnia. Prague: Academia, 1959–sqq. Planned for 26 volumes, so far published nine.

Martínek, Jan and Dana Martínková, eds. Bohuslai Hassensteinii a Lobkowicz epistulae. 2 vols. Leipzig: Teubner, 1969–1980.

Martínková, Dana, Alena Hadravová, and Jiří Matl, eds. Aeneae Silvii Historia Bohemica. Prague: KLP, 1998.

Rabensteinensis, Iohannes. Disputacio. ed. Bohumil Ryba. Budapest, 1942. Richter, Franciscus Xaverius, ed. Augustini Olomucensis Episcoporum Olomucensium Series.

Olomouc: Aloysius Skarnitzl, 1831. Šimek, František, ed. Staré letopisy české z vratislavského rukopisu. [The old Czech annals of

the Wrocław manuscript] Prague, 1937. Šimek, František, ed. Staré letopisy české z rukopisu křižovnického. [The old Czech annals of

the manuscript of the Knights of the Cross] Prague, 1959.

5. Electronic resources

Česká archivní společnost [Czech Archival Society] – contains addresses and contacts to all the Czech archives and a list of all fonds in these archives; as well as many helpful links

Seznam – medieval sites (Links)

Czech Republic


Kabinet pro klasická studia AV ČR [Classical Studies] – electronic editions of medieval texts:

Centre for Medieval Studies

Early Middle Ages, web page of Dušan Třeštík

Centre for Patristic, Medieval and Renaissance Texts

Historical Institute of the Academy of Sciences

Database of Seals in the Czech Archives

Libri Publishing House (databases – chronology of Czech history, personalities; in Czech)

Czech incunabula and later prints

Digitalized texts Memoria Project Digitalized manuscripts and prints of the Research library of Olomouc

Czech libraries on the Internet

Catharina (useful links to religious texts and secondary information)

Historical journals: Český časopis historický:

Časopis Matice moravské:

Historica: Historical Sciences in the Czech Republic: Dějiny a současnost:




1. Guides to archives and libraries

http// [Electronic Portal to Slovak History and Auxiliary Historical Sciences] [Electronic Portal to Slovak Archives] A Guide to the Historiography in Slovakia. ed. Elena Mannová, Bratislava, 1995. Stieberová, Mária–Júlia Hautová, ed. Informatívny sprievodca štátnych archívov Slovenskej

republiky. Vol. I, II/1–2. [Informative guide to the State Archives in the Slovak Republik] Bratislava, 2000–2001.

2. Slovak archives with significant medieval holdings

The archives of the state are organised in a three level scheme: there are two central archives (the national archives and the central mining archive), 8 state archives and 38 subsidiaries of the state archives. For medieval research the archives of noble families are also relevant. Repositories of the state archives preserve mostly archives of the medieval cities and market-towns. Slovenský národný archív [Slovak National Archives] Bratislava 817 01, Drotárska cesta 42, Slovakia e-mail: [email protected] Inventory: Štátny ústredný archív v Bratislave. Sprievodca po archívnych fondoch. [State

Central Archive in Bratislava Guide to the archival fonds] Bratislava, 1964. Archive of the loca credibilia of the collegiate chapter in Bratislava (ca. 2,000 charters, one protocollum authenticum and several unpublished early modern archival tools in manuscript form), of the Benedictine monastery in Hronský Beňadik, of the Premonstratensian convents in Jasov, Leles and Kláštor pod Znievom (Turiec); Private ecclesiastical archives of the collegiate chapter in Bratislava, of the Premonstratensian convents in Jasov and Leles; Family archives with medieval sources; Archive of the dominicum Habsburg in Vienna; Manuscript Library of the collegiate Chapter in Bratislava (44 manuscripts from the 12th–15th c.)

Štátny archív v Banskej Bystrici [State Archive in Banská Bystrica] Sládkovičova 1, SK-974 05 Banská Bystrica, Slovakia e-mail: [email protected] Inventory: Matulay, C. Štátny archív v Banskej Bystrici. Sprievodca po archívnych fondoch.

[State Archive in Banská Bystrica. Guide to the archival fonds] Vol. 1, Bratislava, 1962. Otruba, Š. Štátny archív v Banskej Bystrici. Sprievodca po archívnych fondoch. [State Archive

in Banská Bystrica. Guide to the archival fonds] Vol. 2, Bratislava, 1969. Archival fonds of the Counties Zvolen and Gemer; Family archives with medieval sources.

Štátny archív v Bratislave [State Archive in Bratislava] Križkova 7, SK-811 04 Bratislava, Slovakia e-mail: [email protected] Inventory: Watzka, Jozef et al., eds. Štátny archív v Bratislave. Sprievodca po archívnych

fondoch. [State Archive in Pressburg. Guide to the archival fonds] Bratislava, 1959. Archives of the county Pozsony/Bratislava; Archival fonds of the Franciscan province in Bratislava; Family archives with medieval sources; Collection of materials concerning different noble families.

Štátny archív v Bytči [State Archive in Bytča] Bytča – kaštieľ, SK-014 35, Slovakia



e-mail: [email protected] Inventory: Kočiš, Jet al., eds. Štátny archív v Banskej Bystrici – pobočka v Bytči. Sprievodca

po archívnych fondoch. [State Archive in Banská Bystrica – Repository in Bytča. Guide to the archival fonds] 2 vols. Bratislava, 1962–1965. Archives of the County Liptov, Trenčín (in part), Turiec; Family archives with medieval sources.

Štátny archív v Košiciach [State Archive in Košice] ul. J. Bačíka 1, SK-041 56 Košice, Slovakia e-mail: [email protected] Inventory: Bidovský, E. et al., eds. Štátny archív v Košiciach. Sprievodca po archívnych

fondoch I. [State Archive in Kassa. Guide to the archival fonds] Vol. 1, Bratislava, 1963. Andrássy, L. et al. eds. Štátny archív v Košiciach. Sprievodca po archívnych fondoch. [State

Archive in Kassau. Guide to the archival fonds] Vol. 2, Bratislava 1965. Archival fond County Abov; Ecclesiastical archive of Dominicans in Košice.

Štátny archív v Levoči [State Archive in Levoča] nám. majstra Pavla 60, SK-054 01 Levoča, Slovakia e-mail: [email protected] Inventory: Kočiš, J. et al., eds. Štátny archív v Banskej Bystrici – pobočka v Bytči. Sprievodca

po archívnych fondoch. [State Archive in Banská Bystrica – Repository in Bytča. Guide to the archival fonds ] 2 vols. Bratislava, 1962–1965. Archive of the County Spiš, Province of 16 cities in Spiš, County of the Szepes lancers’ cities; Municipal archive of Levoča and Gelnica; Archive of the locus credibilis and private archive of the Collegiat chapter from Spiš; Family archives with medieval sources.

Štátny archív v Nitre [State Archive in Nitra] Novozámocká 383, SK-951 12 Nitra – Ivánka, Slovakia e-mail: [email protected] Inventory: Kostický, B.–J. Watzka, et al. Štátny archív v Bratislave - pobočka v Nitre.

Sprievodca po archívnych fondoch. [SA in Bratislava – Repository in Nitra. Guide to the archival fonds] Vol. 2, Bratislava, 1963. Archive of the County Nitra (part); Archive of the Augustinian prepository in Nové Mesto nad Váhom; Noble family archives.

Štátny archív v Prešove [State Archive in Prešov] Hlavná 137, SK-080 01 Prešov, Slovakia e-mail: [email protected]

Inventory: Uličný, Ferdinand, et al. Štátny archív v Prešove. Sprievodca po archívnych fondoch. [State Archive in Pressau. Guide to the archival fonds] Vol. 1, Bratislava, 1959. Archive of the County Šariš; Noble family archives.

Archív mesta Bratislavy [Archive of the city of Pozsony/Pressburg/ Bratislava] Primaciálne nám. 2, SK-814 71 Bratislava, Slovakia e-mail: [email protected] Inventory: Lehotská, Darina et al. Archív mesta Bratislavy. Sprievodca po fondoch a

zbierkach. [Archive of the City Bratislava. Guide to the archival fonds and collections] Praha, 1955.

Lehotská, Darina et al. Archív mesta Bratislavy. Inventár stredovekých listín, listov a iných príbuzných písomností. [Archive of the City Bratislava. Inventory of medieval charters and similar materials] Bratislava 1956.

Horváth, Vladimír. Archív mesta Bratislavy. Inventár úradných kníh. [Archive of the City Bratislava. Inventory of official books] Bratislava, 1975. Municipal archive of Bratislava (ca. 5,000 charters before 1526 and an unique series of town books from the 14th and especially the 15th c.); Archive of the St. Ladislas hospital in Bratislava; Fraternitas



Corporis Christi; Archive of the guild of tailors; Collection of armales and nobilitation; Collection of ecclesiastical sources (mainly manuscripts and fragments from the 12th to the 15th c.)

Archív mesta Košíc [Archive of the City of Košice] Address: Kováčska 20/1, SK-040 01 Košice, Slovakia

Archive of the city council in Košice (1239–1922); Archives of the guilds; Collection of manuscripts (from early 16th c.); Collection of music written sources (from the 14th c.)

3.1. Charters and related

Bárdossy, J. Supplementum Annalectorum terrae Scepusiensis. Levoča, 1802. Chaloupecký, Václav, ed. Středověké listy ze Slovenska. [Medieval letters from Slovakia]

Bratislava–Praha, 1937. Császár, Mihály. Academia Istropolitana. Mátyás király pozsonyi egyeteme oklevéltára.

[Charters of the Pozsony University of King Matthias] Pozsony, 1914. Gácsová, Alžbeta, ed. Dokumenty k protifeudálnym bojom slovenského ľudu. [Documents to

History of anti-feudal fight of the Slovak people] Bratislava, 1955. Húščava, Alexander, ed. Archív zemianskeho rodu z Okoličného. [Archive of the noble family

de Okoličné] Bratislava, 1943. Hýroš, Štefan. “Odpisy z listárne liptovského rodu Palúgyay.” [Copies from the archive of

Liptov noble Family Palugyay] Letopis Matice Slovenskej 9:1 (1872): 78–84. Iványi, Béla, ed. Bártfai szabad király város leveltára 1319–1526. [Archive of the free royal

town Bardejov] Budapest, 1910. Iványi, Béla, ed. Eperjesi szabad király város leveltára 1245–1526. [Archive of the free royal

town Prešov] Budapest, 1931. Juck, Ľubomír, ed. Výsady miest a mestečiek na Slovensku (1238–1350). [Privilegies of the

cities and markets in Slovakia] Bratislava, 1984. (in Latin ) Kniezsa, István, ed. Stredoveké české listiny. [Medieval Czech charters] Budapest, 1952. Marsina, Richard, ed. Codex diplomaticus et epistolaris Slovaciae. Vol. 1. [till 1240]

Bratislava, 1971; Vol. 2. [till 1260] Bratislava, 1987. (Vols. 3 and 4 are in preparation) Marsina, Richard–Kušík, Michal, ed. Urbáre feudálnych panstiev. [Urbaria of feudal

landowners] 2 vols. Bratislava, 1959. From the 16th and 17th c. Opočenská-Jeršová, Mária, ed. Rod Ivánka z Jordánu a Dražkoviec. Príspevok k dejinám

Turca. [Noble family Ivánka of J. and D. A Supplement to the History of Turiec] Bratislava, 1937.

Opočenská-Jeršová, Mária. “Slovenský diplomatár.” Sborník Muzeálnej spoločnosti slovenskej 25 (1931): 1–32; 26 (1932): 33–48; 27–28 (1933/34): 49–64; 29 (1935): 65–80.

Ratkoš, Peter, ed. “Doplnok k liptovskému diplomatáru. (Šestnásť listín z archívu rodiny Szentiványi).” [Supplement to the Diplomatary of Liptov. 16 charters from the archive of noble family Szentiványi] Historický sborník 5 (1947): 17–99.

Ratkoš, Peter, ed. Dokumenty k banícke povstaniu na Slovensku (1525–26). [Documents to the Uprising of Miners in Slovakia (1525–26)] Bratislava, 1955.

Sasinek, Franko V. “Listiny mesta Prievidze.” [Charters of Prievidza] Letopis Matice Slovenskej 2 (1875): 85–112.

Sasinek, Franko V. “Listiny Turč. sv. Martina.” [Charters of T. Sv. Martin] Letopis Matice Slovenskej 1:1 (1874): 70–106.

Sasinek, Franko V. “Zo zbierok Matice slovenskej: Listiny sl. kr. mesta Sv. Jur.” [From Collections of Matica Slovenská: Charters of free royal town Sv. Jur] Letopis Matice Slovenskej 6:2 (1869): 78–85; 7:1 (1870): 97–98; 10:1 (1873): 70–80; 10:2 (1873): 62–71.

Schmauk, M. Supplementum Annalectorum terrae Scepusiensis. Pars 2, Spišské Podhradie, 1889.



Sedlák, Vincent, ed. Regesta diplomatica necnon epistolaria Slovaciae. Vol. 1, [1301–1304] Bratislava 1980; Vol. 2, [1315–1323] Bratislava, 1987 – in the language of the sources (Vols. 3 and 4 are in preparation)

Varsík, Branislav, ed. Slovenské listiny a listy z XV. a XVI. storočia. [Slovak Charters and Letters from the 15th and 16th centuries] Bratislava, 1956.

Wagner, Carolus. Annalecta Scepusii sacri et profani. Vol. 1–4, Wien, 1773. Wagner, Carolus. Diplomatarium comitatus Sarosiensis. Bratislava–Košice, 1780. 3.2. Laws

Chaloupecký, Václav, ed. Kniha Žilinská. [The Žilina book] Bratislava, 1934. Horváth, Sándor. A Liptói és Turóci registrum. [The registers of Turóc and Liptó] Budapest,

1902. Kuchar, Rudolf, ed. Žilinská právna kniha. [The book of municipal law from Žilina]

Bratislava, 1993. Meier, Jörg–Piirainen, Ilpo Tapani, ed. Der Schwabenspiegel aus Kaschau. Berlin, 2000. Papsonová, Mária–Piirainen, Ilpo Tapani, ed. Das Recht der Spiš / Zips. 2 vols. Oulu, 1992. Piirainen, Ilpo Tapani, ed. Das Stadt und Bergrecht von Banská Štiavnica / Schemnitz. Oulu,

1986. Piirainen, Ilpo Tapani, ed. Das Stadtrechtsbuch von Sillein. Berlin–New York, 1972. Ziegler, Arne, ed. Actionale Protocollum. Das älteste Stadtbuch von Bratislava/Pressburg aus

den Jahren 1402–1506. Bratislava, 1999.

4. Major Slovak libraries with medieval manuscripts

Knižnica / Literárny archív Matice Slovenskej [Library / Literary Archive of Matica slovenská] Námestie J. Cígera Hronského 1, SK-036 52 Martin, Slovakia e-mail: [email protected] Univerzitná knižnica v Bratislave [University Library in Bratislava] Michalská 1, SK-811 01 Bratislava, Slovakia Inventory: Kotvan, Imrich. Rukopisy Univerzitnej knižnice v Bratislave. [Mss of the

University Library in Bratislava] Bratislava, 1970. The Slovenský národný archív [Slovak National Archive] – see above, also holds numerous mss. 4.1. Catalogues and studies to the medieval manuscripts and fragments in Slovakia

Sopko, Július. Stredoveké latinské kódexy v slovenských knižniciach. [Medieval Latin mss. in Slovak libraries] Martin, 1981.

Sopko, Július. Stredoveké latinské kódexy slovenskej proveniencie v Maďarsku a Rumunsku [Medieval Latin Mss. of Slovak Provenance in Hungary and Romania] Martin, 1982.

Sopko, Július: Kódexy a neúplne zachované rukopisy v slovenských knižniciach [Mss. and Fragments in Slovak libraries] Martin, 1986.

4.2. Facsimiles and editions

Buran, Dušan et al., eds. Antiphonary of Bratislava. 2 vols. Memoria Slovaciae Medii Aevi Manuscripta, Martin, 2000–2004. CD-ROM edition.

Káčerík, Adrian. Codex Nitriensis Latinus: edizione critica del codice. Žilina, 1999. Sopko, Július–Valach, Július–Lašut, Filip, eds. Nitriansky evanjeliár. [The gospel-book of

Nitra] Martin, 1987.



Szendrei, Janka–Rybarič, Richard. Musicalia Danubiana. Missale notatum Strigoniense ante 1341 in Posonio. Budapest, 1982.

4.3. Selected studies

Buran, Dušan–Šedivý, Juraj. “Listiny a knižné maliarstvo na sklonku stredoveku.” [Charters and illumination at the end of middle ages] in Gotika. Dejiny slovenského výtvarného umenia, Bratislava, 2003, 512–527.

Buran, Dušan–Šedivý, Juraj. “Písmo a knižné maliarstvo: objednávatelia, umelci a adresáti.” [Writing and book illumination: submitters, artists and addresssees] in Gotika. Dejiny slovenského výtvarného umenia, Bratislava, 2003, 161–181.

Kuzmík, Jozef. Slovník starovekých a stredovekých autorov prameňov a knižných skriptorov so slovenskými vzťahmi. [Dictionary of ancient and medieval book authors and scriptors with relations to Slovakia] Martin, 1983.

Sopko, Július. “Die Kodexliteratur aus der Slowakei des Mittelalters.” Zborník Filozofické fakulty Univerzity Komenského – Graeco-orientalia 6 (1974): 47–80.

Veselovská, Eva. Mittelalterliche liturgische Kodizes mit Notation in den Archivbeständen von Bratislava. Bratislava, 2002.

5. Selected editions of narrative texts related to the territory of present-day Slovakia

Havlík, Lubomír E. ed. Magnae Moraviae fontes historici. 5 vols., Pragae–Brunnae, 1966–1977.

Milik, J. ed. Vita sanctorum heremitarum Zoerardi Confessoris et Benedicti martyris, Saint Andrew Zoerardus. Roma, 1966.

(Several Latin sources have been recently published in Slovak translation.)






1. Archival Resources

1.1. Description of archives

Balázs, Péter. Magyarország levéltárai. [Archives of Hungary] Budapest, 1983. Blazovich, László and Veronika Müller, eds. Magyarország levéltárai. [Archives of Hungary]

Budapest: Szignatúra, 1996. [Web-edition: {German version}]

Borsa, Iván. “A Magyar Országos Levéltár Mohács előtti gyűjteményei 1882–1982.” [The Antemohacsiana collections of the Hungarian National Archives] Levéltári Közlemények 53 (1982): 3–19.

Borsa, Iván. “A Magyar Országos Levéltár Diplomatikai Levéltára I. A gyűjtemény kialakulása.” [The collection of original charters of the Hungarian National Archives I. The formation of the collection] Levéltári Közlemények 40 (1969): 289–323.

Borsa, Iván, “A Magyar Országos Levéltár középkori gyűjteményei,” [The medieval collections of the Hungarian National Archives] Erdélyi Múzeum (1996/3–4): 314–321.

Dóka, Klára, Veronika Müller, Magdolna Réfi Oszkó. A magyar levéltártörténet kronológiája, 1000–2000. [A chronology of the Hungarian archival history, 1000–2000] Budapest: MOL, 2000.

Veres, Miklós, Lajos Nagy, Klára Dóka, eds. A magyarországi egyházi levéltárak fondjegyzékei. [A catalogue of ecclesiastical archives in Hungary] 4 vols. Budapest, 1976–1987.

1.2. Archival inventories

Borsa, Iván, ed. Magyar Országos Levéltár. A Mohács előtti gyűjtemény. [Hungarian National Archives. Collection of pre-Mohács {1526} records] (Levéltári leltárak 54. MOL). Budapest: MOL, 1972.

Buzási János, ed. A Magyar Országos Levéltár fondjainak és állagainak jegyzéke. [The register of fonds and stocks of the collection of the Hungarian National Archives] 4 vols. Budapest: MOL, 1996.

Mohács előtti gyűjtemény/Collectio Antemohacsiana (Q section), Diplomatikai Levéltár (Dl.1–ca.108250) The charters incorporated into the collection were taken from: the collection of the MOL (1001–1526); the archives of the Chamber; of the Hungarian and of the Transylvanian Chancellery; of the Treasury; of government offices in Transylvania; charters taken from the archives in Vienna; the so-called Regnicolaris archives; judicial archives; family archives; institutional archives; different collections.

Fényképgyűjtemény/Collection of photocopies (U section), Diplomatikai Fényképgyűjtemény (Df.200000–ca.292000) Szent Györgyi, Mária, ed. Magyar Országos Levéltár. A Diplomatikai Fényképgyűjtemény.

[Hungarian National Archives. The collection of photocopies] (Levéltári leltárak 80. MOL). Budapest: MOL, 1983; 84931 items, 327905 photos, 135078 chronological reference cards.

1.3. Publication of records

Benda, Kálmán. “A magyar történeti forráskiadás múltja.” [Past of the source-edition in Hungary] In A magyar történettudomány kézikönyve. Budapest: Könyvértékesítő Vállalat, 1987. List of the major source publications and undertakings.



Draskóczy, István and István Soós. “Középkori oklevélpublikációk Magyarországon 1945–1990 között.” [Medieval charter-publications in Hungary between 1945–1990] Levéltári Közlemények 61 (1990): 9–55.

Kosáry, Domokos, ed. Bevezetés Magyarország történetének forrásaiba és irodalmába. [Introduction to the sources and literature of the history of Hungary] 3 vols. Budapest: Tankönyvkiadó, 1951–1958, 1970; Revised and updated edition: Budapest: Osiris, 2000–sqq.

1.4. National Archives of Hungary (MOL), Collectio Antemohacsiana

H-1014 Budapest, Bécsi kapu tér 2–4., Hungary Tel: +36 1 356 5811 Fax: +36 1 212 1619 The most important collection of the National Archives is the “Collection of pre-Mohács (i.e. 1526) records.” It consists of two parts: the Diplomatics Archives (Dl) which contain all records before 1526 kept by the Hungarian National Archives (MOL), and the Diplomatics Photocopy Collection (Df) which contains the photographs of the medieval Hungarica records kept outside the MOL. These two collections – Dl and Df – include some 320,000 documents.

There are two auxiliary tools at the scholars disposal: I. inventory card contatining 8 pieces of information of each document (serial number, inventory numer, dating, surviving form, remarks, original number, issuer, seal; II. short extracts (calendars, regesta) of the charter in Hungarian. Part I is fully accessible through the Internet (;; The recently issued CD-ROM version of the inventory contains ca. 100,000 regesta for the period of 1341–1526 (from the Dl section and from the Charters of the Sigismund era).

Borsa, Iván. “Computer aided data processing of mediaeval documents in the National Archives of Hungary.” In Miscellanea Carlos Wyffels. Archives et Bibliothèque de Belgique, 1986, 84–95.

Borsa, Iván. “Középkori oklevelek egyes adatainak gépi feldolgozása a Magyar Országos Levéltárban.” [The computer-aided database of the Hungarian National Archives] Levéltári Szemle 42 (1992): 27–49.

Rácz, György. A középkori Magyarország levéltári forrásainak adatbázisa (Dl.-Df. 4.2). [A database of archival resources of medieval Hungary] CD-ROM edition, Budapest: MOL, 2003.

1.5. Hungarian Archives with significant medieval holdings

Municipal Archives of Sopron H-9400 Sopron, Fő tér 1., Hungary Tel: +36 99 312 198 e-mail: [email protected], [email protected] The medieval collection of the Municipal Archives of Sopron is of outstanding importance amongst the Hungarian collections. The Antemohacsiana collection consists of appr. 4,000 charters, 311 fragments of codices and 49 of Jewish codices. Inventory: A Soproni Állami Levéltár fondjainak jegyzéke. [Inventory of the Sopron State

Archives] Budapest, 1967. Archives of County Heves H-3300 Eger, Mátyás király út 62. Tel: +36 36 320 144, 320 164 Fax: +36 36 313 762 The Eger chapter acted as a place of authentication from the thirteenth century. 991 medieval charters in the possession of the Archives.



Inventories: Mohács előtti oklevelek gyűjteménye. [The Antemohacsiana {pre-1526} collection] Eger, 1976.

Árpád-kori oklevelek a Heves megyei levéltárban. [Charters from the Árpád Age in the Archives of County Heves] Eger, 1997.

Archives of County Vas H-9700 Szombathely, Hefele Menyhért u. 1., Hungary Tel./Fax: +36 94 313 265 705 medieval charters Inventory: A Vas Megyei Levéltár fondjainak jegyzéke. [Inventory of the Archives of County

Vas] Budapest, 1969. Archives of County Veszprém H-8200 Veszprém, Vár u. 12., Hungary Tel: +36 88 560 170, Fax: +36 88 560 180 340 medieval charters Inventory: A veszprémi Állami Levéltár fondjainak jegyzéke. [Inventory of the Veszprém State

Archives] Budapest, 1973. Archives of County Zala H-8900 Zalaegerszeg, Széchenyi tér 3., Hungary Tel: +36 92 312 794, 598 956, 598 957 Fax: +36 92 316 554 The most important part of the collection is the corpus of 433 charters kept by the Zalavár convent as a place of authentication. Inventory: Zala Megyei Levéltár fondjainak jegyzéke. [Inventory of the Archives of County

Zala] Budapest, 1970. Archives of the Primate of Hungary and the Esztergom cathedral chapter H-2500 Esztergom, Mindszenty tér 2., Hungary Tel: +36 33 313 690, 311 288 Fax: +36 33 311 085 1. Archives of the Primate of Hungary: 1,200 medieval charters 2. Archives of the Esztergom cathedral chapter (place of authentication) 3,000 medieval charters Archiepiscopal Archives of Veszprém and the Archives of Veszprém cathedral chapter H-8200 Veszprém, Vár u. 16., Hungary Tel: +36 80 426 088; Fax: +36 80 426 287 1. Archives of the Bishophric of Veszprém: 693 medieval charters 2. Archives of the Veszprém cathedral chapter (place of authentication) 1073 medieval charters Inventories: Lukcsics, Pál. “A veszprémi püspöki levéltár.” [The Episcopal Archives of

Veszprém] Levéltári Közlemények 9 (1931): 13–37. Borsa, Iván. “A veszprémi püspökség levéltárának első jegyzéke 1352-ből.” [The first

inventory of the Episcopal Archives of Veszprém] Levéltári Közlemények 20–23 (1942–45): 384–388.

Lukcsics, Pál. “A veszprémi káptalan levéltára.” [The archives of the cathedral chapter of Veszprém] Levéltári Közlemények 8 (1930).

Kumorovitz, L. Bernát, ed. Veszprémi regeszták 1301–1387. [Calendars (regesta) from Veszprém. 1301–1387] Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1953.



Archives of the Vasvár-Szombathely collegiate chapter H-9700 Szombathely, Berzsenyi tér 3., Hungary Tel: +36 94 506 996, 506 997 Fax: +36 94 318 538 276 medieval charters (Diplomatarium (1224–1669)) Archives of the Benedictine Abbey of Pannonhalma H-9090 Pannonhalma, Pannonhalmi Főapátság, Hungary Some 35 papal, royal and private charters prior to the first half of the13th century; Abbot Uros increased this number with ca. 150 charters. The first register which attempts to make order in the charter material goes back to the fourteenth century. Among the dependent abbeys Tihany (at Lake Balaton) had the most important archives, containing its 1055 foundation charter and the 1211 costumal/survey. Literature: Takács, Imre, ed. Mons Sacer 996–1996. Pannonhalma 1000 éve. [Thousand years

of Pannonhalma] 3 vols. Pannonhalma, 1996.

2. Major Publications of Laws and Charters *=calendars (regesta), usually in Hungarian

Anjou-kori oklevéltár. Documenta res Hungaricas tempore regum Andegavensium illustrantia. Praeside Julio Kristó, 18 vols. Budapest–Szeged: n. p., 1990– (in progress). (digital version is under construction)*

Armales et diplomata. Mohács előtti oklevelek (1162–1350) és armálisok (1418–1833) a Sopronoi Levéltárból. [Pre-Mohács charters (1162–1350) and armales (1418–1833) from the Archives of Sopron] CD-ROM edition, Budapest: Arcanum, 2004.

Bak, János M., György Bónis, James Ross Sweeney, eds. The Laws of the Medieval Kingdom of Hungary. Decreta Regni Mediaevalis Hungariae 1000–1301. Vol. 1. Bakersfield: Charles Schlacks Jr., 1989; 2nd, rev. ed.: Idyllwild: Schlacks, 1999. (digital edition is forthcoming)

Bak, János M., Pál Engel, James Ross Sweeney, eds. The Laws of the Medieval Kingdom of Hungary. Decreta Regni Mediaevalis Hungariae. 1301–1457. Vol. 2. Salt Lake City: Charles Schlacks Jr., 1992.

Bak, János M., Leslie S. Domonkos, and Paul B. Harvey, Jr. eds. The Laws of the Medieval Kingdom of Hungary. Decreta Regni Mediaevalis Hungariae. 1458–1490. Vol. 3. Los Angeles: Charles Schlacks, 1997. (Werbőczy’s Tripartitum is forthcoming)

Bakács, István. Iratok Pest megye történetéhez. Oklevélregeszták 1002–1437. [Documents to the history of Pest County. Calendars] Budapest: Pest Megyei Levéltár, 1982.*

Barabás, Samu, ed. A római szent birodalmi széki Teleki család oklevéltára. [The charters of the Teleki family] 2 vols. Budapest, 1895.

Bártfai Szabó, László, ed. Pest megye történetének okleveles emlékei 1002–1599-ig. [Charter documents from the history of Pest county] Budapest: Bártfai Szabó László, 1938.

Bártfai Szabó, László, ed. A Hunt-Paznan nemzetségbeli Forgách család története. [A history of the Forgách family of the Hunt-Pazman kindred] Budapest, 1910.

Bónis, György. Szentszéki regeszták. Iratok az egyházi bíráskodás történetéhez Magyarországon. [Calendars of charters issued by ecclesiastical courts. Documents to the history of ecclesiastical courts in Hungary] ed. Elemér Balogh, Acta Juridica et Politica LI/1. Szeged: JATE ÁJTK, 1997. (See also: Püski Kiadó, 1997)*

Borsa, Iván, ed. A Szent-Ivány család levéltára: 1230–1525. [The archives of the Szent-Ivány family: 1230–1525.] Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1988.*

Borsa, Iván, ed. A Balassa család levéltára: 1193–1526. [The archives of the Balassa family: 1193–1526.] Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1990.*



Borsa, Iván, ed. A Justh család levéltára: 1274–1525. [The archives of the Justh family: 1193–1525.] Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1991.*

Borsa, Iván, ed. Az Abaffy család levéltára: 1247–1515. A Dancs család levéltára: 1232–1525. A Hanvay család levéltára: 1216–1525. [The archives of the Abaffy family: 1247–1515. The archives of the Dancs family: 1232–1525. The archives of the Hanvay family: 1216–1525.] Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1993.*

Bossányi, Árpád, ed. Regesta supplicationum. 1342–1394. 2 vols. Budapest, 1916–1918.* Documenta artis Paulinorum. A magyar rendtartomány monostorai. [The monasteries of the

Hungarian Province] 3 vols. Budapest, 1975–1978. Döry, Franciscus, Georgius Bónis, Vera Bácskai, eds. Decreta regni Hungariae. Gesetze und

Verordnungen Ungarns. 1301–1457. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1976. Döry, Franciscus, Georgius Bónis, Geisa Érszegi, Susanna Teke, eds. Decreta regni

Hungariae. Gesetze und Verordnungen Ungarns. 1458–1490. Budapest, Akadémiai Kiadó, 1989.

Erdélyi, László and Pongrác Sörös. A pannonhalmi Szent-Benedek-rend története. [A history of the Benedictine Order of Pannonhalma] 12 vols. Budapest, 1902–1916; digital edition of the charter-appendices: Collectio Diplomatica Benedictina. A Pannonhalmi Bencés Főaptásági Levéltár középkori oklevelei. [The medieval charters of the Benedictine Archives of the Pannonhalma Benedictine Abbey] CD-ROM edition, Pannonhalma–Nagykanizsa: Pannonhalmi Bencés Főapátság–Alma Mater, 2001. {1600 charters in extenso}

Eszterházy, János, ed. Az Eszterházy család és oldalágainak leírásához tartozó oklevéltár. [Charters belonging to the history of the Eszterházy family] Budapest, 1901.

Fejér, Georgius, ed. Codex diplomaticus Hungariae ecclesiasticus ac civilis. 11 tom. in 43 vols. Buda, 1829–1844; digital edition: Budapest: Arcanum, 2004; on-line edition:

Fejérpataky, László, ed. Magyarországi városok régi számadáskönyvei. [Old account books of Hungarian towns] Budapest, 1885.

Fekete, Nagy Antonius, Victor Kenéz, Ladislaus Solymosi, Geisa Érszegi, eds. Monumenta rusticorum in Hungaria rebellium anno MDXIV. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1979.

Fekete, Nagy Antonius and Ladislaus Makkai, eds. Documenta historiam Valachorum in Hungaria illustrantia, usque ad annum 1400 p. Christum. Budapest: OMB, 1941.

Fraknói, Vilmos, ed. Veszprémi püspökség római oklevéltára/Monumenta romana episcopatus Wesprimiensis 1103–1526. 3 vols. Budapest, 1896–1907.

Fraknói, Vilmos, ed. Oklevéltár a magyar királyi kegyúri jog történetéhez. [Charters to the history of the Hungarian royal overlordship] Budapest, 1899.

Friss, Ármin. Magyar-zsidó oklevéltár. Monumenta Hungariae Judica. Vol. 1: 1092–1539. Budapest, 1903.

Hegedűs, Attila and Lajos Papp, eds. Középkori leveleink 1541-ig. [Medieval letters up to 1541] Budapest: Tankönyvkiadó, 1991. (selection, with facsimile)

Gárdonyi, Albert, ed. Budapest történetének okleveles emlékei/Monumenta diplomatica civitatis Budapest. Vol. 1. Budapest: Székesfőváros, 1936.

Gelchich, József, and Lajos Thallóczy, eds. Ragusa és Magyarország összeköttetéseinek okmánytára./Diplomatarium relationum reipublicae Ragusanae cum Regno Hungariae. Budapest, 1887.

Géresi, Kálmán, ed. A nagy-károlyi gróf Károlyi család oklevéltára / Codex diplomaticus comitum Károlyi de Nagy-Károly. 5 vols. Budapest, 1882–1897.

Györffy, György, et. al., eds. Diplomata Hungariae antiquissima ab anno 1000 ad annum 1131. Vol. 1, Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1992.

Györffy, György, Árpád-kori oklevelek, 1001–1196. [Charters from the Árpád Age, 1001–1196] Budapest: Balassi Kiadó, 1997.

Házi, Jenő, ed. Sopron szabad királyi város története. [A history of Sopron] Ser. 1, 7 vols., Ser. 2. 6 vols., Sopron: Székely és Tsa, 1921–1943.



Iványi, Béla, ed. Bártfa szabad királyi város levéltára. Vol. 1: 1319–1526. [The archives of the city of Bártfa {Bardejov}] Budapest, 1910.

Iványi, Béla, ed. Eperjes szabad királyi város levéltára. Archivum liberae regiaeque civitatis Eperjes, 1245–1526. Szeged: Szegedi Városi Nyomda és Kiadó, 1931.

Jakó, Zsigmond, ed. A kolozsmonostori konvent jegyzőkönyvei. (1289–1556). [Records of the Kolozsmonostor {Monastîr}convent] 2 vols. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1990.

Jakó, Zsigmond, ed. Erdélyi okmánytár: Oklevelek, levelek és más írásos emlékek Erdély történetéhez / Codex diplomaticus Transsylvaniae: Diplomata, epistolae et alia instrumenta litteraria res Transsylvanas illustrantia. 2 vols. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1997–2004. (Vol. 1: 1023–1300, Vol. 2: 1301–1339)*

Knauz, Ferdinandus et. al., eds. Monumenta Ecclesiae Strigoniensis. 4 vols. Esztergom, 1874–1999.

Körmendy, József. Annatae e Regno Hungariae provenientes in Archivo Secreto Vaticano, 1421–1536. A magyarországi egyházmegyék javadalmainak annatái, 1421–1536. Budapest: MOL, 1990.

Kubinyi, András et al., eds. Elenchus fontium historiae urbanae. Vol. 3. Budapest: Balassi, 1997.

Kubinyi, Ferencz, ed. Codex diplomaticus Arpadianus (1095–1301). Pest, 1867. Lukcsics, Pál. Olaszországi magyar oklevéltár. XV. századi pápák oklevelei. [Charters in Italy

with reference to Hungary. Fifteenth-century papal bulls] 2 vols, Budapest: MTA, 1931–1938.

Lukinich, Imre, ed. A podmanini Podmaniczky-család oklevéltára. [Archives of the Podmaniczky family] 5 vols. Budapest, 1937–1943.

Magyar Heraldikai és Genealógiai Társaság, ed. A nagykállói Kállay-család levéltára. 1224–1350. Az oklevelek és egyéb iratok kivonatai. [The charters of the Kállay family of Nagykálló. Calendars of the charters and other documents] 2 vols. Budapest: MHGT, 1943.*

Mályusz, Elemér, [Iván Borsa, Norbert C. Tóth], ed. Zsigmondkori oklevéltár. [Cartulary of the Sigismund era] 9 vols. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1951–2004. {1387–1422}*

Mihályi, János, ed. Máramarosi diplomák a XIV. és XV. századból. [Fourteenth and fifteenth-century charters from Máramaros] Máramaros-sziget, 1900.

Monumenta vaticana. Historiam regni Hungariae Illustrantia. Ser 1, 6 vols., Ser 2, 1 vol. Budapest: Szent István Társulat, 1884–1888; reprint edition: István Zombori, and Asztrik Várszegi, eds. Budapest: METEM, 2000–2001.

Nagy, Gyula, ed. A nagymihályi és sztárai gróf Sztáray család oklevéltára. [Archives of the Sztáray family] 2 vols. Budapest, 1887–1889.

Nagy, Imre, ed. Sopron vármegye története. Oklevéltár. [A history of Sopron county. Charters] 2 vols. Sopron: Liftass Károly, 1889–1891.

Nagy, Imre et al., eds. Zala vármegye története. Oklevéltár. [A history of Zala County. Charters] Budapest, 1886–1890.

Nagy, Iván and Gyula Tasnádi Nagy, eds. Anjoukori Okmánytár / Codex diplomaticus Hungaricus Andegavensis. 7 vols. Budapest, 1878–1920.

Nagy, Iván et al., eds. Hazai okmánytár/Codex diplomaticus patrius. 8 vols. Győr–Budapest, 1865–1891.

Nagy, Iván et al., eds. Hazai oklevéltár 1234–1536. [Charters of Hungary] Budapest, 1879; digital edition: Budapest: Arcanum, 2003; on-line edition:

Nagy, Iván, Dezső Véghely, Ernő Kammerer, Pál Lukcsics, eds. A zichi és vásonkeői gróf Zichy-család idősb ágának okmánytára / Codex diplomaticus domus senioris comitum Zichy de Zich et Vásonkeő. 12 vols. Pest–Budapest, 1871–1931.

Nagy, Iván, and Albert Nyári, eds. Magyar diplomácziai emlékek Mátyás király korából. [Diplomatic records from the age of King Matthias] 4 vols. Budapest: MTA, 1875–1878.



Ortvay, Tivadar, ed. Temes vármegye és Temesvár város története a legrégibb időktől napjainkig. Oklevelek, 1183–1430. [A history of County Temes and the city of Temesvár. Charters, 1183–1430] Vol. 4. Pozsony, 1896.

Pesty, Frigyes, ed. Oklevelek Temesvármegye és Temesvár város történetéhez. [Charters to the history of Temes county and the city of Temes] Pozsony, 1896.

Radvánszky, Béla, and Levente Závodszky, eds. A Héderváry család oklevéltára. [The charters of the Héderváry family] 2 vols. Budapest: MTA, 1909–1922.

Smičiklas, Tadeus et al., eds. Codex diplomaticus regni Croatiae, Dalmatiae ac Slavoniae / Diplomatički zbornik kraljevine Hrvatske, Dalmacije i Slavonije. 18 vols., Suppl. Zagreb, 1904–sqq.

Sümeghy, Dezső. Sopron vármegye levéltárának oklevélgyűjteménye. Középkori oklevelek. (1236–1526). [Charters from the collection of County Sopron] Vol. 1, Sopron: Székely és Tsa, 1928.

Szabó, Károly and Lajos Szádeczky, eds. Székely oklevéltár. [Seclers' charters] 8 vols. Kolozsvár, 1982–1898, 1934.

Szakály, Ferenc. Ami Tolna vármegye középkori okleveleiből megmaradt, 1314–1526. [Extant medieval charters from County Tolna, 1314–1526] Szekszárd: Wosinszky Mór Múzeum, 1998.

Szentpétery, Imre, (and Iván Borsa), eds. Az Árpád-házi királyok okleveleinek kritikai jegyzéke / Regesta regum stirpis Arpadianae critico diplomatica. Budapest: MTA, 1923–1943, 1961.*

Thallóczy, Lajos and Samu Barabás, eds. A Blagay-család oklevéltára / Codex diplomaticus comitum de Blagay. Budapest, 1897.

Thallóczy, Lajos and Samu Barabás, eds. A Frangepán család oklevéltára / Codex diplomaticus comitum de Frangepanibus. 2 vols. 1135–1527. Budapest, 1910–1913.

Thallóczy, Lajos and Sándor Horváth, eds. Alsó-Szlavóniai okmánytár (Dubicza, Orbász és Szana vármegyék) / Codex diplomaticus partium regno Hungariae adnexarum (Comitatuum Dubicza, Orbász et Szana) 1244–1718. Budapest, 1912.

Thallóczy, Lajos and Antal Hodinka, eds. A horvát véghelyek okmánytára, 1490–1527. [Charters from the Croatin confines, 1490–1527] Budapest: MTA, 1903.

Thallóczy, Lajos, and Sándor Horváth, eds. Jajcza (bánság, vár és város) története, 1450–1527. [A history of (banate, castle and town of) Jajcza, 1450–1527] Budapest: MTA, 1915

Theiner, Augustinus, ed. Vetera monumenta historica Hungariam sacram illustrantia. 2 vols. Rome, 1859–1860.

Theiner, Augustinus, ed. Vetera Monumenta Slavorum meridionalium Historiam Illustrantia. 2 vols. Rome–Zagreb, 1863–1875.

Tkalčić, Ivan, ed. Monumenta Historica Episcopatus Zagrabiensis. 2 vols. Zagreb, 1873–1874.

Tkalčić, Ivan ed. Monumenta Historica liberae regiae civitatis Zabrabiae, metropolis regni Dalmatiae, Croatiae et Slavoniae. Povjestni spomenici slob. kralj. grada Zabreba. 14 vols. Zagreb, 1889–1932.

Varjú, Elemér and Béla Iványi, eds. Oklevéltár a Tomaj nemzetségbeli losonczi Bánffy család történetéhez. [Charters to the history of the Bánffy family] 2 vols. Budapest, 1908–1928.

Wagner, Hans and Irmtraut Lindeck-Pozza, ed. Urkundenbuch des Burgenlandes und der angrenzenden Gebiete der Komitate Wieselburg, Ödenburg und Eisenburg. 5 vols. Graz–Köln–Wien: Burgenländischen Landesregierung–IÖG, 1955–1999.

Wenzel, Gusztáv, ed. Codex diplomaticus Arpadianus continuatus. 12 vols. Pest, 1860–1874; digital edition: Budapest: Arcanum 2003; on-line edition:

Wenzel, Gusztáv, ed. Magyar diplomácziai emlékek az Anjou-korból / Acta extera Andegavensia. 3 vols. Budapest, 1874–1876.

Werbőczy István Hármaskönyve/Tripartitum opus iuris consuetudinarii inclyti regni Hungariae. ed. K. Csiky, Budapest, 1897; reprint: Budapest: Téka Könyvkiadó, 1990. Facsimile edition: Königstein: Taunus, 1982; digital edition is forthcoming



Zimmermann, Franz et al., eds. Urkundenbuch zur Geschichte der Deutschen in Siebenbürgen. 7 vols. Hermannstadt–Bukarest, 1892–1991.

3. Manuscript Resources

3.1. Catalogues and Studies

3.1.1. General

Bartoniek Emma, ed. Codices manu scripti latini. Codices latini medii aevi. Vol. 1. (Catalogus Bibliothecae Musei Nationalis Hungarici XII) Budapest: OSzK, 1940. (digital [updated version in: Kézirattár: Az Országos Széchényi Könyvtár Kézirattárának katalógiusai. [Manuscript inventory: Catalogues of the Manuscript department of the National Library of Hungary] Budapest: Arcanum, 2004; 449 codices; items description: material; dating; nos. of folios; size; init; binding; indices: names, toponyms, incipit

Csapodi, Csaba, and Klára Csapodiné Gárdonyi, eds. Bibliotheca Hungarica. Kódexek és nyomtatott könyvek Magyarországon 1526 előtt. [Codices and printed books in Hungary before 1526.] 3 vols. Budapest: MTAK, 1988–1994. – Vols. 1–2: 3419 surviving volumes; Vol. 3: 3025 lost items; not complete Hungarica-collection: the list consists of volumes used and/or printed in Hungary

Csapodi, Csaba, and Klára Csapodiné Gárdonyi, eds. Ariadne. A középkori magyarországi irodalom kéziratainak lelőhelykatalógusa. [Inventory of manuscripts of the medieval Hungarian literature] Budapest: MTAK, 1995.

Csapodi, Csaba, ed. Catalogus collectionis codicum Latinorum et Graecorum. K 393–K 500. A MTA Könyvtára Kézirattárának katalógusai 16. Budapest: MTAK, 1985.

Körmendy, Kinga. A Knauz-hagyaték kódextöredékei és az esztergomi egyház középkori könyvtárának sorsa. [The fragments of the Knauz bequest and the fate of the medieval library of the church of Esztergom] Budapest: MTAK, 1979.

Kubinyi, Mária, ed. Libri manuscripti Graeci in bibliothecis Budapestiensibus asservati. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1956.

Mezey, László, ed. Codices latini medii aevi bibliothecae universitatis Budapestiensis. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1961; 132 codices; items: century; author(s); material; columns; size; nos. of folios; fasciculi; binding; handwriting; ornament; scriptor; provenientia; possessor; tempus exarationis; incipit et desinit; contents according to the folios; catalogue of watermarks; indices: names, incipit

Mezey, László, et al., eds. Fragmenta latina codicum in bibliotheca universitatis Budapestiensis. Fragmenta codicum in bibliothecis Hungariae. Vol. I/1. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1983.

Mezey, László, et al., eds. Fragmenta latina codicum in bibliotheca seminarii cleri Hungariae centralis. Fragmenta codicum in bibliothecis Hungariae. Vol. I/2. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1988; FC I/1–2 vols list 546 fragments= 363 liturgical fragments (168 cum cantu+195 sine cantu), 183 misc. (Bible, patristica, universitaria, medical hist.)

Szelestei, László N., ed. Magyarországi egyházi könyvtárak kéziratkatalógusai / Catalogi manuscriptorum quae in bibliothecis ecclesiasticis Hungariae asservantur. 10 vols. Budapest: OSzK, 1979–1993.

Szilágyi, Sándor, ed. Catalogus codicum Bibliothecae universitatis R. Scientiarum Budapestiensis. Budapest, 1881.

Szilágyi, Sándor, ed. Catalogus Librorum manuscriptorum Bibliothecae universitatis R. Scientiarum Budapestiensis. Vol. 1. Budapest, 1889.

Vizkelety, András, ed. Beschreibendes Verzeichnis der altdeutschen Handschriften in ungarischen Bibliotheken. 2 vols. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1969–1973. – Vol. 1: 88 items+Vol. 2: 89 items= 177 items (books, fragments, etc.) – holdings are to be found: OSzK, Budapest, Debrecen, Eger, Esztergom, Győr, Kalocsa, Pannonhalma, Pápa, Pécs, Szombathely



Vizkelety, András, ed. Mittelalterliche lateinische Handschriftenfragmente in Esztergom. Fragmenta et codices in Bibliothecis Hungariae. Vol. 2. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1993. – FC II lists 155 fragments=44 cum cantu, 49 sine cantu, 62 “secular” fragments

Vizkelety, András, and Péter Erdő, eds. Mittelalterliche lateinische Handschriftenfragmente in Győr. Fragmenta et codices in Bibliothecis Hungariae. Budapest: Balassi, 1998.

3.2. Liturgical and ecclesiastical works

Hubay, Ilona. Missalia Hungarica. Régi magyar misekönyvek. Budapest, 1938. Klaniczay, Gábor and Edit Madas. Hagiographies. La Hongrie. Vol. 2. Brepols: Turnhout,

1996. Radó, Polikárp, ed. Index codicum manuscriptorum liturgicorum Regni Hungariae. Budapest,

1941. Radó, Polikárp, ed. Libri liturgici manuscripti bibliothecarum Hungariae et limitropharum

regionum. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1973. Lists 198 items. Szendrei, Janka. A magyar középkor hangjegyes forrásai. [The medieval sources of musical

notation] Budapest, 1981. Szendrei, Janka, et al. The Istanbul Antiphonal: about 1360. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó,

1999 (+laser disc). 3.3. Bibliotheca Corviniana

Berkovits, Ilona. A magyarországi Corvinák. [Corvina volumes in Hungary] Budapest, 1962. Berkovits, Ilona. Illuminated manuscripts from the Library of Matthias Corvinus. Budapest,

1964. Bibliotheca Corviniana Digitalis Csapodi, Csaba and Gárdonyi Klára Csapodiné. Bibliotheca Corviniana. The Library of King

Matthias Corvinus of Hungary. Budapest: Magyar Helikon and Corvina, 1969. A catalogue of 194 manuscripts with an introductory essay and 114 colour plates.

Csapodi, Csaba and Gárdonyi Klára Csapodiné. Bibliotheca Corviniana 1490–1990. International Corvina exhibition on the 500th anniversary of the death of King Matthias. Exhibition catalogue. Budapest: OSzK, 1990.

Csapodi, Csaba. The Corvinian Library: History and Stock. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1973; 1040 items (different reconstructions): works with identified authors; anonymous works, miscellanea; uncertain inforamtory data; 167 authentic Corvinian codices

Hellebrant, Árpád, ed. Catalogus librorum saeculo XVo impressorum quotquot in Bibliotheca Academiae litterarum Hungaricae asservantur. Budapest, 1886. (466 items)

For a full bibliography, see 3.4. Incunabula (et antiqua)

Borsa, Gedeon et al., eds. Régi magyarországi nyomtatványok, 1473–1600. Res litteraria Hungariae vetus operum impressorum. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1971; 9 items up to 1530.

Borsa, Gedeon. “A magyarországi ősnyomtatványgyűjtemények.” [Collections of incunabula in Hungary] In Országos Széchényi Könyvtár Évkönyve 1957. Budapest: OSzK, 1958.

Catalogus incunabulorum Bibliothecae Teleki-Bolyai. Tirgu-Mures, 1971. 70 items. Fodor, Adrienne and Tünde Wehli. A budapesti Egyetemi Könyvtár ősnyomtatvány

katalógusa. [A catalogue of incunabula of the University Library] Budapest, ms. Kulcsár, Péter, ed. Catalogus incunabulorum Bibliothecae Batthyányanae. Szeged, 1965. Soltész, Erzsébet and Géza Sajó, eds. Catalogus incunabulorum quae in bibliothecis publicis

Hungariae asservantur. 2 vols. Budapest, 1970; 3550 items=7107 copies in 56 libraries; the first union catalogue of incunabula in Hungary; 50 % is in Budapest in 3 libraries; OSzK (1748), MTA (1159), ELTE (1035)



– major collections: Kalocsa, Székesfehérvár (more than 500); Esztegom, Pannonhalma, Győr (more than 200 each), National Széchényi Library (OSzK): 1748 copies =1416 editions; The Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA Könyvtár): 1159 copies=994 editions; University Library (ELTE): 1035 copies=892 editions; Library of the Kalocsa Cathedral; 502 copies=479 editions; Episcopal Library, Székesfehérvár: 502 copies=494 editions; Library of the Esztergom Cathedral: 290 copies=283 editions; The Simor Library, Esztergom: 232 copies=216 editions; Central Library of the Benedictine Order, Pannonhalma: 236 copies=229 editions; The Library of the Episcopal Seminary, Győr: 194 copies=190 editions; The József Bajza Library: 202 copies=173 editions; books of the Franciscan friary

Soltész, Erzsébet, Katalin Velenczei, Ágnes W. Salgó, eds. Az Országos Széchényi Könyvtár 16. századi nyomtatványainak katalógusa. [A catalogue of the printed publications from the 16th century in the collection of the Hungarian National Library] Budapest, 1990.

Szabó, Károly, ed. Régi magyar könyvtár. 1473–1711 / Manuale bibl. impressorum. 3 vols. Budapest, 1879–1898; digital edition: eRMK. Elektronikus régi magyar könyvtár. [eRMK. Electronic old Hungarian library] Budapest: Arcanum, n.d.

3.5. Studies

Borsa, Gedeon, “A magyarországi ősnyomtatvány-gyűjtemények.” [Incunabula collections in Hungary] In: Az Országos Széchényi Könyvtár Évkönyve 1957. Budapest: OSzK, 1958, 147–163.

Dezsényi Szemző, Piroska and László Mezey, eds. Armarium. Studia ex historia scripturae, librorum et ephemeridum. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1976.

Kódexek a középkori Magyarországon. Tanulmányok és katalógus. [Codices in the medieval Kingdom of Hungary. Studies and catalogue.] Budapest: n. p., 1985.

Kovács, Ilona and Lászlóné Faragó, eds. Külföldi Hungarika-anyagot őrző magyar könyvtárak címjegyzéke. [Foreign Hungarica to be found in Hungarian Libraries] Budapest: OSzK, 1994.

4. Main Libraries in Budapest with Manuscript Collections

Országos Széchényi Könyvtár [National Library] H-1014 Budapest, Budavári Palota „F” Building, Hungary Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem. Egyetemi Könyvtár [University Library] H-1053 Budapest, Ferenciek tere 5., Hungary Tel: +36 1 266 5866 Fax: +36 1 266 4634 Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem. Régi Magyarországi Kéziratok Kutatócsoportja [Research Group for Old Hungarian Mss.] H-1118 Budapest, Ménesi út 11–13., Hungary Tel: (+36 1) 366 6531 Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Könyvtára [Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences] H-1054 Budapest, Akadémia u. 2., Hungary Tel: +36 1 338 2344 ext.: 452 Országgyűlési Könyvtár [Parliament Library] H-1055 Budapest, Kossuth Lajos tér 1–3., Hungary Tel: +36 1 268 4029 Fax: +36 1 268 4853



5. Major editions of narrative texts

5.1. Guides

Bartoniek, Emma. Magyar történeti forráskiadványok. [Hungarian historical source collections] Budapest: Magyar Történelmi Társulat, 1929; repr. 1987. Handbook of Hungarian historical scholarship.

Gazda, István, ed. A magyar történettudomány kézikönyve. [A manual to Hungarian historical scholarship] Budapest: Könyvértékesítő Vállalat, 1987.

Gombos, F. Albin, ed. Catalogus fontium historiae Hungariae. 3 vols. Budapest, 1927–1938. In fact a collection of excerpts from domestic and foreign sources; new edition is forthcoming.

Kosáry, Domokos, ed. Bevezetés Magyarország történetének forrásaiba és irodalmába. [Introduction to the sources and literature of the history of Hungary] 3 vols. Budapest: Tankönyvkiadó, 1951–1958, 1970; Revised and updated edition: Budapest: Osiris, 2000–sqq.

5.2. Medieval texts (11th–14th centuries)

Chronicon Dubnicense. Recensuit et praefatus est M. Florianus. Quinqueecclesiis, 1884. Dercsényi, Dezső, ed. The Hungarian Illuminated Chronicle. Chronica de gestis

Hungarorum. trans. Alick Weit. (Facsimile and English translation). Budapest: Corvina: 1969; and later editions.

Endlicher, László István, ed. Rerum Hungaricarum monumenta Arpadiana. Sangalli, 1849. Still not entirely replaced by new editions.

Gerard of Csanad. Deliberatio supra hymnum trium puerorum. ed. Gabriel Silagi, (CCCM 49) Turnholt: Brepols, 1978.

Karácsonyi János and László Szegfű, trans. and eds. Deliberatio Gerardi Moresanae Aecclesiae Episcipi Supra Hymnum trum Puerorum. Szeged: Scriptum, 1999.

Marczali, Henrik, ed. Enchiridion fontium historiae Hungarorum / A magyar történet kútfőinek kézikönyve. Budapest, 1901.

Moravcsik, Gyula, ed. Az Árpád-kori magyar történelem bizánci forrásai. Fontes byzantini historiae Hungaricae aevo ducum et regum ex stirpe Árpád descendentium. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1985; 2nd edition: 1988.

Simonis de Kéza Gesta Hungarorum. The Deeds of of the Hungarians by Simon of Kéza. ed. and tr. László Veszprémy and Frank Schaer, Budapest: CEU Press, 1999.

Schwandtner, Johannes Georgius, ed. Scriptores rerum Hungaricarum veteres ac genuini. 3 vols. Vindobonae, 1746–1748. Newer editions: 1756, 1766–1768; still not entirely replaced by new editions.

Szentpétery, Imre, ed. Scriptores rerum hungaricarum tempore ducum regumque stirpis arpadianae gestarum. 2 vols. Budapest, 1937–1938. Reprint (and new texts): Budapest: Nap Kiadó, 1999; reprint edition: Budapest: Nap Kiadó, 1999.

Thomas Archidiaconus. Historia Salonitana. ed. Fr. Rački. Zagreb: Academia scientiarum, 1894; Recent editions: Nada Klaič, Belgrade, 1967; Olga Perič, and Mirjana Matijevič Sokol, eds. Split: Knijzevnik krug, 2003; In preparation: with English translation by James R. Sweeney and Mirjana Matijevič Sokol, Budapest [2005?], Central European Medieval Texts 5) .

5.3. Late medieval and early modern texts

Bocatius, Ioannes. Opera quae extant omnia poetica. Csonka, Franciscus, ed.. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1990.

Bonfinis, Antonius de. Rerum Ungaricarum decades. Kulcsár, Margarita and Petrus Kulcsár, eds.: Tom. IV.– Pars II. Appendix, fontes, index. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1976.



Tomi I–IV/1, Textus, ed. I. Fógel, B. Iványi, L. Juhász; published in the old series, Budapest: MTA, 1941.

Brodericus, Stephanus. De conflictu Hungarorum cum Solymano Turcorum imperatore ad Mohach historia verissima – Oratio ad Adrianum pontificem maximum. Kulcsár, Petrus and Csaba Csapodi, eds. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1985.

Dudithius, Andreas. Epistulae. Szczucki, Lechus and Tiburtius Szepessy, ed.. Pars I. 1554–1567. Comment. Clara Pajorin et Halina Kowalska. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1992. Pars II. 1568–1573. Ed. Margarita Borowska etc., mod. Georgius Axer. Comment. Halina Kowalska et Lechus Szczucki. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1995; Pars III. 1574, Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 2000; Pars IV. 1575, Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1998.

Gyöngyösi, Gregorius. Vitae Fratrum Eremitarum. Hervay, Franciscus L., ed.. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1988.

Iohannes Vitéz de Zredna. Opera quae supersunt. Boronkai, Iván, ed. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1980.

Johannes de Thurocz. Chronica Hungarorum. I. Textus. Galántai, Elisabeth and Julius Kristó, eds. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1985; II. Mályusz, Elemér and Julius Kristó, eds. Commentarii. 1. Ab initiis usque ad annum 1301; 2. Ab anno 1301 usque ad annum 1487. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1988. English translation by Frank Mantello, Bloomington: Indiana Univ. Res. Inst., 1991.

Monacis, Lorenzo de. Chronicon Venetum. Venice, 1758. Petrovich, Eduardus and Paulus Ladislaus Timkovics, eds. Sermones compilati in studio

generali Quinqueecclesiensi in regno Ungarie. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1993. Proxenus a Sudetis, Simon. Commentarii de itinere Francogallico. Martínková, Dana, ed..

Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1979. Purkircher, Georgius. Opera quae supersunt omnia. Okál, Miloslaus, ed. Budapest:

Akadémiai Kiadó, 1988. Ransanus, Petrus. Epithoma rerum Hungararum. Id est Annalium omnium temporum liber

primus et sexagesimus. Kulcsár, Petrus, ed.. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1977. Schesaeus ,Christianus. Opera quae supersunt omnia. Csonka, Franciscus, ed.Budapest:

Akadémiai Kiadó, 1979. Windecke, Eberhardt. Das Leben König Sigismunds. Leipzig, 1886.

6. Auxiliary materials, manuals, work-helps

Engel, Pál, ed. Magyarország a középkor végén. [Hungary in the later Middle Ages] CD-ROM. Budapest: MTA TTI-Térinfo, 2001. Detailed digital maps-

Engel, Pál, ed. Magyarország világi archontológiája, 1301–1457. [A secural archontology of Hungary, 1301-1457] 2 vols. Budapest: História-MTA TTI, 1996; CD-ROM edition: Budapest Arcanum, 2001; on-line edition:

Engel, Pál. Középkori magyar genealógia. [Medieval Hungarian Genealogy] CD-ROM edition, Budapest: Arcanum, 2001; on-line edition:

Csánki, Dezső. Magyarország történeti földrajza a Hunyadiak korában. [Historical Topography of Hungary in the Era of the Hunyadis] 5 vols. Budapest, 1890–1913. (reprint: Budapest: ÁKV, 1985) CD-ROM edition: Budapest: Arcanum, 2002.

Györffy, György, ed. Az Árpád-kori Magyarország történeti földrajza. [Historical topography of Hungary in the Árpád Age] 4 vols. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1987–1998.

Heller, Georg, et al., eds. Die historischen Ortsnamen von Ungarn. {Series title} Veröffentlichungen des Finnisch-Ugrischen Seminars an der Universität München. München: Universität München, 1973–1986.

Karácsonyi, János. A hamis, hibáskeltű és keltezetlen oklevelek jegyzéke 1400-ig. [Inventory of forgeries, wrongly dated and undated charters up to 1400] ed. László Koszta, Szeged: Aetas, 1988.



Karácsonyi, János. A magyar nemzetségek története a XIV. század közepéig. [A history of Hungarian kindreds up to the fourteenth century] 3 vols. Budapest 1900–1901; reprint: Budapest: Nap Kiadó, 1999, 2004.

Kollega Tarsoly, István. A Magyar Országos Levéltár címesrelevelei. [The armales of the National Archives of Hungary] CD-ROM edition. Budapest: Arcanum, 2001.

Kollega Tarsoly, István. Településeink címeres pecsétjei a Magyar Országos Levéltárban. [Seals of Hungarian settlements with coat-of-arms in the National Archives of Hungary] CD-ROM edition. Budapest: Arcanum, 2001.

Rácz, György. A középkori Magyarország levéltári forrásainak adatbázisa (Dl.-Df. 4.2). [A database of archival resources of medieval Hungary] CD-ROM edition, Budapest: MOL, 2003.

7. Electronic resources

Hungarian National Archives, (MOL) Collectio Antemohacsiana (up to 1526)

Municipal Archives of Sopron Archives of Order of St. Benedict at Pannonhalma Medieval charters in extenso: Old (rare) books Lajos Ligeti Oriental Collection – Oriental Books Database, Conferences, Settlement of the Magyars in Hungary Hungarian Angevin-Legendary, CD-ROM edition, Central European University, Visual Lab info: Library Resources (the most important and informative sites): Hungarian Unified Catalogue (MOKKA): Hungarian Electronic Library: National Periodical Database: Hungarian Periodical Contents Database:






1.1. Bibliographical research: COBISS (

For all things bibliographical one should first of all consult COBISS, the virtual library of Slovenia, and its co-operative online bibliographic system and services at The database was established in 1987 and by now it contains millions of bibliographic records, connecting virtually all Slovenian libraries and their catalogues within a single, user-friendly interface, available in English and Slovenian, supporting author, title, keyword and publisher search. Use the COBIB union database to search the entire fond and gather the relevant bibliographic information, then simply switch the database and check the availability in any of the particular libraries. 1.2. Sources, catalogues and studies

Baraga, France, ed. Gradivo za slovensko zgodovino v srednjem veku 6/1: listine 1246–1255. [Sources for the Slovenian History in the Middle Ages 6/1: Documents from the years 1246–1255)] Ljubljana: ZRC SAZU, 2002.

De Franceschi, Camillo. Chartularium piranense: raccolta dei documenti medievali di Pirano: con una dissertazione sulle origini e lo sviluppo del Comune di Pirano. Parenzo: G. Coana & Figli, 1924.

Golob, Nataša. Twelfth-century Cistercian manuscripts: the Sitticum collection. Ljubljana: Slovenska knjiga, London: H. Miller Publishers, 1996.

Grabmayer, Johannes and Christian Domenig. Die Urkunden und Briefe der Grafen von Cilli (1341–1456). The project is under process since 1999, for details see

Gspan, Alfonz and Josip Badalić. Inkunabule v Sloveniji. [Incunabula in Slovenia] Ljubljana: Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti, 1957.

Jaksch, August von, et al. Monumenta historica ducatus Carinthiae: geschichtliche Denkmäler des Herzogtums Kärnten. 11 vols. Klagenfurt: Geschichtverein für Kärtnen, 1896–1972.

Kandler, Pietro. Codice diplomatico istriano. 5 vols. Triest: Riva, 1986. Kos, Dušan. Imago iustitiae: Historični sprehod skozi preiskovanje, sojenje in pravo pri

plemstvu v poznem srednjem veku. [Imago iustitiae: A Historical Walk through Investigating, Judging and Law of the Late Medieval Nobility] Ljubljana: ZRC SAZU, 1994.

Kos, Dušan. Pismo, pisava, pisar: prispevek k zgodovini kranjskih listin do leta 1300. [Document, Writing, Writer: A Contribution to the History of the Carniolan Document up to 1300] Ljubljana: Zgodovinski arhiv, 1995.

Kos, Milko et al., eds. Fontes rerum Slovenicarum. 10 vols. Ljubljana: SAZU, 1939–1987. Kos, Milko and France Stele. Srednjeveški rokopisi v Sloveniji. [Medieval Manuscripts in

Slovenia] Ljubljana: Umetnostno-zgodovinsko društvo, 1931. Otorepec, Božo. Gradivo za zgodovino Ljubljane v srednjem veku. [Sources for the History of

Ljubljana in the Middle Ages] 12 vols. Ljubljana: Zgodovinski arhiv, 1956–1968. Schumi, Franz. Urkunden- und Regestenbuch der Herzogthums Krain. 2 vols. Ljubljana:

Verlag des Herausgebers, 1882–1887. Simoniti, Primož. Humanizem na Slovenskem in slovenski humanisti do srede XVI. stoletja.

[Humanism in Slovenia and Slovenian Humanists up to the mid-16th century] Ljubljana: Slovenska matica, 1979.

Snoj, Jurij. Medieval Music Codices: A Selection of Representative Samples from Slovene Libraries. Ljubljana: ZRC SAZU, 1997.



Štih, Peter. Studien zur Geschichte der Grafen von Görz: die Ministerialen und Milites der Grafen von Görz in Istrien und Krain. Vienna–Munich: Oldenbourg, 1996.

Štih, Peter. “Villa quae Sclavorum lingua vocatur Goriza“: Studie über zwei Urkunden Kaiser Ottos III. aus dem Jahre 1001 für den Patriarchen Johannes von Aquileia, und den Grafen Werihen von Friaul (DD. O. III. 402 und 412). Nova Gorica: Goriški muzej, 1999.

Zahn, Joseph. Urkundenbuch des Herzogthums Steiermark. 3 vols. Graz: Verlag des Historischen Vereines für Steiermark, 1875–1903. Later additions: Hans Pirchegger and Otto Dungern: Urkundenbuch des Herzogtums Steiermark, Ergänzungsheft zu den Bänden I bis III. Graz: Selbstverlag der Historischen Landeskommission für Steiermark, 1949. Volume IV was edited by Heinrich Appelt: Urkundenbuch des Herzogtums Steiermark. Vienna: Verlag Adolf Holzhausens NFG, 1975.

1.3. Libraries, Archives and Research Institutions

The following list of institutions will provide you with a fairly dense net of starting points; people there will be able to give you further information and direct you towards the appropriate archive, library or specialist. Cuncta fluunt, nihil est toto quod perstet in orbe – things change, and this is particularly true in the volatile world of the web addresses, so it may happen that some of them will be abandoned by the time you will actually need them. 1.3.1. Main Libraries with Manuscript Collections

Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica [National and University Library] Turjaška 1, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Tel. +386 1 2001 110 Pokrajinski arhiv Koper - enota Piran [Regional Archives Koper, Piran Department] Župančičeva 4, SI-6330 Piran, Slovenia Tel. +386 66 746 824 Nadškofijski arhiv v Ljubljani [Archdiocesan Archives in Ljubljana] Krekov trg 1, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Tel. +386 1 433 70 44 Škofijski arhiv v Mariboru [Diocesan Archives Maribor] Koroška cesta 1, SI-2000 Maribor, Slovenia Tel. +386 2 25 11 542 Frančiškanski samostan v Ljubljani [Franciscan monastery in Ljubljana] Prešernov trg 4, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Tel. +386 1 24 29 310 Semeniška knjižnica v Ljubljani [Theological Seminary Library in Ljubljana] Bogoslovno semenišče Ljubljana Dolničarjeva 4, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Tel. +386 1 433 61 09 1.3.2. Major archives with medieval holdings

Arhiv Republike Slovenije [Archives of the Republic of Slovenia] 1, Šmid Gašper, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia



Tel. +386 1 241 42 00 Pokrajinski arhiv Maribor [Regional Archives in Maribor] Glavni trg 7, SI-2000 Maribor, Slovenia Tel. +386 2 22 85 021 Zgodovinski arhiv Ljubljana [Historical Archives of Ljubljana] Mestni trg 27, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Tel. +386 1 306 1306 Zgodovinski arhiv Celje [Historical Archives of Celje] Teharska cesta 1, SI-3000 Celje, Slovenia Tel. +386 3 42 87 640 Zgodovinski arhiv Ptuj [Historical Archives of Ptuj] Muzejski trg 1, SI-2250 Ptuj, Slovenia Tel. +386 2 787 97 30 Pokrajinski arhiv Koper [Regional Archives in Koper] Goriška 6, SI-6000 Koper, Slovenia Tel. +386 66 271 824 Nadškofijski arhiv v Ljubljani [Archdiocesan Archives in Ljubljana] Krekov trg 1, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Tel. +386 1 433 70 44 Škofijski arhiv v Mariboru [Diocesan Archives in Maribor] Koroška cesta 1, SI-2000 Maribor, Slovenia Tel. +386 2 25 11 542 1.3.3. Major research institutions

Znanstvenoraziskovalni center Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti [Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts] Novi trg 4, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Tel. +386 1 470 6 100 Zgodovinski inštitut Milka Kosa [Milko Kos Historical Institute] Novi trg 4, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Tel. +386 1 125 78 01






Abbreviations HAZU – Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti [Croatian academy of sciences and arts] JAZU – Jugoslavenska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti [Yugoslav academy of sciences and

arts] – now HAZU MHJSM – Monumenta historico juridica Slavorum meridionalium MSHSM – Monumenta spectancia historiam Slavorum meridionalium SANU – Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti [Serbian academy of sciences and arts]

1. Archival resources

1.1. Descriptions of archives

Bajraktarević, Sulejman. “Kratak osvrt na istorijat Orijentalne zbirke Jugoslavenske akademije u Zagrebu.” [A brief review of the history of the Oriental collection in the Yugoslav academy in Zagreb]

Bauer, A. & Nemeth, K. Muzeji i arhivi u Hrvatskoj. [Museums and archives in Croatia] Zagreb: n.p., 1957.

Buturac, Josip. “Državni arhiv u Zagrebu.” [State archives in Zagreb] Historijski zbornik 5 (1952): 305–408.

Crnković, Nikola. “Povijesni arhiv Rijeka 1926–1996.” [Historical archives in Rijeka 1926–1996] Vjesnik Povijesnog arhiva Rijeka 38 (1996): ix–xlviii.

Pavliček, Vida. “Povijest arhiva Slobodnog i kraljevskog grada Varaždina.” [History of the archives of the Free and royal city of Varaždin] Arhivski vjesnik 37 (1994): 7–17.

Pederin, Ivan. “Povijest arhiva i muzeja u Dalmaciji.” [History of the archives and museums in Dalmatia] Zadarska smotra 45 (1996): 87–121.

Vidaković, Josip. Državni arhiv u Zadru: 1624–1970. [State Archives in Zadar] Zagreb: Hrvatsko komunikološko društvo, 2002.

Vodič Historijskog arhiva Rijeka. [Guide through Historical archives in Rijeka], ed. Nikola Crnković, Rijeka-Pazin: Historijski arhiv Rijeka, 1980. Historical archives in Rijeka presently is called State Archives Rijeka.

Vodič Historijskog arhiva u Osijeku. [Guide through Historical archives in Osijek] ed. Ante Vukadin, Osijek: Historijski arhiv, 1987. Historical archives in Osijek presently is called State Archives Osijek.

Zelić-Bučan, Benedikta. “Arhiv župe stolne crkve u Splitu.” [Archives of the cathedral parish in Split] Građa i prilozi za povijest Dalmacije 12 (1996): 471–475.

1.2. Archival inventories

1.2.1. General

Arhivski fondovi i zbirke u SFRJ – SR Hrvatska. [Archival holdings and collections in Socialistic Federative Republic of Yugoslavia – Socialistic Republic of Croatia] Belgrade: Savez arhivskih radnika Jugoslavije, 1984.

1.2.2. Regional

Andronić, Mirko. “Opći inventar Arhiva grada Varaždina.” [A general inventory of the Archive of the city of Varaždin] Arhivist 5 (1955): 53–63.

Anzulović, Neda. “Arhivska građa u biblioteci Arheološkog muzeja u Splitu.” [Archival sources in the library of the Archeological museum in Split] Građa i prilozi za povijest Dalmacije 11 (1990): 217–226.

Bajraktarević, Fehim. “Dubrovačka Arabica. Inventar.” [Arabica in Dubrovnik. Inventory] Zbornik za istočnjačku istorisku I književnu građu. Vol. 4, Belgrade: SAN, 1962.



Brekalo, Ivanka. Arhivska građa za povijest Samobora: XIII–XIX stoljeće. [Archival sources for the history of Samobor: 13th–19th c.] Samobor: Samoborski muzej, 1993.

Buturac, Josip. “Inventar i regesti za starije dokumente Zagrebačkoga kaptolskog arhiva g. 1401–1700. (Inventarium et regesta Actorum Capituli Zagrabiensi Antiquorum).” Arhivski vjesnik 11–12 (1968–1969): 261–319.

Buturac, Josip. “Opći inventar Državnog arhiva u Zagrebu.” [General inventory of the State archives in Zagreb] Arhivist 1 (1954): appendix i, iii–ix.

Foretić, Dinko. “Kratak historijat i opći inventar Državnog arhiva u Zadru.” [A brief history and general inventory of the State Archives in Zadar] Arhivist 5 (1955): appendix iii, xxvii–xlvii.

Gelčić (Gelcich), Josip. “Dubrovački arhiv.” [Archives of Dubrovnik], Glasnik Zemaljskog muzeja u Sarajevu 22 (1910): 537–588.

Jelinčić, Jakov, and Ljiljana Radeljac. “Pregled arhivskih fondova i zbirki u Historijskom arhivu Pazin.” [An overview of the archival fonds and collections in the Historical archives in Pazin] Vjesnik Historijskih arhiva u Rijeci i Pazinu 23 (1980): 65–101.

Inventar javnih, crkvenih i privatnih arhiva otoka Hvara. [Inventory of the public, ecclesiastic and private archives on the island of Hvar] Split: Slobodna Dalmacija, 1955.

Kapović, Mato. “Split i srednja Dalmacija u arhivskoj građi dubrovačkog Arhiva.” [Split and the central Dalmatia in the archival sources of Dubrovnik archives] Građa i prilozi za povijest Dalmacije 11 (1990): 95–100.

Korkut, Besim. Arapski dokumenti u Državnom arhivu u Dubrovniku. Sarajevo: Orijentalni instutut u Sarajevu, 1960–sqq.

Lučić, Josip. “Neobjavljene isprave i akti XIII stoljeća iz Dubrovačkog arhiva.” [Unpublished charters and documents from the 13th century in Dubrovnik archives] Arhivski vjesnik 10 (1967): 117–133; 13 (1970): 381–395.

Modrušan, Martin. “Starija arhivska građa za povijest srednjodalmatinskog područja u fondovima i zbirkama Arhiva Hrvatske.” [Older archival sources for the history of the central Dalmatia in the collections and holdings of Archives of Croatia] Građa i prilozi za povijest Dalmacije 11 (1990): 35–42.

Pandžić, Miljenko. “Povlastice Krlajevine Hrvatske – popisi.” [Privileges of the Kingdom of Croatia – a register” Arhivski vjesnik 26 (1983): 4–43.

Pandžić, Miljenko. “Pregled građe Arhiva Hrvatske do 1848. g. za područje Gorskog Kotara, Hrvatskog Primorja i njegovih otoka.” [List of the sources in the Archives of Croatia up to year 1848 for the regions of Gorski Kotar, Hrvatsko Primorje and its islands] Vjesnik Historijskih arhiva u Rijeci i Pazinu 23 (1980): 211–214.

Stipišić, Jakov, and Šamšalović, Miljen. “Isprave Arhiva Jugoslavenske akademije. Regesta.” [Charters kept in the Archives of Yugoslavian academy. Regesta] Zbornik Historijskog instituta JAZU u Zagrebu 1, 2, 3, 4 (1959–1964): 289–379, 563–643, 465–554, 533–578.

Traljić, Seid. “Ćirilske isprave i pisma u Arhivu Jugoslavenske akademije.” [Cyrillic charters and letters in the Archive of Yugoslavian academy] Starine JAZU 46 (1956): 97–144.

Usmiani, Ante. “Arhivska građa za srednjodalmatinsko područje u Historijskom arhivu u Zadru.” [Archival sources for the central Dalmatia in the Historical archives in Zadar] Građa i prilozi za povijest Dalmacije 11 (1990): 83–93.

Vodič Historijskog arhiva Rijeka. [Guide through Historical archives in Rijeka] ed. Nikola Crnković, Rijeka-Pazin: Historijski arhiv Rijeka, 1980.

1.3. Publication of records (a brief selection)

Kolanović, Josip. “Zbornik ninskih isprava od XIII–XVII stoljeća.” [A Codex of Nin documents from the 13th to the 17th centuries] Radovi Instituta JAZU u Zadru 16–17 (1969): 485–528.

Korkut, Derviš M. Nešto o turskim dokumentima Arhiva dubrovačkog. [Notes about Turkish documents in the Dubrovnik archives] Sarajevo: Državna štamparija, 1928.



Košćak, Vladimir. “Arhivska građa u Arhivu JAZU o srednjodalmatinskom području.” [Archival sources about the central Dalmatia in the Archives of JAZU] Građa i prilozi za povijest Dalmacije 11 (1990): 25–33.

Mošin, Vladimir. Opis ćirilskih rukopisa JAZU. [Description of the Cyrillic manuscripts kept in JAZU] Vols. 1–2, Zagreb: JAZU, 1952–1954.

Sekulić, Ante. “Arhivska građa i literatura o djelovanju Pavlina među Hrvatima.” [Archival sources and literature about the Pauline order in Croatia] Arhivski vjesnik 31 (1987): 77–110.

Štefanić, Vjekoslav. Opis glagoljskih rukopisa JAZU. [Description of the glagolitic manuscripts kept in the Yugoslavian academy] Vol. 1–2. Zagreb: JAZU, 1969–1970.

2. Croatian archives with significant medieval holdings

Hrvatski državni arhiv [Croatian State Archives] Marulićev trg 21, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia Tel: +385 1 480 1999, +385 1 4829244 Fax: +385 1 482 9000 e-mail: [email protected] The central archival institution in Croatia holds about 30,000 m of the archival materials, covering the period between the twelfth and twentieth centuries, which are kept within 16,000 archival collections. The majority of all medieval charters and documents concerning the medieval Croatian state until 1526 is kept in the archival collections of this archive. The most interesting collections are: Uprava i javne službe [Government and public offices] Pravosuđe [Administration of justice], including collections of Protonotarski sud [The court of

protonotary] and Banski stol [The court of the Croatian ban] Društva, udruge i udruženja [Societies, associations and organizations], including fragments

of the archive materials about fraternities and craftsmen’s organizations (Acta caehalia) Vjerske ustanove [Religious institutions], including the deposit of the archbishopric of Zagreb

which contains: Archives of the Zagreb archbishopric, Archives of the Zagreb chapter and Archives of Čazma chapter, together with the Metropolitan library, and records of various medieval monasteries.

Vlastelinski, obiteljski i osobni arhivski fondovi [Manorial, family and personal archival collections]

Zbirke izvornoga arhivskoga gradiva [Collections of the original archival sources] including Collection of the oldest Croatian charters (999–1089) and Collection of medieval charters (1111–1526); a collection of glagolitic manuscripts from 1401 onwards and a collection of seals from between the 14th century and 1918.

Zbirke dopunskih preslika / kopija arhivskoga gradiva [Collections of additional copies of the archival sources], including copies and microfilms of documents regarding the history of Croatia form various European archives.

Inventory: Arhivski fondovi i zbirke, pp. 57–110. Vodič kroz arhivsku građu. [Guide through archival sources] not published – 46 typescript

vols. – available in the reading room of the Archives. Arhiv HAZU [Archive of Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts] Trg J. J. Strossmayera 2, and Šenoina 4, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia Tel: +385 1 489 5106, +385 1 456 9077 The Archive of Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts was founded in 1867. It keeps archival sources concerning the Croatian history and culture from the eleventh century up to present days. The most valuable collections are glagolitic and oriental manuscripts. This archive is partly dislocated since the Oriental collection is kept in Šenoina Street but the documents from there can be ordered to the central reading room. Inventory: Arhivski fondovi i zbirke, pp. 427–441.



Stipišić, Jakov and Šamšalović, Miljen. “Isprave Arhiva Jugoslavenske akademije. Regesta” [Charters kept in the Archives of Yugoslavian academy. Regesta] Zbornik Historijskog instituta JAZU u Zagrebu 1, 2, 3, 4 (1959–1964): 289–379, 563–643, 465–554, 533–578.

Chronological catalogue of codices – not published (typescript) – available in the reading room; Inventory of HAZU archives – contains only general information (typescript) – available in the reading room; Alphabetical card inventory – available in the reading room.

Državni arhiv Dubrovnik [State Archives Dubrovnik] Sv. Dominika 1, HR-20000 Dubrovnik, Croatia Tel: +385 20 321032, +385 20 321060 Fax: +385 20 413394 e-mail: [email protected] [email protected] State Archives in Dubrovnik is one of the oldest archival institutions in Croatia – founded already in the thirteenth century. Archival holdings cover region of the former Republic of Dubrovnik/Ragusa, its hinterland, the island of Lastovo, and partly the island of Korčula. It holds about 300 archival collections. The most important collection is one relating to the Republic of Dubrovnik and its oldest document dates from 1022. Within this collection the most important archival series are those concerning the work of Dubrovnik councils (Acta consilii maioris, Acta consilii minoris etc.), but also series with notarial documents (Diversa notaria, Diversa cancellaria, Testamenta de notaria etc.). The archive of the former Republic of Dubrovnik contains more than 7,000 codices, more than 100,000 documents and more than 10,000 Ottoman documents. The languages of the documents are chiefly Latin and Italian, but also Croatian, Turkish, Arabic, and Spanish. Inventory: Gelčić (Gelcich), Josip. “Dubrovački arhiv – Catalogus I. R. Archivi Ragusani.”

[Archives of Dubrovnik] Glasnik Zemaljskog muzeja u Sarajevu 22 (1910): 537–588. Arhivski fondovi i zbirke, pp. 137–154. Vodič [Guide] – not published (typescript) – available in the reading room. Alphabetical card inventory of the archival series Pacta matrimonialia. Državni arhiv Pazin [State Archives Pazin] V. Nazora 3; Trg Olge Ban 1, HR-52400 Pazin, Croatia Tel: + 385 52 624125, +385 52 624114, +385 52 624077 Fax: +385 52 624472 e-mail: [email protected] This archive was founded in 1958 under the name Istarski arhiv Pazin [Istrian archive Pazin] and covers region of the county of Istria that covers the period from the 13th to the 19th century and the Collection of the medieval statutes of Istrian cities. Inventory: Arhivski fondovi i zbirke, pp. 201–218. Vodič [Guide] – not published (typescript) – available in the reading room. Državni arhiv Rijeka [State Archives Rijeka] Park Nikole Hosta 2, HR-51000 Rijeka, Croatia Tel: + 385 51 336445 Fax: + 385 51 336447 e-mail: [email protected] Although tradition of the document keeping and archiving in the public offices of Rijeka is rather old – dates back to the 15th century – the archive in Rijeka was founded only in the 1920s under the name Regale Archivio di Stato in Fiume. This archive keeps documents from the region of the county of Primorje and Gorski Kotar (Primorsko-goranska županija). The archival collections and fonds cover the period from the Middle Ages up to present days – the oldest document is from 1201 but most of the sources are related to modern times. Inventory: Arhivski fondovi i zbirke, pp. 223–238. Vodič Historijskog arhiva Rijeka [Guide through Historical archives in Rijeka] ed. Nikola

Crnković, Rijeka-Pazin: Historijski arhiv Rijeka, 1980.



Each fond has also typed inventories and analytical inventories that are available in the reading room. On the web pages of the archive ( the register and inventories of the archival sources are also available in English. Državni arhiv Split [State Archives Split] Glagoljaška 18, HR-21000 Split, Croatia Tel: +385 21 355826 Fax: +385 21 344206 e-mail: [email protected] This archive was founded in the mid-twentieth century but its holdings cover the period between the 14th and the 20th centuries. This archive includes also an archive of maps for the regions of Istria and Dalmatia, the archives of the archbishopric and the cathedral chapter of Split {Spalato}. For the researcher of medieval history one of the important archival fonds of this archive is one related to the commune of Split, which is partly kept also in the State Archives Zadar, and the archival fond Fanfogna-Gagarin that begins in the 13th century. Inventory: Arhivski fondovi i zbirke, pp. 281–291. Božić-Bužančić, Danica. Inventar arhiva Stare splitske općine [Inventory of the archive of the

Old commune of Split] – typed and available in the reading room. Vodič [Guide] – not published (typescript) – available in the reading room. Državni arhiv Varaždin [State Archives Varaždin] Trstenjakova 7, HR-42000 Varaždin, Croatia Tel: +385 42 331748 Fax: +385 42 331747 e-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Founded in 1950, this archive was meant to cover the regions of Međimurje and Zagorje, together with a part of the Koprivnica region. The archival holdings of this archive cover the period between the 13th and the 20th century. The languages of the sources are Latin, Croatian, German and Hungarian. Inventory: Arhivski fondovi i zbirke, pp. 297–318. Andronić, Mirko. “Opći inventar Arhiva grada Varaždina.” [A general inventory of the

Archive of the city of Varaždin] Arhivist 5 (1955): 53–63. Vodič [Guide] – not published (typescript) – available in the reading room. There are also

general inventories for each archival fond that can be perused in the reading room. Državni arhiv Zadar [State Archives Zadar] Ruđera Boškovića bb, HR-23000 Zadar, Croatia Tel: +385 23 211530 Fax: +385 23 314577 e-mail: [email protected] The present-day archives in Zadar have their roots in the 17th century, when in 1624 the Venetian general governor (providur) Francesco Molin founded it. The modern archive was founded in the late 1920s and today covers the regions of the counties of Zadar, Šibenik and Lika. The oldest documents in this archive are from the 10th century, but the archive’s holdings are best for the period between the 14th and 20th centuries. In this archive are kept most of the documents and registers connected with the medieval Dalmatian communes of Zadar, Trogir, Split and others. For the medieval history of Dalmatia many historians regard this archive as much important as the one in Venice (Archivio di Stato). Inventory: Arhivski fondovi i zbirke, pp. 325–346. Foretić, Dinko. “Kratak historijat i opći inventar Državnog arhiva u Zadru.” [A brief history

and general inventory of the State Archives in Zadar] Arhivist 5 (1955): appendix iii, xxvii–xlvii.

Vodič [Guide] – not published (typescript) – available in the reading room. There are also general inventories for each archival fond that can be perused in the reading room.

Državni arhiv Zagreb [State Archives Zagreb] Opatička 29, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia



Tel: +385 1 4551375 Fax: +385 1 4551374 e-mail: [email protected] Although this archive was founded already at the beginning of the 20th century, it began to work as an independent institution only after the World War II. The oldest documents kept in this archive are from the 13th century and archival holdings cover the region of the city of Zagreb. Inventory: Arhivski fondovi i zbirke, pp. 351–390. Vodič [Guide] – not published (typescript) – possible to investigate in the reading room. There

are also general inventories for each archival fond that can be investigated in the reading room.

On the web pages of the archive ( the register and inventories of the archival sources are also available but only in Croatian.

3. Major publications of laws and charters

3.1. General

Acta Croatica – Hrvatske listine. ed. Ivan Kukuljević Sakcinski, Zagreb: n.p., 1863. Listine o odnošajih između Južnog Slavenstva i mletačke republike. [The Documents about

Relations between South Slavic Peoples and the Republic of Venice] Vol. 1, MSHSM 1 (1867), Vol. 2, MSHSM 2 (1870), Vol. 3, MSHSM 3 (1872), Vol. 4, MSHSM 4 (1874), Vol. 5, MSHSM 5 (1875), Vol. 6, MSHSM 9 (1878), Vol. 7, MSHSM 12 (1882), Vol. 8, MSHSM 17 (1886), Vol. 9, MSHSM 21 (1890), Vol. 10, MSHSM 22 (1891), ed. Šime Ljubić, Zagreb: JAZU, 1867–1891.

Commissiones et relationes Venetae. Vol. 1, MSHSM 6 (1876), Vol. 2, MSHSM 8 (1877), Vol. 3, MSHSM 11 (1880), ed. Šime Ljubić, Zagreb: JAZU, 1876–1880.

Documenta historiae Croaticae periodum antiquam illustrantia. Vol. 1, MSHSM 7, ed. Franjo Rački, Zagreb: JAZU, 1877.

Codex diplomaticus regni Croatiae, Slavoniae et Dalmatiae. 18 vols. ed. Tadija Smičiklas et al., Zagreb: JAZU, 1904–1990.

Acta comitalia regni Croatiae, Dalmatiae et Slavoniae. ed. Ferdo Šišić, Zagreb: n.p., 1912. 3.2. Regional and miscellaneous (a brief selection)

Acta et diplomata Ragusina. ed. Jovan Radonić, Vol. 1–9, Belgrade: SANU, 1934–1951. Acta Keglevichiana annorum 1322–1522. ed. Vjekoslav Klaić, in MSHSM 42, Zagreb: JAZU,

1917. Andronić, Mirko. “Monumenta historica civitatis Varasdini. Diplomata inedita –

Neobjavljene isprave grada Varaždina 1390–1521.” [Monumenta historica civitatis Varasdini. Diplomata inedita – Unpublished charters of the Varaždin city 1390–1521] Arhivski vjesnik 1 (1958): 447–485.

Dinić, Mihailo. “Iz Dubrovačkog arhiva.” [From the Dubrovnik archives] in Zbornik za istoriju, jezik i književnost srpskog naroda, Odeljenje 3, vol. 17, 20, 22, Belgrade: SANU, 1957–1963–1967.

Diplomatarium relationum Reipublicae Ragusanae cum Regno Hungariae (1358–1526), ed. Josip Gelčić and Lajos Thallóczy, Budapest, 1887.

Gradski zapisnici iz god. 1454–1464 i 1467–1469. [City registers from the years 1454–1464 and 1467–1469] ed. Zlatko Tanodi and A. Wissert, in Monumenta historica liberae regiae civitatis Varasdini, Vol. 2, Varaždin: Naklada Slobodnog i kraljevskog grada Varaždina, 1944.

Monumenta historica liberae regiae civitatis Zagrabiae. 12 vols. ed. Ivan Tkalčić, Zagreb, 1889–1917.

Monumenta Ragusina. Libri reformationum. Vol. 1, MSHSM 10 (1879), Vol. 2, MSHSM 13 (1881), Vol. 3, MSHSM 27 (1895), Vol. 4, MSHSM 28 (1896), Vol. 5, MSHSM 29 (1897), eds. Josip Gelcich and Ivan Tkalčić, Zagreb: JAZU, 1879–1897.



Monumenta Spalatensia. Zagreb: HAZU, 2002. Monumenta Traguriensia. 3 vols. ed. Miho Barada, in MSHSM 44–46, Zagreb: JAZU, 1948–

1951. Notarske listine s Lastova (1301–1360). [Notarial charters from Lastovo (1301–1360)] ed.

Gregor Čremošnik, in Spomenik Srpske akademije, Beograd: SANU, 1939. Povijesni izvori Slavonije, Baranje i Srijema. [Historical sources from Slavonia, Baranya and

Sriem] Vol. 1, ed. Ive Mažuran, Osijek: Državni arhiv, 2002. Povijesni spomenici plemenite općine Turopolja nekoć “Zagrebačko polje” zvane. [The

Historical Monuments of the Noble Communitiy of Turopolje Former Known as "Zagrebačko polje"] 4 vols., ed. Emil Laszlowski, Zagreb, 1904–1908.

Statuta confraternitatum et corporationum Ragusinarum: ab aevo XIII–XVIII. ed. Kosta Vojnović, Zagreb: JAZU, 1899.

Urbar modruški od god. 1486. [Urbarial books of Modruš from 1486] ed. Radoslav Lopašić, Ogulin: Matica hrvatska, 1997.

Zbornik isprava 1209–1526. iz arhiva grada Varaždina. [Collection of charters between 1209 and 1526 from the archives of the city of Varaždin] ed. Zlatko Tanodi, in Monumenta historica liberae regibl civitatis Varasdini, Vol. 1, Varaždin: Naklada Slobodnog i kraljevskog grada Varaždina, 1942.

3.3. Legal

Jura regni Croatiae Dalmatiae et Slavoniae. ed. Ivan Kukuljević Sakcinski, Zagreb: n.p. 1861–1862.

Statut dubrovački – Liber statutorum civitatis Ragusii. eds. Baltazar Bogišić and Konstantin Jireček, in MHJSM 9, Zagreb: JAZU, 1904.

Statut grada Iloka iz godine 1525. [Statutes of the city of Ilok from 1525] ed. Rudolf Schmidt, in MHJSM, Zagreb: JAZU, 1938.

Statuta et leges civitatis Buduae, civitatis Scardonae et civitatis et insulae Lesinae. ed. Šime Ljubić, in MHJSM 3, Zagreb: JAZU, 1883.

Statuta et leges civitatis et insulae Curzulae. Vol. 1, ed. Jaromir J. Hanel, in MHJSM 1, Zagreb: JAZU, 1877.

Statuta et leges civitatis Spalati. ed. Jaromir J. Hanel, in MHJSM 2, Zagreb: JAZU, 1878 Statutum et reformationes civitatis Tragurii. ed. Ivan Strohal, in MHJSM 10, Zagreb: JAZU,

1915. Statutum et reformationes insulae Brachiae cum legibus, privilegiis, gratiis et indultis

ducalibus pro communitate Brachiensi. ed. Karel Kadlec, in MHJSM, Zagreb: JAZU, 1926.

Vinodolski zakon 1288 g. [The Vinodol law 1288] ed. Anto Milušić, Osijek: Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta J. J. Strossmayera, 1998.

4. Manuscript resources

Lukežić, Irvin. “Inventar i katalog stare isusovačke knjižnice u Rijeci.” [Inventory and catalog of the old Jesuit library in Rijeka] Vjesnik Državnog arhiva u Rijeci 39 (1997): 39–123.

Katalog knjiga tiskanih u XVI. stoljeću, koje se čuvaju u zadarskoj Naučnoj biblioteci. [Catalog of books printed in the 16th century that are kept in Scientific library in Zadar] ed. Pavao Galić, Zadar: Naučna biblioteka, 1987.

Katalog rukopisa Nacionalne i sveučilišne biblioteke u Zagrebu. [Catalog of manuscripts kept in National and university library in Zagreb] ed. Šime Jurić, Vol. 1–6, Zagreb: NSK, 1991–2000.

Kaeppeli, Th., and H. V. Shooner. Les manuscrits médiévaux de Saint Dominique de Dubrovnik, Dessertationes Historicae fasc. XVII, Rome: Institutum Historicum FF praedicatorum, 1965.



Štefanić, Vjekoslav. Opis glagoljskih rukopisa JAZU. [Description of the glagolitic manuscripts kept in the Yugoslavian academy] Vols. 1–2, Zagreb: JAZU, 1969–1970.

4.1. Main libraries in Zagreb with manuscript collections

Nacionalna i sveučilišna knjižnica [National and University Library] Hrvatske bratske zajednice 4, p.p. 550, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia Tel: +385 1 6164111 Fax: +385 1 6164186 e-mail: [email protected] A collection of the rare and old manuscripts was founded as a separate department of National library already at the end of the 19th century, and today it represents the richest fond of old Croatian manuscripts. However, a researcher can find there also manuscripts that can be related to other cultures and nations, too. In this collections one can find also several incunabula, and remains of the Zrinki family library. Some of the most valuable manuscripts are Vinodolski zakon (a transcription from the beginning of the 16th c.), Hilarius Pictaviensis, De Sancta Trinitate (15th c.), Vrbnički statut (16th c.), Poljički statut (17th c. Cyrillic transcription) etc. The collection of old books includes the oldest Croatian printed books in glagolitic letters such as Misal po zakonu rimskoga dvora (1483) and many works of Croatian writers (Marko Marulić, Hanibal Lucić, Dinko Ranjina, Marin Držić). Inventory: Arhivski fondovi i zbirke, pp. 447–454. Katalog rukopisa Nacionalne i sveučilišne biblioteke u Zagrebu. [Catalog of manuscripts kept

in National and university library in Zagreb] ed. Šime Jurić, Vol. 1–6, Zagreb: NSK, 1991–2000.

An alphabetical catalogue is also available in the reading room. Arhiv HAZU [Archive of Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts] Trg J. J. Strossmayera 2, and Šenoina 4, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia Tel: +385 1 4895106, +385 1 4569077

5. Major editions of narrative texts – selection

Annales Ragusini anonyimi item Nicolai de Ragnina, Scriptores. Vol. 1, ed. Natko Nodilo, in MSHSM 14, Zagreb: JAZU, 1883.

Chronica Ragusina Junii Restii (ab origine urbis usque ad annorum 1451) item Ioannis Gundulae, Scriptores. Vol. 2, ed. Natko Nodilo, in MSHSM 25, Zagreb: JAZU, 1893.

Letopis popa Dukljanina. [The Chronicle of the Priest from Dioclea] ed. Ferdo Šišić, Belgrade-Zagreb: Narodne novine, 1928.

Historia Salonitana maior. ed. Nada Klaić, Belgrade: Naučno delo, 1967. For Thomas of Split, see above, Hungary, 5.1, p. 63.

6. Electronic resources – List of the regional state archives with the basic information about each item.

CD-ROM: Liber Statutorum Civitatis Ragusii (Compositus Anno MCCLXXII). eds. A. Šoljić, Z. Šundrica and I. Veselić, Dubrovnik: Državni arhiv Dubrovnik, 2002.




The following is a very short overview of research resources for medievalists in Albania. It concentrates on the written sources both archival and manuscript materials.

1. Archival Resources

During the Communist Regime, all the archival materials which were housed in different archives of Albania were gathered in the Central Archive in Tirana. As a result, every medieval document nowadays is housed in the State Archive of Tirana. Arkivi Qendror Shtetëror [Central State Archive] (AQSH) Rr. Jordan Misja – Tiranë, Albania Tel. & Fax. +355 42 27959 e-mail: [email protected]

2. Description of archives

Drejtoria e Përgjithshme e Arkivave, ed. Arkivi Shqiptar. [The Albanian Archive]. Tiranë, 1999.

3. Archival inventories

Drejtoria e Përgjithshme e Arkivave, ed. Udhërrëfyes i Arkivit Qendror Shtetëror. [Guide of the Central State Archive] 2 vols. Tiranë, 2000.

4. Major publications

Bozhori, Koço. Dokumente te Periudhes Bizantine per Historine e Shqiperisë. Shek. VII–XV. [Documents about the history of Albania from the Byzantine Period] Tirane, 1978.

Cordignano, Fulvio P. and P. Giuseppe Valentini S. J. Saggio di un Regesto Storico dell’Albania. Premiato dalla R. Accademia d’Italia. Shkodër: Tipografia dell’immacolata, 1937–1940.

Thallóczy, Ludovicus de, Constantinus Jireček, Emilianus de Sufflay, eds. Acta et diplomata res Albaniae mediae aetatis, 2 vols. Vienna: Holzhausen, 1913–1918. Reprinted in Tirana and Prishtina: DPA and Ekskluzive, 2002.

Valentini, Josepho, ed. Acta Albaniae Veneta saeculorum XIV et XV. 24 vols. Munich: Trofenik in Komm, 1967–1977.

Valentini, Giuseppe P. Contributi alla Cronologia Albanese. Roma: Reale Accademia D’Italia, 1942, 1944.

Zamputi, Injac. Dokumenta te Shekullit XV per Historine e Shqiperise. (Documents of the 15th about the history of Albania). Vol. IV/1 (1479–1499). Tirane, 1967.

Zamputi, Injac, and Luan Malltezi. Dokumente per Historine e Shqiperise te Shekullit XV. (1440–1405). [Documents about the history of Albania from the 15th century] Tirana, 1987.

5. Manuscript resources

5.1. Incunabula (et antiqua)

Barletius, Marinus. Marini Barletii de Osidione Scodrensi. Venice, 1504. Barletius, Marinus. Historia de vita et gestis Scanderbegi, Epirotarum principis. Rome: B. V.

de Vitalibus, 1508–1510. Becichemus, Marinus. Marini Becichemi Scodrensis publici. Venice, 1524.



Merula, Georgius. Georgius Merula Alexandrinus Bellum Scodrense. Venice, 1474. Piccolomini, Enea Silvio. Pii Secundi Pont. Max, Epistolae. De Conventv Mantvano.

Impressum Mediolani: Per Magistrum Antonium de Zarotis Parmensem, 1473. Schedel, Hartman. “De Epiro, de Albania, de Illiria,” In Schedel Hartman Chronicorum liber

... hunc librum. Nürnberg, 1493.

6. Major editions of narrative texts

6.1. Guide

National Library, Department of Albanology. Albanica I. Bibliography of the 15th–18th

Centuries. Tirana: National Library, 1998. 6.1. Late medieval and early modern texts

Barletius, Marinus. Historia de vita et gestis Scanderbegi, Epirotarum principis. Rome: B. V. de Vitalibus, 1508–1510; Straßburg, 1537; Frankfurt am Main, 1578; Zagreb, 1743; Tirana, 1964, 1967.

Bogdano, Pietro. Cvnevs Prophetarvm de Christo Salvatore Mvndi et eivs evangelica Veritate Italice, et Epirotice Contexta. Pavia, 1685.

Bozhori, Koço and Filip Lico. Burime Tregimtare Bizantine per Historine e Shqiperise. Shek. X–XV. [Byzantine Narrative Sources about the History of Albania] Tirana, 1975.

Budi, Don Pietro. Dottrina Christiana. Rome, 1664. Çabej, Eqrem. “Meshari” i Gjon Buzukut (1555). [The Missale of Johannes Buzuku] 2 vols.

Tirana, 1968. Farlati, Daniele, Jacopo Coleti. Illyricum Sacrum. 8 vols. Venice, 1751–1819; reprint:

Prishtina: Arbi Ltd., 2004. Górka, Dr. Olgierd. Ed. Anonymi Descriptio Europae Orientalis “Imperium

Constantinopolitanum, Albaniae, Serbia, Bulgaria, Ruthenia, Ungaria, Polonia, Hohemia” anno MCCCVIII exarata. Cracovia: Academia litterarum Gebethner et Socii, 1916.

Hopf, Karl, ed. “Storia e genealogia della casa Musachia scritta da Giovani Musachio despoto d’Epiro a suoi figli nel 1510.” In Chroniques Greco-Romannes inedites ou peu connues. Berlin, 1873, 270–366.

Inalcik, Halil. “Timariotes Chretiens en Albanie au XVe siécle d’aprés un registre de timars ottoman.” Mitteilungen des Österreichischen Staatsarchives 4 (1950).

Parrino, Ignatius, ed. Acta Albaniae Vaticana res Albaniae saeculorum XIV et XV atque cruciatam spectantia. Rome: Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, 1971.