Download - Release 7.0 FAQ

  • 7/27/2019 Release 7.0 FAQ


    SOFTEK Structural Office Release 7.0 FAQ Sheet

    START HERE: What help do you need?). I am a Network Administrator installing/uninstalling products on a Network and have a



    ! Go to Section 1.

    . I am installing/uninstalling products on my own machine and have a question.?! Go to Section 1.

    . ECT or W-SECT and am not sure what to install.Go to Section 4

    I have a license for B-SECT, C-S



    then Section 1.

    running S-FRAME 7.0 and have a question.

    Go to Section 2

    . I am an Engineer! .

    running S-STEEL 7.0 and have a question.. I am an Engineer! Go to Section 3.

    E 7.0 and have a question.

    Go to Section 4

    . I am an Engineer running S-CONCRET!






    E-mail: [email protected]

    Telephone: +1(604)273 7737 Mon-Fri office hours PST

    Web: fill out the form at


    V = Version

    6.xx = any (earlier) version of a product beginning with the number 6; e.g. 6.11, 6.21 etc.

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    SOFTEK Services Ltd 2006

  • 7/27/2019 Release 7.0 FAQ


  • 7/27/2019 Release 7.0 FAQ


    SOFTEK Structural Office Release 7.0 FAQ Sheet

    Q8. How do I install a Network Client?

    ! There is a Client Setup V7 option for this on the Install Products screen. Install this oneach client. Alternatively you can follow Section 4 of the Installation Instructions. You mustinstall a product to the server before doing either of these.

    Q9. When I run a program I see the following message what do I do?

    ! You have either installed the wrong product(s) or need to contact support to reprogram yoursecurity key (dongle). Check your documentation to ensure you have installed the correctproduct(s). If you have, or if you are unsure, contact Support.

    Contact Support details on page 1.

    Q10.How do I uninstall a previous-version product?

    ! This depends whether it is a) a Stand-alone installation, where the program is installed onyour computer - or b) ANetworkInstallation, where the program is run from a server.

    a) Stand-alone: Go to the Windows Control Panel/Add or Remove Programs, find theemove it.product in the list of installed programs and R

    b) Network (for Network Adiminstrators):

    i.) Nework Client: uninstall the SOFTEK Structural Office Client via Add or RemovePrograms in the Control Panel. This will remove all previous version products from the

    Client.ii.) Network Server originally installed at the Server: uninstall each previous product via

    Add or Remove Programs at the Server

    iii.) Network Server originally installed from a Client to the Server: uninstall via Add orRemove Programs on the original Client. If this is not possible/ known, removeprevious program folders manually from the Server.

    .Q11 I still have questions, what do I do?


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    SOFTEK Services Ltd 2006

  • 7/27/2019 Release 7.0 FAQ


    SOFTEK Structural Office Release 7.0 FAQ Sheet

    2 S-FRAMEQ1. Are S-FRAME V6.xx files compatible with S-FRAME V7?

    ! Yes; you can open files produced in an earlier version in V7. However, once they are savedin V7 they may not open correctly in V6.xx (see below). For this reason we recommend yousave the file to a new name if you wish to retain the original V6.xx file.

    No; only same-version products will link.

    !name (if you wish to retain the original V6.xx

    file) andAnalyze before opening in S-STEEL.

    ! ever, the existing Manual is substantially relevent and can be referred toin most instances.


    Q2. Are S-FRAME V7 files compatible with S-FRAME V6.xx?

    ! Possibly; if the model includes a feature which is new to V7 (for example Physical Members)this will not be understood by V6.xx and there may be problems. For this reason wegenerally recommend that you do not take files back to V6.xx from V7. If you have aparticular need to do this and have any doubts contact Support.

    Q3. Is there a printed V7 program manual I can refer to?

    ! Not currently. However, the S-FRAME Help System has been completely updated includingtopics on new features. Access this via the Help Menu in S-FRAME. The existing Getting

    Started, Theory and Verification manuals are substantially relevent and can be referred to inmost instances.

    Q4. Are there New Tutorials I can look at?

    ! Yes; there are the following new multi-media (sound and video) tutorials on new featuresavailable from the S-FRAME Help Menu; Graphical User Interface, Wall Integration Line, HighRise, Physical Member, Stage Construction. Select Help/Run Tutorial to run these

    Q5 . I still have questions, what do I do?

    ! Contact Support details on page 1.

    3 S-STEELQ1. Can I link from S-FRAME V7 to V6.xx S-STEEL?


    Q2. Can I open an S-FRAME V6.xx file in S-STEEL V7?

    Not directly, since analysis from S-FRAME V6.xx is not compatible with S-STEEL V7. To dothis, in S-FRAME V7; Open, Save As a new

    Q3. Is there a printed V7 program manual I can refer to?

    Not currently. How

    Q4. Are there New Tutorials I can look at?

    Not currently. However you can where tutorials will be posted forviewing/download in the future.

    ! Contact Support details on page 1.Q5. I still have questions, what do I do?

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    SOFTEK Services Ltd 2006

  • 7/27/2019 Release 7.0 FAQ


    SOFTEK Structural Office Release 7.0 FAQ Sheet


    ! B-SECT, C-SECT and W-SECT have been replaced by one application calledS-CONCRETE which has all the capabilities of B-SECT/C-SECT/W-SECT and considerablymore. You can define and design Beam, Column and Wall sections in one interface. TheBEAM options in S-CONCRETE correspond to the current B-SECT program; similarly theCOLUMN options to C-SECT and the the WALL options to W-SECT.

    Q2. I only have a license for B-SECT/C-SECT/W-SECT. What do I install?

    ! Just install S-CONCRETE and choose the appropriate Setup Type for your license (on theinstallation screen shown below). The license you receive, or your security key (dongle), willdecide how S-CONCRETE functions; for example if you only have a license/key for B-SECT,then only the BEAM options in S-CONCRETE will function fully.

    Q3. What is the functionality of the S-CONCRETE options I do not have a license for?

    ! They are limited to those of a LITE version; generally you can appreciate how they functionbut they cannot be used on projects. You will see the following message if you try and useone of these options:

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    SOFTEK Services Ltd 2006

  • 7/27/2019 Release 7.0 FAQ


    SOFTEK Structural Office Release 7.0 FAQ Sheet

    Q4. How do I fully enable options I dont currently have?

    ! Contact SOFTEK to enquire about purchasing a license; either email [email protected] call +1(604)273 7737 and ask for sales.

    Q5. Can I open a B-SECT/C-SECT/W-SECT file in S-CONCRETE?

    ! Yes, all *.BSE, *.CSE and *.WSE file can be opened in S-CONCRETE. When you save thefile in S-CONCRETE it will be saved as an *.SCO file.

    e via theASCII file export (S-FRAME) and Import Loads via TIM file (S-CONCRETE) options.

    !Office7/S-CONCRETE Manual.

    The programs Help System has also been fully updated.


    ! ound and video) Overview Tutorial is available from the Help Menuwithin the program.


    Contact Support details on page 1.

    Q6. Can I open an S-CONCRETE file in B-SECT/C-SECT/W-SECT?

    ! No; S-CONCRETE uses the new file type *.SCO which is not compatible with any versions ofB-SECT/C-SECT/W-SECT

    Q7. What sections are contained in an S-CONCRETE file?

    ! An S-CONCRETE file contains only a single section; either a beam, column or a wall section.Q8. Can I link to B-SECT/C-SECT/W-SECT from S-FRAME V7?

    ! Not directly; S-FRAME V7 will link directly only to S-CONCRETE. This is only possible via theASCII file export (S-FRAME) and Import Loads via TIM file (B-SECT, C-SECT) options.

    Q9. Can I link to S-CONCRETE from S-FRAME V6.xx?

    ! Not directly; only S-FRAME V7 will link directly to S-CONCRETE. This is only possibl

    .Q10 Is there a printed V7 program manual I can refer to?

    Not currently. However there is a completely up to date Manual available in PDF format.This can be accessed from the Help Menu within the program and from the Start Menu oncethe program is installed; START/Programs/Structural

    Q11 Are there New Tutorials I can look at?

    Yes; a multi-media (s

    Q12 I still have questions, what do I do?


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    SOFTEK Services Ltd 2006

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