


NO. 023


NO. 025




BOX 0001


III pezrII


,.se 011

la.,. tJ1Gh1 IkasamiAGlh 'lw.'.B....A (lapa.... o~taUoa).RESIIlED.. 01t7 of. KeJ1!8J!!Oto,.'to Preteotuft.~,"J''ro'S~ Mial'T1e4RELA'I'IV.ES so Wife .. '1DtaIlt: .::r.w1401184 mother.EDtJCATION~ ara4ua. of Jfi . Solloo1.Voc.A'l'ION.. !JD,plo_ .oft f<iI'm •••4111 41stritmti011 ot DI8l'1ne

tOO4 Jroclueta.MIU'XA1W SRVIClh ID4ue.4 23 March 1.9411.. later 00D:lDl1••1cme4&

h1pst lWlk.. lat UeuteDallt..

s», 1... III x.oemMr.' *' all4 :amtary No1l.L944 UIl1awtul17 m1atnat•. torture GuUt,~ kU1 El"'n boa. an A1Ued bwtan7 beatiq h1Ja., aDd oaua-ins JUm to be lleateD. u4 hI doll'rin-1111 h1m 111 ~1Ie~ I'llthwtl,auftio1ent too4. __.' C&" c10tbiaator an 1UIl"e«801lable .PP'1" of time..",0 w1t ••bou.~ l.5 December 1943 to1,5 3'euary 1944., tb.eftby oaua1qhi. death.

;$».2.. III Octo_ or~.. 1943... Notwilltul1:.7 aZId \Ullntt.lll, m1atreat' ,Gu11.I\yalld ~~ Albert V Art Mea....and oiber Allle4 ]ill. b1 l¥ aDdbru~ 1:Ieatillg 'them with a club.

Char-au Be__ 1.5 October 1.943 and Not1.5 Apro. 1944 Md UDlawtu117 cammlt GuU~y

crLle1. _41 brutal avoo1t .... 81nd otberottell8e• ..,an AlUed Na, UIllaw-1'ull¥ su&reBlU'4 and tau..., d:1achar.hi. du,*y .. CO. _trGtl and ..Vainmember. of h1a OOJWlndti orderilla orl1IrA1tUDa cc:amsulO1l of oruel. ulbrutal ati"C101tiu aDd. otber otftnaeaaQllll1nat A1J.U4 .... aUi. in riolaU01lof' the I.e.. aIlcl Cuatome of Wc.

Yoke_.,. :a~.5 Septuber 194'Cut .23


8tJin At .. SMU1. A4"._

•..••tachet reCOl"ll ot trial of tTlch1 Ikeaami at yak.... :apm.bt_ 2 _,.19lf.' to 4. May 1946.. 'b7. a MiU_,. Coml••lon a.plJQ1Dted bJ parta.sre.. ,l,.. S,peoial ar6ln No. 112.. thU beaclQ,lW"tera.. 30 A»rUi 1946....M_,,' b1~pA 9.. SllIoial O1:cltIra No.. 113,- thi. heaqpartera. 1.,1946.~ ... r.teftte4 to ...Staff :u. A4•••• 'lhU l'leYUw ""of 1.aubmitted." the COmNMSaa GeMftl..

, .d


- Aa -

Mf1an:t !hamp.a olIJu, thAt on 115 Deollllher 1943 ACcu,ed 01"tl.ered thegu.ari.a \. awl 1!llpr1.a l1.b.., Inex WM ha4 cut up nn 1I81.\ed. b\.BDk8t tomake him.elf' lOll. lOok,. 't'h., t~, &U8rdl thereupon beat 'Know. for t'l;ro hO'.l1"B,

until he bled profu••l;,. and plaoed him b a 11I811 tIOl1tnry oonf'tumllent 0011,ThollplOA al.. Iq. \b__ fro. 16 h 20 Daoembet" hlJ he~r<llnQx·fJ.J!('lror~s OOIll\JI4t

from th(l Hooka!••JtiSh .,,-enin,; .dtel" aCCu8Sd. .and. 'bEl Iu.~rd.s nnterod t t (P. 11<.a). OQnCeraln.g the '!!lid botdQnt, :t:f'fhn' .tate8 thllt' Qady in Jan~

In cpport et Us CnSG the pnaecuthA 1ntro4uaed in evidenoe twnntTl'IWora 8t.ate=enh ~t meD. who W b.en pri80ners ~f Wl\r 1n l\ Cl"mp OVI!1' whiohaccused wn. camp Coo_ar durlDi pllri ill their coAt'inement. All atfiant.explained ibai thq we,.. olYllhn. working on Wako hlnnd at ~he time ofits oll.pturl't on 33 Dee_ber 1941, the)' were cQnfh.etltheto severa! month.,th.n taken io Japan am 1nhrned 1. PW C311lp #18 at Suebo which W98 ulldernavy Jurisdiction. The,r had tasutt1eient to04, clothing, and tacili'S.••,and vere bea'eD~ !.be a~ aeeumed Jurlsdlc\lon .t this camp somemonths h~er aIld arou:n4 13 October 1943 the Ilcouaed beo9me CtlIllp commander(P. Ex. 4). trnder • is' oommAnd tb. same cond.lUta. prevdled in general )p!Ix. 17).

Jp 31 r:r._ 15 °0 ,,_1' 1943 ,. lS.A:prll19..... ., 4i..... '1"••, will f1ll17 aD4llJ\ldtllllT aWM; aldrea', aad h ..tur.~•• .AlUH N. by DI'a1al17 "ancl,rrere1¥ ah1klq thM wUh cla.b., ,tick.and other lnstra.e.t ••

epec1tleellr, the ~fflnn'~ ~om~1~1n thAt the acau~ed erdere4 mao. puallb­ment ", bes.Ungl to...tfe.••• oel!t1ll1tted 1'1' ide.tU'ied. lmUvitlual prl80ae1"8(p~ Bx. 3, It! 12, IS, 16, 17. 18. 19. cnd 21). In th~.e ~ccu~ed took aD acti.ep~' him.elf \P. lb:. '12,17,19. nnd 20). Ono 27 ~~mber 194'3 'one of the 1)1't­

loners, Gecrge Dill.u, hna, a f1t;ht wUh his Japanellia :tc-rean ~d hit the lAttervith 9, .hovel, aner1D& an enr. For this nll PlY, WAre l1netl up And b91'lt,GJl

with pick haadlea, esl11b., t1M be,eb~l bnh f()r about an hl)1llr (P. Ex. 3, 15, eH21). lA oatoll" 1943 Moauae another pri.aoner, C11r1. Jfo,'!"t9, I'I.llTle a (H.garette­l1ght~r contrary .. 1!'efPll.t1oBa against fire hf!£A.l"dB, MC\lsod ordered theparct. ,. Hfl.t all .fifa, « eaoh mea tn blows. The guard. oarried Butthis order _, 1f It prhone1" hlte:roed, he. W/aS given !'fti'U mo7!/! l'Jl(l\1Sl, the "f\tf1ant hi.lll.elf havlag reeeived e.b~ut eitr,hteen (p. Jlb:. 16) • t"oeord.:til.g to on.affidavit,, .'ioke, bate, en~ piok b~ndles were ~llo uaed on thiB ccen-don (.p. Jb:. 18). ta hh un beQting. aeoue9d pereon,"llly ra.eeit!lte4 rind be'\.taf'fidt Va.8. and ilead., 1\ fellow prisoner. 00 gevfl)rely thAt the forme%' W~ll

no' able to atand t.r 1or'Y' minutes and. tho l,qttoi cou1l'i not won ~ha nextd~ (p. 1%. 19). ~

Sp 41 h •• 15 00........ 1943 ,. 15 .111944. vUltul11 aM ulawful17 418re­£111"4 ~D4 taU_. U ..harae hh 411'1 aa00 to nd!"8u ad oon'nl --cv- ofhis ce.__ .ri.ri»c er 'P8nUtlnc'hem to c...1t _tnoitt•• aca~••GAllied W, 1.v ualavt1l1~ _bud-ng, JIll..trestlns *D4"~ur~~,.u. ,4111e4py, b1 bn\a11¥ and,. stdktDathem vith o1ub_, sUcke, au4 o,th.r In-.trument.. '


M was COlU'hR&' :la " oell AdJotllia« that la vh1.o11 be. b.A4 bee. plAO.... Aa~hG'e we1"e S"psce. beween h. be'aKs 111 the v~ll, h. 001114 lee aM talk vUhlux le eo.. atent. lux hl'd e' cle\hi~ 0111,. 'ft"'81" .. • t tl ••t81'1&1like ,;\'U\I1T aaelr •• t!. tthirt. ~M. lhft '.op lk'rtbll of <!\D .n••lick. I'!lboelat.n Vft' ..1d. aM 'here 'ft. not It....t t. the.. celll; \he prl....J" reotlTN tvtltlnake'. 4ur1a« 'he ll11!l!lt eJl17. roed aoaad.ted et tlft sAlted rice 'belle (alsout.1 laJ'p Ill,....balle) sn4 A. 11Ule lfl'\ter ."ch d~. Ino. eompl1\1ne4 he Y~l',tHing vtaku, .nn er1e4. 3,n4 0",1184 out for wf\'er. !hi S ",.ffhnt told the",81I'\l1 th~t Xux: y~. geUi~ "eu but th.,. took .. IlcUon. According to Soott.x... y~. tt. hl1 ... w..t~lD« 160-180 -paUJ!do b.ton eapture. Who cx.nt'ined heveighed amu. 120-130 poud... So,t' 1\lQ !lt~h. 'hat 'Inox had ~en beatenltl•• f)UaJ'4. pd,r t, belD« eon.tlud. On the !ourth night of tht,afftant. onttn__t, laoz w~. toe Whk \0 Reecte.. or eY" wrAp up 1». ihe)1-"1 who 'heT w..... bftU«ht 'I hl. ~, n1p'taU. '!he aaxt lIlorn1.Dg. whichvsa ~.\\, 15 Ja-__7 1944. lux W~8 f,,11M. to l!!';Te tiled dViDl,( thft night (P. ll1x.5).

Ab'her afti....,. isnel P. StrU". date. he hg,d dteDded the IJ'1l(••t1&a­'loa or lnox·. ofrena.. .de -«V. thIJ.t ",oeu.M uke4 Iuz w~" 'W'l')uld hApr>enwere he h confiae hill fll' thirty dRy... lfhe 19'''''' replied thttJt be lfould die.whereupon ,.ocu.nc1 ""PO-ad, "111011. dte. OX. If (P. »x. 9). According to on.arn...t'a ....tit. of ~h. h.arln~, ",ctn1ud 11 •.~ld to haft told. Inn: when hecottflnecl jabl thd ho ysa h be kept ill the 'l'l'hO"llUlUl d.elld (P. Ex. 37).Still eu"MI' .tfl... dRt•• 'h.t tbe e1"4ol' .t aooa.e84 WAt! to ""t Md 11,,)rhon11'0% bullAU.I,. (.p. Jb:. a). SeTeJ'd ~t the 'l]1"18On01"8 of wsr ",Idated. t~ therelloTd I)f I ••,,'. body f-N. thf! e.U ~ntt U. b"rid. '!'hey Itn'. thAt tha body'W88 tOl'1"igly _8ob.t.., ntAhttd only ~b"'" 8O',j;!otmd., "'. it coull1 bet Htted.with on. hllUld (F. ix. 10). ~l\1't unole..n, ~m WM covered vtih bro1.tu! (1'. Jix. 22).

Pl"OilICllUO. 1l\troduee4 oerUl1ed CO,.,18" of theprhon -pun'hhmeut record.And. the dClath cerUfih.te ot ra.x. The fONel' "corded th,,' he hAd 'been put1nto ult.te'" oollfta..-t •• ? .1(\11\1817 1944 b8OA.U•• of hb r.1'18a.l to vOl"k;tha l~tter attributei h'. deAth on 1~ J~~r.r 1944 to hepl"t tail~re. It tb..e.t the aen1ttc"lte. 'hough l'J1.~~ 'by a "'lad ~.f.tle,,!", had hMn m::tdf9out by An "nU.ted. "'Mic"l ordeply who '6MI th8 only J).r~whQ ex",mlMit thnbld7 for o~n•• of d8~th. ,nd who ~ no nrof.eeton~l tr81ntng htmAelf (P. 5J).'l'hh orderly WJI\8 ~,,1.1M. ~8 l\ vitn••• ADd t ...t1'l8<'l that, from (IImmtning th.9bod7t hA 00,,14 fiJUl BO cnul''' 01 iton 'h :'UHt tor thh rA!ll.Aon he (!nt~r.d

-heart"'~11ura* ~. 'h~' cnu~. In hi~ ~lnton (R. 71). On thA other h~~. th~t'he do",th .t Xno~ oeeurred Re ~ r~lQl t of n cOIl'hlnntion of m:tlnutrtt ton. b~att~~.

and expe.~ t. o~ld Wla'her with In-nffinient. clothing nnd b8d.~1n~. tn their.'P1nlon, vs- "Itt&fltttd to by thft p1f1clp:v1ts of A to.a! of l1n••l'!. 01 the pt­aonera of ynr (P. ~. 3. 4. B. 9. 10, 11. 12, l~t 14 , 16. 11. Rn~ 22).

'I'ne Recused, Utahl IlaJgAJll1. to"ltttied 1mder 1n hh ONI1 rllilfon ..e (R.ea.69). Reg.'1rd.1n« tbe ..!dine••nt AM '."th t)f lnox, he atn.ted. t.hnt hA in­"sHeated fl.M h.,14 8 hftJl\r1~ 61\ the I18tter o! lno~ hI\Tln.t: out lIP p..n 'haufltdblanket. box ad"Ut.t he Md do.. .. A,., thh wan n "hlAtbn tjf re,<:;al.n.­\le••, he ordered Inos' ,. be put la tI01Un17 oonf1neaoftt tor flTe d~Y!JI (~. M)Be ordertld De b~t1Dg of Inexnor WM he btt.. 'heR.ten to hie k:ftQwledp,e.'!he h9,...!"lnr : wu h.U. Ut. th pr"...ce of l\1l intMpret.r. two ~~le. ~d. theprt.l'1eJ' of W,.,.1' l'epretIftAtaU..... on. Jee 'frou1' (R. 515). 1J'h1.11 oaeurrllld. on the8Ten1ls~ .t 11 In,1'11Ia'''' 1944. That nt~t aCtnlllJf'd depprtf'd uncle o!'d.Ar9 on P­

tr1'O \0 J'ukuokn. h :'tttead fit ,,"UDr. 01 o~ eo_nndere. WhUe \herA, l:JOVf!r'eldq~ 1I\t.,., hit rea&1,,84 A. tele«rnJl tnfoNlAg J"~' 0' IncX'1 de"th. .He hnd1101.tb1U!' a MP h.~ ot IDO% !ro. the tiH ha taent.need h1l!l until informed. ~

,t hhc\ th. .~!\ft! haec! .. .-poclF11 a!'dftrl1 J"At':fI.r41ng rJ. 1bd. tint: of food.,cloth1~. And bedding tor X.x. Becnu8e it WMY Cf>ld Elt th... time. he h.nd ~llow­

e4 hl. to ret"ll1 ah uwu,u 1.Jl~ um.e1'WOlU". llndcoahirt, l1h1.l"t. rr:nnY' un1101'lll. findperlJOnu blAnket" tJlF!dtHt10. t. _1\0". m:ppH~ prt ••nerl'l phoed 111 nolitm:.,. eon­flne.ent (R. 68). On hi. retnrn \e oPJp he conducted nn 1nY.ntl~~t1onot tha

- 3.


4ee.ih.. cQ11d t11ld no r'eU0JI. tor it ari81».& trc:ma11Y 1U.... or m18i:nl&1iJ,llUltaDd cOXleiUded it .. an ari et 00c1 (R.. sn ..

"'a tor Ai_ administr&.Uon of tM oe.m»+ he "aUt1et! tha' conditioDa ~.ha" bsa. bed.. mt41oaJ. care 18ck111&.. and mt.tra.... of prUOMre OCllllDOJ1 .hUeawl.~l .:re 1.u char,. ot the aaJIqI.. When he took "".1' be did h1s beatto~ o0D4iUou 1Jl pJIiI.l.'&J. aDd hII4 oOUiderable 8UCce.. tbttft1l1.. Aa a reault .. tarfewu pr1..... la.. 10 be ,pui on the .1ck..n.t end vwry re. deaths occurred durinshis WJ:lUr8 whereae .cera of P:18omr8 had died under. the lnY10WJ De1\7' jur18dicsUon.

Repina .me.. be&tinslt' the accused teat1t1ed thia occurred only on.'Ja:a adunC\er the to1lmna cirelUIl8iancea~ 'l'helU'uonera .. wark1Dg tor the -Vl'..It _41 te't. ille D~ incident a.nd aoyeral othe:ra l1k8 1. t occurred. u.. ruuli the _~ paraonne1 crU10isei ~ &nIl1 and e.~c1el17 ~ .OWIe', forbe1ug lax in d1ac1pUn1ng the prlaoner. aJJ4~.... to take _tten 111 iheiJrC1dl baIU unle..... ~oU" p,mi,ahment wou14 'De _tea. ou'l. 'l'he priaoner.ti1eDIHlnlJ teare4 ti1U wwld ha'p~n and. because ot '\be1%' ~et bratal tftatmutb7 t1:le ne'Q.. ~ ll"u__' ft,ll.'.QentaU,. cQJ1fen!ed with accws.' to p1aa lll'PaAt _ch atteQQ9.. It wu tball, deierm1D84 to 1l1m up. all. beaXthl' Fi­aoDe1'a.. ft1!l'1lraDd \hem tor the~ luk ot ••peet aDd· obe414tnGe beiJ2&aAown. anci the.... each un 111 the J.1l:l8-UP slapret by 1'lJ6JD1le1'8 of the ClUJil par­aonnel:.. CiTUUD~" and auar.da Of the DaV¥ were 1nvited to be preaent ..w1wsa tAil .0 tbat they c.ou.U rePCt to their navy 8u]tU1or8 linO. thus the CQIl­pla1nanta wculd be ~cstfl4. This tillS oompletely eX,ple.iDBd to '\be prisonersbefore it toQic ~ce and was fiolle to sa1'e them tl'om the wrath 01' the navy (R. 60.61.).. It as the only ••8 Plniahment over adminiete~d by aeCWIed and et no tiDdid he ever order the beataa ot pI'iaODerIl by guarda or beat them 1ndiv.1dW11~1

himle1f (R.. 61) ..

Accuaed te.tified at areat 1euaih re..dina his ilfarel n1ationshi.p wi ththe PE'ienner. in hi. obaX'i!l8. recQunW speo1f1e: incident. tending to show thathe we, on trien4l.1.e.t terma _1th the 1nter..... 8Dd oUed examples to demon­,trate the laUer'. ap,ftt'ec1aUon of hie f1ttart. 111 theilt behal:t. Chief amona~,.e .. ~ tact that be allowed tbem to ha_ a holiday on Chrietmaa Day ..

• elit---out 8 detaU the ~ViCU8 afternoon to ahtain Cl:Ir1s1lm!e 'Irees fer llhe re­oreation bel1." auppl1ed decorations" enabled them to hold Chris6n:se Ceremoniesin the morn.ini•. OOJlducted athletic events tha.", afternoon, and ,PrQVided: extraC81I1;,'l and Red Cross tood and supplies tor a lar~ Chr1stJJlls Dinner thet n1gbtfollowed by a .party. On ibis occasion the p;' isoners presented him with teat­1mPt\.tel letter eX.;;lressillS their srSl ti tude for his conduct of 1he oam,p and elsosave him a 81ft ot la oombination cie;arette caBe and lighter with his name en­f9:aved on tile oa8e .no. wHh an inscr1,ption engraved iMide re8d1n~h apresentedto Lit' •. lkea&JIli.,~ Comaan40r Fukuou Pr1Bon Cam;p No •. 18 }[erry Chrllltmu fromAmerioan Prisoner, Q.f Waro I:ecember 25th. 1943." (R .. 62-6.5 .. D. E~.. A).

'file rellllindlr et 4etell.le test1mtmy ine1uded witDesses end records attest­inS '0 the tacts that the J,eriod ot oontin~nt to which the decesaed Knox nesentenced we. n~ra1. tCC' his ottenae a nd was ot fhe deys duration only. thatthe latter'. death ooaurred about four day. after his confinement by accused.that the Qont1D1ment .. '\ha result of _ tair hear1J:l8 end 1nvest1ption. tbtallaocused neftr beat or OI'd8I".d the beat1ng of Xli.oz or other pr1eOl3CtJ'tl •. encl.laetly.. that Knox 41ed at a t.1nle when accua.d • __.y trom the camp on officialbushess (R.. b9-S4J ..

5. Error' ,. lrr'SlBU 1l'

!J.'here are no error. QI" 1rr4aau1aHUe. wMeh inJu:r10U8ly .ftect the aub-...." .~nWlu.l__..... UecUN.1. detenae JlQV84 to atr1k'e e]1e citioetiontl 2 of the

Char,.. tor DIllUpl1eit1. in view of SperiflcaUon 3. and Specitication 4 tor"'•• (R 13).. Proa.cuUon conceded that the alle.Uona ot ~1!8c1t1cat:loD

~ were included iD Specification 3 liuH1 indicated 1t would not oppose llh1a 18:"1ot the motion or def,u... Iroeecution llI'fP18d that Specification 4. an omn!bu.oleuae.- ftlt pl.aGfl4 .a det1n1te11 a. poeeible un4ar tbe circumstance. end t_t­it protected tle acou..t ~ liU"1na bia on noUce that he .. to be tri.d tor.11 otfenee. that occurred heh••Jl 1.5 October 1943 and. 15 April 11144.. Tba court

~ 4 -


ascert&iDl4 1ha\ al.l ~osecut1on evidence hAlO. been tu.rniahld to de:tellM before trial,. illclud11l& any ill aUPl'ort of the oam1bu.a .pacification., andtbRe\l~11 demed ~ a:>tion in Us enUret,.. That there i • .muli1plic'ty beneeDS,Pec1tioaiicDot 2 and:3 U obv.1~. One et the.... lnferabl, number 3, ahould.have been .trickeD. The error ot ~ocee4iIlii ..Uh ihe trial OIl botil 8p'cifica­Uona" .b.~ftr. is not .ue...sar1l¥ fatal.. The detect" it any" did noi prejudicethe accuae4 alKi. wm .. uv1ate.d in vie. ot the tact that the t1Jl41ns ot guilt,01' S,Pecifica'Uoa 3 U 'If1th~t evidence to support it .. otber thatn e"iunae i.8llPpon ot f;,.oiticat10n2"e.nd should be disapproved bJ the reviewing autilor­iiy a. will be turtber advi...d in E:ectiOll 6 of this review•.

Defense obJeoted to ~ awssion in evidence ot telegrs..Ph1c cGamlmca­Uou UOhanalc1 'beiw..n thiJa,paneae and AI:r.eriosn Govermnent. neJa,Uu to the:f'ga;,ar's 6lsr...nt to abide ~ the Geneva Red CX-OBS and of War Con­vent10m (R. lS). The camm.1asion ;Jro~ly overruled tbis objection. It 18true the. no ehowaa wa.a la <le of ~iQt' 8utboriuUoD b, the 1alll." GoYern­_.ut ot tile 41plQaatio messages inwlvecl.. Under 'he ex1aeno1u of or. ne.......a Dat1Q1l 1D8¥ pro~l1 be held bound by the ects of thou w1th ap~m author­ity to lid in ita name •. Especially 18 this true where reSllar1Jr'ldahedchannel. of OQ!1I!lUu:l.e&t1oDa" se here thrcugh the offices ota neutral. nation,. 8ftem,ployed, end ~stiOntably eo when the gove~nt concerned"" never 1uel.tdenied the authentic1t1 of the cOIII!&1nieetiol1s wberebr ita adherence to thOle~ioular t1"eatiG8 wee anntJW'1C6d to the ether bellia;erants. The torm ot tileegree.n'i ill of DO 1mIU't (Er1us, The law of ~;ation8" 406-411) .. and tbe &1:yot en, llIl.tioD to mske bown to 1t8 oi i t8 and their duties under inter­netional oblipt101JS 1B un1versall,y recognized (.f\lblicatione of the F\!trnJl3.nentCourt of In~t10na.l Justi<'.e, Series B. No1 le at p. 20 ~ Br1S'S!'• ..Q.f cUL.IJ!pra.. al,. .53-.54 ,. 4j2-4J4" I 0pJililnheim" International I.e.w•. 4th Eel•. 1J928 McNair).17 J.1 .u.a. ) ..

The admiuion !J1w eVic:\ence of a.ffiaavi ts by tomer prlllonera of wal' whowere interned 1n the eem,p during accused 'a time llEJ 1te cOlImtlder _re objectedto by Qet'eue,. such evidence 18 expressly admissible under IC'8gl' .5 d (1)(e) SCAi' Resuja 'Uons G<7i eRn1ng the Trials of ACCUlJed War Cr1m1mls • .5 December

~ 1945.. This ,pwtion ot the SCU' Regulations 18 leoal am contornm w1 th .etab­-~hed ,Pr84'Uce in trials by Military Commissions,. 119.1.~ .Application of Yes­ahi is" 66 S.. Ct .. 340 ~ ~ ~a Qu1r1n" 317 u.. s.. 1 .. 63 S. Ct. 2; Fairmen. 'I'beLa.. of It.5art1al Rule 276-271..

A. tq illllli.tiMUiA J. 9t lhe !CheT@H evidence shows that the deoeased.E.lbe1'll Knc:It-., had beu • 1l" isoner ot war on Wake reJa nd far B8VOral monthe.em 1na ce.m,p in J'eIaIl ter ~ide1'abJe time llI'ior to the eccuSe4'888F.lUU'.l)tion ot ccmn­ana over tba "tter installation. Lurin& that time he suttered berdships 111Cluc1­ins laok of fo04, facilities, and c16ibing and suttared torture. 810118 w1 thother pria01l8r8 -Ill of whom died ... Q reeul t. Dece••eed al£o lost we!tht etmtn­s1v.l~ and be~ Ul .. w.aQDed,. and er.a ciateci •. Re and other priflone;rll were intM s condi't1on when accused 'beC&.mEl cOImJt'naer (If their eamp. 'l'hereatter be vio­lated re&UJa:tione by Qutt1.D& IlP 1aaued ble.nket and Ilccul!l84,. ofter investigationend hear1ns" Bentencea him to a disputed periOd ot solitary t. WhUeunder thia p,mi.hment he died but hi. death occurred e. t a 1i1..nMt all eccUHd _8a~ frea 'the ~. bev1n~ J.eit under Clr'fare OIl ofticial ws1mss. All the un­tartunate ex»er1ences" hardBhil?S,. tIIXllOaure,. insufficient food, laDd lons oonfine­ment were un4oubte~ 'contr1butina tactara to hie illness and death.

J,ccu884'e .cUen in oontin1na • priaoner in thAt condi tiOD of the de-oeesed is intWte_ible. 'Ih8re is ulso SQQle evidence that accused administeredand. ordered oor,PfJr'el. ~ni8_nt or the j1:' isolleI' in the form ot beotinae .. thoughhe vi&orOWl~ Mniad thi. on 'UJe atand.. 'Iba cClmD1sa'on _8 JU8Un.d. in,ju4ioiOWJ~ oou1der1na the 41v1denc1' a Sl1nat him.. to rei'Wle to be can'ttinced b)'accu••f.'. denial •. All in. eV1deDce egl11nat a ccu8fld ,. hOW'QIr••hOW8 onl7 thatthe cO.Qcluct ot acouMd 1IN one ot many cont.r1bu'U1l6 taotare which OCCUl'1'ed .Pl"iClO."to the death.. ~ t1ncUn.. or guUt, of Specit1o.a'Uoll 1. as chBrpd 18 "00 broadto be considered u ade~tell aup,VOrted 'by the ....idence. '1he otten.. char8lld


Ila Ulepl hcW.cl4e amouJltu& either to DlI'de1" 0:' .uUJlaqhter., TbI prooteaia~l;bbM:neither -u. mol1ce atore'thcupt ntuu".d ill JllU"der AOl" the -..a.ion ot an unlauul act reault1Dg in aeath. H Nq)11red iD DaDalauah_..'l'Ae aba.noe or acou.4 a't ~. tu. ot the death aDll tor .everal~ Fiar":NW ls • .mA)a't 1mpor~ ele_n't to :be eODe1der*4 in determining his gu11..i.Had .be Mea ~At aD4 kJloml (or bad the respon a1}jUlir of kn01l1ll&) ot tUtalllna heaJ:tA ot' the deceaaed he miatlt have :iaDD ~oper ..surea to 1"8fDQftthe le.t_ to a hospital aM h.ia life 1!Il)' ha"beeD ..w.... 'l.'hat this ... notdone iD acou..cI.taabtutllC~e is .. dere1i(r'ion on tbe per' of either the &U&"aa.tbe adins camp COmlllulder. or someone other than acau~ for which he cannotbe held Ra:poulble.. ;

Of l1a7.il1g beaten :gr1S0Der Knoz. ot haftD& ooat1., JWa w1 thout auft..ialent too4 .. --t, ar cloW1l8,, couidertna lUa ata.. o.t he~'tiI.. cAd ot ha-.1_~b¥ cOIlu-ll1llte, to hia death there iaa»le .ride.. ' ... tbe a'Oouri.~ haYha &111.4 the pr1aoner hiJzlaelf or t:I bavilli direCUJ-'!!,U88d hie deatil ..hOlMaV8Z',,~ is AO eT1dence asainat him.. Only 80 much 0 ' 'tbit 1'1..111& easUPllOrU the tomer shoul~ be approvecl.

AI t2 §iiI'WaUOA i. there 1s~ evi.lloe that aaqa_et 18&Ull~¥ ot hit.v1ila beaten prleoDDra VOW.Ii,. Mead •. and ,,_neet others.. His con-viction thereof ahould be fl.p.Pl"Oft4. ~"

iUlsit"i1Y9n 3.. en cmnibua epeo1tice.t1on" all.~8 eewre atr1klngot numerowJ unmmecl pr1s0De1"J! between l.:S October 1.943 and l.5 Akt'U 1944.... otthis al1e~t1Q11 there wns DC l11t\ependeDt p-T'Oof wb8taoeftr.. All '~\1"tlda.1tarefer to .....UJ388 appareA~ in -.eotiOl1 nth 1aGlcJelRa t~t OCGUl'Tlci4urina ilJe montha of Ootober and NO'Mmber 1943.. the .-'11.04 CoW1'8~\ b, Speo:l­t1caU~ 2. Were tMa tiDding ot &\Uty sustained scoueed would ~ ~undaull'tY twice on eVidenee ot only one of'f'aMe •. AocorcUna'!y this f'1~~ng sh9UUbe diee.l>l1NV.4. . '

\\ \

• mAla• ., '0 ill '.iti9~I"i9&A... wh1le not abundant .. ill 8uff'j,oten1.~ .several atfidevits ate'ted that abuse ot rriBOIlllTa 'by men\ under 1\,00\\5e4",

<rommand, during the lItriocl specified, did occur.. '.rhe ocmm1s8icn wae juaUtie4in finding aacuaed guilty ae charged upon this evidence ..

'.t'1la Speoitications in 80 fer a. supported by evidenco ere. in turn.aufticler:t to ,suIJPort th$ eha8l. Acouaad was gt"an1led a tat- trial in everrrespect.. Be a'failed hJJm.lf ot hi. opportuD1 ty to BWDmOn witl1e.s.a in ht!\, took t he stand h:l.mself, and also lIB de an oral ltatemant before t~ '\Clom.mi.aeion.. Ho 1188 ably defended bo"h by ADricen mili1:ary ocueel .Ppol~Uci

for his devenee a 111 alao by J'aPlDUe couuel ot hiaOD choice. There 18 nO· "endence that the .. not a.. at the Ume Ue elle..4 otteo...... "camn1tted Qd at ... time of U'ial. .

'l'be oomte.toA .entenced the accuae4- to 'be hanae4 by the neck untUldead.

\,!ven though the reoord dces not eUJlport the elleSPltlon of unlllW1'U1

homicide,. it doea eup;Qrt fin8inp tbat acoaed eODtr1'buw4 to the death et '.a lXl'1eQDeJ' ot war b7 orderins hia contill8JlWJlt OTer an \mrElllfJomble X-ri04 ot "t1mc:J and iD cirawnstaooee which,. in vi•• of tu prUOIld'" state ot -.reIobviQUBly~ to 'his well-beinge- It alae nppar18 t1nt1nge tbat ea..."put.bed thte ;prieoner and l11e.rl1 otMre by order1l1~ and P8l"m1tUna mu" bel t­in... SUch conduct embreeea Mr10U v1olat1OJW ot the le.: ot. NettOD. aJJ4 tor

;1 t li. should be ec....ralr ~JJl1.b.ed.. For any rtolatloDII ot the le. ot War ..dee.tb: Mntenee 111 pe:m1aa1b1e • The only c1ewmlDlltlcm. to lie .te 1••hether •not .. leaser f'<ral ot PJ.D1a_m ahould lle slTft acCtllllt' beoau. of oX'teJlWlt1ltcoirOU1D8t8.ncea.. I

- 6 •



Conaidar1ng the portion ot the t indin&8 ot Slilt)' to be a»prOl7ed.. the .oirc\Wl.stences UJl48r' which acouaQCl' 8 cri1.cDe _re committed, tla :tl1c.t tJdl IlO

S8Vent or .Pel'dDent inJUI'ies ruulted from the QoQtinau tlllcsed" the eubsta.utial~ovelWlnit iJ:l ~1son .'md1tions acaom,pliehcd by the accused" the meny Anerieanlive.. possible saVEltl thGreby" end tn. ll'Elvious cheracter and reJ,:Utat1on of theaOO\UleQ, it is stl'cm&1¥ uraed that the centence' to death br ha~ by cOJ:l&Utedto oonfinement et ber.d lebor for e. :teriod of twenty-five years. atoll .Penalty isboth adequate llUniehment tQ1.' otfeIlSel!l involved and sufficient tQ deter othersfrom. similar uta oon~ to the I.e•• of War. Clemency 18 Justitied,. likewise,­from the otherwiae good reoOI"d ot the aceu.ed..

9., -.Ac.t1onc A fcmn ef action to carry tl1t:ae recOmDIlndat1ons into eftect 18attached hereto•.

Th8re ia e\1IUuiani eviclence that accused took cQI1llQU1d of the prUODP'of wer ce.m.p a1; a" 1WeJ'.l. lW.\111 of t1;\e prtSQMr' ha4 alre.4y died.. oiltera wreaiak and qing, aDd even i.he s~aa bad un&lraone avmths of IrivaUo1S8 and 4rUlic:rtUl'es.. That aecU88a teok llQaitive messurea to 1.IJu:.rove eondU1oml 18 \Ult).18e1­i01lflQ 1Jl Vi8W of tlle fads 'Le.t ver¥ rew ~~ihB ocaurred afttu' be became ce.m,pCQ1!llIanOer,. that th• .,trost:ouUon introduced noevi4enCG of airocit1es in the let.1'.;eri04 of his tenure._ that ha rElQ.lleated 1nl'88%' 6.JJlQW1ta of tood tor the Rr1BQllerl.an4 that h~ was snerel¥ (U'iticiaed by tle llD.vd authorities, by the Xe.tll,l;!e1 Tal,8J1d by M$ own su;;;ericrs tor treatin& 'Lb. IX" bOllers too well.. It h llP1l'lrent tba.••\cus.d bad trieD4l¥ with the ,pr1s01ler8 end had obie1ned 1luI1r~ willwithin the Ihorl ;P.eri04. of 'two Ilomw after hie arri'fal.. Only thua can the hold­ing of CerUl'lniu, e Chrl$tIlas Dinner and•. the cheer11lg otacou..tby '\be pri.oners, and tlleir ext.'"'aordillary display of reaard tor him by tbe pr.Nn­1lcUon to him of 'the 1lestimonial 1ettel' and, ire .~vei cip.rette case Qe unaer­sOood.. The auspicion that the., m;I ha:v:e been 8Clllethina 1.n the 118'Wh ot e bribeor 1IIUDell' the Wlauthcri.d set ot the j,)1'iaoner of war rep.r.aentaU,. C4UUlot beentertained, 1.u fairness to the accused , since there .. no eviQenGe thereofwbateoever., III the abeeaoe ot witneeees to explain them laDy" auch merks 'of re­8U'd sl188k for themselTd alil" like e.ftidavitee. may be considered. tor what worththey crdinsri1y have, in the opinion ot G reesot'llblt an..

'-J -

x..1lmerous ~titions for clemency. eharacier refeNnces, el1C1 6 brief 011e~lleal have bee.n 8ulDitteo and have been care1Ully read end considered.. '1'heBctconsist ofe petition end brief by the accused thrQus,h hie cOUllseJ:.J t\ .J;.let1tionfer executive clemency Biped byJuki~ Akiyoshi and 14 other C10H 1l~i.&b-bora

of the sccused5 ons by MU! I\e.webe and l2C Wlo1mell of his h(";,ff,,C town, 'two b~ thet\111l8lllOto :Physioal Education Association and too tWlllmOto fw1mmi~ .\slIoc1sUon.Qrgeni_tione wh10h he "rved as 118tructor and cbe_on cont88tant~ one by thepresident Of c;ro~ll AssOCiation #3 beariDg 2l.7 a1BDIl'ture8 ot membertl~ one byYuuahi Yo.8b.iae, fa mam~.r· of the~1&1 DiE; t with 120 sipturee.. one by !haoh1l!l1yoahi and 2.,5 other resid"ntil of KUll2lmo'tOJ, (lOO by the ,President of the Kwuamotowomen'. Club. ~neN1.himctot. with ei~ture. of 74 ~ber.,; a testimonial byRiyo~i &shinloto. principaL ot KUIlLJIlOto Ererecturel COllmlIIlroW Scboolt" signedby the tull 1'6~trl 6J:.lOihu by :lsliiuJ1 EaIl6£lekU. Chief Direotol~, Kuma1l1tJ1; 0 A118001­

~ ~:_ion for r~cdpt 8114 Di.tribution of Merine I'l'oouct'J; und h I1ltly e plea. by XUSWIIIa. ~e. £orIrer ~1vete~riel 1a.~A6Se Army.. stationed e:, t1w ,prison oeJllj.l"

who manifests eVidenCe of the ~ove.msnts in food, ee..nJ.tation. oloth1na. andhos,pitellution brou&ht ttrouah the efforts of the aCQused. .All thtr8tlattest to aocuae4.'. e4CfJll$nt re~\ltetiQn for honesty in. private end buei!'l.ees life.his. &ellEie of tlili.r~S" hil.'! 'prQwe~s a.I om 01' J'a,t.e.n'a fe:teeJoBOst e.thletes ~5PGc1­a.l1¥ in aquatic 8ilortS.. lUlU hie devotiOll as e dutiful aoa, husbtll.lO." 8111.1 fether.lhu:ly ot' them are volunta1.7 e:tatGUellts Vii 1e o,Ple of unque:stioned integri t:; \lhoseop~ons should be h~~ re~rded.. '

t81 Edvard J.. Doer1DaEDViARD J.. DaF.RINQHeY1evliElr1ud~ Aav~te Section

- 7 -

I Concurl;

llUAN R. mOWN&:. Lt .. 001 •., 1AGDSt£;tt. 1u~ A4yooate


I concur bt; tbt f1ndinas of suUty of B~c1fieaUons :2 Illld 1+ alldthf Charas Mr. Juatified.. SIe0ltiea'Ucn 3 .B a du:Qlicatj.on ot SllIeif1ca­tion 2 and. tbe t:rUh,- of auU..'ty of 5,Iledticstion 3 should be d1liap;ro1lt4.'I'be evidence .tf"U_l¥ ••te.bliahe4 that the acOtlJled -.e aul1ty ~ acUonswAio.h d.i.ftctly contr1lluted to coat the death ot !.lberi box. To this .:a:tolltonly. '\he tin4in& of lj£Uil.ty et' Sj)3citicet!on ~ should ha Illi~ovaQ.

I do nGt c01tour that clsusnc.y should lie extenaed, bu:~ an i..ul,i;elled torecOSIIflnd a.p~Q.'ftI1- otibs sentence.. Aa~ c Olnlnan(ie.r. !kap.m1 un1:enced. Knozto coniiAt8lli 1a the Pardhcue ter the trivial ottenee fill cutting a lliece:f'rQlIl a MmP ~1.nk8t for U~ as aocli:8.. DQubt1e8s he bed cuthority ''0 adJuiie8 l1mi tecl oonfi__ni ;.u'1od to:: such a derelieUan.. 'nle oOlllmnder acc.~ni.4hia se.o.te:nG4t by a beat+ns personally 8d&iniste:red and by words to the eficc:tthat Knox. coul' a'tay 1U c onf1uu;ent untiU he died.. Thus r..arBors. 1 malioe D.lrelita.blJ.ebeci.. ioJ.lowina the .XM~16l set by their leader .. the :a~na... C8Jni Pt~nnD.l U11dar hie CODtrO~ cont1llued the tzo.tment ot sadistic beetlIl88 ot 'Ul8hel~.s and defeDSeles4 Tj.ct11>... '!his _8 EJuppleanied by ret1nemente of tor­ture CODL1!l~1ng 01' coutjpdng Kn~ to 8.;:. soUtary cell w1th .anty clothina illnold ~dwinter weather, ~oling out portioDs of heavil1 salted r1ce ftbel l . withioodequaie driIllc.iIl.S liq1J.'id to c~nsate.. In anB\i1Ir to t be rosultant piti1'ulmesne fQt"~-wr. ~s:e C!'ut~e:a Cl'the accueed would descend u.PQn the hepXe••hWIl'OD,' aDa hie eDeuing sa+eamB and, cri•• would beer articulate VIitnese t c thebeatillgS with whiesh these \UJen fUW1ftll'ed the plcolll of 8 ~non d¥ing from thirst.hUJ14illr. end ex,POSure•. In $ few eaye his ...i~t bad dro.pped too. bare eilJ}ltypounclll aui he _~ draaeoed lit'elesll from. tLe .PriSOZl to hb .grew.

! twill AOt do for thG aceused the D to SE\j'.. I'.t di d not know. I ';fIH!!

a_y tor ae"el"al days, 'his he}1l=Gned behind m,y By pr.08lli end 8:xamplehe had demonstrated hie usiN. to his u.nderliDaS •. When they. under thfloon'trcl of their 1IIat.ruct10r enti OOJDWPndel',. rai. thfully accom.Pl1ell whet he word and deed ol.u'l¥ 1n(i.icatad he 4es1rts. can tfl encaje re£llQDeib111 tyby mak~ 8 temporary exit ~om the Iltage? If whU. he 1"..4 been ebeent over­night. for example,. the bcat1'1l8 he ~.s.d initiated,. 500 the eXrf:)ee~ oollfioom$ntto which he bad ordered 6 pr~801ler. wet'. cOLtinued. b~' hie till deathresult.ea, eoulQ he hsva avoiceci. the ~Dal:tiis of Jaw 'ty ~et1<3.1~ Jg.a e,ipnt'E'Tlw di,'.r£.,J:1;lncc betueen a night If! abse nce alia 6E1Vlll'al. c.1eya' 1e one of only e11abllde&"N. The ~~t f'':G-i. the ~rIlU88iv61 \1irOWIlSu.ncc,. is that he lald dowathe ,pro~d\lre by aam,pl. and indioaied his by word of mouth to hi...111­i~.ulKa" \be t 1me ot senteuoe ..

~ -111 requea-.a tor caanoy upon the grounae of hel"o.shi~ to till\;

eecusQd IS" l08S ",0 J~J~n ef • S"Gr1muUng champion, and othozr 'base13., bav.teen 1\llli and sobEtrl,y co.ns~ae:ed .. EvIU'J oliende:: epinst ~ hw hao &OQclrelativ••• mo au.rtar tor his m18deeds. Thil is a.nd te tun ot lawelltoro&mellt for wb1ch tl:lGreuntortuDatel, is no rIJmedy.. Were thiB to be eneffective ariWJll8nt tor ale .Il'lltnty.. no l'81"aon wQ.1ld. be P1lliehed, n011e deterred·lrcm crime. Nor ere ihe re~eti~. of the prhol\fU' whose dow and 4IgonizeddElE! th r ..ulted from t.i:le acc~sed' a actioll.1l tobl::6 i&DClr.ed •.

All thinge eona1der,.d •. the evidence a TecOlllIlanda1i1on of IP-,prcmU ot 80 much 01' the 4n4111g of guUty ot ~'p.c1t1cat1oJl1. .. includes f1n4­ing that the aeeused unl..! m1an-eated and tortured :!lbert Knolt,. an alliedprisouer of war .. by bniiUl:r beat1na him aJld C8Ul1Dg him to be beaten... end b;ycODf1nioi ~h1m in t~ ~d lt~'\lIe withou.t 8ufticlent food, water. er cloth11l1tar an unr....o-.ble time,. t(Ho>1f1 i .. trclm about ~ lecember 194.3 to flbout .1.0 1an­uary l~44,. ~bareby conU'1but~Ili 'to h1a duth on or sbDui the latter dete. '1'b8e8ntence should be approved. The redo.rd .nO. aca~nfina ;apers should be t or­warded to the SU~me COlIIXlanter to:r the Allie4 f'owers to].- odlnfil"ll'flt1on. rrolJoue4sction to effectuate We reoOl:t».OOn4aUon 1s attaah'ed•.

la/l-W*'! n. BRO\li,lI.A.IJ..AN R.. IItOlQl

Lt. Colonel" ~/lGD

Arm;y J'udp .Ad"ooat4a



1'.E\ IX;.UM\'1E.R£ E:tGliTR .A:Rit.'YUn!~ci Sta1ies~

AI{) 343

29 September 1-946Yokohu1s,. JS}8Il

In the foregoing cc. of Uic:h1: Ike~ the t'indiIlg of &UUtl ofS,. oit1cation S ot the Cbarae ia dUall.PrOved. Only 80 mah of the t.indiJ:l&of aullty of Eeeifica:tiOZl l. as inelUdQ tilld1n& iheit the aCCUled unlaw­fully mistrea.ted8.1d tortured Elbert Xn~ all allied J.iI'iBoner of war. bybrutally beeUna hilAa nd cau.eina him to be ~ ~Jl,. aud by ooDfwng himin tbe guerd house withwt sufficient f:ood••ter,. or clo'thing tor I/.D un­reaaoue.ble t1.lie t to-rl t,. frcm about 1.5 r.ecembei- 1943 to a boUt 1..5 January1944,. thereb1 eoni;ibutin& to hiE de&th on re a.i;Jout the attar date. isapproved.. The aentence. i1:l vie... of the brutalitj' end J.Ualice dial/ayed bythe crirrlw seta et the accused agai1lSt a hel~ess pri80D~ which .[ll\ecluMexte~ion of alemenc3'. 1e a 11Foved.. Pursuant to ,f.arasra.Ph 5 Ch) .. pegulitionsGoTernillg the 'li:'iels of Aceu.eeci. War Crhdnals" Gellerel ~pr.ttltj&

OlilImander tor Allied .Power.,. dated .5 I:-ece.mter 1-:14.5 .. tne order d1recti.ngtbe &Dcution oi the sentence is withheld J.:en~ the eittion of the S\'Ipren:eCQmlrIlnoor fJ:Jr the J.llied Powers..

jsl n, L. :E1oh.~lbe:r&"r

R. L. EIGHELliE'RGERLieu't6oont General. TJ .. S.. l.rroy


I., .U"pk; 4. EckCW1R.AI~: A.. ECEnlw/O USA