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  • 8/14/2019 Recession in USA - FFW


    2008 Recession Global &


  • 8/14/2019 Recession in USA - FFW


    US Subprime Crisis-Timeline

    1990 - 2003

    Progressive discount rate cuts by Federal Reserve Bank (from 7% in1990 t0 0.75% in 2003 . Housing boom begins (8% increase2002 to 2003) 1999

    Fannie Mae eases credit terms for subprime loans

    2002 President sets target for expanding minority home-owning .2003 - 2006

    Progressive discount rate increases (from 0.75% to 6.25% in 2006).Housing boom continues (Average 2006 house price about 70%above 2000 level)


    25 Two Bear Stearns hedge funds threatenedby losses frommortgage defaults


    6 American Home Mortgage bankrupt 9 French bank BNP Paribas freezes funds because it is .unable to

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    US Subprime Crisis -Timeline



    US mortgage lender Countrywide soldto Bank of America after its share pricedrops by 48%


    Bear Stearns bank rescued following losses relating to mortgage-related

    assets by its hedge funds. [April

    Global subprime crisis costs could reach $1 trillion (IMF estimate)

    IMF forecasts US recession and world growth slowdownJune

    US house prices 20% below 2006 peakAugust

    Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac rescuedSeptember

    7Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac nationalized

    12 Lehman Brothers bankrupt with losses of up to $160 billion to holders ofits unsecured bonds.

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    UK Housing Prices

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    World Recession Time Line

    YEAR 2008January

    US mortgage lender Countrywide sold to Bank of America afterits share price drops by 48%


    Northern Rockbank nationalised


    Bear Stearns rescuedApril

    Global subprime crisis costs could reach $1 trillion (IMF estimate)

    IMF forecasts US recession and world growth slowdown Bank of England announces Special Liquidity SchemeJune

    US house prices 20% below 2006 peakAugust

    Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac rescued

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    World Recession Time Line


    7Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac nationalized12Lehman Brothers bankruptwith losses of $365 billion toinsurers of its bonds.

    No government rescue.$785m Lehman funds written off-money market investors suffer massive loss

    16Money market panic17 American Insurance Group nationalised

    UK's Halifax/Bank of Scotland (HBOS) accepts rescue bid fromLloyds TSB

    18Paulson Rescue plan proposed (US Treasury scheme to take"toxic assets" out of the US banking system)

    UK temporary ban on short selling 19 Fed supports money markets Federal Reserve Bank ready to

    finance loans from the money market

    23Federal Reserve Bank protectsGoldman Sachs and MorganStanley banks

    26 Washington Mutual closed by regulator. Assets sold to JPMorgan

    Chase Coordinated support by US, UK, European and Swiss central banks .

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    World Recession Time LineOctober 3 Modified $700 billion Paulson Plan (to purchase toxic assets)

    approved by Congress

    Dutch Fortis and ABN Amro banks nationalized .German HypoReal Estate bank rescuedIcelandic economic crisis".

    6 US Wachovia Corp to be rescued by Wells Fargo takeover

    7 More European bank rescues

    UKcredit insurer withdraws cover . 8 500 billion UK rescueplan (the "Brown plan" to inject capital, take equity in banks andguarantee interbank lending)

    Coordinated interest rate cut of half per cent by the central banks ofthe United States, Europe, China, Britain, Canada, Sweden and

    Switzerland . 10 G7 Action Plan agreed by finance ministers (in a broadly worded

    statement, lacking in specifics)

    12EU leaders adopt UK rescue plan (to inject capital, take equityin banks and guarantee interbank lending)

    14President Bush announces new plans (to inject capital, takeequity in banks and guarantee interbank lending)

    19 German bank rescue package agreed

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    November 12 US government plan to purchase "toxic assets" abandoned

    23Citigroup Rescue - US government makes $20 billion cashinjection and guarantees against loss on $306 billion of illiquidassets

    US Federal Reserve Bank promises to buy up to $500 billion worth of

    mortgage-backed securities guarantee by Fannie Mae and FreddieMac and up to $100billion worth of their direct debt

    2008, 4th quarter


    The oil price falls. (November US light $60/barrel, down fron July $147

    peak). United States Federal Reserve Bank promises to buy up to $500 billion worth of

    mortgage-backed securities guarantee by Fannie Mae and FreddieMac and up to $100billion worth of their direct debt. FederalReserve Bank cuts its discount rate to 0 to 1/4 per cent Europe

    European Central Bank cuts MRO rate from 3.75% to 2.5" Bank of

    England cuts bank rate from 4.5% to 2% Asia China announces a $586 billion fiscal stimulus

    World Recession Time Line

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    Recession continues in 2009

    2009, 1st quarter

    US Congress approves stimulus package - American Recovery and

    Reinvestment Act(H.R. 1) - a $839 billion stimulus package

    European Central Bank cuts MRO rate to 2% Bank of England

    cuts discount rate cut- from 2% to 1.5% . banks lent 185 bn

    under the Special Liquidity Scheme

    2009, 2nd quarter Bank of England cuts discount rate to 0.5% and announces 75

    billion asset purchase under its Asset Purchase Scheme . The

    beginning of its programme ofquantitative easing

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    Domino Effect

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    Here you go!

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    Global Recession

    C o u n trie s in re ce ssio n a s o f M a rch

    2 0 0 9

    S e v e re ly a ffe cte d co u n trie s

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    Banks Failure

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    Bank Failures By Month

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    Auto Industry Collapses

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    Auto Majors Stumble

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    Auto Shutdown Effect onJobs

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    Job Trend Major Industries

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    Bankruptcy Filing Rate