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International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology E-ISSN 0976-3945

IJAET/Vol.II/ Issue II/April-June, 2011/172-183

Research Article




*, A. Santhosh Kumar and A. Anand Srinivas

Address for Correspondence

Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology, [Deemed University],

Warangal – 506 004 (A. P.)India

E-mail: [email protected]


The present paper reports results of simulation studies on combined conduction -convection - radiation from a rectangular cavity

equipped with a discrete heat source in each vertical wall. The discrete heat sources are traversable along the respective vertical

walls. Air, a radiatively transparent medium, is considered to be the cooling medium. The exterior surfaces of the walls of the

cavity are assumed to be adiabatic. The governing equations for temperature distribution along the walls of the cavity are

obtained by appropriate energy balance between heat generated, conducted, convected and radiated. Calculations pertaining to

radiation are performed using enclosure analysis, while the view factors required therein are computed using the crossed-string

method of Hottel. The resulting nonlinear partial differential equations are converted into algebraic form using finite difference

formulation and are subsequently solved through Gauss-Seidel iterative solver. The effects of various pertinent parameters, viz.,

heat source position, surface emissivity, convection heat transfer coefficient, thermal conductivity and aspect ratio, on the results

of the present problem are studied in detail.

KEYWORDS Surface radiation, Conduction, Convection, Rectangular cavity, Discrete heat sources.


Studies on multi-mode heat transfer (two or more of

the three possible modes, namely, conduction,

convection and radiation) have been numerous in the

recent past owing to several applications including

cooling of electronic equipment and devices, solar

collectors and gas-cooled nuclear reactors. One of the

earliest in this category is credited to Zinnes [1], who

probed into laminar natural convection heat transfer

from a vertical, heat-conducting flat plate of finite

thickness with an arbitrary heating distribution along

its surface. Lee and Yovanovich [2] proposed a

quasi-analytical conjugate heat transfer model for a

two-dimensional vertical flat plate provided with

arbitrarily sized discrete heat sources dissipating heat

by free convection. Tewari and Jaluria [3] conducted

an experimental study on the fundamental aspects of

conjugate mixed convection from two heat sources of

finite width and negligible thickness located on a flat

plate. Gorski and Plumb [4] numerically investigated

conjugate laminar forced convection from a flat plate

with a flash-mounted discrete heat source. Cole [5]

reported solution to the problem of conjugate heat

transfer from a small heated strip. Mendez and

Trevino [6] numerically dealt with the problem of

conjugate free convection from a thin vertical strip

with non-uniform internal heat generation. Gururaja

Rao et al. [7] numerically investigated the problem of

two dimensional, steady, incompressible, conjugate,

laminar mixed convection with surface radiation

from a vertical plate with a flush-mounted discrete

heat source. They solved the governing fluid flow

and energy equations without boundary layer

approximations using a finite volume method.

Gururaja Rao [8] investigated buoyancy-aided

conjugate mixed convection with surface radiation

from a vertical electronic board equipped with a

traversable flush-mounted discrete heat source. He

performed the study by varying the position of the

heat source from the leading to the trailing edge of

the board and inferred that the leading edge is the

best possible location if one were to use a single heat

source in problems of this class in any regime of

mixed convection and for any given board surface

emissivity. Very recently, Gururaja Rao et al. [9]

performed simulation studies on an open cavity

containing a flush-mounted discrete heat source in its

left wall. They provided results for the coupled

problem of conduction, convection and radiation

assuming the heat source to be traversable along the

wall of the cavity.

The foregoing review of the literature concerning

multi-mode heat transfer from geometries typically

encountered in electronic cooling applications brings

out the following points. Firstly, studies involving

rectangular cavity with discrete heating along its


International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology E-ISSN 0976-3945

IJAET/Vol.II/ Issue II/April-June, 2011/172-183

walls and with varying aspect ratio are very scarce.

Coupled to this, interactive effect of radiation on

conjugate convection in this kind of geometry has not

been explored satisfactorily. In view of the above, an

attempt is made to numerically probe into the

problem of multi-mode heat transfer from a closed

rectangular cavity with a traversable discrete heat

source provided in each of its two vertical walls. The

problem is solved using a computer code specifically

written and various parametric studies are carried out.



Figure 1 shows the schematic of the problem

geometry chosen for the study. It consists of a

rectangular cavity of height L and width W, while t

(<< L and W) refers to wall thickness. The width W

of the cavity may be varied for a given height L.

Thus, a geometric parameter called aspect ratio (A) is

defined as L/W. Obviously, a smaller value of A

means a wider cavity and a larger values of A implies

a narrower cavity. There are two identical discrete

heat sources, one in the left wall and the other in the

right wall. As can be seen, the heat sources are flush-

mounted and are of height Lh and thickness t. The

heat source in each wall can take up any position

along the wall. The volumetric heat generation in

each heat source is qv W/m3. The thermal

conductivity of the cavity as well as the heat source is

taken to be ks, while ε is the emissivity of the surface

of the cavity. Air, a radiatively transparent medium,

is assumed to be filled in the cavity with T∞

indicating its mean temperature. The exterior surface

of the cavity is adiabatic and thus the heat generated

in the two heat sources is conducted along the four

walls of the cavity before subsequently getting

dissipated to air by the combined modes of

convection and radiation. Thus, one has a multi-mode

heat transfer configuration, with each of the modes

exhibiting its role in deciding the temperature

distribution along the cavity.

Fig. 1 Schematic of the geometry chosen for the present study along with system of coordinates.


International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology E-ISSN 0976-3945

IJAET/Vol.II/ Issue II/April-June, 2011/172-183

For example, the governing equation for temperature

distribution along the portion of the left wall of the

cavity possessing the heat source can be obtained by

making an energy balance on a typical element

pertaining to that portion as:


out,cond,xqtxvqin cond, x,

q ++=∆+


The above, however, excludes the interfaces between

heat source and non-heat source portions of the wall,

which are to be tackled separately. After substituting

for various terms in the above equation and

simplifying, the governing partial differential

equation for the above portion turns out to be,




sktvq =−σ





Here, the Stefan-Boltzmann constant (σ) is taken

equal to 5.6697×10-8 W/m

2 K

4. Further, J is the

radiosity (W/m2) of the element under consideration

with all other terms having their meaning spelt out

already. The following equation is used for

computing the radiosity [J(i)] of a given element “i”

of an enclosure comprising “N” number of elements:




ikF)1()i(4T)i(J (3)

In the above equation, Fik refers to the view factor of

any given element “i” of the enclosure with reference

to each of the “N” elements of the enclosure

including itself. For the non-heat source portion of

the left wall, the energy balance would be the same as

Eq. (1) with the second term on the left side

pertaining to heat generation absent. The concerned

partial differential equation comes out as:




sk =−σ




Proceeding in a similar manner, the governing partial

differential equation for the temperature at the

interface between heat source and non-heat source

portions of the left wall will be:











For the top and bottom walls of the cavity excluding

the corners, the governing equation will be:



in cond, y,q ++=


The corners of the cavity are the unique points of the

computational domain as each of them will be shared

by two of the walls of the cavity. For example, the

temperature of the left bottom corner of the cavity

will be given by:










sk =







Here, ∆x and ∆y indicate the lengths of the elements

of the cavity in vertical (x) and horizontal (y)

directions. The governing equations for temperature

distribution along the right wall and the remaining

three corners of the cavity are also obtained in a

similar manner. The various governing equations for

the temperature distribution along the rectangular

cavity obtained as above are nonlinear partial

differential equations. They are first converted into

algebraic form using finite difference formulation

ensuring second order accuracy. The resulting

equations are solved simultaneously using Gauss-

Seidel iterative solver. Full relaxation (relaxation

parameter = 1) is used on both radiosity (J) and

temperature (T) during the iterations. A strict

convergence criterion of 10-8 is used to terminate the

iterations. A computer code in C++ is written

specifically for solving the problem.


Before taking up the parametric study, it is customary

to arrive at an optimum grid system for discretising

the computational domain.

3.1 Grid sensitivity analysis

Grid sensitivity analysis is carried out for fixed set of

input parameters, viz., qv = 5 × 105 W/m

3, h = 5

W/m2 K, ks = 0.25 W/m K, ε = 0.45, L = 20 cm, W =

10 cm (or A equal to 2) and T∞ = 25°C. Further it is

assumed that the heat sources of both the left and

right walls of the cavity are at the respective wall

centers. Grid sensitivity is tested in two stages. In

Stage 1, the number of grids (N) in the horizontal

direction (width of the cavity) is held fixed at 51

arbitrarily, while the grid number (M) in the vertical

direction (left or right wall of the cavity) is varied.

The variation of the maximum cavity temperature

(Tmax) with reference to varying M is studied.


International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology E-ISSN 0976-3945

IJAET/Vol.II/ Issue II/April-June, 2011/172-183

Simultaneously, an energy balance check has also

been made with varying M. Table 1 shows the results

of this stage of the study. It may be noticed that Tmax

changes by 0.0386% as M increases from 97 to 113,

by 0.0299% as M further increases to 129. A further

increase in M to 145 changes Tmax only by 0.0241%,

indicating a satisfactory convergence. Even the check

for energy balance, as noticeable from the same table,

substantiates the fact that a value of M = 129 would

suffice. Subsequently, Stage 2 of the grid study is

performed keeping the value of M equal to 129

frozen as above and varying N. Table 2 summarizes

results of this study. It may be noticed that Tmax

changes by 0.0723% as N increases from 51 to 61,

while it changes by 0.0502% with a subsequent

increase in N from 61 to 71. The table also shows a

satisfactory energy balance check for N = 61 with net

heat generated in the cavity deviating from net heat

dissipated only by 0.3768% for that value of N. Thus,

the value of N is fixed at 61. In conclusion, for all the

subsequent studies, the values of M and N are taken

to be 129 and 61 respectively.

Table 1: Stage 1 of grid sensitivity analysis.

[Varying M; keeping N fixed]

S. No M Tmax [°C] Percentage change (abs) Energy balance check (%) (abs)

1 65 103.729 - 0.913

2 81 103.659 0.0675 0.73

3 97 103.602 0.055 0.61

4 113 103.562 0.0386 0.523

5 129 103.531 0.0299 0.46

6 145 103.506 0.0241 0.41

Table 2: Stage 2 of grid sensitivity analysis.

[Varying N; keeping M fixed]

S. No N Tmax [°C] Percentage change (abs) Energy balance check (%) (abs)

1 31 103.852 - 0.81

2 41 103.648 0.1964 0.587

3 51 103.531 0.1128 0.459

4 61 103.456 0.0723 0.3768

5 71 103.404 0.0502 0.3189

6 81 103.366 0.0367 0.2762

3.2 Variation of local temperature distribution with other parameters

Fig. 2 Local wall temperature profiles for varying positions of the discrete heat source.


International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology E-ISSN 0976-3945

IJAET/Vol.II/ Issue II/April-June, 2011/172-183

In the present problem, since the discrete heat source

in each of the two vertical walls of the cavity is

traversable along the wall, an attempt is made to

probe into the local wall temperature distribution for

varying positions of the heat source. Figure 2 shows

results of such a study for a fixed set of input

parameters, viz., qv, h, ks and ε, as shown. Since the

aspect ratio (A) is varied in the present study between

2 and 14, a value of A = 8 is chosen for the current

study. As many as five positions are chosen for the

heat source starting from the bottommost position to

the topmost position in each of the vertical walls.

Even though the heat source in one vertical wall need

not be placed at the same position as that in the other

vertical wall, for the current study, both the heat

source are assumed to be at an identical position in

their respective walls. In view of the above, the figure

shows five curves and the heat source position (L1 or

L2) pertaining to each of the curves is also given in

the figure. The location at which peak temperature is

attained along the wall varies as the heat source

position is varied. This is expected on account of the

fact that major heat transfer activity would always be

there along and in the neighborhood of the heat

source, with the rest of the wall merely conducting

the heat generated in the heat source. Further, though

marginally, the maximum wall temperature varies

with the position of the heat source. Of the five

positions chosen here, case 3 that considers heat

source at the center of the wall results in the least of

all possible peak temperatures. Traversing the heat

source from the central location in either direction

along the wall increases the peak wall temperature

with the maximum noticed when the heat source is

positioned at the bottommost and topmost ends of the

wall. In summary, the current study indicates that the

best possible location for each of the heat sources is

the wall center itself.

Figure 3 shows variation of the local wall

temperature for three different surface emissivities

for the case where both the vertical walls have

centrally located heat sources. All the remaining

parameters (qv, h, ks and A) are held fixed as shown.

It is to be noted that ε = 0.05 signifies a good

reflector (poor emitter), while ε = 0.85 signifies a

good emitter. The current study helps in

understanding as to how the temperature distribution

along the wall of the cavity can be controlled by just

varying the surface emissivity of the wall with rest of

the parameters held fixed. It may be noticed that

there is a huge drop in the maximum wall

temperature as ε increases from 0.05 to 0.45.

However, the drop in maximum wall temperature is

getting diminished with a further increase in ε. In the

present case, the peak wall temperature is decreasing

by 23.52% as ε increases from 0.05 to 0.45. In

contrast, the decrease in the peak temperature is just

by 15.71% due to a subsequent increase in ε from

0.45 to 0.85. It may also be seen from the figure that

the local temperature profiles are crossing each other

beyond a certain length on either side of the center of

the vertical wall. Further, beyond the point of

crossover, the local temperature along the wall is

increasing with increasing emissivity. This is due to

the fact that, when ε is smaller, the temperature of the

heat source portion will be larger due to low levels of

emission from that portion. Since the same applies to

the opposing wall, the irradiation leaving the

opposing wall and impinging on the non-heat source

portions of the given vertical wall would be very low.

Thus, with other parameters held fixed, the

temperatures of these non-heat source portions will

be far lower than that in the heat source portion. As ε

increases, due to increased emission, the temperature

of the heat source portion decreases. Simultaneously,

the irradiation incident on the non-heat source portion

of the given wall from the opposing wall increases,

which increases the temperature of this portion of the


In order to study the nature of variation of the local

temperature distribution along the wall of the cavity

in various regimes of convection for a given set of

input, results are obtained as shown in Fig. 4. The

fixed input chosen for the purpose is as shown and it

may be noted that all the curves pertain to the case

where the heat sources are at their respective wall

centers. Based on some preliminary investigation, the

range for convection heat transfer coefficient (h) is

fixed to be 5 ≤ h ≤ 100 W/m2 K, with h = 5 W/m

2 K

and h = 100 W/m2 K standing for asymptotic free and

forced convection limits for the current problem. The

figure reveals that the local wall temperature in


International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology E-ISSN 0976-3945

IJAET/Vol.II/ Issue II/April-June, 2011/172-183

general and the peak temperature in particular

decrease as the convection regime transits from free

to forced convection dominance owing to increased

convective heat dissipation from the surface for a

fixed radiation activity. It may further be noticed that

the above effect of h is quite significant between h =

5 W/m2 K and h = 25 W/m

2 K, while it diminishes

towards larger values of h. In the present example,

the temperature at the center of either left or right

wall is decreasing by 25.01% as h increases from 5 to

10 W/m2 K, by 33.92% for a subsequent increase of h

to 25 W/m2 K and by 36.93% for a further increase of

h from 25 to 100 W/m2 K.

Fig. 3 Variation of local temperature along the wall of the cavity for different surface emissivities.

Fig. 4 Variation of local temperature along the wall of the cavity in different regimes of convection


International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology E-ISSN 0976-3945

IJAET/Vol.II/ Issue II/April-June, 2011/172-183

The effect of thermal conductivity (ks) of the wall

material on the local temperature distribution is

studied as shown in Fig. 5. The values of qv, h, ε and

A have been fixed as shown in the figure. Since

electronic boards are typically made of materials of

thermal conductivity of order unity, with glass epoxy

(ks = 0.26 W/m K) being an example, the range for kS

is taken to be 0.25 ≤ ks ≤ 1 W/m K for the study. For

a given thermal conductivity, the maximum

temperature is noticed at the wall center with a mirror

image decrement in temperature taking place from

there towards the ends of the wall. The peak wall

temperature is diminishing with increasing ks. The

decrease in local wall temperature with increasing ks

continues up to a little beyond the heat source portion

on either side of the wall center. In the remaining

portion of the wall on either side of the above section,

one can notice an increase in the local temperature

with increasing ks. The above trend may be attributed

to the fact that for smaller values of ks, there is hardly

any percolation of heat in the non-heat source portion

of the wall. The above slightly improves with

increasing ks. Thus the local wall temperature in the

sections of the wall mentioned above increases with

increasing ks even though the maximum wall

temperature still decreases. Since the present problem

has the option of changing the aspect ratio (A), an

attempt is made to compare the temperature profiles

pertaining to either of the vertical walls of the cavity

for an identical heat source position in them with

varying aspect ratios. Figure 6 shows the results of

this study that considered heat sources at the

respective wall centers. The aspect ratio is varied

from 2 to 14 as shown with the remaining input

parameters considered fixed. It is to be noted that an

increasing aspect ratio implies a slender cavity with

W << L. The figure clearly shows that there is a large

rise in the maximum cavity temperature with

increasing aspect ratio. The above is because of the

reduced radiative heat dissipation with convective

heat dissipation too appropriately getting altered.

With the two vertical walls getting closer, since both

the vertical walls have heat sources at identical

position, the radiative dissipation to the two

horizontal walls of the cavity would obviously come

down as their lengths get shortened gradually with

increasing aspect ratio. In the present case, the peak

cavity temperature is rising by 14.21% as A increases

from 2 to 14. The figure further shows a crossover of

the temperature profiles beyond a particular distance

on either side of the heat source. Beyond the point of

crossover, the local temperature of the vertical wall

(left or right) is decreasing with increasing aspect

ratio. The reason for this could be explained as

follows. The volumetric heat generation and the net

rate of heat dissipation from the wall is the same for

all aspect ratios considered. Since the local

temperature and thus the local temperature difference

are increasing in the central portion of the wall with

increasing A, for a given T∞, the local temperature

towards the ends of the vertical wall should diminish

with increasing A. In summary, with the objective

being control of the peak temperature assumed by the

device, it is always wise to use cavities with smaller

aspect ratios for a given rating of the heat sources.

3.3 Variation of maximum temperature in the cavity

with other parameters

The prime task of a heat transfer engineer involved in

the design of cooling systems for electronic

equipment and devices would be control of peak

temperature attained by the equipment or device.

Figure 7 shows variation of maximum cavity

temperature (Tmax) plotted against surface emissivity

(ε) for three typical aspect ratios (A). The fixed input

considered for the study is also shown. The figure

shows a very little effect of aspect ratio on Tmax for

the case where the cavity has poor surface emissivity

(ε = 0.05). However, towards larger values of ε, there

is a huge rise in Tmax with increasing aspect ratio. It is

to be noted that the heat sources are identically

located at the concerned wall centers in this study.

Thus, with increasing A, the vertical walls get closer

for a given height L. This brings down the lengths of

the horizontal walls receiving heat by radiation from

the heat sources. Owing to this, the radiation activity

from the vertical wall diminishes rising their

temperatures. In summary, it would not be sufficient

if only the surface emissivity (ε) is increased in

systems of this kind. Better results will be obtained if

the above exercise is coupled with making cavities

wider (or making A smaller). In the present example,

for ε = 0.85, the peak temperature of the cavity is


International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology E-ISSN 0976-3945

IJAET/Vol.II/ Issue II/April-June, 2011/172-183

getting increased by 29.64% as A increases from 2 to

14. The interaction between convection and surface

radiation in influencing the peak cavity temperature

(Tmax) has been looked into for a fixed set of input

parameters comprising qv, ks and A as shown in Fig.

8. Since convective dissipation is quite small, while

operating in free convection dominant regime (h = 5

W/m2 K), there would expectedly be a greater role

played by radiation (i.e., surface emissivity). This can

be clearly seen in the figure where Tmax is dropping

down quite significantly for the above value of h, a

greater control of temperature in the cavity is

possible by just altering surface of the cavity from

poor emitter to good emitter (say from polished

aluminum surface to black paint). However,

increasing values of h makes the flow forced

convection dominant and cuts down the contribution

from surface radiation. This is evident from much

lower to insignificant drop in Tmax as the value of h is

increased first to 10 W/m2 K and subsequently to 25

W/m2 K. In the present example, the drop in Tmax

between ε = 0.85 is 31.3%, 19.68% and 7.99% for h

= 5, 10 and 25 W/m2 K, respectively.

Figure 9 summarizes the interactive influence of

conduction within and convection from the surface of

the cavity in influencing Tmax. Here too, like what has

been noticed in Fig. 8, the role of thermal

conductivity in thermal control of the cavity is

diminishing towards larger values of h. In other

words, an increase in ks from 0.25 - 1 W/m K is

bringing a very large drop in Tmax while operating the

cavity in free convection (h = 5 W/m2 K). In contrast,

if the cavity operates in forced convection

environment, control of Tmax would hardly depend on

the material chosen for the cavity as convection

prevails here bringing down Tmax significantly for any

given value of ks. It is to be noted that the above

trends are seen with cavities made of materials whose

thermal conductivity is between 0.25 - 1 W/m K (i.e.,

materials like mylar-coated epoxy glass that is

generally used in applications of this kind). In the

present example, Tmax is coming down by 26.44% as

ks increases from 0.25 - 1 W/m K for h = 5 W/m2 K.

The same limits of ks for h = 25 W/m2 K are bringing

down Tmax only by 11.3%.

3.4 Effect of varying heat source position in one

vertical wall on temperature distribution in the

opposing vertical wall

Since the present problem has the option of varying

the position of the heat source along the wall

concerned, an attempt is made to study the

temperature profiles of one of the vertical walls with

a fixed heat source position in it by varying the heat

source position in the opposing wall. Figure 10 shows

the results of such a study made for a fixed input of

qv, h, ks, ε and A as shown. The heat source on the

left vertical wall is kept fixed at the bottommost

position of the wall. The heat source pertaining to the

right vertical wall is varied from the bottommost

position to the topmost position of the wall. As many

as five positions are chosen for this heat source as

described in the figure itself. Thus, the figure has five

curves indicating the left wall temperature

distribution for the five different cases. When the

right wall heat source is at the bottommost position,

which means identically positioned heat sources in

both the walls, the left wall temperature profile

resembles curve 1 of Fig. 2 described already. As the

right wall heat source is traversed to its second

position, viz., to quarter distance from the

bottommost end, the peak temperature in the left wall

comes down. However, the local temperature of the

left wall increases compared to curve 1 as one moves

along. When the right wall heat source occupies the

central position in the wall, not only the peak

temperature of the left wall comes down further but

also a second local peak is noticed in the left wall

temperature profile as shown in curve 3. Similarly,

one can notice occurrence of second local peak in

curves 4 and 5 too. The reasons for the above

changes in the local left wall temperature profile may

be attributed to the following. As the heat source of

the right wall moves to the second position, the

corresponding length of the left wall obviously

receives increased irradiation from the right wall,

which tends to increase the local temperature of the

concerned left wall portion. Subsequently as the heat

source keeps moving upwards along the right wall,

the temperature in the corresponding left wall portion

also tends to increase owing to the same reason as

above. Hence, one can clearly see a progressively

increasing local temperature at the topmost end of the


International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology E-ISSN 0976-3945

IJAET/Vol.II/ Issue II/April-June, 2011/172-183

left wall as the heat source of the right wall is

traversed accordingly. In summary, the average

temperature of the left wall, expectedly, remains

almost the same in all the cases. If one focuses on

bringing down the peak temperature along, the best

position for the right wall heat source is the topmost

position in the concerned wall. In the present case,

the peak temperature of the left wall is coming down

from 117.82°C to 107.35°C as the right wall heat

source moves from the bottommost to the topmost

position holding the left wall heat source fixed at the

bottommost position all the time.

Fig. 5 Variation of local temperature along the wall of the cavity for different materials considered

Fig. 6 Variation of local temperature along the wall of the cavity for different aspect ratios.

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International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology E-ISSN 0976-3945

IJAET/Vol.II/ Issue II/April-June, 2011/172-183

Fig. 7 Variation of maximum temperature of the cavity with surface emissivity for different aspect ratios.

Fig. 8 Variation of maximum temperature of the cavity with surface emissivity in three typical convection


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International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology E-ISSN 0976-3945

IJAET/Vol.II/ Issue II/April-June, 2011/172-183

Fig. 9 Variation of maximum temperature of the cavity with thermal conductivity of the wall material in

three regimes of convection.

Fig. 10 Local temperature profiles of the left wall of the cavity for a stationary heat source in it and traversing

heat source in the right wall.

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International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology E-ISSN 0976-3945

IJAET/Vol.II/ Issue II/April-June, 2011/172-183


The problem of combined conduction - convection -

radiation from a rectangular cavity with a flush-

mounted discrete heat source in each vertical wall has

been numerically solved. A computer code making

use of finite difference method coupled with Gauss-

Seidel solver is written. A grid sensitivity analysis is

made and the optimum grid system has been

identified. A thorough study of the local temperature

distribution and the maximum temperature attained

by the cavity has been made by varying the input

parameters like aspect ratio, heat source position,

surface emissivity, convection heat transfer

coefficient and thermal conductivity.


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horizontal and vertical surfaces, ASME J. Heat

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