Download - Report compiled by GRCC D - Focus... · Report on TBC Car Parking Strategy Focus Group meetings July 2014 - facilitated by GRCC 2 The role of car parking should be to support the


Report on TBC Car Parking Strategy Focus Group meetings July 2014 - facilitated by GRCC 1

Report on Car Parking Strategy Review Focus Group Meetings Held in Winchcombe and Tewkesbury

July 2014

Report compiled by GRCC

1. Context GRCC was asked by Tewkesbury Borough Council to organise and facilitate 2 focus groups, one in Winchcombe and one in Tewkesbury, to explore community perspectives on car parking, in order to provide input at an early stage of the TBC Car Parking Strategy Review, prior to formulation of the draft strategy. The sessions were held on 7th and 8th July 2014 and were facilitated by Elin Tattersall, Assistant Chief Executive of GRCC. Seven people attended the focus group session in Winchcombe and seventeen people attended the session in Tewkesbury.

2. Aim of the focus group sessions: To provide the opportunity for invited key organisations to inform the Tewkesbury Borough Car Park Review at an early stage in the process

3. Objectives of the focus group sessions:

• To encourage mutual understanding of the current car park situation- from the perspectives of TBC and community

• To generate ideas for solutions and examine the implications of each model suggested

4. Format of sessions The sessions took the form of an initial presentation about the TBC Car Parking Strategy Review Working Group’s brief and timescales, followed by a group discussion about the current car parking situation, including facts about usage, charging, income and availability as prepared by TBC. The group then explored potential solutions and were encouraged to consider benefits and concerns of each idea, from the perspective of traders, residents, visitors and TBC. The session breakdown is shown in Appendix A.

5. Summary of responses

Flip chart notes captured comments and those records are shown in Appendices B and C. It is suggested that these comments are read in conjunction with the summaries below.

a) Issues raised Communications

Both groups highlighted the need to improve signage to car parks and information about costs.

In the Tewkesbury group it was felt that availability of business permits should be better publicised.

Supporting the economy and community

Appendix D

Report on TBC Car Parking Strategy Focus Group meetings July 2014 - facilitated by GRCC 2

The role of car parking should be to support the economy in the 2 towns rather than to raise funds for the borough as a whole. In Winchcombe the term ‘management of space’ was used. Cost neutral was mentioned in both events and in Tewkesbury there was concern that the two market towns were subsidising activities in other parts of the borough, at the expense of the towns’ economy and vibrancy.

In Tewkesbury competition from out of town retail centres with free car parking was highlighted, with those being seen as an attractive alternative to town centre shopping and leisure.

The strategy should take into account the needs of 4 groups: Residents, tourists, workers and people from hinterland parishes


Both focus groups included discussion on the need to set appropriate car parking charges, bearing in mind the fact that they are smaller market towns with smaller retail units and without the breadth of retail and entertainment offer in Gloucester and Cheltenham.

In both groups it was felt that a certain amount of free car parking (in addition to on street) would be beneficial in attracting visors/ local people. Examples were provided from other market towns and solutions to model are listed in section 5b below.

In Winchcombe it was felt that some businesses would support a refund of the first hour’s parking fee. The message ‘Winchcombe Welcomes Shoppers is an important message to convey.

The differential between parking charges in the Bull Lane and Back Lane car parks in Winchcombe was felt to be appropriate.

It was felt that there was some leeway for reducing costs (on the basis of income figures provided by TBC for the events) and these are explored in section 5b below. The recent positive impact of car parking charge reductions in Gloucester was mentioned in the Tewkesbury group.


Both groups discussed users’ behaviour- their reluctance to pay parking charges and preference for parking as close as possible to the shops.

Both groups discussed problems of residents’ parking, the trend for more cars per household and the impact of future town growth on car parking availability.


Both groups raised the issue of over-zealous car parking enforcement officers and the resulting frustrations for users and negative image of the town.

Number of spaces and usage

The Winchcombe focus group considered that there were sufficient parking spaces for the town, except at ‘pinch point times’ such as weddings and funerals. In the Tewkesbury group, more occasions were identified when parking became problematic due to availability of convenient parking spaces.

In the Tewkesbury focus group the impact of flooding on availability of car parking spaces was discussed. There was concern about any plans to sell car parks as this would lead to reduced availability of convenient parking and further congestion in the town.

Both groups highlighted the potential role of new technology to allow people more flexibility to stay in the towns for longer than originally intended- eg payment by phone and

Report on TBC Car Parking Strategy Focus Group meetings July 2014 - facilitated by GRCC 3

payment on leaving car parks instead of pay and display. It was felt that this would benefit town traders and give a more positive image of the towns.

In the Tewkesbury group the methodology for measuring usage etc was queried and it was suggested that the strategy should reflect standard methodology used for other market towns. It was also suggested that the impact of flooding on car parking availability should be explored.


Points were raised in both groups about the need for flexibility in the strategy- to allow review if circumstances change. In Winchcombe the need for the strategy to allow the car parks to be used as a community facility (eg for events) was highlighted.

In Tewkesbury it was felt that the strategy should allow for pilots to be conducted to measure the impact of different car parking models and charges.

b) Suggested solutions to be modelled by TBC Winchcombe:

Bull Lane as the shoppers’ car park. Free for first hour

Winchcombe Welcomes Shoppers – 2 part car park ticket for Bull Lane with one part handed in for a refund from shops. e.g. Henley scheme - £10 minimum spend for £1 refund.

Make Bull Lane Car Park cheaper for short stay 50p first hour (or first half hour); £1 up to two hours; £3.50 up to four hours; £8.00 all day

Pay on leaving – not pay and display

Bull Lane two hours maximum stay

£1 ticket from Bull Lane can be used in Back Lane (transferable ticket)

Use of technology – Ringo mobile phone system

Tewkesbury Extend areas where residents’ street parking permits are available (£78/year). Would need

to link with Glos CC to enable this and work in partnership. Could explore it being for specific times but permit also entitles use of a car park space if none available outside the home.

Make car park permits interchangeable between car parks so that if one is busy another can be used

Resident permits – investigate the ‘Malvern Model’ which allows residents to park in any car park in Malvern District

Free parking at all times

Free parking for first hour of stay

Free 2 hours, £2 thereafter

Free parking after 3pm

Car parks free from 4pm

Car Parks free on Sundays

Car parks free on one day of the week (e.g Sunday; weekday)

On street parking charged by the hour with car parks free to users

First hour of parking refunded to customers by businesses

Halve all charges

Keep Saturday charges are they are now and reduce for rest of week

Evening charge of £1 if charges are reduced during the day

Report on TBC Car Parking Strategy Focus Group meetings July 2014 - facilitated by GRCC 4

Remove excess charge for Station Road after 5pm as workers cannot get back by then (long walks needed after shop closure time)

Move the market to free up space – encourage walking through town to market from car park

All car parks to charge the same tariff e.g. - £1/day or £2/day –or £4/day.

Coach parking spaces in Spring Gardens and a coach drop off point in Sun Street by the Roses Theatre. (investigate Moreton-in-Marsh model)

Community asset transfer of car parks (ongoing requirement for commitment by community recognised)

A pay by phone system

A barrier control system whereby motorists pay on leaving all car parks (pay as you leave facility)

Machines that give change or a change machine in car parks

The opportunity to pay top a up if you have over stayed there and then e.g. receive a parking ticket which can be redeemed by an extra payment at the machine, if this payment is not made there would be a penalty

Report on TBC Car Parking Strategy Focus Group meetings July 2014 - facilitated by GRCC 5

Appendix A: Session breakdown Time Activity Notes

5:30 Arrival and refreshments

Display available showing the current situation re car parks- spaces available, charges, including permit charges, usage research and income generation

5:45 Welcome and introductions - E Tattersall Purpose of evening

Note- TBC officers present to provide clarification of facts

5:50 Presentation by E Tattersall: The context and current situation – strategy review timetable, current parking situation, what TBC controls, facts about costs Aspects for consideration.

Details of the current situation to be provided by TBC for GRCC to form into a display and a presentation

6:00 Facilitated whole group discussion – the community’s perspective of the car parking situation

Flip chart notes of points made

6:15 Workshop group to examine possible solutions Consideration of benefits and concerns of each suggested solution

Facilitated discussion- flip chart notes taken. (If over 10 people- 2 groups required)

7:25 Next steps and timeline - report production and sharing by GRCC. Models to be presented to TBC for consideration and costing.

Deadlines = share flip chart notes with attendees by end of week. Report to council working group for consideration in meeting on 18th July. TBC will email those whose email addresses have been provided when draft is ready for consultation

Appendix B: Record of comments from Car Parking Strategy Focus Group Winchcombe

7.7.14 5:30-7:30 Abbey Fields Community Centre Winchcombe

Attendees: Claire Thayers- Retailer plus Winchcombe Business Forum Vice Chair Sheila Talbot and Bernard Gill - Winchcombe Walkers are Welcome Cairine Lee, Ron Harrison - Winchcombe Town Council Chris Sweet -Retailer plus Winchcombe Business Forum/Retailers/Events Martin Williams - Food Fanatics Deli – Retailer Also present: Cilla Mellors and Katie Power – Tewkesbury Borough Council; Lesley Archer GRCC Discussion comments recorded on flip chart: A) General comments regarding car parking in Winchcombe Communications and signage

Signage is poor at present

Directions to town car parks are poor

Need an inter-relationship between the two car parks (+ costs)

Back Lane – signage to this as a cheaper alternative on entry to the town

Winchcombe Welcomes Shoppers might be a preferable sign to the Fairtrade sign

Could be a sign or tourist information (e.g. coming down Cleeve Hill) –with clear parking info

Communications- regular review is needed

Report on TBC Car Parking Strategy Focus Group meetings July 2014 - facilitated by GRCC 6

Number of spaces and usage

There is no numerical parking problem ie there are more parking spaces than are used

Unlikely that the usage figures would justify a new car park

Pinch points are weddings and funerals

Disabled access is possible in Bull Lane

1 disabled space (but those with blue badge can park for free regardless of length of stay and which space they occupy)

Bull Lane is nearer town – better access for people who cannot walk as well

3 day walking festival – Back Lane full therefore message is getting through


People prefer to park on yellow lines or don’t even want to pay £1

People see the Main Street car parking area is full so they park on double yellow lines, so should the Main Street parking be much shorter?

Back Lane is easier to access – don’t bother going to check for spaces in Bull

There are markings to stop any parking – but these are often disregarded

Abuse of library car park – especially when schools are coming out

Talk to schools and parents re parking and congestion caused

General principles

Car parking should not be about raising money – it’s about efficient management of space

Winchcombe is a small market town (size of premises smaller)

Usage for events – a facility for the community- should be reflected in the strategy

Winchcombe Welcomes Shoppers

Possibility of encouraging Bull Lane as a ‘shoppers’ car park’

Business Federation has spoken to retailers – they would not object to subsidising the first £1 to encourage shoppers

If smaller shopkeepers could not afford the subsidy, could they recover that from TBC?

Back Lane – need a stronger link with the town

Loyalty card – stickers in the window – keep the spend local (visitor v. resident ratio important)


Differential between Bull Lane and Back Lane pricing is good- appropriate

Consider a free hour in Bull Lane (encourage shoppers who just want a loaf of bread)

Would it be possible for the county council to have a different policy for parking times in different towns? (YES)

Permit ratio to be retained: 1/3 permit to 2/3 non permit – should there be free permits for businesses? No


Issue in Gloucester Street – blockage

Residents’ parking also an issue. This can put people off coming to Winchcombe – they go elsewhere instead

Also Broadway Road and Gretton Road – residents (3 cars/house)

Report on TBC Car Parking Strategy Focus Group meetings July 2014 - facilitated by GRCC 7

New technology

Make use of mobile phones and camera technology eg- an App - info on car parking availability. This is being done in Gloucester – can pre-book. Makes it convenient for users.


Parking enforcement officers can be a disincentive to visit Winchcombe Other

Sudeley – closes for half the year o Would it be helpful if they agreed to allow walkers to park on their grounds out of

season? o May relieve pressure on car parks (Town Council to pursue)

Need to build relationships with Budgens

Have tried in past to get a link between Cowl Lane and North Street (through redevelopment) – e.g. co-op – no luck so far – too expensive

Town is growing - impact

Impact of Budgens to be monitored

Possible solutions, their advantages and disadvantages (comments from flip chart)

Bull Lane as the shoppers’ car park. Free for first hour o Been done before (13 years ago) o Managing it will be difficult although locals will get to know the pattern o £1 ticket most common income ‘time slot’ lost.

Winchcombe Welcomes Shoppers – 2 part car park ticket for Bull Lane with one part handed in for a refund from shops. e.g. Henley scheme - £10 minimum spend for £1 refund.

o Positive image o Research – at least ten businesses would do it and be prepared to support the other

businesses o Not all shops may participate o Does not benefit those who only stay 1 hour

Make Bull Lane Car Park cheaper for short stay o 50p first hour (or first half hour) o £1 up to two hours o £3.50 up to four hours o £8.00 all day

Pay on leaving – not pay and display – ring to extend parking o Cost of technology

Bull Lane two hours maximum stay – o Turnover o Residents can’t park near home for more than 2 hours o Discourages additional spend

Report on TBC Car Parking Strategy Focus Group meetings July 2014 - facilitated by GRCC 8

£1 ticket from Bull Lane can be used in Back Lane (transferable ticket) o Some visitors may use o Not difficult to enforce o Loss of income o Would people move their cars?

B & B subsidy for Back Lane o incentive to bring people to town o People may not wish to use (want car close)

Allowing camper vans to park in Back Lane o Bring trade into town o Can do so already o Would need to check by-laws – can’t sleep in there o May encourage travellers

Use of technology – Ringo mobile phone system o Encourages people to return

Permits - retain as 17.5% of daily charge = permit price. 1/3 ratio for both Back Lane and Bull Lane

o May be some complaints from residents but it is a continuation of current strategy

Appendix C: Record of comments from Car Parking Strategy Focus Group Tewkesbury

8.7.14 5:30-7:30 Watson Hall, Tudor Room, Tewkesbury

Attendees: Chris Danter, Kevin Cromwell and Simon Carter – Tewkesbury Town Council Sue Lambert and Amanda Orton – Tewkesbury Town Team (Portas) Emma Lawson and Mike Protheroe – Federation of Small Businesses Les Buchanan – CEAG (Community Engagement Advisory Group Greg Hunt and Caroline Lawrence – Roses Theatre Steve Goodchild – Historical Society Alan Mitton – Oldbury Partnership Jane Hartland – Albion Pub (Oldbury Partnership) Simon Hopkins – WYPTY Richard Mills – Gravel Walk Alan Purkiss – Civic Society David Green – Mill Avon Residents Association Also present: Simon Dix and Julie Wood – Tewkesbury Borough Council; Lesley Archer - GRCC

Comments from discussion recorded on flip chart: B) General comments regarding car parking in Tewkesbury – comments from attendees recorded

on flip chart Number of spaces and usage

Report on TBC Car Parking Strategy Focus Group meetings July 2014 - facilitated by GRCC 9

Query regarding data – methodology flawed – use of averages ignoring peaks Pattern of use is similar to standard pattern for market towns Use industry standard methods to measure car park use

Flooding – lose several car parks to flooding during the year. Number of spaces lost varies – 149-347 depending on the severity – some sustained. This needs to be taken into account when considering availability and usage/surplus spaces


Some shoppers say parking is expensive and don’t realise they could have parked cheaper but still reasonably close.

Costs are cheaper elsewhere, eg

Upton on Severn – one car park free all day; others £1.50 all day

Ledbury – car park further from town is £1 for up to 4 hours and all day for £1.50; others closer to town more expensive – eg 50p for 1 hour.

Evesham – car parking cost reduced to 50p and car parks were full. Now gone back up to £1 – would be interesting to find out why the increased it and its impact

Gloucester – recent 50% reduction in parking charges – positive results

Should try piloting different solutions and measure impact

Need to encourage people to come into the shops /use facilities (Mary Portas highlights the need for free parking)

Need to be aware of out of town centres as competition – which offer free and convenient parking.

Potential new retail park will offer free parking

Communications and signage

Signage is not very good- especially to cheaper car parks Enforcement

Enforcement is over-zealous (no leeway given- does not give a welcoming impression of the town)

Issue has become worse since outsourcing

Inflexible attitudes of parking enforcement officers in difficult situations, e.g. flooding

Better arrangement needed by TBC for monitoring contract and attitudes of enforcement officers

Locals are being encouraged to drive off elsewhere because they must move their vehicles or risk getting a ticket

Ignoring of double yellow lines by residents/visitors – seems not to be policed past 6pm Behaviour

Free parking only on street leads to people driving around looking for a free space – not good for environment

General principles

TBC comment- Genuine desire from members to look at how we use CP to support economy and open to looking at different charges and time zones

Provision needs to be made in the strategy for increased flexibility for exceptional events –

Report on TBC Car Parking Strategy Focus Group meetings July 2014 - facilitated by GRCC 10

Strategy document should state that there is provision to make a change if circumstances change

Last time understand that charges for car parking were based on proximity to Cheltenham and Gloucester. Tewkesbury is a market town in its own right but as it is smaller it cannot sustain such a high charge

Told by TBC that the rationale for charging (previously free) was cost. Suspect that it is now seen as a money earner but TBC has a duty to assist the economy Currently >£300k surplus from car parking charges in Winchcombe and Tewkesbury. This suggests that there is leeway for reducing parking charges


Having to input car reg numbers is frustrating

Told by TB Councillors that shoppers can use new hospital car park spaces– this has caused consternation to NHS.

Increasingly in the country – car parks etc transferred to Community Land Trusts. Would TBC be open to this?

Lots of commitment needed by community volunteers for community land trusts, may be more realistic to make car parking cost neutral

People view changes as negative

C) Possible solutions, their advantages and disadvantages – comments from flip charts Group 1

Methodology for measuring usage etc in strategy should reflect standard methodology used for other market towns (see above)

Greater transparency and data reflecting the situation

Extend areas where residents’ street parking permits are available (£78/year). Would need to link with Glos CC to enable this and work in partnership. Could explore it being for specific times but permit also entitles use of a car park space if none available outside the home.

Residents gain – not necessarily to take all the spaces

Allow daytime parking by visitors as well as permit holders

Avoids those residents becoming a nuisance elsewhere

Likely to go on the road near their house – blocking visitors from using spaces. What about business usage – e.g. estate agents

Make car park permits interchangeable between car parks so that if one is busy another can be used

Beneficial for TBC – extra ‘up front’ payment with no overhead Flexible for users

Strategy should include reference to the fact that car parking is for economic development. It should also take into account the needs of 4 categories of user-

Residents Tourists Workers People from hinterland parishes

Report on TBC Car Parking Strategy Focus Group meetings July 2014 - facilitated by GRCC 11

Invite TBC councillors to come to Tewkesbury on a busy day to see the situation

Park and ride idea at old car auctions space

Sometimes floods

Is the ‘retail offer’ enough for a park and ride?

Expensive (Chelt experience suggests that P+R does not always work)

Environmental benefits

Congestion relief benefits

Free parking – Carlisle and Ayre – free parking at all times

Great draw for businesses – people see parking fees as unacceptable

May be a need to compensate income drop for TBC through business or resident rates increases- business rates do not go to TBC so an added complication

Would be useful to model financial impact of removing all charges (and hence remove need to pay for as much enforcement)

Increase free parking availability

Will reduce congestion

Vineyards (129 spaces) - But Vineyards is ideal for visitors and they will pay

Free first hour (and cheaper later)

Demographic of car park usage will change

Revolving spaces

Reduce costing for street space

Locals shopping combined with payment on leaving

Not enough time for ‘serious spend’ or quality time in town

Free 2 hours, £2 thereafter

Better for spend and quality time

Decreased TBC income (but if combined with payment on leaving and use of mobile technology may work well)

Halve all charges:-

Suggestion from Gloucester experience that there is no loss of revenue

Greater footfall

Encourage residents to use town more

Shows commitment to keeping it as a competitive market town

Desirable place to live

Persuading councillors? (need to show research) – evidence, wishes of government etc. Only 2 places with paid parking in the borough therefore subsidises other areas- but at cost of the local economy.

Max £4/day in Tewkesbury (related to halving charges point above)

Remove excess charge for Station Road after 5pm as workers cannot get back by then (long walks needed after shop closure time)

Report on TBC Car Parking Strategy Focus Group meetings July 2014 - facilitated by GRCC 12

Helps workers who have to walk back from shop at closing time to their cars- they cannot reach the car park in time to avoid excess charges

Pay as you leave facility

Cost to install

Reduced parking enforcement needed (and related cost)

Intelligent technology can work out charges for free/ chargeable periods

Allows flexibility to stay for longer

Move market to free up space – encourage walking through town to market from car park

Reduction in stalls possible in any new location

People want to just go to the market (traditionalists)

104 spaces released (33 spaces permits)

Town team – suggestion to TBC – free parking for 1 day/week. Should be a weekday not a weekend. Could be trialled for 4-6 months

Done elsewhere, e.g. Bridgemouth (Bridgenorth??) – increases footfall

Pilot free parking after 3pm

Stop longer after school/work

Probably not much income after that time anyway

Master Plan suggested ‘park and walk’ car parks – in the car parks further away (Borough Council, Morrison’s etc.)

All too far out

Multi-storey car park

Not in keeping – cost to build

Less space taken up

Other general comments

Strategy must take into account projected increase in population etc. when looking at demand

News of free/ cheaper parking to be combined with general ‘push’ of Tewkesbury as a place to come

This is ironic timing for a car park review when considering the fact that a CP has been recently closed

Analysis should take into account post hours parking – well utilised then

There will need to be measurement of results of trials – footfall counted etc. Group 2 Cost of Parking

The provision of car parks should be cost neutral to Borough and Tewkesbury residents should not subsidise other parts of Borough through paying high parking charges

Pricing Structure

Keep Saturdays charges are they are now and reduce for rest of week o Encourage more visits to town during the week

Report on TBC Car Parking Strategy Focus Group meetings July 2014 - facilitated by GRCC 13

o May put people off coming on a Saturday

On street parking charged by the hour with car parks free to users o Longer stays with increased spend in town o This would encourage shoppers to park outside individual shops o Reduce congestion as motorists hover, waiting for a free street parking space to

become available o This may discourage impulse stops

Free Parking for first hour of stay ( not popular with rest of group )

First hour parking refunded to customers by businesses o not fair to those who walk o out of date o doesn’t deal with the issue

All car parks to charge the same tariff e.g. - £1/day or £2/day –or £4/day. This would need to be trialled , but not for too short a period as people need to get used to change

o Reduced charges would be cost neutral due to increased usage of the car parks

Car Parks free on Sundays o Encourage extra visitors o Residents no longer using all the free on-street parking

Car parks free from 4pm as the town is empty from 3pm on most days o More customers for tea shops/cafes o More vibrant town in afternoon would attract additional visitors o Increased spend in shops and other businesses

Events Flooding

Modelling should be undertaken to identify the minimum number of spaces required during a flood incident

o The town could stay open

Forget double yellow line restrictions at such times o May cause congestion o May cause confusion especially to visitors

Make prior arrangements with other bodies who have private car parks to use their parking space at such times– e.g. Tewkesbury school Festivals:-

The town car parks are full during the Medieval Festival weekend o This discourages shoppers and visitors to the town o Advertise the specific Festival parking which is £5/day including free entry to the

event and is under used Permit Parking

Publicise this to business –Businesses do not know that this service is available from the Borough council

o Very low take up despite its low cost o Sustained business viability o This may be attractive to some sole traders or to employees

Resident permits – investigate the ‘Malvern Model’ which allows residents to park in any car park in Malvern District

Report on TBC Car Parking Strategy Focus Group meetings July 2014 - facilitated by GRCC 14

o Tewkesbury residents no longer feel that they are subsidising the rest of the borough Signage

The existing signage is unclear investing in better signage would: o Make it clear where car parks are and what they are for, as soon as visitors enter the

town o Identify short stay from long stay car parking, preventing ill feeling due to overpaying

by using the wrong car park o Charging structures made clear prior to parking o Signs with lots of information are unsightly and can be confusing

Other issues

The Ashchurch Road Sign to car park points the wrong way

There is a need for machines that give change or a change machine in car parks

Oldbury car park sale – The Borough needs to ensure that total number of car park spaces are adequate at all times of the day before they consider any reduction in provision

The Roses Theatre needs 150 spaces to be available in town centre to accommodate their customers but think that customers would be willing to pay an evening charge of £1 if charges were reduced during the day

Consistency of parking rules needed in all parts of town

There is a need for coach parking spaces in Spring Gardens and a coach drop off point in Sun Street by the Roses Theatre. (Investigate Moreton-in-Marsh model)

The asset transfer of car parks would not work as there are no volunteers with the relevant skills or who would make a long term commitment

Parking Enforcement

Over-zealous resulting in motorists no longer coming to Tewkesbury

Is the aim of parking enforcement to raise revenue or is it to make things easier/safer for road users?

The town’s reputation has is negatively affected

Investigate the possible introduction of:- A pay by phone system

o Easy to use o Complicated to use o Motorists only pay for the time they actually use

A barrier control system whereby motorists pay on leaving all car parks o Motorists only pay for the time they actually use o No need to worry about over staying resulting in a better visitor experience

The opportunity to pay top a up if you have over stayed there and then e.g. receive a parking ticket which can be redeemed by an extra payment at the machine, if this payment is not made there would be a penalty