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  • 8/6/2019 Reports for Week 3 n 4




    Diabetes is known as disorder of metabolism. Most of the food people eat is broken

    down into glucose, the form of sugar in the blood. Glucose is the main source of fuel for the

    body. There are two type of diabetes, Type one diabetes is where the immune system attacks

    and destroys the insulin thus requires a person to inject insulin daily to live. Type two

    diabetes, this form of diabetes is most often associated with older age, obesity, family history

    of diabetes, previous history of gestational diabetes, physical inactivity, and certain

    ethnicities. About 80 percent of people with type 2 diabetes are overweight. Its basically a

    condition in which cells fail to use insulin properly. Thus they had come out with GlucoM

    Writstband its basically an medical concept for diabetics, comes as a pleasing exception. The

    trendy gadget, other than securing instant and non-invasive glucose readings, a history of

    previous readings with averages and an insulin chamber with a loaded syringe cartridge for

    injections, also doubles as a fashion accessory for diabetics.



    Immune system is basically known as a system of biological structure and processes

    within an organism that protects against diseases and bacteria. Cancer is known as abnormal

    cells grow which is out of control. Nano robotics is the technology of creating machines or

    robots at or close to the microscopic scale of a nanometre. This device becomes an adjunct to

    its owner from birth to death. Other than that the device proposes the use of nabobs inside the

    blood stream with a third party device to be active as a supplementary immune system, this is

    basically how this concept works does.

    Cancer robot test is a device to test cancer. The cancer robot test size is like anendoscopy pills, it can be swallowed, it also has senses tumour in this system, it will projects


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    the image on the screen like ultra sound images. Breast cancer scanner from Z- tech helps

    detect cancers earlier. Z-Tech's Breast Cancer Scanner is a nifty device that measures changes

    in electrical resistance in the breast in order to detect tumours. Z-Tech's 12-petaled breast-

    screening device attaches to a woman's breast and sends a mild electric current into the tissue.

    Higher impedance, or electrical resistance, in one breast indicates the likely presence of




    A hearing aid has three basic parts: a microphone, amplifier, and speaker. The hearing

    aid receives sound through a microphone, which converts the sound waves to electrical

    signals and sends them to an amplifier. The amplifier increases the power of the signals and

    then sends them to the ear through a speaker. EL-EGANCE is a hearing device that can be

    worn in each ear; its also a ring control unit and a display case as well. Definite style is

    basically design for men, its also double jewellery and hearing aid and severe hearing

    damage has a plug that makes it powerful. This hearing aid can be used for hush is an

    equipment used to cancel out unnecessary noise, its also has a remote, u can actually charge

    this hearing aid in your phone, This hearing aid can also play melody and has alarm in it.


    Endoscopic capsule

    Capsule endoscopy is a way to record images of the digestive tract for use in

    medicine. The capsule is the size and shape of a pill and contains a tiny camera. After a

    patient swallows the capsule, it takes pictures of the inside of the gastrointestinal tract. The

    primary use of capsule endoscopy is to examine areas of the small intestine that cannot be

    seen by other types of endoscopy such as colonoscopy or esophagogastroduodenoscopy

    (EGD). This type of examination is often done to find sources of bleeding or abdominal pain.




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    Magnetoencephalography (MEG) is a technique for mapping brain activity by

    recording magnetic fields produced by electrical currents occurring naturally in the brain,

    using arrays of SQUIDs (superconducting quantum interference devices). Applications of

    MEG include basic research into perceptual and cognitive brain processes, localizing regions

    affected by pathology before surgical removal, determining the function of various parts of

    the brain, and neuron feedback. It picks up the magnetic field generated by the neurons every

    time they are active. The procedure being that simple. A psychology professor used female

    students to undergo this test. They however where not aware. The professor proved this to be

    80% accurate. The test laid the results and predicted the future relations success rate.


    AlarME Watch

    This alarme watch was design by Nikita Golovlev, This watch is not only great

    looking but it is designed to be used by the hearing impaired. It will basically vibrate, and

    alert the person wearing it, for example if a fire alarm goes off which they would not be able

    to hear they would be notified immediately. The watch has two built in multi-directional

    microphones that measure the surrounding ambient sound levels. Once the sound changes

    frequency, the vibrating alarm alerts the user that there is a situation going on and they need

    to leave the area. The price is affordable although it is not cheap, its about $ 380.


    Joint treatment


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    JoinMAX is a new medical treatment device incorporating far-infrared rays to sooth

    muscles around the knee cap. With the wavelength between 700-50000nm, JoinMAX

    delivers thermal energy deep into the knees, relieving the pain around the knees and

    improving the involved symptoms quickly. The innovative knee-muscle pain reliever,

    JoinMAX gets thermal energy infiltrating deep into the knees by thermal radiation of halogen

    lamp and infrared lamp, mitigating pains of the knee muscles quickly. Ergonomically

    designed, JoinMAX deploys thermal cathodes properly suitable for the knee structure so that

    thermal energy is effectively infiltrated deep into the knees as worn. This constantly improves

    symptoms. The surface of thermal cathodes is made of the purest silver of which thermal

    conduction is so high, from which thermal energy is quickly delivered deep into the knees as

    the natural antibacterial and antibiotic reactions are also delivered. Since a temperature

    controller with memory unit is attached to JoinMAX, a proper temperature is regulated from

    45 degrees Celsius to 65 degrees Celsius, constantly helping to maintain the temperature.



    Revolutionary traction belt for the support and treatment of the herniated lumbar disc.

    The Disk Dr. Features a unique air pocket expansion system that helps combine both

    effective treatment and the relief of pain. It provides secure mechanical support for the

    lumbar vertebrae. The traction belt acts to provide a buttress action between the lower part of

    the rib cage and a patients hip diverting weight-bearing forces away from the lumbar spine

    and thereby reducing intra-discal pressure. The function of the Disk Dr. is to help resume the

    appropriate position of the nucleus or the intervertebral disc by reducing the pressure between

    lumbar vertebrae by broadening the gap between lumbar vertebrae through the air pressure

    within the precise and scientific belt. It combines support, flexibility and comfort.

    For those who participate in sports or have an active life-style. the Disk Dr. allows a

    high degree of mobility while at the same time providing security for the weakened lumbar

    spine. Air injection nozzle, the automatic air inflation device prevents air leaks. Its 100%

    cotton lining where it will products skin and diminishes sensitive skin problems.


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    Is a term used a agencies and media to describe practice of movement due to medical

    conditions, The purpose of medical tourism are for cardiac surgery, dental surgery, cosmetic

    surgery, surgeries and also joint replacement such as knee and hip. Type of medical tourism

    are patient flying to a specific country for medical purpose, doctors going abroad to give their

    services to people, share their skill with other doctors , for education to study medicine,

    medical Services are cheaper in some countries and also some countries are known for

    particular expertise. For example Lithuania is expert in Hematopoietic stem cell

    transplantation, which helps cancer patients and people with blood diseases, They also do like

    gastric bypass and back surgery, Turkey was ranked as the best for eye treatments like Lasik

    surgery, India is good in Ayurvedic treatments, yoga, and meditation have long been staples

    of Indian medical tourism and also known for cheap treatment, Israel provide low-cost cancer

    treatment centres. Once that marrow transplant takes, you can recover with special

    therapies that use Dead Sea mineral salts and so on.



    Kopi Luwak the most expensive coffee in the world does exist, and those who drink

    the expensive coffee insist that it is made from coffee beans eaten, partly digested and then

    excreted by the Common palm civet, a weasel-like animal. Civet coffee is basically came

    from an animal called Paradoxurus, they normally eats cherries and bean. Once the bean is

    digested then it will excrete. A civet eats the berries for their fleshy pulp. In its

    stomach, Proteolysis enzymes seep into the beans, making shorter peptides and more

    free amino acid. These beans yield an aromatic coffee with much less bitterness.



    A snack is a portion of food oftentimes smaller than that of a regular meal, butoccasionally much larger. Examples of snack food are potato chips, candy, twisties, popcorn,


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    chocolate chip cookie and so on. Basically industry has grown at a modest pace, with

    continued product innovation and the increasing amount of consumers who are snacking

    more frequently contributing to its recent growth. As consumers become more health-

    conscious and seek out healthier bites, the industry's major players are taking the opportunity

    to expand their offerings to include low-fat and low-calorie snacks.

    WEEK 7 : Cement industry

    Introduction of cement

    Basically cement is a fine, soft, powder type substance. It is made from a mixture of

    elements that are found in natural materials such as limestone, clay, send and shale. Element

    which is needed to make a cement are calcium (which is the main ingredient) can be obtained

    from limestone, silicon is achieved from sand and clay and aluminium. The technology &

    process of making cement are as following, first is the quarry stage where the limestone is

    taken from a quarry. It is the major ingredient needed for making cement. Some small

    quantities of sand and clay are also needed. Limestone, sand and clay contain the four

    essential elements required to make cement. There are four essential elements are calcium,

    silicon, aluminium and iron. Secondly is the proportioning , blending and grinding where

    size limestone rocks are transported from the quarry to the cement plant and fed into a

    crusher who crushes the boulders marble-size pieces. The third one is preheater tower the

    limestone pieces then go through a blender where they are added to the other raw materials in

    the right proportion.

    Forth stage is kiln; the raw materials are ground to a powder. This is sometimes done

    with rollers that crush the materials against a rotating platform, after that everything then

    goes into a huge, extremely hot, rotating furnace to undergo a process called "sintering".

    Sintering means: to cause to become a coherent mass by heating without melting. In other

    words, the raw materials become sort of partially molten. The raw materials reach about2700 F (1480C) inside the furnace. This causes chemical and physical changes to the raw


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    materials and they come out of the furnace as large, glassy, red-hot cinders called "clinker".

    They actually use the machine to fasten up the cement process.

    WEEK 8: Manufacturing industry

    Wrist Watch

    A Watch is small timepiece, typical worn either on the wrist or attached on a chain

    and carried in a pocket, with wristwatches being the most common type of watch used today.

    How to make wrist watch, first get stuff organized, and then Stretch out the cloth and watch

    parts. Put the cloth down carefully and tack the ends down with some duct tape so the cloth

    doesn't move. Make sure you have all the watch parts before taking out the works. If you skip

    the tape step, you may end with stuff all over the floor when you start messing with the

    cleaning supplies, after that, clean the parts, next Drop in the crystal. Turn the watch over so

    the face is flat on the towel and drop in the crystal. The crystal should sit solidly in the frame.

    If it doesn't, it may need a replacement. It may also need a tiny bit of glue to stay in place.

    Rather than gob a bunch of glue on to begin with, put everything together and test things,

    then put in the works, after that add the seals, then put on the watch back, finally Put on the

    strap. How to assemble a wrist watch is easier sometimes than putting on the strap, especially

    vintage watches with retractable metal pins.

    WEEK 9: Manufacturing industry

    How to Assemble a Laptop

    Laptop assembly is a complicated process, can be made easier if you don't have to

    completely build the machine from the ground up. When assembling a new laptop computeryou will start with a bare bones system that already has the motherboard and battery


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    connected to the case. First consider the primary function of your new laptop. Think of

    whether you will be using the computer for work or gaming, and how often you will be using

    it away from home. Select a bare-bones system that has the screen size and expansion ports

    that meet your needs. Second Take note of the number of RAM module slots it has and the

    type of processor socket it uses, third Acquire a processor that matches the socket type on the

    motherboard. Pick a hard drive that has enough space to hold the software you will be

    installing and then buy the RAM modules for the laptop. Acquire a wireless network card if

    the bare bones system does not come with one. Forth turn the bare-bones laptop case over so

    that you can see the bottom half of the case. Remove all of the screws on the case. Pull off the

    plastic pieces held in place by the screws that cover the RAM ports, hard drive port, network

    card port, and DVD drive port. Fifth Slide the CD or DVD drive into the open port on the left

    side of the laptop. Reattach the screw to hold it in place. Push the hard drive into the open

    port on the lower-left end of the case. Put the plastic piece back on and reconnect the screw.

    Sixth Line up the notches on the bottom edge of the RAM modules with the keyed holes on

    the RAM ports. Seventh Insert the wireless card into the open port on the right side of the

    case, eighth turn the laptop case over and lift open the LCD screen lid, ninth lift the keyboard

    off of the case and set it aside, tenth place the heat-sink unit that came with the processor on

    top of the processor, finally put the battery into the open port on the bottom of the laptop.

    WEEK 10: Manufacturing industry

    Rollei telephoto lens for iPhone 4

    Modern mobile phones can be used as cameras but some of them miss a telephoto

    lens. But the Apple iPhone 4 now has a Rollei 8x telephoto for 50 dollars. Rollei has just

    announced the launch in April, in the European market, of their new manual focus lens for


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    the iPhone 4. Weighing only 45 grams, the Rollei 8 x telephoto lenses can focus from 3

    meters on has a scale with 10, 20, 30 and 40 meters markings and is the necessary equipment

    to get distant things closer. Rollei states that distant subjects are now enlarged and clearly

    visible making this lens ideal for paparazzi, nature enthusiasts and anyone with an eye for

    detail. The lens is delivered with a miniature tripod, a special mount for the iPhone 4, and a

    hard case for the phone.



    Toshiba might have abandoned OLED, but that doesn't mean the company is lacking

    ambition in the display-making field. Toshiba has basically launched the world's first 3D

    glassless 3D television in Japan on 22nd December 2010. Today it's using CEATEC 2010,

    Japan's biggest electronics expo, to make official that 21-inch glasses-free 3D prototype

    we've been hearing about. It's lost an inch in becoming a retail product; with the 20GL1

    offering a 20-inch diagonal, but the important multi-parallax picture transmission (employing

    a lenticular lens setup as used in Philips' Dimenco) remains the same. The new set,

    accompanied by a smaller 12GL1 model, will be shipping in Japan 22nd December, and if it

    really does what it promises, the rest of the world should not be far behind. If u observes in

    this glass the images will look more realistic because the eye catches more details from its

    corners which are not visible through glasses. Basically each screen has 8.29 million pixels

    (which is four times the number of pixels in a conventional HD television) the screens are

    organized into groups of nine pixels of each colour. The nine lenses split the light from each

    bank of pixels and send it to nine points in front of the Television.



    Kinect brings games and entertainment to life in extraordinary new ways without

    using a controller. Imagine controlling movies and music with the wave of a hand or the


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    sound of your voice. With Kinect, technology evaporates, letting the natural magic in all of us

    shine. Basically you are the controller for this game and entertainment, there is no gadgets

    and no gizmos, its basically just you. This is based on a webcam-style add on peripheral for

    the Xbox 360 console,its a 3D camera allowing the gamer to use their whole body as the

    controller, full body motion sensitive technology that allows gamers to do what they want

    without holding on to any hardware, the concept was revealed at E3 (Electronic

    Entertainment Expo) in 2009. Kinect was launched in North America on November 4, 2010.

    Kinect will actually respond to how you move. It also has the ability to be able to recognize

    you and access your avatar automatically. Other than that uses an advanced entertainment

    technology to respond to the sound of your voice. This kinect will Connects others with easy

    and interactive game play and video chat with friends on Xbox Live or Windows Live

    Messenger (MSN ), it is also capable of tracking up to six people at one time, has the ability

    to scan real world objects and incorporate them into games area required to play Kinect is

    roughly 1.8 meters.


    Windows 8 or Windows 365

    As we all know Microsofts spending a lot of time and money making this OS a lot

    slicker, faster and more efficient than Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7. Now they

    going to come out with windows 8, its basically a new strategy to capture video game

    market. It is expected to be released before October 2013.what is the different between the

    other OS and windows 8, the web browser, the internet Explorer 10 as default browser, it has

    Windows media player 13, Microsoft could ensure systems are updated (without reboot).

    Basically Windows 8 Biometrics Integrated with Kinect, uses a proximity sensor to

    detect movements, when u wake up your PC then when you sit at the system, it will scan your

    face and log you in, it can store multiple user accounts biometrics, advantage would be

    parental control, as u see even kids discovers username and password they won't be able log

    in without facial recognition. In Microsoft word, the user can write up to fourteen different

    languages. They also have an Windows 8 Smart Card support, basicallt a smart card thatholds details of a card holders identity and Personal Identification Number (PIN), this smart


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    card will be more secure than a password where the intruder needs both the physical card and

    knowledge of the PIN to gain access to the OS.


    Apple Ipad 2

    Apple has just made its second-generation iPad official; It features a 1GHz dual-core

    A5 chip and, finally has cameras both on the front and rear. The new CPU is said to be up to

    twice as fast, with graphics performance up to nine times better than on the original iPad,

    while power requirements have been kept the same. It is a new design and its now 33%

    thinner and up to 15% lighter, The iPad's most noticeable missing feature to do, a new front-

    facing camera would enable Face Time, iPad 2 is basically include a USB port, iPad Smart

    Cover designed for iPad, LED-backlit display (9.7 inches of high-resolution), current iPad

    memory sizes are 16GB, 32GB and 64GB, so a 128GB seems likely, dual core chip faster

    performance, iOS 4- the worlds most advanced mobile operating system, Multi-Touch where

    everythings at your fingertips, instantly transforms your taps, swipes, pinches, and flicks into

    lifelike actions. Battery life is, consequently, unaltered, with Apple promising 10 hours.


    Sony Ericsson FH concept phone

    Sony Ericsson Concept phone designed by Du Jun known as the FH Concept. The FH

    is the worlds first dual flip phone- with both vertical and horizontal flips. The phone is made

    up of two touchscreen portions which have equal thickness. Flipping it vertically makes it

    like a regular flip phone and the bottom touchscreen acts as a numeric keypad. Flip ithorizontally and the two touchscreens get combined into a larger and wider touchscreen for


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    watching videos, web browsing etc. The two parts of the phone can be split up and used as

    intercoms or walkie-talkies via the Bluetooth function.


    Sonys next generation wrist worn projector computer

    Hiromi Kiriki designed for Sonys next-generation wrist-worn computers with wrist-

    worn type, who are able to hold a ring worn on the wrist by a similar procedure to make it a

    screensaver that an activity of the decorations like a watch, its completely flexible to shape

    around your wrist, 2020 is the target date for release even at night can Hyun get flash blind

    the eyes of others and when required, they can expand into a Tablet PC. In addition, when itis in tablet mode, can also be embedded in the keyboard and touch screen input in two ways,

    and screen output, which can be displayed through the display can also be carried out through

    the built-in big screen projector display. Basically nextep updates whenever it is set to charge,

    the power packs can last up to 2 days without charge and if it turns off when it is dead, there

    is always a resume option available, it can also be connected via Bluetooth to your phone so

    that the nextep can also display your text messages, this nextep computer also shows time

    that you can select up to 7 different time slots for 7 different countries. We can actually

    watching avi movies, listening to music (windows media player, and other downloadable

    players from sony), surfing the net (emails), supports adobe reader for eBooks in this wrist

    worn projector computer.


    Armoured Multipurpose Vehicle

    The Armoured Multi-Purpose Vehicle (AMPV) is a 4x4 vehicle family in the 5 to 9

    ton weight class developed by KMW and Rheinmetall to meet the German army

    requirements for protected vehicles, known as GFF program. AMPV will offer protection

    against ballistic threats using add-on armor modules, Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs),

    and landmines. The first prototype is expected to roll-off in 2009 and serial deliveries areplanned for 2011 onwards. The design of this car is the patrol version will have an armoured


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    cabin and unprotected load space, it has power pack at the front, a four door armoured cell in

    the middle, the compact dimensions and very high protection levels of the AMPV will make

    it suitable for police and security. Basically the vehicle can be fitted with a FLW 100 / 200

    remote control weapons station on the roof, a self-supporting cell made of armour steel and

    composite armour, and integrates spall liners and reinforced flooring, also has extra ballistic

    protection, and are powered by a 3.2l diesel engine.



    The Carbon E7 is designed to address the unique operating requirements demanded

    by first responders across the United States. This "ground-up" approach ensures that Carbon

    Motors will be the leader in delivering an authentic law enforcement vehicle with best-in-

    class performance and durability at significantly lower operating costs. Basically the main

    reason of designing E7 is to protect and Serve, basically this car can be used in any

    interagency solutions, this car also have a material and positive effect on every town, city,

    county, state, airport, college campus, port, street, high value target, and highway across the


    Other than that is threat detection, where to protect against both foreign and domestic

    threats, utilize weapons-of-mass-destruction sensors and automatic license plate recognition.

    The other purpose to build this car is purpose-Built, it is world's first purpose-built law

    enforcement patrol vehicle, fire departments, emergency medical services and also mail

    carriers all operate task-specific vehicles. Carbon's E7 players a role as a new homeland

    security platform upon which modern communications systems may be deployed to act as a

    node for more effective and reliable interoperability.



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    Honda CBR600RR

    The Honda CBR600RR Engine is a 599 cc (36.6 cu in) sport motorcycle that was

    introduced by Honda in 2003 as a race replica version of Honda's CBRFx series motorcycles.

    It won every Supersport World Championship title from 2002 to 2008. Dual Stage Fuel

    Injection (DSFI) with 40mm throttles bodies, Denso 12-hole injectors. There are three colour

    available, yhey are pearl Orange,Black, and Leyla but all colours have silver swingarms.


    Jaguar XF

    The Jaguar XF (type (X250) is a mid-size luxury car produced by British car

    manufacturer Jaguar Cars. The car, which replaced the Jaguar S-Type, was launched at the

    2007 frankfurt motor show following the public showing of the C-XF concept in January

    2007 at the North American International Auto Show. It was basically designed by Jaguar's

    design director Ian Callum, Its expected to be far superior to its predecessors. The

    specifications of this car are, it is able to fully loaded with 5.0-liter V8 engine, its also

    capable of producing up to 385 hp, other than that able to produce about 470 hp of power,new adaptive dynamics suspension, 6-speed automatic transmission system, blind-spot

    monitoring system, rear view camera, unique new 20-inch wheels, new front end design with

    revised chrome air intakes, and also aerodynamically functional rear spoiler and side sills.



    This car was basically designed by Toyota after years of painstaking research and

    development. Carbon Fibre Reinforced Plastic for the car's chassis and body as it offered

    even greater weight savings than did aluminium. Moreover the Japanese automaker says

    CFRP is four times stronger than aluminium yet netted a 100kg weight savings, other than

    that its supercars, the LFA will be highly customizable, with buyers able to choose from 30

    standard paint colours or delete standard equipment such as the car's audio system. The

    specification of this car are, it has two seat roadster, it also has front-mid-engine, rear-mid-


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    transaxle, The engine is V10 (under 5.0-liters), The net result of Toyotas efforts is a vehicle

    that can accelerate from zero-to-60 in just under 3.7 seconds, with a top-speed of 202mph.


    Aptera 2e

    The Aptera 2 Series is high-efficiency passenger three-wheeled automobile produced

    by Aptera Motors; Aptera came from Greek words which mean wingless. The California-

    based company is currently allowing residents of California to pre-order the car, which is in

    the final stages of the design process.The first variant of the 2 Series slated for production is

    the Aptera 2e (formerly Typ-1e), a battery electric vehicle, charge time of 8 hours. Aptera

    claims the 2e will accelerate from 0 to 60 mph (0 to 97 km/h) in less than 10 seconds, and be

    capable of reaching a top speed of over 85 mph (137 km/h).A later variant will be the Aptera

    2h (formerly Typ-1h), a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle. According to Aptera, the 2 Series will

    be priced from the mid-$20,000s to mid-$40,000s, depending on the variant and options

    selected by the buyer.


    Hyundai Veloster

    The Hyundai Veloster is a compact sport coupe set to begin sales in the January

    2011. Hyundai states the production model is to receive a direct-injected 1.6 liter 138 hp (103

    kW), 123 lbft (167 Nm) (4,850 rpm) torque, 4-cylinder engine. A 6-speed manual gearbox is

    standard while a 6-speed dual-clutch transmission (DCT) with paddle shifters is also

    available as an option. The DCT transmission is developed by Hyundai and is the first dual-

    clutch transmission from the company. The Veloster will achieve an estimated 40 mpg-US

    (5.9 L/100 km; 48 mpg-imp) fuel economy, but does not yet have an official EPA rating. A


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    turbocharged version will be available later on. The car includes 17 inch wheels and 4-wheel

    disc brakes as standard features. A turbocharged 1.6 Gamma GDI was introduced in the 2011

    Seoul Motor Show. It generates 208 hp at 6,000 rpm with 195 ft-lbs of torque from 1,600-

    5,000 rpm.



    Automated logistics systems provider, Dematic Northern Europe, has introduced

    Voice PLUS Laser Trucks at the Logistics Link show in Doncaster, UK, with a fully

    operational demonstration of this case picking solution. The solution combines Laser Trucks,

    driverless trucks upgraded with industrial grade laser guidance and safety features, with

    Voice picking, to deliver the maximum picking productivity possible in manual warehouses.

    By eliminating the non-value added tasks associated with a typical case picking operation,

    Voice+ Laser Trucks have the potential to double picking productivity, while retaining the

    flexibility of manual systems. By using this lasertruck they will be able to increase in picking

    productivity,increase in order accuracy, it also has high flexibility, ease of upgrading and

    optimizing manual system,it can improve operator safety, reduced product damage and also

    reduce truck and rack damage .

    If we are using this LASERTRUCKR, then we will be able to reduce energy

    consumption, reduce noise in the work environment, basically has real time transport and

    picking management, its also flexible to changing operational requirement and applicable to

    new and existing sites.




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    An automated guided vehicle or automatic guided vehicle (AGV) is a mobile robot

    that follows markers or wires in the floor, or uses vision or lasers. They are most often used

    in industrial applications to move materials around a manufacturing facility or a warehouse.

    PAGV are flexible and affordable basically for transport, delivery blood specimen,

    prescription optic, packages and boxes. It was specifically design for fast deployment, easier

    modification and low cost operation. A place where PAGV are useful are like in processing

    centre, medical labs, check processing centre, clean room, hospital, and electronic assembly

    areas. PAGV produces visual and audible warning to alert a person that its about to arrive at

    location. This is practical useful when its not possible to stop the PAGV within sight. The

    pack mobile will not operate when its off the guide path. PAGV is able to carries 1000ibs,

    capacity on level surfaces, tow 1800ibs. Total combined payload 2800ibs. The Speed 100 feet

    per minute, and the runtime are 10 hours at full charge over level surface.


    Mailmobile Automatic Mail Delivery AGVs

    Mailmobiles are light duty automated guided vehicles that automatically deliver mail

    from the central mail centre to various workstations in single and multi-story office buildings.

    Basically they use mailmobile to deliver interoffice physical correspondence, enhance

    efficiency, boost productivity, drive automation, cut labour costs, increase consistency,

    precision and timeliness, reduce traffic and also minimize capital outlay. Mailmobile

    automates mail handling flexibly and affordably. It is a better alternative to manual methods


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    or centralized drop-offs. Mailmobile starts and ends its day in the mail centre and efficiently

    transports mail directly from place to place, allowing your staff to focus on mail preparation

    and sorting.



    A fleet of robots is now rolling through the supply chain tunnels underneath Rush

    University Medical Center transporting linens, supplies and trash. Rush has acquired 14

    automated guided vehicles (AGVs), mobile robots that can move supply carts around

    campus. Once programmed and activated the AGVs travel on their own without human

    assistance along designated paths guided by lasers. The carts are placed in a parking area an

    employee presses a button that calls for an AGV and the AGV comes to that location, slides

    underneath the cart, picks up the cart and takes it to wherever its supposed to go.



    First American-built advanced composite hovercraft of its size and calibre. This

    hovercraft is built at the company facilities in Titusville, Florida. It is launched in late 2010,

    It is basically uniquely designed by non-corrosive, fibre-reinforced advanced composites. The

    reason they choose m10 hovercraft is because its low weight this will advanced composite to

    improve performance and payload capacity, High tensile strength they actually use Kevlar

    and carbon fabric- weight optimized design, other than that there is no corrosion this will able


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    to stand up to high and low temperature environment, it is also energy absorption it can

    basically absorbed without damage, it also has repair ability its ease to repair by semi-skilled

    worker and trained crew. Other than that it also has low noise and vibration (advanced

    composite is an energy absorbing material), comparison thermal conductivity (low coefficient

    of heat) its carbon fibre which can withstand 1650 Celsius and it also has life-cycle costs

    (compensates the upfront investment over the long run so that competitive price can be



    Hybrid Automated Guided Vehicles

    The Hybrid Egemin Guided Vehicle (E'gv) provides fully automatic laser guidance

    and manual material handling transport within manufacturing, warehousing and distribution

    environments. The Hybrid E'gv increases productivity and profitability through on-time

    product delivery, zero product and facility damage and increased safety. The benefit of

    hybrid automated guided vehicles are, its basically fully automatic and manual operation,

    automatic trailer loading and unloading, standard off-the-shelf man-aboard base truck, user-

    friendly operator controls, local service in major US cities, uses standard forklift batteries and

    manual operation capability eliminates system downtime due to unforeseen events. The

    hybrid AGV comes regular with industrial lead-acid batteries, laser navigation, advanced

    laser safety systems, graphical touchscreen monitor, Windows OS on solid state drive (SSD)

    media and wireless communication.


    Tugger Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV)

    Tugger AGVS also known as Tug, corecon has an individual tugger to meet your

    specific needs. The new designed top of the line Eagle E275 Tugger AGVS are capable of

    pulling loads up to 20,000 lbs in a very small vehicle platform. Corecon has also developed

    an imperceptible motion drive unit option for the E275 automated tugger that allows it travel

    at less than 1" per minute for aircraft moving assembly production line applications.

    Moreover for smaller load requirements E210 FlexCart automatic tugger agvs are cost

    effective solutions for towing loads under 3,000 pounds. All tugger automatic guided vehicle


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    systems can be retrofitted with various accessories such as scissors lifts, roller conveyors,

    automatic tow hitching devices, and opportunity charging shoes to fit your specific needs.

    WEEK 3: Skin Care Industry

    Hexagon Aroma C Spa Shower

    Hexagon Aroma C Spa Shower has basically eight special features, such as remove

    chlorine, filters off impurities, provides vitamin C, generates negative ions, aromatherapy,

    small water molecular clusters, increases water pressure & saves water consumption, and

    easy to install. The benefit of using hexagon aroma C spa shower is it will removes 99.9%

    chlorine, vitamin C content is equivalent to the vitamin C of 3,000 lemons, generates 400,000negative ions per cc of water and increases the water pressure 1.5 times for spa- like effect &

    saves up to 36000 litres of water per year. Each part of the hexagon aroma C spa shower has

    its own functions such as FIR (Far Infrared Rays) Energy Beads, they basically produce

    smaller water molecular cluster for better absorption into skin. The patented triangle hole

    spray plate basically generates 400,000 negative ions per cc of water. The vitamin C cartridge

    basically has vitamin C content which is equivalent to the Vitamin C of 3,000 lemons, it also

    removes 99.9% of chlorine. The non-woven fabric will basically filters out floating substance

    and rust.


    PhytoBar from Lelan Vital

    Basically ordinary facial cleansers can irritate your skin, but the good thing that the

    PhytoBar doesn't. PhytoBar basically cleans away dirt, make-up, oil and sebum, it also

    reduces acne, whiteheads and blackheads, they also exfoliates thick, dulling layers of skin, it

    brightens your face Evens out skin tone and its 100% natural, no artificial colours, scents or

    preservative. The special thing about this shop is the PhytoBar is enriched with 18 herbs used

    for centuries in traditional Eastern medicine, specifically because of their unique skin-

    healing abilities.


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    Bioglo Rose Essence Sleeping Mask

    The night-time hours are perfect for restoring your skin with intensive moisture and

    nourishment. Bioglo Rose Essence Sleeping Mask is a specialized cream-gel mask applied

    just before bedtime. It drenches your skin with Rose Water essence and nutrients from Aloe

    Vera, Olive & Ginkgo Biloba extracts and Grape Seed oil to intensively moisturize and

    nourish skin while you sleep. Its light, aromatic Rose scent creates a perfect state of

    relaxation and tranquility for a good nights sleep. Basically rose essence is a strong

    astringent agent and antioxidant that helps stimulate blood circulation, soothe and protect

    skin. Its delicate scent claims and rebalances the mind.


    Narcissus Total Defense Make up Removing Mousse

    NARUKO Narcissus Total Defense Make up Removing Mousse is a brand new

    makeup remover that transform traditional oil-base remover to a mousse one for fresh and

    comfortable makeup removal. Once it contacts water, it emulsifies and removes all traces of

    impurities makeup in pores without leaving skin dehydrated. Your skin feels fresh and

    purified. The way to use this product is pump 3 times first to dispense a proper amount to

    palm then later on massage over face and emulsify with drops of water. Please take note to

    pay extra attention to T-zone to prevent the appearance of acnes.


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    OGUMA Men Triple Protect Essence

    OGUMA Men series is specially designed skin care products for men, emphasized

    simple, fast, good absorption, including cleaning, moisturizing, Renew, repair get a variety of

    skin problems, so that men more stylish. After the facial wash, then take proper amount and

    apply gently to the face, and increase consumption on part of face which needed. Crystals &

    ions make water molecules penetrate or absorb into the underlying skin deeply. As long as

    the skin is supported with enough water content, the skin will be youthful naturally.



    Cybertecture mirror is an interactive miracle mirror display, Wi-Fi and Android, it is

    also an elegant mirror for everyday use, touch of a button, it comes to life right in front of

    your eyes and also reflective surface displays information. The Cybertecture Mirror is also a

    thin device designed for wall-hanging in bedroom, bathroom, living room, lobbies, lifts and

    practically any other space to deliver its reflection and information. Its simple design matches

    the aesthetics of any setting. This mirror has many functions, such as mirror display; the

    Cybertecture Mirror is a reflective mirror with programmable applications and digital display

    for the home, office and public environments (hotels, hospitals, retail shops).

    Other than that it is also connected to internet, the cybertecture mirror is seamlessly

    connected with the internet via wireless communication technology. Moreover it has an

    digital interface, the cybertecture mirror is a visual reflective display to augment your

    reflection with interactive information and can be customised for specific functions.

    Its also an user control, the cybertecture mirror can be used in an active or passive

    mode, controlled via its remote control (included) and/or smartphones (optional). Passively,

    the cybertecture mirror remains as an everyday reflective mirror. Actively, the cybertecture

    mirror interacts with users by delivering useful information as well as monitors your health

    via its peripheral sensor pad (included) and communicates with your computer, mobilephone, personal digital assistant to enhance your daily life.


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    The camera currently takes 30 images per second by transmitting millimetre and

    microwaves to a "collector" on the other side of a subject, and then sends them to a laptop for

    real-time inspection. Aside from being able to see straight through your BVDs, it can also be

    used to detect defects in spacecraft insulation, find termites lurking in the walls of your

    apartment, and help in the diagnosis of skin disease. The camera's creators are working on a

    smaller, one-sided version of the device that could have mass-market appeal -- we just hope

    this thing stays in R&D long enough for us to get our bikini bodies back. Check out a video

    of its G-rated abilities after the break. Dr.Reza Zoughi has basically developed and designed

    this camera.


    IPAD 2

    Apple has just made its second-generation iPad official, It features a 1GHz dual-core

    A5 chip and, finally has cameras both on the front and rear. The new CPU is said to be up to

    twice as fast, with graphics performance up to nine times better than on the original iPad,

    while power requirements have been kept the same. Battery life is, consequently, unaltered,

    with Apple promising 10 hours. Pricing, too, has been left unchanged, starting at $499 for a

    16GB WiFi only iPad 2 and stretching up to $829 for a WiFi + 3G SKU with 64GB of

    storage. The new tablet will come with an HDMI output capable of 1080p, which will set youback $39 for the requisite dongle, called an Apple Digital AV Adapter but there will sadly be


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    no rumblings of Thunderbolt connectivity here. What you will get is an enlarged speaker

    grille on the back, as expected, and the same 1024 x 768 resolution and IPS LCD screen

    technology as on the original iPad. Basically the advantages of this ipod 2 is, its portable

    than a notebook, wonderful productivity apps, and technical added benefits.



    Security and safety most important things in our daily life basically it is possible

    anything to happen in a minute to our valuables, for those people who with high valuables we

    encourage them to use IWALLET, because nobody will be able to open their IWALLET. It is

    basically an hard case wallet, tamper resistant, made of plastic composites which you can

    only open if it recognizes your fingerprint (it has an incorporated biometric reader). Imagine

    it as a portable safe. Examples of the benefits for such a wallet: Teenagers that want to get

    hard cash from the fathers wallet while hes sleeping people that have a dedicated personal

    locker at the club and do not want the staff with the keys to it to go through their wallet.

    These are just a couple of examples out of dozens of others. It is also linked via Bluetooth to

    your cellular phone so if both the iwallet and cellular phone are more than 10-15 ft away

    from each other, a loud alarm will go off. This is to alert you in case you forget either device

    let say at a restaurant or if they pick pocket one of them. This wallet actually protects the

    users privacy.



    Pileus is an umbrella connected to the Internet to make walking in rainy days fun.

    Pileus has a large screen on the top surface, a built-in camera, a motion sensor, GPS, and a

    digital compass. The current prototype has two main functions: photo-sharing and 3D map

    navigation. The photo function is connected to a major web service: Flickr API. A user can

    take photo with a camera on the umbrella, and pictures are uploaded to Flickr in two minutes

    with context tags via a wireless internet connection. User can also enjoy themselves watching

    photo-streams downloaded from Flickr with simple operation of wrist snapping. The


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    advantage of this umbrella is easy to bring, its portable, wont be boring and its very easy to

    find our way back home with the help of GPS.


    Projection keyboard

    A projection keyboard is a virtual keyboard that can be projected and touched on any

    surface. The keyboard watches finger movements and translates them into keystrokes in the

    device. Most systems can also function as a virtual mouse or even as a virtual piano. A

    proposed system called the P-ISM will combine the technology with a small video projector

    to create a portable computer the size of a fountain pen. How does a projection keyboard

    generally works basically a laser or beamer projects visible virtual keyboard onto level

    surface then a sensor or camera in the projector picks up finger movements then detected

    coordinates determine actions or characters to be generated


    Face book phone

    INQ Cloud Touch Best Facebook Phone. INQ has officially announced the

    availability of cloud Facebook Touch phone. The Android mobile widgets on Facebook and

    make oriented links that access to social networks, chat, contacts, appointments, alerts, news

    and much easier. The phone runs on a Qualcomm chip clocked at 600 MHz and the operating

    system Google Android 2.3. What is special supplementary NQI Cloud is that this phone with

    Specify offers users unlimited music, though probably need a subscription is included in the



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    Fashion, a general term for a currently popular style, especially in clothing, foot wear

    or accessories. Fashion references to anything that is the current trend in look and dress up of

    a person. The more technical term, costume, has become so linked in the public eye with the

    term "fashion" that the more general term "costume" has in popular use mostly been relegated

    to special senses like fancy dress or masquerade wear, while the term "fashion" means

    clothing generally, and the study of it. For a broad cross-cultural look at clothing and its place

    in society, refer to the entries for clothing, costume and fabrics. The remainder of this article

    deals with clothing fashions in the Western world. This industry consists of five distinct and

    separate levels. These levels are haute couture, luxury wear, affordable luxury wear,

    mainstream clothing, and discount clothing.


    Hairdo, Hairstyle, Haircut and Hair colouring gravy

    It is a trend for everyone in this century to have different hairstyles so that they may

    able to look more attractive. Basically everyone wants to look good and they get bored with

    the same hairstyle and wants something new. Hair trend or hair style changes rapidly and

    they always catch up and get to know what is the latest hairstyle. You can actually go to any

    salon and make your hair straighten or curl your hair. There are many different haircut style

    now days which is nice and weird also at times. Hair colouring is the practice of changing the

    colour of hair. Common reasons are to cover grey hair, to change to a colour regarded as

    more fashionable or desirable, and to restore the original hair colour after it has been


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    discoloured by hairdressing processes or sun bleaching. Now days people are colouring their

    hair with so many different colour in the same time.


    Ladies High heels

    Whether it's classic and trendy, people now days shopping for erotic and extreme

    ladies high heel shoes come in a wide range of styles and heel heights to suit everyone's

    tastes. Attractive and sexy, our ladies high heel shoes will accentuate your assets in every

    style you choose. Example latest in fashionable footwear, are high heel dress shoes, high heel

    sandals, ankle, knee or thigh high boots, stiletto heels fetish shoes and also clear platforms

    and high heels. Heel heights range are between two to eight heels. There are many design of

    shoes, such as shoes with diamond also.


    Ladies make up style

    There are many type of make-up, such as lipsticks, lip gloss ,lip liner ,lip plumper ,lip

    balm, lip conditioner , lip primer and lip booster, foundations, rouge , blush or the blusher,

    mascara, eye lid glue ,eye liner ,eye shadow ,eye shimmer and glitter eye pencils, and eye

    brow pencils. Now days there are many different type of eye shadow style, such as they no

    more using one colour, they will use more than one colour with different design. Other than

    that they also have fake eye lash with so many different design n long eye lash.



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    There are many types of handbags with different kind of design different shape and

    colour. Examples of the branded handbags are Gucci, Levis, Calvin Klein, Guess, Louis

    Vuitton and Burberry which is an attractive and comfortable handbag. There is many new

    and very different kind or design of handbags. The benefit of this handbag is women are able

    to put in many important staff.



    Fashion accessories are decorative items that supplement and complement clothes,

    such as jewellery, gloves, handbags, hats, belts, scarves, watches, sunglasses, pins, stockings,

    bow ties, leg warmers, leggings, neckties, suspenders, and tights. Accessories can add colour,

    style and class to an outfit, and create a certain look. Many accessories are produced by

    clothing design companies. However, there has been an increase in individuals creating their

    own brand name by designing and making their own label of accessories.


    Nail polish

    Nail polish is a lacquer applied to toenails and or fingernails for appearance, but also

    as nail protection. Polishing without adding chemical layers is called buffing. There are

    always many choices of nail polish colour. There are many different type of decoration for

    the nail, last time people use to polish their nails using one colour but now people are using

    many different colours for their nails and will also design their nails to give a gorgeous look

    for the nail. The latest M.A.C products provide customer with many variety of nail polish




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    Contact lens

    People like to wear the contact lens because there are many variety of colours over 75

    million people all over the world use it, the main reason people wear contact lens is because

    some people wear due to short, long sightedness or astigamation, other than that people wear

    to have the bigger eye image, other than that is to look more unique then the others, and also

    to follow according to the current trend ,style or fashion. We also have many wired shape and

    colour of contact lens. The ways to choose contact lens are first decide which type of lenses

    works best with your lifestyle, and then consider eye health when choosing contact lenses,

    think about the size of your eyes when choosing contact lenses, and weigh the price of

    contact lenses when deciding which type to purchase.


    In this fashion we have dresses, make up, hair style, shoes, handbags, accessories, nail

    polish, contact lens.



    Harvesting is basically known as the process of gathering mature crops from the

    fields. Reaping is the cutting of grain or pulse for harvest, typically using a scythe, sickle, or

    reaper. The harvest marks the end of the growing season, or the growing cycle for a particular

    crop, and this is the focus of seasonal celebrations of many religions but now everyone is

    using combine harvesting, its basically a machine that combines the tasks of harvesting,

    threshing, and cleaning of grains, The combine allows the crop to be harvested more quickly

    and efficiently, it also enables farmers to harvest larger amounts, harvest wheat, corn, oats,

    rye, soybeans and barely. The advantages of using combine are, it has high throughput, its

    timeliness, less power required, produces clean grains and has multi-crop ability. Combine


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    harvester is the latest technology being used in harvesting crops; it has enables farmers to

    harvest larger amounts.


    Aviation is known as the design, development, production, operation and use of

    aircraft. Aviation is included civil aviation, general aviation and also military aviation.

    Basically airline owns aircrafts and has partnership with a number of airlines in order to

    attain benefits. Airline jobs include the job of flight attendant, air hostess, cabin crew, front

    desk jobs, and airline ground crew jobs and so on. General aviation is the job of flying other

    than those done by the registered airlines and the military is considered as general aviation.

    The latest current issue that we can see in this industry is the Indian aviation industry is one

    of the fastest growing aviation industries in the world. Other than that India has 454 airports

    and airstrips; of these, 16 are designated international airports. With the liberalization of the

    Indian aviation sector, aviation industry in India has undergone a rapid transformation.


    AIRFORCE F-22 Raptor

    This air force Fighter built by Lockheed Martin. Identify and shoot the threat before it

    detects. Advance avionics technologies allow the f-22 sensors to gather, integrate and display

    essential information in the most useful format to the pilot. The F-22s engines produce more

    thrust than any current fighter engine. THE F-22 has extensively designed, tested and refined

    aerodynamically during the demonstration/validation phase and the current engineering and

    manufacturing development phase. THE f-22 is capable of carrying existing and planned air-

    to-air weapons.


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    The wide variety of military aircraft includes bombers, fighters, and fighter bombers.

    Boeing Company announced that it delivered F-15K 47 and F-15K 48 to the Republic of

    Korea Air Force. Boeing is among the largest global aircraft manufacturers by revenue,

    orders and deliveries, and the third largest aerospace and defence contractor in the world

    based on defence-related revenue.