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  • Research ArticleDesign of Tunable Equalizers UsingMultilayered Half Mode Substrate Integrated WaveguideStructures Added Absorbing Pillars

    Shuxing Wang,1 Yongfei Wang,1 Dewei Zhang,1 Yi Zhang,1,2 and Dongfang Zhou1

    1Department of Electromagnetic Wave and Antenna Propagation, Institute of Information Science and Technology of Zhengzhou,Zhengzhou, Henan 450001, China2Microwave Tech and Antenna, Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China

    Correspondence should be addressed to Shuxing Wang; [email protected]

    Received 7 June 2015; Revised 17 September 2015; Accepted 28 September 2015

    Academic Editor: Giovanni Berselli

    Copyright © 2015 Shuxing Wang et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

    An equalizer based on multilayered half mode substrate integrated waveguide (HMSIW) structures with high 𝑄-factor, low loss,and compact size is proposed for the first time. Resonant cavities distributing in the upper substrate and the bottom substrate,with the middle substrate layer which works as the transmission line together, constitute a multilayer structure.The design methodand theoretical analysis are summarized first. The mode analysis, simulated results, and measured results are all provided. Themeasured results show a good performance and are in agreement with the simulated results, and the maximum attenuation slopereaches −16 dB over 12.5 GHz∼14.5 GHz. With the use of absorbing pillars, the attenuation and 𝑄 value can be tuned more easilythan the other planar equalizers. Compared with the SIW equalizer, the size of this structure reduces by 50%. Furthermore, thisstructure is suitable for the miniaturization development of equalizers.

    1. Introduction

    The equalizers are used to compensate the output gain slopefluctuation of traveling wave tube amplifiers (TWTAs) in theradar systems [1]. The equalizers are placed mostly betweenthe preamplifier and the postequipped TWTA rather than theback-end of TWTA due to the high output power of TWTA.The preamplifier provides the same exciting power at eachfrequency point for the post-TWTA. In this way, the outputgain of TWTA has a large fluctuation, whereas the outputpower of TWTAwe need is the same at each frequency point.The equalizer, whose attenuation frequency characteristicsare complementary with the output power characteristics ofTWTA in form, is designed to transform the original excitingpower into the optimal exciting power required by TWTAto get the best output power. Equalizers play an importantrole in improving the detection distance of radars. 𝑄 valueis the ratio of the energy stored in the resonant cavity to theenergy loss of each cycle and it is an important parameter inresonant circuits. The bigger the 𝑄 value is, the more energy

    the resonant cavity stores. The equalizers with high 𝑄 valuecan be used in high power amplifier system.

    Nowadays, equalizers in rectangular waveguide typeloaded coaxial cavity (narrow bandwidth) and planar typeloaded open resonant stub (relatively wide bandwidth) havebeen applied in lots of microwave andmillimeter systems [2–6]. On the other hand, the integrated level of RF, microwave,and millimeter wave circuits is getting higher and the size ofcomponents is getting smaller due to the rapid developmentof new materials and new technology. The miniaturizationhas become the development trend of passive microwavecomponents, including equalizers [7].The demand for equal-izers with small size, low loss, and high 𝑄 value growsgradually. The traditional equalizers, such as coaxial cavityequalizers with large size andmicrostrip equalizers with highinsertion loss and low 𝑄 value, cannot meet the need ofTWTAs.

    Substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) is a new planarelectromagnetic guide wave structure and is better than thetraditional microstrip and waveguide type for the superiority

    Hindawi Publishing CorporationAdvances in Materials Science and EngineeringVolume 2015, Article ID 645638, 7 pages

  • 2 Advances in Materials Science and Engineering

    of the small size, high 𝑄 value, and low insertion loss.Nowadays, this structure is being widely used in the designof microwave and millimeter wave devices [8–14]. In [12] asingle layer SIW equalizer with large size is proposed whoseattenuation cannot be tuned. In [13] an equalizer is fabricatedusing complex LTCC technology, and it has a large insertionloss because of the substrate’s uneven surface. In [14] a duallayer equalizer is designed which cannot tune the attenuationand 𝑄 value, and the probe excitation plays a poor rolein coupling energy into cavities. What is worse, the size ofSIW structure is still difficult to meet the requirement of theequalizer’s miniaturization.

    Compared with SIW, Half mode substrate integratedwaveguide (HMSIW) has a smaller size but with the sameperformance, and the integrated degree of the substrateintegrated waveguide type device is improved [15]. Thisstructure has been widely used in microwave and millimeterwave devices [16, 17] except equalizers.

    Based on [14] written by authors, for the first time,an equalizer based on multilayered HMSIW structures isdesigned and fabricated. It has six cascaded HMSIW res-onators. Each of them serves as an independent attenuationtune substructure unit.

    2. Design Procedure and Analysis

    A linear array of metallized via holes in substrate, withthe upper metallic surface and bottom metallic surface,constitutes the HMSIW structure. A substrate with dielectricconstant 11.9 is selected in this paper to simulate and fabricatethe equalizer. The thickness of substrate is 0.6mm.

    2.1. The Design of HMSIW Transmission Line. To design theHMSIW equalizer, the HMSIW transmission line should bediscussed first. It locates in the middle layer. This structureis used to transmit energy and to excite HMSIW cavitiesdistributing in the upper and bottom layer. To only transitthe dominant mode, TE

    10mode, and to inhibit the high-

    order modes, the dimension of HMSIW should be calculatedprecisely.

    HMSIW can be equivalent with the conventional rectan-gle waveguide; transformation equations are given as follows[18]:



    2(𝑊 − 1.08


    𝑏+ 0.1


    𝑊) ,

    𝐿𝑒= 𝐿 − 1.08


    𝑏+ 0.1




    where 𝑊 and 𝐿 are the length and width of HMSIW, respec-tively, and 𝑊

    𝑒and 𝐿

    𝑒are the width and length of rectangle

    waveguide, respectively. 𝐷 is the diameter of via hole and𝑏 is the distance between via holes. When 𝑏/𝐷 < 2 and𝐷/𝑊 < 0.2, the rectangle waveguide resonant cavity theorycan be applied to the design of HMSIW resonant cavity.

    2.2.The Design of Transition betweenMicrostrip and HMSIW.As the HMSIW transmission line is excited by a microstrip

    line, the microstrip-to-HMSIW transition is designed toguarantee the impendence matching. It is the characteristicimpedance rather than the wave impedance that should befocused.The equivalent characteristic impedance of HMSIWderived from the characteristic impedance of conventionalrectangular waveguide [19] is given in (4).

    The equation of characteristic impedance of conventionalrectangular waveguide is as follows:







    √1 − (𝜆/2𝑎)2

    , (2)

    where 𝑎 and 𝑏 are the width and height of conventional rect-angular waveguide, respectively, 𝜇 is magnetic permeability,𝜀 is dielectric constant, and 𝜆 is working wavelength.

    We replace 𝑎 and 𝑏 with the height ℎ and the equivalentwidth 𝑊

    𝑒of HMSIW, respectively. Using the equation,




    √𝜀𝑟, (3)

    where 𝜂 is the wave impedance, we get



    4𝑊𝑒√𝜀𝑟[1 − (𝜆/4𝑊



    , (4)

    where 𝜂𝑜= 120𝜋 (Ω) is the wave impedance of TEM mode

    in the air, ℎ is the height of the dielectric substrate, and 𝜀𝑟is

    relative permittivity.The microstrip line is well suited to excite the waveguide

    because the electric fields of the two dissimilar structures areapproximately oriented in the same direction and also theyshare the same profile.

    Multiple microstrip lines with different widths andlengths are adopted in this paper to design the transition.The main idea is (1) getting the impedance of HMSIW by (4)and then making it equal to the impedance of microstrip; (2)using the microstrip transmission line impedance equationto calculate the width of a single tapered transmission line;and (3) giving the length of this line segment and calculatingthe input impedance and repeating the steps above, until theinput impedance nearly reaches 50Ω.

    Figure 1 shows the measured and the simulated result ofthe proposed transition made up of five microstrip segments.Themaximummeasured insertion loss is nearly 0.15 dB in theentire band, better than 0.7 dB in [19].

    2.3. The Analysis of HMSIW Resonant Cavity. The definitionof TE mode or TMmode does not depend on the coordinateaxis, whereas the definition of the TE

    𝑚𝑛and TM


    is relative, related to the coordinate axis. The equivalentstructure of HMSIW cavity unit is illustrated in Figure 2.

    Based on the black coordinate axis, the dominantmode isTE101

    mode, and it has three components: 𝐸𝑦,𝐻𝑥, and𝐻

    𝑧. In

    accordance with this red coordinate axis which is obtained bythe rotation of black coordinate axis, the three components of

  • Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 3

    Traditional method simulationTraditional method measurementProposed method in this paper simulationProposed method in this paper measurement













    n lo

    ss (d


    13 14 15 16 17 1812Frequency (GHz)

    Figure 1: Simulated and measured insertion loss 𝑆21of the transi-



    Coupling hole








    Figure 2: The equivalent resonant cavity of HMSIW.


    mode have changed as follows; namely, the TE101

    modebecomes the TM


    TE TM(TE101

    ) (TM110



    → 𝐸𝑧


    → 𝐻𝑥


    → 𝐻𝑦


    In fact, the field distributions of the two modes are iden-tical. But it is the TM

    110mode rather than the TE


    that should be chosen to calculate the resonant frequency;otherwise, there will be a mistake.

    The resonant frequency is calculated by (6), and theheight of HMSIW resonant cavity can reach 0mm [20]:

    𝑓 (TM110

    ) =𝑐0






    + (1




    , (6)

    where 𝑐0is the light velocity in vacuum. The high-order

    modes should be restrained to make these cavities work in

    the TM110

    mode. This paper proposes a method to restrainthe high-order modes:







    + (2




    ≥ 𝜔2, (7)








    + (1




    ≤ 𝜔2, (8)







    + (1




    ≥ 𝜔2. (9)

    Suppose that the HMSIW resonant cavity works at(𝜔1, 𝜔2); 𝜇𝑟is relative permeability. Equations (7) and (9)

    mean the resonant frequencies of high-order modes are notin this band while (8) shows that the TM

    110mode works in it.

    In this way, it makes sure that the cavity works in the TM110


    10mode is transmitted by theHMSIW line and the

    energy enters into cavity through the coupling circle. Usually,the coupling is caused by 𝐻

    𝑥, 𝐻𝑧, and 𝐸

    𝑦or a combination

    of them. The coupling in this structure is resulted from the𝐸𝑦component because the surface current is mainly in the

    𝑌 direction. The coupling circle is equivalent as a capacitiveelectrical susceptance 𝑏

    𝑦in parallel [21]:






    2sin2 [𝜋𝑥

    𝑎] , (10)

    where 𝜆𝑔is the waveguide wavelength and 𝜆

    0is the free space

    wavelength and 𝑌0is the waveguide admittance of dominant

    mode. 𝑃𝑒𝑦

    is an electric polarization function of frequencyand coupling circle’s size. The electric-field component 𝐸




    𝐸𝑧= 𝐸0sin(𝜋

    𝑎𝑥) sin(𝜋

    𝑙𝑦) . (11)


    𝑦can be calculated by theMaxwell equation

    set as follows:

    ∇ × E = −𝑗𝜔0𝜇H,

    H = 𝑗 1𝜔0𝜇










    0 0 𝐸𝑧


    where 𝜔0

    = 2𝜋𝑓 and 𝑓 is resonant frequency. The 𝑄 valueof HMSIW cavity should be concerned. The loss of HMSIWcavity is mainly due to the six metallic faces and the filleddielectric. Assuming that the loss of metallic faces is 𝑃

    𝑚, the

    dielectric loss is 𝑃𝑑, and the electric energy is𝑊

    𝑒𝑦, then the𝑄

    is obtained:

    𝑄 =2𝜔0𝑊𝑒𝑦


    + 𝑃𝑑


    ((2𝜋2/ (𝑘𝑎𝑙)3𝑏𝜂)√𝜇𝜔/2𝜎𝑢 + 𝑡𝑔𝜎)


    𝑢 = (2𝑎3𝑏 + 2𝑏𝑙

    3+ 𝑎3𝑙 + 𝑎𝑙3) ,


  • 4 Advances in Materials Science and Engineering

    Position = 1.2mmPosition = 0.6mm

    Position = 0mmPosition = −0.6mmPosition = −1.2mm

    12.8 13.0 13.2 13.4 13.6 13.8 14.0 14.2 14.412.6Frequency (GHz)





















    y (G

    Hz) 0.9 1.2−0.6−0.9 −0.3−1.2Position (mm)


    Radius = 1.2mmRadius = 1.1mm

    Radius = 1.0mmRadius = 0.9mmRadius = 0.8mm









    S 21





    y (G


    12.8 13.0 13.2 13.4 13.6 13.8 14.0 14.2 14.412.6Frequency (GHz)














    Radius (mm)


    Figure 3: Simulation results of the HMSIW resonator. (a) Changes of frequency with different positions (in 𝑦-axis). (b) Changes of frequencywith different radiuses.

    where 𝑘 = 𝜔√𝜇𝜀 and 𝑡𝑔𝜎 is loss tangent.The𝑄 is determinedby dielectric loss since the size of cavity is set already.On one hand, the larger the relative dielectric constant is,the larger the dielectric loss is. On the other hand, thedielectric constant determines the power capacity, and theyare positively related. A proper dielectric should be chosen tokeep a balance between the dielectric loss and power capacity.

    2.4. The Design of Coupling Structures and Absorbing Pillars.To design the coupling circles, the position and radius arefocused. Once the size of cavity is set, the cavity works atthe dominant mode, TM

    110. We can excite the cavity at the

    middle of wide metal wall (along 𝑦-axis) or the narrowmetalwall (along 𝑥-axis) to get the maximum field value, whereasthemaximumvalue of 𝑆

    21should be limited.This paper solves

    this problem in two ways: one is to change the radius ofcoupling circle; another is to divert the optimal excitationposition. The results are shown in Figure 3.

    From Figure 3, we can know that the resonant frequencydeviates when the position changes along 𝑦-axis. This isbecause the discontinuity at coupling circle excites the high-order modes and each mode has a unique attenuation dis-tance, so different positions have different numbers ofmodes,which have a contribution to the generalized 𝑆 parametermatrix. The generalized 𝑆 parameter matrix is a matrix ofinfinite dimension, and it shows themutual coupling betweenall modes. Usually, only the mutual coupling between thedominantmodes is concerned, then the generalized 𝑆 param-eter matrix is reduced to a two-dimensional matrix; namely,

    S = [𝑆11




    ] . (14)

    The change in radius of coupling circle can also cause thedeviation of frequency because the coupling capacitance has

    12.5 12.75 13 13.25 13.5Frequency (GHz)

    Inserting depth = 0.3mmInserting depth = 0.2mmInserting depth = 0.1mm










    n lo

    ss (d


    Figure 4: Changes of attenuation with different depths of absorbingpillar.

    changed as the different sizes of holes are equivalent to thedifferent coupling capacitances, shown in (10).

    Most importantly, absorbing pillar arrays are used to tunethe attenuation. The quantity, radius, position, and insertiondepth of absorbing pillars are focused.

    Figure 4 shows the result when the insertion depthchanges. The other simulation results are omitted here forbrevity. The absorbing pillars are filled by the hydroxyl iron,whose relative permittivity is 30, dielectric loss tangent is 0.53,relative permeability is 5, and magnetic loss tangent is 0.38.

    Lots of air pillars can be dug in the HMSIW resonantcavities, and the air pillars can be filled with materials

  • Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 5

    alternative, such as absorbingmaterials or dielectric substratematerials; it depends on the actual demand.

    Film resistors can also be used to tune the attenuation.And the dimension of film resistors should be large enough,so film resistors can radiate heat efficiently. The equalizationability of film resistors is limited, no more than 15 dB.

    Through lots of simulations and calculations, we find thatwhen the width of HMSIW resonator is fixed, the longer thelength of resonant cavity is, the lower the resonant frequencyis. In a word, the resonator length and the absorbing pillarparameters can affect frequency and attenuation regularlyand respectively. The cascaded HMSIW cavities can meet theneed of TWTAs.

    2.5.TheDesign andMeasurement of HMSIWEqualizer. Withthe analysis above, a HMSIW equalizer with six HMSIWcavities added absorbing pillars is simulated and fabricated.As the relative permittivity of substrate is 11.9, an equivalentmagnetic wall is formed and it prevents the energy leakingfrom the long side wall without the metallic via holes.

    Figure 5 shows the configuration of HMISW equalizer.Figure 5(a) illustrates the upper layers: it has three HMSIWresonant cavities and several absorbing pillars. Figure 5(b)shows the middle layer, it consists of two microstrip lines,two microstrip-to-HMSIW transitions, and a HMSIW lineas well as three coupling circles. Figure 5(c) illustrates theground layer, and the three HMSIW resonant cavities inthe bottom layer are excited by the circles etched on theground. Figure 5(d) shows the bottom layer and it has threeresonant cavities. A coordinate axis has been given in Figure 5for the convenience of illustrating the parameter position.(𝑥𝑖, 𝑦𝑖, 𝑟𝑖) represents the position and the radius of coupling

    circle and 𝐿𝑅𝑖represents the length of useful part of coupling

    circle. Figure 5(e) shows the side view of this equalizer whileFigure 5(f) gives the whole structure. Figure 5(g) gives thephoto of the fabricated sample.

    All the values of parameters labeled in Figure 5 are shownin Table 1. This equalizer is fabricated with three PCB sub-strates. AnAgilent N5244A network analyzer is used to verifyits performance. Also, the traditional waveguide equalizerloaded by coaxial resonant cavities and the SIW equalizerloaded by six SIW resonant cavities are tested to comparewith this structure. The insertion loss 𝑆

    21and the return

    loss 𝑆11

    are given in Figure 6. From Figure 6, we can knowthat the performance of the proposed HMSIW equalizer isnearly the same as that of the SIW equalizer, and it provesthe conclusion in [15] perfectly. The maximum insertion lossof HMSIW equalizer is 1.4 dB while the maximum insertionloss of SIW equalizer is 1.1 dB, and the maximum returnloss of HMSIW is nearly 12.5 dB while that of the SIW is12.3 dB. The result shows that the HMSIW equalizer has alarger insertion loss. This is because one side wall of HMSIWequalizer has a slim energy leakage which is inevitable. Theinsertion loss of waveguide equalizer is nearly 2 dB with themaximum return loss of 18 dB. With the use of isolator, thereturn loss of waveguide equalizer is better than others. Thewaveguide equalizer has an excellent tune quality comparedto any other types, butwaveguide equalizer has a large volumeand is difficult to integrate with another planar equipment.

    Table 1: The parameter values of the proposed equalizer.

    Parameter Value (mm)𝑊1









    4.83𝑏 1.50𝐷 1.00𝑅𝑏𝑖







    0.90ℎ 0.60𝑥1




















    3. Conclusion

    A novel equalizer based on multilayered HMSIW structuresis proposed in this paper, working at 12.5∼14.5 GHz, withsmall size, high𝑄 value, and low insertion loss.Themeasuredresult is in good agreement with the simulated result. It sharesthe same performance with the SIW equalizer only in halfsize, suitable for the development tendency of equalizers’miniaturization. This structure can also be used as themicrowave band stop filter without absorbing pillars.

  • 6 Advances in Materials Science and Engineering
















    (x1, y1, r1)

    (x3, y3, r3) We




    (x4, y4, r4)

    (x5, y5, r5)(x2, y2, r2)

    (x6, y6, r6)

    (a) Upper layer 0

    HMSIW cavity

    Transmission line

    Absorbing pillars

    HMSIW cavity

    Coupling aperture

    (e) Side view


    al la


    Photograph of three layers

    (b) Middle layer (c) Ground layer

    (f) The whole structureX





    (d) Bottom layer




    (g) Fabricated sample


    Figure 5: Configuration of the proposed equalizer.

    Simulated HMSIWMeasured HMSIW

    Measured SIW Measured waveguide

    12.8 13.0 13.2 13.4 13.6 13.8 14.0 14.2 14.412.6Frequency (GHz)










    The m



    of S



    (a) The measured 𝑆21 curves of different equalizers

    Simulated HMSIWMeasured HMSIW

    Measured SIW Measured waveguide














    The m



    of S



    12.8 13.0 13.2 13.4 13.6 13.8 14.0 14.2 14.412.6Frequency (GHz)

    (b) The measured 𝑆11 curves of different equalizers

    Figure 6: Method proposed in this paper: simulation and measurement results.

  • Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 7

    Conflict of Interests

    The authors declare that there is no conflict of interestsregarding the publication of this paper.


    The authors would like to thank Dr. Zhang and Dr. Lv fortheir assistance in the theoretical guidance. This work issupported in part by theNationalNatural Science Foundationof China under Grant 62101056 and the Chinese Ministry ofIndustry and Information Technology and Chinese Ministryof Science under Grant 2015-ZX01010101-003


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