Download - Remodista's Mobile for Mommies Workshop

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Mobile  for  Mommies  Workshop  

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Your  Daughter’s  Digital  Influencers  

What  is  she  seeing?  How  is  she  behaving?  •  Constant  Connec@vity-­‐  Cellphone  use  •  Tex@ng  •  Gaming    

Social  Engagement-­‐  impact  on  rela@onships  and  self  defini@on?  Play:  Snapchat,  TwiMer,  Instagram,  Pinterest,  Lineplay    

Brand  and  Celebrity  Culture  •  Where  and  do  they  live  online-­‐  Rihanna  +  Miley  •  How  do  they  influence  your  daughter  and  her  friends?  

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•  Text:  “K,  sure”  •  Interpreta@ons  

–  Okay,  sure!  J  –  K  (whatever).  Sure  (can’t  wait…  not).    

–  Okay,  sure  (that’s  fine,  I  don’t  really  care)  

Context  doesn’t  apply!  Or  does  it…  

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•  What  is  your  Daughter’s  Personal  Brand?  

ü  Bossy,  Nerdy,  Shy,  Extroverted?    •  How  can  your  daughter  define  her  personal  brand  digitally?  •  Explore  +  Share  “oops”  and  “wow”  moments  digitally  

Your  Daughter’s  Personal  Digital  Brand  

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Define  her  digital  self!    

YOUR  Daughter  

3  aMributes  that  others  would  say  about  her  (present)  

3  traits  that  you  want  people  to  associate  with  her  (future)  

Discuss  and  determine  how  to  bridge  the  gap  between  the  two  

How  can  you  reflect  this  digitally  with  the  choices  you  make  in  your  status  posts,  profile,  pictures,  etc…?  

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What  others  would  think/say  about  me  

What  I  want  others  to  say  about  me  

Ac>on  Plan!   Digital  implica>ons  

Passionate   Passionate   N/A  –  con@nue  doing  the  things  I  love  to  do!  

Con@nue  pos@ng  about  things  that  I  am  posi@vely  passionate  about  

Driven   Smart/  though@ul   Difference  is  I  want  people  to  respect  my  opinion  –  put  more  thought  into  why  I  may  feel  a  certain  way  

Join  goodreads  and  share  books,  do  online  research  and  post  about  it,  be  more  thoughcul  in  how  I  post  

ImpaBent     Easygoing     Count  to  10  before  responding  if  upset,  understand  how  to  not  take  things  personally  

Choose  not  to  respond  via  text  or  IM  if  unable  to  do  so  in  a  neutral  manner,  wait  a  day  to  respond  to  an  angry  email,  resolve  conflict  in-­‐person  

Her  (for  example)  

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Our  challenge  to  you  –  Create  a  niceness  prac@ce!    Have  your  daughter  text  or  post  something  that  will  make  someone  smile  once  a  day!  

Protect  her!    

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ü  Best  in  Class  Apps  ü  Remodista  Mobile  for  Mommies  Facebook  

ü  Remodista  Mobile  for  Mommies  Pinterest  

Online  and  Offline  Ac>vi>es  

ü  #posi@ve  (ex.  Sophia  Bush)  

ü  Inspira@onal  Pinterest  Boards  ü  Sharable  Family  +  Friend  Albums  

Resources  and  Ac@vi@es:  Offline  +  Online  

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Remodista  is  a  power  broker  in  connec@ng  the  most  influen@al  and  solu@on  oriented  execu@ves  working  in   digital,   social,   and   mobile   commerce.     It   is   a  collabora@ve   forum   with   three   primary   goals:   to  elevate   women,   educate   brands,   and   mentor   a  community   focused   on   shaping   universal   best  prac@ces   for   global   retail   mobility.   By   connec@ng  industry   leaders   with   innova@ve   ideas,   who   are  ready   to   learn,   share  and  bring  visionary   strategies  to   the  market,   Remodista   has   built   a   strong   brand  community.    

Remodista  Mission  

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Eleva@ng  women  globally  is  a  core  mission  of  Remodista.    

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Community    Elevate  Women  Mentor  Youth  

Nurture  Globally  

Community  Collabora@on  

Content  Cura@on  

Sophis@cated    In@mate  Commerce  Educa@on  

Community  is  Our  Differen>ator  

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Kelly  S@ckel    President  +  Global  Community  Builder    Remodista  312-­‐371-­‐9302  I  Skype:  kelly.s@ckel  [email protected]