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Global warming is a major concern all around and to save Mother Earth, there are several policies, promises and pledges. With the ever increasing emission of greenhouse gases, there is an increased fear of environment pollution at every step. With modern technology and innovation, transportation and communication have undergone a paradigm shift. Along with this, we are also experiencing the negative effects of industrialization in the form of global warming. Under these circumstances, when there are traffic jams, when you need to run an errand at an odd hour of the day, when you need to go to workplace quickly, you stumble and fumble as there are so many vehicles emitting soot and CO2 polluting the air incessantly. With increased number of fossil-fuel dependent vehicles, they not only add to greater level of pollution but are also leading to depletion of fuel resource. It is here that automobile companies felt the need to innovate motorized vehicle that will get charged through electricity and will not be depending on fossil fuels. This led to expansion of eco-friendly initiatives and many automobile manufacturing companies invested in research and development to bring forth electric bikes that will help people save a few bucks by reducing consumption of already spiraling fuel price, besides fighting global warming. Most electric bikes are emission-free bikes and this is the USP of the companys manufacturing them in these days of global warming. It will not add to urban pollution. The only thing required is to keep this bike charged with a battery. Electric bike manufacturing is considered as a grass root movement away from fossil fuels. Definitely, electric bikes are not the only answer to our environment problem, but it definitely will help us to treat environment better. These electric bikes will not make pollution worse and that makes e bikes environmentally safe vehicle. It can be charged with the help of inverter and generator too. In one charge, these electric bikes can go up to 50km and has no tail pipe emissions. It also makes no noise while under operation. The best part of electric vehicles is that they can be run with no registration and license. In the manufacture and production of electric bikes, the main constraint is the battery in the bumpy roads. Batteries get deteriorated at a fast rate due to excessive current fluctuation. Batteries need frequent replacement and that is the greatest concern for the most Indian companies who manufacture these electric bikes. The replacement cost of the batteries hover around Rs. 5000, but otherwise the maintenance cost of electric bikes is almost negligible.There is a growing market potential of electric bikes in India; however, speed might not be the attractive feature of these e-bikes, they will cater you to run the short distances maybe home to office or home to college; but these are safer vehicles with benefit of almost no pollution. So instead of kicking a 100 cc motorbike, just press the start button of electric bike and vroom your way friendly on the roads.It is evident that electric bikes can reduce the air pollution. But there are also some environmental problems caused due to these electric bikes. Disposal of worn out batteries can be a cause of major concern for environmentalists. If this can be addressed, electric bikes can definitely reduce environment pollution.1.1(a) Features of Electric Bikes and ScootersElectric bikes or scooters, light in weight, trendy, efficient and eco-friendly, are becoming potent alternative to the conventional two-wheelers and the Electric two-wheeler industry in India is developing at rapid speed. Have a look at the unavoidable advantages of Electric Bikes and Scooters: License and registration is not required for E Bikes and Scooters. Electric two wheelers run on re-chargeable battery and uses electricity as fuel in place of conventional Petrol/Diesel. E Bikes and Scooters can beat the rising prices of Petrol/Diesel. Simple design, light weight and economical Electric vehicles are very low in running and maintenance cost. With the ease of handling, Electric two wheelers saves the commuting time in congested roads especially in urban areas. Electric vehicles are more efficient in terms of generating usable energy from their electric engine's battery in comparison to the regular fuel conversion. In this way E Bikes and Scooters are innovative and efficient mode of personal transport. Electric bikes or scooters use electricity therefore no emission of harmful gases like Carbon dioxide (CO2) or Nitrogen dioxide (NO2).

Fig.1 The E-bike: opportunities for Commuter Traffic1.1 (b) Major Components of an Electric Bike or ScooterELECTRIC HUB MOTOR to drive the rear wheel directly and there are two types of Electric Hub Motor i.e. DC Brush Motor and DC Brush less motor having two basic parts namely Permanent Magnet Stator and Wound Rotor. ELECTRONIC MOTOR CONTROLLER is the central controlling unit of any Electric two wheeler provides electric power to the motor based on inputs from the accelerator. ELECTRONIC ACCELERATOR sends electronic signals to the Electronic Motor Controller to man oeuvre the bike or scooter. BATTERY PACK is like the fuel tank of E Bike or Scooter. There are different kinds of batteries like Lead Acid, Nickel Metal Hydrate (Ni-MH), Lithium, etc. that are used for supplying energy. BATTERY CHARGER is used to charge the battery pack of E Bikes or Scooters, just like a mobile phone or a laptop. Some battery chargers are in-built and some are separate that carried always on the move. The charger converts an AC supply to DC to store power in the battery and it can be used with any normal domestic AC plug point. This makes charging of battery pack easy and convenient.1.2 INDUSTRY PROFILEThe face of auto industry that was redefined with the invention of fuel-efficient four-stroke engine technology is all set to see dawn of a new era in two-wheeler industry. It's not petrol or diesel or any other fuel, but its electricity that have initiated a revolution in two-wheeler industry in India.Indian two-wheeler industry has embraced the new concept of Electric Bikes and Scooters that are very popular mode of personal transport in the developed countries like America, Japan and China. With the rising cost of fuel at International and national level, increasing levels of pollution and congestion in transport system specially in Urban areas, higher running and maintenance cost of vehicle, the electrically charged bikes or scooters have very bright future in area of personal transportation. It is estimated that Indias fossil fuel dependency on other countries currently from 70% to 82% in 2012. If we can have three lakh Electric Vehicles on the roads by 2020, including three-wheelers, cars, and scooters, this could result in a reduction of over 16 lakh metric tons of CO, NOx and HC by 2020, savings of over Rs 3,700 crore in foreign exchange and significant health costs savingsEconomic conditions around the world have been very encouraging. Global growth is increasing year by year .While the Chinese economy is growing at around 10% without any signs of slow down, the Indian economy is also continuing to grow at more than 8%. In the coming years, and Indian economy will be booming owing to the heavy demand on infrastructure. Energy sector is growing by leaps and bounds as it is receiving the highest attention of both the State Governments and Central Government.

Fig.3 Electric Two-Wheel Vehicle Sales by CountryIndia has moved from an agrarian economy to a manufacturing economy. The manufacturing sector now contributes around one-fourth of the total GDP and the industrial output has now crossed USD 65 Billion in value.Global steel production is continuing its growth. In spite of some control measures adopted by Chinese Government the crude steel registered an impressive growth and has crossed 450 million tons. India is also witnessing a huge growth in steel production and it is expected that steel industry will continue to grow by more than 12% per annum. Sustainable economic growth of India as well as rest of the world will depend on effective energy planning. Nearly 40% of the worlds energy comes from petroleum. Natural gas contributes to another 20% and these two natural resources account for 60% of the worlds energy. The growth in consumption of oil and natural gas in the past has been such that the consumption has been doubling every 15 years. This trend is likely to continue and will lead to complete depletion of natural resources in next 30 years. It is significant to note that more than 20% of the worlds total primary energy is consumed in transportation. There are more than 410 million cars currently in the world and in another 20 years the automobile population will reach one billion mark. It is also significant to note that after 1970 the new oil discoveries have been very few and any new discoveries will not make any significant contribution to the worlds energy pool. Economic and environmental forces are frequently pitted against each other and many a times the financial cost of environmentally friendly technologies and goods is so high that one has to strike a balance or look for Government subsidies. Our Electric Vehicles are unique in this aspect as they are not only economical but also environment friendly.1.3 ORIGIN AND HISTORYMost People are not aware of how long electric bicycles have been around you might think its something new since the recent fuel shortage and cost spikes we all hate, or even because of Global Warming and the whole go green awareness. But not true although it might be one reason for their recent surge in popularity also the technology has improved 10 fold.In the 1890s, electric bicycles were documented within various U.S. patents. For example, on 31 December 1895 Ogden Bolton Jr. was granted U.S. Patent 552,271 for a battery-powered bicycle with 6-pole brush-and-commutator direct current (DC) hub motor mounted in the rear wheel. There were no gears and the motor could draw up to 100 amperes (A) from a 10-V battery.Two years later, in 1897, Hosea W. Libbey of Boston invented an electric bicycle (U.S. Patent 596,272) that was propelled by a double electric motor. The motor was designed within the hub of the crankshaft axle. This model was later re-invented and imitated in the late 1990s by Giant Lafree electric bicycles.By 1898 a rear wheel drive electric bicycle, which used a driving belt along the outside edge of the wheel was patented by Mathew J. Steffens. Also, the 1899 U.S. Patent 627,066 by John Schnepf depicted a rear wheel friction roller-wheel style drive electric bicycle.Schnepf's invention was later re-examined and expanded in 1969 by G.A. Wood Jr. with his U.S. Patent 3,431,994. Woods device used 4 fractional horsepower motors; each rated less than horsepower and connected through a series of gears.Torque sensors and power controls were developed in the late 1990s. For example, Takada Yutky of Japan filed a patent in 1997 for such a device. In 1992 Vector Services Limited offered and sold an electric bicycle dubbed Zike. The bicycle included Nickel-cadmium batteries that were built into a frame member and included an 850 g permanent-magnet motor. Despite the Zike, in 1992 hardly any commercial electric bicycles were available. It wasnt until 1998 when there were at least 49 different bikes. Production grew from 1993 to 2004 by an estimated 35%. By Contrast, according to Gardner, in 1995 regular bicycle production decreased from its peak 107 million units. Some of the less expensive electric bicycles used bulky lead acid batteries, whereas newer models generally used NiMH, NiCd and/or Li-ion batteries which offered lighter, denser capacity batteries. The end benefits usually varied from manufacturer; however, in general there was an increase in range and speed. By 2004 electric bicycles where manufactured by Currie Technologies, EV Global, Optibike, Giante Lite, Merida, ZAP.Electric bicycles are very common in many cities of eastern China, such as Yangzhou; in some areas they may outnumber motorcycles or regular bicyclesBy 2001 the terms, E-Bikes, power bike, pedelec, assisted bicycle and power-assisted bicycle where commonly used to describe electric bicycles. E-bike, according to Google, is a term that has increased in trend. This term generally referred to an electric bicycle which used a throttle. The terms Electric Motorbike or E-Motorbike have been used to describe more powerful models which attain up to 80 km/h. PEDEGO Electric Bicycles are taking the nation by storm, offering a stylish, and colourful electric bikes that use a throttle control for power.In a parallel hybrid motorized bicycle, such as the aforementioned 1897 invention by Hosea W. Libbey, human and motor inputs are mechanically coupled either in the bottom bracket, the rear or the front wheel, whereas in a (mechanical) series hybrid cycle, the human and motor inputs are coupled through differential gearing. In an (electronic) series hybrid cycle, human power is converted into electricity and is fed directly into the motor and mostly additional electricity is supplied from a battery.Pedelec is a European term that generally referred to an electric bicycle that incorporated a torque and/or a speed sensor and/or a power controller that delivered a proportionate level of assist and only ran when the rider pedalled. On the opposite side, a Noped is a term used by the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario for similar type vehicles which do not have pedals or in which the pedals have been removed from their motorized bicycle. Finally, Assist Bicycle is the technical term used to describe such a vehicle and Power-Assisted Bicycle is used in the Canadian Federal Legislation, but is carefully defined to only apply to electric motor assist, and specifically excludes internal combustion engines (though this is not the case in the United States).Today, China is the world's leading producer of electric bicycles. According to the data of the China Bicycle Association, a government-chartered industry group, in 2004 China's manufacturers sold 7.5 million electric bicycles nationwide, which was almost twice the year 2003 sales; domestic sales reached 10 million in 2005, and 16 to 18 million in 2006.[8] By 2007, electric bicycles were thought to make up 10 to 20 percent of all two-wheeled vehicles on the streets of many major cities. A typical unit requires 8 hours to charge the battery, which provides the range of 2530 miles (4050 km),[8] at the speed of around 20 km/h.A large number of such vehicles is exported from China as well (3 million units, worth 40 billion yuan ($5.8 billion), in the year 2006 alone)We are looking at practical and true figures of current Indian markets. Current year 2009-10 will end up with Indian total e-bikes sales at 120K bikes. Every year market is expected to rise initially by 100% and then by 200%. A lots of bikes we will see on the road in coming 5 years, just like bicycles and petrol scooters. As people started accepting the technology and limitations of e-bikes, a definite positive trends has started now. Due to collective efforts by manufacturers, Ads, PRs, dealership networks hard work, people accepting e-bikes in a middle segment between bicycle and petrol scooter. If you see both ends i.e. bicycles and petrol bikes are showing very attractive sales figures. The middle segment of e-bikes has turned now to enter in the high growth curve. Electric Bikes companies are highly optimistic about the e-bikes future. According to a survey India may surpass china in numbers of e-bikes sale by 6-8 years.Indian manufacturers of electric bikes, or e-bikes, are gearing up for what they call a second wave of growth for these plug and ply bikes. They say they are on the verge of launching faster versions of their bikes and this would blunt the edge of traditional two-wheeler bikes in the country. Electric bikes operate on a chargeable battery and do not require petrol to operate.All the e-bikes today do not require registration or license. This means they have to follow certain statutory norms that specify that the speed of such two-wheelers should not be more than 25kmph.Some of the e- bikes companies are now all set to launch a new e-bikethat would have an engine of 750 watts, compared with 250 watt engines that existing e-bikes have. It would require registration and license to ride and the average speed would be 35-40 kmph. This would help explode the demand for e-bikes in India, says Avinash Bhandari, director of Ahmedabad-based Electrotherm (India) Ltd one of the major Electric bikes manufacturers, He says The real game would begin when we launch our high powered engine e-bike to compete with TVS Scooty Pep+ and Honda Activa. Citing the reason for the new models, Bhandari said that potential buyers were apprehensive as they believed that a scooter has to look like a scooter and must carry more weight at higher speeds. To a common user, performance and affordability is important. It does not matter what fuel is being used or no fuel is being used, he added.Ganesh Mahalingam, managing director of Ultra Motors Co., another entity that manufactures e-bike in joint venture with Hero Electric of Hero Cycles group, says that they too are working on a faster electric vehicle that would have a speed of about 50-70kmph. It would take us six more months but remember that the electric bike market has come of age only in last six months as, unlike in the west where e-bike is a lifestyle product and for some an environment friendly technology, in India it is an economical mode of transportation. Primarily it is an aam admi (common man) vehicle as it is 10 times cheaper to operate an electric two-wheeler that the traditional petrol bike, Mahalingam said.Hero Cycles Ltd, like Electrotherm, launched its range of Hero electric ultra-powered electric two-wheelers in seven variants of e-bikes and e-scooters branded as Hero Electric and priced between Rs14,300 and Rs19,000. The e-scooters are in the range of Rs22,000-28,000. With no organized body to represent these manufacturers, industry players guess that there are between 75 and 80 players manufacturing e-bikes in India. Still, key hurdles remain for the e-bike industry.One of the major issues is that many small players are flooding the markets with a product that doesnt meet statutory requirements. They are not supposed to have a speed of over 25kmph, but many do as they use a motor of higher capacity. Some of them launch their vehicle and also give warranty but do not have adequate dealer or service network. They also do not have spare parts. All this creates a very negative image in the minds of people and can badly affect the growth of this industry in the medium and long run, claims Bhandari.Electric bike manufactures are hoping that the creation of a strong dealer network and service support will help make a dent in the conventional two-wheeler market.1.4 COMPANY PROFILEHonda is the worlds largest manufacturer of two Wheelers , Recognized the world over as the symbol of Honda two wheelers , the Wings arrived in India as Honda Motorcycle and Scooter India Pvt. Ltd. (HMSI ), a 100% subsidiary of Honda Motor Company Ltd., Japan ,in 1999. Since its establishment in 1999 at Manesar, District Gurgaon, Haryana, Honda has lived up to its reputation of offering the highest quality at the most reasonable price. Despite being one of the youngest players in the Indian two-wheelers market, Honda has become the largest two wheeler manufacturer as well as the second largest two-wheelers company in India.Honda is also the fastest growing company in country today. With a host of facilities under its wings, the first factory of HMSI is spread over 52 acres including a covered area of about 100,000 sq. meters in Manesar, District Gurgaon, Haryana with an annual capacity of 1.65 million units. To meet the ever increasing demands of the products, Honda has started operations of its second plant in Tapukara, District Alwar, Rajasthan. Expanding to full operations , Honda production capacity has jumped 30% year on year to 2.8 million per annum in FY 12- 13.

Fig.2Domestic Scooter Sales of various CompanyTo further expand and serve its customers faster, Honda has come up with its third plant at Narsapura Industrial Area near Bengaluru, Karnataka .The plant is equipped to manufacture 1.2 million units in FY 13-14. Utilizing production technologies refined at Manesar & Tapukara plants as starting point, the 3rd plant is employed with state-of-the-art manufacturing, automation and environment friendly technologies to deliver quality products.Motorcycles sold by HMSI include the Aviator, Activa, Dio, Unicorn, Shine, CBF125 Stunner, CB Twister, Dream Yuga, CBR250R, CBR150R, Activa i, CB Shine, Dream NEO CB Trigger and Honda CD110.1.5 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEMWith increasing in air pollution in urban areas and scarcity of fuels Electric Bikes is in great demand but it is not used by most of the people because of lack of awareness. Thus the purpose of the study is to study the awareness level of consumers towards E-Bikes and also the perception of the users. Thus by creating awareness we can enhance the sales of Electric Bikes.1.6 OBJECTIVE OF STUDY To find out the market potential of HMSL for E-Bikes To find out the awareness of consumer about the electric bike in Surat City. To find out the reason why consumer refers to electric bike. To find out the factor influencing the sales of electric bike. To study the post purchase experiences of electric bike consumer.1.7 SCOPE OF STUDY

Only those company and consumer are mentioned in study which come under Surat city. So, it can be said that scope of research is limited. The study may help the firm to formulate their strategies and implement them according to the situation. The study will also help the firms to know about customer preference and their current market position. It will help the companies to know about various factor which affect consumers interest while choosing bikes. The study will help the firm to identify its strengths and drawbacks and to work on it accordingly.


Project report will help the owner to know their respective E-Bikes current position and negative aspect of their servicescape and will help in improving it. The project would also help customer to know which of the E-Bike is worthwhile to spend upon. The report will be helpful for mentioned firm to analyze their strength and weak point. Its help know the customer current preference for E-Bikes. This study will also be important for the upcoming E-Bike company in Surat city so that they can formulate their strategies accordingly.


Any research or study always has some limitations under which this has to be undertaken. This one too was not an exception. These limitations are poised by the environment some external and some inherent. This study has been conducted with utmost consideration to the adequacy of data and quality of information, though as mention earlier the reliance on the sources cannot be minimized to zero in context of precision. The limitation can be enlisted as hereunder: The perception level of the respondents. Availability of documents as sources of secondary information. Reliability of information collected from various public information sources such as magazines and website. Respondents are not willing to fill the questionnaire. Sometimes the respondents are not available at their place. Very often the respondent do not express their true feelings, in such case their habit, preference, practice, cannot be assessed correctly. Some of the respondents refuse to give the important information best known to them. However in spite of these limitations all efforts have been put to make the report correct, genuine, and fulfilling the objectives of the reports.


Jacob and Jolly found that study on the consumers attitude towards the green lifecycle and discussed about the concept of green marketing and looks in to various ways in which the different consumers attributes are related to the concept of green marketing and concluded that the attitude towards eco products changed, consumers are taking interest in ecofriendly products (Jacob Cherian, Jolly Jacob, 2012).Studied about some interesting features about e-bikes that give strong prospects to buyers as well as highlights the future market of e-bikes also the unique features like (fuel consumption, carbon emission and ease of use) there is a potential of e-bikes in comparison to other two wheelers run by petrol in future (Mrinal Kranti Das, Swati Pal, 2011).Studied the transportation management and the state of automobile industry and in China. The researcher focuses on the response of automobile industry to challenges like dynamics and barriers resulting from technological change, economic development and environmental and concluded that Industry is welcoming the green products and there is huge potential for the electric vehicles in the devolving as well as developed countries ( Gan, 2003) .Weinhart et al. studies show that e-bikes are used by a variety of individuals to bike further distances and to overcome barriers to biking, such as trip length, cargo weight or physical limitations.In China Shijiazhuang study show that e-bike users where evenly split between male and female and 73% where between 24 and 40 years old .The Australian and North American users tend to be older and male (Weinhart et al., 2006)Many cities cite safety concerns when developing electric bike policy. Safety is one of the main reasons that Guangzhou recently imposed a ban on electric bikes. If electric bike users all shifted to automobiles, perhaps the overall transportation fatality rate would be worse. In 1998, large and small motor vehicles were the cause of 90% of Shanghais 24,000 accidents (Zacharias 2002).Adrian study show that newspaper, various articles, reviews played vital role in purchase of e-bike because it gives useful informant for the world most critical problem is pollution so e-bike plays important role to reduce the pollution because it is drive by battery not the fossil fuel ( Adrian,2009).Jarfiya said that consumer buying behavior in automobile industry is highly influenced by brand awareness (Jarfiya et al.,2009)Lieven et al. did a stated preference study in Germany, finding that price and range were most important features of all types of bikes. Range was more important if the vehicle was the first bike. They also found a potential of EV buyers of 6 percent for the second bike as opposed to 4.2 percent for first (Lieven et al., 2011).In a study of expectations and satisfaction relating to the use of EVs, Mathisen et al. found that satisfying aspects of the EV were that it was environmentally friendly, easy to park, low on noise, had a good reputation, and was economical. Dissatisfaction with EVs was related to battery charging, service, traffic safety, heating and functionality in the winter season (Mathisen et al,2010).In a study of the three largest cities in Norway (with a sample of EV owners and a random sample), Rdseth found that the three most important factors behind buying an EV given by EV owners were: the possibility of using the bus lanes, it was environmentally friendly and operating costs were lower (Rdseth ,2009).GAP


RESEARCH METHODOLOGYThe system of collecting data for research projects known as Research methodology. The data may be collected for either theoretical or practical research for example management research may be strategically conceptualized along with operational planning methods and change management. Some important factors in research methodology include validity data, Ethics and the reliability of measures most of your work is finished by the time you finish the analysis of your data.Formulating of research questions along with sampling weather probable or non probable is followed by measurement that include surveys and scaling. This is followed by research design, which may be either experimental or quasi-experimental. The last two stages are data analysis and finally writing the research paper, which is organized carefully into graphs and tables so that only important relevant data is shown.The success of any event heavily depends upon the way chosen for its execution. This includes ensures of some basic question to the specific focus on constraints as well. In other words they can call the methodology as the backbone of any research. It also includes research or study method. Thus when they talk of methodology they not only talk of methodology they not talk of methods but also consider the logic behind the methods they use in the context of their study objective and explain way use are using them so that study results are capable of being evaluated logically.3.1 PURPOSE OF THE STUDYThe purpose is to study the perception of buyer and user towards Electric-bike in Surat City.3.2 NATUREThe methodology adopted to achieve the project objective involved descriptive research method. The information required for fulfilling the objective of study was collected from various primary and secondary sources.3.3TYPE OF RESEARCHThis study is DESCRIPTIVE in nature. It helps in breaking vague problem into smaller and precise problem and emphasizes on discovering of new ideas and insights.3.4 RESEARCH DESIGNResearch design constitutes the blue print for the collection, measurement and analysis of data. The present study seeks to identify the extent of preferences of E-Bike over traditional bikes. The research design is descriptive in nature. The research has been conducted on consumers of E-Bikes and conventional bikes within Surat. For the selection of the sample, random sampling method was adopted and an attempt has been made to include all the agegroups and gender of every class.3.5 RESEARCH INSTRUMENTThe instrument used for gathering data was questionnaire. To get further insight in to the research problem, interview regarding their buying practices too was made. This was done to crosscheck the authenticity of the data provided. To supplement the primary data and to facilitate the process of drawing inference, secondary data was collected from published sources like magazines, journals, newspapers etc.3.6 POPULATIONPopulation refers to the total of items about which information is desire. The attributes that are the object of study are referred to as characteristics and the units possessing them are called as elementary units. The aggregate of such units is generally described as population. Thus, all the units in any field of inquiry constitute universe and all elementary units constitute population.The population can be finite and in finite the population is said to be finite if it is consist of a fixed number of elements so that it is possible to enumerate it in its totality. An infinite population is which it is theoretically impossible to observe all the elements.The population is specific group of people, firms, conditions, activities etc. which forms the pivotal of research for developing and using a sample, it become primary duty of a researcher to define the population from which to draw the sample.Population:To achieve the objectives the city of Surat was selected.3.7 SAMPLEThe sample is the representative unit of population. The researcher has taken the consumer as sample for this research. Since in this research the researcher has collected the sample according to his own convenience. So the sample is stratified proportionate sample and the sample size of the research is 300.This refers to number of items to be selected from the universe to constitute a sample. The size of the sample should neither be excessively large, nor too small. It should be optimum. An optimum sample size is one, which fulfills the requirement of efficiency, representativeness, reliability, and flexibility. 3.8 SAMPLING METHODIn this research the Random Sampling Method has been used. In this method the subset ofindividuals(asample) chosen from a larger set (apopulation). Each individual is chosenrandomlyand entirely by chance, such that each individual has the sameprobabilityof being chosen at any stage during the sampling process, and each subset ofkindividuals has the same probability of being chosen for the sample as any other subset ofkindividuals. It is an unbiased surveying technique.3.9 SAMPLE PLANSampling unit : Users of two wheelers in Surat CitySampling size : 300Sampling technique : Random samplingResearch Time : 1 MonthProject cost : Approx. Rs.50, 0003.10 DATA COLLECTIONThe task of data collection begins after a research problem has defined. Researcher should keep in mind two types of data, primary data and secondary data. The primary data are those, which are collected afresh and for the first time, and thus happen to be original in character. The secondary data, on the other hand, are those which have already been collected by someone else and which have already been passed through the statistical process.Both, primary data and secondary data were used in accomplishment of objective of the research.Method of collection are:1. Personal interview method.2. Questionnaire method.Personal Interview MethodHere face to face interaction takes place and are orally interviewed. Here this method plays a very important role, because the respondents are very much involved with their busy schedules, thus this is the very easiest and earliest way to get the questionnaire completed.QuestionnaireThe term questionnaire refers to a self-administered process whereby the respondent himself/herself reads the questions and records his/her answers without assistance of an interviewer. Although the instrument is essentially question asking and data gathering tool. A questionnaire is more structured and standardized. The questionnaire consists of a number of questions printed or typed in a definite order on a form or a set of forms. This method of data collection is quite popular in case of big enquiries.A questionnaire is used for the collection of data. And it consists of close ended questions.3.11 TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES OF ANALYSISThe data so collected will be analyzed through the application of statistical techniques, such as bar graphs and pie charts.Data formulation:Data Analysis tools: