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Contents7Global Context79General Introduction91Introduction92Organization profile9Services and Working Areas93Project Motivation113.1IN:TIME Motivation113.2Student Motivation114Project Description115Project Methogologiy145.1Model-Driven Development145.2Agile Model-Driven Development methodology156Conclusion18Chapter II: Project Scope and Requirements191INTRODUCTION191.1Enterprise Content Management (ECM) Overview191.1.1Alfresco Overview201.1.2Alfresco Architecture201.1.3xxx211.1.3.1Alfresco content repository211.1.3.2Content models211.1.3.3Content type221.1.3.4Workflow models221.1.3.5Process definition221.1.3.6Task type221.2Business Process Management (BPM) Overview231.2.1Definition231.2.2BPM Actors231.2.3BPM Implementation Engine241.2.4Business Process Modeling251.2.4.1Standard Business Process Modeling Techniques251.2.4.2ITS Modeler Modeling Techniques251.2.5Change Management251.2.5.1Common Change Management Needs251.2.5.2ITS Modeler Change Management Needs262Solution Essential Requirements263Related work284Candidate architecture295Conclusion30Chapter III: Background - development tools & domain specific languages321Introduction322Software Development Tools322.1Development Tools Classification:322.1.1Command-line vs GUI Tool332.1.2General-purpose vs. Domain-Specific Tool332.2Development Tools Considerations Standards343Domain specific languages353.1Introduction to DSL363.1.1Definition363.1.2DSL Categories363.1.3DSL components373.2DSL and MDD374Conclusion38Chapter IV: Solution Approach391Introduction392Solution Overview393DSL Design403.1Domain analysis413.2The Content DSL423.2.1The Content Model423.2.2The Content Meta-Model433.2.3The content DSL syntax443.3The Business Process Definition DSL463.3.1The Business Process Definitions Model463.3.2The Business Process Definition Meta-Model473.3.3The Business Process Definition DSL syntax483.4The Form DSL503.4.1The Form model503.4.2The form meta-Model503.4.3The form DSL syntax514Editor design and implementation534.1Editor Overview534.1.1Visual Programming Language534.1.2Web based development tool534.1.3Integrated development environment544.2Editor Design544.2.1Content Management Use Case554.2.2Workflow Management Use Case574.2.3ITS Modeler navigation diagram614.2.4The ITS Modeler Mockups624.2.4.1The content Modeler Mockups624.2.4.2The workflow Modeler Mockups634.3Editor Implementation644.3.1Technical choices644.3.2Editor architecture644.3.2.1The Modeler workbench654.3.2.2The Modeler Global Handler:664.3.2.3The Modeler workspace Handler664.3.2.4The Modeler Explorer Handler664.3.3User Interface Design Patterns674.3.4ITS Modeler Screen Captures705Execution Engine design and implementation715.1Execution Engine Overview715.2ITS Modeler Execution Engine architecture715.2.1Validation Component745.2.2Generation Components745.2.3Translation Component765.2.4Deployment Component775.3ITS Modeler Execution Engine Behavior Details775.4IMEE implementation details795.4.1Project development: Maven Alfresco SDK795.4.2Alfresco Web Scripts and Web Script Framework795.4.3Implementation Design patterns805.4.4IMEE extensibility features826The ITS Modeler Mobile ToolBox846.1Introduction846.2Cross-Platform Framework benchmarking846.3The Appcelerators Titanium framework856.3.1Titanium framework overview856.3.2The Alloy MVC framework856.4The ITS Modeler Mobile Toolbox implementation details866.4.1IMMT Architecture866.4.2IMMT Integration and Behavior887Conclusion88Chapter VI: Result Validation901Introduction902ITS Modeler achievement level903ITS Modeler Impact Measurement904Conclusion92Chapter VII: General Conclusion & Perspectives93Bibliography94

Figure 1: IN:TIMEs working areas10Figure 2: Sequential BPMS Implementation Methodology12Figure 3: Parallel BPMS Implementation Methodology13Figure 4: ITS Modeler overview14Figure 5: ITS Modeler project methodology lifecycle16Figure 6: project scheduling overview17Figure 7: Project introduction & Envisioning Iteration17Figure 8: Development Iteration details17Figure 9: Alfresco ECM Overview[6]20Figure 10: Alfresco ECM Architecture[7]21Figure 11: Alfresco storage mechanism vs Relational Storage22Figure 12: The Workflow Model and the Process Definition [10]23Figure 13: BPM Actors24Figure 14: Activiti BPM Engine24Figure 15: ITS Modeler Candidate Architecture29Figure 16: DSL ingredients37Figure 17: The ITS Modeler Overview39Figure 18: Modeler DSL design41Figure 19: Alfresco workflow requirements41Figure 20: Content Model42Figure 21: Content DSL Meta-Model43Figure 22: Content DSL Concrete Syntax45Figure 23: The Workflow Model46Figure 24: The Workflow Meta-Model47Figure 25: The Workflow DSL Concrete Syntax49Figure 26: The Form Model50Figure 27: The Form Meta-Model51Figure 28: The Form DSL Concrete Syntax52Figure 29: The Content Management Use Case diagram55Figure 30: The Workflow Management Use Case Diagram57Figure 31: The ITS Modeler navigation diagram61Figure 32: The content Modeler Mockups Initial view62Figure 33: The content Modeler Mockups Edit view62Figure 34: The workflow Modeler Mockups Intial view63Figure 35: The workflow Modeler Mockups Edit View63Figure 36: The ITS Modeler Editor Architecture65Figure 37: The ITS Modeler Execution Engine architecture73Figure 38: The Validation Component package diagram74Figure 39: The Generation component package diagram75Figure 40: The Translation component package diagram76Figure 41: The Deployment component package diagramme77Figure 42: The Content Model generation sequence diagram78Figure 43: Alfresco Web Scripts Types [23]80Figure 44: Alfresco Web Script Framework Architecture [24]80Figure 45: Facade Design Pattern Implementation81Figure 46: Dependency injection in the Execution Engine81Figure 47: The Content Model creation Process82Figure 48: IMEE External Extensibility feature83Figure 49: Titanium Architecture [24]85Figure 50: Alloy Framework Elements86Figure 51: The ITS Modeler Mobile ToolBox Architecture87

Chapter 0

Global Context

The amount of data available within the grasp of companies is constantly growing; the rise of exponential amounts of unstructured information in all forms, calls for a content management solution. ECM or Enterprise content management aim to preserve and make sense of the companys internal data, it manages the whole life cycle of their contents, from the capture to the archiving, through a set of extensions related to document and workflow management for collaboration.Business process management (BPM), as the name indicates, falls under the management branch of ECMs. BPM aims to make the companies workflow more effective, more efficient and more capable of adapting to an ever-changing, highly competitive environment. This presents a very promising prospect for companies, allowing them a better grasp of their content and giving them a competitive advantage. Yet, it doesnt come without its fair share of complexity.

Despite the current abstraction efforts, implementing workflows still a difficult expensive endeavor in terms of money, resources and time. It relies on the collaboration of different entities: technical, non-technical. This becomes exceedingly more challenging when we consider different target environments, such as the web or the mobile. Companies may have been able to avoid considering these environments in the past, but with the growing popularity and accessibility of mobile devices, it no longer is the case.This presents the global context of our project; entitled Design and Implementation of a Multi-platform Business Process and Content Modeler. IN:TIME Solutions feels that it will be important to establish a next-gen Business Process development practices and methodologies. One way to improve the productivity, the maintainability and the overall quality of ECM/BPM solutions would be to build a web based visual programming tool.On one hand, this tool will abstract the deep complexity faced by developers when implementing business processes and in the other hand, it will eliminate the dependency between business user and technical user: Business users will go far beyond the designing of processes and become able of implementing it. Not only that, it will allow the possibility to automatically generate a mobile version of the Business Processes, reducing what was a very lengthy complex process to a click of a button.This report is laid out in 5 sections, in which I will detail my solution from inception to validation, as follows is a brief description of each chapter:

In the first chapter I will present the host organization and the motivation behind the project.In the second chapter I will discuss the scope of the project and detail the requirements. In the third chapter I examine will software development tools concepts and their relationship with Domain Specific Languages (DSL) as it is the background of the proposed approach.In the fourth chapter I will provide an overview of the solution, followed by a detailed presentation of the overall sub-elements.In the fifth chapter, I will conclude with an evaluation of the designed Modeler compared to the expressed requirements. Finally I will present the conclusions that can be drawn from this project and the perspectives that might be sketched through this solution.

Chapter I

General Introduction

IntroductionIts obviously important to present the story and the philosophy behind this project, and thus, defining its scope and position in the company strategy.The project context is described through this chapter from the way IN:TIME present it to the how, me as an intern, adopt it and define the methodology used to implement it.Defining those essentials elements will give an overview of a non-standard implementation approach of a Multiplatform Business Process and Content Modeler.Organization profileIN:TIME Solutions is an international software supplier, partly owned by the Saudi Arabian Future Horizons for Investment Group (FHI) and on the shores of Lac Tunis, Jeddah and Riyadh at the Saudi Arabia. As its name suggests, IN:TIME Solution company deliver in time solutions beyond the high expectations. IN:TIME purpose is to help its customers run their businesses more efficiently and gain greater insight into their business activities and to provide them with lasting benefits by automating their business processes. In fact, it offer a broad spectrum of complex, medium and small scale IT applications covering a wide range of business requirements. Services and Working AreasIN:TIMEs working areas are described hierarchically by this pyramid, from the Data Integration to the knowledge Management.

Figure 1: IN:TIMEs working areas

Considering those elements, IN:TIME released several products around its Alfresco Based Framework. Mail room Management: A complete solution to enable customers saving time and managing mail items efficiently. Financial Archiving: It provides a solution of the various companies allowing archive and classifies invoices and all related documents according to the company business model in order to increase office efficiency. Health Record Management: Scalable and reliable solution suited for hospitals and clinics. Project Documents Management: Managing all project related documents, permissions, collaboration, processing, versioning, classification and archiving... Law Offices Management: A full featured legal entity management solution for the small and medium-sized corporations, designed to organize all their contacts, documents, deadlines and data within a proven, flexible set of practice-specific windows and workflows that can be easily customized to any office. Business social networking: It helps customers to start implementing social networks to promote collaboration amongst their employees. Record Management: A service that provides the functionality to easily maintain, se- cure your valuable information and simplify their records management according RM standards DOD 5015. Municipalities Document Management: Increasing municipalitys efficiency and citizens satisfaction. HR Documents Management: Enhance all facets of HR administration and employee relationship management from the point of hire to the point of retires. Project MotivationIN:TIME MotivationDue to the complexity of workflow implementation, Content Models and forms associated generation in different target environments (Web, Mobile), the way to build applications around, is a big challenge for companies. IN:TIME Solutions aimed to build an ITS Modeler in order to decrease the development process latency, increase productivity and Time To Market when dealing with its business process reengineering customers needs .This tool will be covering the objectives above: Building a Visual Programming Modeler for forms, workflows and content models design. Enabling non-technical users to manage and deploy their business processes. Implementing business logic for forms, workflows and content models generation and hot deployment. Managing integration of ITS Modeler output within the alfresco environment (The basis of the ECM system of IN:TIME products) Providing the ability to integrate the ITS Modeler outputs (workflow and content forms) in mobile applications. Student MotivationIN:TIME products are built upon the Alfresco Enterprise Content Management System. Understanding development process and content centric approach within a huge box such as Alfresco is a big challenge to tackle. It covers sophisticated technologies related to document and workflow management using the Activiti process Engine and the Lucene search Engine.Building a domain specific integrated environment is an unconventional approach in perceiving softwares.This will be a big opportunity for me to enhance Solution Architecting and Abstraction skills and to cope with new project management methodologies. Project DescriptionThis project aims at building an integrated web based Visual programming tool that simplifies and accelerates the development process and resolves the dependency between the Process Analyst and the developer. Thus, this tool will enable non-technical users to integrate the development and implementation process, through an abstraction layer, allowing them to easily create, manipulate, and deploy Business processes from the Design step.In order to achieve a successful implementation methodology, special heed ought to be paid to cover the full lifecycle of a Business Process Management System (BPMS). This would encompass the Analysis and Design phases, estimation, resourcing, progress tracking, and integrating analytics and monitoring within the process.In fact, Business process modeling, implementation, and reengineering is a common service provided by IN:TIME. The latter should undertake the aforementioned tasks in a manner that lays the foundation for continuous improvement after deployment.

For instance, the figure below describes the standard BPMS Implementation Methodology used by IN:TIME. It involves frictionless dependency and collaboration between technical and non-technical profiles in order to achieve the accomplishment of the process.

Figure 2: Sequential BPMS Implementation Methodology

The standard implementation approach, relying on the Activity explorer modeling tool (An eclipse plugin used by the IN:TIME team) leads to an overload and a delivery delay. Those drawbacks are due to the tools complexity and sequential aspect.Therefore, IN:TIME requested an alteration in this sequential BPMS implementation methodology .

The ITS Modeler will, not only, refine the implementation methodology itself, it will, also, reshape the way it is performed by providing business analysts with the ability to develop and test their business processes without requiring technical skills. It will also enable developers to accelerate the implementation of complex Business processes. Hence, the end-to-end standard methodology will be replaced by a parallel one.

Figure 3: Parallel BPMS Implementation Methodology

Besides, dealing with Business Process Implementation for Mobile Clients uncovers another critical impediment of the standard approach. In fact, all forms of each task in a Business Process have to be designed from scratch; this means that BP developers and Mobile developers will work on the same output for different target environments.However, on account of the ITS Modeler, we will be able to automatically generate a mobile version of the Business Processes and deploy it on the targeted mobile application.In a nutshell, the ITS Modeler would be a Domain Specific Tool [DST] (being related to Alfresco Web Client environment) equipped with a Specific Visual Programming language [SVPL] (as GUI Editor) and a Domain Specific Language [DSL] (editor background Language). It has, mainly, the following characteristics:

ITS Modeler: Simplify workflow implementation process to Developer (technical users) Enable Non-technical users to easily implement Business Process from the Design step. Integrated Development Environment within the Alfresco Share (the repository web client). Hot deploy of Business Process. Enable Hot Business Processes Definition edit. Generate Business Process Mobile Version.

ITS Modeler Alfresco Share (web client)Alfresco RepositoryFigure 4: ITS Modeler overview



Project MethogologiyWhen dealing with Domain Specific Environment construction, we rarely use the standard project working and implementation methodologies.In all branches of science and engineering we can distinguish between generic approaches and specic ones. A generic approach provides a general solution for many problems in a certain area, but such a solution may be suboptimal, while a specic approach provides a much better solution for a smaller set of problems [1].Our aim with the ITS Modeler is to develop a new approach for designing business processes under a specific environment that comes with a great amount of complexity.To achieve this goal we will be creating models of each element in our project (process definitions, content models, content forms) so we may construct the layer of abstraction as defined in the project description section.The Model-Driven Development (MDD) mainly describes what goes with our goal.Model-Driven Development The MDD approach is a style of software development that centers itself on building models of a software system through modeling techniques. Later, transformations and generation techniques are used to automate some aspect of the development process.We found that the MDD approach define exactly how the ITS Modeler should be built. Yet, MDD is just a software development technique and the development process should be defined. With MDD a sequential approach to development is often taken but opting for an Agile methodology is required regarding to the system complexity and here come the AMDD the agile version for the Model Driven Development.Agile Model-Driven Development methodologyAMDD is an agile, model-driven iterative-incremental process.The AMDD lifecycle includes three types of activities: The envisioningThroughout this iteration the goal is to identify the scope of our system. To do this we will do both high-level requirements modeling and high-level architecture modeling. The goal isn't to write detailed specifications that can be costly, but instead to explore the requirements and come to an overall strategy for the project. The Development This activity is decomposed into several iterations. Each iteration will include the following steps: Modeling and DSL construction: during this step we analyze a part of the working domain and define its model and meta-model then we design the Modeler DSL which represent this part of the domain; Editor developing: we develop the necessary elements that let the user manipulate the previous representation within the Modeler graphical interface. Execution engine developing: Within the Modeler execution engine we implement the validation, generation, translation and deployment component corresponding to the actual domain model. Reviewing This is final step of each iteration, where we will perform code testing and validation.

The following figure depicts the lifecycle of the project:

Figure 5: ITS Modeler project methodology lifecycleAfter the definition of the project lifecycle, we now present the project scheduling through Gantt diagrams:

Figure 6: project scheduling overview

Figure 7: Project introduction & Envisioning Iteration

Figure 8: Development Iteration details

ConclusionThis chapter expounded in the first section the host company and its related working areas while. The second one was dedicated to the motivation expressed by the company and me, as student, to tackle this project. Therefore, the global project description and goals were defined and highlighted as well as the methodology that will guide us through the management of our project.In the following chapter, we will go more deeply through investigating the project essential elements and requirements.

Chapter II: Project Scope and Requirements1. INTRODUCTIONThe ITS Modeler will be part of the IN:TIME Solutions framework which is mainly built on top of the Alfresco core. Besides, defining the perimeter of this framework is of a great significance, since the latter includes all the essential elements that define the scope of our project.Thus, we will undertake the task of defining our solution essential requirements. Moreover, a survey of similar available solutions will be presented, correlated and compared to the desired solution functionalities.

Project Essential ElementsEnterprise Content Management (ECM) OverviewThe ITS Modeler will be deployed into an Enterprise Content Management System, for this reason we will be presenting this new IT trend.ECM is the strategies, methods and tools used to capture, manage, store, preserve, and deliver content and documents related to organizational processes. [2] Capture: Create, obtain and organize information. Manage: Process, modify and employ information. Store: Temporarily back up frequently changing information in the short term. Preserve: Back up infrequently changing information in the medium and long term. Deliver: Provide clients and end users with requested information.[3]

A primary goal of ECM is to eliminate ad-hoc processes that can expose an organization to regulatory compliance risks and other potential problems. Full-function ECM systems include features such as document and records management, content taxonomies, auditing capabilities, check-in/check-out and other workflow controls and security mechanisms.[4]

Alfresco Overview The choice behind using Alfresco, was firstly imposed by the IN:TIME Solution as it is the backbone of its products. This path was motivated by Alfrescos strength and extraordinary richness that far exceed the other available solutions.Alfresco provides modern software built on open standards that unlock the power of business-critical content. Alfrescos open source technology enables global organizations to collaborate more effectively across cloud, mobile, hybrid and on premise environments. [5]Alfresco ArchitectureAlfresco is an open source Enterprise Content Management (ECM) system that manages all the content within an enterprise and provides the services and controls that manage this content.At the core of the Alfresco system is a repository supported by a server that persists content, metadata, associations, and full text indexes. Programming interfaces support multiple languages and protocols upon which developers can create custom applications and solutions. Out-of-the-box applications provide standard solutions such as document management, and web content management. Figure 9: Alfresco ECM Overview[6]

As an entirely Java application, the Alfresco system runs on virtually any system that can run Java Enterprise Edition. At the core is the Spring platform, providing the ability to modularize functionality, such as versioning, security, and rules.[6]Alfresco uses scripting to simplify adding new functionality and developing new programming interfaces. This portion of the architecture is known as web scripts and can be used for both data and presentation services. The lightweight architecture is easy to download, install, and deploy.[7]

Figure 10: Alfresco ECM Architecture[7]xxxAlfresco content repositoryWhen it comes to managing enterprise content its critical to choose the right storage mechanism for the job. The Alfresco uses a content centric storage mechanism which stores data in ordinary files in the file system with an associated set of data management, search and access methods allowing application-independent access to the content, rather like an ordinary database. Content modelsThe content model in Alfresco ECM system is analogous to the Schema of a database system. It defines the structure of the content in the repository. It is the basis on which the user interfaces, search capabilities and applications associated with the system are built [8]. Defining a content model is expressed in terms of content met-models which compromise an essential element: the content type.Content typeA type is at the heart of the content meta-model, and represents objects in the real world with support for properties and the ability to inherit the definition of a parent type.[9]The following figure illustrate the storage mechanism in Alfresco:

Figure 11: Alfresco storage mechanism vs Relational StorageWorkflow modelsThe workflow model is a description of each task in a workflow. It defines attributes associated with that task. A user interface component can use this description to automatically generate an interface suitable for displaying the task information, in addition to initializing a newly created task instance. [10]Process definition A process definition is a description of an execution flow in terms of activities and it follows the BPMN 2.0 standard.Task typeEach task in a process definition must correspond to a task type in the workflow model. These tasks have properties which the workflow and user interface can use to present and gather information from the user, change the behavior of the workflow, and monitor the workflow. Tasks interact with the form system to display the forms that the user sees in Alfresco Share. [11]The following figure illustrate the relation between the workflow model, the process definition and the client configuration in the Alfresco ECM:

Figure 12: The Workflow Model and the Process Definition [10]Business Process Management (BPM) OverviewThe ITS Modeler will be abstracting the way we build and manage Business processes. Through this section we will be presenting the Business process management approach and its essential elements.The modeling of Business process is performed by specific actors with business background while implementing it depend on people with technical background.We will be defining those actors and their roles (from the modeling to the implementation) since the ITS Modeler essential goal is to fill the gap and remove the dependency between technical and non-technical users when implementing a business process.DefinitionThe Business Process Management is a systematic approach to making an organization's workflow more effective, more efficient and more capable of adapting to an ever-changing environment. A business process is an activity or set of activities that will accomplish a specific organizational goal. [12]The business objective is often to increase process speed or reduce cycle time; to increase quality; or to reduce costs, such as labor, materials, scrap, or capital costs

BPM ActorsAs the following figure describes a BPM is typically performed by: Business analysts: provide expertise in the modeling discipline. Functional experts: have a specialized knowledge of the processes being modeled. Development team: implement and deploy the modeled process To review

Development TeamBusiness Analysts

Figure 13: BPM ActorsBPM Implementation Engine In this section we will define the BPM implementation engine used in Alfresco.The ITS Modeler which will be integrated in alfresco will generate and deploy processes in this engine.The workflow engine used in Alfresco ECM is Activiti. DefinitionActiviti is a lightweight workflow and Business Process Management (BPM) Platform targeted at business people, developers and system admins. Its core is a super-fast and rock-solid BPMN 2 process engine for Java. It's open-source and distributed under the Apache license.Activiti runs in any Java application, on a server, on a cluster or in the cloud. It integrates perfectly with Spring, it is extremely lightweight and based on simple concepts.[13]The figure 14 illustrates Activitis Architecture.To review

Figure 14: Activiti BPM Engine

Business Process ModelingIt is mandatory to understand the standard way of defining and structuring a business process.The business process modeling in systems engineering is the activity of representing processes of an enterprise, so that the current process may be analyzed or improved.[14]Standard Business Process Modeling TechniquesBusiness process modeling (BPM) represents enterprise processes as models, often using general-purpose process modeling languages (PMLs). PMLs like Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) qualify as general purpose in the sense of not being constrained to processes to be deployed in a particular domain (environment). The primary goal of BPMN is to provide a standard notation readily understandable by all business stakeholders. These include the business analysts who create and refine the processes, the technical developers responsible for implementing them, and the business managers who monitor and manage them. [15]ITS Modeler Modeling TechniquesThe BPMN as a common modeling technique, bridges the communication gap that frequently occurs between process analysts and developer. However, it does not fill the real dependency gap between those participant actors in a considered sequential implementation steps of a Business Process.The ITS Modeler will provide a Business Process design and implementation environment usable by both analysts and developer.Change ManagementCommon Change Management NeedsChange management programs are typically involved to put any improved business processes into practice. With advances in software design, the vision of BPM models becoming fully executable (and capable of simulations and round-trip engineering) is coming closer to reality. [14]ITS Modeler Change Management NeedsThe ITS Modeler includes a new approach of modeling Business Processes by abstracting the implementation complexity for both technical and non-technical users.This requirement introduced an other change management need in addition to the common needs, which concern the migration from the standard modeling tools (BPMN) to ITS Modeler modeling approach.Solution Essential RequirementsIn the previous section we discussed the problems that arise when implemting business processes. To mitigate those issues we present the essential requirements of our solution.

Function: Reengineering workflow development for developers

ObjectiveOptimize the design and deployment of Alfresco workflow

DescriptionDeveloping an approach that simplify workflow development within the Alfresco environment.

Constraints, rules and requirements An approach without technical details. Automated validation Automated deployment


Function: Graphical Business Process design

ObjectiveAllowing non-technical user the ability to simply describe their business processes.

DescriptionNon-technical user such as process analyst and business owner arent familiar with the usual process notation techniques, our aim is to provide an easy to understand and graphical technique to design those business processes.

Constraints, rules and requirements No BPMN20 programming No coding.


Function: Integrated within Alfresco environment

ObjectiveHaving the functionalities wanted within the Alfresco share environment

DescriptionThe ITS Modeler should be available for all possible user which maybe cant use the eclipse environment or equivalent ones.

Constraints, rules and requirements Integrate new web pages in the Share web client.


Function: Mobile client integration

ObjectiveSimplify the construction of BPM solution mobile client.

DescriptionThe traditional task consultation is done via the Alfresco share application, a new mobile approach is demanded where user can see and perform actions through a mobile terminal.

Constraints, rules and requirements Automated generation of views/forms under a mobile environment.


Function: Hot Edit/deployment of Business Processes

ObjectiveEnable the user to make changes and see the results without restarting the Alfresco servers.

DescriptionThe traditional development process under Alfresco require a server restart to see the changes effects, so the ITS Modeler should provide support for hot deployment.

Constraints, rules and requirements


Related workThis paragraph will give us a short overview of similar business process modelings solutions under the Alfresco ECM. Furthermore we will discuss how well they compare to the requirements mentioned above.Two main solutions are available for alfresco users: The Activiti Designer Kickstart:The Activiti Kickstart is an Eclipse plugin, which allows modeling BPMN 2.0 processes. The Alfresco Activiti Modeler: The Activiti Modeler is a web-based tool of authoring BPMN 2.0 compliant processes.The following table illustrates a comparison between these existing tools features and the necessary solution requirements features:ITS Modeler Requirements by featureActiviti Designer Kickstart FeatureAlfresco Activiti Modeler Feature

NatureIntegrated web based toolEclipse PluginStandalone web based tool

Types of modeling Processes and content Processes and Content Processes and Content

UserBPM analyst, BPM developerBPM DeveloperBPM Developer

Integration with the Alfresco environment YesNoNo

Deployment AutomaticManual Automatic

Drag and drop YesYesYes

Mobile Compliance YesNoNo

Does not match any of the requirements

Matches sone of the requirements

Matches all requirements

We did not find a good match for our requirements in the solutions currently available on the market; therefore we had to develop our solution from scratch.Candidate architectureA first look at the above-mentioned requirements helps us to elaborate the following candidate architecture:

Figure 15: ITS Modeler Candidate Architecture ConclusionThis second chapter was allotted to the formulation of the projects scope statement and requirements which an indispensable document is including key features and evaluation criteria to be met by the software engineer.The required tasks now being outlined, the next chapter will deal with development tools construction standards and considerations as it is the crucial part of this project.

Chapter III: Background - development tools & domain specific languages

1. IntroductionBuilding an integrated environment within Share the web based client of Alfresco repository should be studied carefully and in lined with considerations related to its scope.When dealing with development tools construction, it is mandatory to refer to another way of perceiving things as it is the case in software development.In this Chapter we will go through software development tools concepts and their relationship with Domain Specific Languages (DSL).Software Development ToolsThe ITS Modeler is part of software development tool family and for this reason, its necessary to define its perimeter within the different types and classes of these tools, besides we need to fix the standard considerations to be taken when building our ITS Modeler.Development Tools Classification:The distinction between the different classes of development tools is important, since the ITS Modeler should be positioned within a specific category depending on its requirements.We will be comparing tools types in order to define the appropriate choices of building our ITS Modeler.There are many ways in which tools can be classified. Our comparison will be based on: Whether they are command-line or UI tools, Or whether they are general-purpose or domain-specific tools.

Command-line vs GUI ToolCommand-Line ToolsGUI Tools

FeaturesCommand-line tools are optimized for batch processing: they take a le as input and produce another le as output. The developer uses the operating systems console to invoke the tools.

GUI tools provide a graphical user interface (GUI) with which users can interact in a much richer way compared to command-line tools.For the mainstream developer, GUI tools have replaced command-line tools as the dominant means for developing systems.However, underneath the GUI surface, many GUI tools usually use command-line tools. [16]

The ITS Modeler aim to simplify the design and implementation of Business Process under Alfresco, so as the GUI tools come to override the complexity of using command-line tools we choose this family for our approach.

1.1.1 General-purpose vs. Domain-Specific ToolGeneric toolDomain specific tool

Usage scoop

Generic tools are used broadly, and users may prefer buying such tools because they can "standardize" on them, reducing training cost by that. [16]Domain-specific tools are designed to provide an end-to-end solution for a specific use case or narrow range of use cases.

Context awareness

Generic tools do not make any assumptions about the specic context of their applications.The essential motivation behind Domain-specific tools is enhancing productivity by providing personalized utilities that support only the concerned environment.

The ITS Modeler is related to a specific domain regarding its host environment (Alfresco). Despite that, Alfresco solutions developers (such as ITS developers) are using generic tools which lead to lots of impediments, the fact that confirm the need for a domain-specific tool in our approach.

Development Tools Considerations StandardsTools play an important role in software development regarding its complexity. The ITS Modeler aims to fill this role by providing an adequate tool that has the potential to support developers and ensures their expected consideration. In the next table we are listing these considerations and their priority level (requirement based) in the ITS Modeler (high, Medium or low):ConsiderationRolePriority

Tedious Tasks AutomationLanguage-aware editorAutomate some aspects of programming, such as generating code snippets.High

Code completionHelp to avoid typos and reduce the number of keystrokes developers have to type.High

RefactorHelp restructure the code and improve its internal structure.High

GUI editorEnable the use of graphical notations to construct some of the software aspect.High

Problem fixingDebuggingHelp to animate programs, allowing developers to step through and understand their execution.low

ProlingUsed to nd performance bottlenecks.low

Quick xes

Suggest how to x type system or structural errors as the developer writes the code.High

Development Process SupportReportingHelp create reports or other documents related to the system itself.Medium

Requirements managementUsed to manage requirements or documentation, and establish traces between code or models and requirements.Medium

Version controlHelp with managing versions and releases of systems.High

Content well-form EnsuresStructural checkingChecking for structural correctness of programs codes or models.High

Type checking Reject unrecognized types.High

Derived artifacts Creation AutomationArtifacts generationHelp generating derived artifacts such as interface descriptions or code documentation.Low

Code generationGenerate source code from models. High

Domain specific languages As defined and explained in the previous section, the ITS Modeler is concluded to be a domain-specific tool When we talk about a domain-specific tool (DST) its automatic to deal with Domain-Specic Language (DSL) as the core of DSTs. This section starts with denitions and important terminology regarding DSLs. We will then look at how to adopt our ITS Modelers DSL into our model-driven development (MDD) approach. Introduction to DSLDefinition A Domain-specific language can be defined as a computer programming language of limited expressiveness focused on a particular domain. There are three key elements in this definition: Computer programming language: A DSL is used by humans to instruct a computer to do something. As with any modern programming language, its structure is designed to make it easy for humans to understand, but it should still be something executable by a computer. Limited expressiveness: A general-purpose programming language provides lots of capabilities: supporting varied data, control, and abstraction structures. All of this is useful but makes it harder to learn and use. A DSL supports a bare minimum of features needed to support its domain. We can't build an entire software system in a DSL; rather, we use a DSL for one particular aspect of a system. Domain focus: A limited language is only useful if it has a clear focus on a small domain. The domain focus is what makes a limited language worthwhile.[17]DSL CategoriesDSLs are divided into two main categories:1) External DSL: separate language from the main language of the application it works with. Usually, an external DSL has a custom syntax, but using another language's syntax is also common (XML is a frequent choice). A script in an external DSL will usually be parsed by a code in the host application using text parsing techniques. Examples of external DSLs that we come across include regular expressions, SQL and XML configuration files for systems like Spring and Hibernate. 2) Internal DSL: It is a particular way of using a general-purpose language. A script in an internal DSL is valid code in its general-purpose language, but only uses a subset of the language's features in a particular style to handle one small aspect of the overall system. The result should have the feel of a custom language, rather than its host language. [17]The ITS Modeler aims to provide a visual programming approach (drag/drop) in order to create and manage Business Processes and contents. This, requires having a custom visual syntax (different from the host environment language Alfresco). We can conclude that the ITS Modeler DSL will be an external DSL.DSL components A domain-specic language consist of the following main ingredients:

Figure 16: DSL ingredients The concrete syntax: denes the notation which users use to express programs. It may be textual, graphical, tabular (e.g. excel) or a mix of these. The abstract syntax is a data structure that can hold the semantically relevant information expressed by a program. It is typically a tree or a graph. The semantic model is a representation, such as an in-memory object model, of the same subject that the DSL describes (in the abstract syntax), the Semantic Model is thus the library or framework that the DSL populates. The execution semantics refers to the program once it is executed. It is realized using the Execution Engine. [18]DSL and MDD In software engineering, Model-Driven Development is the methodology that emphasizes the use of perspective models in a specific domain when aiming to automate a system.If we use this model as the semantic model component of a DSL, we will be able to generate some aspect of the software system with higher-level of abstractions. Therefore, dening and using DSLs is a flavor of MDD: it includes the following steps: 1) We define and create the different components of our DSL (abstract syntax, concrete syntax)2) Then we define an editor to let people manipulate the DSL;3) Finally, we use interpretation or code generation to transform those representations into executable code expressed in general-purpose programming languages. [18]

ConclusionThis chapter was devoted to the presentation of the projects essence. We tackled the standards and considerations to be taken when building our ITS Modeler and concluded its nature as a (DST) Domain Specific Tool. Therefore, we defined the DSL (Domain Specific Language) concept, as it is the main core of our DST. In that section we draw a special attention to the implementation steps of each component of our DST and its binding philosophy with the model driven development approach best suited to our project. This background statement will serves as a suitable lead-in for the aftermost chapter of this report, allotted to the solutions implementation procedure.

Chapter IV: Solution Approach 1. IntroductionAfter defining the theoretical guidelines of the ITS modeler construction, we will go through the different bricks of our solution. In this chapter we will expose the different architectures and semantic links between the various components of our solution.The first section will be the global overview of the solution, which will be followed by a description of each component independently.1. Solution OverviewOur approach emphasizes on development using a domain specific language, manipulated within a graphical, integrated development tool, in the Alfresco Share environment.Using this approach, the implementation of our solution will be guided through the major components construction of the overall following architecture:

Figure 17: The ITS Modeler Overview1. The ITS Modeler DSL [IMD]: It is the centric point of our approach, which focuses on abstracting all the semantic models (used when creating Business Process and Content) related to ITS Modelers domain and defining a concrete representation for this abstraction.2. The ITS Modeler Editor [IME]: It is the integrated web application in Alfresco Share that serves as the graphical tool for manipulating the concrete representation.3. The ITS Modeler Execution Engine [IMME]: It is the engine of the ITS Modeler that will be responsible for the automatic validation, generation and deployment of the needed artifacts (Business Processes and Contents).4. The ITS Modeler Mobile ToolBox [IMMT]: It will ensure the exploitation of the generated Business Process and Content in Titanium (The mobile target Environment).DSL Design

To develop our ITS Modeler DSL (domain-specic language) we need to go through a number of important steps:1. Analyze and define the domain (according to the MDD approach) concerned by this DSL by listing the different models, which represent a concrete artifact (Business Process, Content) within this domain. We use class diagrams to describe this representation.2. Define the meta-models (the DSL abstract syntax) correlated with each model, which describe what models for a specific purpose may look like. We choose to use JSON format to structure the meta-models to be easily used later in transmitting information between the ITS Modeler components.3. Describe the concrete language syntax that will be manipulated by the end-user (a visual language in our case).

The next figure illustrate the relation between the different elements in the Modeler DSL design process:

Figure 18: Modeler DSL design

Domain analysis Our domain is the Development and deployment of a business processes in Alfresco.A deep study of this domain defined what it requires: A BPMN file, containing the process definition An Alfresco content model XML, containing the content types for all tasks in the process. An Alfresco form configuration, containing the appearance of the task forms.This figure illustrates the files required for a 3 tasks workflow and their location: To review

Figure 19: Alfresco workflow requirementsWe can notice that three main models are taking place in our domain: Alfresco Content Types Business Process Definitions [BPD] Forms Configuration

For that we will define three sub DSL within the ITS Modeler DSL:

The Content DSL The Content ModelIn order to elaborate the Content DSL, we define the alfresco content model elements, which represent the necessary information needed for managing content in Alfresco.The following diagram shows the relation between the elements composing the content model and their properties:

Figure 20: Content Model A Type is a collection of properties and associations: Properties have names and values (either single or multi-value). Associations define relationships to other content in the repository. There are two major types in alfresco: Content type and Task type. Aspects allow addition of functionality to already existing type. Constraints are made to specify tests that must passed before a property value is considered valid and safe for persistence. The Content Meta-ModelThe meta-model is described with a JSON file, which can be represented with the following tree:

Figure 21: Content DSL Meta-Model

ContentThis is the main element of the meta-model, which contains the basic information about it (name, version, author, description).

ElementHold the content sub elements, it contains: Fixed input such as identifier and label Variable input within the Element option, which change with each Element category.

Element optionSpecify specific information for a given element category (Type, Constraint or aspect)

Task TypeDefine a workflow content type.

Content TypeDefine an ordinary type.

ConstraintParent element for constraints information

AspectParent element for Aspects information

Constraint OptionDefine a constraint for a given field

Aspect OptionAllow adding an aspect to the current content description

Identifier, Label, required, CIDRegular information about each field

The content DSL syntaxWe choose in the ITS Modeler to use a visual programming language, which will be based on a palette holding graphical items that can be manipulated to define content types, content tasks, constraints and aspects elements in the working scene.

Each item is bound with a corresponding element in the abstract syntax described by the JSON structure as shown in the next figure:


Figure 22: Content DSL Concrete Syntax

The Business Process Definition DSLThe Business Process Definitions ModelIn Alfresco a workflow is defined with a Business Process Definition [BPD], which is a sequence of connected tasks. Each task can be performed by a person, a group, or automatically.The following schema illustrate the business process definitions model:

Figure 23: The Workflow Model

Event: models something that happens during the lifetime of a process. Task: There are two types of tasks in a process definition: User Task: describes work to be done by a human actor. When process execution arrives at a user task, a new task is created in the task list of the user or group assigned to that task. System Task: describes an automatic activity. When a process execution arrives at the system task, a corresponding script is executed. Transition: The connector between two tasks within a process. Assignee: As mentioned user task are assigned to one or more person. Item: Used to attach an item for a given task. If the item already is part of that task it will have no effect. Gateway: Used to model concurrency in a process by controlling the flow of execution. [19]The Business Process Definition Meta-ModelThis tree describes the workflow meta-model.

Figure 24: The Workflow Meta-Model

BPMThis is the main element in process definition, which contains the workflow name and ID.

ElementHold the BPM sub elements, it has the same structure of the previous Element (fixed + variable input).

Element optionSpecify specific information for a given Element type (user task, Gateway)

GatewayThis element corresponds to a gateway object in the business process definition.

Seq ConditionDefines a path for a task in a gateway.

Task ConstraintHolds the information about the condition to be validated in order to execute a task within the gateway.

Item1, Item2 and constraintCondition information

User task This element represent the information about the task assigned to a human actor, it is bound with the user task object in the business process definitions model

Form keyAssociate the user task with a form

Element type Define the field type, it can be: User Task Service task Event (Start or End) Gateway

Identifier, Name, CIDRegular information about each element

The Business Process Definition DSL syntax Figure 25: The Workflow DSL Concrete Syntax

The Form DSLThe Form modelThe Alfresco clients uses predefined "forms" (data view & entry dialogs) throughout configurable user interfaces bounded with the task or content types.The following figure illustrate the form model:

Figure 26: The Form Model Form: A form consists of one or more fields and the buttons required to submit the form. Field: The field is the area the current value is displayed and allows the user to interact with to change the current value. Set: A set is a configured group of fields that will all be displayed together. Caption: The caption is the area above the form, by default, when shown, displays the "Required Fields" instruction.[20]

The form meta-ModelThe following tree shows the form meta-model structure:

Figure 27: The Form Meta-Model

FormThe main element in the form tree.

ElementHold the form sub elements.

FieldRepresent a field within the form.

SetThe grouping element which hold a least one field.

CaptionHold the text displayed on top of the form.

Identifier, Label, Field_Type,CIDRegular information about each element

The form DSL syntax


Figure 28: The Form DSL Concrete SyntaxEditor design and implementationEditor OverviewThe development of the ITS Modeler Editor was a very involved process, requiring substantial time and patience throughout. The overall solution requirements, mentioned above, declared for us different considerations to tackle when implementing our Editor. This led us to adopt some best practices concepts related to GUI development. These concepts will be defined in the upcoming sections. Visual Programming LanguageWithin the DSL design phase we saw in using graphical notations a way to raise the abstraction level above ordinary programming languages, which are based on textual syntax, thus improving development productivity.Using such notation is compatible with the MDD vision that involves creating visual and Computer-aided software engineering tools (CASE). Linking this vision to our working case is an important factor to establish an appropriate user interface for managing process definitions and contents within Alfresco.Indeed, during the conception of its processes, users (with or without technical background) will be interacting with a real output more than a to-be-processed one. This may obviously yield an amazing programming without coding approach.

Web based development tool The web base approach shows a great potential to fill necessary requirements of the ITS Modeler Editor.Indeed, Desktop applications for several years were dominating in the field of development tools, and within this environment many platform (Eclipse, Netbeans, Visual Studio, ) were created.On the other hand, we have witnessed in the few last years a rapid growth of the browser as an environment for building applications and the Web as infrastructure for communication between the applications components. Integrated development environment When a user (Business Analyst, developer) of the ECM system Alfresco decide to create a Business Process or a content, they need to switch their current working window (open another tool for that). Indeed all the solutions presented in the market arent native to the Alfresco web client. With the ITS Modeler, users will be able to do such operation in the same environment where he perform his daily work concerned by the ECM System.Editor DesignThe first step in the editor design is to identify and describe actions that a user might do. This allows us to define two main use cases: Content management and Workflow management.We will pack those actions within a navigation activity diagram, which illustrate the different views of the interface.Finally, we will draw the ITS Modelers mockups, which will be implemented in the next phase.

Content Management Use CaseThe use case diagram

Figure 29: The Content Management Use Case diagramThe use case description Use Case: Manage Content Model DescriptionThis use case allows the management of the content and task types required for a given project.

PreconditionThe user is authenticated to the Modeler in Alfresco share.

Nominal scenario1) The user creates a new project or selects an existing one in the project explorer.2) The user selects one of the existing types or chooses one of the contextual menu actions within the project explorer: create new content type, import namespace...3) The system loads the palette and the right view in the working scene.4) The user selects items from Add new field tab to create a new content field (drag/drop).5) For each element the user must fill the required properties when the edit Tab view appears on the right 6) The user can save or export the content model using the menu bar for further use.

ExceptionsThe fields properties must respect naming conventions so an illegal input will be rejected with an alert.

Post conditionNone

Use Case: Validate Content modelDescriptionThis use case is fired by the user and ensured by the Execution Engine validator: an automated validation which checks if the content contains errors or not.

PreconditionThe user must be opening the content modeler and selecting the type he want to validate.

Nominal scenario1) The user click on the validate button in the menu bar.2) The system constructs the corresponding JSON file of the current modeling (if not constructed)3) The system uploads the constructed JSON to the Execution Engine validator.4) The validator performs the necessary validation and sends back the results to the user.5) The system displays the validation result and highlight the elements containing errors.


Post conditionNone

Use Case: Deploy content modelDescriptionThis use case allows the deployment of content models in Alfresco automatically.

PreconditionThe user must submit a valid content.

Nominal scenario1) The user chooses to deploy the content model by clicking the deploy button.2) The system constructs the corresponding JSON file of the current modeling (if not constructed).3) The system calls the Execution Engine Generator to generate the required artifacts.4) The system calls the Execution Engine Deployer, which ensure placing the artifacts in their right location.5) When deployment is done, an acknowledgement is sent back.

Exceptions Submission of a non-valid model, the system informs the user to check the models types. Server problem might occur during the deployment process, the system interrupts the operation and informs the user.

Post conditionNone

Workflow Management Use CaseThe use case diagram

Figure 30: The Workflow Management Use Case Diagram

The use case description Use Case: Manage process definition DescriptionThis use case allows the management of a process definition including the creation, modification and removal.

PreconditionThe user is authenticated.

Nominal scenario1) The user creates a new project or selects an existing one in the project explorer.2) The user chooses to create new process definition from the contextual menu in the project explorer or select an existing one.3) The system loads the palette and the right view in the working scene.4) The user select items from Add new field tab to create the process definition elements (tasks, gateways)5) Form each element the user should specify its properties (id, label, form)6) The user can save the process definition as a draft or export it for further use by using the menu bar buttons.

ExceptionsThe elements properties must respect naming conventions so an illegal input will be rejected with an alert.

Post conditionNone

Use Case: Create Task Associated FormDescriptionThis use case allows the association of a form for a given task in the process definition.

PreconditionThe user is editing a process definition through the workflow Modeler and selects a task to edit/create its form.

Nominal scenario1) The user selects create new form from the process editor when editing a task.2) The system loads the palette and the right view in the working scene.3) The user uses the items from Add new field tab to create the form (drag/drop).4) For each item the user must fill the required properties when the edit Tab view appears on the right 5) The user can save the form as a draft or as finished and reload the workflow Modeler.

ExceptionsThe fields properties must respect naming conventions so an illegal input will be rejected with an alert.

Post conditionNone

Use Case: validate workflowDescriptionThis use case is lunched by the user and maintained by the Execution Engine Validator, which checks if the workflow implementation contains errors, or not.

PreconditionThe user should select a Process Definition.

Nominal scenario1) The user clicks on the validate button.2) The system constructs the corresponding JSON file of the current process.3) The system uploads the constructed JSON to the Execution Engine Validator.4) The validator performs the validation and sends back the results to the user.5) If there are errors, the system will highlight them in red.


Post conditionNone

Use Case: Deploy workflowDescriptionThis use case allows the automatic deployment of a workflow in the selected target environment.

PreconditionThe user must submit a valid workflow.

Nominal scenario1) The user chooses to deploy the current workflow.2) A pop up is displayed allowing the user to select the target environment (Mobile deployment, Alfresco deployment).3) The system constructs the corresponding JSON file of the current process.4) The system calls the Execution Engine Generator to generate the required artifacts.5) The system calls the Execution Engine Deployer, which ensures placing the artifacts in their right location in the target environment.6) When deployment is done, the system sends acknowledgement to the user.

Exceptions Submission of a non-valid model, the system informs the user to check the process definition. Server problem might occur during the deployment process, the system interrupts the operation and inform the user. Connection problems to the target environment might occur, so the system alerts the user to check it.

Post conditionNone

Use Case: Start workflowDescriptionThis use case allows the user to start the workflow directly from the Modeler.

PreconditionThe user has successfully deployed the workflow.

Nominal scenario1) The user selects the workflow he wants to start and clicks on the start button.2) The system checks the deployment of the workflow by testing its availability in the alfresco repository.3) If the workflow is deployed the system invokes the start workflow command.

ExceptionsThe workflow is not deployed in the repository; the system shows a hint for the user to deploy the workflow.

Post conditionNone

ITS Modeler navigation diagram Figure 31: The ITS Modeler navigation diagram

The ITS Modeler Mockups The content Modeler Mockups

Figure 32: The content Modeler Mockups Initial view

Figure 33: The content Modeler Mockups Edit view

The workflow Modeler Mockups

Figure 34: The workflow Modeler Mockups Intial view

Figure 35: The workflow Modeler Mockups Edit ViewEditor ImplementationTechnical choicesAs we mentioned above the ITS Modeler editor is integrated within the Alfresco web Client, Share.The ITS Modeler should ensure interactive and dynamic user experience including a lot of actions to be performed fluidly around important data sets.To respond to these considerations we decided to use a client side MVC framework that ensures real time processing and binding of graphical items model/view.Two frameworks were on the list; Angular.js and Backbone.js, bellow is a comparison:Backbone.jsAngular.js

Framework Size6.5kb39.5kb

Backbone.js size greatly reduces the time required to load and use the framework

ArchitectureModel-View-Controller (MVC)Model-View-View-Model (MVVM)

Backbone.js uses an Actor model to synchronize models and views. This contrasts with Angular.JS, which uses a two-way data binding to achieve the same effect.

Templating[footnoteRef:1] [1: Templating refers to the data binding method used within the JavaScript framework]

Uses third-party template engines such as Underscore.js and Rivets.js.The template engine is included within the framework, which uses dynamic HTML attributes added to the document.

Using third-party template engine enables more flexiblility.

The previous comparison led us to choose the Backbone.js as the client side framework for the ITS Modeler Editor considering how well it suites our needs.

Editor architecture

The following architecture illustrate the ITS Modeler Editors components Figure 36: The ITS Modeler Editor Architecture

The Modeler workbench This component presents the ITS Modeler interfaces. Each page (ITS Content Modeler and ITS Business Process Modeler) is composed of two sections: The Modeler Explorer: The explorer is the centric entry point of the ITS Modeler, it holds all the information about the available projects in the repository. Besides, it is presented as a tree view where the user can select (display), add, save or delete projects sub components (content or process definition files). The Modeler workspace: This is the main portion of the editor; users may create and edit content and process definitions using a set of components presented in the editor palette. We used Backbone.js with the Rivets.js templating engine to build the workspace and bind components views and models in real time.The Modeler Global Handler: This component presents the implementation of different pages of the ITS Modeler Editor using the Share-side Spring Surf framework: The Views: Define the page structure and render only the Modeler Explorer (The workspace is client side rendered). The Controllers: Enable binding between Models and views. The Models: Hold the information loaded from the repository.

The Modeler workspace HandlerPart of the ITS Modeler JavaScript library, it presents a list of functions within two modules: The workspace builder: This module ensures the binding between the models in the explorer handler and the Backbone.js collections used in the Modeler workspace. The Action handler: This module intercept actions from the workspace section and work as a proxy which redirect the request to invoke the corresponding functionalities within the Modeler Execution Engine.The Modeler Explorer HandlerPart of the ITS Modeler JavaScript library and interact with: The Action handler: This module will handle all actions related to the Modeler explorer (new project, new content model, new content type, new process definition) through the Data Access Webscripts deployed in the Alfresco repository.

User Interface Design PatternsIn the ITS Modeler Editor, we focus on leveraging an optimized user experience and for this reason we made sure that we followed the possible UI design patterns [21] in our case: Content Organizing patternSection shots should be reviewed

One-Window Drilldown: We show each of the Modeler pages within a single window. As a user drills down through the project explorer, or into an object's details, he will get the new contents completely within the original window. : User click

Two-Panel Selector: We put two side-by-side panels on the interface. In the first (the workspace), we show a set of items that the user can select at will; in the other, (the right panel) we show the information of the selected item.

Page Organizing patternCenter Stage:We put the most important part of the UI into the largest subsection of the main window (in the center); and we cluster secondary tools and content around it in smaller panels. Center stage

Visual Framework:We design each page( Business Process Modeler, Content Modeler) to use the same basic layout, colors, and stylistic elements.Basic layout:

Card Stack:We put sections of content onto separate panels or "cards," and stack them up so only one is visible at a time; and we use tabs to access them. Palette tab:

Closable Panels:We put sections of content onto separate div, and we give the user the possibility to expand and shrink them separately. Project structure visualisation:

Responsive Enabling:Starting with some disabled section, we guide the user through some controls to enable them.

Navigation patternsGlobal Navigation: We use small section of every page to show a consistent set of links or buttons that help the user navigate through all the Modeler views. Using the project explorer to access all the views:

Commands and Actions patternsAction Panel: Instead of using menus, we present all the possible actions on a UI panel (palette) that's highly organized and easily accessible (drag/drop)

Multi-Level Undo: The Modeler provides a way to easily reverse a series of actions performed by the user.

Getting Users Input patternsFill-in-the-Blanks: The modeler present clearly the fields to be populated by the user in the forms situated within the edit view.

Dropdown Chooser:To simplify the input of complex value we extend the concept of a menu by using a dropdown or pop-up view that contains the required input without opening a new page.Example of a pop-up view:

Good Defaults:Wherever appropriate, we initialize some form fields with default values so the user doesnt have to change them.

Illustrated Choices:We use pictures instead of words (or in addition to them) to show available choices and describe the fields.icons

ITS Modeler Screen Captures To review: Content Modeler Screen shot

Execution Engine design and implementationExecution Engine OverviewAfter the implementation of the ITS Modeler Editor, we continue in the MDD approach by defining the execution engine of the ITS Modeler, which ensures the following functionalities: The validation of the content or the process definition created. The translation of the incoming information from the Modeler Editor to the corresponding models defined in the DSL domain models section. The generation of the necessary artifacts needed to be deployed under the standard environment (Alfresco) and into the mobile environment (Titanium). The hot deployment of the generated artifacts.

In this section we start by defining the architecture of the ITS Modeler Execution Engine and we will detail its components.Then we will discuss the implementation details with respect to the chosen design patterns.Finally, we will highlight the extensibility features provided by the ITS Modeler execution engine. ITS Modeler Execution Engine architecture As shown below, the IMEE (ITS Modeler Execution Engine) is composed of two layers: The IMEE Tools: We define within this layer the implementation of all the functions required for the validation, translation, generation and deployment. The IMEE Services: Access to the IMEE tools is ensured via this layer, this to provide a higher level of extensibility, abstraction and low coupling.Besides those two layers, the IMEE uses the Alfresco service layer which ensures the interaction with the Alfresco repository.

A typical working process using the IMEE include the following steps: 1) After Designing the content or the process definition, the user invoke the validation services (the user click on the validation button and the editor send the JSON to the IMEE);2) The corresponding validation tool is fired through the service layer;3) The validation results are sent back to the editor to be visualized.4) If the information are valid, the user invokes the generation service to create the necessary artifacts;5) The requested generation service initiate the generation process by calling the right generation tool (for the content, process definition or forms)6) The generation tool calls the required translation functions from the IMEE translation tool component.7) The translation service parses the JSON file to correlate the information with the semantic models and send them back to the generator.8) The generator takes these models and writes the artifacts corresponding information into the appropriate files.9) The generation results are send back to the user.10) The user can now invoke the deployment service to deploy the workflow in the target environment.11) The deployment tools are fired to put the artifact in the right places and then acknowledge the user.

Figure 37: The ITS Modeler Execution Engine architectureValidation Component This component is responsible for the validation of the user input before the generation process and it can be invoked separately if the user doesnt want yet to generate the artifacts for his current design.The validation component is a two-layer component defined by two packages as illustrated in the following package diagram:

Figure 38: The Validation Component package diagramGeneration Components This is the main component within the execution engine; it is responsible for the generation of the artifacts models, process definitions, associated forms and configurations files to be deployed later.The generation component is actually supporting two target platforms: The Alfresco environment The Titanium mobile environment Similarly, this component has two layers: one for accessing it and the other to implement the required functionalities, the next package diagram illustrates its classes:

Figure 39: The Generation component package diagram

Translation ComponentThe translation component is responsible for extracting and parsing the JSON input and correlates them with the predefined models (the ITS Modeler DSL semantic models) needed by the generation service to perform the construction of the artifacts.

Figure 40: The Translation component package diagramDeployment Component After the generation of the required artifacts, the deployment component ensures the deployment of those artifacts in the right places within the different target environments.

Figure 41: The Deployment component package diagrammeITS Modeler Execution Engine Behavior Details The following sequence diagrams illustrate two common execution sequence within the IMEE, the first describe the generation of a content model and the second shows the sequence of a process definition validation and generation:

Figure 42: The Content Model generation sequence diagram

IMEE implementation detailsProject development: Maven Alfresco SDKThe ITS Modeler Execution Engine is developed and packaged within the Alfresco environment which requires a standard development process supported by the Alfresco SDK.The Alfresco SDK - formerly Maven Alfresco SDK- provides a fully Maven support for Alfresco ECM project development. The Alfresco SDK relies on a number of components: The SDK parent POM providing full Alfresco project lifecycle feature. The Archetypes providing project templates to be used in the Alfresco module development with the best practices. There are two types of archetypes: The Repo AMP, a single project that customizes Alfresco Repository. The Share AMP, a single project that customizes Alfresco Share. The Maven Alfresco Plugin to manage AMP packaging and dependencies.An AMP (Alfresco Module Package) is a ZIP file with a folder structure that follows a specific convention. AMP files are used to make it easy to share and deploy customizations to the Alfresco platform. [22]The following figure illustrate the IMEE project structure:

Alfresco Web Scripts and Web Script Framework The IMEE functionalities were developed using Alfresco web scripts which provide a unique way to programmatically interact with the Alfresco content application server. Web scripts let us implement the IMEE services as a Restful API backed by the Alfresco content application server.This approach in developing an Alfresco API means that web scripts offer many advantages over existing technologies, such as SOAP, including ease and speed of development, and flexibility in API design. There are two kinds of web scripts that use the same underlying code: Data web scripts; Presentation web scripts. [23]

Figure 43: Alfresco Web Scripts Types [23]For the IMEE we are interested in Data web scripts, which encapsulate access, and modification of content/data held in the content repository.

To develop web scripts, Alfresco provides a framework (Web Script Framework) designed according to the Model View Controller (MVC) pattern.The following figure illustrate the Web Script framework architecture:

Figure 44: Alfresco Web Script Framework Architecture [24]

Implementation Design patterns Facade Design PatternTo hide the complexity of the IMEE functionalities, we implemented the Facade design pattern by providing a simplified interface to interact with the execution engine tools through the IMEE services:

Figure 45: Facade Design Pattern Implementation IoCThe Alfresco platform uses the Spring framework as the core foundation of its architecture. This allow us to make use of the Spring IoC container to instantiate and inject the different dependencies through the IMEE layers.

Figure 46: Dependency injection in the Execution Engine

Builder Design PatternThe IMEE Generation tools classes use the builder design pattern where we the content, workflow and form models are built incrementally by invoking a series of sequential methods. The following example illustrate the creation of a content model:

Figure 47: The Content Model creation ProcessIMEE extensibility features Internal Extensibility The ITS Modeler Execution Engine Generation Tools are mainly composed by 2 interfaces, the I_ModelsGenerator and I_BusinessProcessDefinitionGenerator.Each interface is implemented by the appropriate injected object, depending on the service provoked by the Modeler editors user.So, since a content model is composed by a list of types, the ContentModelGenerator injected into the I_ModelGenerator will use the ContentTypeGenerator to generate the type by using the appropriate translator (I_ContentTypeTranslator or I_TaskTypeTranslator).

External ExtensibilityThe idea behind exposing services per fragment came from the need to use some of the included functionalities in a global service separately.For example BusinessProcessDefinitionGenerationServices is a global service that include share forms generation function. But a BusinessProcessModelGenerationServices is also exposed for a standalone use: generating forms for an existing content. Figure 48: IMEE External Extensibility feature

The ITS Modeler Mobile ToolBoxIntroductionThe ITS Modeler Mobile ToolBox provides the necessary features for implementing a mobile version of a generated Business Process. In fact, the tradition approach to deal with such objective is delicate and extremely complicated, due to the fact that it requires binding between heterogeneous entities, such as task forms within a mobile environment and task models within the business process engine. Our aim is to generate a multiplatform solution; therefore we will survey the existing frameworks that may responds to our goal and we will explain the reasons behind choosing Titanium.We will then expose the ITS Modeler Mobile Toolbox architecture.Cross-Platform Framework benchmarkingWhen it comes to cross-platform development for mobile, the most popular frameworks are Appcelerator Titanium, Xamarin and PhoneGap. All these frameworks solve the purpose of developing a single app for multiple platforms. However, there are vast differences between them:TitaniumPhoneGapXamarin

Platform support Android, iOS, windows phone, Blackberry, TizenAndroid, iOS, windows phone, BlackberryAndroid, iOS, windows phone

Language JavaScriptJavaScriptC#

Open SourceYesYesNo

UINativeWeb UINative

Access to device APIFullLimitedFull

Native support YesNoYes

Given the computationally intensive nature of our context, since its dealing with ECM repo, the choice is limited to platforms with almost Native support, to insure high levels of performance and smooth rendering. This excludes PhoneGap. Since Alfresco already invested in a repository management SDK dedicated to Titanium, we decided to take the same path and build a Business Processes management tool box, for future proofing integration wise. The Appcelerators Titanium framework Titanium framework overviewAppcelerators Titanium is an open source mobile application framework that provides an environment to create native apps for several mobile platforms.It is a complete solution for creating hybrid mobile apps by using the Titanium studio which allows developer to create a unified project source code for several target environment. The framework includes an SDK equipped with a number of mobile platform APIs and Cloud services to use as an app backend. It also comes with a platform independent APIs which makes it easier to access phone hardware.The following figure shows an overview of the Titanium architecture:

Figure 49: Titanium Architecture [24]The Alloy MVC frameworkTitanium uses Alloy, an MVC framework to enable rapid development of mobile apps. Modules created using Alloy are easy to reuse across different apps, hence significantly reducing the development time cost.The following figure shows the different elements in a Titanium project using the Alloy framework:

Figure 50: Alloy Framework Elements View: The view file declares the structure of the GUI. Style: The style file formats and styles the components in the view file. Controller: The controller file contains the presentation logic, which responds to input from the user.The ITS Modeler Mobile Toolbox implementation detailsThe IMM Toolbox provides the necessary modules to interact with the generated HTML forms injected automatically by the ITS Execution engine in the target titanium mobile app. Each action figuring in the generated views is bound to a corresponding event registered in the IMM Toolbox. This allows a semantic basic communication between events in the application and the Business Process Engine. IMMT ArchitectureThe following figure illustrate the IMM Toolbox architecture:

Figure 51: The ITS Modeler Mobile ToolBox ArchitectureThe following table illustrates the different actions the user can perform by the corresponding module in the IMM Toolbox: ActionModuleDescription

Show process listIMMT Process moduleDisplay the available processes.

Start ProcessIMMT Process moduleAllow the user to start a process

Show my tasks IMMT Tasks moduleDisplay the users tasks list

Display task formIMMT form moduleBy selecting a task, the form module points to the corresponding view and then display it in a new tab. A counter mechanism is used to navigate through the process task forms and ensure the synchronization with the Activit Business Process Engine.

Submit taskIMMT form moduleWhen the user clicks on the submit button the form module invoke the Alfresco services by passing the constructed view object to the Business Process Engine.

Select Assignee IMMT Person picker moduleThis action allows the user to choose an assignee or a group to perform a task.

Select attachment IMMT Doc picker moduleThis action helps the user to attach or retrieve a document from the repository to a specific task.

IMMT Integration and BehaviorMaking use of the IMM Toolbox go through the following steps: Development phase: 1) The developer uses the ITS Modeler Editor to design the business process definitions and forms associated with each task.2) Then he specifies the target Titanium application.3) The Execution Engine generates and deploys the forms in the selected Titanium application project. Running phase: 1) When running the application, the necessary events of the IMMT will be registered within the Titanium Event handler.2) Users actions will fire the corresponding registered event, which invokes the right web script in the Alfresco content application server and the Business process Engine.ConclusionThis chapter dissected the depths of our solutions implementation approach. It illustrated in practice all the relevant guidelines described throughout the previous chapters. It also presented the incremental building blocks descripted by the project implementation methodology: the MDD.In each section we described in details a brick of our solution: From the ITS Modeler DSL design to the ITS Modeler Mobile Toolkit.Now that we completed the implementation of all the modules of our solutions, it is time to tackle the requirements validation process with regards to our release.

Chapter VI: Result Validation1. Introduction1. ITS Modeler achievement level ITS Modeler RequirementsCompletion levelITS Modeler RequirementsCompletion levelITS Modeler RequirementsCompletion level

Web based toolBPM actors dependencyAutomated and Hot deployment

Process modelingIntegration with the Alfresco environmentDrag and drop modeling

Content modelingAutomated validationMobile compliance

1. ITS Modeler Impact Measurement In Order to measure the benefits of using the ITS Modeler in terms of the time required to design and develop a workflow under the Alfresco ECM, we sat down with the ITS team to investigate the duration of the traditional development process and then measure the time saved by the use of the ITS Modeler:We concluded the following indicators: Average tasks number per Business Process = 5 Average properties number per task = 5. Server restart average number per Business Process = 4.

The following table shows the average time during the different development steps:StepDuration in the traditional approachTag

Process Design specification 2min per task Design_duration

Modeling the Process Definition using the Activiti Designer2min per taskPd_modeling_duration

Coding the workflow model (XML)2min per fieldCoding_duration

Coding The forms configurations (XML)2min per field

Testing/FixesServer restart4min per fixeFixe_duration

Database cleanup1min per fixe

With the above indicator, we conclude the following function that help us estimate the required time for a given business process development:F(task_num , field_avg, fixes_avg)= Design_duration * task_num * field_avg + Pd_ modeling_duration * task_num + coding_duration * field_avg * task_num + fixes_duration * fixes_avg We will illustrate the business process warranty claim which include four tasks with 18 fields, using this function we will calculate time by using the old approach and the ITS Modeler: Old: F (5,4,4)= 2 * 4 * 4 + 2 * 4 + 4 * 5 * 4 + 8 * 4 = 152 min (~2:30h)With The ITS Modeler the same process takes only 5 min.

The following curve illustrate the gain coming with the ITS Modeler especially when the number of tasks per process arise


Chapter VII: General Conclusion & Perspectives

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