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  • 8/12/2019 Recalling Witnesses



    October 29, 1968

    G.R. No. L-16941THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES,plaintiff-appellee,!.MATEO DEL CASTILLO, ET AL.,"efen"ant!,JOSE ESTRADA,"efen"ant-appellant.

    Assistant Solicitor General Esmeraldo Umali and SolicitorCeferino P. Padua for plaintiff-appealee.Jose W. Diokno for defendant-appellant.


    #$i! i! a reie%, on appeal b& acc'!e" (o!e E!tra"a, of Cri)inalCa!e No. 21*-G of t$e Co'rt of +ir!t n!tance of 'eon, %$erein

    t$e "eat$ !entence %a! i)po!e" 'pon t$e !ai" acc'!e" b& t$e co'rta quoin it! "eci!ion "ate" +ebr'ar& 11, 196/, t$e "i!po!itieportion of %$ic$ rea"! a! follo%!0

    RE3E on t$e fore5oin5 con!i"eration! t$e Co'rt $ereb& fin"!t$e acc'!e" (o!e E!tra"a GL#7 be&on" rea!onable "o'bt of t$ecri)e of i"nappin5 for ran!o) a! "efine" an" p'ni!$e" b& Article26 of t$e Rei!e" enal Co"e, a! 'lti)atel& a)en"e" b& Rep'blicAct No. 1/84, %it$ t$e a55raatin5 circ')!tance of ab'!e of p'blicoffice :$e bein5 t$en )'nicipal co'ncilor of G')aca;, %it$o't an&)iti5atin5 circ')!tance to off!et it, an" $ereb& !entence! $i) to "ie

    b& electroc'tion a! proi"e" b& la%, or"erin5 $i! $eir! after $i!e/,///.//, an" to pa& t$e co!t!.

    +or a prefator& !tate)ent of t$e bac5ro'n" fact! of t$e ca!e, t$e"etail! of %$ic$ !$all be !et fort$ later a! ?e reie% t$e ei"ence,t$e follo%in5 antece"ent! nee" be !tate".

    n t$e afternoon of +ebr'ar& 2, 19>6, r!. Elira #a=a"a "e

    rincipe, a &o'n5, pro)inent patron of G')aca, 'eon, a )e)berof t$e ric$, %ell no%n rincipe fa)il&, %a! i"nappe" b& a ban" of@'bala$ap!, $ea"e" b& one Co))an"er epe Alcantara. 3$e %a!"etaine" for 18 "a&! in t$e @' lair! "eep in t$e )o'ntain! of t$eBon"oc enin!'la, an" %a! relea!e" onl& 'pon pa&)ent of a

    ran!o) of >/,///.//.On acco'nt of t$e i"nappin5, t$ree:*; ca!e!, file" one afteranot$er, %ere in!tit'te" b& t$e Goern)ent a5ain!t t$e no%n!'!pect!. ?e are pre!entl& concerne" onl& %it$ t$e la!t of t$e!eca!e!, %$ic$ $a! c'l)inate" in t$i! appeal. B't for a better'n"er!tan"in5 of t$i! ca!e, ?e $ae to )ae )ention of t$e) all inpa!!in5. An" for t$i! p'rpo!e, t$e !tate)ent )a"e b& t$e trial co'rtin t$e "eci!ion appeale" fro) %ill !'ffice.

    :a; !e "irst Case. # Criminal Case $o. %&'-G.

    #$e fir!t c$ar5e %a! a co)plaint initiate" on arc$ 11, 19>6, b& Lt.L'ca! B. Apolonio of t$e *8t$ C Co)pan& !tatione" at G')acaan" lo"5e" %it$ t$e '!tice of t$e peace co'rt of G')aca %$ic$'pon eleation to t$i! Co'rt beca)e Cri). Ca!e No. 1*-G for t$eco)ple< cri)e of rebellion %it$ i"nappin5 in %$ic$ t$einfor)ation %a! file" b& A!!i!tant roincial +ile" 3eerino .illafranca on April 24, 19>6.

    On ('ne 4, 19>6, +i!cal illafranca a)en"e" $i! fir!t infor)ation tona)e Arca"io #alaera a! Lt. Alcantara in t$e a!!')ption t$at Lt.Alcantara %a! Arca"io #alaera.

    Later on an" after t$e L'i! #ar'c ca!e %a! "eci"e" b& t$e 3'pre)eCo'rt to t$e effect t$at t$ere %a! no !'c$ co)ple< cri)e ofrebellion %it$ i"nappin5, +i!cal illafranca )oe" t$e Co'rt toper)it $i) to a)en" $i! infor)ation an" to c$ar5e t$e acc'!e"!eparatel&, one infor)ation for t$e cri)e of i"nappin5 for ran!o).

    On ('ne 26, 19>6, a !econ" a)en"e" infor)ation in Cri)inal Ca!eNo. 1*-G %a! file" b& +i!cal illafranca c$ar5in5 all t$e acc'!e"

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    $ea"e" b& Arca"io #alaera alia! Lt. Alcantara %it$ t$e !i)plecri)e of rebellion.

    On A'5'!t 26, 19>6, a t$ir" infor)ation %a! file" b& +i!calillafranca eli)inatin5 Arca"io #alaera fro) t$e infor)ation b'ta""in5 Lt. Alcantara a! one of t$e acc'!e". #$e cri)e c$ar5e" %a!

    !till for t$e cri)e of rebellion.#$e recor" !$o%! t$at t$i! t$ir" a)en"e" infor)ation %a!proi!ionall& "i!)i!!e" b& t$e Co'rt on October 16, 19>6, on t$epetition of +i!cal illafranca an" 3pecial ro!ec'tor Capilitan ont$e 5ro'n" t$at t$e ei"ence a5ain!t t$e t%o acc'!e" oroteoE"'n5an an" B'enaent'ra iel, %$o %ere t$en t$e onl& acc'!e"place" in t$e c'!to"& of t$e la% for rebellion, %ere not !'fficient toconict t$e) of rebellion.

    #$e recor" f'rt$er !$o%! t$at t$e entire ca!e %a! proi!ionall&

    "i!)i!!e" on t$e 5ro'n" t$at t$e re!t of t$e acc'!e" $a" not &etbeen arre!te", !'bect to t$e proi!o t$at an& ti)e t$e ca!e )a& bereie" for rebellion a5ain!t t$o!e t$at )i5$t be arre!te" later. #$i!Ca!e No. 1*-G i! t$erefore a clo!e" ca!e, at lea!t proi!ionall& a! aca!e for rebellion.

    :b; !e Second Case.# Criminal Case $o. %()-G* for +idnappin,for ansom.

    On ('ne 26, 19>6, A!!i!tant roincial +i!cal illafranca file" a!eparate infor)ation for t$e i"nappin5 for ran!o) of Elira #a=a"a

    "e rincipe, na)in5 t$e t$irt&-t$ree acc'!e" in Cri). Ca!e No. 1*-G a! "efen"ant!. #$i! ca!e %a! "ocete" a! Cri)inal Ca!e No. 164.

    #$e recor" !$o%! t$at on A'5'!t 1, 19>6, t$i! Co'rt 'pon petitionof roincial +i!cal (o!e O. Lar"iabal "i!)i!!e" t$e ca!e a5ain!tArca"io #alaera a! Lt. Alcantara an" roincial +i!cal Lar"iabalfile" an a)en"e" infor)ation on A'5'!t 16, 19>6, a5ain!t Lt.Alcantara an" t$e t$irt&-t%o per!on! na)e" in t$e fir!t infor)ation.n ot$er %or"!, Arca"io #alaera alia! Lt. Alcantara %a! eli)inate"

    b't Lt. Alcantara %a! contin'e" in $i! !tea".

    #$e acc'!e" Antonio Ca)paniero alia! Nel!on "e Ro!a! %a!"i!c$ar5e" fro) t$i!infor)ation to be 'tilie" a! %itne!! for t$e5oern)ent in Cri). Ca!e No. 21*-G.

    #$e ca!e a5ain!t B'enaent'ra iel %a! "i!)i!!e" on arc$ 19,19>, for in!'fficienc& of ei"ence.

    #$e ca!e a5ain!t Gonalo allare alia! Co))an"er Ro)& %a!"i!)i!!e" on ece)ber >, 19>, for in!'fficienc& of ei"ence.

    On +ebr'ar& 2>, 19>8, t$e ca!e a5ain!t oroteo E"'n5an %a!"i!)i!!e" 'pon petition of 3pecial ro!ec'tor ictor 3antillan an"Arte)io Aleo an" of A!!i!tant roincial +i!cal E'fe)io A.Caparro! for in!'fficienc& of ei"ence.

    On +ebr'ar& 26, 19>8, t$e acc'!e" 'irino Raela alia! "e Leon

    plea"e" 5'ilt& a! acce!!or& after t$e fact in t$e cri)e of i"nappin5for ran!o) of Elira #a=a"a an" %a! !entence" accor"in5l&.

    On +ebr'ar& 1, 196/, t$e acc'!e" Clo"'al"o Ca)ac$o plea"e"5'ilt& a! acce!!or& after t$e fact an" %a! !entence" accor"in5l&.

    !i"ro Alpa& alia! Co))an"er B'lala, o)in5o A)erica alia!La5'i)a&, reneo Capi!on"a alia! Ernin5 alia! Lope, Bena)in "e(e!'! A)in, Ben Ra)ire Ben, e"ro artine e"ro,3antia5o Napole! No)er, (ai)e (i))& (i)a&, Gelacio Elio!o, Li%a&%a&, Berna, #i)oteo, ('an, e G')an, #orre!, alencia, Ba&a! an" La"re! $aenot &et been place" in t$e c'!to"& of t$e la%. On +ebr'ar& 2, 19>8,t$e ca!e a5ain!t t$o!e %$o are !till at lar5e %a! "i!)i!!e"proi!ionall&.

    #$e acc'!e" Alfre"o Re&e! Co))an"er +re", E)iliano Bla!co Co))an"er E)&, Ro"ri5o Co))an"er #on&, ictorianoa&'not #orio an" anfilo Ro!ale! re"o Banaa5 are allreporte" "ea".

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    +or all p'rpo!e! t$erefore, Ca!e No. 164-G )a& be con!i"ere" ater)inate" ca!e.

    :c; !e !ird Case. # Crim. Case $o. %&-G* for +idnappin, foransom.

    On October 1/, 19>6, a t$ir" ca!e %a! file" b& a !pecial pro!ec'torfro) t$e epart)ent of ('!tice, Antonio O. Capilitan, after t$e!'rren"er of !o)e of t$e @'! %$o participate" in t$e i"nappin5of Elira #a=a"a "e rincipe. n t$i! t$ir" ca!e, t$e !pecialpro!ec'tor acc'!e" ateo "el Ca!tillo, (o!e E!tra"a an" ('lioCeribo an" !eeral ot$er! 'n"er a!!')e" na)e! or alia!e! ofi"nappin5 for ran!o) an" t$i! ca!e %a! "ocete" a! Cri). Ca!eNo. 21*-G. #$i! i! no% t$e ca!e 'n"er con!i"eration of t$e Co'rt in%$ic$ t$e acc'!e" (o!e E!tra"a %a! t$e onl& acc'!e" trie" b& t$eCo'rt.

    #$e acc'!e" (o!e Ceribo %a! "i!c$ar5e" fro) t$i! ca!e to be'tilie" a! %itne!! for t$e 5oern)ent.

    #$e acc'!e" ateo "el Ca!tillo $a! been reporte" "ea".

    #$e acc'!e" Ro)a5'erra oe Ro)a5'erra %a! i"entifie" a!+ranci!co Rabi an" @elin5 oe @elin5 %a! i"entifie" a! An5eleran. #$e& bot$ plea"e" 5'ilt& 'pon t$eir arrai5n)ent on +ebr'ar&1, 196/, a! acce!!or& an" %ere !entence" accor"in5l&.

    #$e acc'!e" ete oe ete an" ?illia) oe ?illia) %erei"entifie" a! +ranci!co Li!a& an" 'intin a5"aon5. #$e& al!o

    bot$ plea"e" 5'ilt& a! acce!!or& an" %ere !entence" accor"in5l&.#$e acc'!e" Car"in5 oe Car"in5 i! reporte" "ea".

    A! to t$e ot$er acc'!e", #e""& oe #e""&, Nato oe Nato,ie oe ie, n!o oe n!o, E!!i oe E!!i, Dalo& oe Dalo&, Lorin5 oe Lorin5, an" (o$n oe, t$e& are !till atlar5e an" $ae not &et been place" 'n"er arre!t.

    'rin5 t$e trial of t$i! ca!e No. 21*-G t$e "efen!e of E!tra"a

    a!!erte" t$at t$e acc'!e" Lt. Alcantara %a! alrea"& in t$e c'!to"& oft$e $ilippine Con!tab'lar& an" %a! !'bpoenae" a! %itne!! for t$e"efen!e b't not%it$!tan"in5t$e effort! of t$e Co'rt t$i! acc'!e" $a!not been pro"'ce" b& t$e a't$oritie!. @e i! !till c$ar5e" in Cri).Ca!e No. 21*-G b't $i! ca!e $a! not &et been !et for $earin5.

    #$e fore5oin5 !tate)ent of t$e 5ene!i! of Cri)inal Ca!e No. 21*-Ge6, in t$e )'nicipalit&of G')aca, roince of 'eon, $ilippine! an" %it$in t$e'ri!"iction of t$i! @onorable Co'rt, t$e afore)entione" Acc'!e",to5et$er %it$ :1; L#. ALCAN#ARA, :2; RO7 OE Co)"r


    NAOLE3 NOER, :19; AN+LO RO3ALE3 +REO BANAAG, :2/; AN#ONO CAANERO NEL3ON ERO3A3, :21; (AE (7 (lA7, :22; GELACO ELO3O, :2*; L?A7?A7, :24; BERNA, :2>; #O#EO, :26; (AN, :2; E AN, :28; ENOA, :29; E LEON, :*/; #ORRE3, alrea"& c$ar5e"%it$ Di"nappin5 in Cri)inal Ca!e No. 164-G, 'n"er t$e !a)e fact!$erein c$ar5e", con!pirin5 an" confe"eratin5 an" )'t'all& $elpin5

    * Recallin5 ?itne!!e!

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    eac$ ot$er, "i" t$en an" t$ere %ilf'll&, 'nla%f'll&, an" felonio'!l&t$ro'5$ force, t$reat! an" inti)i"ation, i"nap ELRA #AFAAE RNCE an" CAREN NOCE#O, tae an" carr& t$e) a%a&fro) t$eir "%ellin5! to an 'nin$abite" far "i!tant fore!t in t$e)o'ntain of Bon"oc enin!'la for 18 "a&! confine)ent 'n"er t$eir

    c'!to"& an" control for t$e p'rpo!e of "e)an"in5 ran!o) in t$ea)o'nt of ++#7 #@O3AN E3O3 :>/,///.//; $ilippinec'rrenc&, %$ic$ t$e !ai" Acc'!e" "i" in fact receie on t$e 16t$ "a&of arc$ 19>6 in con!i"eration of %$ic$ a)o'nt !ai" i"nappe"per!on! %ere relea!e" to t$e "a)a5e an" pre'"ice of t$e !ai"offen"e" partie! in t$e !ai" a)o'nt.

    #$at t$e follo%in5 a55raatin5 circ')!tance! are pre!ent in t$eco))i!!ion of t$e offen!e0

    :1; 3'perior !tren5t$ :2; in ban" :*; '!e of 'nlicen!e" firear)!:4; in an 'nin$abite" place an" :>; '!e of Ar)& 'nifor)! an" ot$erin!i5nia! for "i!5'i!e.

    pon arrai5n)ent on Noe)ber 2, 19>6, acc'!e" (o!e E!tra"aref'!e" to )ae an& plea to t$e infor)ation a5ain!t $i) $ence, t$etrial co'rt entere" for $i) a plea of Hnot 5'ilt&.H @i! petition for bail$a" been "enie" an" !ince t$en, (o!e E!tra"a $a! re)aine" inconfine)ent.

    O'r o%n e

  • 8/12/2019 Recalling Witnesses


    'ntil t$e& reac$e" t$e @' lair!. #$ere %ere fie $'t! at t$e place,all %it$o't %all!. Elira #a=a"a "e rincipe an" Car)en Noceto%ere ept in t$e one locate" at t$e center for t%o %ee!.

    #$ere %ere !i6, Car)en Noceto %a! at t$e$o'!e of $er !i!ter near t$e ele)entar& !c$ool in G')aca. 3$e !a%t%o per!on! r'nnin5 on t$e railroa" trac, lea"in5 Elira #a=a"a "erincipe b& t$e $an"!. 3'""enl&, a H!ol"ierH, al!o on t$e railroa"trac an" calle" $er o't of t$e $o'!e. ointin5 $i! 5'n at $er, t$eH!ol"ierH p'lle" $er b& t$e $an" an" "ra55e" $er alon5, tellin5 $ert$at !$e %o'l" '!t acco)pan& Elira #a=a"a "e rincipe. 3$e co'l"not ref'!e !$e %a! 5reatl& terrifie". @er fat$er %$o %a! t$enpre!ent %a! !t'nne" for t$e H!ol"ierH al!o pointe" $i! 5'n at $i).3$e %a! taen, alon5 %it$ t$e 5ro'p of Elira #a=a"a "e rincipe,to t$e far a%a& )o'ntain! !$e $a" neer reac$e" before. #$e&%ale" all ni5$t, t$en for t%o "a&! )ore, re!tin5 onl& %$en t$e&too t$eir )eal!. #$e& finall& !toppe" %alin5, onl& %$en t$e&reac$e" a place %$ere t$ere %ere fie $'t! %it$o't %all!. 3$e an"Elira #a=a"a "e rincipe %ere ept in one of t$e!e $'t! to5et$er"'rin5 t$e ei5$teen "a&! t$at t$e& %ere $el" in captiit& b& t$eiri"napper!. #$e& %ere allo%e" to 5o $o)e onl& after t$e arrial oft$e >/,///.// ran!o) )one& %$ic$ %a! bro'5$t b& anolin5Letar5o, Ba!ilio An5'lo an" t%o ot$er! %$o) !$e "i" not no%.Before t$eir relea!e, t$e& %ere 5'ar"e" b& !eeral )en, a)on5t$e) e Leon, An5elo eran illaar, Antonio Ca)paniero

    Nel!on an" ('lio Ceribo ('l&.

    Car)en Noceto "i" not no% Elira #a=a"a "e rincipe before t$ei"nappin5. 3$e ca)e to no% $er onl& %$en t$e& %ere eptto5et$er in one $'t in t$e )o'ntain!. #$e& beca)e inti)ate %it$one anot$er later, an" Elira allo%e" $er to rea" t$e letter! !ent to$er b& $er $'!ban" %$ile !$e an" Elira %ere $el" captie!.

    ES/01$2 1" 6EA1 G3/$1GA:

    > Recallin5 ?itne!!e!

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    Beato Glino5a %a! a!leep in $i! $o'!e in Barrio illa #a=a"a,G')aca, on t$e ni5$t of arc$ 4, 19>6, %$en $e %a! a%aene" b&$i! barrio)ate, Leon Calelo. #$e for)er %a! infor)e" b& t$elatter t$at !o)e !ol"ier! %ante" to !ee $i). Glino5a obli5e", an"%ent %it$ Calelo to t$e latterI! place %$ic$ %a! abo't $alf ailo)eter a%a&, to )eet t$e !ol"ier! referre" to b& Calelo. @e "i")eet t$e) at t$e place %$ic$ %a! "ar !o )'c$ !o t$at alt$o $e!poe %it$ one of t$e !'ppo!e" H!ol"ier!H, Glino5a %a! not able toreco5nie an& of t$e). Neert$ele!!, t$e per!on %it$ %$o)Glino5a !poe intro"'ce" $i)!elf a! Lt. Alcantara, at t$e !a)e ti)ei"entif&in5 $i)!elf an" $i! co)panion! a! t$e one! %$o $a"i"nappe" Elira #a=a"a "e rincipe. Lt. Alcantara t$en a!e"Glino5a if $e co'l" "elier a letter to t$e rincipe! in G')aca, to%$ic$ Glino5a con!ente". Lt. Alcantara %arne" $i) not to reealt$at $e $a" !een t$e) to an&bo"&. @e al!o in!tr'cte" Glino5a to !eeacc'!e" (o!e E!tra"a fir!t before "elierin5 t$e letter, !o t$at $e:E!tra"a; co'l" acco)pan& $i) to t$e $o'!e of t$e rincipe!, an"t$en to t$e )o'ntain! in illa #a=a"a %$ere Lt. Alcantara %o'l")eet t$e) later, for accor"in5 to t$e letter, E!tra"a ne% %$at it i!all abo't. Glino5a %a! %arne" f'rt$er, t$at !$o'l" $e fail to contactE!tra"a, $e !$o'l" not tell an&bo"& abo't it, b't !$o'l" procee""irectl& to t$e $o'!e of t$e rincipe! in G')aca, an" t$en )eet $i):Lt. Alcantara; later in t$e )o'ntain!.

    'r!'ant to !'c$ in!tr'ction!, Glino5a left illa #a=a"a earl& t$efollo%in5 )ornin5 an" procee"e" to t$e to%n of G')aca, to "elier

    Lt. AlcantaraI! letter to t$e rincipe!. @e trie" to locate E!tra"a%$en $e reac$e" t$e to%n, b't $e %a! not able to fin" $i) !o,Glino5a %ent "irectl& to t$e $o'!e of arciano rincipe an""eliere" t$e letter to t$e ol" )an in t$e pre!ence of t$e ot$er)e)ber! of t$e fa)il&. arciano rincipe i))e"iatel& prepare" aletter in an!%er to Lt. AlcantaraI! note. @e t$en 5ae it to Ba!ilioAn5'lo %$o %a! at t$e $o'!e of t$e rincipe! at t$e ti)e,reJ'e!tin5 An5'lo to 5o %it$ Glino5a bac to illa #a=a"a an" !ee

    Lt. Alcantara. An5'lo a5ree". @e %ent %it$ Glino5a to t$e)o'ntain! in illa #a=a"a. #$e& reac$e" t$e @' lair! at abo't 0//oIcloc in t$e eenin5 of t$at !a)e "a&, an" t$e& %ere )et b& Lt.Alcantara after Glino5a $a" !i5nalle" t$ree ti)e! %it$ $i!fla!$li5$t. Ba!ilio An5'lo t$en $a" a conference %it$ t$e @'lea"er. A!e" b& one of Lt. AlcantaraI! )en %$ere acc'!e" E!tra"a%a!, Glino5a 5ae t$e infor)ation t$at $e %a! not able to fin" $i)in to%n.

    ES/01$2 1" A$1$/1 CA0PA$/E1 7 $E3S1$ DE1SAS:

    Antonio Ca)paniero oine" t$e @'bala$ap or5aniation on A'5'!t2>, 19>2, 'n"er t$e @' na)e Nel!on. @e !ere" 'n"er ario'!@' Co))an"er! in t$e fiel". +ro) 19>> 'p to t$e ti)e of $i!!'rren"er on ('l& 18, 19>6, $e %a! 'n"er t$e co))an" of @'Co)"r. #e""& Coraon, $ea" of t$e Or5anier! Bri5a"e :OB;,operatin5 near t$e )o'ntain! of G')aca, 'eon.

    3o)eti)e "'rin5 t$e fir!t %ee of +ebr'ar&, 19>6, Co)"r. #e""&or"ere" Nel!on an" anot$er @', +re"o, to contact t$e acc'!e",Co'ncilor (o!e E!tra"a of G')aca, an" infor) t$e latter t$at @'Lt. Alcantara :$ea" of t$e H#a"ta" nit or G-enH; an" Co)"r.#e""& Coraon %ante" to )eet $i) :E!tra"a; in Barrio Bi5a.Nel!on an" +re"o co)plie" %it$ t$e or"er +re"o tale" %it$E!tra"a in G')aca, a! Nel!on !too" 5'ar". E!tra"a !$o%e" 'p inBarrio Bi5a, t$ree "a&! later, at abo't 20// oIcloc in t$e afternoon.

    A!i"e fro) Lt. Alcantara an" acc'!e" (o!e E!tra"a, t$ere %ereot$er @'! pre!ent "'rin5 t$e )eetin5, a)on5 t$e), Co)"r. #e""&,Co)"r. E)&, Ro)&, +re"o, ('l&, 3onia an" Nel!on.E!tra"a %a! a!e" b& Lt. Alcantara %$o t$e ric$e!t )an in G')aca%a!, an" t$e for)er an!%ere" t$at H$e %o'l" !'55e!t t$e rincipefa)il&H :an, maimumun,ka!i ko po a8 an, pamil8a Principe;.A!e" b& Lt. Alcantara if $e %a! referrin5 to Re&nal"o rincipe,E!tra"a an!%ere" t$at if Re&nal"o rincipe %ere t$e one to be

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    i"nappe", it %o'l" be "iffic'lt for t$e fa)il& to ran!o) $i) for t$erea!on t$at )o!t of t$e propertie! of t$e rincipe! %ere in $i! na)e.n!tea", acc'!e" E!tra"a reco))en"e" $i! %ife, Elira #a=a"a "erincipe, %$o co'l" ea!il& be ran!o)e". Lt. Alcantara a5ree" to t$e!'55e!tion of E!tra"a !a&in5, Hif t$at i! t$e ca!e, &e!, an" &o' %illbe infor)e" %$en t$e i"nappin5 %ill tae place,H to %$ic$ E!tra"aan!%ere"0 HAll t$e ti)e &o' can "epen" 'pon )e.H E!tra"a t$en leftt$e place t$at !a)e afternoon at abo't >0// cloc, after $e an" Lt.Alcantara $a" tale" abo't politic!.

    3o)eti)e t$ereafter, Co)"r. #e""& infor)e" Nel!on t$at t$e latter,to5et$er %it$ ot$er! in t$eir nit, %o'l" be Hborro%e"H b& Lt.Alcantara to !'pple)ent t$e )en of t$e H#a"ta" nitH an" oin t$e)in t$e e6, Lt. Alcantara an" $i! )enca)e "o%n fro) Barrio Bi5a an" entere" t$e to%n proper ofG')aca, 'eon. Alia! E!!i, Lorin5 an" Nel!on !too" 5'ar"near t$e railroa" !tation. After tain5 Elira #a=a"a "e rincipe,t$e& fle" an" %ent t$ro'5$ t$e )o'ntain! for t$ree "a&! an" t$reeni5$t!, %it$ !$ort !top! to re!t at !o)e point! on t$e %a&. #$e& $i"Elira #a=a"a "e rincipe in Barrio La5'io bet%een t$e)'nicipalitie! of Lope, G')aca an" acalelon. Car)en Noceto%a! al!o taen b& t$e) to t$e )o'ntain! %it$ Elira t$at !a)e "a&.

    On ('l& 18, 19>6, Nel!on !'rren"ere" to t$e a't$oritie!. @e "i"not no% t$en %$at t$e penalt& for i"nappin5 for ran!o) %a!. @e%a! ine!ti5ate" in Ca)p Natii"a" on ('l& 22. @ain5 '!t!'rren"ere" t$en, $e %a! afrai" to be i)plicate" in t$e rincipei"nappin5 t$erein. Later, $e %a! ine!ti5ate" a5ain in L'cena. @et$en "eci"e" to tell t$e tr't$ an" "i" not )in" an&)ore t$econ!eJ'ence!. @e 5ae $i! !tate)ent :E6.

    n t$e )ont$ of (an'ar&, 19>, Antonio Niea, brot$er of t$en C$iefof olice, Ricar"o Niea of a!a& Cit&, )et Nel!on near t$e$o'!e of Col. "el Ca!tillo, roincial Co))an"er of 'eon. #$e&$a" a !ort of conference. Niea pro)i!e" Nel!on to %or o't $i!ca!e %it$ alaca=an5, !$o'l" $e a5ree not to te!tif& a5ain!t E!tra"ain co'rt. Niea 'r5e" $i) to "en& t$e tr't$ of $i! !tate)ent :E

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    2, 19>, Nel!on %rote anot$er letter, E

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    %ere tr'e, an" $e confir)e" t$e) $e %a! ne>, $e %a! e"'cational c$air)an ofRECO 4 K c$ar5e" %it$ t$e "'t& of in"octrinatin5 t$e people %it$t$e tenet! of t$e @B, %$ic$ $e learne" fro) r. (e!'! Laa K%it$ 'ri!"iction in t$e proince of Rial, $alf of La5'na, an" t$e%$ole proince of 'eon abo't a& 1, 19>4, a! $e an" $i! )en%ere pa!!in5 t$r' Barrio Labni5 G')aca, 'eon, $e %a!intro"'ce" to acc'!e" E!tra"a b& @' Co)"r. #on& %$o %a! t$enoperatin5 in t$e Bon"oc enin!'la E!tra"a tol" $i) t$en t$at $e%a! a frien" of t$e @'! an" t$e ciilian!, an" t$at $e %a!

    infl'ential %it$ t$e Ar)& E!tra"a tol" $i) f'rt$er, t$at if $e co'l"be of $elp to $i), $e %o'l" "o it re)e)berin5 t$at $e %a! in nee"of a t&pe%riter an" a )i)eo5rap$in5 )ac$ine t$en, $e a!e"E!tra"a if $e co'l" $elp $i) proc're t$e) for $i), an" E!tra"apro)i!e" to "o !o in t$e afternoon of t$at !a)e "a&, $e 5ae6>/.// K >//.// co)in5 fro) $i), an" 1>/.// co)in5 fro)Co)"r. Ono& K to Co)"r. atta, for "elier& to E!tra"a $e ne%t$at E!tra"a receie" t$e )one& for, !oon, $e receie" t$e

    t&pe%riter an" t$e )i)eo5rap$in5 )ac$ine, Co)"r. attainfor)in5 $i) t$en t$at E!tra"a $a" !ent $i) :atta; a letter !tatin5t$at t$e a)o'nt 5ien %a! 4*.// !$ort of t$e co!t of t$e t&pe%riteran" t$e )i)eo5rap$in5 )ac$ine, a!i"e fro) t$e e6, at noon, inBarrio Bi5a, G')aca, 'eon $e %a! %it$ Co)"r. #e""& t$en, in$i! %a& to contact a certain teac$er %$o $a" preio'!l& pro)i!e" to$elp $i) b'& !o)e !'pplie! $e faile" to contact t$e teac$er, an" a!$e approac$e" Lt. Alcantara to bi" $i) 5oo"b&e, $e $ear" t$econer!ation bet%een Lt. Alcantara an" acc'!e" E!tra"a Lt.Alcantara a!e" E!tra"a if Elira #a=a"a "e rincipe %a! t$e ric$e!t%o)an in G')aca %$o co'l" be i"nappe", an" E!tra"a an!%ere"t$at !$e %a! t$at %a! all t$at $e $ear" Lt. Alcantara t$en borro%e"!o)e of $i! )en an" firear)! an" %$en $i! )en reoine" $i) later,t$e& reporte" to $i) t$at t$e& $a" participate" in t$e i"nappin5 $erecalle" t$at $e ca)e fro) Barrio ali)ati, Lope, %$en $e %entto Barrio Bi5a, G')aca $e %a! %it$ Co)"r. E)& t$o!e pre!ent int$at )eetin5 in Barrio Bi5a, G')aca, 'eon %ere E!tra"a, Lt.Alcantara, Co)"r. #e""& Coraon, E)&, +re"o an" ot$er! onarc$ 2/, 19>, $e !'rren"ere" t$e follo%in5 "a& $i! affi"ait %a!taen b& an ine!ti5ator it %a! a er& lon5 one, b't $e p'rpo!el&"i" not )ae an& )ention abo't t$e )eetin5 in Bi5a, G')aca,%$ere $e !a% an" $ear" t$e coner!ation "'rin5 t$e )eetin5bet%een E!tra"a an" Lt. Alcantara, beca'!e $e "i" not %ant $i!na)e line" %it$ t$e latter $e %ante" to aoi" an& )ention abo'tt$e i"nappin5! in t$e Bon"oc enin!'la, beca'!e $e feare" t$at $e%o'l" be incl'"e" in it t$at i! %$&, %$en $e %a! taen before3ecretar& Balao in Ca)p 'rp$&, $e tol" $i) not to a! $i) abo'tt$e i"nappin5 b't %$en $e later )et Antonio Ca)paniero Nel!on, elc$or Gre5ana Ron& an" ('lio Ceribo ('l& %$o$ae no%le"5e of t$e !ecret! of t$e!e i"nappin5!, an" t$e

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    p'rc$a!e of t$e t&pe%riter an" t$e )i)eo5rap$in5 )ac$ine t$r'E!tra"a, an" after no%in5 t$at Nel!on, Ceribo an" An5el eran%ere alrea"& acc'!e" of t$e i"nappin5, $e "eci"e" to reeal t$e)atter an" $e beliee" t$at if t$e 5oern)ent %ere to be conince"of $i! lo&alt& t$e& %o'l" realie t$at $e $a" not$in5 to "o %it$ allt$e i"nappin5! in t$e Bon"oc enin!'la t$at i! %$&, !ince $i!!'rren"er, $e $a" been $elpin5 t$e Ar)&, in it! ca)pai5n for peacean" or"er $e $a" contacte" $i! for)er co)panion! in t$e Bon"ocenin!'la !o t$at t$e& )a& ret'rn an" lie peacef'll& on Noe)ber2, 19>, abo't 92 of t$e) !'rren"ere".

    Ot$er %itne!!e! te!tifie" for t$e pro!ec'tion, b't t$eir te!ti)onie!"eal lar5el& on $o% t$e ran!o) )one& of >/,///.// %a! finall&a5ree" 'pon an" "eliere" to Lt. Alcantara t$r' co'rier!. #$r't$e), t$e letter! of Lt. Alcantara to t$e rincipe! an" ice er!a:E6, )'c$ le!!eer conferre" %it$ an& Lt. Alcantara for t$e alle5e" p'rpo!e ofpointin5 to Elira #a=a"a "e rincipe a! t$e be!t i"nap icti) inG')aca. @i! te!ti)on& )a& be re"'ce" a! follo%!0 $e ne% Elira#a=a"a "e rincipe $er fa)il& %a! $i! nei5$bor!, an" $i! &o'n5er

    brot$er, +ernan"o, %a! t$e 5o"!on of EliraI! fat$er $e %a! electe"co'ncilor of G')aca fro) 1948 to 19>1 a5ain $e %a! electe"co'ncilor for t$e ter) 19>6-196/ $e %a! a reco5nie" 5'errilla an"a pen!ioner of .3. Goern)ent $e belon5e" to t$e follo%in5 ciicor5aniation!0 re!i"ent, G')aca Cl'b * ?or!$ipf'l a!ter oft$e a!on! C$air)an, Bo& 3co't! Or5aniation re!i"ent, #Ai!trict lea5'e re!i"ent :t%ice;, 'ro Ca!tillo ice re!i"ent,(a&cee! of G')aca C$air)an, Ciilian Affair! Or5aniation an"

    ice C$air)an, Re" Cro!! Ca)pai5n in 19>1 for 'eon roincet$e barrac! of t$e 8t$ BC# in G')aca %a! con!tr'cte" t$ro'5$$i) $e %a! t$e )oin5 !pirit in t$e con!tr'ction of Ca)pNatii"a" in 1948, %$ic$ no% $o'!e! t$e *8t$ C Co)pan& $eoine" t$e pacification ca)pai5n in t$e to%n! of 'eon %$ic$bro'5$t abo't t$e !'rren"er of !eeral firear)! $e e

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    olice of G')aca at t$e ti)e, Col. Ca!tillo ca)e alon5, an"fin"in5 t$e) to5et$er, t$re% o't Beato Glino5a an" t$en c$allen5e"$i) :E!tra"a; an" $i! brot$er to a fi5$t in fact, Beato Glino5abeca)e $i! o%n %itne!! after t$e relief of Col. Ca!tillo a!proincial co))an"er of 'eon $e %a! co)bat officer in t$e5'errilla force! c$ar5e! of )'r"er %ere file" a5ain!t $i) afterliberation, b't $e $a" been 5ien t$e benefit! of t$e 5'errillaa)ne!t& $e %a! al!o acc'!e" in t$e Barretto i"nappin5 ca!e, b't$i! participation t$ere %a! onl& t$at $e $a" contacte" t$ei"napper! at t$e be$e!t of t$e fa)il& of t$e icti)!, for p'rpo!e! ofre"'cin5 t$e a)o'nt "e)an"e" b& t$e @'! on t$e "a& of t$ei"nappin5 of Elira #a=a"a "e rincipe, $e %a! at $o)e 'ponlearnin5 abo't it, $e $elpe" t$e fa)il& in rai!in5 t$e ran!o) )one&,$e %a! t$e lar5e!t copra "ealer in G')aca $i! c'!to)er! o%e" $i)not le!! t$an 6/,///.// Elira #a=a"a "e rincipeI! fat$er-in-la%,arciano rincipe, %a! al!o one of t$e lar5e!t copra "ealer! in t$eto%n, b't t$ere %ere ot$er lar5e copra "ealer! t$ere $e ne%, t$r't$e ne%!paper!, abo't t$e ot$er i"nappin5 ca!e! in t$e Bon"ocenin!'la K t$e i"nappin5 of E, 19>6, %$en Ceribo %a! al!o confine" in t$eproincial ail of L'cena $e a!e" $i) :Ceribo; t$en %$& $e %a!"etaine", an" t$e latter an!%ere" t$at $e %a! bein5 '!e" a! %itne!!a5ain!t acc'!e" E!tra"a t$ere %ere )an& "etention pri!oner! at t$eti)e t$e& tale" to eac$ ot$er, a)on5 t$e) %ere @ilarion G'tierre,

    ('anito Ba'ti!ta, Cenon Entio!co an" e"ro a!il'n5an "'rin5 t$eco'r!e of t$eir coner!ation, acc'!e" E!tra"a appeare", an" $ea!e" Ceribo if $e ne% $i) Ceribo t$en tol" E!tra"a t$at $e "i"not no% $i) a!e" %$& $e %a! 5oin5 to te!tif& a5ain!t E!tra"a%$en accor"in5 to $i) $e "i" not no% t$e !ai" acc'!e", Ceriboan!%ere" t$at t$e ine!ti5ator! $a" pro)i!e" to "i!c$ar5e $i) fro)t$e co)plaint, an" t$at %a! t$e onl& %a& $e :Ceribo; co'l" !ae$i)!elf an" Ceribo tol" $i)0 Ha% an5 t')a&o !a ain5 ala5a&an'lan5 la)an5 ao& pata&in !a b'5bo5H Ceribo f'rt$er confi"e" to$i) t$at $a" $e no%n !'c$ treat)ent %o'l" $appen to $i), H$e%o'l" not $ae !'rren"ere".H

    Ot$er %itne!! K ERO ANGBA#, a co-acc'!e" of E!tra"a int$e Barretto i"nappin5 ca!e CENON EN#O3CO, a pri!oner!erin5 !entence for robber& %it$ rape an" p$&!ical in'rie!, an"al!o for ille5al po!!e!!ion of firear) an" @LARON

    G#ERRE, anot$er "etention pri!oner on c$ar5e! of )'r"er an"robber& of %$ic$ $e %a! later conicte" K te!tifie" t$at t$e& %ereall in t$e proincial ail of 'eon %$en pro!ec'tion %itne!! ('lioCeribo %a! bro'5$t in t$ere t$at t$e& all $ear" t$e coner!ationbet%een Ra)o! an" Ceribo on t$e one $an", an" bet%een Ceriboan" acc'!e" E!tra"a on t$e ot$er $an", an" t$at t$e& ne% t$atCeribo $a" tol" acc'!e" E!tra"a t$en t$at $e :Ceribo; "i" not no%E!tra"a.

    Col. E3#AN3LAO BAL#AAR te!tifie" t$at in 19>2, $e %a!co))an"in5 officer of t$e 26t$ BC#, !tatione" in Cala'a5, 'eon

    in one of t$e )eetin5! $e $el" in t$e to%n $all of G')aca, a!in5t$e people to cooperate %it$ t$e Ar)& in it! ca)pai5n a5ain!t t$e"i!!i"ent!, one of t$o!e pre!ent !too" 'p an" !ai", H@o% can &o'e

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    E!tra"a ren"ere" al'able !erice! to t$e Ar)& t$en, for $e $a"e4, t$e&receie" infor)ation fro) E!tra"a t$at t$e @'! $a" loa"e" !o)et$in5! on one of $i! tr'c!, for "elier& to Barrio Labni5 $e !ent)en to erif& t$e report an" t$ere %a! an enco'nter t$e& "i" notcatc$ 'p %it$ t$e @'!, $o%eer an" accor"in5 to E!tra"a, t$et$in5! loa"e" on $i! tr'c %ere a t&pe%riter an" a )i)eo5rap$in5)ac$ine.

    #$e "efen!e later place" t$e icti), Elira #a=a"a "e rincipe, ont$e %itne!! !tan". +ro) $er te!ti)on&, t$e "efen!e elicite" t$e factt$at "'rin5 $er confine)ent in t$e )o'ntain!, Lt. Alcantara

    inJ'ire" fro) $er, if !$e %a! t$e %ife of #eo"o!io rincipe. pon$er an!%er t$at !$e %a! not t$e %ife of #eo"o!io Lt. Alcantara t$ena!e" $er if !$e %a! t$e %ife of Re&nal"o rincipe, to %$ic$J'e!tion, !$e 5ae an affir)atie an!%er.

    RNO RAELA, one of t$e co)panion! of Lt. Alcantara in t$ei"nappin5 of Elira, an" %$o $a" been !entence" alrea"& in t$i!ca!e 'pon a plea of H5'ilt&H te!tifie" t$at %$ile in t$e )o'ntain!, $eoer$ear" t$e coner!ation bet%een Lt. Alcantara an" Elira#a=a"a, %$erein Lt. Alcantara a!e" t$e icti) if !$e %a!HoctoraH. #o t$i! J'e!tion, Elira an!%ere" t$at !$e %a! not t$e

    "octora !$e crie" t$en an" !ai", H a) t$e poore!t a)on5 t$erincipe!.H

    ARCELO BARRAL, a re!i"ent of G')aca %$o !ell! copra to t$erincipe!, te!tifie" t$at $e %a! in t$e $o'!e of arciano rincipe%$en Elira arrie" fro) t$e )o'ntain! after $er relea!e. @e t$en$ear" Elira tal to $er !i!ter Con!'elo an" e

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    an5 a!a%a ni o!io.H

    n 3epte)ber, 19>8 :after abo't one &ear an" t$ree )ont$! after $e$a" te!tifie" for t$e pro!ec'tion;, BEA#O GLNOGA %a! place"on t$e !tan" b& t$e "efen!e. @e t$en )a"e a co)plete t'rn abo'tre5ar"in5 t$e preio'! in!tr'ction! of Lt. Alcantara for $i) to !ee

    fir!t acc'!e" E!tra"a before "elierin5 t$e ran!o) note to t$erincipe! for t$e rea!on t$at E!tra"a ne% all abo't it. #$i! ti)e, $e"eclare" t$at $e %a! not !o in!tr'cte" b& Lt. Alcantara t$at t$etr't$ i!, t$at $e %a! "irecte" b& Lt. Alcantara to procee" to t$e$o'!e of t$e rincipe!, %it$o't )ention %$at!oeer of t$e na)e ofE!tra"a t$at $e )a"e )ention of an" i)plicate" E!tra"a, 'ponor"er! of t$e C ine!ti5ator! t$at $e !$o'l" )ention E!tra"a in $i!affi"ait, an" %$ic$ or"er! $e follo%e", beca'!e t$e& %o'l" not!top )altreatin5 $i) t$at on $i! %a& to t$e $o'!e of t$e rincipe!,$e )et +e"erico Caparro! an" anot$er )an, an" to5et$er t$e&

    boar"e" a tr'c 5oin5 to t$epolacionof G')aca t$at $e een!$o%e" to t$e) t$e letter $e %a! to "elier to t$e rincipe! %$ent$e& a!e" $i) %$ere $e %a! 5oin5 an" t$at $e ali5$te" ri5$t infront of t$e $o'!e of arciano rincipe %$en t$e tr'c reac$e" t$eto%n.

    +EERCO CAARRO3 an" #OA3 3OBLLA bot$ te!tifie"an" corroborate" t$e !tate)ent of Glino5a t$at t$e& )et Glino5a onarc$ >, 19>6 t$at t$e& a!e" $i) %$ere $e %a! 5oin5 t$en, an"Glino5a tol" t$e) t$at $e %a! 5oin5 to t$e polacion, !$o%in5 tot$e) a letter %$ic$ $e p'lle" o't of $i! pocet t$at Glino5a "i" not

    !top at an& ot$er place, b't %ent "irectl& to t$e $o'!e of arcianorincipe.

    A##7. ANRE3 +RANCO, 'pon per)i!!ion of ('lio Ceribo,"eclare" t$at $e %a! t$e co'n!el of ('lio Ceribo in t$i! ca!e, an"anot$er ca!e for rebellion in La5'na t$at $e prepare" CeriboI!!tate)ent :E/,///.// $e%o'l" !till be econo)iin5 b& 16,///.// $e t$en i))e"iatel&%ent to !ee t$e re!i"ent an" a!e" for t$e relief of Col. Ca!tillo a!roincial Co))an"er of 'eon, an" re!i"ent a5!a&!a& t$en5ae $i) a note, a""re!!e" to Gen. Cabal %$en $e )et Gen. Cabal,$o%eer, acco)panie" b& Go. 3anta&ana, (ar"in an" $i! :Antonio

    14 Recallin5 ?itne!!e!

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    NieaI!; brot$er, t$en C$ief of olice of a!a& Cit&, $e receie" t$e!a)e an!%er a! Col. Ca!tilloI! fro) Gen. Cabal, %$o tol" $i)f'rt$er t$at Ha! lon5 a! $e %a! C$ief of t$e $ilippine Con!tab'lar&,Col. Ca!tillo %ill not be to'c$e" in 'eon roinceH $e neere Recallin5 ?itne!!e!
  • 8/12/2019 Recalling Witnesses


    Elira #a=a"a "e rincipe on +ebr'ar& 2, 19>6,*@' Lt. epeAlcantara )et %it$ ot$er @' Co))an"er! in Barrio Bi5a,G')aca, 'eon. Lt. Alcantara 5ae !o)e in!tr'ction! to Co)"r.#e""& Coraon t$en, an" t$e latter or"ere" $'! Nel!on an" +re"o to contact co'ncilor E!tra"a of G')aca in t$epolacionan"

    to tell $i) to !ee Lt. Alcantara in Barrio Bi5a.4Alia! Nel!onan" +re"o %ere able to tal %it$ E!tra"a in t$e to%n, an" t$ree"a&! later, E!tra"a )et %it$ Lt. Alcantara an" $i! co)panion! in

    Barrio Bi5a.>'rin5 t$at )eetin5 bet%een t$e), Lt. Alcantaraa!e" E!tra"a %$o :for p'rpo!e! of i"nappin5; %a! t$e ric$e!t)an in G')aca, an" E!tra"a an!%ere" in #a5alo5, Han5)ai)')'n5a$i o !a in&o a& an5 )5a rincipe.H Lt. AlcantarainJ'ire" if it %a! Re&nal"o rincipe, to %$ic$ J'e!tion E!tra"aan!%ere" HnoH beca'!e Hit %o'l" be "iffic'lt for t$e fa)il& toran!o) $i) for )o!t of t$e propertie! %ere in $i! na)e.H Lt.Alcantara t$en a!e", H%$o) can %e i"napMH E!tra"a !'55e!te"Elira #a=a"a rincipe %$o Hco'l" ea!il& be ran!o)e".H Lt.Alcantara a5ree" to t$e !'55e!tion of E!tra"a !a&in50 Hif t$at i! t$e

    ca!e, &e!, let '! i"nap Elira #a=a"a rincipe,6it %ill be 5oo"

    for '! to i"nap Elira #a=a"a rincipe.H#$e $' lie'tenanttol" E!tra"a f'rt$er0 H&o' %ill be a"i!e" %$en t$e i"nappin5 %ill

    tae placeH8an" E!tra"a an!%ere"0 Hall t$e ti)e &o' can

    "epen" 'pon )e.H9n t$e afternoon of +ebr'ar& 2, 19>6, Lt.

    Alcantara an" $i! )en ca)e "o%n fro) Barrio Bi5a to G')aca an"i"nappe" Elira #a=a"a rincipe fro) t$e !tore on t$e 5ro'n"floor of t$e $o'!e of $er fat$er-in-la%, arciano rincipe. #$e&too $er, to5et$er %it$ Car)en Noceto %$o) t$e& pice" 'p alon5t$e %a&, to t$e )o'ntain! near t$e bo'n"arie! of t$e to%n! ofG')aca, Lope an" acalelon. #$e @'! ept t$e) t$ere for abo't

    t%o %ee!.1/#$ereafter, Lt. Alcantara an" !o)e of $i! )en%ent to Barrio illa #a=a"a, G')aca, an" contacte" t$e barriolie'tenant, Beato Glino5a, on t$e ni5$t of arc$ 4, 19>6.

    #a=a"a rincipe, Lt. Alcantara a!e" Beato Glino5a to "elier $i!letter to t$e rincipe!. @e in!tr'cte" Glino5a to !ee Co'ncilorE!tra"a fir!t in t$e to%n, !o t$at t$e latter co'l" acco)pan& $i) tot$e $o'!e of t$e rincipe!, an" t$en to t$e )o'ntain! %$ere $e :Lt.

    Alcantara; %o'l" later )eet t$e).11#$e c$o!en co'rier

    follo%e" t$e or"er! of t$e @' Co))an"er. @e %ent to t$epolacionof G')aca t$e follo%in5 )ornin5. @e looe" forE!tra"a, b't $e faile" to contact $i). 3o, $e %ent "irectl& to t$e$o'!e of arciano rincipe an" per!onall& "eliere" t$e letter of

    Lt. Alcantara entr'!te" to $i).12arciano rincipe rea" t$eletter of t$e @' Co))an"er, an" t$en %rote an an!%er. @e 5aet$e !a)e to Ba!ilio An5'lo, a compadreof $i! %$o %a! at t$e $o'!eat t$e ti)e, an" reJ'e!te" $i) to oin Beato Glino5a bac to Lt.Alcantara in Barrio illa #a=a"a. #$e co'rier an" t$e e)i!!ar& %entto5et$er an" )et Lt. Alcantara t$at !a)e eenin5, in t$e )o'ntain!

    of illa #a=a"aM1*Ba!ilio An5'lo an" Lt. Alcantara t$en $a" aconference. A! t$e& "i", one of t$e $'! pre!ent n'"5e" Glino5aan" inJ'ire" fro) $i) %$ere E!tra"a %a!, an" Glino5a e6, beca'!e $e neer left

    t$e to%n of G')aca "'rin5 t$e !ai" )ont$, b't once K %$en $e%ent to L'cena Cit& to rene% t$e plate! of $i! tr'c!. @e !o'5$t to"e!tro& t$e cre"ibilit& of t$e %itne!!e! for t$e pro!ec'tion. @e trie"$ar" to conince t$e trial co'rt t$at a )an of $i! !tat're an"c$aracter K an electie official of !ocial pro)inence an" %it$!'b!tantial inco)e, an" co))en"e" b& a ranin5 C officer forH$i! e

  • 8/12/2019 Recalling Witnesses


    propo!e to t$e) a nei5$bor an" fa)il& frien" a! an obect of t$e$eino'! cri)e of i"nappin5 for ran!o). @i! er!ion, $o%eer,faile" to conince t$e trial co'rt of $i! innocence of t$e cri)ei)p'te" to $i).

    Acc'!e" (o!e E!tra"a $a! appeale" fro) t$e "eci!ion.

    Appellant conten"! t$at t$e trial co'rt $a" fallen into 5rae error in5iin5 fait$ an" cre"it to t$e te!te)onie! of $'! AntonioCa)paniero Nel!on, ('lio Ceribo ('l&, an" Gonalo allare Co))an"er Ro)&. Attention i! calle" to t$e fact t$at Nel!on an"Ceribo K for)er co-acc'!e" t'rne" !tate %itne!!e! K $a" noc$oice b't to te!tif& a5ain!t appellant in con!i"eration of t$epro!ec'tionI! pro)i!e to "i!c$ar5e t$e) fro) t$e infor)ation an"!ae t$eir !in, %$ile t$e ca!e a! a5ain!t %itne!! allare %a!apparentl& "i!)i!!e", on )otion of t$e pro!ec'tion for alle5e"in!'fficienc& of ei"ence, p'rpo!el& to )ae $i) te!tif& a5ain!t

    $erein appellant. n"er t$e circ')!tance!, it i! ar5'e", t$e!e%itne!!e! $a" no option b't to te!tif& a! t$e pro!ec'tion "e!ire" Kto !ec're t$e coniction of t$e appellant at all co!t.

    #$ere !$o'l" be no J'arrel t$at Nel!on an" Ceribo )'!t $aete!tifie" a! !tate %itne!!e! in con!i"eration of t$e pro!ec'tionI!pro)i!e to "i!c$ar5e t$e) fro) t$e infor)ation in t$i! ca!e b'tt$at i! not tr'e %it$ re!pect to %itne!! Gonalo allare, %$oappear! to $ae te!tifie" lon5 after t$e ca!e a5ain!t $i) $a" been"i!)i!!e" for in!'fficienc& of ei"ence. B't t$e!e circ')!tance!alone K !$ort of an& !$o%in5 t$at in con!i"eration of t$e 3tateI!lenienc&, t$e!e %itne!!e! $a" been or"ere" an" $a" a5ree", not onl&to te!tif& for t$e pro!ec'tion b't al!o to prearicate in t$eir e!po'!alof t$e eopleI! ca'!e K cannot "etract fro) t$eir cre"ibilit&. ?e$ae e

  • 8/12/2019 Recalling Witnesses


    letter :E, "a& after $e $a"%ritten t$e fir!t letter, t%o pri!oner! %earin5 &ello% !'it! entere"t$eir cell in t$e !toca"e an" a!e" %$o %ere t$e %itne!!e! a5ain!tE!tra"a in t$i! ca!e an" t$e %itne!!e! pointe" to one anot$er. Oneof t$e !ai" pri!oner! t$en tol" Nel!on t$at if $e !till al'e" $i! life,$e !$o'l" prepare a letter to E!tra"a an" )ae $i) beliee t$at t$e&%ill not te!tif& a5ain!t $i). Nel!on e

  • 8/12/2019 Recalling Witnesses


    General t$at $e %a! not t$reatene", $ar)e", or pro)i!e" an&re%ar" %$en $e ol'ntaril& affi

  • 8/12/2019 Recalling Witnesses


    !'55e!t Elira #a=a"a rincipe to be t$e i"nap icti). t appear!t$at !oon after Elira %a! taen to t$e )o'ntain!, !$e %a! a!e" b&Lt. Alcantara if !$e %a! t$e %ife of #eo"o!io rincipe. Eliraan!%ere" t$e J'e!tion in t$e ne5atie. #$ereafter, Lt. Alcantaraa!e" $er if !$e %a! t$e %ife of Re&nal"o rincipe, an" t$i! ti)e!$e an!%ere" in t$e affir)atie. ?e beliee not )'c$ )a& be )a"eo't of t$i! circ')!tance, for it )erel& !$o%! t$at Lt. Alcantara %a!not een !'re if t$e %o)an t$e& $a" i"nappe" %a! t$e %ife of#eo"o!io or Re&nal"o. t "oe! not nece!!aril& follo%, $o%eer, t$at$erein appellant "i" not reall& )ae t$e !'55e!tion to i"nap Elira,in t$e li5$t of po!itie ei"ence t$at $e "i" !o. Neit$er )a& ?e!'!tain t$e c$ar5e t$at t$e pro!ec'tion in t$i! ca!e %a! 5'ilt& of!'ppre!!ion of ei"ence, on acco'nt. alone of t$e circ')!tance t$att$e $i5$e!t a't$oritie! of t$e Ar)& $a" faile" to pro"'ce Lt.Alcantara in co'rt, a! "e!ire" b& t$e "efen!e. t i! tr'e t$at t$epro!ec'tor in t$i! ca!e %a! a captain in t$e Ar)&, b't it cannot be

    "enie" t$at $e $a" pro!ec'te" t$i! ca!e not a! !'c$ officer, b't a! a!pecial pro!ec'tor 'n"er t$e epart)ent of ('!tice nor "o ?e fin"an& ei"ence of recor" t$at %ill '!tif& an inference t$at $e $a"preaile" 'pon $i! !'perior officer! in t$e Ar)e" +orce! not toobe& t$e or"er! of t$e trial co'rt to pro"'ce Lt. Alcantara. @ereinappellant clai)! t$at Lt. Alcantara %a! alrea"& in t$e c'!to"& of t$eAr)& at t$e ti)e. Col. 7an te!tifie", $o%eer, t$at t$e Lt. Alcantarain t$e !erice of t$e C %a! at t$e ti)e Hin t$e fiel" of operationan" $i! %$ereabo't! %a! 'nno%n.H ?e !ee no rea!on t$en %$& t$ebla)e !$o'l" be attrib'te" to t$e pro!ec'tion.

    ?it$ t$e fore5oin5 concl'!ion!, ?e $ae to !'!tain t$e fin"in5 oft$e co'rt belo% t$at $erein appellant i! 5'ilt& of t$e cri)e i)p'te"to $i) in t$i! ca!e. #$ere co'l" be no J'e!tion t$at appellant $a"no%le"5e of t$e cri)inal intention of Lt. Alcantara an" $i! )en toi"nap !o)ebo"& fro) G')aca for ran!o). t !ee)!, $o%eer, t$att$e& $a" no "efinite per!on in )in" in t$e be5innin5. 3o )'c$ !o,t$at t$e& $a" to call for $erein appellant, a co'ncilor an" pro)inent

    citien of t$e place, for $i! cooperation in t$e )atter of !electin5an" pointin5 to t$e pro!pectie icti). Appellant !'55e!te" t$erincipe! a! t$e )o!t !'itable obect of t$eir cri)inal "e!i5n,pinpointin5 Elira, %ife of one of t$e rincipe!, a! t$e i"eal icti),%it$ t$e e/,///.// ran!o). #$e!e circ')!tance!, to t$e)in" of t$e Co'rt, alto5et$er !$o% t$at appellant eno&e" !'c$a!cen"anc& of t$e )in" oer t$at of Lt. Alcantara to t$e e

  • 8/12/2019 Recalling Witnesses


    ?it$ t$i! )o"ification, "eci!ion i! affir)e" b& %a& of or"erin5appellant to pa& t$e ciil liabilit& an" t$e co!t!. On eJ'itablecon!i"eration!, no co!t! in t$i! in!tance.

    Concepcion* C.J.* e8es J.6.3.* Di;on* 0akalintal* Sanc!e;*Castro* "ernando and Capistrano* JJ.*conc'r.


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    with a desin in connection with suar. 3

    The petitioner5s onl& witness, Pacifica -. -i6andre its vice7president and stocholder, testified that -ictorias illinCo1pan&, Inc. has used since !#4% the trade1ar "-ictorias"and dia1ond desin with colors of red and 'lac on sacs of

    suar havin varia'le weiht and si8e of l's., !0 l's., * N.,0 l's., and !00 l's. that the co1pan& had transactions on orsales of suar with local dealers such as 9i1 9ee, Chu :u ;Co., i1ouan ; Co., u8on erchandisin Corp. and A2CAthat the averae sale fro1 !# to !#$* was P30,000,000and for the whole &ear of !#$* the sale was P4$,000,000that he ca1e to now that the trade1ar "-alentine"appeared in the 1aret in !#$* throuh the report of hisco1pan&5s field aents and that e

  • 8/12/2019 Recalling Witnesses


    the trianle ?sic@ desin has ac>uired asecondar& 1eanin with respect to its suar'usiness.

    It is the co11on practice for trade1ar ownersto reister desins for1in outline of their

    distinuishin 1ar, 'ut when the reistrant ofsuch desin relies upon reistration inproceedin 'ased upon lielihood of confusionof purchasers, he assu1es the 'urden ofshowin that the desin portion of the 1ar has'een so used that purchasers reconi8e thedesin, standin alone, as indicatin oodse1anatin fro1 the reistrant. $ausc% & om'Optical Co., ". O"erseas (inance & )rading Co.,!nc.?Co1rPats@ !!* B+PF $.

    Considerin herein that the petitioner failed toesta'lish that dia1ond desin co1ponent of its1ar has ac>uired a secondar& 1eanin andthat the literal portion of the 1ars have nosi1ilarit&, there is no reasona'le lielihood ofpurchaser confusion resultin fro1 reistrant5suse of -A/NTIN/ within a dia1ond andpetitioner5s use of -ICT(2IA+ within adia1ond.

    As reards the colors 'lac and red used, it isfunda1ental in trade1ar 6urisprudence thatcolor alone, unless displa&ed in a distinct orar'itrar& desin, does not function as atrade1ar, inas1uch as here, or elsewhere, thecolors 'lac and red are not so displa&ed '& thepetitioner, and are pri1ar& colors co11onl& andfreel& used in the printin 'usiness.

    inall&, as reards the printin se>uences orarrane1ent of such leends as weiht,contents, and 1anufacturer or pacer, I reard itas 1erel& a 1atter pertainin to the address ofthe oods5 G a 1atter involvin unfairco1petition over which the Patent (ffice has no

    6urisdiction. ?+ee en8i ; Co., Inc, vs. AndresCo Dee. No. # dated (ct. 3!, !#*, Dir. ofPatents.@ And in the case of A. /. +tale&anufacturin Co., Inc. vs. Andres Co. v. TanTon, citin, illette +afet& 2a8or o. v.Trianle echanical a'oratories, 3! B+PF *4Aladdin f. Co. v. antle a1p Co., *! B+PF and ). C. /no ?B.+.@ i1ited v. Desha&as *#B+PF !%#@, it was held that the tri'unals of thePhilippines Patent (ffice have no 6urisdiction

    over >uestions of unfair co1petition. At 1ost,the petitioner5s recourse is for it to see relief incivil courts.

    The alleations that the reistration of-A/NTIN/ was o'tained fraudulentl& that itfalsel& suests a connection with +t. -alentineand that it is 1erel& descriptive or deceptivel&1isdescriptive of suar have no 'asis in law and

    fact. +

    The petitioner su'1its that the Director of Patents co11ittedthe followin errors


    TE/ 2/+P(ND/NT DI2/CT(2 ( PAT/NT+/22/D IN E(DIN TEAT P/TITI(N/25+2/I+T/2/D DIA(ND D/+IN I+ N(T AN

    2* Recallin5 ?itne!!e!

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    IND/H ( (2IIN.


    TE/ 2/+P(ND/NT DI2/CT(2 ( PAT/NT+/22/D IN E(DIN TEAT P/TITI(N/2 I+2/FBI2/D T( /+TAI+E TEAT IT+





    TE/ 2/+P(ND/NT DI2/CT(2 ( PAT/NT+/22/D IN E(DIN TEAT TE/ D/TAI+ (P/TITI(N/25+ D/+IN TEAT EA-/ //NIITAT/D : 2/+P(ND/NT (N +B/2/: P/2TAIN T( TE/5D2/++ ( TE/((D+.5


    TE/ 2/+P(ND/NT DI2/CT(2 ( PAT/NT+/22/D IN C(NININ EI+ C(PA2I+(N (

    P/TITI(N/25+ AND 2/+P(ND/NT5+2/+P/CTI-/ T2AD/A29+ T( (N/ +(/IT/ ( TE/I2 D/+IN, IN(2IN TE/C(P/T/ A/+ A+ ACTBA: B+/D INT2AD/ AND +//N : C(N+B/2+.


    TE/ 2/+P(ND/NT DI2/CT(2 ( PAT/NT+

    /22/D IN TA9IN TE/ P(+ITI(N TEAT INCA+/+ ( T2AD/A29 CANC/ATI(NIN-(-IN, A(N (TE/2+, (-I(B+ACT+ ( BNAI2 C(P/TITI(N, E/ N//DN(T TA9/ AN: ACTI(N =EAT+(/-/2,+INC/ E/ +BPP(+/D: EA+ N(

    )B2I+DICTI(N IN TE/ P2/I+/+.


    TE/ 2/+P(ND/NT DI2/CT(2 ( PAT/NT+/22/D IN E(DIN TEAT P/TITI(N/25+2/I+T/2/D C((2 D/+IN D(/+ N(TBNCTI(N A+ A T2AD/A29.


    TE/ 2/+P(ND/NT DI2/CT(2 ( PAT/NT+

    /22/D IN E(DIN TEAT /CAB+/ TE/IT/2A P(2TI(N+ ( TE/ 2/+P/CTI-/T2AD/A29+ IN FB/+TI(N, NA/:, TE/2/+P/CTI-/ NA/+ 5-ICT(2IA+5 AND5-A/NTIN/5, EA-/ N( +IIA2IT:, TE/2/I+ N( 2/A+(NA/ I9/IE((D (PB2CEA+/2 C(NB+I(N.


    TE/ 2/+P(ND/NT DI2/CT(2 ( PAT/NT+

    /22/D IN A++BIN TEAT P/TITI(N/2,(2 TE/ (=N/2 ( AN: IITAT/D (2IN2IN/D T2AD/A29 (2 TEATATT/2, B+T /+TAI+E ACTBAPB2CEA+/2 C(NB+I(N.


    TE/ 2/+P(ND/NT DI2/CT(2 ( PAT/NT+

    24 Recallin5 ?itne!!e!

  • 8/12/2019 Recalling Witnesses


    /22/D IN P2/-/NTIN TE/ T/+TI(NI/+( 2/+P(ND/NT (N +B AND =ITN/++/2N/+T( DB2AN A+ 2/BTTA=ITN/++/+ (2 P/TITI(N/2, +AID2BIN+ ( 2/+P(ND/NT DI2/CT(2C(N+TITBTIN 2/-/2+I/ /22(2 AND

    TE/ D/NIA ( P2(C/DB2A DB/P2(C/++.


    TE/ 2/+P(ND/NT DI2/CT(2 ( PAT/NT+/22/D IN E(DIN TEAT TE/2/I+T2ATI(N ( TE/ -A/NTIN/T2AD/A29 : 2/+P(ND/NT (N +B=A+ N(T P2BDB/NT: (TAIN/D.



    2/+P(ND/NT (N +B. 7

    The contention of petitioner that the dia1ond desin in itstrade1ar is an inde< of oriin has no 1erit. The petitionerhas not shown that the desin portion of the 1ar has 'eenso used that purchasers reconi8e the desin, standinalone, as indicatin oods co1in fro1 the reistrant. Ascorrectl& stated '& the Director of Patents, co11oneo1etric shapes such as dia1onds ordinaril& are not

    rearded as indicia of oriin for oods to which the re1arsare applied unless the& have ac>uired a secondar& 1eanin.And there is no evidence that the dia1ond desin in thetrade1ar of the petitioner has ac>uired a secondar&1eanin with respect to its suar 'usiness. The word"-ictorias" is what Identifies the suar contained in the 'a as

    the product of the petitioner. Indeed, the petitioner hasadvertised its suar in 'as 1ared "-ictorias" with oval,he

  • 8/12/2019 Recalling Witnesses


    has the color red.

    4. In 'oth trade 1ars, the word "PB2/" in'lac print appears inside of the upper portion ofthe dia1ond desin.

    . In 'oth trade 1ars, the word "-ICT(2IA+"

    and the word -A/NTIN/5 placed within thedia1ond desin are conspicuousl& colored red.

    $. The letter "-" in -ictorias and the letter "-" in-alentine are Identicall& placed.

    %. The word "-ICT(2IA+" and the word"-A/NTIN/" are Identicall& arraned, thesa1e containin the sa1e nu1'er of letters.

    . I11ediatel& 'elow the words "-ICT(2IA+"and "-A/NTIN/"appears the words "2/IN/D+BA2".

    #. underneath the dia1ond desin in 'othtrade1ars are the words "IN/2ANBAT/D" and 'elow said phrase are thewords 5CAN/ +BA25with a s1all dia1onddesin.

    !0. oth, trade 1ars are used on refines suar.

    !!. The words "PB2/," "-A/NTIN/,"

    "-ICT(2IA+," "IN/ 2ANBAT/D" and"CAN/ +BA2" in 'oth trade 1ars are sa1e

    has arraned and printed.9

    The respondent (n +u 1aintains that the alleed are 1inorfor the followin reason

    Appellant atte1pts to show the possi'ilit& orlielihood of purchaser confusion '& pointin out

    alleed si1ilarities in the pacaes in >uestion,e.. "Pure 2efined +uar" appearin in 'oth1ars in >uestion. It should 'e noted, however,that these words are 1erel& descriptiveco11onl& applied to the oods, na1el&, suar,and cannot 'e euestion as to warrant the cancellation of the trade1ar5-alentine5of the respondent +u. The Director of Patentscorrectl& ruled that he has no 6urisdiction over the issue ofunfair co1petition. Bnder +ection *% of the Trade ar aw,

    26 Recallin5 ?itne!!e!

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    2epu'lic Act No. !$$, after actions for unfair co1petition shall'e 'rouht 'efore the proper Court of irst Instance.

    The refusal of the Director of Patents to allow respondent(n +u and witness /1esto Duran to testif& on re'uttal is nota reversi'le effort.

    The onl&5purpose of the petitioner in proposin to call (n +uas a witness on re'uttal is to as the latter if he had 6udicialauthorit& to use the alias 5ariano5. An It appears, however,that the counsel of petitioner had alread& e

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    testi1on& of witness DuranK

    ATT:. (NJA/J

    :es, &our Eonor, I a1 offerin as proof of whatthe witness Duran would have testified. +incethis office has ruled that I cannot present hi1 an

    offer of proof is 'ein 1ade for purposes ofputtin on record what he would have testified toon record in accordance with the 2ules of

    /vidence. 11

    Eavin 1ade the foreoin for1al offer of proof, the petitionercannot co1plain that it was denied procedural due process.

    The proposed testi1on& of /1esto T. Duran that in e'ruar&!#$3 he went to Aranue 1aret and 'ouht one 'a ofsuar which he thouht was "-ictorias" and when he went

    ho1e he found out that the suar was 1ared "-alentine" isnot sufficient evidence that the two trade1ars are so si1ilarthat 'u&ers of suar are confused. The words "-ictorias" and"-alentine" are not si1ilar in spellin and do not have asi1ilar sound when pronounced. /ven the dia1ond desinsare different. The dia1ond desin of the trade1ar"-alentine" has protrudin fines at the co1ers. /ven anilliterate person can see the difference 'etween the twodia1ond desins.

    There is no evidence that the respondent (n +u hado'tained the reistration of his trade1ar "-alentine" anddesin '& 1eans of fraud. The said trade1ar was reisteredin the Philippines Patent (ffice 'efore the petitionerreistered its trade1ar.

    The record and evidence show that (n +u had also used inhis 'usiness the na1e ariano An. Eence the licenses andper1its in the na1e of (n +u andLor ariano An were

    correctl& ad1itted as evidence.

    =E/2/(2/ the decision of the Director of Patents souhtto 'e reviewed is here'& affir1ed, without pronounce1ent asto costs.

    +( (2D/2/D.

    )ee%an*ee +C%airman, Ma*asiar, Muoz -alma, Martin andGuerrero, ., concur.

    +R3# 3ON

    G.R. No. 9837+ At 1+, 1991%OL% O' T$% $ILIIN%S, petitioners,vs.$ON. &A!ANI S. RIV%RA, /e, &r 129 , Re5o6Tr56 Cort o 6oo C5t:, ;IL'R%#O L.%M&RANO, respondent.

    )%e Solicitor General for petitioner.

    /duardo S. 0odriguez for pri"ate respondent.

    NARVASA, J.:p

    The special civil action of certiorari at 'ar instituted in thisCourt to annul an order rendered '& the 2eional Trial Courtat 9alooan Cit&, ranch !*#, in a prosecution for arsondoceted in that Court as Cri1inal Case No. **0 ?%@.

    Accused in that case of arson is =ilfredo . +e1'rano. It is

    28 Recallin5 ?itne!!e!

  • 8/12/2019 Recalling Witnesses


    the prosecution5s theor& that he wilfull& caused the fire in theearl& 1ornin of a& *!, !#% which totall& 'urned anddestro&ed the second and third floors of the "I ove :ou2estaurant and +auna ath" owned '& )uanita . Tan,

    located at No. * . usta1ante +t. 9alooan Cit&. 1

    A1on the witnesses presented '& the overn1ent tode1onstrate +e1'rano5s culpa'ilit& was en6a1in ee, aroo1 'o& of the restaurant and 'ath. ee testified on directeuentl&, it denied the private

    prosecutor5s 1otion for reconsideration of the order. 8Eence,the action at 'ar, instituted '& the (ffice of the +olicitor

    29 Recallin5 ?itne!!e!

  • 8/12/2019 Recalling Witnesses



    The writ of certiorari pra&ed for will issue. The Trial Courtacted with rave a'use of discretion in authori8in the recallof witness en6a1in ee over the o'6ections of theprosecution, and in later striin out said witness5 testi1on&

    for want of further cross7euestions G unspecified,it 1ust 'e stressed G had to 'e ased. In doin so, it actedwithout 'asis, e

  • 8/12/2019 Recalling Witnesses


    A'sence of cross7e