Download - Repeated Games - Cambridge University, Mertens is the author of seminal papers on equilibrium selection in games, formulation

Page 1: Repeated Games - Cambridge University, Mertens is the author of seminal papers on equilibrium selection in games, formulation

Repeated Games

Three leading experts have produced a landmark work based on a set of workingpapers published by the Center for Operations Research and Econometrics (CORE)at Universite Catholique de Louvain in 1994, under the title “Repeated Games,”which holds almost mythic status among game theorists. Jean-Francois Mertens,Sylvain Sorin, and Shmuel Zamir have significantly elevated the clarity and depthof presentation with many results presented at a level of generality that goes farbeyond the original papers – many written by the authors themselves. Numerousresults are new, and many classic results and examples are not to be found elsewhere.Most remain state of the art in the literature. This book is full of challenging andimportant problems that are set up as exercises, with detailed hints provided fortheir solution. A new bibliography traces the development of the core concepts upto the present day.

The late Jean-Francois Mertens (11 March 1946–17 July 2012) was professor atthe Universite Catholique de Louvain (where he earned his PhD) and a memberof the CORE. One of the world’s leading experts in game theory and economictheory, Mertens is the author of seminal papers on equilibrium selection in games,formulation of Bayesian analysis, repeated and stochastic games, general equi-librium, social choice theory, and dynamic general equilibrium. A Fellow of theEconometric Society, he was also a founding member of the Center for GameTheory in Economics at the State University of New York at Stony Brook.

Sylvain Sorin is a member of the Mathematics Department at the UniversitePierre et Marie Curie. He was previously professor at Universite L. Pasteur, Stras-bourg, and Universite Paris X-Nanterre. He has been an affiliated member of theDepartement de Mathematiques, Ecole Normale Superieure (Paris); the Laboratoired’Econometrie, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau; and the Center for Game Theoryin Economics, State University of New York at Stony Brook. He is a Fellow of theEconometric Society and was a charter member of the Game Theory Society andeditor-in-chief of the International Journal of Game Theory.

Shmuel Zamir, author of the textbook Game Theory (with M. Maschler andE. Solan, Cambridge 2013), is professor emeritus at the Hebrew University ofJerusalem and a founding member of the Center for the Study of Rationality there.He is professor of economics at the University of Exeter Business School, UK.Zamir is a Fellow of the Econometric Society, a charter member and a former coun-cil member of the Game Theory Society, and an affiliated member of the Center forGame Theory in Economics at the State University of New York at Stony Brook.Since 2008, he has been the editor-in-chief of the International Journal of GameTheory.© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press978-1-107-03020-6 - Repeated GamesJean-François Mertens, Sylvain Sorin and Shmuel ZamirFrontmatterMore information

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Cambridge University Press978-1-107-03020-6 - Repeated GamesJean-François Mertens, Sylvain Sorin and Shmuel ZamirFrontmatterMore information

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Econometric Society Monographs


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Cambridge University Press978-1-107-03020-6 - Repeated GamesJean-François Mertens, Sylvain Sorin and Shmuel ZamirFrontmatterMore information

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Cambridge University Press978-1-107-03020-6 - Repeated GamesJean-François Mertens, Sylvain Sorin and Shmuel ZamirFrontmatterMore information

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Repeated Games

Jean-Francois Mertens

Sylvain SorinUniversite Pierre et Marie Curie, France

Shmuel ZamirThe Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, and the University of

Exeter, UK© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press978-1-107-03020-6 - Repeated GamesJean-François Mertens, Sylvain Sorin and Shmuel ZamirFrontmatterMore information

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© Jean-Francois Mertens, Sylvain Sorin, and Shmuel Zamir 2015

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First published 2015

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A catalog record for this publication is available from the British Library.

Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication DataMertens, Jean-Francois, 1946–Repeated games / Jean-Francois Mertens, Sylvain Sorin, Shmuel Zamir.

pages cm. – (Econometric society monographs ; 55)Includes bibliographical references and index.ISBN 978-1-107-03020-6 (hardback) – ISBN 978-1-107-66263-6 (paperback)1. Game theory. 2. Stochastic processes. I. Sorin, Sylvain. II. Zamir, Shmuel. III. Title.HB144.M47 2014519.3 – dc23 2014006953

ISBN 978-1-107-03020-6 HardbackISBN 978-1-107-66263-6 Paperback

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Cambridge University Press978-1-107-03020-6 - Repeated GamesJean-François Mertens, Sylvain Sorin and Shmuel ZamirFrontmatterMore information

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List of Figures page xiii

Foreword by Robert J. Aumann xv

Preface xxi

Acknowledgments xxiii

Presentation of the Content xxv

Part A: Background Material

I Basic Results on Normal Form Games 3I.1 The Minmax Theorem 4

I.1.a Definitions and Notations 4I.1.b A Basic Theorem 5I.1.c Convexity 6I.1.d Mixed Strategies 6I.1.e Note on the Separation Theorem 9

Exercises 10I.2 Complements to the Minmax Theorem 15

I.2.a The Topology on S 16I.2.b Lack of Continuity: Regularization 16I.2.c Lack of Compactness: Approximation 19I.2.d Measurability: Symmetric Case 20I.2.e Pure Optimal Strategies 23

Exercises 24I.3 The Minmax Theorem for Ordered Fields 31Exercises 32I.4 Equilibrium Points 45Exercises 45

vii© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press978-1-107-03020-6 - Repeated GamesJean-François Mertens, Sylvain Sorin and Shmuel ZamirFrontmatterMore information

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viii Contents

II Basic Results on Extensive Form Games 58II.1 The Extensive Form 58

II.1.a Definitions 58II.1.b The Finite Case 60II.1.c A Measurable Setup 62

Exercises 64II.2 Infinite Games 90

II.2.a Infinite Games with Perfect Information 90II.2.b Remarks: Infinite Games without Perfect

Information 95Exercises 96II.3 Correlated Equilibria and Extensions 101

II.3.a Correlated Equilibria 101II.3.b Multistage Games, Extensive Form Correlated

Equilibria 103II.3.c Communication Equilibria 105II.3.d Finite Games 108

Exercises 110II.4 Vector Payoffs 118Exercises 121

III The Belief Space 123III.1 The Universal Belief Space 123

III.1.a States of the World and Types 124III.1.b Belief Subspaces 135

III.2 Consistency and Common Knowledge 138III.3 An Approximation Theorem 151III.4 Games with Incomplete Information 153

III.4.a The Model 153III.4.b Two-Person Zero-Sum Case 154III.4.c “Approachability” in One-Shot Games 158III.4.d Concavification and Convexification 161

Exercises 166

IV General Model of Repeated Games 171IV.1 The Model 171

IV.1.a States, Signals, and Transitions 172IV.1.b Strategies and Payoffs 173IV.1.c Zero-Sum Case 174IV.1.d Non-Zero-Sum Case 176IV.1.e Stochastic Games and Games with Incomplete

Information 177Exercises 178© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press978-1-107-03020-6 - Repeated GamesJean-François Mertens, Sylvain Sorin and Shmuel ZamirFrontmatterMore information

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Contents ix

IV.2 Equivalent Representations 178IV.2.a Simple Transformations 178IV.2.b A Deterministic Framework 180IV.2.c A Combinatorial Form 182

IV.3 Recursive Structure 183IV.3.a A Canonical Representation 183IV.3.b The Recursive Formula 184

Exercises 187IV.4 Supergames 190

IV.4.a Standard Signaling 190IV.4.b Partial Monitoring 193

Exercises 201IV.5 Recursive Games 205Exercises 208

Part B: The Central Results

V Full Information on One Side 215V.1 General Properties 215V.2 Elementary Tools and the Full Monitoring Case 217

V.2.a Posterior Probabilities and Non-RevealingStrategies 218

V.2.b lim vn(p) and v∞(p) 222V.2.c Approachability Strategy 224

V.3 The General Case 225V.3.a lim vn(p) and v∞(p) 226V.3.b The Non-Revealing Game 227V.3.c Study of v∞(p) 230V.3.d Optimal Strategy for the Uninformed Player 233V.3.e Approachability 239V.3.f The Errors E+n in the Approachability Theorem 248V.3.g Implications of the Approachability Theorem 257V.3.h A Continuum of Types 259V.3.i Implications of the Approachability Theorem

(continued) 270V.4 The Role of the Normal Distribution 279

V.4.a The Heuristics of the Result 282V.4.b Proof of Theorem V.4.1 284V.4.c More General Results 291

V.5 The Speed of Convergence of vn 294V.5.a State-Independent Signaling 294V.5.b State-Dependent Signaling 296V.5.c Games with Error Term ≈ (ln n)/n 299© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press978-1-107-03020-6 - Repeated GamesJean-François Mertens, Sylvain Sorin and Shmuel ZamirFrontmatterMore information

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x Contents

Exercises 302V.6 Appendix 316

VI Incomplete Information on Two Sides 326VI.1 Introduction 326VI.2 General Preparations 326

VI.2.a Definitions and Notations 326VI.2.b Preliminary Results 328VI.2.c An Auxiliary Game 330VI.2.d The Probabilistic Structure 331

VI.3 The Infinite Game 339VI.3.a Minmax and Maxmin 339VI.3.b Approachability 345

VI.4 The Limit of vn(p) 357VI.5 The Functional Equations: Existence and Uniqueness 362VI.6 On the Speed of Convergence of vn 365VI.7 Examples 366Exercises 379

VII Stochastic Games 392VII.1 Discounted Case 392

VII.1.a Zero-Sum Case 393VII.1.b Non-Zero-Sum Case (Finite) 395VII.1.c Non-Zero-Sum Case (General) 396

VII.2 Asymptotic Analysis, Finite Case: The Algebraic Aspect 399VII.3 ε-Optimal Strategies in the Undiscounted Game 401

VII.3.a The Theorem 401VII.3.b Proof of the Theorem under H (L, λ,A, δ) 402VII.3.c End of the Proof 404VII.3.d Particular Cases (Finite Games, Two-Person

Zero-Sum) 407VII.4 The Two-Person Non-Zero-Sum Undiscounted Case 410

VII.4.a An Example 410VII.4.b Games with Absorbing States 413

Exercises 416VII.5 Reminder about Dynamic Programming 424Exercises 425

Part C: Further Developments

VIII Extensions and Further Results 431VIII.1 Incomplete Information: The Symmetric Case 431VIII.2 Games with No Signals 433

VIII.2.a Presentation 433© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press978-1-107-03020-6 - Repeated GamesJean-François Mertens, Sylvain Sorin and Shmuel ZamirFrontmatterMore information

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Contents xi

VIII.2.b An Auxiliary Game 434VIII.2.c Minmax and Maxmin 436VIII.2.d lim vn and lim vλ 443

VIII.3 A Game with State-Dependent Signaling Matrices 446VIII.3.a Introduction and Notation 446VIII.3.b Minmax 447VIII.3.c Maxmin 452

VIII.4 Stochastic Games with Incomplete Information 457VIII.4.a A First Class 458VIII.4.b A Second Class 464VIII.4.c Minmax: Two More Examples 469

Exercises 474

IX Non-Zero-Sum Games with Incomplete Information 481IX.1 Equilibria in �∞ 481

IX.1.a Existence 481IX.1.b Characterization (Hart, 1985) 484

IX.2 Bi-Convexity and Bi-Martingales 492IX.3 Correlated Equilibrium and Communication

Equilibrium 495IX.3.a Communication Equilibrium 496IX.3.b “Noisy Channels”; Characterization of Dr

(0 < r <∞) 504Exercises 507

Appendix A: Reminder about Analytic Sets 511A.1 Notation 511A.2 Souslin Schemes 511A.3 K-Analytic and K-Lusin Spaces 512A.4 Capacities 513A.5 Polish, Analytic, and Lusin Spaces 515A.6 Blackwell Spaces and Standard Borel Spaces 517A.7 Spaces of Subsets 518A.8 Some Harder Results 519A.9 Complements to Measure Theory 520A.10 ∗-Radon Spaces 522

Appendix B: Historical Notes 526Chapter I 526Chapter II 527Chapter III 528Chapter IV 529Chapter V 529Chapter VI 530© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press978-1-107-03020-6 - Repeated GamesJean-François Mertens, Sylvain Sorin and Shmuel ZamirFrontmatterMore information

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xii Contents

Chapter VII 530Chapter VIII 531Chapter IX 531

Appendix C: Bibliography 533

Appendix D: Updates 548D.1 Complements and Advances 548D.2 Complementary Bibliography 552

Author Index 561

Subject Index 564© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press978-1-107-03020-6 - Repeated GamesJean-François Mertens, Sylvain Sorin and Shmuel ZamirFrontmatterMore information

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List of Figures

II.1 A non-linear game 65II.2 The need for separating σ -fields 74II.3 Convexity of the correlated equilibria distributions 102II.4 Extensive form correlated equilibria are not correlated

equilibria 111II.5 Necessity of the timing structure 112II.6 Stage 1 of the multistage game 113II.7 The complete multistage game 114II.8 The protocol 115V.1 An inequality 318V.2 A tangent to the error curve 318

VI.1 An implication of convexity 368VI.2 u(x, y) of Example VI.7.3 371VI.3 v = Cavx Vexy u for Example VI.7.3 372VI.4 v = Vexy Cavx u for Example VI.7.3 373VI.5 v( 1

2 , y) for Example VI.7.3 374VI.6 v(x0, y), with 1

4 < x0 <12 374

VI.7 v = lim vn for Example VI.7.3 375VI.8 u(x, y) of Example VI.7.4 376VI.9 v = CavxVexy u of Example VI.7.4 377

VI.10 v = VexyCavx u of Example VI.7.4 377VI.11 v = lim vn for Example VI.7.4 378VI.12 u(x, y) in VI.7, Ex. 5 380VI.13 Vexy Cavx u in VI.7, Ex. 5 380VI.14 v∞ = Cavx Vexy u in VI.7, Ex. 5 381VI.15 The equations of Figure VI.14 381VI.16 u(x, y0) and v(x, y0), 0 < y0 <

12 , for the example in

VI.7, Ex. 5 382VI.17 v = lim vn for the example in VI.7, Ex. 5 383

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Cambridge University Press978-1-107-03020-6 - Repeated GamesJean-François Mertens, Sylvain Sorin and Shmuel ZamirFrontmatterMore information

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xiv List of Figures

VI.18 The functions CavI u and VexII CavI u in Ex. 8c 385VI.19 The functions VexII u and CavI VexII u in Ex. 8c 386VI.20 The functions u and v = limn→∞ vn in Ex. 8c 386

IX.1 An unbounded conversation protocol 493B.1 Perfect recall game that is not multistage 527© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press978-1-107-03020-6 - Repeated GamesJean-François Mertens, Sylvain Sorin and Shmuel ZamirFrontmatterMore information

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Robert J. Aumann

John von Neumann reportedly said that pure and applied mathematics have asymbiotic relationship: not only does applied math draw heavily on the toolsdeveloped on the pure side, but, correspondingly, pure math cannot exist in therarefied atmosphere of abstract thought alone; if it is not somehow rooted inthe real world, it will wither and die.

The work before us – which certainly qualifies as beautiful, subtle, puremathematics – is a case in point. It originated half a century ago, at the heightof the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, indeed asa direct result of that conflict. The US and SU were trying to keep the ColdWar from getting hot; to minimize the damage if it did; and to cut down theenormous expenses that the nuclear arms race entailed. To that end, they metrepeatedly in Geneva to negotiate mutual reductions in their nuclear arsenals.Regarding these arsenals, both sides were in the dark. Neither knew how manyweapons the other had; and clearly, it was the number retained, rather thandestroyed, that mattered. In Princeton, Oskar Morgenstern and Harold Kuhnhad just founded the mathematics consulting firm “Mathematica.” The UnitedStates Arms Control and Disarmament Agency (ACDA) was responsible forconducting the Geneva negotiations for the US; it turned to Mathematica to seewhether the Theory of Games – created two decades earlier by John von Neu-mann and Oskar Morgenstern (the same as the Mathematica principal) – couldhelp in addressing the strategic issues raised by these negotiations. Mathematicaresponded by assembling a team of theorists that included Gerard Debreu, JohnHarsanyi, Harold Kuhn, Mike Maschler, Jim Mayberry, Herb Scarf, ReinhardSelten, Martin Shubik, Dick Stearns, and the writer of these lines. Mike andI took charge of the informational aspect (Dick joined us later): whether oneside could glean any information about the size of the other’s nuclear arsenalfrom its tactics in previous negotiation rounds. To get a handle on this problem,we started by looking at the simplest possible analogues: very simple-lookingtwo-person zero-sum repeated games, in which one player knows the payoffmatrix while the other does not, and each observes the action of the other ateach stage of the repetition. In such games, can the uninformed player gleanany information about the payoff matrix from the informed player’s actions at

xv© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press978-1-107-03020-6 - Repeated GamesJean-François Mertens, Sylvain Sorin and Shmuel ZamirFrontmatterMore information

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xvi Foreword

previous stages? Answering this question, even for the simplest 2× 2 games,turned out to be surprisingly difficult – and challenging, fun! I vividly remem-ber feeling that we were not working on a contrived, artificial problem, butwere exploring the mysteries of the real world, like an astronomer or biologist.Thus was born the theory of repeated games of incomplete information.

What developed from that early work certainly cannot be considered appliedmath. To be sure, some insights may have been useful; for example, that in thecontext of a long series of repetitions, one cannot make use of informationwithout implicitly revealing it. As a very practical corollary, we told the ACDAthat it might be advisable to withhold some information from the ACDA’s ownnegotiators. But the lion’s share of the theory did not become directly useful,neither at that time nor subsequently. It really is pure mathematics: thoughinspired by experience – by the real world – it is of no direct use, at least todate.

The theory born in the mid to late sixties under the Mathematica-ACDAproject started to grow and develop soon thereafter. For many years, I was afrequent visitor at CORE – the Center for Operations Research and Econo-metrics – founded in the late sixties by Jacques Dreze as a unit of the ancientuniversity of Leuven-Louvain in Belgium. Probably my first visit was in 1968or ’69, at which time I met the brilliant, flamboyant young mathematicianJean-Francois Mertens (a little reminiscent of John Nash at MIT in the earlyfifties). One Friday afternoon, Jean-Francois took me in his Alfa-Romeo fromLeuven to Brussels, driving at 215 km/hour, never slowing down, never sound-ing the horn, just blinking his lights – and indeed, the cars in front of himmoved out of his way with alacrity. I told him about the formula, in terms ofthe concavification operator, for the value of an infinitely repeated two-personzero-sum game with one-sided incomplete information – which is the same asthe limit of values of the n-times repeated games. He caught on immediately;the whole conversation, including the proof, took something like five or tenminutes. Those conversations – especially the vast array of fascinating, chal-lenging open problems – hooked him; it was like taking a mountain climber toa peak in the foothills of a great mountain range, from where he could see allthe beautiful unclimbed peaks. The area became a lifelong obsession with him;he reached the most challenging peaks.

At about the same time, Shmuel Zamir, a physics student at the HebrewUniversity, asked to do a math doctorate with me. Though a little skeptical, I wasimpressed by the young man, and decided to give it a try. I have never regrettedthat decision; Shmuel became a pillar of modern game theory, responsible forsome of the most important results, not to speak of the tasks he has undertakenfor the community. One problem treated in his thesis is estimating the error termin the above-mentioned limit of values; his seminal work in that area remainsremarkable to this day. When Maschler and I published our Mathematica-ACDA reports in the early nineties, we included postscripts with notes onsubsequent developments. The day that our typist came to the description ofZamir’s work, a Jerusalem bus was bombed by a terrorist, resulting in many© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press978-1-107-03020-6 - Repeated GamesJean-François Mertens, Sylvain Sorin and Shmuel ZamirFrontmatterMore information

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Foreword xvii

dead and wounded civilians. By a slip of the pen – no doubt Freudian – shetyped “terror term” instead of “error term.” Mike did not catch the slip, butI did, and to put the work in its historical context, purposely refrained fromcorrecting it; it remains in the book to this day.

After finishing his doctorate, Shmuel – like many of my students – dida postdoctoral stint at CORE. While there, he naturally met up with Jean-Francois, and an immensely fruitful lifelong collaboration ensued. Togetherthey attacked and solved many of the central unsolved problems of RepeatedGame theory.

One of their beautiful results concerns the limit of values of n-times repeatedtwo-person zero-sum games with incomplete information on both sides – likethe original repeated Geneva negotiations, where neither the US nor the SUknew how many nuclear weapons the other side held. In the Mathematica-ACDA work, Maschler, Stearns, and I had shown that the infinite repetition ofsuch games need not have a value: the minmax may be strictly greater than themaxmin. Very roughly, that is because, as mentioned above, using informationinvolves revealing it. The minmax is attained when the maximizing playeruses his information, thereby revealing it; but the minimizing player refrainsfrom using her information until she has learned the maximizing player’sinformation, and so can use it, in addition to her own. The maxmin is attainedin the opposite situation, when he waits for her. In the infinitely repeated game,no initial segment affects the payoff, so each side waits for the other to use itsinformation; the upshot is that there is no value – no way of playing a “long”repetition optimally, if you don’t know how long it is.

But in the n-times repeated game, you can’t afford waiting to use yourinformation; the repetition will eventually end, rendering your informationuseless. Each side must use its information gradually, right from the start,thereby gradually revealing it; simultaneously, each side gradually learns theinformation revealed by the other, and so can – and does – use it. So it isnatural to ask whether the values converge – whether one can speak of thevalue of a “long” repetition, without saying how long. Mike, Dick, and I didnot succeed in answering this question. Mertens and Zamir did: they showedthat the values indeed converge. Thus one can speak of the value of a “long”repetition without saying how long, even though one cannot speak of optimalplay in such a setting. This result was published in the first issue – Vol. 1, No.1 – of the International Journal of Game Theory, of which Zamir is now, overforty years later, the editor.

The Mertens–Zamir team made many other seminal contributions. Perhapsbest known is their construction of the complete type space. This is not di-rectly related to repeated games, but rather to all incomplete information situa-tions – it fully justifies John Harsanyi’s ingenious concept of “type” to representmulti-agent incomplete information.

I vividly remember my first meeting with Sylvain Sorin. It was after givinga seminar on repeated games (of complete information, to the best of my recall)in Paris, sometime in the late seventies, perhaps around 1978 or ’79. There is a© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press978-1-107-03020-6 - Repeated GamesJean-François Mertens, Sylvain Sorin and Shmuel ZamirFrontmatterMore information

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xviii Foreword

picture in my head of standing in front of a grand Paris building, built in theclassical style with a row of Greek columns in front, and discussing repeatedgames with a lanky young French mathematician who actually understoodeverything I was saying – and more. I don’t remember the contents of theconversation; but the picture is there, in my mind, vividly.

There followed years and decades of close cooperation between Sylvain,Jean-Francois, Shmuel, and other top Israeli mathematical game theorists. Syl-vain and Jean-Francois came to Israel frequently, and the Israelis went to Franceand Belgium frequently. One winter, Sylvain and his family even joined meand my family for a few days of skiing in the Trois Vallees. During those years,Sylvain succeeded in attracting an amazing group of students, which becametoday’s magnificent French school of mathematical game theory. One summer,he came to the annual game theory festival at Stony Brook University withtwelve doctoral students; “Sylvain and his apostles” were the talk of the town.

Of the book’s three authors, only Sylvain actually conducted joint researchwith the writer of these lines. We conjectured a result during the conferenceon repeated games organized by Abraham Neyman at the Israel Academy ofSciences in the spring of 1985; concentrated work on it started at the 1985–6emphasis year in Math Econ and Computation organized by Gerard Debreu atthe Mathematical Sciences Research Institute in Berkeley, in which we bothparticipated; it continued by correspondence after we each returned to our homebases; finally, we succeeded in proving the conjecture, and in 1989 published itas the first paper in Vol.1, No.1, of the journal Games and Economic Behavior.The result concerns endogenous emergence of cooperation in a repeated game,and perhaps that is a good place to wrap up this preface. The book before ushas been in the making, in one sense or another, for close to half a century; soits production may well be viewed as a repeated – or dynamic – game. And,both the production of the book itself, and the work described therein, havebeen highly cooperative ventures, spanning decades and continents.

The above has been a highly personal account of my involvement with thepeople and the work that made this extraordinary book happen. I have not donejustice to the book itself. Perhaps the best way to do so is to quote from thereports of the anonymous readers who were asked by the publisher to reporton the book. These reports are uniformly excellent and highly enthusiastic – Iwish my work got reports like that. We here content ourselves with the openingparagraph of just one of those reports; the enthusiastic tone is typical:

The results and proofs in this text are the foundations on which modernrepeated-game theory is built. These are results that apply to zero-sum games,stochastic games, repeated games of incomplete information, spaces of beliefs,stochastic processes and many many other topics. It is impossible to findthese results together in one place except in this volume. Existing texts andmonographs cover some of them, but none covers anything like all of thesetopics. However, it is not the coverage of foundational material that makesthis text one of a kind; it is the generality and the breadth of vision that is itsmost special feature. In virtually every section and result the authors strive© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press978-1-107-03020-6 - Repeated GamesJean-François Mertens, Sylvain Sorin and Shmuel ZamirFrontmatterMore information

Page 19: Repeated Games - Cambridge University, Mertens is the author of seminal papers on equilibrium selection in games, formulation

Foreword xix

to establish the most powerful and most general statement. The intellectualeffort required to produce this work is huge. It was an enormous undertakingto have brought these results together in this one place. This makes the workas a whole sound leaden and dull; however, it is anything but that. It isfilled with an intellectual joie de vivre that delights in the subject. This isepitomized by the astonishing links between disparate topics that are casuallyscattered throughout its pages – the Minmax Theorem used to prove thePeron–Frobenius Theorem; the Normal distribution arising in repeated gameswith incomplete information; the use of medial limits as a way of describingpayoffs. . . .

It should be added that the book provides encyclopedic coverage of the areaof repeated games – with and without complete information – as well as ofstochastic and other dynamic games. The main emphasis is on developmentsduring the classical period – the second half of the twentieth century – duringwhich the theory took shape. Later developments – right up to the present – arealso thoroughly covered, albeit more briefly.

In short, the work before us is an extraordinary intellectual tour de force; Icongratulate and salute the authors, and wish the reader much joy and inspira-tion from studying it.

Jerusalem, January 2014© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press978-1-107-03020-6 - Repeated GamesJean-François Mertens, Sylvain Sorin and Shmuel ZamirFrontmatterMore information

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Cambridge University Press978-1-107-03020-6 - Repeated GamesJean-François Mertens, Sylvain Sorin and Shmuel ZamirFrontmatterMore information

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This book presents essentially the content of the CORE discussion papers (DP)9420, 9421, and 9422 published as “Repeated Games,” Parts A, B, and C in1994. It may be appropriate to recall first the preface to those discussion papers:

These notes represent work in progress, and far from its final form. An earlierversion was circulated previously, and has been cited in various places. Inview of this, we felt that the time had come to make it more widely available,in the form of discussion papers. We hope eventually to publish it in a morepolished format. Remarks and suggestions are most welcome.

Louvain-la-Neuve, June 1993

Unfortunately, the more polished published form was not realized, and theCORE discussion papers were out of print at some point. The objective of thisbook is to make this material accessible. Although several subsequent versionsof this work have been available and were circulated, the material presented hereis basically identical to that in the discussion papers with no intention to add newand recent material. We do, however, provide a more detailed presentation ofthe content, and in Appendix D we briefly introduce further developments afterthe DP version, along with the corresponding complementary bibliography.

Very sadly, this book is being published when Jean-Francois Mertens isno longer with us. He passed away on July 17, 2012. We obviously dedicatethe book to him as a modest expression of our appreciation of his invaluablecontributions to this project and to the underlying research in repeated gamesof incomplete information that led us to this book.

Sylvain SorinShmuel Zamir

February 26, 2014

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Cambridge University Press978-1-107-03020-6 - Repeated GamesJean-François Mertens, Sylvain Sorin and Shmuel ZamirFrontmatterMore information

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Cambridge University Press978-1-107-03020-6 - Repeated GamesJean-François Mertens, Sylvain Sorin and Shmuel ZamirFrontmatterMore information

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Our first acknowledgments are due to R. J. Aumann and the late M. Maschler,who, besides being among the founders of this research field of repeated gameswith incomplete information, were those who suggested this project to ShmuelZamir and Jean-Francois Mertens more than thirty years ago . . . and from thenon they persistently encouraged and even “pushed” the authors to terminateand publish it. As a matter of fact, it was Aumann’s suggestion to publishit temporarily as a CORE discussion paper. Here we are happy to quote thefollowing acknowledgment from the CORE discussion papers version:

Support of core, and of numerous other institutions over the years, is grate-fully acknowledged. So is Fabienne Henry’s invaluable help in typing draftafter draft.

We thank G. Mailath for suggesting this publication with Cambridge and forbeing patient enough to get the agreement and cooperation of the three of us.We are very grateful to B. von Stengel for helping us with some of the figuresand to Ilan Nehama for his great help in dealing with the LaTeX software.

Finally, we are grateful to Mike Borns for proofreading the manuscript.Sylvain Sorin

Shmuel ZamirFebruary 26, 2014

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Cambridge University Press978-1-107-03020-6 - Repeated GamesJean-François Mertens, Sylvain Sorin and Shmuel ZamirFrontmatterMore information

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Cambridge University Press978-1-107-03020-6 - Repeated GamesJean-François Mertens, Sylvain Sorin and Shmuel ZamirFrontmatterMore information

Page 25: Repeated Games - Cambridge University, Mertens is the author of seminal papers on equilibrium selection in games, formulation

Presentation of the Content

Part A collects basic results that will be used in the book.In view of the large variety of games that are introduced and studied, it is

necessary to present a general setup that will cover all cases (in the normal andextensive forms).

Chapter I deals with normal form games.The first three sections (I.1, I.2, I.3) offer a comprehensive treatment of

the minmax theorem. We start with an analysis of the case of pure strategies,basically Sion’s theorem (Theorem I.1.1 in this volume) and some variants. Wefurther treat the case of mixed strategies (Proposition I.1.9). The basic tool isthe separation theorem, which is briefly studied. Then we present extensionscorresponding to topological regularization (continuity, compactness), measur-ability requirements leading to the general “mixed form” (Theorem I.2.4), andpurification of mixed strategies (Proposition I.2.7). Next we study the case ofordered fields (Theorem I.3.6), and the elementary finite approach is presentedin I.3 Ex.1

The next section (I.4) is devoted to Nash equilibria (Theorem I.4.1), andseveral properties (manifold of equilibria, being semi-algebraic, fictitious play,etc.) are studied in I.4 Ex.

Chapter II defines extensive form games and treats successively the follow-ing topics:

Section II.1: The description of the extensive form, including the definitionof pure, mixed, and behavioral strategies, linear games, and perfect recall (seealso II.1 Ex.); Dalkey, Isbell, and Zermelo’s theorems; and the measurableversion of Kuhn’s theorem (Theorem II.1.6).

Section II.2: The case of infinite games, first with perfect information,including Gale and Stewart’s analysis and Martin’s theorem (II.2.3) and thenBlackwell’s games (imperfect information) (Proposition II.2.8).

1 “Ex.” is short for exercise. Thus, “1.3 Ex.” means the exercises in Chapter I, Section 3.See the paragraph on enumeration at the end of this Presentation (p. xxviii) for a moredetailed explanation of the book’s numbering system.

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Cambridge University Press978-1-107-03020-6 - Repeated GamesJean-François Mertens, Sylvain Sorin and Shmuel ZamirFrontmatterMore information

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xxvi Presentation of the Content

Section II.3: The notion of correlated equilibria, its properties (Aumann’stheorem [Theorem II.3.2]), and several extensions: first, extensive form corre-lated equilibria, then communication equilibria (general formulation and prop-erties; specific representation for finite games).

Section II.4: Games with vector payoffs and Blackwell’s theorem (Theo-rem II.4.1).

The purpose of Chapter III is to study the interaction at the informationallevel, namely, the belief space.

We present a construction of the universal belief space (III.1) leading to The-orem III.1.1 (an alternative construction is in III.1 Ex. 2); its main properties(III.2 and III.3) such as belief subspaces, consistency, and relation with an in-formation scheme (Theorem III.2.4) and the approximation (Theorem III.3.1).

In Section III.4 we describe the general model of games with incompleteinformation. First, we recover Harsanyi’s model (Theorem III.4.1); then weprove, in the framework of two-person zero-sum games, regularity propertiesof the value. Proposition III.4.4 will be crucial for the recursive structure andthe comparison of information (Proposition III.4.5). Further properties of ex-tended approachability and convexity/concavity with respect to the informationstructure are then developed in Sections III.4.c and d.

Chapter IV is a presentation of the general class of repeated games.After an exposition of the model (IV.1) including the (strong) notions of

maxmin, minmax, and uniform equilibrium, we describe alternative represen-tations (IV.2).

We then present the underlying recursive structure (IV.3) for the two-personzero-sum case leading to the basic Theorem IV.3.2.

The next section (IV.4) is devoted to supergames, that is, repeated games withcomplete information. We study Nash equilibria in the standard signaling case:uniform, discounted, and finite frameworks leading to Theorems IV.4.1, IV.4.2,and IV.4.4, respectively (perfect equilibria are treated in IV.4 Ex); then we giveproperties of uniform equilibrium payoffs for games with partial monitoring;and finally we study correlated and communication equilibrium payoffs.

Section IV.5 studies recursive games.

Part B treats the central results of the book: games with incomplete infor-mation (V and VI) and stochastic games (VII).

Chapter V deals with “repeated games with lack of information on oneside.” This corresponds to a two-person zero-sum repeated game where oneof the players (Player 1) is fully informed and the other (Player 2) has noinformation.

Section V.1 proves concavity properties and the famous splitting procedure(Proposition V.1.2).

Section V.2 is devoted to the full monitoring case. We introduce the no-tion of posterior probabilities generated by the strategies and the boundson the L2 and L1 variations of this martingale. Then we establish the basiclemma (V.2.3) relating the distance to the set of non-revealing strategies to the© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press978-1-107-03020-6 - Repeated GamesJean-François Mertens, Sylvain Sorin and Shmuel ZamirFrontmatterMore information

Page 27: Repeated Games - Cambridge University, Mertens is the author of seminal papers on equilibrium selection in games, formulation

Presentation of the Content xxvii

variation of the posteriors. The fundamental result is the Cav uTheorem V.2.10.Finally the approachability strategy of the noninformed player is described inSection V.2.c.

Section V.3 covers the general case of a signaling structure. We first describethe non-revealing game, then the extension of the Cav u Theorem V.3.3 and ofthe construction of an optimal strategy for player 2 in Section V.3.d. SectionsV.3.e–3.i expose a general procedure for approachability in function spaces tobe applied to the case of a continuum of types of Player 1.

Section V.4 develops the links between the recursive formula for the value,the maximal variation of the martingale, and the appearance of the normal law(Theorem V.4.1 and Theorem V.4.3).

Section V.5 studies the speed of convergence of vn to its limit, first for thestate-independent signaling case, then for state-dependent signaling.

Chapter VI covers “repeated games with lack of information on both sides.”This corresponds to two-person zero-sum games where each player has someprivate information.

Section VI.2 presents the new CavI and VexII operators and the extensionsof the tools of Section V.2.

Section VI.3 studies the uniform approach and determines the maxmin andminmax of the infinite undiscounted game (Theorem VI.3.1).

Section VI.4 is concerned with the limit of the value vn of the n-stagerepeated game leading to theMZ system (Proposition VI.4.10).

Section VI.5 deals with further properties of theMZ equations.Section VI.6 is devoted to the analysis of the speed of convergence of vn to

its limit, and Section VI.7 studies several examples in detail.

Chapter VII presents a general analysis of stochastic games.Section VII.1 offers an analysis of the discounted case: first for zero-sum

games (Propositions VII.1.4 and VII.1.5), then for (subgame perfect) equilibriain the n-person case, and for stationary strategies in the finite case (PropositionVII.1.7 and Theorem VII.1.8).

The algebraic approach is studied in Section VII.2.Section VII.3 covers the main result dealing with the uniform approach

(Theorem VII.3.1).Section VII.4 considers two-person non-zero-sum absorbing games: we

compare the different approaches in an example and prove the existence ofequilibria (Theorem VII.4.6).

After Section VII.5, which is devoted to exercises (Shapley operator, lim vn,correlated equilibria, lim sup payoffs, etc.), Section VII.6 offers a reminderabout dynamic programming.

The last Part C presents further developments.

Chapter VIII is devoted to extensions and further results in a zero-sumframework.

Section VIII.1 deals with the case where the players have the same infor-mation and describes the reduction to absorbing games.© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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xxviii Presentation of the Content

Section VIII.2 studies games with no signals. The analysis for the minmaxand the maxmin is done through the construction of an auxiliary game in normalform that mimics the infinite game. The proof for lim vn uses a sequence ofgames played by blocks.

Section VIII.3 introduces a game with lack of information on both sideswith state-dependent signaling matrices. The analysis is conducted with thehelp of a family of auxiliary stochastic games and shows the link between thetwo fields of incomplete information and stochastic games.

Section VIII.4 is explicitly devoted to stochastic games with incompleteinformation and introduces new tools for the study of the minmax, maxmin,and lim vn.

Chapter IX is concerned with two-person non-zero-sum games with incom-plete information on one side.

Section IX.1 gives an existence proof of uniform equilibrium in the caseof two states of nature (Theorem IX.1.3), and a characterization of thisset via “bi-martingales” (Theorem IX.1.4), which are explicitly studied inSection IX.2.

Section IX.3 introduces several communication devices and characterizescommunication and “noisy channel” equilibrium payoffs.

Finally, Appendix A deals with analytic sets and Appendix B with historicalnotes.

EnumerationTheorems, propositions, lemmas, corollaries, definitions, remarks, and exam-ples are enumerated so that they can be easily referred to. The first part of thenumber is the chapter and section. Within each chapter two counters start from1, 2, . . . , where theorems, propositions, lemmas, and corollaries use the samecounter (thus for example, Proposition I.1.5 in Chapter I, Section 1, is followedby Theorem I.1.6). Similarly the second counter is for definitions, remarks,and examples (thus, for example, Remark III.2.9 in Chapter III, Section 2, isfollowed by Definition III.2.10).

Exercise enumeration is just 1, 2, . . . in each section. The reference to exer-cises is by indication of the chapter, section, and exercise number and part. Forexample: II.1, Ex. 9b is part b of Exercise 9 in Section 1 of Chapter II.

Figures are enumerated by chapter and counter (with no indication ofsection), e.g., Figure II.4.

ThanksThe material in Chapters V and VI is largely due to Robert J. Aumann, M.Maschler, and R. Stearns. Shapley’s work is basic for Chapter VII.

We also rely heavily on the works of F. Forges in II.3.c and IX.3, E. Lehrerin IV.4.b, and S. Hart in IX.1.b and IX.2.

Further acknowledgments can be found in the historical notes.© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press978-1-107-03020-6 - Repeated GamesJean-François Mertens, Sylvain Sorin and Shmuel ZamirFrontmatterMore information