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4.0 What We Have Learnt From The Research / Project

4.1 Challenges

From this interview research, we ha !ace a lot o! challenges at all"time s#ch as

$e!ore, #ring an a!ter the interview sessions. First, $e!ore the interview session that was the

time we got the name o! lect#rers% co#rse that we ha to ma&e the interview with, we were

li&e '#((le $eca#se o! o not &now an not reall) #n erstan !or what we were oing on

the interview. *#t then we as&e o#r lect#rer to e+'lain it !#rther so that we wo#l not $e lost

in this research. *esi es, we got to &now that we ha to interview lect#rers !rom the lang#age

co#rse. o, we 'lanne to ma&e the interview session with two *asic -nglish Lang#age

*-L lect#rers. For the !irst lect#rer that is the j#nior lect#rer, r. oh . Fa le), we were

s#ggeste $) o#r !rien !rom other co#rse. o, we went to interview him. t was a$o#t 2

wee&s a!ter that, we were in!orme $) other gro#' !rom other class that the) have

interviewe r. Fa le). n that case, we ha to change o#r lect#rer an !in someone else.

Then we 'lanne to have an interview session with r. 3li!. F#rthermore, !or the senior

lect#rer, we !irst 'lanne to interview r. Raja. *#t, the 'ro$lem was, he was too $#s) an

this ma&e #s i!!ic#lt to set a time !or the interview session. We trie to set a time !or the

interview session, $#t he alwa)s sai that he has no time. 3gain, we ha to search !or the

other senior lect#rer an Than& o , we !o#n her, a am 3ti!ah. That was an easiest 'art

when we i not have an) 'ro$lems to set the interview session with her. Lastl), all the

interview sessions, we ma e it at 5PP2. ince we have no trans'ortation, we ha to wal& to

5PP2 where a$o#t 400 meters. 3ll in all, even i! we have !ace a lot o! challenges, $#t we

still manage to !ace the 'ro$lems an !in wa)s to solve those 'ro$lems.

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4.2 Things That We Li&e

n this interview research, even there are a lot o! challenge that we ha !ace , $#t

there have also things we li&e. First an !oremost, we love it when lect#rers share all their

e+'eriences in teaching. 3ll the h#mo#rs an metho s the) #se in teaching an the wa)s

the) han le their st# ents% $ehavio#r are the $est things we li&e. *esi es, the) motivate #s

an gave #s ins'iration to $ecome an e #cator in o#r !#t#re. This has increase o#r 'assion in

to $e an e #cator in the !#t#re. F#rthermore, !rom this interview research, we can get the

'ict#re o! how li!e is o! $eing an e #cator. Last $#t not least, $oth o! the lect#rers are $eing

ver) nice to #s. This has ma e #s !eel com!orta$le #ring the interview. 3s a concl#sion, all

the things that we li&e has ins'ire #s an $#rst o#r s'irit in $ecoming an e #cator in the


4.6 7#r Comments

For this interview research, we have learnt a lot o! things. From the challenges we ha

!ace $e!ore, #ring an a!ter the interview session, we learnt how to manage an !in wa)s

to solve the 'ro$lems. This ta#ght #s to $e more mat#re in thin&ing. *esi es, $oth lect#rers

those we have interviewe are goo an talente lect#rers. We a ore them so m#ch.

F#rthermore, this research has ma e #s got to &now more lect#rers !rom other co#rses. We o

not thin& that we will &now the other lect#rers i! we o not have this assignment. This

interview research has ins'ire #s to $ecome a goo e #cator with a goo $ehavio#r in o#r

!#t#re%s li!e. -ven tho#gh to com'lete this assignment is not that eas) which we !ace a lot o!

o$stacles an challenges, $#t this research reall) im'ortant to #s as it will $#rst o#r s'irit an

increase o#r 'assion in the !iel o! e #cation where we ho'e to $e an e #cator in the !#t#re.

n concl#sion, this assignment is a goo an #se!#l assignment !or #s to lea #s to the right 'ath wa) o! li!e in ma&ing a goo ecision.

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8.0 3''en i+

Lect#rer 3 a am 3ti!ah $inti ohama

We were having this interview session at *206 at 5PP2 9iT alacca.

he was sharing her e+'erience in $eing an e #cator.

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We were ta&ing notes on what a am 3ti!ah was sa)ing.

3!ter the interview session with a am 3ti!ah.

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Lect#rer * r. 3li! $in :#l&e!le

We were as&ing r. 3li! a !ew ;#estions a$o#t teaching e+'erience.

We were !oc#s on what r. 3li! was sa)ing.

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Ta&ing 'ict#re with o#r s#'er" #'er senior, also &nown as r. 3li!, *-L lect#rer.

3!ter the interview session with r. 3li!.