Download - Rejoice at the bounty of Allah – The Quran....2019/02/24  · Glory to You, Indeed, I have been of the transgressors. (La ilaha illa anta subhanaka inni kuntu minaz-zalimin)’ So


Rejoice at the bounty of Allah – The Quran. Class 7 24th February 2019

Surah At Tahreem Ayah 11:

• The first thing Aasiya Wife of Firoun asked for was a house in Jannah close to Allah. Her first invocation was not to protect her from Firoun but instead the first and foremost thing she was concerned was a house in Jannah near Allah. She did not give heed to her tyrant husband.

• This means the remembrance of the hereafter was dominating her heart. All her concern was to be close to Allah. She was living a luxurious life in the duniya but it was not her concern.

• The next supplication was that she asked for protection from Firoun i.e. the closest evil to herself. For us the closest evil is ourselves , our desires, bad character, Shaitaan and the people around us. The people around us e.g. our offsprings, our spouses, our sibling and our co-workers have an effect on our faith. The scholars say that the sicknesses of the heart are contagious e.g. if the love of this world is dominating someone’s heart will effect


someone who is not concerned much about the duniya. This is based on the statement of the Prophet ( ملسو ھیلع هللا ىلص ) that the example of the good companion and the bad companion is like that of the perfume seller and the blacksmith. When you go to the perfume seller wither you will buy the perfume or you will get the good fragrance and when you go to the blacksmith either he will burn your clothes or you will get the bad nasty smell from him. This is the example when an evil person can affect your heart.

What is the way to get out of this calamity ?

• When we are stuck with such people then we have same solution as Aasiya i.e. to seek refuge with Allah as he is the only one who can protect us. When we make Dua’a to Allah he will avert the evil away.

• The supplication in the Quran that tells us how to live in this world. 1/3rd for the Duniya and 2/3rd for the Hereafter. This is how we should be living in the world. This life does not deserve to be sad for it therefore we must not grieve if we lose any worldly thing. The real matter is the hereafter.

Now we need to reflect on the supplication of Aasiya if we asked Allah for a house in Jannah close to him and if we sought refuge with Allah from those close to us who can harm our faith/


It is the sunnah of the Prophet ( ملسو ھیلع هللا ىلص ) to seek Al Afiya i.e. we are seeking refuge from those who mahy mislead us from the religion. This includes fitna of the wealth and of the offspring.


Allah teaches us what to do in certain situations.

Surah Aal e Imran Ayah 173 to 175


• The above verses are related to the battle of Uhud. In the Battle of Uhud there was much loss after disobeying the orders of the Prophet ( ملسو ھیلع هللا ىلص ). Abu Sufyan who was the head of the disbelievers who said to return back and fight the believers. The hypocrites went to the believers and said the disbelievers are coming to fight you again and wipe you out. The Prophet ( ملسو ھیلع هللا ىلص ) did not back down and told them all ‘Sufficient is Allah for us and He’s the Best of Disposer of Affairs’.

• The believers put their trust in Allah and relied on Allah and they went out. When they reached a place called Hamra Al Asad. The disbelievers did not expect the believers to come out for them . At that moment Allah cast terror and fear in the heart of the disbeliever and they went back to Mecca. When the believers relied on Allah, Allah took care of them.

• When you have a clear enemy you don’t need to fight back but just rely on Allah and have complete trust on Him then you will see how Allah will repel the harm from you.


Allah teaches us what to do when we are in a distress situation

Surah Anbiya Ayah 87 and 88

Allah tell Prophet ( ملسو ھیلع هللا ىلص ). and his followers the example of Yunus مالسلا ھیلع when he left his people without the command of Allah. He lived in the darkness of the belly of the whale for a long time only supplicating to Allah that there is no god worthy of worshiping besides you and I am the wrong doer. The Prophet ( ملسو ھیلع هللا ىلص ). tells us whoever is in distress and makes the supplication of Yunus مالسلا ھیلع will be relieved of his distress



Ibrahim bin Muhammad bin Sa`d narrated from his father, from Sa`d that the Messenger of Allah ( ملسو ھیلع هللا ىلص ) said: “The supplication of Dhun-Nun (Prophet Yunus) when he

supplicated, while in the belly of the whale was: ‘There is none worthy of worship except You, Glory to You, Indeed, I have been of the transgressors. (La ilaha illa anta subhanaka inni

kuntu minaz-zalimin)’ So indeed, no Muslim man supplicates with it for anything, ever, except Allah responds to him.”) Jami` at-Tirmidhi 3505

Allah teaches us who are our Auliya ( friends ) and Enemies.

Our Auliya are :

1. Allah 2. The believers ( this includes Prophets and Messengers) 3. The Angels

Surah Ibrahim Ayah 35 and 36


Ibrahim ( مالسلا ھیلع ) invoked Allah ( ھلالج لج ) to keep his children away from worshipping idols, The children of Ibrahim are divided in monotheist and polytheist .The monotheists are those who believe in the Oneness of Allah ( ھلالج لج ) and polytheists who believe in many gods.

Ibrahim ( مالسلا ھیلع ) said, “whoever follows me then he’s from me (from the monotheists)”. It is an honor for us to be a follower and to be from the ancestry of Ibrahim ( مالسلا ھیلع )


Surah Ghafir Ayah 7-9

• The angels are pure and sinless yet they ask Allah (forgiveness for the believers who repented to Allah Imagine lying on your bed and the angels are asking Allah on your behalf to be forgiven; this is a great favor. The angels are our friends.

• They also ask Allah for the believers to be protected from the hellfire. The angels do not benefit from this, yet they are praying for us and their dua is accepted by Allah Therefore . it’s an honor to be a believer and to repent to Allah


Surah Al Baqarah Ayah 257

• The Qur’an is the greatest of Allah’s favors bestowed upon us, so our duty towards it is to be grateful.

• It’s an honor to be a preserver of the Quran. Therefore we must be thankful to Allah for this favour by talking about it to the people.

• They also ask Allah for the believers to be protected from the hellfire. The angels do not benefit from this, yet they are praying for us and their dua is accepted by Allah Therefore . it’s an honor to be a believer and to repent to Allah

• The Prophet ( ملسو ھیلع هللا ىلص ) said: “he’s not one of us who doesn’t recite the Quran with a nice, loud and pleasant voice.


Abu Huraira said, "Allah's Messenger ( ملسو ھیلع هللا ىلص ) said, 'Whoever does not recite Qur'an in a nice voice is not from us,' and others said extra," (that means) to recite it aloud.") - Sahih al-Bukhari 7527


• This means to feel the Quran is sufficient for you from any other book. It also means to be occupied with it

How can someone be occupied with the Quran?

• First a person needs to empty his heart from the doubts, philosophies and thoughts. There are those who change the meaning of the Quran in order justify their thoughts.

• Being occupied with the Quran and reciting it profusely, studying it and pondering it.

Surah Maryam Ayah 26

When we go through distress, we lose our appetite to eat and drink. During distress we should not talk much. It’s a blessing to have friends who remind us of this.


Surah Al Hadid Ayah 22 and 23

This is a very important verse about our belief in preordained decrees. Many people doubt the decree. They have bad thoughts about Allah because of decrees.


• No calamity befalls the earth or ourselves except it’s already inscribed in the Preserved Tablet, before the creation of the heavens and the earth. Thus we should not be sad over matters that miss us or rejoice over what’s given to us.

• Our behavior is based on what’s established in our hearts thus we need to correct our belief. Our belief, disbelief, doubts or any corrupted belief with be shown to all on the Day of Judgement.

There are four matters we need to understand regarding the decree:

1. We have to believe 50,000 years before the creation of the heavens and the earth, 2. Allah knew what will happen and wrote it in the Preserved Tablet. Allah gave every

servant the choice and will 3. This life is the abode of trials so whatever is happening to us is a decree and test. o

The decree is the secret of Allah ( ھلالج لج ), no one knows about the unseen. None of the

4. creation has knowledge of the unseen. Ibn ‘Abbas ( ھنع هللا يضر ) said even putting our hands on our cheek is already written 50,000 years before the creation of the heavens and the earth

• We don’t know what will happen to us tomorrow, next week and even after an hour – the .

decree is the secret of Allah • We are born to certain parents, in a certain place, on a certain day, and have certain

features – we have no choice in this – Allah decreed it for us as a test. • Whatever happens to us is our decree. We are responsible for our action and we have the

choice to please Allah or obey the shiatan. So our action will be for us or against us. • Every time a decree happens, it’s either for us or against us. This will continue until the end

of our life and then we will see our Book of Records on the Day of Judgement.


Surah An Nisa Ayah 136

• The first right of the Quran is to believe in the Quran. Allah promised to preserve the Quran so no one can change the Quran.

• We need to be grateful to Allah for the blessing of the Quran.

• The wasiyah of the Prophet ( ملسو ھیلع هللا ىلص ) is to adhere and study and follow the Quran

• We need to honor the Quran by giving it its right by reciting it and listening to it keenly acting upon it and refraining from its prohibitions.


Surah Al Kahf Ayah 136

• We are commanded to recite the Quran

Surah Al Muzamil Ayah 20

• From the rights of the Quran upon us is to recite as much as we can easily.


Surah An Naml Ayah 91 and 92

• We are commanded to worship the Allah and recite the Quran. Here both worship of Allah and recitation of the Quran is mentioned together.

• We are commanded to memorize the Quran. If we cannot memorize the whole Quran we must memorize certain Surahs.

• We must recite the Quran slowly in a pleasant voice, pondering over it and acting upon it.


Surah Muhammad Ayah 24

• Allah rebuked those who read the Quran but do not ponder over the Quran. Those who not ponder over the Quran, it is as if their hearts are locked.

• Prophet ( ملسو ھیلع هللا ىلص ) said the best among you are those who learn the Quran and teach it to others. Therefore we must be from among these people.

• Allah sent down the Quran in order for us to act upon it; He didn’t send it down to decorate our homes with it or to wear it as jewelry.


Surah Al An’aam Ayah 155

• Allah commands us to follow the Quran and when we act upon the Quran, then we’ll be shown mercy.

• Allah warned us to not be like the Jews who were entrusted with the Tawraat but they didn’t know it’s value by failing to carry it out.

Surah Al Jumuah Ayah 5


• Allah tells the muslims to not be like the jews who were like donkeys carrying load of

scriptures on their bank. Donkeys do not know what they are carrying but they are just carrying load from one place to another. Rather we have to carry out the command that is in the Quran. We need to read the Quran with understanding and act upon it.

Surah Al Baqarah Ayah 78

• Allah tells the muslims to not be like the jews who just recite without understanding their book.