Download - Research readiness self assessment (RRSA)

  • 1. Procedures of Research Readiness Self Assessment (RRSA) Produced by Lingnan University Library August 2014

2. Before you take the RRSA, please pay attention to this short presentation. You will learn more about: Background information about the RRSA Things to Note about RRSA Procedures of logging-in to the RRSA About this short presentation 3. Brief Introduction to RRSA ORRSA is a self-assessment of your information literacy level. OThe test focuses on assessing your: skills in doing research and using library resources critical thinking on using information resources self-perceived research skills 4. Things to Note OYou will receive an individual report right after you have completed the test OWith the individual report, you will be able to know: the score of each category of the test description of each category detailed feedback of your scores suggestions on improving your information literacy skills 5. Things to Note OWith the suggestions, you can better prepare for the Information Technology Fluency (ITF) test, which is a test to assess your necessary IT skills and it is part of graduate requirement. OThe enhancement of the information literacy skills is essential for your lifelong learning 6. Things to note OAs it is a self-assessment, it is not necessary to compare your results with the others OThe score of the RRSA would not be recorded in your academic transcript 7. Procedures of the RRSA STEP 1: Log-in the computer with your Lingnan email username and password STEP 2: Open the Internet Explorer on the desktop STEP 3: Type the following URL in the address bar: 8. You will see this page after typing the URL: 9. STEP 4: Fill in the information in the boxes provided: O Your first name and last name E.g. If you are Chan Tai Man Last name (): Chan First name (): Tai Man OYour Lingnan email address OEnrollment key (as written on the white board or posted on the wall of this room) STEP 5: Click to proceedCreat e 10. STEP 6: Log-in to your Lingnan email account ( OLook up for the email with the subject: Lingnan University Year 1 Undergraduate Student - Your Personal PIN for Research Readiness Self-Assessment (RRSA) 11. OAfter clicking the link in the email ( OYou will be proceeded to another page like this OClick Link to Research Readiness Self- Assessment 12. OThen, you will see this: STEP 7: Type in the 6-digit individual PIN that is received from your email, and clickProcee d 13. OYou are now in the RRSA test platform. Please complete it as much as you can within 35 minutes OSome questions would be a bit challenging, just try your best to complete all questions. ODo not talk to others when you are doing the test OA reminder will be made when there are 5 minutes left ONO NEED to switch off the PC after the test Reminders