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Republic of the PhilippinesCONGRESS OF THE PHILIPPINESMetro ManilaFifteenth CongressThird Regular SessionBegun and held in Metro Manila, on Monday, the twenty-third day of July, two thousand twelve.REPUBLIC ACT NO !"#$%AN ACT FURTHER STRENGTHENING THE ANTI&'ONE( LAUN)ERING LA*+ A'EN)ING FOR THE PURPOSE REPUBLIC ACT NO ,!$"+ OTHER*ISE -NO*N AS THE .ANTI&'ONE( LAUN)ERING ACT OF /""!0+ AS A'EN)E)Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in ongress asse!bled"Se1tion ! Section 3(a) of Republic Act No. 9160, as aen!e!, is hereb" aen!e! to rea! as follo#s$%(a) &'o(ere! persons), natural or *uri!ical, refer to$%(1) ban+s, non,ban+s, -uasi,ban+s, trust entities, forei.n e/chan.e !ealers, pa#nshops, one" chan.ers, reittance an! transfer copanies an! other siilar entities an! all other persons an! their subsi!iaries an! affiliates super(ise! or re.ulate! b" the 0an.+o Sentral n. Pilipinas (0SP)1%(2) insurance copanies, pre,nee! copanies an! all other persons super(ise! orre.ulate! b" the 3nsurance 'oission (3')1%(3) (i) securities !ealers, bro+ers, salesen, in(estent houses an! other siilar persons securities or ren!erin. ser(ices as in(estent a.ent, a!(isor, orconsultant, (ii) utual fun!s, close,en! in(estent copanies, coon trust fun!s, an! other siilar persons, an! (iii) other entities a!inisterin. or other#ise!ealin. in currenc", coo!ities or financial !eri(ati(es base! thereon, (aluable ob*ects, cash substitutes an! other siilar onetar" instruents or propert" super(ise! or re.ulate! b" the Securities an! 4/chan.e 'oission (S4')1%(5) *e#elr" !ealers in precious etals, #ho, as a business, tra!e in precious etals, for transactions in e/cess of 6ne illion pesos (P1,000,000.00)1%(7) *e#elr" !ealers in precious stones, #ho, as a business, tra!e in precious stones, for transactions in e/cess of 6ne illion pesos (P1,000,000.00)1%(6) copan" ser(ice pro(i!ers #hich, as a business, pro(i!e an" of the follo#in.ser(ices to thir! parties$ (i) actin. as a foration a.ent of *uri!ical persons1 (ii) actin. as (or for another person to act as) a !irector or corporate secretar" of a copan", a partner of a partnership, or a siilar position in relation to other *uri!ical persons1 (iii) pro(i!in. a re.istere! office, business a!!ress or accoo!ation, correspon!ence or a!inistrati(e a!!ress for a copan", a partnership or an" other person or arran.eent1 an! (i() actin. as (or for another person to act as) a noinee sharehol!er for another person1 an!%(8) persons #ho pro(i!e an" of the follo#in. ser(ices$(i) of client one", securities or other assets1(ii) ana.eent of ban+, sa(in.s or securities accounts1(iii) or.ani9ation of contributions for the creation, operation or ana.eent of copanies1 an!(i() creation, operation or ana.eent of *uri!ical persons or arran.eents, an! bu"in. an! sellin. business entities.%Not#ithstan!in. the fore.oin., the ter &co(ere! persons) shall e/clu!e la#"ers an! accountants actin. as in!epen!ent professionals in relation to inforation concernin. their clients or #here !isclosure of inforation #oul! coproise client confi!ences or the attorne",client relationship$ Provided, :hat these la#"ers an! accountants are authori9e! to practice in the Philippines an! shall continue to be sub*ect to the pro(isions of their respecti(e co!es of con!uct an!;or professional responsibilit" or an" of its aen!ents.%Se1tion / Section 3(i) of the sae Act is hereb" aen!e! to rea! as follo#s$%(i) &17, other#ise +no#n as the Re(ise! Penal 'o!e, as aen!e!1%(2) Sections 5, 7, 6, >, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17 an! 16 of Republic Act No. 9167, other#ise +no#n as the 'oprehensi(e ?an.erous ?ru.s Act of 20021%(3) Section 3 para.raphs 0, ', 4, @, A an! 3 of Republic Act No. 3019, as aen!e!, other#ise +no#n as the Anti,@raft an! 'orrupt Practices Act1%(5) Plun!er un!er Republic Act No. 80>0, as aen!e!1%(7) Robber" an! e/tortion un!er Articles 295, 297, 296, 299, 300, 301 an! 302 ofthe Re(ise! Penal 'o!e, as aen!e!1%(6) Bueten. an! Masiao punishe! as .ablin. un!er Presi!ential ?ecree No. 16021%(8) Pirac" on the hi.h seas un!er the Re(ise! Penal 'o!e, as aen!e! an! Presi!ential ?ecree No. 7321%(>) Cualifie! theft un!er Article 310 of the Re(ise! Penal 'o!e, as aen!e!1%(9) S#in!lin. un!er Article 317 an! 6ther Dors of S#in!lin. un!er Article 316of the Re(ise! Penal 'o!e, as aen!e!1%(10) Su..lin. un!er Republic Act Nos. 577 an! 19381%(11) Eiolations of Republic Act No. >892, other#ise +no#n as the 4lectronic 'oerce Act of 20001%(12) Ai*ac+in. an! other (iolations un!er Republic Act No. 62371 !estructi(e arson an! ur!er, as !efine! un!er the Re(ise! Penal 'o!e, as aen!e!1%(13) :erroris an! conspirac" to coit terroris as !efine! an! penali9e! un!er Sections 3 an! 5 of Republic Act No. 93821%(15) Dinancin. of terroris un!er Section 5 an! offenses punishable un!er Sections 7, 6, 8 an! > of Republic Act No. 1016>, other#ise +no#n as the :erroris Dinancin. Pre(ention an! Suppression Act of 2012$%(17) 0riber" un!er Articles 210, 211 an! 211,A of the Re(ise! Penal 'o!e, as aen!e!, an! 'orruption of Public 6fficers un!er Article 212 of the Re(ise! Penal 'o!e, as aen!e!1%(16) Drau!s an! 4/actions an! :ransactions un!er Articles 213, 215, 217 an! 216 of the Re(ise! Penal 'o!e, as aen!e!1%(18) Mal(ersation of Public Dun!s an! Propert" un!er Articles 218 an! 222 of the Re(ise! Penal 'o!e, as aen!e!1%(1>) Dor.eries an! 'ounterfeitin. un!er Articles 163, 166, 168, 16>, 169 an! 186of the Re(ise! Penal 'o!e, as aen!e!1%(19) Eiolations of Sections 5 to 6 of Republic Act No. 920>, other#ise +no#n as the Anti,:raffic+in. in Persons Act of 20031%(20) Eiolations of Sections 8> to 89 of 'hapter 3E, of Presi!ential ?ecree No. 807, other#ise +no#n as the Re(ise! Dorestr" 'o!e of the Philippines, as aen!e!1%(21) Eiolations of Sections >6 to 106 of 'hapter E3, of Republic Act No. >770, other#ise +no#n as the Philippine Disheries 'o!e of 199>1%(22) Eiolations of Sections 101 to 108, an! 110 of Republic Act No. 8952, other#ise +no#n as the Philippine Minin. Act of 19971%(23) Eiolations of Section 28(c), (e), (f), (.) an! (i), of Republic Act No. 9158, other#ise +no#n as the Fil!life Resources 'onser(ation an! Protection Act1%(25) Eiolation of Section 8(b) of Republic Act No. 9082, other#ise +no#n as the National 'a(es an! 'a(e Resources Mana.eent Protection Act1%(27) Eiolation of Republic Act No. 6739, other#ise +no#n as the Anti,'arnappin. Act of 2002, as aen!e!1%(26) Eiolations of Sections 1, 3 an! 7 of Presi!ential ?ecree No. 1>66, as aen!e!, other#ise +no#n as the !ecree 'o!if"in. the Ga#s on;) Eiolation of Section 6 of Republic Act No. >052, other#ise +no#n as the Mi.rant For+ers an! 6(erseas Dilipinos Act of 1997, as aen!e! b" Republic Act No. 100221%(29) Eiolation of Republic Act No. >293, other#ise +no#n as the 3ntellectual Propert" 'o!e of the Philippines1%(30) Eiolation of Section 5 of Republic Act No. 9997, other#ise +no#n as the Anti,Photo an! Ei!eo Eo"euris Act of 20091%(31) Eiolation of Section 5 of Republic Act No. 9887, other#ise +no#n as the Anti,'hil! Porno.raph" Act of 20091%(32) Eiolations of Sections 7, 8, >, 9, 10(c), (!) an! (e), 11, 12 an! 15 of Republic Act No. 8610, other#ise +no#n as the Special Protection of 'hil!ren A.ainst Abuse, 4/ploitation an! ?iscriination1%(33) Drau!ulent practices an! other (iolations un!er Republic Act No. >899, other#ise +no#n as the Securities Re.ulation 'o!e of 20001 an!%(35) Delonies or offenses of a siilar nature that are punishable un!er the penal la#s of other countries.%Se1tion # Section 3 of the sae Act shall ha(e ne# para.raphs (*) an! (+).%(*) Precious etals) shall ean .ol!, sil(er, platinu, palla!iu, rho!iu, rutheniu, iri!iu an! osiu. :hese inclu!e allo"s of precious etals, sol!ers an! platin. cheicals such as rho!iu an! palla!iu platin. solutions an! potassiu .ol! c"ani!e an! potassiu sil(er c"ani!e an! sil(er c"ani!e in salt solution.%(+) &Precious stones) shall ean !iaon!, rub", eeral!, sapphire, opal, aeth"st, ber"l,topa9, an! .arnet that are use! in *e#elr" a+in., inclu!in. those forerl" classifie! as sei,precious stones.%Se1tion 2 Section 5 of the sae Act is hereb" aen!e! to rea! as follo#s$%S4'. 5. Money #aundering $ffense. % Mone" laun!erin. is coitte! b" an" person #ho, +no#in. that an" onetar" instruent or propert" represents, in(ol(es, or relates tothe procee!s of an" unla#ful acti(it"$%(a) transacts sai! onetar" instruent or propert"1%(b) con(erts, transfers, !isposes of, o(es, ac-uires, possesses or uses sai! onetar" instruent or propert"1%(c) conceals or !is.uises the true nature, source, location, !isposition, o(eent or o#nership of or ri.hts #ith respect to sai! onetar" instruent or propert"1%(!) attepts or conspires to coit one" laun!erin. offenses referre! to in para.raphs (a), (b) or (c)1%(e) ai!s, abets, assists in or counsels the coission of the one" laun!erin. offenses referre! to in para.raphs (a), (b) or (c) abo(e1 an!%(f) perfors or fails to perfor an" act as a result of #hich he facilitates the offense of one" laun!erin. referre! to in para.raphs (a), (b) or (c) abo(e.%Mone" laun!erin. is also coitte! b" an" co(ere! person #ho, +no#in. that a co(ere! or suspicious transaction is re-uire! un!er this Act to be reporte! to the Anti,Mone" Gaun!erin. 'ouncil (AMG'), fails to !o so.%Se1tion % Section 6(a) of the sae Act is hereb" aen!e! to rea! as follo#s$%S4'. 6. Prosecution of Money #aundering. H%(a) An" person a" be char.e! #ith an! con(icte! of both the offense of one" laun!erin. an! the unla#ful acti(it" as herein !efine!.%(b) :he prosecution of an" offense or (iolation un!er this Act shall procee! in!epen!entl" of an" procee!in. relatin. to the unla#ful acti(it".%Se1tion $ Section 8 of the sae Act is hereb" aen!e! to rea! as follo#s$%S4'. 8. reation of &nti-Money #aundering ouncil '&M#(. % :he Anti,Mone" Gaun!erin. 'ouncil is hereb" create! an! shall be copose! of the @o(ernor of the 0an.+o Sentral n. Pilipinas as 'hairan, the 'oissioner of the 3nsurance 'oission an! the 'hairan of the Securities an! 4/chan.e 'oission, as ebers.:he AMG' shall act unaniousl" in the !ischar.e of its functions as !efine! hereun!er$%/ / /%(6) to appl" before the 'ourt of Appeals, e) parte, for the free9in. of an" onetar" instruent or propert" alle.e! to be laun!ere!, procee!s fro, or instruentalities use! in or inten!e! for use in an" unla#ful acti(it" as !efine! in Section 3(i) hereof1%/ / /%(12) to re-uire the Gan! Re.istration Authorit" an! all its Re.istries of ?ee!s to subit to the AMG', reports on all real estate transactions in(ol(in. an aount in e/cess of Di(ehun!re! thousan! pesos (P700,000.00) #ithin fifteen (17) !a"s fro the !ate of re.istration of the transaction, in a for to be prescribe! b" the AMG'. :he AMG' a" also re-uire the Gan! Re.istration Authorit" an! all its Re.istries of ?ee!s to subit copies of rele(ant !ocuents of all real estate transactions.%Se1tion 3 Section 9(c), para.raphs 1 an! 5 of the sae Act are hereb" aen!e! to rea! as follo#s$%S4'. 9. Prevention of Money #aundering* usto!er +dentification Re,uire!ents and Record -eeping. H%(a) / / /%(b) / / /%(c) Reportin. of 'o(ere! an! Suspicious :ransactions. H 'o(ere! persons shall report tothe AMG' all co(ere! transactions an! suspicious transactions #ithin fi(e (7) #or+in. !a"s fro occurrence thereof, unless the AMG' prescribes a !ifferent perio! not e/cee!in. fifteen (17) #or+in. !a"s.%Ga#"ers an! accountants actin. as in!epen!ent professionals are not re-uire! to report co(ere! an! suspicious transactions if the rele(ant inforation #as obtaine! in circustances #here the" are sub*ect to professional secrec" or professional pri(ile.e.%/ / /%/ / /%Fhen reportin. co(ere! or suspicious transactions to the AMG', co(ere! persons an! their officers an! eplo"ees are prohibite! fro counicatin., !irectl" or in!irectl", inan" anner or b" an" eans, to an" person or entit", the e!ia, the fact that a co(ere! orsuspicious transaction has been reporte! or is about to be reporte!, the contents of the report, or an" other inforation in relation thereto. Neither a" such reportin. be publishe! or aire! in an" anner or for b" the ass e!ia%, electronic ail, or other siilar !e(ices. 3n case of (iolation thereof, the concerne! officer an! eplo"ee of the co(ere! person an! e!ia shall be hel! criinall" liable.%Se1tion 4 Section 10 of the sae Act, as aen!e! b" Republic Act No. 10168, is hereb" aen!e! to rea! as follo#s$%S4'. 10. .ree/ing of Monetary +nstru!ent or Property. %