Download - Reflections while reading Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass Down the Rabbit Hole.


Down the Rabbit Hole

Reflections while reading Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking GlassDown the Rabbit HoleDown the Rabbit Hole, Journal #1How do we know what is real, and what is not?

Homework: Chapters 3 and 4Reading Response #2 Due Friday

Down the Rabbit Hole, Journal #2Write about your alter ego: If you could take a break from yourself who would you be?

Homework: Read Chapters 5 and 6*** No Reading Response Journal, unless you want to. Well move the requirement to two a week.

Down the Rabbit Hole, Journal #3Create a character sketch of your alter ego: Fill in the pieces of who you are

Homework: Read Chapters 7 and 8Reading Response Journal, # 3: Due next Monday(Were cutting it down to one a week.)

Down the Rabbit Hole, Journal #4Why do we dream?

Planning for the Alter Ego Party?

Homework: Read Chapters 9 and 10Reading Response Journal, # 3: Due next Monday(Were cutting it down to one a week.)

Down the Rabbit Hole, Journal #5How did it feel to be someone else for a class? Would you be willing to trade your life for another? Why or why not?

Start reading Through the Looking Glass

Homework: Read Ch. 1 & 2 Through the Looking GlassReading Response Journal, # 4: Due next Monday

Down the Rabbit Hole, Journal #6Using the following idea, interpret Jabberwocky:Few would dispute the fact that Jabberwocky is the greatest of all nonsense poems in the English language. Alice, in the paragraph following the poem, puts her finger on the secret of the poems charm: it seems to fill my head with ideas only I dont know exactly what they are.

Homework: Read Ch. 3 & 4 Through the Looking GlassReading Response Journal, # 4: Due TODAY

Down the Rabbit Hole, Journal #7Respond to:We lay there and looked up at the night sky and she told me about stars called blue squares and red swirls and I told her I'd never heard of them. Of course not, she said, the really important stuff they never tell you. You have to imagine it on your own.Brian Andreas

Homework: Read Ch. 5 & 6 Through the Looking GlassReading Response Journal, # 5: Due Monday

Down the Rabbit Hole, Journal #8Respond:Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.Edgar Allan Poe

Homework: Read Ch. 7 & 8Through the Looking GlassReading Response Journal, # 5: Due Monday