Download - Renewed Vision for the Parish · Missalettes are hanging over the rails. I am reminded, “Help me build my church.” One Saturday, after morning Mass, I felt compelled to walk all

Page 1: Renewed Vision for the Parish · Missalettes are hanging over the rails. I am reminded, “Help me build my church.” One Saturday, after morning Mass, I felt compelled to walk all



ORROMEAN Renewed Vision for the Parish Fr. Troy Przybilla

I t may sound strange, but not long after I became your pastor I read several books on parish life and how to be a pastor. I did this because being a pastor is complicated. It is complicated because parish life is complicated. There are so many different personalities and responsibilities that one can easily become overwhelmed. One of the books I

read gave me great peace. It was called Simple Church. It was written by Thomas Rainer who struggled with the complexities of parish life. He wrote:

Many of our churches have become cluttered. So cluttered that people have a difficult time encountering the simple and powerful message of Christ. So cluttered that many people are busy doing church instead of being the church.

All pastors and parishes face the same problem; because parish life is so complicated, we can easily lose sight of our goal and mission. Our goal is to get to heaven and our mission is to bring as many people with us as we can. This is so simple, but we make it so complicated. Before He ascended into heaven Jesus gave His disciples, and us, our mission, when He said:

Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age. (Mt 28:19–20)

These words are called the Great Commission. Responding to these words, Rainer said, “Thriving churches have the Great Commission as the centerpiece of their vision, while dying churches have forgotten the clear command of Christ.” I have been thinking about this since I have become your pastor. I want our parish to thrive. This summer, my staff and I have reviewed our parish mission statement. We revised it to look more like our mission from Jesus and we added a vision and a philosophy of how to achieve this. We looked at all of our programs and I challenged them to ask the question, “How does it make disciples of Jesus Christ?” If it doesn’t, we shouldn’t be doing it, or we should do it differently. As I look forward to this year I am asking the Holy Spirit to help reveal this to us so that we can simplify our parish and its programs so that we can focus more on our mission of making disciples and our goal of getting to heaven.

“Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations.” Duccio Di Buoninsegna Appearance on the Mountain in Galilee .

Page 2: Renewed Vision for the Parish · Missalettes are hanging over the rails. I am reminded, “Help me build my church.” One Saturday, after morning Mass, I felt compelled to walk all


Helping Build the Lord’s Church Tom Pomeroy In my prayers leading up to my “Yes” in accepting the role as your Business Administrator, I heard very clearly, “Help me build my church.” Confused? I was! St. Charles Borromeo is already an incredibly beautiful church (I am in awe and wonder every time I enter the doors) and the people inside are already filled with a great love for Christ (thank you for your warm hospitality and your many ministries serving the needs of our community!). So I asked, “What is it, Lord, that you want me to do?” and He has begun providing the answers. During my short time here, I have witnessed many examples of your great love for Christ and His church. Of particular note, I am encouraged by the number of parishioners involved in caring for our church, and here are just a couple of examples: After every Monday 8 am Mass, many helping hands stay after to clean up the past week’s mess. Everything is restored to like new – the pews are emptied of clutter, every hymnal is set upright, each Missalette is set binder up and cover facing out, every kneeler is up, not a scrap of paper is found on the carpet– all is in its proper order, just as He calls us to do. But then I wonder why, come the very next day, after Mass, many pews are found with paper scraps, kneelers left down, hymnals on the seats and Missalettes are hanging over the rails. I am reminded, “Help me build my church.”

One Saturday, after morning Mass, I felt compelled to walk all around the campus and take note of so many good things, but also of the need for manicuring the greenery and tending to so many little details. It felt overwhelming, so I asked Mother Mary for her intercession and settled into my office to begin work. Within minutes, I suddenly heard trimmers and blowers disturbing the peace. I looked by the East entrance and was surprised to see a dozen or more faithful Knights tending to landscaping needs – “Praise and thanks to God for providing such a quick answer to prayer!” They finished what they could in 3-4 hours, and afterwards the areas around the parish and offices looked well-kept. Thank you brother Knights for your selfless

act of love for the church! But I wonder: Why didn’t more parishioners come to help? Are we showing others that this is our parish, a great place to be? Will more come to tend to these little details? Are we to spend monies on these needs? If more helped, we’d be able to help our ministries! Again I am reminded, “Help me build my church.” We, the laity, are each blessed to be counted as members of the church and as such we are all called to care for Her. And like St. Therese of Lisieux, we can find joy in tending to the little things required to maintain the church, just as we can find joy in caring for the little ones and serving those in need. Together, we can show our faith and together we can move mountains. Please pray for an increase in our efforts to show how much we care for this great parish and for one another. My hope is by this time next year, we will see many more parishioners involved in volunteering to keep the buildings and its grounds well maintained, an increase in the use of the monies to fuel our ministries and an increase in monies available to fix the big repairs needed for a parish campus now in its 80th year. Other highlights of note: Successful restoration of the West Stairs and installation of the School’s Fire Sprinkler & Alarm System Parish Evangelization Endowment Fund Trust established with an initial deposit of one half of the one million dollar goal

– thank you for fulfilling your Capital Campaign pledges to date! Replaced broken Spanish Tiles on the church roof and soon will begin repairs beneath the tiles on the dome. Re-established a preventive maintenance program of systematic and routine cleaning, adjustment and replacement of

equipment parts at regular scheduled intervals. This approach saved or deferred spending of more than $100,000, fixing rather than replacing certain heating and air conditioning equipment.

Began repairing and repainting certain walls in the school and fixing sidewalks in critical need of repair. Began telephone and security system upgrades in the parish offices and the school. There is much to do, but our progress to date signifies that God’s house is being built on an already firm foundation.

Page 3: Renewed Vision for the Parish · Missalettes are hanging over the rails. I am reminded, “Help me build my church.” One Saturday, after morning Mass, I felt compelled to walk all


The Knights of Columbus: A Band of Catholic Brothers Tom Harrington, Director of Stewardship and Development

S t. Charles Borromeo Knights of Columbus Council 14832 was established in 2009, and now

boasts over 100 Knights in its ranks (out of nearly 2 million Knights worldwide). The founding principles of the Knights are Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism. With fraternal charity through service, the Knights stand as willing servant leaders to provide mercy and compassion to those most in need. Here are a few of our council’s activities and accomplishments from this past year: The St. Charles Knights had a total of 3,117 volunteer hours, 143 visits to the sick, and 11 participating blood donors.

Held 7 Pancake Breakfasts, preparing and serving 1,003 meals, with net proceeds of $5,402.23, which provided funds to the following charities: Hurricane Relief; Persecuted Christians; Seminarians from St. Charles Parish; NPH (Honduras Orphanage); Franciscan Brothers of Peace; MN Knights of Columbus Student Loan Fund.

Supported the St. Charles Catholic Watchmen outreach by hosting 7 social/prayer gatherings, which attracted up to 65 men per meeting.

Supported the School Marathon (providing for and cooking all the hot dogs for 275 students and their families) and the Learning Festival (served 265 meals, netting almost $1200) going to NPH Orphanage.

14 Knights and their families serve meals twice a month at the Ramsey County Food Services. Each spring and fall, 10-15 Knights execute a mass cleanup of the church/school grounds. Supported 2 St. Charles Students with $500 scholarships for their respective outreach initiatives. Total charitable donations by our St. Charles Council this year: $6,927.35

NEW IN 2018-19: FAITH IN ACTION PROGRAM The demands of life today make it difficult to find time to live out the calling of our faith and our desire to serve. Our always-on smartphone means that work follows us home where we also juggle household chores and frenetic kids’ activities. Free time is precious and dedicated to family. The Faith in Action program model invites men to lead their family in faith and service – not leave their family for service. In the coming 2018-2019 fraternal year, Faith in Action will be the new program model for the Knights of Columbus. The new model seeks to balance all of our priorities as an Order — Faith, Family, Community and Life — and offer Knights meaningful opportunities to serve people in need in our parishes and communities. Faith in Action fully integrates Building the Domestic Church programs, limits the number of requirements for Columbian Award, and most importantly, allows councils to concentrate on implementing faith-filled family programs. Our goal? Quality – not quantity.

WILL YOU JOIN US? If you are a Catholic male over the age of 18 (or know of one) and are not a member of the Knights of Columbus, our council extends an invitation, and highly encourages you to get involved. For more information, or to pursue membership with St. Charles Borromeo Knights of Columbus Council 14832, please contact Tom Harrington at 612-787-1189, or call the parish office at 612-781-6529. Our website is

Brother Engelmeyer

O ur parish’s prayers for vocations continue to be answered! This past July, our own Mark

Engelmeyer, son of Mike and Donna Engelmeyer, made his first profession of vows as a Christian Brother in Chicago. His first assignment is in Memphis, where he will teach religion at Christian Brothers High School. Keep up the prayers for holy vocations!

Page 4: Renewed Vision for the Parish · Missalettes are hanging over the rails. I am reminded, “Help me build my church.” One Saturday, after morning Mass, I felt compelled to walk all


Women’s Council Fall News Donna Engelmeyer, Women’s Council President The St. Charles Women's Council has a long history in the parish going back to 1939. It has gone through many changes over the years, but our goals remain the same--to provide spiritual, service and social opportunities for the women of the parish. Things to look forward to this year are the annual Bake Sale in November, the Father/Daughter Breakfast in January, monthly Craft Nights and inspirational speakers. Some of the service activities will be: Packing meals at Feed My Starving Children Household goods collection in November for the Cabrini Partnership Annual sock and mitten collection for Catholic Charities Spring collection of travel/personal size toiletries for the “Blessing Bags” we give to Catholic

Charities One new program that we are excited about is “Guess Who's Coming to Dinner.” This is a program where parishioners can meet others in the parish over dinner at host homes. The ongoing theme this year is the parable of the mustard seed. Mark 4:31-32 “With what can we compare the kingdom of God...It is like a grain of mustard seed, which, when sown upon the ground, is the smallest of all the seeds on earth; yet when sown it grows up and becomes the greatest of all shrubs...” Come join us in Women's Council to become “mustard seeds” and help grow the kingdom of God. If you have any questions or ideas for Women's Council or would like to serve on a committee, please call Donna at (612)716-5630 or

email [email protected]. To sign up to be on the flocknotes emailing list go to or check out the parish

website at

Youth and Young Adults in the Upcoming Year Rachel Houglum

Young Adults…We’re headed to SEEK2019! All St. Charles young adults (and friends!) are invited to Indianapolis from January 3-7 for the SEEK Conference! About 20,000 college students and young adults from all around the country are expected for this awesome 5 day event. The conference features over 60 dynamic Catholic speakers, nightly entertainment, and most importantly, prayer and the Sacraments. For more info, visit If you are interested in attending with the group contact Rachel Houglum at [email protected].

Attention College Students! Did you know that there’s a monthly gathering for college students from the parish? Once a month, all students are invited to gather in a home to share a meal, hear a talk, and spend quality time together. To get more info/get on our email list contact Rachel Houglum at [email protected].

Coming Up for Our High School Students: There’s a lot to look forward to for our high school students this coming school year. All students are encouraged to come get involved in Youth Group! Here are some highlights: Sunday Nights – Sunday Youth Group is our main event every week from 6-8:30pm. We begin the evening in the school gym with sports, followed by a free dinner, and then our main activity centered around the faith. There is no membership and students are welcome anytime! Lifeline- Lifeline takes place at the NET Center on the first Saturday evening of every month, October-May. St.

Charles sends a group to this great event every month which features Mass, a speaker, and Adoration. Archdiocesan Youth Day- This year AYD will take place Saturday, October 27th. Thousands of students come from

all around the Twin Cities for this day-long conference featuring great speakers, Mass + Adoration, music, and more! Winter Retreat- Save the date for our Winter Retreat happening at the NET Center February 16-17. We’ll be on

retreat from noon Saturday to noon on Sunday. For more info, check out our Youth Group page at or check us out on Instagram at legatichristiyg.

Page 5: Renewed Vision for the Parish · Missalettes are hanging over the rails. I am reminded, “Help me build my church.” One Saturday, after morning Mass, I felt compelled to walk all


NPH: International Outreach in St. Charles Parish Deacon Stephen Najarian For the past three years, St. Charles Parish has been collaborating with NPH (“Nuestro Pequenos Hermanos”—Our Little Brothers and Sisters). This organization was founded in 1954 by Fr. William Wasson in Mexico to care for abandoned children. Since that time, NPH has assisted more than 20,000 children and is currently raising 6200 children in homes in Bolivia, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Peru. The children are cared for in a loving, stable, Catholic family environment that provides food, clothing, healthcare, and an education through college or trade school, enabling them to overcome poverty and become leaders in their communities. I’ve had the good fortune to visit the Honduras home twice and can attest to the good work being done. Each year, students from one of the homes, this year from El Salvador, embark on their upper mid-West Pequeno tour, which is designed to create awareness of the organization in the community and to raise the much needed funds to care for the children. For the third year in a row, we will be hosting students and chaperones in their visit to the Twin Cities. They will be staying in homes of our parishioners from October 4-October 10, and then will move on to another sponsoring parish for a week. The students will be participating in a number of activities organized by NPH and will be joining us for Sunday Mass on October 7, providing entertainment for us in Doran Hall after each Mass. There will also be an opportunity to hear from the students and current sponsors, and information will be given on how to sponsor a child. In addition, representatives from NPH will be available for the two weeks both before and after the Pequeno tour to encourage us to sponsor a child in the future and meet the every growing needs of their NPH brothers and sisters. It is a great privilege for us to have this opportunity to look beyond our own community and borders, recalling that what we do for our brothers and sisters in need, we do for Jesus Himself.

Apostolic Outreach in St. Charles Parish Deacon Stephen Najarian Reverent and faithful worship of God in the sacred liturgy must always bear fruit in works of charity, which is the goal of our parish apostolic outreach. In other words, the love of God demonstrated in the Mass must always be made evident by our love of neighbor. Our extensive program of charitable outreach at St. Charles is overseen by our outreach committee, which has been functioning with variations in membership over the last fifteen years. Many times our parishioners may not be aware of all the ways we are reaching out to help those in need, so from time to time, it is helpful to review. Each week, food is collected and brought on a rotational basis to one of three sites: the local Salvation Army food shelf, the Franciscan Brothers of Peace, and Caring and Sharing Hands. Two evenings a month, a group of fathers and their families serve dinner at the Catholic Charities family shelter in St. Paul off White Bear Avenue. Several times throughout the year, parish organizations or groups go to pack meals at Feed My Starving Children. Every January, we hold a diaper and formula drive to benefit mothers in unexpected or unwanted pregnancies. On or about the third Saturday of January, we hold the Evening to Affirm Life, where there is an opportunity for the families of the parish to gather for a homemade meatballs and pasta dinner at no charge and be inspired by a life-affirming speaker, for whom a free will offering is taken. During Lent, funds and groceries are collected to feed some 400 people for Easter in collaboration with the local Salvation Army. In May, a household goods and furniture drive is conducted to benefit Bridging, a non-profit organization that provides basic home necessities to families coming out of homelessness. In October, a collection is taken of baby clothes and essential items to benefit the North Side Life Care Center. In November, our parish wide clothing drive is held and the items donated to Caring and Sharing Hands. In December, presents are donated to benefit families in need in collaboration with Cabrini Partnership. And finally, over the past three years, we have been partnering with NPH (Nuestro Pequenos Hermanos-“Our Little Brothers and Sisters”), an international organization which supports family centered homes for abandoned children throughout Mexico, Central and South America, and the Caribbean. These homes provide a full education through college or trade school, education in the Catholic Faith, and lots of love. Our parish school has been involved with NPH the past year through each classroom sponsoring a child. Also, this will be our third year of hosting students in October on their fund-raising tour. Finally, through the generosity of so many parishioners, funds are available in Sister Stephen’s Purse throughout the year to assist those in our parish and those who come to our door in need of basic necessities. Through these and other future programs, we can, as a Faith community, manifest the Lord’s love to those in need, the “least of our brothers and sisters.”

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Faith Formation Programs: Opportunities to Grow in Love for Christ Jacob Nelson, Director of Faith Formation

W hen Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI became Pope he began his ministry by writing about how God is love. This is a huge statement, to say that God’s entire Being, all the He is and all that He expresses is Love Itself. Pope Benedict gives us great direction in terms of what it means to be Christian in this document when he writes,

“Being Christian is not the result of an ethical choice or a lofty idea, but the encounter with an event, a person, which gives life a new horizon and a decisive direction.” If we are Christians we must build on this encounter with the person of God in Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit. This happens in many ways, but chiefly in the mystical nature of the Mass where we don’t just hear readings and homilies, or beautiful music but rather we join in worship of God in a way that He has desired. This is for our good, not simply His. This encounter with Jesus Christ should not be a one time event, either. Many great Saints and Catholic thinkers have been clear that we are in need of lifelong conversion, study and prayer. We could not expect to love our spouse if we never spoke to them, studied their likes and dislikes, or their preferences. We could never truly fall in love with somebody if we simply take for granted their presence in our lives’ and then never seek knowledge of who they are even at the deepest of levels. If we are going to take our faith seriously, if we are going to say we love God with all of our heart, all of our body, all of our mind and all of our soul then we ought to walk the path of constant conversion, and seek deeper formation. St. Charles parish offers so much in the way of community and formation and there is more to come! Preschool of Religion helps set children up for success in their faith, Evening School of Religion seeks to give families tools to explore and love the faith together, as a community and as the domestic Church. Our baptism program urges parents and godparents alike to be the model of faith as they are the first encounter with God that their children will have. With our First Reconciliation and First Communion program children truly encounter the person of Jesus and His love, while in Confirmation young men and young women are given the strength and knowledge by the Holy Spirit to defend the faith. There is one last program of formation among many that I would like to point out. RCIA is an encounter with Jesus Christ and the community of St. Charles Borromeo for those wishing to explore the Catholic faith. Yet this program is not only for non-Catholics or Catholics seeking their Sacraments. RCIA is a great opportunity for all Catholics in this parish to rekindle or deepen their faith and to walk the journey of constant conversion and wonderful formation. Consider joining RCIA in order to learn not just the basics of the faith but so much more than what you could expect going into the program. This is one great tool of formation that our wonderful parish offers that answers Pope Benedict’s statement from the Year of Faith when he writes: “We therefore must believe that even in our era, seemingly reluctant to the transcendent dimension, that it is possible to open a path toward an authentic religious meaning of life, showing how the gift of faith is not absurd, it is not irrational.”

Rosary Honor Guard

U nsung heroines, usually 3 or 4 rows deep in front of the St. Joseph Altar, pray the Rosary before every Funeral Mass at St. Charles Borromeo. Led by Millie Wall, members of the Women’s Council and dedicated to Our Lady of the Ro-sary, these women joined by a few men, are faithfully present to pray the Rosary for the deceased and for their fami-

lies. In a generous corporal work of mercy, these parishioners pray the departed to heaven. Before beginning the Rosary, Eileen Spano bestows a blue ribbon lanyard holding a medal of Our Lady for each member of the Honor Guard. The parish is grateful for this holy work!

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All activities will take place on the front lawns of the School and Church

Come join us for a fun-filled day for the entire family here at St. Charles!





OCTOBER 7, 2017 4:00PM-9:00PM

Second Prize: $500 cash Third Prize: $150 Jax Café Certificate

Only 1000 raffle tickets will be sold! Contact Tom Harrington at

612-787-1189 or [email protected] to purchase tickets.

The Holy Land—One of many options!

Page 8: Renewed Vision for the Parish · Missalettes are hanging over the rails. I am reminded, “Help me build my church.” One Saturday, after morning Mass, I felt compelled to walk all


Welcoming new staff members St. Charles school welcomes 3 new members to our staff this year! Beginning in 3rd grade, we welcome Hannah Meidl to our staff. Hannah grew up in Prior Lake and attended St. Michael’s parish and school followed by Holy Family High School. She moved to Sioux Falls, SD where she attended college at the University of Sioux Falls. After graduating with a degree in elementary education and special education, Hannah taught 3rd grade at a Catholic school in Sioux Falls for one year. She has since moved back to Minnesota, and she will be back in the Land of 10,000 Lakes teaching 3rd grade at St. Charles. Hannah is a woman of great faith who loves children, athletics, and enjoys teaching students of varied abilities. Shannon Fox will be the lead teacher in our second four-year-old Pre-K room. She is another former student of Holy Family High School whose family moved to Georgia during her senior year. She earned her bachelor's in Education from the University of Alabama and moved back to Georgia where she taught Kindergarten at a Christian school for five years. Shannon returns to Minnesota with a feeling of coming home. Her Catholic faith is important to her, and she has tremendous energy, which will come in handy teaching preschool. Shannon has great passion for teaching, and we are fortunate to have her as a part of our St. Charles community. Theresa Thompson is from California and recently married Nick Thompson, a St. Paul native from St. Bernard’s parish. They have moved to the Twin Cities to begin their life together, and Theresa will be an assistant teacher in one of our four-year-old Pre-K rooms. Theresa received a bachelor’s from California State in Child Development and her associates in education from Golden West College. Theresa is extremely dedicated to forming young people into disciples of Jesus Christ, and we are excited for what she will bring to our preschool program.

News Of Our School

St. Charles Marathon CHARGES on! The St. Charles Marathon is Saturday, October 6, 2018, from 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM. We hope you can join us for this fun family event! This year we invite everyone to begin the Marathon Day with 8 AM Mass at St. Charles Church. After Mass we will proceed with check-in/registration, walking/jogging for an hour, lunch & dessert, and then a closing ceremony with prizes and cheers! The Marathon is our all-school fundraising event and has been an important part of our culture for more than 40 years. It’s a unique opportunity for our students to support our school through the sponsorship of family, friends and community members. St. Charles students have a great deal of pride in our school, and this community celebration is just one of the ways we show it.

The Marathon is also a school community building event and helps raise awareness of non-public education. All St. Charles community members are welcome to come cheer us on or join us on the route. Just look for the sea of Charger Green! There are lots of opportunities for parishioners and community members to support the Marathon through mailed contribution envelopes, or by finding a lucky student to sponsor. Donations raised through the marathon go directly to our school to support many programs and are a part of our operating budget. We hope you will help us reach our Marathon goal of $43,000 this year!

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News Of Our School

First-time lemonade stand a big success!

T his spring our 5th graders raised enough money to help 36 kids receive clean water for their lifetime. How did they do it? They created a simple business plan for running a lemonade stand as part of a school Math

project. Students completed all the work to prepare and run the stand. On their first day they raised almost $250 which was much more than they expected. So, they increased their goal and were determined to meet it. After 6 days of selling lemonade - even in 90-degree heat - our students sold enough lemonade to reach their goal of $1,800. They chose to support World Vision USA's Clean Water Project with the funds, which is focused on

“providing clean water and sanitation to every man, woman, and child in every community we work in, including the most vulnerable populations in the hardest-to-reach places.” During their sale, the school’s front lawn was often crowded with people. It created enough buzz to spark interest from a few local media stations. KSTP (Ch. 5), KSTC (45 TV), and WCCO (Ch. 4) all aired a story about the lemonade stand’s success. We were thrilled to get the publicity about the great students we have at St. Charles School!

Update from the Principal: Enrollment and Accreditation

T his year St. Charles School is continuing our MNSAA (Minnesota Non-Public School, Accrediting Association) self-study in preparation for our on-site visit during April of 2019. This study provides the opportunity for our staff and community to examine who we are, what we do, why we do it, what we do well and what we can do

better. A survey went out to all of our parents last winter with about 65 questions on it. We received 153 responses, this data will be used along with our staff’s self-study to form our new strategic plan. This plan will guide our school for the next 7 years so we take the creation seriously. The team visiting St. Charles this spring will be looking to see if we are who we say we are and if our new strategic plan makes sense in light of our self-study and community survey. This pro-cess is a lot of work but it is valuable and supports our commitment to continuous improvement. During my second year at St. Charles we came up with an enrollment goal of “320 by 2020.” This would have been the 2015-16 school year with the goal of growing enrollment from 246 that year to 320 or more by the year 2020. Strategies for increasing enrollment have included improvements to our curriculum and instructional strategies, expanding our preschool options, im-proving and focusing marketing efforts, focusing on our mission of “Making disciples of Jesus Christ who strive for excellence in faith, virtue, service and academics, “ using test data to identify areas of need, and prayer. This year we will open our doors with about 306 students enrolled which puts us on pace to reach or surpass our goal of 320 by the 2020-2021 school year. This is great news! But we are not throwing confetti just yet. We will continue to work hard at increasing excellence and enrollment. Of the strategies to increase enrollment previously mentioned, the largest impact on increasing enrollment has come from prayer and preschool. Our preschool enrollment has gone from 16 to 66 and is feeding larger kindergarten classes that can remain in 2 sections as they go through 8th grade here at St. Charles. If you’re reading this, I probably do not have to elaborate on the power of prayer. Please continue to keep St. Charles school in your prayers, you will be in ours.

Page 10: Renewed Vision for the Parish · Missalettes are hanging over the rails. I am reminded, “Help me build my church.” One Saturday, after morning Mass, I felt compelled to walk all


News Of Our School

VillageFest parade

M ore than 60 St. Charles Chargers walked in the St. Anthony VillageFest parade on Friday, August 3. It was a great night to hand out candy and give-aways, and also to share with our community the great school we have at St. Charles!

School’s new website coming soon!

S t. Charles School is giving their website a refresh this fall! The current St. Charles website ( is about three years

old, and we want to make sure our mobile site is easily accessible for all prospective and current families needing information about our school. We also want to make sure we are on the most current system as well as an updated design that will appeal to those looking for a Catholic school in our area. If you have any questions about our school’s website, please contact Angie Johnson at [email protected].

School Sprinkler System

S t. Charles School put on some serious weight this summer due to the installation of a school-wide sprinkler system. This system along with some upgrades to our alarm and panel brings us into compliance with Minnesota state fire code. It is

not the most exciting way to spend money, considering we hope that we never have to use it, but our children’s safety is at the top of our list. This system ensures our stu-dent’s safety in the case of a fire In some places the system is unnoticeable, in some places it is very noticeable, in other places it is downright ugly. We have plans to paint some of the areas that have exposed pipe to help it blend in.

Page 11: Renewed Vision for the Parish · Missalettes are hanging over the rails. I am reminded, “Help me build my church.” One Saturday, after morning Mass, I felt compelled to walk all


In addition to committed adorers , families whose names begin with the alphabetical letters listed in the column to the right are invited to come for an hour of Eucharistic Adoration at the Corresponding time.

If you cannot make the appointed time, please pick another hour.

Please know that the church will be open overnight so all can adore during those hours too!

Eucharistic Adoration in the Church

Friday, Nov. 2 – Sunday, Nov. 4

Fri. 8:30am - Sat. 3:00pm Sat. 6:00pm - Sun. 8:00am

Parish Celebration after 10 am Mass Sunday

FRIDAY, NOV. 2 8:00pm ----------------------------------- A 9:00pm ----------------------------- Ba-Bi 10:00pm -------------------------- Bj-Bz 11:00pm ------------------------ Ca-Ch SATURDAY, NOV. 4 12:00 midnight --------------- Ci-Cz 1:00am ---------------------------- Da-Di 2:00am ---------------------------- Dj-Dz 3:00am ----------------------------------- E 4:00am ----------------------------- Fa-Fi 5:00am ------------------------------ Fj-Fz 6:00am ---------------------------- Ga-Gi 7:00am ---------------------------- Gj-Gz ——————————————————- 9:00am ---------------------------- Ha-Hi 10:00am -------------------------- Hj-Hz 11:00am ----------------------------------- I 12:00 noon ----------------------------- J 1:00pm ----------------------------- Ka-Ki 2:00pm ----------------------------- Kj-Kz —————————————————— 6:00pm ------------------------------------ L 7:00pm ---------------------------------- M 8:00pm ----------------------------------- N 9:00pm -----------------------------------O 10:00pm --------------------------------- P 11:00pm --------------------------------Q SUNDAY, NOV. 5 12:00 midnight --------------------- R 1:00am ------------------------------ Sa-Si 2:00am ------------------------------ Si-Sz 3:00am ------------------------------------ T 4:00am ----------------------------------- U 5:00am ----------------------------------- V 6:00am ---------------------------------- W 7:00am -------------------------------- X-Z

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PERMIT NO. 2745 2739 Stinson Boulevard NE

St. Anthony, Minnesota 55418

If there are any changes

to your address, please

call the parish office at

612-781-6529 so that

we can update our

records. Thank you!