Download - Red Bull Flugtag Proposal

  • The Velvet Elvis:

    A Flying Machine in Tribute of The King

    Proposal for Red Bull Flugtag

    Warning: General awesome and hilarity to ensue!

    Respectfully submitted by:

    The North Dallas Gentlemens Association for Drink & Sport

  • In Dallas, there exists a

    truly awesome dive bar

    where the men go for

    Red Bulls. Named

    after a painting of Elvis

    on velvet, good times

    are always had at The

    Velvet Elvis.

  • The men who frequent The Velvet Elvis

    often dream of one thing


  • Okay, make that two things.

    Flying AND chicks.

    Sometimes flying chicks.

  • Aint nothin but a


    dog Think


    flyin all the



    Men who fly must get all the chicks they thought

  • Inspired by their love for beautiful women their

    wives and their favorite escape from them bar,

    they couldnt help but dream of flight.

    Fueled by a few Red Bulls, the boys put

    their imaginations to the test and began to

    draw. It didnt go well. At least, not at first...

    Then finally something began

    to click. Red Bull gives us

    mortals wings. Imagine what

    it could do for The King!

    Red Bull Flugtag Drawing 1:

    A completely useless sketch

  • Soon they began to sketch out plans for a flying machine to serve as the

    ultimate tribute to The King and to The Velvet Elvis. A toilet with wings! A

    porcelain throne equipped to soar high in the sky. It was a crazy idea. Crazier

    than the sh*t that killed Elvis The one that literally killed him!

    Red Bull Flugtag Drawing 2:

    Completely useless again.

    And gross.

    Red Bull Flugtag Drawing 3:

    A real flying machine!

    Not as gross as Elvis dead on the toilet.

  • A blueprint for construction soon followed!

  • The plan seemed simple enough...

    Just seven easy steps!

    1. Submit Application for Red Bull Flugtag

    2. Pray twice a day always facing Graceland whilst drinking Red Bull

    3. Once judges accept, convince The Velvet Elvis to pay for the toilet and other supplies.

    4. Find Elvis. We all know hes not dead. We will pay our respects and hopefully borrow some of those sweet jumpsuits so we can all look the part for our big day.

    5. Build the ultimate flying machine in tribute to The King and The Velvet Elvis**

    6. Drink More Red Bull

    7. And finally, on September 21 realize our dreams to fly with The King!

    ** Easier said than done, right? Not a problem for us, weve all read Elvis for Dummies cover to cover and some of us even made it a semester or two at Graceland University! All together, weve got just about enough credits to get us a minor in general aviation studies. Practically Ivy League.

  • And so now we wait to receive word from the judges.

    You know where to find us. Well be praying

    Otherwise, well be at the bar.

    Reach us at [email protected]

    or 214.564.9008