Download - Regular Sunday Collection $8162 · que manejaba el carro de atrás tiene que haber estado con mucha tensión. ¡Quién sabe lo que tuviera en su mente! Cuando el hom-

Page 1: Regular Sunday Collection $8162 · que manejaba el carro de atrás tiene que haber estado con mucha tensión. ¡Quién sabe lo que tuviera en su mente! Cuando el hom-
Page 2: Regular Sunday Collection $8162 · que manejaba el carro de atrás tiene que haber estado con mucha tensión. ¡Quién sabe lo que tuviera en su mente! Cuando el hom-

The Pope’s intentions for August

Selflessness and generosity towards the Marginalized.


He did the right thing by stopping at the crosswalk, even though he could have beaten the red light by a last-minute acceleration through the intersection. The tailgating woman must already have been stressed out. Who knows what was going on in her life? Her reaction to the sudden stop was startling. She hit the ceiling and the horn, screaming in frustration at missing the chance to get through the light and making rude gestures. While she was still yelling and carrying on at the driver in front of her, she heard a tap, tap on her car window and looked up into the unsmiling face of a tall, burly police officer ordering her to get out of her car with her hands up. He put her in the back seat of his patrol car and took her to the police station, where she called a lawyer and was searched, fingerprinted, photographed, and placed in a holding cell. After a couple of hours, she was escorted to the booking desk, where the arresting officer was waiting with her lawyer. He said, “I'm very sorry, ma’am. This has all been a big mistake. You see, I pulled up behind your car while you were blowing your horn, flip-ping off the guy in front of you, and cursing a blue streak at him. I noticed the ‘Choose Life’ license plate holder, the bumper stickers saying ‘What would Jesus do?’ and the ‘Follow me to Saint Domi-nic’s’, and the rosary hanging from your rear-view mirror. Natu-rally, I assumed you must have stolen the car.” Copyright © 2011, World Library Publications. All rights reserved.


En una calle de mucho tráfico un carro seguía muy de cerca al otro. El semáforo cambió súbitamente a la luz amarilla frente al hombre que manejaba el carro delante. Aunque hubiera podido acelerar antes de la luz roja él hizo lo correcto y paró. La mujer que manejaba el carro de atrás tiene que haber estado con mucha tensión. ¡Quién sabe lo que tuviera en su mente! Cuando el hom-bre paró de pronto a ella le agarró de sorpresa, se enfadó y tocó la bocina a la vez que gritaba de frustración y hacía gestos grose-ros por no haber podido pasar la luz. Cuando aún estaba gritando y armando escándalo contra el hombre sintió que le tocaban en la ventanilla y al mirar se encontró con la cara poco sonriente de un corpulento policía que le ordenaba bajar del automóvil con sus manos en alto. La sentó en el asiento de atrás de su carro patrulla y se la llevó a la estación de policía. Allí ella llamó a un abogado, le hicieron un registro físico, le tomaron las huellas digitales, la fotografiaron y la pusieron en una celda. Después de un par de horas la llevaron al buró de arrestos donde estaba el oficial que la había detenido junto al abogado de ella. El oficial le dijo: “Por favor, acepte nuestras disculpas, señora. Todo esto ha sido una gran equivocación. Es que cuando la vi tocando desaforadamente su bocina, poniendo el grito en el cielo, maldiciendo e insultando al hombre del carro delante, me fijé que usted tenía en la matrícu-la de su carro un letrero de ‘Opte por la vida’, tenía también una calcomanía en la defensa que dice ‘¿Qué haría Jesús?’ y otra que dice, ‘Sígueme hasta la parroquia de santo Domingo’, y además tenía un rosario colgando del espejo retrovisor. Naturalmente pensé que usted se había robado el carro”. Copyright © 2011, World Library Publications. All rights reserved.


This Sunday’s gospel is the conclusion of the bread of life discourse. It is useless to try to separate what Je-sus intended to say from what the evangelist under-stood. The discourse is grounded in the Church’s re-flection on the experience of Jesus in his word and in the Eucharist. He is and remains for us the living bread from heaven, flesh and blood given for the life of the world. The conclusion of the discourse is closely linked with the synoptic accounts of the Last Supper. Jesus declares that in his sacrifice he will offer himself in food and drink which must be consumed. To receive him is to enter into a wholly new intimacy with him. The words of Jesus illuminate the actions of taking and eating. They who eat are themselves assimilated into the life of Jesus. In turn, they are invited to give their lives without measure.


Why do Roman Catholics make the Sign of the Cross when they say, "In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit"? Making the Sign of the Cross may be the most common of all actions that Catholics do. We make it when we begin and end our prayers; we make it when we enter and leave a church; we start each Mass with it; we may even make it when we hear the Holy Name taken in vain and when we pass a church where the Blessed Sacrament is reserved. But do you know why we make the Sign of the Cross? The answer is both simple and profound. In the Sign of the Cross, we profess the deepest mysteries of the Christian Faith: the Trinity-- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit--and the saving work of Christ on the Cross. The combination of the words and the action are a creed--a statement of belief. We mark ourselves as Christians through the Sign of the Cross. And yet, because we make the Sign of the Cross so often, we may be tempted to rush through it, to say the words without listening to them, to ignore the symbolism of tracing the shape of the Cross on our own bodies. A creed is not simply a statement of belief--it is a vow to defend that belief, even if it means following Our Lord and Savior to our own cross. Roman Catholics aren't the only Christians to make the Sign of the Cross. All Eastern Catholics and Eastern Orthodox do as well, along with many high-church Anglicans and Luther-ans. “the fifteen most powerful words in the English Language- In the Name of the Father, and of the son and of the Holy Spirit.” St. Francis De Sales.

Collections from August 9, 2015 Offer the sacrifices of righteousness,

& put your trust in the LORD.

Regular Sunday Collection $8162.70 St. Vincent de Paul $2473.88 School Support $ 243.00 Utilities $ 000.00 Building Fund $ 260.00 Church Boiler $ 000.00 Prayer Garden $ 350.00

Second Collections: 1st. Sunday of the Month St. Therese School, 2nd Sunday, St. Vincent de Paul, 3rd Sunday Building Fund, 4th Sunday Utilities, 5th Sunday Misc. U.S. Catholic Conference of Bishops Second Collections

Please Pray for the sick in Our Parish

Catherine Howle, Christopher Sena, Jr., Anna Mae Olona, Mike Guzman, Loretta Garcia, Louie & Cory Jaramillo, Virginia Sando, Marie Chavez, Grace Aragon, Mary Garcia, Orlando Rodriguez, Daniel Vallejos, The Cortez Family, Theresa Hernandez, Dolores Vallejos, Patricia Lucero, Rex Wilson, Gabriel, Shooter Delgado, Joe Baca, Philip C ’de Baca, Elias Pedroncelli, Ermalinda Baca, Lois Wells, Abigail Delgado, Annette Vigil, Vangie Jett, Nicholas Montoya, Candice de Mar, Albert Montano and for those in hospitals and in their home who can’t at-tend church. REMINDER: EACH WEEK NAMES WILL BE DELETED FROM THE ABOVE LIST TO ACCOMMODATE OTHER PARISHIONERS WHO NEED TO BE ADDED.

Thank You!

The Jenkins family wishes to express their gratitude to Fa-ther Vincent, Deacon Raul, Deacon Mike, Parish Staff, and many caring friends for the outpouring of spiritual

and emotional support received during Charlie’s final ill-ness and transition to eternal life. Thanks also to all those

who requested Masses for Charlie, sent memorial gift checks for St. Therese School, prepared food for the Re-

ception, or helped in other ways. Your kindness was much appreciated and has been a healing consolation to us.

Peace & Blessings, Judy & family

Our Gratitude to:

Deacon Tom & Esther Baca on their first year anniversary at St. Therese Parish.

Thank you & God Bless


Please stop by the Religious Ed office located be-hind the rectory Monday & Tuesday 9:00 to 11:30 A.M. or Wednesday and Friday 10:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M & 1:00 P.m. to 4:00 P.M. If you would like to make an appointment with the office of Religious Ed call 505-344-7643. Please be sure to bring your child’s baptismal certificate and the registration fee of $25.00 when registering your child. Confirmation candidates, please be sure to bring your birth certifi-cate & First Communion certificates at the time of registration. Registration for catechism is until the end of August, the first class begins on September 13, 2015. You may register at the Parish office from 9:00 – 12:00 or 2:00 – 5:00 Monday through Fri-day. Thank you and God Bless

Annual Catholic Appeal Breakdown Update 07/31/2015

Thank you for your support of the 2015 Annual Catholic Appeal. Because of your contribution, we will be able to continue “Sowing the Seeds of Faith”. Assigned Goal: $23,500.00

Pledged:$ 25,299.94 Paid to Date: $20,009.94

Pledge Balance: $5,299.00 We wish to extend our extreme gratitude to the 6% (129 families) of the parishioners, who have partici-pated and contributed to the ACA Campaign so far this year. Each of us is asked to prayerfully consider our own personal ability to give when making our con-tribution. God Bless.

Summer Young Adult Retreat. This retreat will focus on the three parts of the “Eucharistic Plan” found in St. Pope John Paul II’s apostolic letter Mane Nobiscum Domine (2004)-Thanksgiving, Solidarity and Service.

For: Young Adults (18-35) Date: August 21 –22, 2015 –

Place: Norbertine Abbey of Santa Maria de la Vid 5825 Coors Blvd SW

Albuquerque, NM 87121 Registration Deadline: Friday August 15, 2015

Note: Housing is available at the Norbertine Abbey of Santa Maria de la Vid for Friday and Saturday night. Staying overnight will provide a more Con-templative Retreat Experience. To register on line please go to: Or contact Della Montano at 505-831-8142 for ad-ditional information.

“Thank You” to our bulletin advertisers!

The advertisements pay for our bulletins. ADVERTISER OF THE WEEK

French • Funerals/Cremations 843-6333

Page 3: Regular Sunday Collection $8162 · que manejaba el carro de atrás tiene que haber estado con mucha tensión. ¡Quién sabe lo que tuviera en su mente! Cuando el hom-

The Pope’s intentions for August

Selflessness and generosity towards the Marginalized.


He did the right thing by stopping at the crosswalk, even though he could have beaten the red light by a last-minute acceleration through the intersection. The tailgating woman must already have been stressed out. Who knows what was going on in her life? Her reaction to the sudden stop was startling. She hit the ceiling and the horn, screaming in frustration at missing the chance to get through the light and making rude gestures. While she was still yelling and carrying on at the driver in front of her, she heard a tap, tap on her car window and looked up into the unsmiling face of a tall, burly police officer ordering her to get out of her car with her hands up. He put her in the back seat of his patrol car and took her to the police station, where she called a lawyer and was searched, fingerprinted, photographed, and placed in a holding cell. After a couple of hours, she was escorted to the booking desk, where the arresting officer was waiting with her lawyer. He said, “I'm very sorry, ma’am. This has all been a big mistake. You see, I pulled up behind your car while you were blowing your horn, flip-ping off the guy in front of you, and cursing a blue streak at him. I noticed the ‘Choose Life’ license plate holder, the bumper stickers saying ‘What would Jesus do?’ and the ‘Follow me to Saint Domi-nic’s’, and the rosary hanging from your rear-view mirror. Natu-rally, I assumed you must have stolen the car.” Copyright © 2011, World Library Publications. All rights reserved.


En una calle de mucho tráfico un carro seguía muy de cerca al otro. El semáforo cambió súbitamente a la luz amarilla frente al hombre que manejaba el carro delante. Aunque hubiera podido acelerar antes de la luz roja él hizo lo correcto y paró. La mujer que manejaba el carro de atrás tiene que haber estado con mucha tensión. ¡Quién sabe lo que tuviera en su mente! Cuando el hom-bre paró de pronto a ella le agarró de sorpresa, se enfadó y tocó la bocina a la vez que gritaba de frustración y hacía gestos grose-ros por no haber podido pasar la luz. Cuando aún estaba gritando y armando escándalo contra el hombre sintió que le tocaban en la ventanilla y al mirar se encontró con la cara poco sonriente de un corpulento policía que le ordenaba bajar del automóvil con sus manos en alto. La sentó en el asiento de atrás de su carro patrulla y se la llevó a la estación de policía. Allí ella llamó a un abogado, le hicieron un registro físico, le tomaron las huellas digitales, la fotografiaron y la pusieron en una celda. Después de un par de horas la llevaron al buró de arrestos donde estaba el oficial que la había detenido junto al abogado de ella. El oficial le dijo: “Por favor, acepte nuestras disculpas, señora. Todo esto ha sido una gran equivocación. Es que cuando la vi tocando desaforadamente su bocina, poniendo el grito en el cielo, maldiciendo e insultando al hombre del carro delante, me fijé que usted tenía en la matrícu-la de su carro un letrero de ‘Opte por la vida’, tenía también una calcomanía en la defensa que dice ‘¿Qué haría Jesús?’ y otra que dice, ‘Sígueme hasta la parroquia de santo Domingo’, y además tenía un rosario colgando del espejo retrovisor. Naturalmente pensé que usted se había robado el carro”. Copyright © 2011, World Library Publications. All rights reserved.


This Sunday’s gospel is the conclusion of the bread of life discourse. It is useless to try to separate what Je-sus intended to say from what the evangelist under-stood. The discourse is grounded in the Church’s re-flection on the experience of Jesus in his word and in the Eucharist. He is and remains for us the living bread from heaven, flesh and blood given for the life of the world. The conclusion of the discourse is closely linked with the synoptic accounts of the Last Supper. Jesus declares that in his sacrifice he will offer himself in food and drink which must be consumed. To receive him is to enter into a wholly new intimacy with him. The words of Jesus illuminate the actions of taking and eating. They who eat are themselves assimilated into the life of Jesus. In turn, they are invited to give their lives without measure.


Why do Roman Catholics make the Sign of the Cross when they say, "In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit"? Making the Sign of the Cross may be the most common of all actions that Catholics do. We make it when we begin and end our prayers; we make it when we enter and leave a church; we start each Mass with it; we may even make it when we hear the Holy Name taken in vain and when we pass a church where the Blessed Sacrament is reserved. But do you know why we make the Sign of the Cross? The answer is both simple and profound. In the Sign of the Cross, we profess the deepest mysteries of the Christian Faith: the Trinity-- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit--and the saving work of Christ on the Cross. The combination of the words and the action are a creed--a statement of belief. We mark ourselves as Christians through the Sign of the Cross. And yet, because we make the Sign of the Cross so often, we may be tempted to rush through it, to say the words without listening to them, to ignore the symbolism of tracing the shape of the Cross on our own bodies. A creed is not simply a statement of belief--it is a vow to defend that belief, even if it means following Our Lord and Savior to our own cross. Roman Catholics aren't the only Christians to make the Sign of the Cross. All Eastern Catholics and Eastern Orthodox do as well, along with many high-church Anglicans and Luther-ans. “the fifteen most powerful words in the English Language- In the Name of the Father, and of the son and of the Holy Spirit.” St. Francis De Sales.

Collections from August 9, 2015 Offer the sacrifices of righteousness,

& put your trust in the LORD.

Regular Sunday Collection $8162.70 St. Vincent de Paul $2473.88 School Support $ 243.00 Utilities $ 000.00 Building Fund $ 260.00 Church Boiler $ 000.00 Prayer Garden $ 350.00

Second Collections: 1st. Sunday of the Month St. Therese School, 2nd Sunday, St. Vincent de Paul, 3rd Sunday Building Fund, 4th Sunday Utilities, 5th Sunday Misc. U.S. Catholic Conference of Bishops Second Collections

Please Pray for the sick in Our Parish

Catherine Howle, Christopher Sena, Jr., Anna Mae Olona, Mike Guzman, Loretta Garcia, Louie & Cory Jaramillo, Virginia Sando, Marie Chavez, Grace Aragon, Mary Garcia, Orlando Rodriguez, Daniel Vallejos, The Cortez Family, Theresa Hernandez, Dolores Vallejos, Patricia Lucero, Rex Wilson, Gabriel, Shooter Delgado, Joe Baca, Philip C ’de Baca, Elias Pedroncelli, Ermalinda Baca, Lois Wells, Abigail Delgado, Annette Vigil, Vangie Jett, Nicholas Montoya, Candice de Mar, Albert Montano and for those in hospitals and in their home who can’t at-tend church. REMINDER: EACH WEEK NAMES WILL BE DELETED FROM THE ABOVE LIST TO ACCOMMODATE OTHER PARISHIONERS WHO NEED TO BE ADDED.

Thank You!

The Jenkins family wishes to express their gratitude to Fa-ther Vincent, Deacon Raul, Deacon Mike, Parish Staff, and many caring friends for the outpouring of spiritual

and emotional support received during Charlie’s final ill-ness and transition to eternal life. Thanks also to all those

who requested Masses for Charlie, sent memorial gift checks for St. Therese School, prepared food for the Re-

ception, or helped in other ways. Your kindness was much appreciated and has been a healing consolation to us.

Peace & Blessings, Judy & family

Our Gratitude to:

Deacon Tom & Esther Baca on their first year anniversary at St. Therese Parish.

Thank you & God Bless


Please stop by the Religious Ed office located be-hind the rectory Monday & Tuesday 9:00 to 11:30 A.M. or Wednesday and Friday 10:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M & 1:00 P.m. to 4:00 P.M. If you would like to make an appointment with the office of Religious Ed call 505-344-7643. Please be sure to bring your child’s baptismal certificate and the registration fee of $25.00 when registering your child. Confirmation candidates, please be sure to bring your birth certifi-cate & First Communion certificates at the time of registration. Registration for catechism is until the end of August, the first class begins on September 13, 2015. You may register at the Parish office from 9:00 – 12:00 or 2:00 – 5:00 Monday through Fri-day. Thank you and God Bless

Annual Catholic Appeal Breakdown Update 07/31/2015

Thank you for your support of the 2015 Annual Catholic Appeal. Because of your contribution, we will be able to continue “Sowing the Seeds of Faith”. Assigned Goal: $23,500.00

Pledged:$ 25,299.94 Paid to Date: $20,009.94

Pledge Balance: $5,299.00 We wish to extend our extreme gratitude to the 6% (129 families) of the parishioners, who have partici-pated and contributed to the ACA Campaign so far this year. Each of us is asked to prayerfully consider our own personal ability to give when making our con-tribution. God Bless.

Summer Young Adult Retreat. This retreat will focus on the three parts of the “Eucharistic Plan” found in St. Pope John Paul II’s apostolic letter Mane Nobiscum Domine (2004)-Thanksgiving, Solidarity and Service.

For: Young Adults (18-35) Date: August 21 –22, 2015 –

Place: Norbertine Abbey of Santa Maria de la Vid 5825 Coors Blvd SW

Albuquerque, NM 87121 Registration Deadline: Friday August 15, 2015

Note: Housing is available at the Norbertine Abbey of Santa Maria de la Vid for Friday and Saturday night. Staying overnight will provide a more Con-templative Retreat Experience. To register on line please go to: Or contact Della Montano at 505-831-8142 for ad-ditional information.

“Thank You” to our bulletin advertisers!

The advertisements pay for our bulletins. ADVERTISER OF THE WEEK

French • Funerals/Cremations 843-6333

Page 4: Regular Sunday Collection $8162 · que manejaba el carro de atrás tiene que haber estado con mucha tensión. ¡Quién sabe lo que tuviera en su mente! Cuando el hom-

catholic communicatorThe


*A privately owned working in conjunction with the Archdiocese of Santa Fe Published by JCPress • [email protected] • 505-856-0333

Sunday • auguSt 16, 2015Abuse Awareness Training for Adults: Creating a Safe En-vironment for Our Children. A workshop presented in Spanish and sponsored by the Archdiocese of Santa Fe will take place at the Catholic Center on Tuesday, August 18 at 7pm. Pre-registration is necessary. Call 831-8147.

Our Lady of Belén Fiesta • Aug. 13-16 • All are invit-

ed! Carnival and Booths open 1-10pm Sunday, Call 864-8043.

Classes • For the following classes, register online at: or call Rosalie at 505-831-8179, or [email protected]. $10 course fee each class.

August 17 • 6-8pm • The Vision of Vatican II for the Laity. Shrine of St. Bernadette Parish. Jason Rodarte, Ed.D., Instructor. 2 credit hours (Ecclesiology).August 24 • 6-8pm • Co-workers in the Vineyard of the Lord. Mon-day, August 24, 6-8pm. Shrine of St. Bernadette Parish, ABQ. Jason Rodarte, Ed.D., Instructor. 2 credit hours (Ecclesiology).September 1-29, Tuesdays • 6:30-8:30pm • Introduction to Jesus • Lourdes Hall, Albuq. • Tom Skorupa, Instructor.

A Life in the Spirit Seminar will be held at the Catholic Charismatic Cen-ter, 1412 Fifth St. NW in Albuquerque on Saturday, August 22, from 9am-4pm. The teachings/activities will focus on growing in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, discovering God’s presence in everyday life, and becoming a vessel through whom the power of the Holy Spirit can flow. The seminar is entirely free lunch and will be provided. To register, call the Catholic Charismatic Center at 247-0397, or Deacon Mike Wesley at (505) 249-7774.

The Catholic Committee on Scouting for ASF (CCOS) is pleased to announce the Annual Retreat for Scouting. American Heritage Girls, Girl Scouts, Camp Fire Boys and Girls, Cub and Boy Scouts, Venturers, and their parents will spend the day

learning about their Catholic faith tailored for their respective scouting program. We will grow in our Catholic beliefs by

listening, sharing, praying, singing, and playing. This year CCOS is offering two retreat sessions, one in Santa Fe and one in Albuquerque. Please attend only one retreat. Santa Fe’s retreat is on September 12, at Our Lady of Gua-dalupe Parish. Albuquerque’s retreat is October 3, at Our Lady of Annun-ciation Parish. For information and to register visit: or contact JoAnn Brennan - 505-473-2281.

Pecos Parish Bazaar! Sun-day, August 30 • Please join St. Anthony’s Cath-

olic Church in Pecos, at the Pecos High School Gym from 11am to 5pm. Mass will be celebrated at 10am, immedi-ately followed by a procession to the gym for the beginning of the Bazaar. The bazaar includes: live music, food booths, games, face painting, car show, cake walk, bingo, silent auction, and much more. For information, please call the Parish Office at 505-757-6345.

Leaving Footprints: Our Legacy Workshop • Saturday, August 22 • 9am-1pm • Catholic Center • Par-ticipants will have an opportunity to explore the legal nuts and bolts of estate planning (You don’t need to be rich to make an estate plan!). Estate

planning attorney, Mr. Tom Macken, will explore the basic steps that need to be taken. Concluding the session, Dr. Dolly Sokol will invite participants to consider aspects of Planned Giving, Advanced Medical Directives, and Funeral Planning. Fee: $20/person/$25/couple. To register, call 505-873-4399..

Golf Tournaments • Fundraisers: August 22 • Arroyo del Oso Golf Course • Queen of Heaven School • Call 505-881-2484August 28 • Paa-ko Ridge Golf Course • Notre Dame Club of NM • Call 505-553-3612September 14 • Tanoan Country Club • Serra Club Golf with a Padre • Call 505-298-6343.

35th Annual Archdiocesan

Youth ConferenceSponsored by the Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministries of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe • This year Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary will be hosting us.

October 23-24 • Friday is 7 - 9:30pm • Saturday is 9am – 8:30pm • $40 for both days • Registration deadline is Tuesday

October 13 •

Our Keynote Presenter for Saturday is Fr. Eric Ramirez SJ. We will also be honored by the presence of our newly appointed Archbishop John Wester for Mass and he will also be joining our youth for dinner.

This is a top conference for high school youth (14-18 years old) in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. The excellent speakers and workshops will deal with issues that af-fect young people in everyday life. Faith and catechetical experiences will also be included such as Mass and the Sacrament of Reconciliation. This is an excellent kick

off for Confirmation.

For more information and or to register please contact Della @ (505) 831-8142 or

[email protected]

Shrine of the LittLe fLower St. thereSe of the infant JeSuS PariSh • Albuquerque, NM

Page 5: Regular Sunday Collection $8162 · que manejaba el carro de atrás tiene que haber estado con mucha tensión. ¡Quién sabe lo que tuviera en su mente! Cuando el hom-

Tuesday, August 18, 2015 Jgs 6: 11-24a; Mt 19: 23–30 8:00 AM †Francisco “Frank” Luna By: Lorraine Luna †Agueda Flores & †Carmen Corro By: The Sanchez family

Wednesday, August 19, 2015 Jgs 9: 6-15; Mt 20: 1–16 8:00 AM †Robert Garcia (Birthday) By: Family

Thursday, August 20, 2015 Jgs 11: 29-39a; Mt 22: 1–14 8:00 AM In honor of St. Anthony By: Virginia Long

Friday, August 21, 2015 Ru 1: 1, 3-6, 14b-16, 22; Mt 22: 34-40 8:00 AM †Daniel Garcia (Birthday) By: Mom & Dad In thanksgiving to Padre Pio By: Rupe Tafoya

Saturday, August 22, 2015 Ru 2: 1-3, 8-11, 4; 13-17; Mt 23: 1-12 8:00 AM In honor of St. Jude By: Gloria Ruiz †Meek & Torres families By: Jim & Frances Meek †Rafael Gutierrez By: The Andrade family


Sunday, August 23, 2015 Jos24:1-2a,15-17,18b;Eph 5:21-32;Jn6:60-69 8:00 AM Special intentions & for the health of Anthony Cortez By: Family Special Intention of Linda Gonzales By: The Gonzales family †Albert J. Cortez By: Family

10:00 AM †Orlando Remijio Olona (1st Anniversary) By: His family †Nap & Jeanette Sandoval By: Art & Ethel Garcia †Rosina Garcia By: Art & Ethel Garcia

12:00 PM †Albert Armijo & Fermin Sena By: Graciel Armijo †Filomeno Gutierrez & †Cecilia Gutierrez By: Doris Vigil †Benito Serbin Jr. (Anniversary) By: Lena & Dee Serbin Special Intentions of Life Teen

Saturday, August 15, 2015 Rv 11: 19a, 12: 1-6a, 10ab; 1 Cor 15: 20-27; Lk 1: 39-56 8:00 AM In honor of St. Jude By: Gloria Ruiz

4:00 PM †Benny Tagliaferri (45th Anniversary) By: Rose Fulton †Maida Sandoval By: Eloy & Marie †Nevarez C ‘de Baca By: Philip C ‘de Baca

Sunday, August 16, 2015 Prv 9: 1-6; Eph 5: 15-20; Jn 6: 51-58 8:00 AM †Richard Padilla By: Jay & Margaret Buie †Jose Cordero & deceased family members By: Ernest Cordero Special Intention of Linda Gonzales By: The Gonzales family †Felicia Torres (Birthday) By: Jim & Diane Griego & family 10:00 AM †Denis Alonzo By: Grace Alonzo †Nevarez C ‘de Baca By: Philip C ‘de Baca †Lupe Sturtcman By: Lucas Lucero †Juan Sanchez By: Dolores Sanchez & family 12:00 PM FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE PARISH Special Intentions of Life Teen

Monday, August 17, 2015 Jgs 2: 11-19; Mt 19: 16–22 8:00 AM Communion Services †Nevarez C ‘de Baca By: Philip C ‘de Baca

Mass Intentions Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

St. Clare August 11

O glorious Saint Clare! God has given you the power of

working miracles continually, and the favor of answering the prayers

of those who invoke your assistance in misfortune, anxiety, and distress; we beseech you, obtain for us from Jesus, through Mary, His Blessed

Mother, what we beg of you so fer-vently and hopefully, if it be for the greater honor and glory of God and

Page 6: Regular Sunday Collection $8162 · que manejaba el carro de atrás tiene que haber estado con mucha tensión. ¡Quién sabe lo que tuviera en su mente! Cuando el hom-