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Remaining parts to question 2. note that you may have saved the rest on the school computer as evaluation q 1.

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TaskFor our A2 media project we were asked to create a promotion package for our own unique film concept. This consisted a film trailer, magazine front covers and film poster.

Now days increasing media technologies means it is easier to reach broader audiences, but among more competition. I feel that my print artefacts along with the movie trailer represent the film through genre, concept and theme. The idea of the movie and the narrative is presented through voiceover and visuals in the trailer, and through image and titles/font style on the print artefacts. We hope to place our artefacts and trailer in the appropriate places to attract the correct audience. Our age group is from 15-25. this is open to expansion but we feel this would be the most accurate age group to target. To attract the lower band (15-19) we will place the poster around colleges, shopping malls, youth centres etc. The magazine cover we would hope could hit the front of popular magazines such as Empire. The trailer we would advertise using web 2.0 targeting popular social networking sites such as Facebook and twitter. These sites can act as a discussion forum for new films/products with ability to share, like and comment, additionally it is free advertising. Although we are using these specific sites/advertising locations this is also combined with the attempt to reach a wider audience as an older and younger audience will come across the posters and trailer as they too maybe actively using social networking and come across the visuals of the posters in shopping malls etc.

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Target audience example

Our target audience is actually directed equally at both males and females, however for this TA profile I’m going to use a male. Jamie is a 18 year old male. He lives at home still with his parents and is in full time education at a sixth form college. His main leisure activities include being around friends, seeing gigs, films and playing football.

He tends to use Facebook and twitter as his main social networking sites and finds out about new gigs, films and events through these sites. He goes to films more on impulse than plan. He will see a film that catches his eye and decide to ring a friend and go.

This is a lot of young people’s attitude to cinema going now days so by placing our advertisement in the correct place and with sufficient strength wee should be able to attract the large audiences.

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When to releaseI think the best time for us to release our film would be in the first week of July. The thinking behind this is as follows. Our target audience consists of a young audience and by this time they will have broken up from school/college. Furthermore there is less competition from mainstream film distributors given that the bigger films seem to be released in winter. Because there is less competition from mainstream competitors it gives way for some friendly push and shove between independent films. We then have to rely on the accuracy of our advertising and the quality of our film to win that battle.

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Releasing stillThe obvious factors have been taken into account but we also need to think of how we will reach our target audience. Looking at exit polls for films with a similar audience has been helpful. For example kidulthood shows that a large amount of the source of information came from word of mouth and posters. This is essential to an independent film because it is low cost advertising with decent results. It is also a good film to compare ours to because it is one with a young audience and from these results we can realize what the most effective advertising campaign for us would be.

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TA againAgain relating to kidulthood, our target audience would share similar interests in alcohol, drugs, sex, youth culture etc. Like kidulthood these things appealed to their young TA. I think our film would appeal more to the middle class as the message is slightly more complex than a simple teen film. It will also to appeal to that age group between 19-25 because it has an element of interesting, heart felt drama. The message is slightly more complex in religion and culture as a pose to a simple story. I would classify this within the middle class16-25 Audience. I think the easiest way to market our film would be through posters, online using web 2.0 and word of mouth. However I think the unique concept and message would be wasted if we were not to go further. I think to show it at the film festival in Canne in may would be a giant opportunity to promote it to the slightly older section of our target audience and only a month before it’s release!

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Brand image and USPI think the key image to our film is based around the religious experience for a young person. I’ve captured this by using a Burka for one of my magazine front covers with bars over the eyes as if to imply the Our character is trapped by her religion. She also wears a headscarf in our trailer and film poster. We have branded our film as a film for young people. Advertising the problems and a huge majority of young people to have to face; the problem of whether to follow in your parents footsteps In terms of behavior, religion and belief. The unique selling point of this film is that it takes an unusual angle. Usually films touch on the side of racism from an ‘onlookers’ point of view. This film tackles the problems of racism and shows the tyranny of religion on a young mind that wants to be free.

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Film magazineLittle White Lies is an English independent film magazine so it fits perfectly to our concept and position.

Little White Lies readers are film fans with an adventurous streak. They love cinema in all its forms, but recognise that it exists in a wider cultural tapestry, and get excited about the bigger picture. (credit Although that isn’t our main audience this would attract the higher age ban of our TA (the 20-25).

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Film posterI designed one final draft of a film poster. It is effective in grabbing our target audience: firstly it shows our main character in the background of people rushing by. This shows her to almost be ignored and plays along with the storyline that she doesn’t fit in. the audience is immediately drawn to below the title at the quote saying “deeply impressive” with 4 stars underneath it. This is comforting for viewers, they don’t want to waste their money on something that will not be worth their while, hence why reviews and ratings being so heavily important on a movie poster. It aslo shows an array of awards down the bottom of the screen furthering the audiences trust in the film. Not only Is it physiologically pleasing but aesthetically. It is nicely laid out and easy to understand. It doesn’t give much away though inviting the audience to either come see it, or log on and view our trailer or further advertising online. The font style gives hints that it may have some sort of religious theme and this is accompanied by the main character’s head scarf.

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Web 2.0 and film promotion

A viral campaign would fit well to promote our film. Given our target audience age group it would not only be appropriate, but Ideal. Studies by office for national statistics show that 87% of men and 83% of women use/have used the internet. A large percentage will of course be younger people, older people claiming to not see as much use in the internet. We could easily position our adds on social networking sites such as twitter and Facebook in order to set of interactive advertising and word of mouth. Facebook enables people to post, share, like and comment on video’s photos and status’. This means that our trailer could be shared and commented on. Things can easily be shared from profile to profile, each time becoming viewable to hundreds of different people. It’s almost like a visual word of mouth and can start discussion about a topic. Twitter works in a similar way, you can ‘tweet’ about things and ‘retweet’ what you approve of. Again each time it is shared it immediately becomes available to hundreds, thousands, even millions of new people depending on the amount of followers the person who shared it has.