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X-ray analytical instrumentation

X-ray diff ractionSmall angle X-ray scatteringX-ray fl uorescenceX-ray computed microtomography

Product CatalogXRD / SAXS / XRF / CT

Rigaku Europe SE

Hugenottenallee 167, 63263 Neu-Isenburg, Germany

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phone: +49 6102 7799 ext 961

Rigaku Corporation and its Global Subsidiaries

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Product CatalogXRD / SAXS / XRF / CT

Backed by RigakuSince its inception in 1951, Rigaku has been at the forefront of analytical and industrial instrumentation technology.

Today, with hundreds of major innovations to our credit, the Rigaku Group of Companies are world leaders in the fi eld

of analytical X-ray instrumentation. Rigaku employs over 1,400 people worldwide in operations based in Japan, the U.S.,

Europe, South America and China.

RESE Product Catalog_brochure_en_Ver3_2017.11.14

Copyright © 2017. Rigaku Corporation. All rights reserved.

X-ray Diff raction (XRD)

X-ray powder diff raction (XRD) is a rapid analytical

technique primarily used for phase identifi cation and

quantifi cation of polycrystalline materials. It is based on

constructive interference between monochromatic

X-rays and a crystalline sample. Interaction of the incident

rays with the sample produces constructive interference

when conditions satisfy Bragg’s Law (nλ=2d sin θ). This law

relates the wavelength of electromagnetic radiation to

the diff raction angle and the lattice spacing in a crystalline

sample (fi gure at right). By scanning the sample through

a range of 2θ angles, all possible diff raction directions of

the lattice can be attained due to the random orientation

of the powdered material. Unambiguous identifi cation

and quantifi cation of the various observed mineral phases

is then achieved through the use of matching libraries in

conjunction with advanced software treatment.

SmartLab – advanced XRD with in-plane arm

The most novel high-resolution X-ray diff ractometer

available today, Smartlab’s most innovative feature is the

Guidance software, which provides you with an intelligent

interface that guides you through the intricacies of each

experiment. SmartLab incorporates a high-resolution θ/θ

closed loop goniometer drive system, cross beam optics

(CBO), an in-plane scattering arm, and an optional 9.0 kW

rotating anode generator. HyPix-3000 Hybrid Pixel Array

Detector (HPAD) delivers seamless switching from 2D-TDI

(Time Delay and Integration) mode to 2D snapshot mode

to 1D-TDI mode to 0D mode with a single detector.

SmartLab SE – advanced XRD

A highly versatile multipurpose X-ray diff ractometer with built-in intelligent

guidance, SmartLab SE off ers continued refi nement of the original ease of

use features that enabled the original SmartLab to receive the R&D 100:

automatic alignment, component recognition, cross beam optics and the

HyPix-400 2D HPAD detector that enables seamless switching between

0D, 1D and 2D detection mode. Expert advice coupled with hardware that

will confi rm the correct confi guration is the foundation of the SmartLab SE


D/MAX RAPID II is arguably the most versatile micro-diff raction

XRD system in the history of materials analysis. In production for well

over a decade, and continuously improved during that time period, the

success of the D/MAX RAPID II is a testament to the suitability of imaging

plate technology for measuring diff raction patterns and diff use scattering from

a wide range of materials. It combines an exceptionally large active-area imaging

plate, that is sensitive to a wide range of radiation sources, with the fl exibility to

mate it with a large variety of X-ray sources and optics. The nature of the imaging

plate detector means that weak measurements can be made easily in the presence

of strong measurements. Combining a well-proven, time-tested design with the lack

of a need for calibration means that the RAPID II is a detector that can be maintained

in the fi eld with a minimum of downtime.

New sixth generation MiniFlex X-ray diff ractometer (XRD) is a multipurpose

analytical instrument that can determine: phase identifi cation and quantifi cation,

percent (%) crystallinity, crystallite size and strain, lattice parameter refi nement,

Rietveld refi nement, and molecular structure. It is widely used in research, especially

in material science and chemistry, as well as in industry for research and quality

control. The system delivers speed and sensitivity through innovative technology

advances, including the HyPix-400 MF 2D hybrid pixel array detector (HPAD)

together with an available 600 W X-ray source and new 8-position automatic sample

changer. This new direct photon counting detector enables high-speed, low-noise

data collection and may be operated in 0D and 1D modes for conventional

XRD analysis and 2D mode for samples with coarse grain size and/or preferred

orientation. MiniFlex embodies the Rigaku philosophy of “Leading with Innovation”

by off ering the world’s most advanced benchtop XRD.

In the past, if you wanted to make highly accurate residual stress measurements,

you had to use an R&D diff ractometer because of the accuracy of the goniometer.

However this restricts the weight and size of the samples you can measure. Factory-

fl oor residual stress analyzers suff er from reduced accuracy due to the nature of their

mechanical designs. With the AutoMATE II, you now have the best of both worlds.

Large and heavy parts (30 kg with standard manual Z stage; 20 kg with optional

automated XYZ stage) can be measured with high accuracy. This is possible because

the X-ray source and detector arm are mounted on a highly accurate two-axis goni-

ometer that can position them relative to the measurement site and perform scans

with an accuracy of 0.1 microns when using the automated XYZ stage. AutoMATE II

employs the advanced D/teX Ultra1000, an electronic Si strip detector that has high

dynamic range, high sensitivity, and good energy resolution, as well as not requiring

any consumable gas.

The SmartSite RS is the world’s smallest portable stress analyzer, especially

designed for fi eld analysis. It enables the characterization of residual stress of metal

parts ranging from large construction projects to individual products, e.g. bridges,

maritime vessels, aircraft, aerospace equipment, pipelines, heavy machinery

and automobiles. The world’s smallest measurement head has dimensions of

114(W) x 248(D) x 111(H) mm and weighs 3 kg. It enables the measurement of

residual stress of inner surfaces of 200 mmφ bore. A high-speed two-dimensional

(2-D) semiconductor detector accelerates data acquisition time and accuracy of

the data. Residual stress is measured in 60 seconds or less in most cases. 1-click

operation is possible thanks to pre-defi ned measurement and sample parameters.

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Designed for ultra-low level sulfur analysis of

diesel, petrol (gasoline) and other fuels, the

Micro-Z ULS WDXRF instrument features a

novel design that measures both the sulfur peak and the

background intensity. The ability to measure and correct for

changes in background intensity delivers a better net peak

intensity measurement, resulting in superior calibrations and

enhanced real world precision. Rigaku Micro-Z ULS complies

with ASTM 2622-10, ISO 20884 and JIS K2541-7 methods.

Micro-Z ULS is the ideal solution for sulfur analysis of petroleum

based fuels, with a lower limit of detection (LLD) of 0.3 ppm

sulfur. Employing robust fi xed optics in a vacuum environment,

and featuring a specially designed doubly curved RX-9 analyz-

ing crystal, the Micro-Z ULS delivers consistent high sensitivity

measurements without the need for P10 or helium gas.

Supermini200 has improved

software capabilities as well as

a better footprint. As the world’s

only high-power benchtop sequential WDXRF spectrometer for

elemental analysis of oxygen (O) through uranium (U) of almost

any material, the Rigaku Supermini200 uniquely delivers low

cost-of-ownership (COO) with high resolution and lower

limits-of-detection (LLD). Not only is the Supermini200 an

aff ordable choice for your XRF elemental analysis needs, the

running costs are also low. P10 gas for the fl ow proportional

detector is the only consumable. Supermini200 does not

require a source of cooling water, plumbing, or an external

chiller, thereby decreasing system maintenance and lowering

the overall lifetime cost of ownership of the system and yearly

budgets for consumables and maintenance.

A series of compact benchtop wavelength

dispersive XRF analyzers, the Mini-Z series

of analyzers are designed for analyzing

specifi c single elements. Since the optics

are optimally confi gured to a particular element, this series

allows for high precision and low detection limits. Mini-Z can

be confi gured as a Si analyzer (e.g., for coated Si on paper or

plastic), an Al analyzer (e.g., for coated Al on paper or plastic),

a Ni analyzer, (e.g., for Ni coating or plating), a Cl analyzer, a

P analyzer (e.g., biofuels) or a Zr analyzer (e.g., for Zr coating).

Mini-Z series benchtop WDXRF spectrometers are completely

contained X-ray generating systems. Interlocks and safety

“X-RAY ON” indicators are present to protect operators from

exposure to X-rays being produced. The spectrometers meet

all North American safety codes and are CE marked.

ZSX Primus 400 sequential WDXRF

spectrometer was specifi cally designed

to handle very large and/or heavy samples. Accepting samples

up to 400 mm diameter, 50 mm thick and 30 kg weight, this

system is ideal for analyzing sputtering targets, magnetic disks,

or for multilayer fi lm metrology or elemental analysis of large

samples. With a variable measurement spot (30 mm to

0.5 mm diameter with 5-step automatic selection) and

mapping capability with multi-point measurements to check

for sample uniformity, this uniquely fl exible instrument can

dramatically streamline your quality control processes.

Optional real-time camera allows the analysis point to be

viewed on screen. The operator has complete certainty as

to what is being measured. Analyze beryllium (Be) through

uranium (U) with high-resolution, high-precision WDXRF

spectroscopy, from solids to liquids and powders to thin fi lms.

Analyze wide composition ranges (ppm to tens of percent) and

thicknesses (sub Å to mm). Optionally available is diff raction

peak interference rejection, for optimal results for single-crystal


In X-ray fl uorescence (XRF), an electron can be ejected

from its atomic orbital by the absorption of light

(photon) from an X-ray tube. When an inner orbital

electron is ejected (middle image), a higher energy

electron transfers to fi ll the vacancy. During this transition, a

characteristic photon may be emitted (rightmost image) that

is of a unique energy for each type of atom The number of characteristic photons per unit time (counts per second or cps)

is proportional to the amount of that element in a sample. Thus, qualitative and quantitative elemental analysis is achieved

by determining the energy of X-ray peaks in a sample spectrum and measuring their associated count rates.

Rigaku ZSX Primus delivers rapid quanti-

tative determination of major and minor

atomic elements, from beryllium (Be)

through uranium (U), in a wide variety of

sample types — with minimal standards.

The ZSX Primus continues the tradition of delivering accurate

results in a timely and seamless manner, with unsurpassed

reliability, fl exibility, and ease of use to meet any challenges

in today’s laboratory. Providing superior performance with

the fl exibility for analyzing the most complex samples, the

ZSX Primus features a 30 micron tube, the thinnest

end-window tube available in the industry. Combined with the

most advanced mapping package to detect homogeneity and

inclusions, the ZSX Primus allows easy detailed investigation of

samples that provide analytical insights not easily obtained by

other analytical methodologies. Available multi-spot analysis

also helps to eliminate sampling errors in inhomogeneous


The new, next generation Rigaku

NANOHUNTER II benchtop total

refl ection X-ray fl uorescence (TXRF)

spectrometer enables high-sensitivity

ultra-trace elemental analysis, in liquids or on solid surfaces,

down to parts-per-billion (ppb) levels. Total refl ection

X-ray fl uorescence spectroscopy is a method by which an

incident beam of X-rays just grazes the sample, delivering

low-background noise, high-sensitivity measurement of

ultra-trace elements. With a high-power 600 W X-ray source,

fully automatic optical axis adjustment system, a newly

developed optic and a large-area silicon drift detector (SDD),

the spectrometer enables high-intensity, high-sensitivity

measurements. The lower limit of Cd detection is 2 ppb. For

As and Se in a liquid, a detection lower limit of 0.8 ppb or less

has been achieved.

Wavelength Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (WDXRF)

For over 40 years, the Simultix

series of simultaneous WDXRF

spectrometers has been widely used

as an elemental analytical tool for

process control in industries that require high throughput

and precision, such as steel and cement. Analyze beryllium

(Be) through uranium (U) in almost any sample matrix. The

most important metrics for automated process control are

precision, accuracy and sample throughput. With up to 30

(and optionally 40) discrete and optimized elemental channels

and 4 kW (or optionally 3 kW) of X-ray tube power, Simultix 15

delivers unparalleled analytical speed and sensitivity. Nearly

1,000 Simultix XRF instruments have been delivered to

customers around the world. Along with technological

progress over these years, customer requirements have

advanced and diversifi ed as well. The new Simultix 15 WDXRF

elemental analyzer was developed to meet these changing


ZSX Primus IV sequential WDXRF

spectrometer is the fl agship of the

Rigaku line of XRF products. Rigaku

ZSX Primus IV delivers rapid quantita-

tive determination of major and minor

atomic elements, from beryllium (Be)

through uranium (U), in a wide variety of sample types — with

minimal standards. ZSX Primus IV features an innovative optics-

above confi guration. Never again worry about a contaminated

beam path or down time due to sample chamber mainte-

nance. The optics-above geometry eliminates cleaning worries

and increases up time. Counting linearity has been improved

with a fast Digital Multichannel Analyzer (D-MCA), resulting in

better precision. New ZSX Guidance software: Operators simply

input basic information about samples, analysis components

and standard composition. Measuring lines, optimum back-

grounds and correction parameters — including line overlaps

— are automatically set.

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