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Recognizing and Overcoming Impostor Syndrome

By David Kiger

Page 2: Recognizing and Overcoming Impostor Syndrome


Many successful business professionals struggle with a phenomenon known as impostor syndrome. Even in the midst of incredible success, individuals may feel like they do not deserve what they have achieved and end up becoming depressed. Even prominent Silicon Valley executives report that they feel like they are failing even after signing major deals.

Part of dealing with impostor syndrome involves recognizing its symptoms. When individuals consistently dismiss success as “luck” or “timing” and come to fear that people will discover their unworthiness, they are probably struggling with the condition.

Page 3: Recognizing and Overcoming Impostor Syndrome

Impostor Syndrome

In these situations, they must come to understand that the condition is not a defect and that many other successful individuals feel exactly the same way.

To gain control of the syndrome, professionals need to become mindful of their self-doubt and keep reminders of their genuine success, from e-mails to letters, close at hand to assuage their fears. Some people find it helpful to keep a journal in which they describe the things for which they are grateful.