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Page 1: Regular Expressions

Regular Expressions

Satyanarayana D <[email protected]>

Page 2: Regular Expressions


• What? • Why?• History - Who?• Flavou?rs• Grammar• Meta Chars• Character Classes• Shorthand Char Classes• Anchors• Repeaters or Quantifiers• Grouping & Capturing• Alternation• Match Float

• Atomic Grouping• Look Around• Conditional Expr.• Recursive Regex• Code Evalution• Code Expr.• Inline Modifiers• Regex Tools• Q&A

Page 3: Regular Expressions

What are Regular Expressions?

• A Regular expression is a pattern describing a certain amount of text.

• A regular expression, often called a pattern, is an expression that describes a set of strings. - Wikipedia

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Why do we need?

• Regular expressions allow matching and manipulation of textual data.

• Requirements• Matching/Finding• Doing something with matched text• Validation of data• Case insensitive matching• Parsing data ( ex: html )• Converting data into diff. form etc.

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Stephen KleeneA mathematician discovered ‘regular sets’.

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Ken Thompson1968 - Regular Expression Search Algorithm.

Qed -> ed -> g/re/p

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Henry Spencer1986 – Wrote a regex library in C

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Regex Flavors

BRE - Basic Regular Expressions• \?, \+, \{, \|, \(, and \)• ed, g/re/p, sed

ERE - Extended Regular Expressions• ?, +, {, |, (, and )• grep –E == egrep, awk

PCRE - Philip Hazel• Perl, PHP, Tcl etc.

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Grammar of Regex* RE = one or more non-empty ‘branches‘ separated by ‘|’

Branch = one or more ‘pieces’

Piece = atom followed by quantifier

Quantifier = ‘*,+,?’ or ‘bound’

Bound = atom{n}, atom{n,}, atom{m, n}

Atom = (RE) or

() or

‘^,$,’ or

\ followed by `^.[$()|*+?{\’ or

any-char or

‘bracket expression’

Bracket Expression = is a list of characters enclosed in `[ ]'

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Meta Chars?

2 + 4

Here ‘+’ has some special meaning

In a normal Expression like :

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Meta Chars

\ Quote the next metacharacter ^ Match the beginning of the line . Match any character (except newline) = [^\n] $ Match the end of the line (or before newline at the end) | Alternation ( ) Grouping [ ] Character class { } Match m to n times * Match 0 or more times + Match 1 or more times ? Match 1 or 0 times

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Non-printable Chars

\t tab (HT, TAB) \n newline (LF, NL) \r return (CR) \f form feed (FF) \a alarm (bell) (BEL) \e escape (think troff) (ESC) \033 octal char (example: ESC) \x1B hex char (example: ESC) \x{263a} long hex char (example: Unicode SMILEY) \cK control char (example: VT) \N{name} named Unicode character

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Character Classes – [ ]• Set of character placed inside square brackets. Inside brackets

meta characters lose their meaning ( except ‘] \ ^ - ‘)• Requirements

• Matches one and only one character of a specified chars.• Range can be specified using ‘-’.

• a-z matches 26 lower case English alphabets • 0-9 matches any digit.• Negation can be specified using ‘^’ at the beginning of class.• In order to match above specified exceptional chars literally either escape them or

need to specify at end.

[0-9] Matches any one of 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9.[aeiou] Matches one English vowel char.[^aeiou] Matches any non-vowel char.[a-z-] Matches a to z and ‘-’[a-z0-9] Union matches a to z and 0 to 9.[a-z&&[m-z]] Intersection matches m to z.[a-z-[m-z] Subtraction matches a to l.

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POSIX Character Classes – [: … :]

[^[:digit:] ]= \D = [^0-9]

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Shorthand Chars

\w word character [A-Za-z0-9_]\d decimal digit [0-9]\s whitespace [ \n\r\t\f]

\W not a word character [^A-Za-z0-9_]\D not a decimal digit [^0-9]\S not whitespace [^ \n\r\t\f]

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Anchors/Assertions• Anchor matches a certain position in the subject string and it won’t consume any characters.

^ Match the beginning of the line $ Match the end of the line (or before newline at the end) \A Matches only at the very beginning \z Matches only at the very end \Z Matches like $ used in single-line mode \b Matches when the current position is a word boundary\<,\> Matches when the current position is a word boundary \B Matches when the current position is not a word boundary

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^Anchors• Anchor matches a certain position in the subject string and it won’t consume any characters.

^ Match the beginning of the line

Anchor matches a certain position In the subject string and it won’t consume any characters


String begin with ‘a’

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Anchors$• Anchor matches a certain position in the subject string and it won’t consume any characters.

$ Match the end of the line (or before newline at the end)

Anchor matches a certain position In the subject string and it won’t consume any characters


String end with ‘s’

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\A Anchors• Anchor matches a certain position in the subject string and it won’t consume any characters.

\A Matches only at the very beginning

Anchor matches a certain position In the subject string and it won’t consume any characters

^ Vs \A

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\z, \Z Anchors• Anchor matches a certain position in the subject string and it won’t consume any characters.

\z Matches only at the very end \Z Matches like $ used in single-line mode

Anchor matches a certain position In the subject string and it won’t consume any characters

$ Vs \z, \Z

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\b, \B Anchors• Anchor matches a certain position in the subject string and it won’t consume any characters.

\b = \W\w|\w\W = Matches a word boundary \B Matches when the current position is not a word boundary



$ xl2twiki file 2 > /dev/null

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Quantifiers• Why? – Because we are not sure about text. Specifies how many times regex component must repeat.

{m, n} = Matches minimum of m and a max of n occurrences. * = {0,} = Matches zero or more occurrences ( any amount).

+ = {1,} = Matches one or more occurrences.

? = {0,1} = Matches zero or one occurrence ( means optional ).

Quantifiers ( repetition) :

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Quantifiers• By default quantifiers are greedy.

/\d{2,4}/ 2010

/<.+>/ My first <strong> regex </strong> test. <strong> regex </strong>

/\w+sion/ Expression

If the entire match fails because they consumed too much, then they are forced to give up as much as needed to make the rest of regex succeed

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Non Greedy Quantifiers

{,}? *?



To make non greedy quantifiers append ‘?’

<.+?> My first <strong> regex </strong> test. <strong>

Use negated classes

<[^>]+> My first <strong> regex </strong> test. <strong>

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Grouping – ( )

• Why? – To create sub patterns, so that you can apply regex operators to whole sub patterns or you can reference them by corresponding sub group numbers.


Will match 01-01-10 and 01-01-2010 also.

• Grouping can be used for alternation.

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Alternation - |

• Why? – Lets you to match more than one sub-expression at same point.

/\b(get|set)Value\b/ Match either getValue or setValue.

• Branches are tried from left->right.• Eagerness - Most likely pattern as first alternative

• (and|android) -> ‘robot and an android fight’

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Capturing – ( )

• Allows us to access sub-parts of pattern for later processing.• All captured sub patterns are stored in memory.• Captured patterns are numbered from left to right.



Today is ‘18-08-2010’.

\1 -> date -> 18-08-2010\2 -> day-> 18\3 -> month -> 08\4 -> year -> 2010\5 -> year -> last two digits -> 10

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Non-Capturing sub patterns– (?: )

• If you really don’t require back referencing make sub expressions as non-capture, It will save memory and processing time.


Will match 01-01-10 and 01-01-2010 also.

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• We can give names for sub patterns instead of numbers.

(?P<name>pattern) -> Python Style, Perl 5.12(?P=name) -> Back reference(?<name>pattern) or (?’name’pattern) ->Perl 5.10\k<name> or \k’name’ or -> Back reference\g{name}\g{-1}, \g{-2} -> Relative Back reference.

(?<vowel>[ai]).\k<vowel>.\1 abracadabra !!/(\w+)\s+\g{-1}/ "Thus joyful Troy Troy maintained the the watch of night...”

$date="18-08-2010";$date =~ s/(?<day>\d{2})-(?<month>\d{2})-(?<year>\d{4})/$+{year}-$+{month}-$+{day}/;

Named Capture – (?<> )

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• Hits• Lines that I want to match.

• Misses• Lines that I don’t want to match.

• Omissions• Lines that I didn’t match but wanted to match.

• False alarms• Lines that I matched but didn’t want to match.

Before Evaluating Regex

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Float number = integerpart.factionalpart

Matching a float number

Basic Principle – Split your task into sub tasks

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Integerpart = \d+ -> will match one or more digits

Matching a float number

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Matching a float number

Literal dot = \.

Integerpart = \d+ -> will match one or more digits

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Matching a float number

Literal dot = \.

Integerpart = \d+ -> will match one or more digits

Fractional part= \d+ -> will match one or more digits

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Integerpart = \d+

Matching a float number

Literal dot = \.

Fractional part = \d+

Combine all of them = \d+\.\d+

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Matching a float number

/\d+\.\d+/ -> Is generic.

It won’t match -123.45 or +123.45

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Matching a float number

/\d+\.\d+/ -> Is generic.

It won’t match -123.45 or +123.45

/[+-]?\d+\.\d+/ -> will match.

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Matching a float number

But It won’t match - 123.45 or + 123.45

/[+-]?\d+\.\d+/ -> will match.

/[+-]? *\d+\.\d+/ -> will match.

But It won’t match 123. or .45

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Matching a float number

/[+-]? *(?:\d+\.\d+|\d+\.|\.\d+)/ -> will match.

But It won’t match 123. or .45

/[+-]? \ *

(?: \d+\.\d+

| \d+\. | \.\d+ )/

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Matching a float number

/[+-]? *(?:\d+\.\d+|\d+\.|\.\d+)(?:[eE]\d+)?/ -> will match.

But It won’t match 10e2 or 101E5

/ [+-]? \ *

(?: \d+\.\d+

| \d+\. | \.\d+ )

(?: [eE]\d+)?


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Matching a float number

/^[+-]? *(?:\d+\.\d+|\d+\.|\.\d+)(?:[eE][+-]?\d+)?$/ -> will match.

But It won’t match 10e-2

/ ^[+-]? \ *

(?: \d+\.\d+

| \d+\. | \.\d+ )

(?: [eE][+-]?\d+)?


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Match a float number

/^ [+-]?\ * # first, match an optional sign (?: # then match integers or f.p. mantissas: \d+\.\d+ # mantissa of the form a.b |\d+\. # mantissa of the form a. |\.\d+ # mantissa of the form .b |\d+ # integer of the form a ) (?:[eE][+-]?\d+)? # finally, optionally match an exponent $/x;

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• Before looking into Atomic grouping need to know about Backtracking.

• Backtracking – If you don’t succeed try and try again...

Atomic Grouping – (?> )

\d+99 19999\d 19999 -> Add 1 to match -> 1

\d+ 19999 -> Add 9 to match -> 19

\d+ 19999 -> Add 9 to match -> 199

\d+ 19999 -> Add 9 to match -> 1999

\d+ 19999 -> Add 9 to match -> 19999

\d+ 19999 -> Still need to match 99

\d+99 19999 -> Give up a 9

\d+99 19999 -> Give up one more 9

\d+99 19999 -> Success

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• Before looking into Atomic grouping need to know about Backtracking.

• Backtracking – If you don’t succeed try and try again...

Atomic Grouping – (?> )

\d+xx 199Rs\d 199Rs -> Add 1 to match -> 1

\d+ 199Rs -> Add 9 to match -> 19

\d+ 199Rs -> Add 9 to match -> 199

\d+x 199Rs -> x not matched with R

\d+x 199Rs -> Give up 9, still cannot match x

\d+x 199Rs -> Give up 9, still cannot match x

\d+x 199Rs -> Cannot give 1 due to \d+

\d+xx 199Rs -> Failure

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• Atomic Grouping disables backtracking and speeds up the process.

• (?>pattern) here pattern will be treated as atomic token.• (?>\d+)xx here (?>\d+) won’t give up any digits and it locks.

• fails right at matching x with R.• Atomic groups are not captured and can be nested.

Atomic Grouping – (?> )

• Use Possessive quantifiers for single items to overcome backtracking.• Adding ‘+’ will make quantifier as possessive• (?>\d+)xx == \d++xx

Atomic Grouping:

Possessive Quantifiers:

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Look Around

Ahead Behind

Positive Negative Positive Negative

(?=...) (?!...) (?<=...) (?<!...)

(?=...) Zero-width positive lookahead assertion

(?!...) Zero-width negative lookahead assertion

(?<=...) Zero-width positive lookbehind assertion

(?<!...) Zero-width negative lookbehind assertion

*Note : Assertions can be nested.Example : /(?<=,

(?! (?<=\d,)(?=\d) ) )/

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/cat(?=\s+)/ I catch the housecat 'Tom-cat' with catnip

/(?<=\s)cat\w+/ I catch the housecat 'Tom-cat' with catnip

/\bcat\b / I catch the housecat 'Tom-cat' with catnip

/(?<=\s)cat(?=\s)/ no isolated 'cat’

Look Around

“I catch the housecat 'Tom-cat' with catnip”

/cat(?!\s)/ I catch the housecat 'Tom-cat' with catnip

/(?<!\s)cat/ I catch the housecat 'Tom-cat' with catnip

*Note : look-behind expressions cannot be of variable length. means you cannot use quantifiers (?, *, +, or {1,5}) or alternation of different-length items inside them.

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Conditional expressions• A conditional expression is a form of if-then-else statement that allows one to choose which patterns are to be matched, based on some condition

• (?(condition)yes-regexp)" is like an 'if () {}' statement• (?(condition)yes-regexp|no-regexp) 'if () {} else {}' statement

• Condition can be• Sub pattern match corresponding number• Lookaround Assertion• Recursive call

Match a (quoted)? string -> /^("|')?[^”’]*(?(1)\1)$/

Matches 'blah blah’Matches “blah blah”Matches blah blahWon’t Match ‘blah blah”

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Conditional expression• A conditional expression is a form of if-then-else statement that allows one to choose which patterns are to be matched, based on some condition

• (?(condition)yes-regexp)" is like an 'if () {}' statement• (?(condition)yes-regexp|no-regexp) 'if () {} else {}' statement



/usr/share/dict/words -> /^(.+)(.+)?(?(2)\2\1|\1)$/


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• (x(x)y(x)x)

• Palindrome -> /^((.)(?:(?1)|\w)*(\2))$/

Recursive Patterns – (?)


^ # Start of string ( # Start capture group 1 \( # Open paren (?> # Possessive capture subgroup [^()]++ # Grab all the non parens we can | # or (?1) # Recurse into group 1 )* # Zero more times \) # Close Paren ) # End capture group 1 $ # End of string/x;

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• Perl code can be evaluated inside regular expressions using • (?{ }) construct.

Code Evaluation – (?{ })

$x = "aaaa”;$x =~ /(a(?{print "Yow\n";}))*aa/;


Yow Yow Yow Yow

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• Pattern code expression - the result of the code evaluation is treated as a regular expression and matched immediately.

• Construct is (??{ })

$length = 5;

$char = 'a';

$str = 'aaaaabb';

$str =~ /(??{$char x $length})/x; # matches, there are 5 of 'a'

Pattern Code Expression – (??{ })

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Matching can be modified inline by placing modifiers.

(?i) enables case-insensitive mode(?m) enables multiline matching for ^ and $(?s) makes dot metacharacter match newline also(?x) ignores literal whitespace(?U) makes quantifiers ungreedy (lazy) by default

$answers =~ /(?i)y(?-i)(?:es)?/ -> Will match ‘y’, ’Y’, ’yes’, ’Yes’ but not ‘YES’.

Inline modifiers & Comments

Comments can be inserted inline using (?#) construct.

/^(?#begin)\d+(?#match integer part)\.(?#match dot)\d+(?#match fractional part)$/

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Regex Testers Tools EditorsVim, TextMate, Edit Pad Pro, NoteTab, UltraEdit


Reggy – (Ruby)

RegexPal (JavaScript) - (PHP, JavaScript) ( .NET ) ( Java ) ( NFA Graphic repr. )

Expresso - ( .NET )

Regulator - ( .NET )

RegexRenamer - ( .NET )


Windows Grep -

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Regex Resources

$perldoc perlre perlretut perlreref

$man re_format

“Mastering Regular Expressions”by Jeffrey Friedl

“Regular Expressions Cookbook”by Jan Goyvaerts & Steven Levithan

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Thank Y!ou














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Java Regeximport java.util.regex.*;

public class MatchTest {

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

String date = "12/30/1969"; Pattern p =Pattern.compile("^(\\d\\d)[-/](\\d\\d)[-/](\\d\\d(?:\\d\\d)?$"); Matcher m = p.matcher(date);

if (m.find( )) {

String month =;String day =;String year =;System.out.printf("Found %s-%s-%s\n", year, month, day);




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PHP Regex

$date = "12/30/1969";

$p = "!^(\\d\\d)[-/](\\d\\d)[-/](\\d\\d(?:\\d\\d)?)$!";

if (preg_match($p,$date,$matches) {$month = $matches[1];$day = $matches[2];$year = $matches[3];


$text = "Hello world. <br>";

$pattern = "{<br>}i";

echo preg_replace($pattern, "<br />", $text);

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JavaScript Regexvar date = "12/30/1969";

var p =new RegExp("^(\\d\\d)[-/](\\d\\d)[-/](\\d\\d(?:\\d\\d)?)$");

var result = p.exec(date);

if (result != null) {

var month = result[1];var day = result[2];var year = result[3];


String text = "Hello world. <br>";

var pattern = /<br>/ig;

test.replace(pattern, "<br />");

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.NET Regexusing System.Text.RegularExpressions;

class MatchTest {

static void Main( ) {

string date = "12/30/1969";Regex r =new Regex( @"^(\d\d)[-/](\d\d)[-/](\d\d(?:\d\d)?)$" );Match m = r.Match(date);if (m.Success) {

string month = m.Groups[1].Value;string day = m.Groups[2].Value;string year = m.Groups[3].Value;



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Python Regex

import re

date = '12/30/1969’

regex = re.compile(r'^(\d\d)[-/](\d\d)[-/](\d\d(?:\d\d)?)$')

match = regex.match(date)

if match:month = #12day = #30year = #1969

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Ruby Regex

date = '12/30/1969’

regexp ='^(\d\d)[-/](\d\d)[-/](\d\d(?:\d\d)?)$')

if md = regexp.match(date)month = md[1] #12day = md[2] #30year = md[3] #1969


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Unicode Properties

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• Pattern code expression - the result of the code evaluation is treated as a regular expression and matched immediately.

• (??{ })

Find Incremental numbers ?

$str="abc 123hai cde 34567 efg 1245 a132 123456789 10adf";

print "$1\n" while($str=~/\D( (\d) (?{$x=$2}) ( (??{++$x%10}) )*

) \D/gx);'

Pattern Code Expression – (??{ })

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Commify a number$no=123456789;substr($no,0,length($no)-1)=~s/(?=(?<=\d)(?:\d\d)+$)/,/g;print $no’

Produce 12,34,56,789

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Find Incremental numbers ?

$str="abc 123hai cde 34567 efg 1245 a132 123456789 10adf";

print "$1\n" while($str=~/\D( (\d) (?{$x=$2}) ( (??{++$x%10}) )*

) \D/gx);’

Non Capture group in a capture group won’t work :perl -e '$x="cat cat cat";$x=~/(cat(?:\s+))/;print ":$1:";’