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Candidate for the post of Secretary General of ATU

Tel : + 257 79 922 790 (Mob)

E-mail: [email protected]



« Towards a new way of living,

seeing and doing: ICT at the center

of all our activities and projects »

[email protected]


« An interconnected Africa where people take advantage

of the benefits and opportunities offered by ICT

underpin a growing digital economy, secure services

in a healthy environment where the ATU

contributes fully to achieving this Objective. »


Current Function


His career


Areas of expertise

Work Mission

Carried outconsultancies:

Working language French, English and Kirundi

Academic background

More than 16 consultancies in ICT domain

Participation in more than 84 mission organizedby ITU , ATU and others regional organizations and ICT institutions

Strategy and Development of ICT Projects.

Telecommunications and ICT Networks and Services, ICT Regulation and Policy,Network Audit and Traffic, Quality of Service, Network Interconnection and scare Resource Management, Cyber Security, ICT standards and Terminal Management , Emerging Services , national ICT

1) Strategic Planning;2) Design and management of data base of tracking and assessment of the ICT sector in Burundi;3) QoS control equipments& tools for mobile networks;4) National Numbering Plan;5) IP/VoIP networks;6) Costs, tariffs and taxes forecast relating to telecommunications services;7) Tariff auditing;8) Estimation of the costs of interconnection;9) Fiber optic cabling system;10) Certification of telecommunications terminal equipments;11) CDRs processing and traffic valuation;12) International communications and telephone fraud

1) University professor2) Engineer at Telecom Operator (ONATEL Burundi)3) Head of Standardization and ICT services at ARCT4) Head of Service Study and Development at the regulator (ARCT)5) Technical Director of ARCT

24 years in ICT sector

Technical Director of de Agence de Régulation et de Contrôledes Télécommunications (ARCT Burundi )Member of the Board of Directors of the African Telecommunication Union (ATU)

Telecommunication Engineer



Reduce the digital divide and promote the use of ICT applications through broadband access networks through an African Single Networ

Enable ICT innovation to support the digital transformation of African society

Strengthen cooperation between ATU members and all other stakeholders to support the achievement of the strategic goals of ATU

Enhance the level of African participation on ATU activities and improve African proposals by establishing permanent sectorial studies groups


1) Encourage the active participation of members in the development of universal access policies to reduce

the gap in the use of ICT;

2) Bridge the digital divide and provide broadband access

3) Encourage the acquisition and exchange of knowledge and know-how concerning the activities

of the telecommunications sector

4) Enable innovation in telecommunication/ICT in support of the digital transformation of society

5) Foster international cooperation and agreement with international regional and national organization

on telecommunication/ICT development issues;


6 ) Foster the development of infrastructure and services, including building confidence

and security in the use of telecommunications/ICT;

) Foster an enabling policy and regulatory environment conducive to sustainable 7

telecommunication/ICT development;

) Foster the development and use of telecommunications/ICTs and applications8

to empower people and societies for sustainable development.

) Encourage and support African initiatives like SMART AFRICA.9

V I. COMMITMENTI pledge to be aware and responsive to the needs of all Membership, as well as the activities

and expectations of Member Countries, the private sector, civil society and technical community.

I pledge to receive new and innovative ideas to help ATU to fulfill its mission for the good of all

its members


V PRINCIPLES AND VALUES Management based on transparency, efficiency and fairness;

An understanding of members ' expectations and a team spirit;

Excellent communication and willingness to assume responsibility and a permanen t

concern to gain the confidence of the members of the Union;

Integrity, trust, leadership, personal commitment and passion for success are my values.