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Learning and Teaching Grammar 1

Analysis of Learning and Teaching Grammar for Second Language Learners

Grammar is central to teaching and learning of languages, which is also the system or

rules of a language, and is used to find ways to construct the words in sentences. It is not

required to study grammar for learning and teaching English language, because many people

speak it as their native language without having studied it. However, it is essential to learn

grammar “[R]ules for forming words and making sentences” (Oxford Learners Pocket

Dictionary, 2008, p. 193) in order to utterly understand a foreign second language.

Grammar is important because it is the language that makes possible for people to talk

about languages. It names the types of words and word groups that make up sentences not only

in English but in any languages. As human beings, we can put sentences together as even

children can. However, to be able to talk about how sentences are built, about the types of words

and word groups, we should know about grammar. People associate grammar with errors and

correctness. But knowing about grammar also helps us understand what makes sentences and

paragraphs clear and interesting and precise. Knowing about grammar means finding out that all

languages and all dialect follows grammatical patterns. Therefore, the second language learners

enable to learn better grammar from the aspects of languages, psychological cognition, beliefs

and forms of teaching practices.

It is important that before commencing nature of human language, linguistic can begin to

discuss what speakers or writers are trying to communicate and how they do so by analyzing the

structure of words and sentences. In speech or writing, words are arranged in certain patterns and

on the basis of certain rule for comprehension it. For a linguist, grammar is a study of the

organization of language. It involves taking language structures apart in order to see the ways in

which we can communicate effectively in varieties of situations and for choices of purposes.

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Linguists look closely at the ways in which words and sentences are made up of different units.

“[U]sing grammar is just as important as knowing about grammar” (Baker & Westrup, 2000, p.

47). They break down words into their smallest component parts so that they can describe the

ways in which they are constructed (Morphology) and they look at the ways words are combined

to form sentences (syntax).

Nature of Human Languages

Human beings are the only creature in this world that can interact each other by using

language “[S]ystem of communication in speech and writing used by people of a particular

country, and the use of by humans of a system of sounds and words to communicate” (Oxford

Learners Pocket Dictionary, 2008, p. 247), and have the abilities to speak and understand

languages. Fromkin, Rodman, and Hyams (2007) agreed that there are rules and instructions in

language such as English, Malaysian, Chinese, Myanmar and Thai, which all forms the parts of

grammatical rules to hold the languages. For that reason, grammar can be called as ‘Universal

Grammar’, which attempts to uncover the law of the languages, and gives ways to human

cognition to understand the construction of language. God has given human the capabilities to

communicate each other by using languages as well as it is also for the communication between

God and human. Therefore, the words that are produced are very important to have successful

communication. The meaning of each word in sentence is vital to pass the message across.

People travel many places, and locate their living in different places around the world.

Languages are diverse in accent or dialect, and are changed from place to place, but there is a

universal language called English language. According to Baker and Westrup (2000), English

language has become an international language, and it is also used as the main language or one

of the main languages in countries such as America, Australia, and Malay…etc. Therefore,

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English language is essential to know and understand because it becomes a most used language

in order to communicate with others in business, travels, and social events.

However, English language has many variations such as standard and non-standard

English language. Mostly because native and non-native speakers staying together at the same

place to interchange their accents and dialects of using languages, which makes English

language, has diversities in throughout the centuries. Nations are divided, and languages are

diverse, but people tend to speak and write the same international English language

(Greenbanum & Nelson, 2002). They also pointed out the variations of English language

between the native and non-native speakers in the usage of dialect. Thus, English language has

variations in usages such as standard and non-standard English for both the native and non-

native speakers. There is always a distinction between the native and non-native speakers in

which the native speakers learns the language since their childhood, but the non-native speakers

need more time to learn and adapt the language with their first language (Greenbanum & Quirk,

1990). It does take times to learn the second languages because as English has variety in usage,

people tend to use or create their own accents in communication. That is not a disappointed thing

for human being; but it is only the colorful usages of language by different people. It is exciting

and wonderful to hear and see the differences of how people use language tones, accents, and

dialects in varieties.

People invent Languages

Loyer (2010) stated that there are 6909 used living languages, that’s one language for

every 862,000 people on this earth. In civilization, people share the same element in the same

society in which language is also included. People need rules and regulations to live and survive

in society as well as language also need to be survived with rules and instruction throughout the

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centuries. Government makes the policies of the country, which all citizens should follow. So,

the country and the civilization will harmoniously improve the different aspects such as

business, humanity, and social.

Similarly, English language also has the same methods of rule and instruction called

grammar. Which are used to construct the sentence for the corrections, and the rules and

instructions put the words to be understood meaningfully, and they also put sentences written

correctly. Not only grammar is used in the writing, but also it is used in the communication to

successfully send the message across.

Osborn (1989) stated that people are capable of inventing not only tools and materials,

but also languages which all have proved the quality of human lives. He also said that grammar

is an analysis of language which studies how language works as same as technologies. He

compared the technologies to grammar which fixes the breakdown parts of language, and shows

where to use the proper words in sentences because grammar monitors language by revealing the

problems in the speeches and writing. Grammar goes beyond the rules and definitions. It is a

study of the system that powers one of our most useful inventions – language.

The different views of grammar will help to establish the understanding on how language

is analyzed, and its extent of influences in the teaching of grammar. The discussions on the

different methods of language teaching which have emerged from the different views of learning

a language will help to establish the understanding of the role of grammar in language teaching

and learning. Grammar is “[R]ules for forming words and making sentences” (Oxford Learners

Pocket Dictionary, 2008, p. 193). To understand more about grammar, it is basically divided into

two parts such as descriptive and prescriptive grammar in the usage. Nordquist (n.d.) said that it

is necessary to know grammar, but it is better to write language grammatically. He explained

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about how grammar was described during Middle Ages as learning in general, such as magic

which associated with the scholars. According to him, grammar can be defined into two which

are the systematic study and description of a language, and a set of rules and examples dealing

with the syntax, and word structures of a language.

Greenbanum and Nelson (2002) discussed that descriptive grammar is the structure of a

language which is used by speakers and writers, and this is related to the rules and patterns of

grammar such as words, and structure. Then they also mentioned that prescriptive grammar is a

set of norms or rules governing how a language should or should not be used rather than

describing the ways in which a language is actually used. By knowing the structural foundation

of grammar in language, we can express ourselves. The more we are aware of how grammar

works, the more we can monitor the meaning and the construction of words in sentences. There

are some specific norms to use languages for specific people such as teachers, or editors.

However, it will become an easy process after knowing and understanding the structural

foundation of grammar.

Approaches to Grammar in Language Classrooms

There has been a current debate about grammar in ESL teaching. The uncertain debate

about the best way to teach grammar has significant influence on the development of language

teaching practice. As a result, the teachers have to choose their own approaches and

methodologies to grammar teaching which suits their students and classroom environments.

Teachers’ personal theories are formulated and reformulated as they experience through the

stage of teaching development. Their personal theories become the basis for their personal

knowledge about teaching, and they have more influences in their teaching planning,

instructional decision, and classroom practices.

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Gardner (2008) said that teaching grammar methods are changed through years. He

mentioned that the three levels of changes which are always happened in the teaching such as

materials, approaches, and beliefs. Then he explained that materials are the text book, and

syllabus which are changed years after years; approaches are the teaching behavior of teachers in

order to have good interaction with the students, and teachers will not only use teaching

activities, but they will feel like to be a student in classrooms.

The Psychological Cognition of Human Languages

Children psychology is influenced by the imitations, experiences, comparisons, and

similar processes which they encountered in their early life (Fromkin, Rodman, & Hyams,

2007). Fortunately, children do not need to learn languages very hard because they imitate from

the adults. According to Fromkin, Rodman and Hyams (2007), children imitate languages at

some point, but they could not imitate fully the adult’s words and sentences. Children have the

capabilities to understand or imitate the adult’s action, words and attitude. Even though they

could not understand the meanings, and could not produce as the adults, they do have the

development of linguistic knowledge in their early childhood.

Children do not need to be taught the rules of languages though they are taught to follow

the rules of environment. They know the meaning of the words, and put them into sentences. As

they grow up, the linguistic knowledge also becomes more specific on one main language to use

or communicate with each other. Therefore, it is always called as universal grammar because of

the similarity in all human languages.

Fromkin, Rodman, and Hyams (2007) stated that knowing language is not only speaking

the language, but language has to be understood by others who know that language. “Part of

knowing language means knowing what sounds (or signs) are in that language, and what sounds

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are not” (Fromkin, Rodman, & Hyams, 2007, p. 4). Different countries speak different

languages, but there is always the same meaning in words such as knife or blade. It is easy to

communicate with the people who know the same language but the communication will not be

successful if the language is not the same. However, English language has become one main

universal language in 21st century. It is used in many different places such as business, politic or

communication. Therefore, many people have been starting to learn English language in order to

do business in different countries.

Fromkin, Rodman and Hyams (2007) stated that children are not given any information

about the rules and instruction of languages but they only try to figure out the rules of grammar

from the language they have heard around them. As an English native speaker, a child does not

need to learn the basics rules of sentences. Children always imitate languages, behaviors, and

characters of the elders, thus they have innate psychological understanding of languages in the

cognition. Children have an excellent receiver of coping languages; they can sense the languages

which are spoken around them. “Changes in a language are changes in the grammars of people

who speak the language and are perpetrated as new generations of children acquire the altered

language and make further changes to the grammar” (Fromkin, Rodman, & Hyams, 2007, p.

462). Languages are changed throughout the centuries as well as grammar also changed. An

early people used different words, rules, and instruction in sentences, but nowadays, the modern

people use different words such as slang, jargon, in communication, which reveals languages

also have the revolution through centuries.

Beliefs and Forms of Teaching Practices

Many adult language learners place a high value on learning grammar. Teachers of the

second language learners’ view on how, and to what extent they have to use teaching or

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methodologies skills. Debating grammar instruction has played a dominant role in the history of

language teaching and it revolves whether grammar instruction really helped the second

language learners gain proficiency in a second language. Hinkel (2002) provided a concise

history of grammar instruction in language teaching. He said that the historical approaches to

grammar instruction are long, though certain approaches are noted for their influences. Then he

explained that one of the earliest instructions was the grammar translation approach

characterized by rote learning of rules and an absence of legitimate communicative activities.

The early people believed that rote learning or memorization was the best of learning languages

in which people learnt the rules and regulations by memorizing them, and practiced them in

communicative activities.

In 20th century, linguists combined structural descriptions with behaviorist psychology,

which emerged the direct method. They believed that students should learn a second language in

the same way that they learned their first language; in which grammar was acquired through oral

practice, and repetition, not through memorization and written manipulation of explicit rules

(Hinkel, 2002). Teachers encourage second language learners to focus on form of learning

grammar in several ways. Rodriguesz (2009) explained that focus on form may be planned and

focused on preselected structures, or it may be incidental, arising spontaneously at any point in a

communicative activity. Teachers might design a task to encourage learners to notice forms in

the input or they might explicitly teach these forms and provide opportunities for meaningful

practice. Focus on forms is most frequently teacher-initiated, but it is also initiated by learners

through questions and requests for explanation (Poole, 2005). Although second language

acquisition research has not definitively answered many important questions regarding for-

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focused instruction, studies have provided the evidence that focus on form is correlated with

more an acquisition of new grammar and vocabulary than non-form-focused approaches.

Research on teacher’s beliefs and the relationship of those beliefs with educational

practice was originated in America in the early 1970s. It is obvious that the innovations in the

context, practices, and technology of teaching to be mediated through the minds and motives of

teachers. Therefore, the relationship between teachers’ thinking and the impact of their

knowledge and beliefs on educational practices has attracted to their teaching in classrooms.

Borg (2006) reviewed 64 studies of language teacher cognition, of which all but twelve appeared

after 1994. He divided his reviews into five parts, according to whether these studies related to:

prior language learning experience, teacher education, classroom practice, teaching grammar, or

literacy instruction. The belief of teaching grammar is vital to the teachers-students relationship,

because the teachers’ belief on students make the students believe in themselves at learning

languages. Basically, teachers have the understanding of their students’ levels, so they have to

uplift the students’ linguistic knowledge by guiding, supporting and encouraging them.

Mckay and Tom (1999) agreed that adult learners have already known their first or

mother language well. So, they suggested the teachers that students’ abilities of understand their

first languages and the capabilities to adapt it with the second language were essential in

teaching grammar to the second language learners, which will make the adults language learners

to learn and use the second language flexibly and easily. Teachers have to show their honesty,

kindness, and empathy to the second language learners. Then they share their previous

knowledge and experiences in teaching the languages because languages do not end in times, but

it is validated a lifetime of learning. And the teacher-student relationship shows the

understanding of teachers about their students’ background which will help them better in their

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teaching. Teaching languages is not like simple teaching about something. It is more complex

than learning by self-study.

Language can be viewed in four skills such as listening, writing, speaking, and reading in

which the relationship of words cannot be separated, because language is an interrelated and

meaningful whole combination of words (McKay & Tom, 1999). They commented that learning

language is not something that can be done in few times, but it’s a long process. Harmer (2007)

declared that the language we use for communication and writing are governed by rules,

instructions, and restrictions. In order to have successful communication, he suggested using

correct rules and styles in the sentences such as tenses, phrases, or clauses. Learning languages,

specifically learning grammar is not simple for everyone. Some native speakers can not use

correct grammatical usage, but some non-native speakers can be more expert of using

grammatical usage in writing, or speaking. Therefore, teachers have to encourage the students to

believe in themselves in their learning languages and grammar.

In conclusion, nobody knows how to speak language and how to use grammar instantly

after they are born. However, language and grammar can be learnt from the environments where

they live in, and they imitate the surrounding languages which finally becomes their native

language. Human beings can not stay in one place, we like to travel, communicate with different

people in which it is the best to know the universal language called English language. It is used

as main language or one of the main languages in some counties but more countries use it as

second language. That’s why it is difficult for some people to learn and to understand English

language. However, this research paper addresses the psychological understanding of languages

in human cognition and it gives the forms of teaching practices for teachers who are trying to

help the second language learners. Vocabularies and grammar will be the main list in learning

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and teaching English languages as every languages have the same grammar (rules and

instructions). There is a great saying that “[U]sing grammar is just as important as knowing

about grammar” (Baker & Westrup, 2000, p. 47). It not only points out the knowing of rules and

instruction of words in the sentences to use speaking, and writing skills but also the personality

of the person who use the correct grammatical structure. They are at higher standard level

among the society, and they are respected in the community by using the correct grammatical

sentences, and by giving the meaningful sentences. I believe that this research paper shows the

aspects of learning and teaching grammar from the different analyzed views for the second

language learners. And it encourages the second language learners through the beliefs and form

of teaching practices of the second language teachers.

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Baker, J., & Westrup, H. (2000). How to teach large classes with few resources. London:


Borg, S. (2006). Teacher cognition and language education: Research and practice. London:


Fromkin, V., Rodman, R., & Hyams, N. (2007). An introduction to language. (8th ed.).

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Harmer, J. (2007). The practice of English language teaching (4th ed.). England: Pearson.

Loyer, R. (2010, January 11). Exactly how many Languages are there in the world? Retrieved


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McKay, H., & Tom, A. (1999). Teaching adult second language learners. New York:

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Cambridge University Press.

Nordquist, R. (n.d.). What is grammar? Retrieved 7 March, 2011, from

Osborn, P. (1989). How grammar works: a self-teaching guide. New York: Wiley.

Oxford Learners Pocket Dictionary. (2008). Grammar. China: Oxford University Press, 193.

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Poole, A. (2005). The kinds of forms learners attend to during focus on form instruction: A

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Rodriguesz, A. G. (2009, April). Teaching grammar to adult English language learners: Focus


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