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Creative Media Production 2013 1

Recipe Card Design

Aby Jones and Shania Carter

Page 2: Recipe cards   task 7 (1)


Style sheets

Creative Media Production 2013

Here is an example of potential fonts I could use as my card title:

• Vegetarian Sushi

• Vegetarian Sushi

• Vegetarian Sushi



This is the font that we will be using as the main body text.

Here are the images in the style that I would like to incorporate in to my own design.

They are in HD and they are very elegant in the way that the subject of the photographs have been placed.

Page 3: Recipe cards   task 7 (1)


Style sheets

Creative Media Production 2013

These is the potential title fonts:Vegetarian noodles

I think that these fonts would be good for a body text. SUSHISUSHISUSHI

This is the potential colour scheme for this design.

I like the theme of a big Chinese recipe and therefore incorporated the Chinese dragon.

On the other hand, this picture represents the traditionalistic Chinese vibe.

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Style sheets

Creative Media Production 2013

I’d like to adopt the style used to take these photographs in to my own design – effectively using Aperture on the food photograph to achieve a low depth of field so it’s primarily focused on the food. I’d like to use the style used in the model photograph to, by taking a picture of the models whole face in good light, in front of a blank background – easier when it comes to editing.

Here is a selection of fonts that I could use for the title:

Vegetarian SushiVegetarian SushiVegetarian Sushi

I would like to use this font as the main body text

Colour scheme

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Flat plans

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Flat plans

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Flat plans

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RecipesVegetable stir fry

Ingredients: 2tbs vegetable oil, 1tbs finely chopped fresh ginger, 2-3 scotch bonnet chillies seeded and chopped, 80g baby corn cut in half, 1 red pepper seeded and cut into strips, 900g pak choi, storks halved an cut into 5mm sticks, leaves halved and seperated, 200g fresh bean sprouts, 4tbs thai fish sauce, 3tbs Chinese oyster sauce, 4 spring onions, 2tbs chopped coriander leaves, 2tbs toasted sesame seeds.

Method:Step 1 – heat veg oil on high heat. When oil is hot, stir in ginger and chillies, cook until fragrant (30sec). Add corn, pepper & pak choi stalks; fry until pepper softens (roughly 3 mins)

Step 2 – stir in pak choi leaves & bean sprouts – cook until leaves darken (1-2mins), pour in fish & oyster sauce – sprinkle with spring onions – serve sprinkled with coriander and sesame seeds.

Creative Media Production 2013

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RecipesVegetable Spring Rolls

Ingredients: 100g packet vermicelli noodles, 1tbs peanut oil, 3 green onions/sliced, 2 crushed garlic cloves, 1 large carrot (pealed and grated), 1 ½ cups shredded Chinese cabbage, 227g water chestnuts, drained/roughly chopped, 1tbs soy sauce, 1/4tbs white pepper, 2tbs cornflour, 20 frozen spring roll wrappers, vegetable oil, sweet chilli sauce.

Method:Step 1 – preheat oven to 150degrees celsius, place noodles in large bowl, cover with boiling water, leave 5 mins then drain. Cut noodles in to 3cm lengths with scissors.

Step 2 – heat wok over high heat, add peanut oil, add onion, garlic, carrot and cabbage. Stir-fry 2-3 mins until soft, add noodles, chestnuts, soy and pepper – transfer to bowl – set to cool.

Step 3 – combine cornflour with 1tbs water in small bowl. Place 1 wrapper on a board with corner pointing towards you, brush edges with cornflour, spoon 1 tbs vegetable mixture in to corner, fold corner over filling then roll up from corner to corner.

Step 4 – pour vegetable oil in to wok til’ 1/3 full. Heat until small piece of bread in oil sizzles, cook spring rolls in batches, remove to wire wrack over baking tray, keep warm in oven – reheat oil after each batch. Creative Media Production 2013

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Ingredients:24 or more nori sheets, 8 sushi mats, assorted vegetables (sprouts, julienned carrots, cucumbers, bell peppers, sliced avocados, trimmed asparagus etc.), wasabi, low-sodium soy sauce, mixed grain rice.

Method:Step 1 – lay sushi mat so wooden sticks are positioned horizontally, place nori sheet shiny-side down with long edge parallel to matt sticks, spread thin layer of rice over nori, leave ½ inch border on bottom and top.

Step 2 – place your fillings (no more than 4) in a horizontal line 3 inches above the bottom edge of nori, keep it thin so it’s easy to roll.

Step 3 – starting with the top edge of the mat, roll nori sheet towards you, firmly compressing the roll, gently squeeze roll with mat, when done, slice roll in to even sections. Creative Media Production 2013

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RecipesSweet and sour quorn chicken recipe

Ingredients: A packet of quorn chunks, ½ cup of pineapple chunks (leave some juice), ½ cup of red bell peppers cut in to ½ inch cubes, ¼ cup of onions, chopped, ½ cup of celery/thinly sliced, 1 clove minced garlic, 1tbs olive oil, 1tbs soy sauce, 1tbs corn/potato starch.

Method:Step 1: stir fry onions, peppers, celery & garlic until onions become translucent. Add quorn chicken & pineapple chunks, cook for 1 minute.

Step 2: mix starch and reserved pineapple juice – add to stir fry, stir until thickened, serve over rice or noodles.

Creative Media Production 2013

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RecipesBreaded tofu nuggets

Ingredients: 1 block extra firm tofu/pressed, 1/3 cup soya milk, 2tbs mustard, 1tbs onion powder, 1tbs garlic powder, 1tbs dried parsley (optional), ½ tsp salt, ¼ tsp black pepper, ¾ cup bread crumbs.

Method:Step 1 – cut tofu in to chunks, roll in to balls and press lightly.

Step 2 - whisk together soymilk, mustard and spices until smooth in a bowl. Place bread crumbs in a separate bowl.

Step 2 – coat each piece of tofu with soymilk and mustard mixture, then coat with breadcrumbs, fry in oil until golden brown. Serve with any sauces/side dishes.

Creative Media Production 2013

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RecipesMango Pudding

Ingredients: 1 ripe mango (3/4 cuts in to cubes), 5g gelatin powder, 50ml fresh milk, 500g water, 70g sugar.

Method:Step 1 – put all cubed mango in to blender without adding any water until it becomes a puree like texture, then set aside.Step 2 – mix jelly powder and water together (to make jelly)Step 3 – bring them to boil at medium heat, remember to stir.Step 4 – once boiling, add sugar & then mango until it dissolves, add fresh milk and stir well.Step 5 – fill up bowls (ramekins preferably) and let it cool to room temp.Step 6 – put in refrigerator for 3hrs. Garnish the mango pudding with fresh mango cubes.

Creative Media Production 2013

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RecipesChinese Sponge Cake with Coconut Icing

Ingredients:For the sponge cake: 1 cup of flour, 1tsp salt, 4 eggs, ¾ cup sugar, 1tsp almond extract, ¼ cup coconut milk.Coconut icing: 2tb + 1tsp pineapple juice, 1tb + 2tsp corn starch, 1 cup coconut milk, ½ cup sugar.

Method:Step 1 – Line the bottom of a cake pan with parchment paper, prepare wok for steaming. Place flour in medium bowl, sift in baking powder and salt – set aside. Step 2 – in a separate bowl add sugar and eggs and beat until frothy. Stir in almond extract.Step 3 – gradually add flour mix to egg mix, stirring. Add coconut milk, stir until a smooth batter. Pour batter in to a pan, cover and steam for 30mins. Cool and remove from pan – cut cake in to squares.Coconut icing: mix pineapple juice and corn starch – set aside. In medium sauce pan bring coconut milk and sugar to boil – stir pineapple juice/corn starch mix, add to saucepan. Cook for a few mins (5-10) on medium low heat to thicken, cook for another minute then remove and use to ice the cakes.

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RecipesEgg Fried Rice

Ingredients: 1tbsp sunflower oil, 1tsp garlic puree, 140g chopped fresh/frozen peppers, fresh/frozen brocolli florets, 140g cooled/cooked rice, 1 beaten egg, light soy sauce, to drizzle.

Method:Step 1 – heat oil in a wok/frying pan over high heat. Add garlic puree – stir briefly. Add peppers and brocolli, stir-fry for 3mins. Tip in the rice, stir-fry for another 3-4 mins.Step 2 – make a well in the centre of rice, add the egg. Cook for 1 min, stir the egg in to rice. Season to taste and spoon into serving bowls. Drizzle with soy sauce and serve.

Creative Media Production 2013

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Final Style sheet

Creative Media Production 2013

Here is an example of potential fonts I could use as my card title:

• Vegetarian Sushi

• Vegetarian Sushi

• Vegetarian Sushi



This is the font that we will be using as the main body text.

Here are the images in the style that I would like to incorporate in to my own design.

They are in HD and they are very elegant in the way that the subject of the photographs have been placed.

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Final flat plan

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Test card

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