Download - Reflections on the L'Aquila verdict A candid risk assessment of the role of the Earth Scientist and some suggestions for risk management R Bretton, J Gottsmann,

Page 1: Reflections on the L'Aquila verdict A candid risk assessment of the role of the Earth Scientist and some suggestions for risk management R Bretton, J Gottsmann,

Reflections on the L'Aquila verdictA candid risk assessment of the role of the Earth Scientist and some suggestions for risk management

R Bretton, J Gottsmann, R Christie, W Aspinall, S Sparks

Richard Bretton (for correspondence)PhD StudentSchool of Earth [email protected]

7 March 2013

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Page 2: Reflections on the L'Aquila verdict A candid risk assessment of the role of the Earth Scientist and some suggestions for risk management R Bretton, J Gottsmann,

"How to practise Safer S…cience“

4 April 20096.3…309…1,500…20,000…65,000…6+1

Richard BrettonPhD StudentSchool of Earth [email protected]

7 March 2013

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Page 3: Reflections on the L'Aquila verdict A candid risk assessment of the role of the Earth Scientist and some suggestions for risk management R Bretton, J Gottsmann,

“Scientists involved in natural hazard assessment must clarify with their employer or the organization they are accountable or report to, just what is expected of them, what their level of responsibility is, and what the chain of command and reporting protocols are between them as scientists and the civil and government authorities they work with.

Without establishing such an agreed….understanding, such scientists are vulnerable and quite frankly, in the modern world of litigation, they would be foolish” IAVCEI 28.10.12 Richard BrettonPhD StudentSchool of Earth [email protected]

7 March 2013

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Page 4: Reflections on the L'Aquila verdict A candid risk assessment of the role of the Earth Scientist and some suggestions for risk management R Bretton, J Gottsmann,




Hazard Assessment – Earth ScientistsSafer Science 4/7

7 March 2013

HazardMonitoring (long- & short-term)

Hazard assessments

Hazard maps/zoning

Hazard communication

Any input to Risk assessment & management


Any other services given

Page 5: Reflections on the L'Aquila verdict A candid risk assessment of the role of the Earth Scientist and some suggestions for risk management R Bretton, J Gottsmann,

Unmitigated RiskWorry, hassle, time wastage

Loss of reputation, job, incomePayment of compensation/fines/costs


VulnerabilityFreedom of Information/Participatory governance

Public scrutiny/Press & Social mediaBlame shifting/External pressures

No or inadequate:Contract/Role specification

Duty & Standard of care limitation/InsuranceProfessional backing


ExposureAll who offer these services

(whether they are paid or not)

Risk Assessment – Earth ScientistsSafer Science 5/7

7 March 2013

Hazard assessment


Page 6: Reflections on the L'Aquila verdict A candid risk assessment of the role of the Earth Scientist and some suggestions for risk management R Bretton, J Gottsmann,

Mitigated Risk

Risk Management – Earth Scientists

Risk Vulnerability Mitigation

Contract Written, Capacity (indiv. or rep.), Governing law & jurisdiction, Independent, Impartial, Time, Resources, Insurance provided/required, Indemnity

Role/Responsibilities specification

As a member/ as a committee (ad hoc/statutory/makeup/infrastructure) Input, Processes, Output (evidence-based, format, content, timing, updating), to whom reporting NEVER STRAY OUTSIDE YOUR OWN EXPERTISE

Duty/standard of care Accept the duty – Know the standard - Define constraints – time, resources, data, assumptions, uncertainty, models, processes Exclude/limit/cap liability in contract/negligence + immunity from prosecution

Insurance What is available at a reasonable cost? – cap liability at or below limit

Professional backing AGU, IAVCEI, IASPEI, ICEFCP etc. Guidance - not full representative backing

Records Keep contemporaneous records of input, deliberations, reasons, output

Training Communicating - with media and public – uncertainty - terminology

Risk Exposure Mitigation

Full range of services Offer no or less services

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Page 7: Reflections on the L'Aquila verdict A candid risk assessment of the role of the Earth Scientist and some suggestions for risk management R Bretton, J Gottsmann,

"…you've got to ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?"

Harry Callahan in Dirty Harry

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7 March 2013

Don't be “foolish” & rely on luck…please practise Safer Science!