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Report after a field visit on March 18th - 22th ,2016.

This was the second time I came to Na Hang town, Tuyen Quang district with role as a volunteer of WARECOD organization. The 5 days-trip was left in me many memories: I ve learned a lot of things about life, human as well as the labor methods of local villagers, daily life activities. It has known as a project of co-management model of fishery resources in Son Phu commune and Na Hang town in 2016, this March trip includes activities which support and maintain the model such as: giving life jacket, patrol the lake-bed area, erect notice boardSon Phu and Na Hang are the next locals to receive supporting capital of CEPF as well as legal aspects of local government in the application of co-management model of fishery resources. After one year the project was carried out, basically, it made some self- managed teams and groups. These teams and groups were supported for expense to maintain their activities such as: go patrolling, mobilize community to take part in activities which protect the environment in lake-bed area (not litter, no use of destructive fishing gear).On March 19th,2016, the mission team worked with co-management of fishery resources team of Son Phu commune. As a volunteer, I observed, listened to the community team s shares about execute situation for February and March and next plans for April. Also in the afternoon of that day, the mission team patrolled directly lake-bed area. In this patrol, apart from remind people raising and catching fishery resources in lake-bed, I joined checking the construction of milestone, notice board. With milestone s system is supported about building, it will help the community team to manage better water surface area which local had given to them.

Some pictures about activities in Son Phu commune-Na Hang-Tuyen Quang Left Son Phu commune, we continued working with the community team of Na Hang town on March 21th,2016. During the meeting, the delegation received a official decision of People s Committee of Na Hang town on establishment of co-management of fishery resources team. That was the result of the perseverance and determination of the community team in Na Hang town under the instructions and supports of WARECOD s cadres. The mission team listened to the activities report of the community team in February and March, to hear shares of difficulties of them in propagation and guidance of people in the lake-bed area what they still experienced. Some activities in Na Hang town-Tuyen Quang The next activity was shares, introduction to the community team in Na Hang town about interactive drama. The interactive drama was a quite new type in Vietnam, with the desire to build drama that had the plot based on pressing issues in a community team. These drama didnt have a complete ending like normally traditional drama which the own audiences was people to give solutions methods. From the task which people must found out ending together will help them to have a multidimensional view, means of treatment as well as perceive problems which was causing pressing in the community to be more thorough. This was really an opportunity to help the community team more cohesive, more understand each other after stressful, tired labour s hours.

The community team of Na Hang town was joining in interactive activitiesFinished the field trip in two communes, I have drawn a lot of lessons for myself, more love and admire people here about the enthusiasm, awareness and responsibility for preserving and protecting of the environment for themselves and later their descendants. I have extremely remembered the speech of Bay Uncle in Na Hang town s group: "Let everyone took 30 minutes to think about protecting the environment every day, then we would do it". Indeed, the only possible action from today can sustain futher future!