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* WTO Doc IP/C/WI167, "REVIEW OF THE PROVISIONS OF ARTICLE 27.3(b) -Communication from Norway", November 1999.

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* WTO Doc IP/C/W/473, "Relationship Between the Trips Agreement and the Convention on Biological Diversity, and· the Protection of Traditional Knowledge: Amending the TRIPS Agreement to Introduce an Obligation to Disclose the Origin of Genetic Resources and the Traditional Knowledge in Patent Applicants- Communication from Norway, 14 June 2006.


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*Costa Rica(2003) Rules on Access to Biodiversity Decree N° 31514-MINAE http://www . files/costa-rica-rules-access-en.pdf

*Draft Medicinal Plant Protection Act, ( 2005), Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Agricultural Extension, Plant Protection Wing, Government of Peoples' Republic of Bangladesh, Dhaka.

*Draft Biodiversity and Community Knowledge Protection Act, Bangladesh (1998) Text

Proposed by the National Committee on Plant Genetic Resources, 29th September, 1998

Available at:

*Draft Plant Varieties Act of Bangladesh, 1998 Text proposed by the National committee

on Plant Genetic resources. Article 3(8) Available at:

*Draft Plant and Farmers' Rights Protection Act ,2007, Document prepared by the plant Variety Protection Act Committee of the Ministry of Agriculture constituted as per notification no. 574 dated 26.01.2002 Revised on 7 December, 2003

*Peru(2002), Law introducing a Protection Regime for the Collective Knowledge of Indigenous Peo~les Derived from Biological Resources, Law No 27811, Official Journal El Peruano, 10 August,2002. URL:http://www &lawid=2041

*Philippines Act,(1997), Act to Recognize , Protect and Promote the Rights of Indigenous Cultural Communities/Indigenous Peoples, Creating A National Commission on Indigenous Peoples, Establishing Implementing Mechanisms, Appropriating Funds Therefore, and for Other Purposes, 28 th July, 1997, Doc S No 17281H No 9125.


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*Commission on Intellectual Property Rights(United Kingdom)

*Convention on Biological Diversity

* Food and Agriculture Organisation

*Intemational Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

*National Biodiversity Authority( Government of India)

*TKDL . . . WWW.nISCalr.reS.Ifl

*Plant Authority of India www.plantauthority.inl

*United States Patent Office

* World Intellectual Property Organisation

*World Trade Organisation