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Mimi Zarina binti Zaabah




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ContentsCHAPTER 1................................................................................................................................................... 3

INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................... 3

1.1 Background of Study.......................................................................................................................4

1.2 Statement of Problem......................................................................................................................6

1.3 Research Objectives.........................................................................................................................6

1.4 Research Questions..........................................................................................................................6

1.5 Operational Definitions.................................................................................................................. 7

1.5.1 Mobile Instant Messaging (MIM)......................................................................................7

1.5.2 Administrator.............................................................................................................................7

1.6 Limitation............................................................................................................................................ 7

1.7 Significance of the Study...............................................................................................................8

1.8 Structure of Study.............................................................................................................................8

CHAPTER 2................................................................................................................................................ 10

LITERATURE REVIEW...................................................................................................................10

2.0 Introduction......................................................................................................................................10

2.1 Theories Related to Communication.......................................................................................10

2.1.1 Communication Media........................................................................................................11

2.1.2 Communication Networks..................................................................................................12

2.2 Mobile Instant Messaging and Applications........................................................................12

2.2.1 WhatsApp................................................................................................................................ 13

2.2.2 WeChat..................................................................................................................................... 14

2.2.3 LINE.......................................................................................................................................... 15

2.3 Benefits of MIM.............................................................................................................................16

2.4 Drawbacks of MIM.......................................................................................................................17

2.5 Conceptual Framework................................................................................................................17

CHAPTER 3................................................................................................................................................ 18

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY....................................................................................................18

3.0 Introduction......................................................................................................................................18

3.1 Research Design.............................................................................................................................18

3.2 Population and Sample.................................................................................................................19

3.3 Instumentation.................................................................................................................................19

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3.4 Data Collection............................................................................................................................... 21

3.5 Data Analysis.................................................................................................................................. 21

Bibliography............................................................................................................................................... 22

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Recently, we have witnessed the rapid growth of mobile technologies. Mobile

phones have become traveling companions for consumers, accompanying them wherever

they go. Sometimes a consumer might have more than one mobile phone. Malaysians’

growing interest in applications, social media, and instant messaging has increased the

usage of mobile phones tremendously. Youngsters are the first to be affected by the

culture but now it seems everyone in regard of their age, economics’ background or

organization they involve has a mobile phone. Companies of mobile phones makers are

now marketed their products as ‘smart phones’. Companies of telecommunication

provider also promote their line services with smart phone packages. So there is a wide

exposure of mobile technologies to consumers in Malaysia. A so-called smart phone that

is actually a mobile phone that is able to perform many functions of a computer managed

by an operating system and connected to Internet. As one said Internet offers infinity of

possibilities, the use of mobile with Internet connection as telecommunication device has

also develops to a new level. If in yesteryears, a mobile phone function was just a device

to connect two people using their voice, now a mobile phone can connect two or more

and even tens of people not only via voice but also using live conference.

Mobile instant message (MIM) service is also a new application with the means to

connect people via instant messaging. MIM have been widely adopted worldwidely.

Every smart phone that held by consumers today is mostly downloaded with at least one

MIM application. Gone with it was the service of short message service (SMS). MIM has

changed the way consumers communicate with each other. People are now more

comfortable using MIM to communicate with each other; sometimes more than using

voice call. MIM applications such as WhatsApp, Line, WeChat, and Viber are some of

the popular that used by smart mobile users. These applications may differ in layout,

features, and compatibility but still offers the same means; to exchange message using

Internet line.

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In management, communication is perhaps the most important word. Though it is

complex and important, most of the time we take communication for granted.

Communication pervades virtually all aspects of school life. From teachers to students

and school’s administrators to teachers, communication has multiple purposes in school

ground. Communication is a mode of accomplishing the school’s goal and positive

relationship. As the ways consumers communicate with each other have been changing

dramatically over the last decade so is the way the schools management communicate.

The smart mobile technologies and the emerging of MIM have opened up possibilities for

enhanced online management interaction.

MIM has become a rapidly growing trend among teachers. Teachers form groups

among themselves in their MIM application as social interaction platform inside and

outside school time. Administrator use group messaging in MIM to spread information

on school activities and discussed school’s problems with teachers.

This research aimed to find several aspects that would answer some of the

questions as follow; what are the teacher’ and administrators’ views of using MIM as one

of school’s communication tools, does MIM enough to replace traditional way of school

management and lastly on the effectiveness of using MIM in school management.

Thus it is important to know what MIM offers in school management propect as it

have give us the platform for communication and information sharing. Are the teachers

and administrators using it for reasons that benefit them and the school or just as to fulfill

the need to be in the group? How does the school management improved by using MIM

as a new platform of communication and can this fully replace the traditional way of

school communication?

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1.1 Background of Study

Communication between teachers and administrators in school in Malaysia has

always been in a physical conference or meetings. Some schools have adopted a contact

point meeting once in a week in which they will discuss on school’s problems and

activities to be conducted in the next week after the contact point. Meeting is a part of life

in schools that it is difficult to think without them. In the meetings you can see some

teachers grading papers, another yawning, several staff members whispering in the back

of the room, and some gives more attention to the mobile phones rather than the speaker.

Besides being bored with attending so many meetings, teachers also feel that meetings

are waste of time.

This research focuses on the effectiveness of MIM as a communication platform

in a school management. In today’s increasingly interconnected world, MIM has emerged

and become popular with the rise of smart mobile technologies. This application offers

users to communicate with each other using messaging service that uses instant

messaging (IM) via mobile devices, employing various technologies such as text

messaging. Though it sounds like the traditional short message service (SMS), there are

many differences between the SMS and MIM. Unlike SMS, the later notifies the user

when those in the contacts list are available or not for chat. MIM also differs from SMS

as it can form groups of messaging that can accommodate up to 50 users in a group. MIM

also is seen as ‘free’ service as it uses data line, so that you can send all the messages and

pictures you want to your friends for free, and no longer have to pay SMS charges.

Study by Nancy K. Byme (2004) shows that people are more prone to use Internet

as way of communication compared to other media of face-to-face interaction or voice

telephone. Even the popular SMS are now forgotten and replaced by MIM. People

nowadays are very dependent to their smart phones in their everyday life. They use their

mobile in every aspect especially in communicating and networking.

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With the demanding need for established connectivity, technology is taking a

leading role in supporting communication in organizations (Pazos, 2012). It is supported

with the widely use of smart mobile phone that offers many communicative application;

e-mail and more recently instant messaging (IM), that become presentious in the

workplace. MIM has transition from ‘cool tool’ to management essential.

1.2 Statement of Problem

Communication serves many pervasive and integrative functions in schools. It provides

accurate information with a fitting affective tone to all participants needing the content

(Hall, 2002). But there are also many problems arise from miscommunication or lack of

it; and the conflicts that may surface because of communication. To claim that

communication is either the universal problem or problem solver would limit both the

analysis and solution of school management problems (Hoy, 2013).

There are various studies on the communication in school management. However

this study is to look at the effect of MIM as applications in mobile phone used in school

communication among administrators and teachers.

As there are many studies on the role of communication in education

management, thus researcher carried out a study as to determine the impacts of mobile

instant messaging towards improving education management.

1.3 Research Objectives

The research objectives of this study are as follow:

1.3.1 To investigate the effectiveness of using MIM in education management.

1.3.2 To illustrate how MIM helps administrators and teachers’ communication.

1.3.3 To gauge administrators and teachers’ perception on whether MIM helps in

improving education management.

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1.4 Research Questions

The research questions of this study are as follows:

1.4.1 How effective is MIM as communication tool in education management?

1.4.2 How can MIM helps administrators and teachers’ communication?

1.4.3 What are the perceptions of school administrators and teachers toward MIM

in improving the education management?

1.5 Operational DefinitionsSeveral terms used in this study are defined as below:

1.5.1 Mobile Instant Messaging (MIM)The latest communication application embedded to mobile phone that enable

messaging service using Internet data. With millions of users increased every month, this

is definitely a medium of electronic communication that is vastly used nowadays.

1.5.2 AdministratorAdministrators are the persons that incharge to lead the teachers and school

towards their goals. Normally administrators are the schools’ head teacher (in primary

school) or principle (in secondary school). They are assisted by senior teachers in three

department; curriculum, students’ affair, and co-curriculum. In this study, researcher

define administrators as the head teachers or principle and the three senior teachers

1.6 Limitation

In this study there are 4 limitations that should be considered.

a) The research is limited to administrators and teachers using MIM application.

Administrators and teachers that don’t have smart phones or MIM application

may be affected differently when communicating with the administrators.

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b) Numbers of sample size. The sample size of this study is 100 teachers and 20

administrators. To make a generalisation on the conclusion on the effectiveness of

MIM as communication tool, a bigger size sample must be use.

c) Place of this study is conducted. The respondents are limited to teachers and

administrator of five schools in Klang district only. This study cannot represent

the population of schools in Malaysia. Results from other districts or states may

not shows the same result as the sample did.

d) Distribution of the sample. Resesarcher uses non-random sampling. In this

sampling method, samples do not have equal chances of being selected. Gender,

education background, and age are not equally selected. For example, the sample

number for older teachers might be rather low, compared to younger teachers and

vice versa.

1.7 Significance of the Study

This research is of significance to the domain of education management as it

extends the knowledge base that currently exists in that field. The concept of

communication using mobile instant messaging technology is relatively new to the

majority of educational management. Schools that have chosen to embrace the concept

and implemented the medium of communication have welcomed the educational and

managerial benefits it has to offer. Thus, research that explores the advantages of such

technology will help to raise awareness among those who are unacquainted with its

potential applications and benefits within their educational setting.

1.8 Structure of Study

This study is organized into four chapters containing a review of relevant

literature on the topics covered in this study (Chapter 2), a detailed account of selected

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methodology for the research (Chapter 3), the results in response to RQ1, RQ2 and RQ3

(Chapter 4) and discussion as well as recommendations for future research on role of

social networking in academic learning (Chapter 5).

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2.0 Introduction

This study will explore the role of communication in school administration, and the use

of MIM in todays’ world. The main objective of this chapter is to analyze and review past

studies and obtain information on communication and the effects of MIM in school


2.1 Theories Related to Communication

Communication is sharing information, ideas, and attitudes in ways that produce degree

of understanding between two or more people (Lewis, 1975). It is a kind of process that

inter-related during which sources transmit messages using symbols, signs, and

contextual cues to have receivers construct same understandings (Hoy, 2013).

Senders or also known as sources may be individuals, organization units, or

groups distributing messages to other individuals, organization units, or groups which

referred to receivers. Converting messages into symbols involves deciding on suitable

media and form. Media is the vehicle carrying the messages. Examples of media are non-

verbal cues, signals, talking face-to-face, telephones, emails, written letters and memos.

Form refers to the configuration and style of a message. It includes its size, the size of

distribution and degree of formality (Te’eni, 2001).

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A General Model of Communication Processes.

2.1.1 Communication Media

There are two major symbol systems; verbal and nonverbal (Dahnke and Clatterbuck,


Verbal symbols include in direct speech, speech via electronic media (telephone,

radio, and television), written media (memos, letters, and newspapers), and written media

via electronic media (email, blogs, SMS, and MIM). Where else the non-verbal symbols

include body language, touches, intonation, and proximity. These two types of symbols

systems must be consistent for effective understanding.

Face-to-face communication has the highest carrying capacity for transmitting

rich information (Barry and Crant, 2000). It provides immediate feedback through verbal

and visual cues. Written communication however has moderate or low in richness

because of the slow feedback. Many researches are more supportive of the media richness

in speech rather than written media (Fulk and Boyd, 1991).




Media and Form




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However, when it comes to comprehension of the symbols, written form

messages are preferred when compared to oral media (Porter and Robert, 1976). This

may due to the noise or distraction arise from the process. Noise is any distraction that

interferes with the communication process.

2.1.2 Communication Networks

Networks are simply methods, or forms a message travels in organizations such as

schools. According to Monge and Contractor (2001), communication networks are

patterns of formal or informal contacts established between communicators that are

created by sending and exchanging messages through time and space.

Formal communication networks pass the organization through hierarchy of

authority. In a school’s formal communication network, administrators are the tops of the

network. Formal restrictions on the communication process are apparent because even

without formal rules, most communication is expected to follow the structure of

hierarchy (Friebel and Raith, 2004).

Informal network exist in every organizations. People who are in a groups or

cliques would reach an understanding on things or issue quickly (Hoy and Miskel, 2013).

This type of network built around social relationship and for many simple reasons as

friendships, similar duties, or shared coffee breaks.

2.2 Mobile Instant Messaging and Applications

Mobile Instant Messaging is a fast-growing user-friendly communication platform. A

Mobile Instant Messaging or also known as MIM is a messaging service that engages in

instant messaging (IM) via mobile phones.

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The advantage of MIM is that messages are sent and received in real-time via

mobile phone without a stationary computer. MIM is an evolution of SMS service. If

SMS was charged according to numbers of messages sent, MIM is considered free as it

uses Internet data. As long the mobile phones are connected to Internet data, they can

stay in connect with their MIM.

Some of the most popular mobile instant messaging applications includes:

2.2.1 WhatsApp

Founded in 2009 by two Yahoo! former employees, with the motto of ‘Simple,

Personal, Real Time Messaging’, WhatsApp is one of the most popular mobile

applications worldwide.

It is one of the first cross-platform mobile messaging applications that allow users

to exchange messages without having to pay for SMS. Compatible to every operating

system and using low data compared to other MIM application. No added advertisement

to the application as to free the users from receiving annoying advertisement when

opening WhatsApp. Users can create groups; send each other unlimited images, video

and audio media messages.

Statistic shows monthly active WhatsApp users worldwide as of April 2014. As

of that month, the mobile instant messaging application announced more than 500 million

monthly active users, up from over 400 million in December 2013. In addition, as of

April 2014, users of the WhatsApp was generating 64 billion messages each day, 20

billion of them inbound (sent) and 44 billion outbound (received).

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2.2.2 WeChat

WeChat is one the first MIM application developed by Asian company. Tencent

from China released WeChat or also known as Weixin on January 2011. It is a mobile

text and voice message application that compatible with many operating systems.

According to Cyveillance (2013), the term ‘Xin’ in Weixin can indicate letter, message or

to have trust in.

Statistic shows the number of WeChat active accounts from second quarter of

2010 to first quarter of 2014. In the fourth quarter of 2013, WeChat had 355 million

monthly active users.

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2.2.3 LINE

LINE is a messaging application made by South Korea’s based Japanese arm of

Naver Corporations. Originally created during the aftermath of the Tōhoku earthquake in

March 2011, LINE was initially developed as an internet-based communication platform

that could function without the then-damaged telecommunications infrastructure in Japan.

LINE supports text and multimedia messaging and revealed a daily message volume of

10 billion messages in early April 2014.

Statistic gives information on the number of registered users of the MIM LINE.

As of the beginning of April 2014, the LINE had 400 million users worldwide, increasing

from 300 million users in November 2013.

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2.3 Benefits of MIM

MIM is a message transmitting application that happens in real-time. It allows

immediate receipt of acknowledgment or reply. So the senders will know whether the

receivers have received and read the messages and also the receivers would know the

time and date of the messages sent.

MIM applications also have a group chat features that offer participation of 50

peoples per group. An administrator is someone who first creates the group and will add

participants according to his/her contact list. The administrator has the power to remove

and add necessary participants. In this chat group, participants can easily exchange

messages as in giving commands, sharing informations, and discussed problems.

There are several standard functions offered by MIM applications like files

transfer, contact lists, the ability to hold several simultaneous conversations, and voice

message. It is also possible to save a text conversation for later reference. In many cases,

MIM applications include added features of including cute emoticons that make it even


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2.4 Drawbacks of MIM

There are some drawbacks associated with MIM communication. These advantages

include the following (Goetsch and Davis, 2014):

a) inherent inability to convey the nonverbal aspects of verbal communication

though this shortage can be partially overcome with the use of emoticons.

b) the tendency of some people to respond to the messages too quickly that they later


c) the impersonal nature of the medium

d) the urge of some to send too many messages because the medium is so convenient

and easy to use or in other words the potential of ‘overuse’.

2.5 Conceptual FrameworkThe conceptual framework in this research depicts the usage of group chat in

MIM application and the functions of the group towards an improved education

management. A conceptual framework lays out key factors, constructs or variables, and

presumes relationships among them (Miles and Huberman, 1994).

form form


Improved Education Management



discussed school


sharing educationa

l informatio








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3.0 IntroductionThis chapter will discuss the following; Research Design, Population and Sample,

Instrumentation, Data Collection, and Data Analysis.

3.1 Research Design

a) Research Approach: Quantitative

b) Research Design: Survey research

c) Sampling Type: Purposive Sampling

d) Sample Size: 120 respondents

e) Sampling Unit: Administrators and teachers participate in their school’s

group chat in MIM

f) Area of Research: The study was limited to 5 schools in Klang district.

g) Instrument: Questionnaire with 37 items

h) Tools for Data Analysis: Mean, Standard Deviation and Frequency

distribution methods were used for data analysis.

This study uses a quantitative approach with survey research. The survey design

is used to collect data for describing population of schools in Malaysia from a sample of

five schools in Klang district. Researcher chose this research design to meet the

objectives of the study, namely to investigate the effectiveness of using MIM in

education management, to illustrate how MIM helps administrators and teachers’

communication, and to gauge administrators and teachers’ perception on whether MIM

helps in improving education management.

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3.2 Population and Sample

The study population consists of administrators and teachers in five schools in

Klang district school. This study used purposive sampling procedures to choose

respondents. Administrators and teachers that engage in-group chat of MIM application

in Klang district schools are the targetted group of sample. All of the respondents consist

of administrators and teachers from three secondary schools and two primary schools

from urban and suburb area. The sample sizes for this study are 120 respondents; 20

administrators and 100 teachers.

3.3 Instumentation

The questionnaires were distributed to each of the respondents during school

hours. The total number of 37 items are divided into five sections which were A, B, C, D

and E. The questions were divided into different section in order to improve the face

design of the questionnaire, avoid it from appearing intimidate and disorganize, as well as

to segregate clearly the objectives under different sections to ease the data analysis


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The descriptions of each section are as follows:




Section A:



General questions on demographic data of the

respondents. Moreover, data on respondents’

education background are also collected.

13 items:



Section B:

Involvement in

MIM group chat

This section consists of several questions that are

related to the numbers of applications and

frequency that the respondents have in MIM.

These questions would help to identify whether or

not the respondent is an active social networking


4 items:



Section C:


Effectiveness Of

Using MIM as



This section sought to answer the first research

question regarding the respondents’ perception

whether or not MIM improve their school’s

management. Item 20 is an open-ended question.

9 items:


18 - 26

Section D:

Noise Level

This section collects data on what are the noise or

distraction that interferes with the communication


7 items:



Section E:



This is a section of open-ended questions in which

two questions are asked and respondents must

provide their opinions on the school


4 items:



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3.4 Data Collection

The respondents of this questionnaire are schools’ administrators and teachers.

Researcher will give brief explanation on the research objective and procedure involves

such as the questionnaire. The questionnaire is distributed on weekdays during school

hours at the teachers’ free periods. The time allocated to complete all the questions is

around ten minutes. The researcher will monitor the survey process. This was to ensure

that the data given by the respondents are valid and any inquiries or problems faced by

the respondents during the survey could be attended. The questionnaire is collected after

the respondents completed answering the questionnaire.

3.5 Data Analysis

Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 17.0 software was used to

analyse and interpret data from the questionnaire. SPSS is an analysis invention for data

management. Moreover, SPSS software also is mostly compatible for a survey research

(Information Technology Services, 2012). In this system software, the data was keyed-in

and descriptive statistics is used in order to analyze and interpret data and information



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