Download - Reference/Citation Handout For this project our Why cite · Reference/Citation Handout ... means you have the

Page 1: Reference/Citation Handout For this project our Why cite · Reference/Citation Handout ... means you have the


Reference/Citation Handout

Why cite?

1. Copyright means you have the right to copy/use a text, video, image, or photograph if you follow specific rules. The rules are called fair use.

2. After someone creates a work, it is immediately copyrighted. The rights can be sold to others or can be kept by the creator, or they can be loaned with permission.

3. It is important to tell where you found your information. People may want to read more. They may be doing research, and your work can help them learn.

4. The resource is not yours. To use articles, book text, photographs and/or media without permission or attribution is stealing. Stealing by using someone’s words or images and pretending they are your own is called plagiarism.

5. Plagiarism is serious. In our work and life, we must never plagiarize. We avoid plagiarism by putting ideas into our own words. We change the phrases in the sentences, a task called paraphrasing. Even when we paraphrase, we need to list the source at the end of our work in a references section.

6. Citing is an important step in helping artists and researchers to be paid for the work they create.

7. To be fair, we need to tell when we use ideas and words that are not our own. So we cite references.

8. I wrote these definitions and points in my own words. I paraphrased. 9. These should be words you can understand and remember. There is much more to copyright and fair use of references. As you learn more about research, we will go into greater detail.

10. What if the creators want to share sources even more than by fair use? They use the Creative Commons (CC) is an agreement that allows people to use sources if they list how using the source is allowed under CC access.

For this project our readers need to know

1. Where to find the pictures we use on our Fakebook pages.

2. Sources we used so they can read more about explorers if they choose.

3. Why our source was helpful. We do this by writing a sentence for each source that explains why the source helped with the project. What was the best part of the source? Why would you tell someone else to use it?

(Please make copies of this handout. I placed the watermark as a not-so-subtle reminder not to plagiarism).

Page 2: Reference/Citation Handout For this project our Why cite · Reference/Citation Handout ... means you have the


This is a reference page. I used BOLD type for the 1-2 sentences, called annotations, that explain why the sources were so important to this project.


American Psychological Association. Publication manual of the American Psychological

Association (6th ed.). (2010). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

This handbook gave me information I used on books, magazines, encyclopedias and more, as I prepared your handout. Creative Commons Corporation. (2016, August). Frequently Asked Questions about Creative

Commons. Accessed November 7, 2016 from

This website told me all about Creative Commons and really helped me make your bulleted list. School of Education, Indiana University at Bloomington. (2014). Overview: How to Recognize

Plagiarism, School of Education, Indiana University at Bloomington. Accessed November 7, 2016 from

This website contained a graphic I liked that showed ways to make good choices instead of plagiarism. Valenza, Joyce. A Copyright-Friendly Toolkit for makers and other media creators.

Accessed November 7, 2016 from toolkit

This toolkit, created by a library media specialist, contains information on copyright we can use not only for this resource but in future lessons when we study more in depth.

Page 3: Reference/Citation Handout For this project our Why cite · Reference/Citation Handout ... means you have the


BOOK: To cite a book using the APA reference style, please write down the following. It must be in this order.

Author, initial. (YEAR). Title. Location: Publisher.


Allsburg, C. V. (2011) (30th anniversary Edition) Jumanji. Boston: Houghton Mifflin

Levine, E. & Nelson, K. (2007). Henry’s Freedom Box A true story of the underground railroad. (illustrator) New York: Scholastic.

Rajczak, M. (2015). Christopher Columbus. New York: Gareth Stevens Publishing.

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Author, Initial. (YEAR, Month). Title of article. Title of Periodical. Link.

Baker, R. F. (2011, September). Cabot heads West. Cobblestone, 32(7), 14. Retrieved from &it=r&id=GALE%7CA266643756&asid=ed0565cf29caf5f00f507b6fdc15f83c

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ENCYCLOPEDIA ARTICLE: Article name. (Year). Encyclopedia. Retrieved from link.

Christopher Columbus. (2016). In Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved from

Columbian Exchange. (2016). Funk & Wagnals New World Encyclopedia, 1 p. 1

Page 6: Reference/Citation Handout For this project our Why cite · Reference/Citation Handout ... means you have the



There are a few ways to cite photos. If they come from an encyclopedia, cite like this:

For the citation APA tool it is okay to COPY and PASTE.


1. Left click with your mouse. 2. Drag back across the text to highlight it. 3. Press CONTROL + C 4. Go to table and find the row you need. 5. Press CONTROL + V. 6. Do not worry if there is shading behind the text. We will learn how to remove that

another time.

Use this link to find the citation.

Page 7: Reference/Citation Handout For this project our Why cite · Reference/Citation Handout ... means you have the


IF you choose, you may type out the information yourself. If so, the format remains Name of picture. [Image]. In source. Retrieved from link.

Cortés, Hernán. [Image]. In Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved from

Pizarro, Francisco. [Image]. In Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved from

FOR CLIP ART, cite like this:

Last name, first initial. Image name. [Clip art image]. Retrieved from link. Martin, P. Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria. [Clip art image]. Retrieved from


If you use Photos for Class link to find your photos, the citation is included ON the image.

Page 8: Reference/Citation Handout For this project our Why cite · Reference/Citation Handout ... means you have the



Citations for Images

Image Citation EXAMPLE: Cortes kneels

EXAMPLE: Cortés, Hernán. [Image]. In Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved from media/06/163406-050-A356AA98.jpg

Picture of gold Citation is included on photo from Photos for Class Website.

Cortes Fighting Cortés, Hernán. [Image]. In Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved from 050-F4E75C1D.jpg

Ship clip art Martin, P. Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria. [Clip art image]. Retrieved from