Download - ReDemon Book 1 Chapter 5

  • 8/3/2019 ReDemon Book 1 Chapter 5



    Book 1: Beckham Institute for Prodigies

    Chapter 5:

    Suzan woke up to the sounds of Bonnie Rupp singing. It was a weird

    sensation, as if every cell in her body awoke and was ready to start the day.

    She grabbed her clothes and looked on at the crowded student center,

    trying to see the bathroom.

    All freshman students slept in the student center for the first week--boys

    in the upstairs lounge and the girls in the downstairs commons. It was a way

    for the students to get to know each other and find roommates before they

    were given room assignments. Suzan didnt appreciate this at all. She was

    hoping to get some time to herself, but it was virtually impossible. Even in

    the bathroom stall, Suzan could barely breath and that was partially

    because one of the girls smelled like digested tacos; no, it wasnt just the


    The rest of the previous day was uneventful. She, Sadie, and Tabatha

    went back to finish their tests while Whitney explored the campus. That

    evening only the three met for dinner. That was ok with Suzan because she

    didnt particularly like Whitney, but she had to admit the way she saved thatgirl yesterday was impressive and inspiring. However she felt about the

    spook, Suzan didnt want to think about her now. All she wanted was to get

    a shower before Bonnie took them to breakfast. She got off her cot and

    headed to the lavatory.

    Once the girls had finished getting ready, they met the boys in the

    cafeteria for breakfast. But as they marched in their lines towards the

    cafeteria, Suzan could feel a lot of anger outside of their group. She wasnt

    sure where it was coming from until she looked at some of the windows and

    saw some students staring in. They looked angry. She pointed it out to

    Sadie, but she just laughed. What are they doing staring at us like that?

    They look like a bunch of idiots.

    The student center, said Emma, who seemed to be walking close to

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    them, is the most popular spot to hang out for students. To them you are


    Oh hi, said Suzan.

    Hello, she said and then she sped up to the front of the line where

    Bonnie was.

    Awkward, said Sadie rolling her eyes.

    They walked into the cafeteria and went to the buffet lines to see what

    was for breakfast. Suzan was happy that her favorite was there: waffles. She

    grabbed two with butter and syrup and poured herself a glass of milk. After,

    she went to find a seat and saw Whitney sitting alone at the end of a table.

    Suzan tried desperately to avoid her but then a powerful force pulled her

    towards the spook.

    Come on Suzan, said Tabatha pulling on Suzans left arm, Whitneys

    sitting over there.

    Tabatha dragged Suzan as she struggled to free herself from Tabathas

    grasp. However, Tabatha was much too strong for Suzan and She ended up

    staring at the spook red faced, pathetically trying to mask her discomfort.

    Whitney wasnt fooled at all as she looked up to see the mingled panic and

    false happiness on Suzans face.Good morning to you too, said Whitney expressionless as usual.

    We almost didnt see you, said Tabatha smiling, You might have had

    to eat all alone.

    Yeah, said Whitney, That sure would suck.

    Tabatha giggled. Youre funny! she said as she pulled out the chair

    next to Whitney and sat down.

    Suzan sat across from Whitney, trying to avoid eye contact. She still

    didnt know what to think of her at all. She was rough, but she seemed to

    have some sense of justice after the incident yesterday. She didnt think that

    anyone like that could be all bad.

    yes I am came a thought from Whitney.

    Eep! exclaimed Suzan.

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    Hey ladies, said Sadie, Whats up? WTF Tabatha! What the heck is

    that? They all looked at Tabatha to see her enjoying what looked like an ice

    crme, waffle sandwich.

    She had six waffles with ice crme in between and chocolate syrup,

    strawberries, and whipped crme on top. Her hands looked really sticky as

    she tried to handle it over to her mouth, where she was taking dainty bites

    and getting ice crme and chocolate all over her face.

    Its my breakfast, Sadie, she said, her usual dopey smile.

    Suzan, astonished, said, How can you eat all of that? Wont you get


    Nah, said Tabatha her mouth full of waffle, I eat breakfast like this

    every day.

    And you never gain a pound? asked Sadie.

    Nope, said Tabatha as she closed her eyes and enjoyed what looked

    like the best breakfast ever. Every girl in that room glared at her.

    So, said Suzan, trying to forgive Tabathas awesome metabolism,

    Sadie, how do you think you did on the written test?

    Horribly, said Sadie, You?

    Im not sure, said Suzan, I was great at the reading and writing part,but math is not my best subject. Im hoping I got a B.

    Come on Suzan, said Sadie, Youve always been better at written

    tests than me. I bet you did better than you think. As for me, I know I got a

    D. I just hope I can make it up in the physical.

    You cant make it up on the physical exam, doofus, said Whitney as

    she ate her cereal, The written is 1000 points and the physical is 1000

    points. Even if you completely ace the physical, which you wont, you can

    only expect an E ranking.

    Well spooky, said Sadie, trying to keep her anger from exploding,

    Since you know so much, why dont you tell us what we can expect from

    this physical test?

    Figure it out yourself, she said.

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    Why are you even here! said Sadie.

    You guys sat next to me! said Whitney.

    Suzan, not wanting to get involved in an argument, turned to Tabatha.

    She had nearly finished her entire sandwich, while Suzan had barely

    touched her waffles. She cut off a piece, chewed, swallowed, and turned

    back to Tabatha. So Tabatha, how do you think you did on the written?

    Suzan asked.

    I dont know, said Tabatha as she pulled a hair out of her mouth and

    continued to chew. Talking with her mouthful, I just guessed on most of

    them. It was really hard. But there were a couple that I think I did ok on.

    Tabatha swallowed and lowered her voice, Just between you and me

    though: Im not really all that good at tests.

    Suzan shook her head. Caught between disgust and empathy, she

    smiled and said, Well there is still the physical. How good are you at

    athletics? I think that if the rest of this week is the physical, it must be

    pretty arduous.

    Tabathas face became real serious. Oh I really hope not, she said, Im

    not ready for sex.

    The whole room turned and looked at Tabatha as she downed her glassof milk.

    Never mind, said Suzan, I know for a fact I wont do well. Im not very

    strong or athletic at all.

    Whitney nodded her head as she sipped tea from her mug.

    Whats that supposed to mean? said Sadie as she chomped on her


    It means I agree with her, said Whitney, I can tell she cant do much

    of anything. Her brain isnt developed enough nor is she physically capable.

    And you, youre a dunce with a big mouth. She stared at Sadie.

    Shut up! said Sadie, Youd be surprised what Suzan can do! Right


    Uh, said Suzan blushing. She was angry with Whitney now. She wasnt

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    stupid, and thats what it sounded like Whitney said. And there was that one

    time she saved everyone from a possible building collapse supposedly. It

    was clear now that Whitney was just a jerk. Suzan found her earlier conflict

    resolved, but she still couldnt completely object to Whitney either. Well Ill

    definitely do my best, she said, a new sense of purpose bubbled inside her

    as she was prepared to prove Whitney wrong.

    Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, said Clyde. He was standing

    behind the podium again. Drew, Emma, and Bonnie stood next to him and,

    as Suzan observed, each found their own way to pass the time during this

    announcement. Drew looked at his watch every now and then and when he

    wasnt doing that, his hands found a comfy spot in his pockets. Emma

    looked like she was listening to music, her head nodding, but she had no

    head phones on. And Bonnie stood as erect as a large, round girl could, by

    far the most professional of the three.

    As you may know, continued Clyde, Today we are continuing the

    testing with the physical exams. There are five parts to it: senses, muscle

    memory, speed, endurance, and strength. The final part of the entrance

    exam is the most important--a team building exercise of capture the flag.

    You will work with your future roommates to find the flag and bring it back toyour room which will be given to you at the start of the fifth test. In that test

    anything goes. There will be guards and teachers on standby in case things

    get messy.

    What! thought Suzan.

    Told you, you wouldnt be ready, said Whitney in Suzans head.

    Get out of here! thought Suzan with anger.

    Great, said Sadie, Team work. She said looking at Whitney. The two

    glared at each other.

    Senses will gage how well your six senses work. Muscle memory will

    gage your ability to mimic others; an attribute most prodigies have. Speed

    will find how fast you are. Endurance will gage how much you can take.

    I dont like the sound of that, thought Suzan, What kind of school is

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    Lastly, strength will determine your muscle power. All of these tests are

    essential for the school to see your true abilities and place you in the

    appropriate level. I wish all of you the best of luck. Please enjoy the rest of

    your breakfast; we will be starting shortly, he finished only for Bonnie to

    take the podium.

    Good morning, she said, I hope yall had a refreshing nights sleep

    because this week will be a doosy. she giggled as the tables of students

    stared politely back at her. Ahem, she said, Youll be excited to know that

    your results from the written test are here. She picked up an envelope from

    a box at the foot of the podium.

    Emma, Drew, and I will be over there, she said pointing at a lone table

    near the door, Ready to pass them back to you. We have them organized

    by last name; Drew will have A through H, Emma will have I through P, and I

    will have Q through Z. Once youre finished, come see us and then exit

    through the doors and wait for us to collect you for the next exams. Dont

    worry; theyre sealed in envelopes so no one can see em unless you let em.

    No need to rush. Just finish up breakfast and come on over when you are

    ready.Nearly everyone stood up and rushed to the front table. Drew and

    Bonnie ran to get there first, but Emma took her time to admire Tabathas

    breakfast. Sadie, Suzan, and Whitney, among the mob, rushed to the table

    only to be the last in line. It didnt take long, however, and soon Suzan was

    face to face with those beautiful, ice blue eyes again.

    Oh hi, said Drew, I was wondering if this was you, He pulled out the

    test, Suzan Halden.

    You remembered my name? said Suzan blushing.

    Yeah, he said smiling, You didnt think Id forget you, did you?

    Ah, said Emma looking over, Shes the scrawny one with the glasses.

    Suzan glared at her.

    Now, sis, said Drew, Cant you ever say anything nice?

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    The truth isnt always nice, she said looking at Suzan.

    Thanks, said Suzan still glaring.

    Sadie, right, said Drew.

    Yup, she said, Thats me. She took her envelope and joined Suzan at

    the side. They waited for Tabatha, who had finished her large breakfast and

    was now standing behind Whitney.

    Hittle, Whitney, she said.

    Drew smiled as he gave Whitney her envelope. Have a good one, he


    Im Tabatha Blessing! said Tabatha a little too loudly. Emma giggled.

    Oh, said Drew, who looked a little startled, Yes, of course. The last

    one. Here you are. Have a good day.

    The four girls walked out of the cafeteria and into the crowd of students

    in the hall. Suzan once again could feel a large amount of malice emanating

    from the outside of the building. Surely the higher students are used to

    this, she thought. Sadie stopped and leaned against a nearby wall and said,

    lets see what we got.

    The four circled up and opened their envelopes.

    Wow! said Tabatha, I did better than I thought!What did you get? said Sadie looking disappointed.

    I got a 600, she said smiling, Ill be honest, Im not that smart. I was

    expecting a 400 or something.

    Suzan frowned, I got a 600 too.

    Whitney snickered. Really Suzan? said Tabatha, Its like were twins!

    Suzan gave a nervous smile while Whitney laughed harder. What did

    you get spooky? said Sadie getting angry.

    Oh said Whitney still smiling, I got a 950. What did you get, idiot?

    I got a 550, said Sadie hanging her head.

    Whitney fell on the floor laughing. Suzan felt horrible. She knew that

    Sadie really tried. It was just written tests always made her nervous.

    Sadie kicked Whitney hard in the ribs. Whitney gasped.

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    Its so funny, isnt spooky? said Sadie, You really think that youre

    better than us dont you? Well guess what, Im going to do way better than

    you on the physical, so just shut up!

    Whitney quickly got up and held her bruised rib. You? In your dreams

    Ive competed with norms with way more talent than you. And by the way,

    as soon as this test is over, Im getting back at you for the ribs.

    Bring it on, spookzilla! Im not afraid of you. Im going to kick your ass!

    said Sadie.

    Whitney went in to punch her when Bonnie bounced in between them

    and Whitneys fist was swallowed by Bonnies fat, which seemed, according

    to Suzan, to be able to hold Whitneys hand inside. Whitney struggled but

    she could not free her hand.

    Easy now, she said, Is this any way friends should behave? Why dont

    yall cool off for a minute.

    Bonnies fat released Whitneys arm. It seemed that Bonnie had control

    of her bodys flexibility the same as Emma did, but the technique was

    completely different. Though they were similar, Suzan began to see the

    differences. Like a flash, it became visible to her eye. It was almost like her

    telempathy. She could feel it, but she didnt quite understand it. Thisencouraged her. She may have gotten a poor score on this test, but she

    could tell that she was going to improve if she continued to probe this new


    These are not my friends, said Whitney, I have no friends. Whitney

    walked away. Tabatha flinched as Whitney spoke, while Sadie stared after

    her. Suzan could tell she was glad Whitney was leaving. Suzan, though she

    didnt like Whitney much, wasnt sure how she felt. There was something

    there that she could not name yet. It was strange

    Alright, ladies and gentlemen, said Clyde as he tried to regain the

    attention of all the on-lookers, I can tell by the looks on your shining faces

    that many of you did well. But I want the rest of you to remember that this

    is just a placement test. Other than that, it doesnt have any value. So buck

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    up and get excited for the todays test.

    Now for the next three days, you will be pushed to your limits.

    Remember that there is no shame in giving up in the middle, but you wont

    get the score you deserve, so I hope you all keep that in mind during these

    next few days. Well take a break for lunch at 1:00 and then end our day at

    6:00. Is everyone ready? Alright lets get started! Gentlemen with Drew and

    myself and ladies with Bonnie and Emma. Good luck everyone!

    Clyde took the boys down the student center hall, while the girls stayed

    behind waiting for instructions from Bonnie.

    Alright gals, she said smiling wide, The boys are takin their strength

    physical today. Well be doing our senses. Yall come with me and well meet

    with our modrater. Hes one of the head scientists here at BIP and hes the

    lead authority on prodigy development.

    Suzan noticed that Emmas energy flared up. She looked angry. Bonnie

    and Emma led the way down the hall opposite the boys. They walked to a

    staircase and proceeded down a couple of flights, out a door, and onto a

    catwalk. Below was a large area filled with monitors, cubicles and thousands

    of computers. As they moved down the catwalk, they came to a dark

    hallway with many doors with name tags on them and at the end of the hallwas a final door labeled Dr. Leroy Ferris.

    Knock knock, tapped Bonnies pudgy fist on the door. The door creaked

    open and Dr. Ferris was standing behind it. He didnt look very excited to see


    Hello ladies, he said, My name is Doctor Ferris, I will be evaluating

    your senses today. This is my assistant Mr. Kim. He pointed to a little man

    with glasses.

    Suzan could tell Mr. Kim was looking for someone but she wasnt sure

    who, as if he knew someone in the crowd.

    So, said Sadie, These are the guys who have been watching us. What

    do you get off of them Suzu?

    The doctor is hiding something. Hes surprisingly good at it for a norm.

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    But the little guy is anxious to see a particular one of us. I dont know who.

    Interesting creepy, but interesting, said Sadie.

    So in order to do our test, we will use this machine over here, said Dr.

    Ferris, pointing to the machine behind him, First will be sight. Dont be

    alarmed; its basically a regular eye exam, but with a maximum distance of

    25 miles. If you can see up to 21 miles you get full credit. Any questions?

    Good. All the other senses will be tested relatively the same way.

    Sir? said the small girl, how can you make such a test in a lab this

    size? Granted it is large, but certainly not 25 miles. How is this test even


    My arent you observant, he said, slightly patronizing, This machine

    simulates great distances in order to measure your various sensory systems

    without the aid of a special field.

    Sounds promising, she said.

    It is more than promising, said Dr. Ferris, a little taken aback, This

    machine can simulate various conditions or temperature, texture, the light

    spectrum In short this machine can and will gage all sensory responses

    from the test subject. We have been doing this for years; I think we know

    what we are doing.Of course you do, she said smiling.

    The girls giggled. Even Bonnie cracked a smile and Emma gave a hearty

    laugh. In the silence that came afterwards, a red faced Dr. Ferris said, Who

    wants to go first?

    Ill do it, said Sadie. She walked over to Dr. Ferris and the machine. It

    was a rather interesting machine, Suzan thought. A spherical chamber that

    hovered a foot off the ground. Beneath it was, perhaps, the source of its

    floatability. A circular apparatus that could easily balance the large, metal

    ball if it were unable to push it up in the air.

    Dr. Ferris went to a control panel on the side of the machine, pressed a

    sequence of buttons and then a door popped out of the side of the sphere.

    Sadie, grinned as she stepped inside. Suzan and Tabatha watched as she

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    disappeared inside.

    Each test takes about 3 minutes. So to allot time for all the senses, the

    test is roughly 15 minutes long per person. Luckily we have 12 machines, so

    can I get 11 more volunteers?

    I thought you said there were 12? said Tabatha.

    Dr. Ferris looked dazed for a minute, Yes, well, moving on

    11 more girls took their places in the machines. Suzan and Tabatha

    waited for their turn. Suzan quickly did a count of how long it would take for

    all the girls to go through. She counted 163 girls in the room, not including

    Emma or Bonnie. 12 were in the machines now and the test took about 15

    minutes each. 163 girls divided by 12 machines equals 13.583 repeating

    trips through the machines. For the sake of saving time, Suzan just rounded

    to 14. So 14 trips multiplied by 15 minutes each equals 210 minutes and

    210 minutes divided by 60 minutes equals 3 hours and 30 minutes. So the

    tests started at 9:00 am and that meant that they would be done at 12:30,

    in time for lunch.

    Tabatha could tell that Suzan was deep in thought, so she decided to go

    to her happy place. Inside her mind, she saw a green field where she and a

    miniature Tabatha played. And then the little Tabatha pulled out a paintbrush and began to paint weird symbols on the ground and so Tabatha also

    began to mimic these symbols on the ground beside her miniature.

    Afterwards they settled down on a pink and white checkered blanket for

    some tea with Mr. Giraffe and Miss Zebra and then the four began to fly in

    the sky with the fish and the rocks Yes, Tabatha had flying rock friends and

    they were just as important to her as any giraffe or zebra.

    Suzan woke from her reverie to see Tabatha drooling next to her with an

    expression of ecstasy on her face.

    I wish I was there, she thought. And then Sadie came out of the

    machine and walked back to where they were sitting.

    Come on, Suzu, said Sadie, Its your turn. She took Suzan by the

    hand and over to the machine she had just left.

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    How was it? Suzan asked.

    Honestly, said Sadie, Its exhausting. Has it really only been fifteen

    minutes? Sadie looked at her watch. I feel like Ive been in there for at

    least an hour. Well your turn Suzu. Make me proud!

    It was then that Suzan felt a very peculiar aura emanating from behind

    the machine. It was the doctors assistant.

    Oh hi, he said blushing, Im just getting this machine set up; no need

    to be alarmed! Um, but I will need to take your glasses before you go


    Sadie gave Suzan a wicked smile. Suzan was puzzled. She handed the

    pair of glasses over to him; his hands shook as he accepted them from her

    hands. She could feel an awkward energy emanating from him.

    Youre eyes are really pretty, he said.

    Thanks, she said. She still felt weird. Is this guy No or maybe

    Suzan could tell he was nervous and excited at the same time and that was

    typically a very bad combination for most young men. She hurried into the

    machine in hopes of forgetting him, but instead, being in a very dark and

    tight place, there was nothing to reoccupy her mind. I hope this test starts

    already, she thought.Then the inside lit up with a blinding, white light and soon it changed

    into a long stretch of road and at the end of the road was a sign with letters.

    It resembled the same eye test that an optometrist used only, as Suzan

    could tell from a space at the side, it was three miles away.

    Please read the first line, said the machine.

    I cant even see the first line, thought Suzan, I must have really gotten

    jipped in the eye department.

    Please read the first line, said the machine again.

    Im sorry, said Suzan, I cannot read it.

    The machine brought the image to two miles, Please read the first line.

    I still cant read it.

    The machine brought the image to one mile, Please read the first line.

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    Listen, said Suzan, I get it. My eyes arent great. I wear glasses. Can

    we just move on to hearing or something else.

    The machine brought the image to a mile, Please read the first line.

    Suzan sighed, I

    Second line.


    Third line.


    Forth line.


    Fifth line.


    Sixth line.


    Seventh line.

    K-Y-O-U Damn it! Missed a letter!

    Error! Please read line one again

    Suzans test actually took a lot longer than was expected and set the

    girls back a half hour. But they still made it to lunch ok.In the cafeteria, Suzan, Sadie, and Tabatha sat together again at the

    same long table they had that morning. They still hadnt seen or heard from

    Whitney, but at the moment they were preoccupied by the test they had just


    I cant believe how badly I bombed that test, said Suzan.

    Its ok, Suzan, said Tabatha, I bomb tests all the time.

    Youre really not helping, said Sadie, Just remember Suzu, the full

    physical isnt over yet.

    This is all because I wear glasses, said Suzan, Why am I the only

    prodigy that wears glasses?

    Calm down, said Sadie, Look, this test isnt even real. Well, you know.

    It isnt worth anything. Dont sweat it. It will be over in no time and we can

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    get down to the real stuff.

    Real stuff? said Suzan.

    Of course, said Sadie, I mean boys of course. So many here I just

    cant take it! We didnt have many like this back at the orphanage.

    Wow, really Sadie? said Suzan, What about you Tabatha?

    Oh me, said Tabatha sheepishly, I dont know. I guess I dont think

    about boys much.

    Of course you dont, said Sadie, But I bet they think about you, huh?

    Sadie nudged her with her elbow trying to make Suzan laugh.

    You really think so, said Tabatha blushing, I know it may sound weird,

    but I miss Whitney.

    I cant see why, said Sadie, her face hardening, Honestly if I dont see

    her again, Ill be fine with it.

    But shes our friend, said Tabatha.

    Suzan and Sadie were silent. It was really hard for Suzan to like Whitney.

    Sure she saved them from those guards. Sure she was brave and talented,

    but she was a major Suzan tried not to think about it. But she knew that

    Whitney brought something out of her that gave her strength and maybe

    that was reason enough to explore the possibility.Id honestly rather be slapped by a fish than be her friend, said Sadie.

    As soon as she said that a large fish flew at her face.

    As the tests went on, Suzan did poorly on all of them. It wasnt just her

    senses that were lacking, she realized she had little coordination, strength,

    or speed. It was nearing the end of the week and she was so far looking at a

    whole bunch of zeros.

    She couldnt believe it herself. It was ridiculous. Or maybe the

    expectations were ridiculous. For strength, she had to be able to at least

    bench 500 lbs. in order to get credit; she could barely do 100 lbs. In speed,

    she had to run a mile in less than a minute; it took her four minutes. In

    endurance, she had to run for three hours straight; she couldnt handle one


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    Are you sure you are not a norm? asked Emma during the endurance


    Suzan just glared at her. By far the most humiliating test was the muscle

    memory test they had taken on Tuesday after the senses test. They had to

    watch a performer do a trick and mimic it. Juggling was one of the many

    feats Suzan had to perform and she just couldnt seem to get any of it.

    Sadie and Tabatha tried to help, but it was no use. They were just better at

    those things than she was. The whole freshmen class was better than she


    It was now Thursday and the girls had just got out of the endurance test

    and were sitting down at a table in the cafeteria for dinner.

    Come on, Suzu, said Sadie, Youre not the worst.

    Oh yeah? said Suzan, Who else got all zeros? How is that even


    You got me, she said, If only we could tap into that power you used at


    Whats that? said Tabatha as she took a bite out of a delicious-looking

    triple cheeseburger.

    Suzu, somehow saved my life, said Sadie a little embarrassed, It wasamazing I mean it would have been amazing to have actually seen it.

    What do you mean? said Tabatha, You didnt see it?

    Well No but Professor Schumacher did. He was amazed. That

    counts, right?

    Tabatha nodded her head.

    No. It doesnt, said Suzan, she was getting irritated at the mention of

    the incident at the orphanage. It was a constant reminder that something

    happened but she didnt know what. Was it even her? What was the point in

    having that great power if she couldnt turn it off and on like a switch.

    Hey, come on Suzu, said Sadie smiling, We just have one more test

    and then we can enjoy normal student life.

    There isnt anything normal about any of us. I cant stand this anymore.

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    Im a prodigy but Im the weakest, most insignificant one. I cant believe


    Suzan stood up and walked away from the table.

    Suzan, wait, called Tabatha and Sadie but she wouldnt. Suzan was

    sick of this place. It wasnt her. It wasnt her at all. Everyone here was so

    amazing. And she was nothing. She was nothing. She couldnt shoot fire

    from her hands; she couldnt walk on walls; and she definitely couldnt eat a

    lot of greasy food and not gain a pound. That still pissed her off the most.

    Why was she born a prodigy. She was practically normal. Her father could

    have kept her. She could have went to a normal school. She could have had

    a normal life without any of these ridiculous people. And then she

    remembered what Professor Schumacher said:

    You can opt out of BIP, its just that norm teachers wouldnt know what

    to do with you.

    That was what she should do. She was going to quit BIP and go to a

    normal school. No one would know the difference. No one at all.

    She walked out of the student center and headed straight to Dean

    Crofts office. The dean had to be there; it was her bedroom after all. Either

    way, Suzan figured she would just sit and wait outside the door until thedean came back. It was dark that evening, but there was a full moon out

    and Suzan could at least see where she was going. A chill ran through her

    body; she could feel Autumn just around the corner. She could also feel the

    auras of others nearby. She didnt think anything of it because she always

    felt people around her. It gave her a little encouragement. It was something

    that Sadie had trouble doing. Suzan could even judge distance--it was never

    exact, but the closer the stronger the feeling.

    Strangely though, the further she moved from the student center, she

    could feel three auras closing in on her very fast. She began to run. The

    office building wasnt far away. She could make it no, she couldnt. The

    three were nearly upon her. In fact one was standing in front of the building.

    She could finally see him. Was he a guard? No, he looked like a student.

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    Hello, freshman, he said. He was tall and skinny; his hair was long and

    a golden yellow that seemed to glow.

    How did I miss this guy, Suzan thought as she stared at his hair.

    Simon, said a female voice from behind her, Im behind her. And Alan

    is on the roof top.

    At that moment, Suzan could pin point the other two. She turned around

    to see no one.

    You wont see Misty, said the yellow haired Simon, Shes invisible.

    So Youre a freshman, right? I can tell because of your eyes. They dont

    look like much. Like shallow pools. You havent seen much at all.

    Suzan turned back to face him. He didnt seem harmful.

    At the same time, youve see a lot. A long scar seems to hide behind

    those eyes. Like some cruel joke that lingers and you dont want others to

    know about. I can see everything with my eyes.

    Why are you following me? said Suzan as she tried to maintain her


    We just want to see what you got, said the female voice called Misty

    behind her.

    What can you do? said Simon, Are you worth going to this school orare you just a weak F level prodigy?

    Fs dont belong here, said Misty, They bring us all down and make us

    look bad.

    Well, started Suzan, Thats why Im going to see the dean. I dont

    belong here. Im worthless.

    Oh? said Simon, Lets find out. Alan, begin.

    Suzan heard it. It was a whistling noise that was coming fast. She

    focused her mind; where was it coming from? Her body moved on its own

    and she stepped to the right. Thud. Whatever it was planted itself into the

    ground hard. Suzan couldnt see what or where it landed.

    Worthless? said Rick, That took some skill.

    Suzan blushed. It was nice to not be worthless after all.

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    Once again she felt two more objects flying towards her. Step left, step

    back. Both miss and make the same noise as they penetrate the dirt.

    Impressive, said Simon, What about if I do this?

    He moved so fast that Suzan barely saw before it happened. Though he

    was ten feet in front of her, he moved in an instant right in front of her face

    and sent her flying in the air with an uppercut to the chin.

    Suzan cried out as the fist connected and she rose several feet, falling

    back onto the ground. That was when the invisible girl jumped on her chest

    and started punching her in the face. Suzan tried to get back up and push

    the girl off but she was completely overpowered. She was stuck, she was

    bleeding, and if this girl didnt get off her, she would probably be


    Mistys fists felt like hammers beating on her head. Suzan felt the hot

    tears filling her eyes as heat rose to her face and then she felt the weight

    pushed off of her and the feeling of another presence.

    Make that two. Sadie and Tabatha were by her side now. Tabatha knelt

    down and tried to mop up Suzans face with her skirt. Sadie stood between

    Suzan and Simon.

    What do you want, jack-ass? she said, her fists trembling.Why did you stop this? said Simon calmly, We only want to know what

    class youre in.

    Youll find out later. After the testing is over, said Sadie.

    Oh, said Simon pouting, But I want to know now. Well it will be just as

    fun with two extras here. Misty, Alan, lets have fun.

    Tabatha was grabbed by her hair and dragged by an invisible force while

    Simon and

    Sadie circled one another. Suzan laid on the ground. She was still in shock.

    She couldnt move, but she could feel that there were more objects flying

    towards her. She fought against her body and mind. She knew she had to

    move; the objects were whistling towards her. She could feel them. Closer.

    Closer. She struggled. Move body! she thought to herself. Theyre almost

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    here! She rolled out of the way, just as three more objects planted into the

    ground. She could move. Well, she could roll and that was a start.

    Tabatha struggled as she felt the wrists of a purple girl behind her. She

    dug her fingernails into the girls hand and heard a shriek of violence come

    out of her assailants mouth as she released Tabatha.

    Tabatha stepped forward and turned around. Before her was a girl, but

    she was like a purple shade with no distinguishing characteristics, except for

    a large symbol on her chest. This was normal for Tabatha; she saw this a lot

    when she was around other prodigies, but she didnt know what it meant.

    Every symbol was different and Tabatha thought they were so pretty that

    she would often sketch them in her sketchbook.

    Misty had regained her composure and attacked Tabatha again, opting

    for a kick. Tabatha dodged it easily. Misty then tried to punch her. Tabatha

    dodged again.

    You cant see me! You cant see me! shouted Misty as she tried to hit

    Tabatha again.

    Of course I can, said Tabatha smiling, Youre right there.

    ugh, grunted Misty as she continued to attack. Tabatha of course

    continued to dodge.Hey, Tabby, shouted Sadie as she and Simon continued to circle each

    other, You could try hitting her, I mean since you can see her.

    You gave me a nickname, said Tabatha smiling really big, Tabby, I like

    it ever-so-much. Tabatha continued to dodge.

    Sadie groaned. Your friend, said Simon, She can see Misty? Can you

    see her?

    Dont worry about that, said Sadie, Worry about my foot getting stuck

    up your ass!

    Sadie kicked, but Simon sped up and got behind Sadie and shoved her


    Sadie fell face first. Why so nice, said Sadie, I saw what you did to my


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    She got back up and sped up to grab Simon, but he was faster.

    I guess Ill have to teach you a little about the higher class at BIP, he

    said as he nailed Sadie in the face with a kick. This kick sent Sadie flying 30

    feet, skidding across the ground.

    Holy shnights, said Sadie as she wiped some blood from her lip and

    popped her right shoulder back into place. This is getting fun!

    Sadie ignited her arms and sent a blast of flames towards Simon.

    Terrified, Simon dodged and ducked to avoid getting burned.

    So, youre a pyromancer, he said, Well Then theres no need to be


    You have plenty of reason to be alarmed, said Sadie as she sprung

    forth with her fiery fist. Simon sped again behind her and put her in an arm

    lock. What are you going to do now?

    Duh, dumb-ass! Sadie once again ignited her arms and tried to reach

    her flame out as far as she could. She wanted to set Simon on fire; she was

    so angry. Luckily Simon only burned his hands.

    Hot! Hot! said Simon, How the hell did I forget? Simon looked at his

    hands. The first layer of skin was pealing and he could see the next layer,

    red, and immerging underneath.All I have to do is absorb the moons rays, he thought, then I can heal

    up and take these three down.

    Really? came a voice from inside his head, that is interesting. Lets see

    if thats all there is to it.

    Whos there? shouted Simon, his face full of panic.

    its just me, said the voice, youre conscience.

    Get out of my head! shouted Simon.

    Sadie stopped. She wasnt sure what was going on. She moved closer,

    her arms alight, waiting for the best time to strike. strike him now while

    hes distracted, said one side of her brain. Set him on fire! Kill him! said

    another. You dont want to kill him, said yet another. Sadie remained calm.

    She wanted to collect herself before anything else happened.

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    Look out! cried Suzan, Sadie, three objects are flying towards you!

    Suzan was now able to crawl on her hands and knees. She was making

    her way towards Sadie, who seemed to be halted.

    Sadie turned and saw Suzan on the ground, crawling. She ran towards

    her and heard the thuds of three flying objects hit the ground. She knelt

    down to help her up.

    Are you ok Suzu? Sadie asked.

    Yeah, said Suzan, Its Whitney. Shes inside his head.

    Shes what! said Sadie, furiously, Damn it, Whitney! I can take care of

    this punk myself!

    Determined, She walked straight towards Simon. Her eyes felt on fire.

    Suzan gathered her strength and ran after her. No Sadie, stop! Dont hurt

    him. We can escape now.

    What about Tabatha? said Sadie. They both turned over to where

    Tabatha and Misty had been fighting. They saw Tabatha and it appeared that

    she was sitting on something.

    Hi guys! Misty fell asleep. She was fun though, said Tabatha, her

    signature smile lighting her face. Sadie felt humbled by this, but

    immediately snapped out of her reverie as Suzan pushed her out of the wayof six more flying objects that hit the ground around them.

    Thanks, said Sadie. She then thought out to Whitney, Hey spooks.

    Thanks for invading shiny boys head.

    Whatever idiot, said Whitney, Im looking for that sniper kid Alan right

    now. When Im done in here, Ill let him go. You can finish him off.

    Suzan who was also listening, No! We can just escape and go to the

    Deans office.

    These kids need to be taught a lesson, thought Whitney, Sadies an

    idiot but she knows that. One more thing, idiot, burn his hair off. The moon

    gives him his power. Its why hes faster and stronger than you.

    Dont call me an idiot, spooks, said Sadie, and thanks.

    No problem. You wouldnt have found him anyways.

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    Damn you, spooks! thought Sadie.

    What I miss? said Tabatha.

    Not much, said Simon, Im now going to kick all your asses!

    Get ready, ladies, said Sadie and she sped away.

    So, said Simon, Youre captain has left you. What do you think is

    going to happen now?

    Tabatha stood between Suzan and Simon. Youre not going to touch my

    friends, she said, her smile disappearing. It was strange. Suzan could feel

    the rage emanating from Tabathas body.

    You better start hitting back, said Simon.

    He attacked Tabatha with a punch. She dodged by planting one hand on

    the ground and kicking Simon in the face with both feet. Simon stepped

    back. He was surprised. The entire fight with Misty, Tabatha had not laid a

    finger on her, but now her whole demeanor changed. Suzan could feel that

    she wanted to hurt Simon really bad, but she wasnt sure why. Misty was the

    one who beat the snot out of her.

    Interesting said Simon, Out for blood, I see?

    Im not going to let you hurt my friends, said Tabatha.

    So you say, said Simon, Lets find out.He sped up and appeared behind Suzan and was about to punch her in

    the spine, when Tabatha back flipped over onto Suzans shoulders, sprung

    up into the air and kicked Simon in the back of the head. In doing this,

    Suzan was pushed down to a kneeling position so when the impact of the

    kick sent Simon flying forward, he tripped over Suzan and planted his face in

    the ground.

    Suzan sat stunned. This girl this ridiculously nice girl may have caused

    some real damage to this jerks head! It was actually really awesome! But

    where did Sadie go.

    Dont worry Suzan, said Tabatha regaining her smile, Sadie is

    watching for the perfect moment.

    Simon pushed himself up and felt the back of his head. He felt a large

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    lump growing back there, but what really made him angry was the blood

    issuing from his nose.

    You bitch! he shouted. He faced the two. Suzan stood behind Tabatha,

    who stood her ground; her smile was replaced by rage again.

    Suzan I may need your help, she said.

    Sure, said Suzan, Ill do what I can.

    Suzan wasnt sure what she could do, but she really felt like she needed

    to prove herself now.

    We need to keep him restrained somehow, said Tabatha.

    Suzan again was surprised. Was this the same clueless Tabatha she

    knew? If you can get behind him and grab his legs, I think I can get his


    Ok, said Tabatha, Its worth a shot. Lets do it. Sadie will be striking


    How do you know? asked Suzan.

    I seem to be able to pick up her location. Shes getting excited, said


    Really? said Suzan, Biscuits! Here he comes.

    Simon was charging at them. Once he was upon them, Tabatha jumpedout of the way and behind as Suzan began to rapidly walk backwards to

    increase the distance. Then Tabatha dove and grabbed his legs. Simon

    tripped as Suzan finally dove onto his hands. Wrapping her fingers around

    his wrists and balling her body together, she could now feel Sadie on her

    way from where she was hiding.

    Simon could feel this too and he was struggling to free his legs and

    arms. He couldnt even stand himself up; these two girls were determined to

    keep him from moving. Where was Alan? He should have nailed these girls

    with something by now and then he remembered the voice in his head. The

    voice or whatever-it-was was searching for information and left his mind

    once it learned Alans locations. Was there a fourth person involved here?

    Where was he or she? Was Alan ok? These were the questions on his mind

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    until he finally saw it.

    Sadie came running down a building, completely engulfed in flames. She

    was running towards the three faster than she had ever done before. Suzan

    was amazed. She had never seen Sadie on fire like this before. Simons

    struggling grew more erratic. He began to twist and contort in order to free

    himself. It was Tabatha who lost her grip first and as soon as she did, Simon

    kicked her until she finally let go. Once on his feet he swung Suzan around

    like a doll until she was unable to hold on any longer. Once she lost her

    grasp, she flew high and landed in a tree.

    Sadies flames lowered significantly and her speed fell drastically as she

    was nearly upon Simon. She was worried. She wanted to check on Suzan

    right away, but she had to finish this up first. She put as much fire energy

    into her right palm as possible and was going to strike with all her might

    right through Simons skull.

    It was her intention to burn his head off, however as she cocked her

    palm back and increased her speed, so did Simon. He ran right at her, fist

    cocked, and once they intersected, he kicked her right hand away and

    slammed her head with his own fist. Sadie collapsed. Tabatha who was only

    a few feet away was crawling towards them, tears welling up in her eyes.She couldnt stand up; she was shaking, her right eye bruised and swelling

    up. Thats when Simon saw her.

    Werent you going to stop me from hurting your friends? He laughed

    as he walked over to her. Get up, bitch! Im going to take you back to my

    room for some fun. Some lights out fun. He grabbed her by the neck and

    lifted her up, So beautiful. Except for your face. he caressed her swollen

    eye. Dont worry I have a paper bag you can use. Simon laughed some

    more. He began to drag Tabatha away from the scene, when he saw a bright

    light coming from the trees.

    It was so bright, all Simon could see was white. Then it started to fade as

    he felt Tabathas weight leave his hand. Instantly several feet in front of him

    he saw Suzan holding Tabatha in her arms; both were completely healed.

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    What do you think you are doing, Simon Braff? said Suzan.

    How does she know my name? thought Simon. He began to shake.

    Suzan knelt down and placed Tabatha on the ground--she was unconscious.

    Suzan patted her head and stood back up to face Simon. Her eyes glowed

    white and instantly she was right in front of him. He laughed and said, You

    cant beat me. Im going to break you like I did your sister over there. He

    pointed to Sadie.

    No you wont, Simon Braff, she said. There was no expression on her


    Ive had enough of this. He was going to punch her when he saw she

    was gone. He turned around and around but couldnt find her. All he saw

    was Sadie and Tabatha lying on the ground.

    Who are you looking for? asked Suzan behind him.

    He turned startled. Hold still you bitch!

    Once again she was gone before he could hit her.

    Where are you! he shouted, Stop hiding and fight me!


    Suzan appeared before him instantly again and elbowed him in the

    chest. He rose ten feet into the air and as he fell she jumped up underneathhim and kicked him back down to belly flop into the earth. He pushed

    himself up; his nose gushing out more blood. She was next to him again and

    she kicked him all the way to the trees where she landed. Simon found

    himself skidding and rolling until he hit a tree where on impact his spine

    wrapped around it like a shoe string. Blood now was issuing from his mouth

    and ears

    He looked up. There she was standing on the lowest tree branch.

    Had enough? said Suzan

    Simon felt his torso. He had at least six broken ribs. He surrendered with

    a cough of blood.

    Suzan found herself outside the deans office with both Tabatha and

    Sadie under arms. Sadie was naked and Suzan wasnt sure why nor did she

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    understand why she, Tabatha and Sadie were not marked or bloody at all.

    She remembered her own face had taken a beating Where were her


    Whitney was standing next to her. Here, she said as she handed

    Suzans glasses back, I dont think you really need them anymore Well, at

    least you cant use them anymore.

    Suzan looked down at her shattered lenses. Youre right, she said

    softly, I guess I cant use those anymore I can see! Without glasses! Holy

    fudge brownies! What happened, Whitney?

    You seriously dont know? she said her face still as expressionless as

    the first day they met.

    No, said Suzan, I have no idea. I remember I wanted to come here

    and talk to the dean. I remember the fight with those three older students.

    But I dont remember much after hitting that tree. Did you see the whole

    thing? Where were you anyway?

    I was tying up that ass-wipe Alan, said Whitney a little irritated, I also

    cleaned up your mess. Those three needed to be taken to the infirmary,

    badly. I just got here actually. I dont know how long youve been here.

    Well I guess Ill knock, said Suzan as she looked at her watch, Itsabout that time anyway.

    Yeah, said Whitney. She was thinking about the moment when she

    arrived on the scene. She had seen everything from start to finish and for

    once in her life, she shivered with anticipation.