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Requirement Engineering 2015


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Requirement Engineering 2015

Table of Contents1.0 Introduction.....................................................................................................................4

1.1 Project Background..........................................................................................................4

1.2 Current flow of operation.................................................................................................6

1.3 Project Assumption..........................................................................................................7

1.4 Problem Analysis (PIECES Framework).........................................................................8







1.5 Project scope..................................................................................................................10

1.6 Proposed solution...........................................................................................................11

1.7 Project aims and objectives............................................................................................12

1.8 Schedule Planning..........................................................................................................13

Gantt chart........................................................................................................................13

Workload Matrix..............................................................................................................14

2.0 Requirement Development Processes...........................................................................15

2.1 Elicitation.......................................................................................................................15

School Management.........................................................................................................15

After-Care Teachers.........................................................................................................15

Part Time Assistance........................................................................................................19


2.2 Analysis..........................................................................................................................23

2.2.1 Use case diagram.....................................................................................................23


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2.2.2 Use case forms........................................................................................................27

2.2.3 Class diagram..........................................................................................................32

3.0 System Requirement.....................................................................................................33

3.1 Description of template items....................................................................................33

3.2 Validation and verification........................................................................................34

4.0 Requirement Management............................................................................................38

4.1 Requirement Management Planning..............................................................................38

4.2 Requirement Identification.............................................................................................38

4.3 Change Management Process........................................................................................38

4.4 Traceability................................................................................................................39

4.5 Requirement Management Tool Support.......................................................................41

5.0 Weekly Reports..................................................................................................................45

Project Progress Report 1.....................................................................................................45

Project Progress Report 2.....................................................................................................46

Project Progress Report 3.....................................................................................................47

Project Progress Report 4.....................................................................................................48

6.0 References.....................................................................................................................49

7.0 Appendix.......................................................................................................................50

SRS Documentation.............................................................................................................50


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1.0 Introduction

1.1 Project Background

APU Private School is the one of the progressing private school in Malaysia which is situated

in Subang. Although it is a small private school but it is adopt and continuously enhance

educational level to nurture students with analytical skills and innovation thinking. It has

offered curriculum for pre-schoolers, kindergartens and the primary school students from

grade 1 until grade 6. With the 5 years of success, the school management has added after

school care, also can be defined as after care. Currently the school is experiencing significant

upsurges in the applications for the after school care. APU Private School is using a manual

file based system where they record and keep all the details about the students, their parents

and the amount collected from the parents.

There are three full time professional after-care teachers who are responsible for take care the

students. One is for preschool students, another one is for kindergarten children and one more

is for primary school students. Each of them has three part-time assistants who will assist

them in take care the students. Each assistant has accountability on making report to the

teachers about the activities that have been conducted and status of the students at the end of

each slot. Activities will be allocated to the students based on the schedule that given by the

school management. Moreover, the after-care teachers also have the obligations to keep time

sheets for their part-time assistants and also have the liability on checking the daily reports

written by the part-time assistants. Besides that, they are also responsible for submitting

weekly summary sheet to the school regarding any hours that the pre-registered students

spent in the after-care school. This is very prominent for the school management to prepare

bills to the parents based on the additional time at the end of each month.

The school prepares out monthly bills. The parents can collect their monthly bills from the

school management who responsible for it. They also need to make their payments to the

management. Parents must pre-register their children for the after-care school at the

beginning of January every year. The school management will handle the all the requests for

registration with the consultation of after-care teachers. The school management also has the

accountability to adjust monthly bills consequently. Since the after-care school is following


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the school calendar, the school will prepare hand-outs and reminders regarding school

holidays and forthcoming events to the parents. The school also maintain all the student

records and ensure all the details are up-to-date from time to time.

Time blocks are allocated for the after-care school. These time blocks are depending on

whether the student is from pre-school, kindergarten or primary schools. Thus, the timing will

be different for the students based on their category. The billing and payments for the after-

care school are depends on the timing. There are two types of fees that charged to the

students. One is a fixed fee which is based on the time block of the after-care school and

another one is a variable fee which is based on the additional time taken for the parents to

fetch up their children. RM 4 will be charged for every additional hour. So later, the parents

will be billed for the additional hours together with the fixed fee. However, there is 5%

discount for the parents who have more than one child enrolled at APU Private School.

All the bills will be distributed by the school management teachers to the parents on the first

week of every month. Parents are needed to settle down all their payments by the second

week of the month. Whoever failed to pay their bills before the due date will be charged RM

10 for the late payment. Parents will make their payments manually to the school

management and written receipts will be given to the parents upon successful payments. All

the parents’ and children’s details are only kept for a year and then destroyed.


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1.2 Current flow of operation

Currently the flow of operation at the APU Private School for after-care school is as follows:

Parents must pre-register their children for the after-care school at the beginning of

January every year to the school management.

The school management is maintaining the students’ records and ensure the records

are up-to-date from time to time.

The teachers are responsible for checking the daily reports made by their assistants

regarding the conducted activities and status of the children.

The teachers keep time sheet of their assistants and submit weekly report to the school

management in order for the school management to prepare bills.

Different time blocks are set to the children based on their category.

Additional charges will be applied to the parents who fetch up their children beyond

the time limit.

The school management prepares monthly bills and distribute the bills to the parents

on the first week of every month.

The bills contain details such as dates, times and additional hours with the dates.

Parents are qualified to get 5% discount if they have more than one child enrolled at

APU Private School.

Parents need to settle down their payments by second week of every month.

Extra chargers will be added to the parents who failed to make the payment before the

due date.

All the payments will be collected by the school management and written receipts will

be given for every successful payment.

Monthly report is generated by the school management at the end of every month

summarizes the fee collection of the after-care.


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1.3 Project Assumption

The proposed system is going to be an online system.

There are three full time professional after-care teachers who are responsible for take

care the students. One is for preschool students, another one is for kindergarten

children and one more is for primary school students. Teachers are able to make

weekly duty roasters for their assistants using this system.

Each full time after-care teacher has three part-time assistants who will assist the

teacher in take care the children. The assistants have the obligations to write a daily

reports regarding the activities conducted in the after-care school and status of the

children can be generate by the system which will be check by the teachers later.

RM 4 will be charged for every additional hour to the parents who failed to fetch their

children on time which will be included into the monthly bills by the system.

Parents can view and edit their personnel portfolio.

Parents can pay their fees amounts either to the school management or via online.

Parents also check their children’s daily attendance and important messages regarding

upcoming activities and events.

Receipts will be generated by the school management through the system to the

parents upon successful payments.

RM 10 will be charged by the system to parents who made the payments after the due


The school management will update all payment details into the system on the third

week of every month.


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1.4 Problem Analysis (PIECES Framework)

Numerous problems will arise while working on new system. It is becomes easier to identify

and solve all those problems by using PIECES Framework.

PerformanceThe current system is not efficient to handle vast amount of works for the students and also

for the management such as preparing monthly bills and receipts, fetch up time of each

children which consume more time and upturn the workload of the staffs. The throughput

which is the time taken to do work on per unit time of the management can be enhance if they

implement an online system which can generate the bills and receipts by itself that would

eliminate the needs of manual records. Moreover, the online system will reduce the response

time of the management. The time taken to response to the request for the services can be

improvise using the new online system where all the reports can be generated on the time and

can be view virtually from anywhere at any time.

Information Due to the nature flow of current operation, the information can be easily lost or stolen by

anybody. All the information is not easy to store in the current system as it is not adequate to

maintain large amount of data in the growing collection of file folders. Besides that, the

current system is not efficient in handling information as it takes long time to find a particular

data. Thus, an online system is needed to resolve all these hitches which enables backup of

data and information. It would be easy to seek record by using this online system

(CareerRide.Com, 2011).

EconomyThe current system does not support the vast progression of the aftercare school as it more

likely to produce human errors and delay the operations of the management. By implementing

an online system, they can eliminate the human errors and save the time and cost for buying



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ControlEverything with the control, it will become a rule and also can say that there is nothing

without control. With the current system the APU Private School is unable to manage the

prominent tasks such as students’ attendance details, payments details and the monthly bills

which are based on the additional time efficiently as it taken down manually puts the

management in risks of fraud. This leads to a number of other problems such as revenue loss,

clashes and others. Lack of a standardized system inhibits the improvement of the current

services offered. The new systems procedures are more efficiently and the users can be

performed well (AndyGurd, 2013).

EfficiencyEfficiency is current mode of operation make maximum use of available resources, including

people, time, and flow of operations. The written records tend to be time consuming and lead

to a lot of problem due to the daily workload. Introducing a computerized system not only

simplify the work for the management, but also for the parents as they gain a steadier

platform on their children’s status and payment details. By maintaining all the record in the

online system, the management is able to save the cost for buying resources such as pen and


ServicesThe current service of APU Private School for aftercare is quite ineffective and unreliable as

the payment details that recorded manually have high chances for occurring errors. Recording

the fetch up time of children each and every day and calculating all the bills with additional

time for each and every child at the end of each month is a tedious task as it can produce

human fault. Thus, an online system is needed which can calculate all the bills automatically

in a short time where the parents can view all the details with dates and times and can make

their payments via online (CareerRide.Com, 2011).


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1.5 Project scope

The system is to be implemented for the school management, after-care teachers, their

assistants and the parents for the purpose of store and conserve large amount of data such as

students’ details, generate weekly and monthly reports regarding the activities conducted in

the after-care school and also about the monthly fees payments details in order to save vast

amount of time. The system is also provides a platform to keep track of the payment issues.

Assistants and after-care teachers can generate their daily, weekly and monthly report using

this system where the school management can check the operation of the after-care school

through the system. The system is able to generate monthly bills which consist of days and

times at the end of each month that can reduce the workload of the staffs. The system is also

able to do calculation based on the timing set to the each category and able to add additional

fees in the bills with appropriate dates and times for the parents who failed to fetch their

children on time. Besides that, the system is able to keep track of the payment details where it

should add extra amount to the parents whoever fail to settle down their bills before the due

date. In additionally, the system is can be accessible by the parents where they only can check

their children’s attendance, view and modify their personal profiles and check and make their

payments via online. The system has the capability of reducing 5% from the total if the

parents have more than one child enrolled in APU Private School. Moreover, the system can

generate the monthly report that summarizes fee collections of the after-care school at the end

of each month. Although this system is adequate for multiple users but it can perform

functions based on the users’ priority. This is how the boundary has been set as what the

system can do based on the requirements.


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1.6 Proposed solution

APU Private School for after-care has facing momentous growth in recent time, make them

to do not be contingent on the manual system anymore and there is a need of a computer

system to carry out the management operation. It is possible for the users to update, create

and edit database files by utilize the proposed system as it is built to versatile. It makes the

database to store and retrieve numerous data in a single software application. The proposed

system is concurrent access where multiple users such as school management, teachers, part-

time assistants and parents can access the database at the same time in different ways without

any clashes. The system is to provide different functions to the users according to their access

privileges based on their credentials which will be done autonomously by the system. Hence,

this system improvises the efficiency of after-care school operations and reduces the overall


Moreover, the proposed system has data recovery and backup features as it will recover the

data if any problems occur and back-up the files frequently. Thus, the school management

can keep all the records for a long term which aid them to keep track of students, parents and

their payment details. As the data files categorized into different structures to outfit the

purpose of the management, it can be assigned by different users in routine basis. This is

place where the security feature plays vital role. Not all the users can perform the same

functions although the system is adequate for multiple users. The security rules of the

database will determine the priorities of the users. The school management is able to edit and

update the monthly bills generated by the system. However, after-care teachers are only able

to view the monthly bills. They can’t make any changes in the monthly bills generated by the


Full payment method has been proposed to overwhelmed issues arise from the payments. An

account database will be created to keep track of the payment details. Receipts will be issued

to the parents and the system will include the details about the payments according to date

once all the payments have been made.


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1.7 Project aims and objectives

The prominent objective of the proposed system is the system should liable to store and

conserve large amount of data such as students’ and parents’ information and payment details

without any redundancy of data in the growing collection of the file folders in a computer

system. The system should able to produce after-care schools’ monthly collection details,

schedules for the part-time assistants, daily, weekly and monthly reports, bills and receipts to

the parents once they made payments.

Moreover, the aim of this system is it should able to provide good performance with low-cost

maintenance. The system needs to be in low budget system with good functions and features

which offers a secure platform for all type of users and enable to keep students’ details

confidently. This online system should be flexible for all kind of users. This system needs to

be user-friendly with simple understandable words where school management, after-care

teachers and their assistants who are not having computer background can access it. The

system must have the capabilities to undergo data amendments, quick and easy accessibility

of data and retrieval method.  Well-developed system according to current technological

development is vital for the APU Private School which is adopt and continuously enhance

educational rather than using a paper based system which is obsolete that consume more time

and manpower. This is to ensure that the after-care school operation is running neatly without

any hitches.

In additional, the calibre of the services provided by the system can be improvised if the

system permits the parents to give some feedbacks. A word from the parents either in

negative or positive perspective will be much appreciable as it will give ideas and opportunity

for the APU Private School for after care to correct themselves and progress further. 


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1.8 Schedule Planning

Gantt chart


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Workload Matrix

Name /Task C.Roshein Saravanan Jagathish Dhachainee

1.0 Introduction

1.1 Project Background

1.2 Current flow of operations

1.3 Project Assumptions

1.4 Problem Analysis

1.5 Problem Solutions

1.6Project Scope

1.7Project Aims and Objectives

2.0 Schedule Planning

2.1 Gantt Chart

2.2 Workload Matrix

3.0 Requirements Development Processes

3.1 Elicitation

3.2 Analysis

3.3 Requirements Specification

3.4 Validation & Verification

4.0 Requirements Management

4.1 Requirements Management Planning

4.2 Traceability

4.3Requirement Management Tool Support

5.0 Weekly Reports

6.0 Conclusion

7.0 References

8.0 Appendix:SRS Documentation



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2.0 Requirement Development Processes

2.1 Elicitation

Elicitation is a process of gathering and putting together information required in a systematic

manner from the users of the system (CareerRide.Com, 2011). The process of elicitation can

be done in various methods. The methods include Questionnaires, Observations and

Interviews. These techniques are usually used to obtain information from users (AndyGurd,

2013). All the three listed methods were used in this in this assignment to obtain information

from users.

2.1.1 School Management

The best method of elicitation to be used on school management was the interview method.

This is because the school management is the primary user of the system and the researcher

had to collect all the information required in order to build the system. The main idea behind

this interview was to find out who the intended users of the system and what were their role

in APU Private School. This was also conducted to get first-hand experience on their

immediate next users who are the staff of the school. Running the business for over 5 years,

they were expected to explain the functions required. They were also asked on problem and

issue faced with the current system. Being the primary user of the system, getting the

requirements of the system to be built from the school management staff was crucial

(CareerRide.Com, 2011).

2.1.2 After-Care Teachers

After-care teachers are the middle person in the system where they have to communicate with

their part time assistance and the school management. Misinterpretation of the after-care

teachers will affect the whole system badly. Therefore two methods were used in getting the

most accurate functions. The first method was questionnaire. Three different sets of

questionnaire were prepared to accommodate all the three different categories of students at


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the after-care school. The content of each questionnaire is listed below (AndyGurd, 2013). As

the second method, interview session was held with all the three full time teachers. All the

problems faced with the current system was discussed and listed accordingly.

Questionnaires to Pre-School after-care teacher

1. What are the time blocks allocated to the pre-school children?

There are two time blocks for parents to choose. Parents can either choose:

12pm to 3.30pm - three hour and a half

12pm to 5.30pm - five hour and a half

2. How do you set a class for different children of two different time blocks?

Children with different type of enrolment hours will be placed in 2 different classes.

This is to ensure a smooth progress at the end of each class. The classes are named as

pre-school A and pre-school B.

3. Is the activity done in both the classes are the same or different?

The activities done in both the classes are similar but not the same.

4. Can one child of a certain time block shift to another session after registering with the


A child cannot switch between each time blocks as they like. However, students who

are enrolled in the first group are allowed to attend the second group after informing

the part time assistance as their parents can be billed for the extra hour. Children

who wish to go back before their classes over in the second time block are allowed

with presence of parents/guardian. If a child wishes to change permanently to a

different time block, parents are required to write in a letter to request a change to

the management. Approval of change is subject to availability.

5. What kind of summary report do you expect from your part time staffs?

- A report on what was done during the class.

- Extra hours of children in the school.

- Note on any child regarding issues to be discussed.


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Questionnaires to Kindergarten after-care teacher

1. What are the time blocks allocated to the pre-school children?

There are two time blocks for parents to choose. Parents can either choose :

1.30pm to 3.30pm - two hours

1.30pm to 5.30pm - four hours

2. How do you set a class for different children of two different time blocks?

Children with different type of enrolment hours will be placed in 2 different classes.

This is to ensure a smooth progress at the end of each class. The classes are named as

kindergarten A and kindergarten B.

3. Is the activity done in both the classes are the same or different?

The activities done in both the classes are exactly the same just the difference of the

second time block will have more activities scheduled on their day.

4. Can one child of a certain time block shift to another session after registering with the


Unfortunately the child cannot switch between time blocks. This is because the

sessions are usually fully packed and there will be difficulty for the assigned part time

assistance to handle.

5. What kind of summary report do you expect from your part time staffs?

- A report on what was done during the class.

- Extra hours of children in the school.

6. Does this category of child have food included in their package?

The first group of children does not have any meals included in their package.

However they can obtain refreshments as the group children with extra charges billed

to their parents. The second group of children is entitled for snack of the day and a


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packet of milo. Children are allowed to refill their bottles at any time within the

school premises at the water dispenser areas.

Questionnaires to Primary School Students after-care teacher

1. What is the time block allocated to the primary school students?

This category of students has only one session available which is 3.30pm to 5.30pm.

2. Why this group doesn’t cater for students who wish to come in earlier?

The school did actually have two different time slots available in the previous years.

Not many students enrolled as most of the primary school around this area finishes

only after 1.30pm. With the new rules set by the Ministry of Education that primary

school students have to attend extra-curricular activities, most students seem to stay

after schooling hours for at least an hour for these activities. Therefore only one time

slot is being allocated nowadays.

3. Can a child who doesn’t attend the activities at school come in earlier at the after-


Unfortunately we don’t cater this group yet. We might consider in future if more

students are interested.

4. What type of report do you expect from your assistant?

I am looking forward to see a progression report on the students. I would also like the

assistant to state their behaviours in school to discuss with parents. As per required

by the management, I will want to see a report on extra hours of students who spend

their time at the school.


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2.1.3 Part Time Assistance

The tasks of part time assistance were closely observed as we could barely have time to

interact with them as they seemed to be extremely busy with the children and students.

However, more than one method was used to obtain the accurate requirements. We managed

to get a few staffs to talk with us on what they actually needed in the system. Among the

tasks that was observed during the elicitation period was where the part time staff gets names

of students who exceed their hours at the after-care school and creating a detail report of

students at the school as per requested by their superiors. Below is one of the conversations

obtained from one of the part time assistant at the school.

“It is currently very difficult for us to manage the students as we have to produce a weekly

report summing up a lot of information of the students. In my class, I have more than 20 over

children under me in a session. Marking each student on the extra hours spent at the school

is extremely tedious and is prone to errors. We are all humans and we make errors. Papers

do go missing at the end of the week during submission to the admin. This becomes a problem

where they can’t bill the parents accordingly. We hope to see a system where we can put in

comments and note online for the parents and admin to view. On the extended hour issue, we

would like to see radio buttons on names of students so we can just click if the student is still

in school every hour rather than our manual system now.”


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2.1.4 Parents

The researcher decided on the questionnaire method to be used with the parents as user of the

system. By this way, best and accurate results could be obtained as many inputs from parents

will be received. Other alternate methods such as interview sessions doesn’t seem promising

because not many parents will be able to make it for the interview sessions as they are busy

with their career. A list of questions was prepared as below. The questionnaires were then

send to the parents together with the monthly bills.

1. What is your opinion on the current system?

Extremely Good




Extremely Poor

2. How efficient do you think the management system is?

Extremely Efficient




Extremely Poor


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3. Does it really give you detail or remark on your child?

Absolutely in Detail

In Detail



Extremely Poor

4. Do you think an online system should be done in order for convenience of both

management and parents?





5. How often do you forget paying the bills and end up paying the fine?

Very Often





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6. How convenient will it be if you can pay via the system?

Extremely Convenient





7. Will it be good if you can check your child’s attendance daily?





After a given timeframe, the entire answered questionnaire was collected and analysed.

Parents felt the current system was poor. They felt the current system was not reliable as it

didn’t provide in detail of their child. They preferred a change to a better online system where

data was keyed in and updated every day. All parents ticked to see their child’s attendance

every day. Many of them ended up paying the late charges and prefer paying their bill via the



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2.2 Analysis

2.2.1 Use case diagram


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School Management


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2.2.2 Use case forms

Number 1

Name Create weekly working rota

Summary Teacher can create working schedule for their assistants

Actor Teachers

Precondition Teachers have to assign vets.

Post condition Teachers have created and saved the weekly rota for three vets.

Extension Point None

Extends None

Includes View working rota.

Flow of events Step Action

1 Teachers enter into their profile panel.

2 Teachers select the week.

3 Teachers select the date

4 Teachers choose the names of their assistants

5 Teachers assign the assistants.

6 Teachers save the schedule.


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Number 2

Name Register new students

Summary School management can add new students’ details and make students’


Actor School management

Precondition New students are making payments

Post condition Update students’ details

Extension Point Maintain students’ details

Extends None

Includes None

Flow of events Step Action

1 Choose students’ category

2 Enter students name

3 Enter gender of the students

4 Enter age of the students

5 Enter parents’ name

6 Enter parents’ phone number

7 Enter parents’ e-mail address

8 Enter parents’ house address

9 Save new students’ details


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Number 3

Name Make payments

Summary Staff can make payments either by credit card, cheque or cash

Actor Parents

Precondition Parents has to login through the system.

Post condition Parents have made payment for their children.

Extension Point None

Extends None

Includes None

Flow of events Step Action

1 Parents login into their account

2 Parents choose the month

3 Parents view the payment amount

4 Parent enter their credit card number

5 Parent enter the expiry date of credit card

6 Parents made the payments

Number 4


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Name Modify personnel details

Summary Parents can modify their personnel details

Actor Parents

Precondition Parents have to login through the system.

Post condition Parents have viewed their own details and their children’s details.

Extension Point Find their details

Extends None

Includes None

Flow of events Step Action

1 Request view personnel details

2 System will display their own details to the parents .


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Number 5

Name Update students’ attendance

Summary Assistants can update the students’ attendance based on their category

Actor Assistants

Precondition Assistants has to login through the system to update attendance.

Post condition Assistants have updated the attendance of the students.

Extension Point None

Extends None

Includes None

Flow of events Step Action

1 System displays the name of the students in

alphabetical order.

2 Assistants check students name one by one.

3 Assistants update attendance of the students

4 System displays confirm message.

5 Assistants confirm the attendance


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2.2.3 Class diagram



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3.0 System Requirement

3.1 Description of template items

Based on search software quality, an SRS minimizes the time and effort required by

developers to achieve desired goals and also minimizes the development cost. A good SRS

defines how an application interacts with hardware, other programs and human users in a

wide variety of real world situation. The purpose of this Software Requirements Specification

(SRS) document is to provide a detailed description of the functionalities of the After-Care

system. This document will cover each of the framework's expected components, and in

addition offer a preparatory look of the product application's User Interface (UI). The record

will likewise cover equipment, programming, and different other specialized conditions

(CareerRide.Com, 2011). The SRS for the system is attached in the appendix. Following are

the content of the SRS:

- Introduction

- Overall Description

- System Features

- External Interface Requirement

- Non-Functional Requirement


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3.2 Validation and verification

Are we building the right system? Validation is concerned with checking with that the system

will meet the customer’s needs. On the other hand, validation is an extremely subjective

process, where it involves making subjective assessments of how, well a proposed system

address a real world needs. Activities such as requirements modelling, prototyping and user

evaluation are includes under validation (CareerRide.Com, 2011). In a traditional phased

software lifecycle, validation is relegated to just the beginning and ending of a project.

During the formal requirements validation process, the main aim is to ensure that the SRS is

complete, modifiable, consistent and also traceable. There are many techniques available to

help with the process of testing to makes sure that the requirement statements are completed,

feasible and verifiable (AndyGurd, 2013). Most of the techniques involve all the school

representatives reading the requirements, resolving issues and collaboration that will result in

consensus and the requirements baseline being set. There are two techniques used in this

projects to help this stage easier to manage.

1. Checklist

helps ours to understand the type and extent of information that will be

required to develop the system

enables us to have all the information we need in order to determine the

application and draft the planning permission

minimises the risk that we will have to go back to the school for more

information which can result in unnecessary delays


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Following are example question :

After-Care System Validation Checklist YES NO

1. Is the initial state of the system defined?

2. Is there a conflict between one requirement and the other?

3. Are requirements associated with performance, behaviour, and

operational characteristics clearly stated?

4. Have all hardware resources been defined?

5. Are functions included as desired by the user (and school)?

6. Can the requirements be implemented in the available budget and


7. Are all requirements specified at the appropriate level of


8. Is the requirement necessary or does it represent an add-on

feature that may not be essentially implemented?

9. Is the requirement bounded and has a clear defined meaning?

10. Does the system provide any errors while using it?


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2. Walkthroughs

Helps us do early checking on an idea whether the idea is feasible or not

Obtain opinion and suggestions from many different people especially from

the school itself

Minimises the risk that we will have to go back to the school if there is any

problem during development or different opinion from the school after the

development process begin.

On the other hand, are we building the system right? Verification is concerned on whether the

system is well-engineered, error-free and so on. Verification is also a process of checking

that the software or the proposed system meets the specification. Activities associated with

the producing high quality software such as, testing inspection, specification, design analysis,

and more are includes in verification. As this is a relatively objective process, in that if the

various products and document are expressed precisely enough, no subjective judgements

should be needed in order to verify software. Under traditional phased software lifecycle,

verification is often taken to mean checking that the products of each phase satisfy the

requirements of the previous phase. In Requirement elicitation it is import to check back with

the elicitation sources. We verify the data by asking the elicitation sources confirmation

questions such as “So, are you saying that..?. Whereas, under the requirement analysis stage,

we check that the domain description and requirements are correct. Lastly requirement

specification stage, we check that the defined system requirements meet the user

requirements under the assumptions of the domain. We do also check the conformity to the

functional and non-functional requirements of the system as well as the system’s basic


Two main verification methods that was used are prototyping and simple checks. Simple

check method will be conduct by various checks using traceability techniques. One of the

techniques is, with given requirement document, the team verify that all the elicitation notes

are covered. Tracing between different levels or requirement, where the team check the

project’s goals against the tasks, features and also requirement of the project. A traceability


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matrix ensures that everything in the specification is justified with valid reason. The team do

verify that the requirements written are clear according to the criteria discussed. The second

method used is prototyping. Prototyping is excellent method for verification by the users or

the customer where it is more accessible than specification. The team designs the product on

a basic level for school to test and this helps the school to discover problems. Any problems

detected will then be documented using a problem reporting tool. Requirements that are

missing will also be documented to be added into the prototype later on. It is important to

choose scenarios or use cases under prototype for elicitation session. Prototyping-based

verification steps are as follows:

– Choose prototype testers

– Develop test scenarios

• Plan to draw up a set of test scenarios which provide broad coverage of

the requirements

– Execute test scenarios

– Document problems using a problem reporting tool


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4.0 Requirement Management

4.1 Introduction

According to Andygurd (2013), requirements management can be defined as a process which

consists assigning attributes to requirements and at the same time elaborating views on

requirements and creating document. Any changes to be made will be watched in order to

meet the stakeholders requirements of the system and must be formatted in a documentation

manner for better viewing and understanding. Requirement management procedures involves

attributes which has to be assigned according to requirement throughput based on the

lifecycle of the system.

Any requirements must be managed efficiently because any form of mismanagement or

miscommunication will lead to bad output (CareerRide.Com, 2011). One of the most

undermined reason for project failure is due to change in requirements and failure to adapt to

the changes according to the stakeholder’s needs. Thus, to make sure the system developed is

fixable with arising problems and matches the requirements defined during requirement

specification by stakeholders, proper management is required (CareerRide.Com, 2011).

Besides, customer satisfaction is given utmost importance as the customer must be satisfied

with the systems functionality and non-functionality. More importantly, management is

needed as to produce a system within a feasible budget which satisfies all sides involved.

Moreover, proper agreement and consent between developers and users would decrease the

likelihood of last minute requirement changes to take place.


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The table displayed below will show the different kinds of stages representing the

requirement process.

Maturity Level Name Process Area

1 Initial No processes yet

2 Managed Requirement Management

1. Project planning

2. Project monitoring control

3. Supplier agreement management

4. Process and product quality assurance

5. Configuration Management

3 Defined Requirement Development

1. Technical solution

2. Product integration

3. Verification

4. Validation

5. Organization process focus

6. Organizational process definition

7. Organizational training

8. Integrated project management

9. Risk management

4 Qualitative managed Organizational process performance

Quantitative project management

5 Optimizing Organizational innovation and


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Casual analysis and resolution

The image above shows the basic steps in a requirement management procedure. However,

the steps and procedures involved are much detailed.

There are many reasons why requirements might change during the lifecycle of a project

which may be out of control. Even if some of the change requests can be denied as being

outside scope, they still must be analyzed first to determine this. They must also be recorded.

In the end all you can do is have a robust process in place for managing the requirements

after the baseline is set as which will be described in depth below.

1. Change Control

A proper process for receiving, managing and communicating changes is critical.

There are several issues that can arise from the lack of a robust process in this area.  A

robust change control process should include the following steps:

Logging of request

Analysis and assessment of requests

Prioritization and authorization (or not) of request

Negotiation for resources

Implementation of request

Documentation and dissemination of the change in a timely manner.

2. Version Control


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Requirements are not static and neither is the business environment. This means that

once the baseline document is in place you will then need to adopt strict version

control for all the documents. Every change that is made needs to be reflected in all

the documentation and then all the documents need to be re-issued so that all the

stakeholders are working from the same set of documents. 

3. Requirements Status Tracking

You need to be able to monitor the progress being made throughout the lifecycle of

the project. You will need to define a set of status codes for the lifecycle of the project

for instance code for, a requirement that has been implemented. These codes need to

be updated in a timely manner.

4. Requirements Tracing 

Bidirectional traceability is a key control and compliance issue on any software

engineering project. By ensuring that each requirement can be traced to its origins,

use cases, test cases, source code and design, you mitigate unnecessary development.

Baseline System for Proposed System

The baseline elaborates and offer the project stakeholders shared understanding of the

system that will be delivered to waiter and wheel, when the baseline is described, the

customer have agreed regarding of the system boundaries and finalized set of

documentation is delivered to all stakeholders to sign off on. There are several tasks

are required to be accomplished in order to create a requirement baseline for the

project. However, any changes needed to take place after baseline are set as subject to

stringent change control because the baseline is a final agreement among the

stakeholders and development team.


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4.2 Traceability

Traceability is the mapping for all the requirements that mentioned in the requirement

document as it very vital to ensure that the requirements have corresponded to the test case.

At the same time, it is important to know which requirement a particular test case has been

written for in order to know which test cases need to be re-written or modified if there are any

changes (CareerRide.Com, 2011). Uses case, activity diagrams, entity relationship diagrams

and source codes are the tools that used to define the process of traceability to ensure that

each and every necessity can be followed to its origin.

There are several types of traceability that developers can use to trace requirement

information (AndyGurd, 2013).

Backward from traceability:

It is used where the team developer can connect all requirements to their sources in other

documents or system user.

Forward from traceability:

Is intended to profit the developer where they connect requirements to the design and

implementation components.

Backward to traceability:

It connects design and implementation components back to necessities.

Forward to traceability:

This type of traceability is aimed to link other documents which may have preceded the

requirements document to suitable requirements.

Classifying the condition of the requirements into several categories is the main thing that the

developers will do when they start with progressing the project (AndyGurd, 2013).

Proposed: the requirements that requested by the users

Approved: the requirements that have been analysed and allocated from the initial

point of a precise release.


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Implemented: this is the stage where requirement code has been written, designed and


Verified: the implemented requirement has been confirmed for correct functioning in

the integrated product. The requirement is traced for applicable test cases

(CareerRide.Com, 2011).

Rejected: the requirement is rejected for the implementation in the forthcoming


Deleted: the requirement has been deleted from the point of departure.


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4.3 Requirement Management Tool Support

Requirement management can be defined as a process of documenting, analysing, tracing,

prioritizing and agreeing on requirements and then controlling change and communicating to

relevant stakeholders. On the other hand, a requirement management tool is a software or

system which assists developers to manage different intensive tasks relevant to the

development and requirement management processes involved. The main purpose of

requirement management tools are because it’s capable of saving time and increasing

productivity tremendously.

There are various requirement management tools available in the market with different

functionalities. An essential tool would be one capable to display user interface to enable

users to access all the functions available and at the same time being able to handle the

requirement management tasks. A requirement engineering tool can be chosen based on the

number of requirement a specific system needs. For example, projects with low budget and

less requirements can make use of database and spread sheets. However, a middleweight

requirements management tool would be optimal in order to safe guard the knowledge base

of an organizations requirement.

In cases such as this assignment where the Aftercare school system is concerned, it can be

considered as a medium sized project and needs a proper commercial database tool because

the current Aftercare school system does not meet the different demands in terms of

functionality. In cases of big projects with big budgets, it will require robust commercial

requirement management tools. This gives an advantage to the user as it allows users to

import and export functions for documents usage at the same time. Another advantage would

be that it would be able to filter and display required database details and at the same time

link requirements to products stored in other software design tools.


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Example of requirement management tools:

Tool Description Database/



Blueprint Extremely detailed, providing very granular data

Fast to execute

Visible while it’s working, and

Easy to analyze


Caliber Built-in object relational database provides a

single repository for all artifacts

Real-time Agile integrations ensure your user

stories match business requirements

Integrate for real-time impact analysis and


Share core requirements across the enterprise to

reduce rework and ensure compliance


Accompa Full requirements broken down part by part for

the project.

Complete traceability of the requirement's


Hierarchically displays requirements and

requirement tasks, enables to determine the

granularity of requirement definition.


Cognition Configuration Management. Versions

(Baselines) are supported at all levels: item,

document, folder, and project.

End-to-End Workflow Integration. Cockpit

allows users to import requirements from

multiple external sources such as Excel, Word,

XML, ReqPro, DOORs, etc.

Privileging. Access rights allow project

administrators to set privileges for team groups



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and members. Rights are granted broadly or on a

data type by type basis.

IBM Rational


Rational DOORS Next Generation: Offers

support for a range of requirements practices

from light-weight requirements to fully regulated

systems engineering. Designed for collaboration.

Rational DOORS Web Access: Extends Rational

DOORS with web interface that enables

stakeholders to create, view, edit and discuss



Doors Good for management to have complete control


Adaptable to change in management

Provide user friendly query and navigation



Importance & Benefits of requirement management tools

Requirement management tools maintain a history and records the changes made in

its past. Certain tools contain a change-proposal system which links change requests directly

to affected requirements. Thus, automated assistance can help ease work load as development

progresses. Table below will highlight specific benefits of making use of a requirements

management tool.

Benefits Explanation

Manage Versions & Changes Certain tools provide very flexible baseline

functions. The rational and reason behind

each change decision and can be reverted to

a previous version of a requirement if


Store Requirements Attributes Several descriptive attributes for each

requirement should be recorded. All project


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members must be aware of each attributes.

Thus, requirement management tools

generate many different system defined


Reuse Requirements Requirements in a database allow reusing

them in different projects. Requirements

which logically fit into different parts

according to a product description can be

stored once and referenced whenever


Facilitate impact Analysis Tools enable requirements tracing by

defining different types of requirements.

Some tools allow establishing traceability

links between requirements in database and


An organized and well used tool is beneficial to everybody involved in a project from

the aspects of organizing, eliciting and documenting the many needs of the software.

Requirement management tools enable a huge starting step through software development

life cycles. In a nutshell, the requirements management tool supports the analysts in

documenting project requirements, versioning requirements, managing the requirement

change process, tracing requirements through the analysis and design process, and tracking

the status of requirements.


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5.0 Weekly Reports

Project Progress Report 1

Date: 24th July 2015

Time: 13: 30 pm: to


Venus: TPM Main


Present: Absent :






Content Done By

1 Aim of the meeting

The first meeting was conducted on 24th September 2015.The questions are explained to everyone and members are given choice to choose which part they prefer to take.

C. Roshein

2 Discussion regarding assignment


Delegate the task to group members present.

Discussing the assignment. Brainstorming of how to complete the

assignment within the given period.


3 Goal for the coming week

Schedule Planning of completing this task. Workload Matrix.


4 Preparing for next meeting

The meeting ended at 2:30pm. The next meeting set on 31st July 2015 at 2: 30 pm


Prepared by: ………….. (C.Roshein)


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Project Progress Report 2

Date: 31st July 2015

Time: 10: 30 am: to


Venus: TPM Main


Present: Absent :






Content Action By

1 Discuss of previous meeting task

The second meeting conducted on 31st July 2015. Result of task analysed and researched of topics are analysed and discussed again to exchange ideas.

C. Roshein

2 Discussion the tasks

Creating workload matrix. Producing Gantt Cart. Creating schedule planning.


Prepared by: …………….. (C.Roshein)


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Project Progress Report 3Date: 21st August


Time: 03:00pm: to


Venus: TPM

Present: Absent :






Content Action By

1 Checking on previous meeting task

The fourth meeting conducted on 12th October. Revising on tasks has been selected to be done in previous meeting.

C. Roshein

2 Discussion the tasks

Explain on what is needed for validation. Identify requirement management tools


3 Goal for the coming week

Requirements Management Requirements Traceability Requirements Management Tools


4 Preparing for next meeting

The meeting ended at 5:00pm. The next meeting set on 28th August 2015 at 10:00am


Prepared by: …………….. (C.Roshein)


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Project Progress Report 4Date: 28th August


Time: 10:00am: to


Venus: TPM


Present: Absent :





Content Action By

1 Checking on previous meeting task

The last meeting was conducted on

21st August. Reviewing tasks had been



2 Discussion of the tasks

Discuss on Project Management Scope and it’s fulfilled.


3 Goal for today

Conclusion. References. Appendix A of software requirement

specifications (SRS) Compiling all individual members work to a

complete single one.


Prepared by: …………….. (C.Roshein)


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6.0 References

Alexander, Ian F.; Beus-Dukic, Ljerka (March 2009). Discovering Requirements: How to

Specify Products and Services. John Wiley.

AndyGurd. (2013, January 28). What is Traceability? Retrieved July 17, 2015, from

Managing Your Requirements 101:


Bourque, P.; Fairley, R.E. (2014). "Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge

(SWEBOK)". IEEE Computer Society p. 308

CareerRide.Com. (2011, May 20). Testing - Requirements Traceability. Retrieved July 12,

2015, from Requirement Traceability:


Gotel, O., Finkelstein, A. An Analysis of the Requirements Traceability Problem Proc. of

First International Conference on Requirements Engineering, 1994, pages 94-101

Goldsmith, Robin F. (2004). Discovering Real Business Requirements for Software Project

Success. Artech House. 

Miller, Roxanne E. (2009). The Quest for Software Requirements: Probing Questions to

Bring Nonfunctional Requirements Into Focus; Proven Techniques to Get the Right

Stakeholder Involvement. MavenMark Books

The MITRE Corporation,. 'Verification and Validation of Simulation Models'. N.p., 2015.



models [Available online] 29 Aug. 2015.

Ralph, P., and Wand, Y. A Proposal for a Formal Definition of the Design Concept. In,

Lyytinen, K., Loucopoulos, P., Mylopoulos, J., and Robinson, W., (eds.), Design


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Requirements Engineering: A Ten-Year Perspective: Springer-Verlag, 2009, pp. 103-136,. 'Validating an Evaluation Checklist Using a Mixed Method Design'. N.p.,

2015. [Available

online] Web. 29 Aug. 2015.

SearchSoftwareQuality,. 'What Is Software Requirements Specification (SRS)? - Definition

From Whatis.Com'. N.p., 2015. Web.

[Available online] 29 Aug. 2015.

Sommerville, Ian; Sawyer, Pete (May 1997). Requirements Engineering: A Good Practice

Guide. John Wiley.

Stellman, Andrew and Greene, Jennifer (2005). Applied software project management.

O'Reilly Media, Inc. p. 308

Pressman, Roger (2010). Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach. Boston: McGraw

Hill. p. 123


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7.0 Appendix

SRS Documentation

1.0 Introduction

1.1 Purpose

The aim of this document is to specify complete description of functional and non-functional

requirements for APU Private School after care online system. It is basis for agreement

between suppliers and customers about the system to be developed. Through this document,

the workload needed for development, validation and verification will ease. To be specific

this document is intended to be used by the members of the project teams that will implement

and verify the correct functioning of the system. Unless noted, all requirements specified here

are high priorities and committed for release 1.0.

1.2 Project Scope

The After Car System is a web based application which helps APU Private School in

handling the students that would like to join the after-care. After- Care teacher can help

keeping timesheets for part time assistance and also submit weekly summary sheets to the

school. A part-time assistance also uses the web application to report to the after-care. On the

other hand, School employees use the application to help register after-care for different time

blocks, prepare monthly bills for pre-register and more. The parents also can use the

application to view or make payment and update their credit-card number for online payment.


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Lastly, the APU Private Schools use the application to send monthly bills, record payment

and other important functions. Furthermore, the software needs Internet to display results. All

system information is maintained in a database, which is located on a web-server. The

application also has the capability of representing both summary and detailed information

1.3 Reference

- Aasen Rick. Software Requirements Specification. 1st ed. 2011. Web. 31 Aug. 2015.

- [1] IEEE Software Engineering Standards Committee, “IEEE Std 830-1998, IEEE

Recommended Practice for Software Requirements Specifications”, October 20, 1998.

2.0 Overall Description

2.1 Product Perspective

This section will give an overview of the whole After-Care system. The system will be

explained in its context to show how the system interacts with other systems and introduce

the basic functionality of it. Although we will not describe every requirement in detail, this

section will describe the factors that affect the final product. At last, the constraints and

assumptions for the system will be presented.

2.2 User Classes and Characteristics

User Class Description

After-Care Teacher - Keeping Timesheets for part time assistant

- Submit weekly summary sheets to school

Part-Time - Report to After-Care System


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Schools - Send monthly bills

- Record payment

- Pre-register student in January every year

- Handle all request for registration

- Edit monthly bills

- Maintain calendar, activities, prepare handouts and

reminders for the parent

- Maintain student record

- Contact list up-to-date

- Monthly Report

School Employees - Help register after-care for different time-blocks

- Prepare monthly bills

- Additional time blocks

- 5% discount (if more than one child is register)

- Generate report summary

Parent - View Payment

- Enter Credit-Card Number (Online Payment)

2.3 Operating Environment

OE-1: The After-Care System shall operate with the following web browsers: Microsoft

Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome.

OE-2: The After-Care System shall operates on Apache Server

OE-3: The After-Care System shall permit user access from the corporate Intranet and, if

a user is authorized for outside access through the corporate firewall, from an

Internet connection at the user’s home.


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2.4 Design and Implementation

CO-1: The system shall use java programming language to develop.

CO-2: All scripts shall be written in JavaScript.

CO-3: The system shall use MySQL database.

2.5 User Documentation

The primary goal of After-Care is to facilitate the process of managing the students,

employees and the expenses. Consequently, the application will be designed to be as simple

to use as possible. Nonetheless, users may still require some supplementary information

about each component of the After-Care system.

UD-1: The system shall provide Help Menu function for user. The Help menu should be a

collection of topics covering each of the application’s menus, features, etc. At any

time, the user should be able navigate to the Help menu and select any of these

topics to obtain more information.

UD-2: The After-Care System should provide tutorial that takes all of these topics and

condenses them into a single, step-by-step demonstration that the user can access

immediately after entering the application. This tutorial is meant to quickly and

effectively teach new users the “ins and outs” of the application.


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2.6 Assumptions and Dependencies

Time Dependencies

The features of After-Care are divided into two groups: core features and additional features.

Core features are crucial to the basic functionality of the After-Care System application.

These features must all be implemented in order for the application to be useful. Optional

features, however, are not critical to the function of the application. They are usability

improvements and convenience enhancements that may be added after the application has

been developed. Thus, the implementation of these features is entirely dependent upon the

time spent designing and implementing the core features. The final decision on whether or

not to implement these features will be made during the later stages of the design phase.


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3.0 System Features

Monthly Report Generation

Description and Priority : A summary monthly report is generated summarizing the fee

collections for after-care program.

Priority : High

Stimulus/Response Sequences :

Stimulus School inserts daily transactions being made into the system

Response After-Care System calculates the total amount earned daily

basis or monthly basis

Stimulus School clicks Monthly Report Generation button

Response After-Care System calculates total revenue collected for the

month and displays monthly report of after-care program

done by APU Private School

Functional Requirements :

Report Generate After-Care system shall generate a summary

monthly report which the APU Private

school can use to analyze the after-care

program status


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Monthly Bill

Description and Priority : The school will send monthly bills to the parents based on the

time blocks.

Priority : High

Stimulus/Response Sequences :

Stimulus School click Monthly Statements button

Response After-Care System prepares monthly statements for each

children enrolled in APU Private School after-care program

Stimulus School click Send Monthly Bill button

Response System sends monthly statements prepared to parents of

each children and discount of 5% given to the parents with

more than one child register under APU After-Care

Functional Requirements :

Monthly Bill Generate After-Care system shall monthly statement

for each children based on a default


Monthly Bill Send After-Care system shall send monthly

statement of each children to their

respective parents


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Register New Student

Description and Priority : The school handles all registration requests from parents in

accordance to the ability of the after-care teachers. Registration

is done on January every month.

Priority : High

Stimulus/Response Sequences :

Stimulus School opens up registration request list on January

Response After-Care System queries school which student to approve for

after-school care

Stimulus School selects student to be approved and click Approve button

Response After-Care System queries school for student’s details

Stimulus School inputs student’s details

Response After-Care System saves student’s details into database and

queries school for time block to assign student to

Stimulus School chooses specific time block for student

Response After-Care System assigns student to specific time block and add

time block assigned into student’s details in database

Functional Requirements :

Register Student ID: After-Care system shall allow the school to


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select students by using Student ID

Register Prompt1: After-Care system shall prompt the school

to input student’s details

Register Time Blocks: After-Care system shall prompt the school

to choose time block for student

3.1 External Interface Requirement

3.2 Hardware Interface

No Hardware interfaces have been identified.

3.3 Software Interface

SI-1 Services and Communication

SI-1.1 Relies on server push and pull protocols to be fully functional

SI-1.2 Communication will occur in occasional, short burst between a user’s web and

the server

SI-1.2.1 When a user such as parents or school employees creates/confirm a new bill or


SI-1.2.1 When the server finishes processing group / member debts to update users

SI-1.2.1 The application will notify the server when it successfully receives an update

3.4 Communication Interface

CI-1 The server exists to retrieve information from the database and calculate


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payments. The product also calls for a database system that stores user

information and transaction history between users and school. Furthermore,

whenever a user opens the After-Care system, a pull protocol will be used to

retrieve and sync the latest transaction updates from the server.

CI-2 The After-Care System shall send an e-mail message to the Parents to once they

successfully register as a new user.

3.5 User Interface

UI-1 The font style of the system shall be Times New Roman.

UI-2 The theme colour of the system shall be blue and white.

UI-3 The icon for search, delete and help button shall be the same throughout the system.

UI-4 Navigation tabs and buttons such as Homepage, Login and Logout buttons shall

appear on every screen.

UI-5 Help button shall appear throughout the system to explain how to use that page.

UI-6 The system will throughout create with the concepts of constrain under Human

Interface Computing (HCI)


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4.0 Non-Functional Requirement

4.1 Performance Requirement

Performance should not be an issue in light of the fact that the greater part of our server

inquiries include little bits of information. Changing screens will require almost no

processing and in this manner will happen rapidly. Server overhauls ought to just take a few

moments the length of the telephone can keep up an unfaltering sign. The expense division

calculations utilized by as a part of use will be exceedingly effective, taking just a small

amount of a second to figure.

4.2 Safety Requirement

After-Care System will not affect data stored outside of its servers. It cannot cause any

damage to the desktop or its internal components. The only potential safety concern

associated with this application applies to virtually all web based online apps: After-Care

should not be used while in a situation where the user’s attention is not focused, where this

situation can lead to information leak.

4.3 Security Requirement

This application accepts that just the user or whoever he/she permits will have admittance to

his/her Account. All things considered, just a register email address and password is obliged

to confirm the personality of the user after opening the application. There is just a string if a

user has set up PayPal usefulness, however any exchange including genuine coin must be

approved and affirmed before getting to be last. The PayPal API gives the majority of the

security checks expected to guarantee that no false exchanges happen.


Page 65: RENG Assignment

Requirement Engineering 2015

4.4 Software Quality Attributes

The graphical user interface of After-Care is to be outlined with ease of use as the first need.

The application will be introduced and composed in a way that is both outwardly engaging

and simple for the user to navigate. There will be inputs and visual signals, for example,

warnings to illuminate clients of upgrades and pop-ups to give user with instruction.

To ensure reliability and correctness there will be zero resistance for errors in the calculation

that registers and parts costs between gatherings of parents. To keep up adaptability and

versatility, the application will consider circumstances in which a client loses web association

or for reasons unknown can't set up an association with the server. These users will at present

have the capacity to utilize the application, however any Bills, Transactions, and so forth

posted while detached will be reserved until the association is restored.

In general, the application equalized both the convenience and the simplicity of learning. The

format and UI of the application will be sufficiently basic that clients will set aside no time to

take in its components and explore through it with little trouble.