Download - RealME: The influence of a personalized body representation on the … · 2018. 11. 18. · RealME: The influence of a personalized body representation on the illusion of virtual

  • RealME: The influence of a personalized body representationon the illusion of virtual body ownership

    Sungchul Jung∗

    University of Central FloridaChristian Sandor†

    Nara Institute of Science and TechnologyPamela Wisniewski‡

    University of Central Florida

    Charles E.Hughes§

    University of Central Florida

    Figure 1: Overall experiment environment. In this experiment, we provided two type of body reflection through a virtual mirror while the partic-ipants looked at a virtual hand and arm from a first person perspective. (a) Visually personalized body reflection where the clothes and shapeare identical to those of the participant seen in (c). (b) Generic Avatar body representation. (d) and (e) Two levels of hand representation – (d)Fully modeled limb from shoulder to hand. (e) Arm removed disconnected hand.


    The study presented in this paper extends earlier research involvingbody continuity by investigating if the presence of real body cues(legs that look like and move like one’s own) alters one’s sense ofimmersion in a virtual environment. The main hypothesis is thatreal body cues increase one’s sense of physical presence and bodyownership, even when those body parts are not essential to the ac-tivity on which one is focused. To test this hypothesis, we devel-oped an experiment that uses a virtual human hand and arm thatare directly observable but clearly synthetic, and a lower body seenthrough a virtual mirror, where the legs are sometimes visually ac-curate and personalized, and other times accurate in movement butnot in appearance. Only the virtual right hand and arm play a part inour scenario, and so the lower body, despite sometimes appearingrealistic, is largely irrelevant, except in its influence on perception.By looking at combinations of arm-hand continuity (2 conditions),freedom or lack of it to move the hand (2 conditions), and realism

    ∗e-mail:[email protected]†e-mail:[email protected]‡e-mail:[email protected]§e-mail:[email protected]

    or lack of it of the virtually reflected lower body (2 conditions), weare able to study the effects of each combination on presence andbody ownership, critical features in virtual environments involvinga virtual surrogate.

    Index Terms: H.5.1 [Information interfaces and presentation]:Artificial augmented—virtual realities

    1 INTRODUCTIONA person’s perception of their body, called body ownership [17],and their recognition of the surrounding environment, called (phys-ical) presence [13], are known to be factors that are critical to one’ssenses of identity and experience. These concepts, initially studiedin psychology and neuroscience, have been extensively investigatedby the VR community, taking advantage of its ability to create re-alistic illusions, enabled by high resolution head mounted displays(HMD) and accurate tracking technologies. Using VR technolo-gies, virtual body ownership (the illusion that a virtual body is one’sown) and (physical) presence (the illusion that we are in a syntheticenvironment) can provide a strong sense of immersion by stimulat-ing associations between physical and virtual body parts. However,most of these studies focus on the association of a physical bodypart to a visually virtual counterpart without considering person-specific visual features, even though our perception is closely re-lated to visual stimulations in the human brain [23]. In actual fact,a human can notice realistic body features (color, texture, etc.) be-cause our brain forms the connection based on explicit and implicit

  • memory associated with the actual body, [6]. Based on this insight,the authors of [9] began to measure the effect of real body cues forvirtual body ownership. In the study reported here we extend thoseearlier experiments to investigate the interplay between arm-handcontinuity, freedom of hand movement in the presence of a threat,and realism of a lower body reflection that is personalized but notdirectly relevant to the user’s central focus. Our goal is to see howcombinations of each of these influence illusions of virtual bodyownership and presence.

    Recently, researches have shown that the visually unbroken con-nection of body parts from shoulder to hand, called body continu-ity, provides a supporting factor to elicit virtual body ownership[16]. Earlier research [9] has also shown a tendency of personal-ized visual cues to elicit the psychological illusion of body conti-nuity between a virtual hand and forearm corresponding to a user’sreal body. In our research, we investigate the effect of personalizedbody cues on body continuity, testing two levels of detail. Alsowe examined agency [22], which is a sensation for controlling thevirtual body, because the coordination of movement and visual per-ception, visuomotor, has been shown to be a significant factor forvirtual body ownership [19].

    In our experiment we not only focused on virtual body ownershipbut also physical presence, the sense of ”being there” [14], sincethe sense of presence in a virtual environment is closely related tovirtual body representation [20]. We designed our experiment toprovide either a visually personalized body cue or a generic avatarbody cue, always seen as a reflection of one’s lower body in theabsence of artificial tactile sensory stimulation.

    To investigate the effect of a visually personalized body cue, weplaced a virtual mirror in front of the participants so they couldsee their lower body reflection (See Figure 1 (a)). A virtual mirrorwas also used in previous research [9, 10]. Those studies showedthat seeing a reflected avatar body from the first person perspectivehelps to elicit a greater illusion of body ownership than if there isno visual representation. The study reported here builds on thoseprevious experiments by comparing the influence of a personalizedvisual body cue versus that of a generic avatar body cue.

    The virtual mirror was positioned so participants could observetheir reflected lower body, mainly their legs, while performing aspecified task with a virtual hand. To prevent a bias from renderingartifacts as described in [9], we used the RGB pixel values and thedepth information from an RGBD camera to render the participant’slower body. Because of the low resolution of our RGBD camera,the reflected image on the virtual mirror seemed relatively fuzzy,but most participants easily recognized the personalized body ren-dering as their own body. While participants looked at the virtualenvironment involving the mirror reflection, we provided two levelsof virtual arm/hand representation – fully rendered from shoulderto hand, and arm removed disconnected hand (See Figure 1 (d) and(e)) with two types of motor action – a movement-enabled hand anda movement-disabled hand.

    Each participant experienced one of two body reflection typeswith all two hand levels and both motor action conditions, so thetotal combinations of conditions experienced by a participant werefour. We clearly asked each participant to occasionally look at thebody reflection while they were performing the given task, whichmeans that, except for the visual difference, all conditions wereidentical for all participants.

    To our knowledge, there is no previous experiment that comparesthe relative effect of a visually personalized body cue to that of avirtual body cue on the illusions of ownership and presence. Theresults of our experiment, which we will explain in detail in theanalysis section, provide statistical support for our hypothesis thata personalized body cue enhances the sense of body ownership andpresence more than does a generic one, even when the body partbeing displayed is irrelevant to the required task.


    As virtual reality technology evolves, researchers are better able toinvestigate conditions that support a human’s perception of a vir-tual body in a computer generated environment. Existing researchhas shown that an avatar’s resemblance to human appearance, syn-chronous visuo-tactile cues, synchronous visuo-motor cues, posi-tional congruence, and anatomical plausibility [16, 11] are all ma-jor factors for virtual body ownership illusion. In addition, the exis-tence of visually connected body parts, called body continuity, hasbeen shown to be a supportive factor for the virtual body owner-ship illusion. While the virtual body ownership illusion representsperception regarding a synthetic body, presence indicates percep-tion regarding existence in a virtual or remote space. In this sectionwe will present an overview of some existing research related tothe virtual body ownership illusion and presence. (Note : We willoften abbreviate the term virtual body ownership illusion as VBOIand body continuity as BC.)

    2.1 Virtual Body Ownership

    Because the hand is the most frequently used human part, handownership has been studied widely in both real world and virtualreality research. [4] investigated body ownership using a fake rub-ber hand. An extended version of the rubber hand experiment wasstudied in virtual reality by [25]. Similar to the rubber hand exper-iment, [17] conducted a body ownership study using a mannequin.[2] conducted a study for virtual arm ownership to discover a corre-lation among multiple human sensory systems: visual and motor ina purely virtual environment. They demonstrated that the morpho-logically realistic resemblance of the virtual hand is a significantfactor for one’s sense of virtual hand ownership. [8] studied bodyownership issues using unnatural hand shapes with a similar setupto that of [2]. They used a virtual hand with six-fingers and showedthat the six-finger hand still elicited body ownership despite the ex-plicit structural difference from a user’s real hand. Recently, [12]investigated virtual body ownership with anthropomorphic modelsthat included a robot avatar, a generic avatar and a human avatar,each appearing in a purely virtual environment.

    To investigate a correlation between visual real body cues andvirtual illusion on a virtual hand, [9] studied using a virtual mir-ror reflection of a subject’s lower torso. Their study suggested atendency of a trunk-centered real body cue to increase virtual handownership. Using a virtual mirror in a virtual body ownership ex-periment is not a new idea, and is one that has been addressed froma variety of research perspectives [7, 10, 3]. Using the mirror re-flection, [7] observed a relation between motor actions and virtualbody ownership that suggested a synchrony of the mirror-reflectedavatar with a participant’s movement was an important factor togive a sense of body ownership. [10] studied the relationship be-tween the appropriate appearance for the context and virtual bodyownership. In their study, participants played a drum with differentcostumes, seeing their appearance though mirror reflection. Theirstudy demonstrated the cognitive consequence of proper consis-tency between visual appearance and task context.

    2.1.1 Body Continuity

    Body continuity refers to visually connected body parts, as in theconnection of a hand to its shoulder through a wrist and arm. [16]experimented with a fully represented hand but no arm to connectit to the rest of the body. The goal was to find the relationship ofbody connectivity to virtual body ownership. Their results suggestthat body continuity is a supporting factor for the illusion of vir-tual body ownership. To further investigate body continuity, [21]studied various types of hands – full limb, wire-connected hand,removed wrist, and missing wrist replaced by a plexiglass hand toarm. They demonstrated that, while the full limb case elicited the

  • strongest sense of body ownership, even an artificial wire connec-tion between hand and forearm elicited an autonomic reaction, e.g.,involuntary protective movement, as a virtual body ownership indi-cator. Also [15] studied body ownership in the context of face, handand trunk, and argued that the multisensory signals in the space im-mediately surrounding our trunks is of particular relevance to self-consciousness.

    2.2 PresencePresence indicates the sensation of behaving and feeling as if oneis in the computer generated world [18]. Presence was categorizedinto three categories: social presence – the sense of not only sharingspace but also sharing an experience with another entity [14], co-presence – the sense of being in a shared space with another entity[1], and physical presence – the perception of existing in anotherspace [13]. We focus on physical presence in this paper. In general,presence is measured by using questionnaires and by observing aparticipant’s reaction to threats [14].

    3 EXPERIMENTTo investigate the effect of a personalized visual body representa-tion, we developed a virtual office space that includes a virtual mir-ror to reflect a personal body or avatar body as a visual cue. In thisexperiment, we examined virtual body ownership including bodycontinuity and agency, and presence as dependent variables. Forindependent variables, we chose varying body representations, lev-els of hand representation, and motor action capabilities. We usedsubjective measurement based on a questionnaire with a 7-pointLikert scale. Our experiment is a 2x2x2 mixed Within-Betweenfactorial design intended to show the effect of a personalized bodyrepresentation. We divided the participants into two groups, one forpersonalized visual body representation, and one for generic avatarbody representation (Between factor with two levels). Each groupexperienced both hand representations (Within Factor with two lev-els) and motor actions (Within factor with two levels). To preventan ordering effect, we used a counter-balanced ordering. Our ex-periment was approved by the Internal Review Board Office at theUniversity of Central Florida.

    3.1 Research HypothesesStarting with results from our previous research, we conducted ourexperiment to find answers for the following research questions: (1)”Do the personalized visual body cues create psychological con-tinuity between a participant’s real body and their purely virtualhand?” If yes, (2) ”Do the the personalized visual body cues influ-ence the sense of body ownership of one’s hand and of one’s senseof presence?” The following hypotheses are based on our previousresearch results and our beliefs concerning the effect of a person-alized visual body representation. For each of the first three cases,we expect to elicit significantly higher levels of perceived a) BodyContinuity, b) Body Ownership, c) Presence, and d) Agency for thefirst of the two options specified.

    • Body Representation Using a personalized visual body re-flection will be more immersive than having a generic avatarbody reflection.

    • Body Continuity A virtual body with a continuous, full armwill be more immersive than a hand-only virtual body.

    • Body Motion Allowing users to move their hand will be moreimmersive than requiring them to keep their hand in a staticposition.

    • Combination The combination of personalized body repre-sentation with a full hand, enabled with dynamic motor ac-tion, will give the highest levels of VBOI, BC, agency andpresence.

    3.2 ParticipantsFor this experiment, we conducted an a priori power analysis todetermine our sample size before recruiting participants. UsingG*Power, to detect a medium effect size with a power of 0.80,we needed a minimum total of 24 participants [5]. We recruitedparticipants with normal to corrected-to-normal vision using on-campus fliers. Most participants had higher education backgroundsand were studying in diverse majors, but mainly in computer sci-ence. We conducted our experiment with 21 participants (15 male,6 female, Mean Age = 21.1, SD=2.92) for personalized visual bodyrepresentation and 20 (15 male, 5 female, Mean Age = 21.65,SD=2.50) for avatar body representation. Because of a data log-ging problem, we omitted one person’s data (male) from the per-sonalized body cue group. Therefore we conducted the experimentwith 40 participants total. Most of participants had a small number(under 5 times) of experiences wearing an HMD. We gave each a$10 gift card for their participation.

    3.3 Experimental PlatformWe designed a physical experiment space isolated from any visualinterference. To reduce fatigue for the participants during the ex-periment, we had them sit on a stool and rest their right hand ona stand. We used an HTC Vive to provide the virtual environment,and the HMD was tracked using the Vive’s tracking system. To ren-der each participant’s lower body, we placed an RGBD camera infront of the stool so we could capture their lower body. We createda virtual office model similar to the physical experiment space ex-cept for the presence of a table and small foot occluder in the virtualspace (See Figure 2).

    Figure 2: Experiment environments. (a) Virtual office. (b) Physicalsetup

    in the virtual office, we included a table in front of the partic-

  • Table 1: Questionnaire

    Item QuestionVBOI You felt as if the virtual hand was your own.

    You felt that your hand was endangered by the falling rock.You felt as if the virtual hand started to look like your own.

    BC You felt as if the virtual hand was connected to your body.You felt as if the virtual hand was a part of your body.

    Agency You felt as if you could control the virtual hand.Presence You felt as if you were physically present in the office room.

    You felt as if you were in a virtual setting.

    ipants and a prop to their right side that mimics the stand presentin the real space. To represent the personalized visual lower bodypart seen on the virtual mirror, we rendered the RGB pixel valuewith matched depth value on a plane and reflected the image ontothe virtual mirror. Because of limited fidelity of the depth value forthin body parts, the feet were not rendered correctly so we hid thatpart with a block cube occluder located on the floor. To elicit a pro-tective reaction, we dropped a photorealistic rock five times ontothe participant’s virtual right hand (See Figure 3).

    3.4 QuestionnaireAs a subject measurement, we created an instrument that consistedof questions about virtual body ownership, body continuity, agency,and presence using a 7- point Likert scale – 1 for strongly disagree,4 for Neutral, and 7 for strongly agree. For virtual body ownership,including body continuity and agency, and presence questions, weused questions adapted from [24, 16, 9, 2, 21] with modificationsappropriate to our study. We provide the details on interval ques-tions in Table 1.

    3.5 ProtocolPrior to starting the experiment, we asked each participant to readour informed consent and fill out their demographic information.After they had filled out demographic data, we asked them to siton a stool in the experiment room and gave them information aboutour study related to a task and manipulation of the system. Wewere especially insistent that their initial pose have them sitting onthe chair in a normal forward facing position and that they placetheir right hand on the physical stand. We then placed the ViveHMD and headphones on the participant and asked them to lookat their right arm, from the shoulder to hand, at least once, and tolook at the virtual mirror as well. The participant listened to an an-nouncement of instructions for the study in our virtual office. Thatannouncement was delivered through headphones using a recordednative American speaker’s voice. Each participant had two kindsof hand representations with two motor action capabilities and oneof two body reflections, so four sessions were conducted with eachparticipant. For each session, we gave the participant one minute tolook at the environment, including the arm and hand, and the mir-ror reflection. After the participant had observed the virtual setting,we began to drop a photorealistic rock onto the virtual hand fivetimes, randomly distributed over a one-minute interval with a cor-responding hitting sound effect (See Figure 3). We gave 30 secondsbreak time for their right hand and refreshing their sense. Duringthe time participants wearing HMD still in turned off virtual officeenvironment scene before begin next session.

    When in the static motor action condition, participants were notallowed to move their hand and fingers. They could, however, movetheir legs and head. Therefore they passively observed the rockdrooping events on the virtual right hand that was fixed in posi-tion. In the dynamic motor action condition, participants were al-

    Figure 3: We dropped photorealistic rock onto participant’ right virtualhand five time. (a) Dropped rock onto fully represented hand. (b)Dropped rock onto arm removed hand.

    lowed to move their real hand, resulting in a corresponding move-ment of the virtual right hand. Thus, in the dynamic condition, theycould actively avoid the dropping rock. After finishing each task,whether static or dynamic, we asked participants questions throughthe headphone, and participants answered these verbally. After fin-ishing two sessions with each of the hand representations, we gavethe participants a three-minute break and resumed with the othertwo sessions with a different motor action condition. After com-pleting all tasks, we asked the participants whether they noticed thedifferent hand representations and their recognition as regards thereflected body representation.

    4 ANALYSISIn this section, we present our results for the effect of the personal-ized visual body cue as the dominant virtual illusion. As we de-scribed in the experiment section, we ran our study as a 2x2x2mixed Within-Between factorial design. Before we analyzed thedata, we clustered the measured data into identical categories.

    Our two presence question were slightly modified versions ofpre-validated ones from [24], with the first of these having an ex-plicit reference to the office setting we used. Participants gavehigher ratings to the second presence question (See Table 1); weassume that they thought the question’s use of the phrase virtualsetting had a stronger influence on their answers than their report-ing an actual sense of presence. However, we still have a significantdifference for body representation (user versus avatar reflection)in both presence questions, (P-value

  • value

  • Figure 8: Only motor status shows significant difference in sense ofagency.

    any other variation (See Figure 9). We provide statistical results forsense of agency in Table 2.

    Figure 9: Dynamic motor condition shows a higher sense of agencythan does the static motor condition in identical situations. We repre-sent the interquartile range box with outlier and median symbol.

    4.2 Presence

    We observed interesting main effect results regarding body repre-sentation type and sense of presence (See Figure 10). The person-alized visual body representation shows a significant difference forpresence compared to the avatar body representation. The hand rep-resentation did not show any significant difference between the fullarm and hand, and hand-only representations. The motor action didnot show any difference between the dynamic and static conditionsfor sense of presence. We did not find a significant interaction effectamong independent factors. We found a significant difference ofbody representation (P-value

  • body ownership and presence, even when we have a purely virtualhand. To measure this from a subjective point of view, we extendedthe experimental design from our previous research, adding twohand representations and two motor action capabilities. From ourexperiment, we found statistical support for a significant differencein virtual illusion between a personalized visual body representa-tion and an avatar body representation. Specifically, we showedthat a personalized visual body representation had an important rolein eliciting a high sense of virtual body ownership, body continuityand presence in comparison to an avatar body representation. Addi-tionally, motor action capabilities had a critical role for agency, anexpected result since agency is indicative of the sense of controllinga virtual body. In our setup, even though the rendering quality ofa participant ’s mirror reflection lacked visual artifacts, the imagewas not particularly sharp. Despite the lack of sharpness, most par-ticipants noticed their own body based on the color of their clothesand the shape of their legs.

    In summary, we believe that our experiment has three contribu-tion to the VR community: 1) We found a personalized visual bodyrepresentation is a significant factor in eliciting desired visual illu-sions and we provided a best combination to arouse such illusions.Specifically, we demonstrated that a personalized visual body rep-resentation with a fully represented arm and hand, combined witha dynamic motor capability elicits the strongest sense of desired vi-sual illusions. 2) By investigating combinations of conditions thataffect VBOI, BC, presence and agency, we showed how a devel-oper can compensate for unavailable options when there are designtrade-offs. 3) We showed that removing visual artifacts improves aparticipant’s sense of presence.

    In future work, we will develop a system to measure human per-ception when participants have a virtual hand that seems identical totheir own. As the hand is the most frequently used body part, creat-ing a person-specific virtual hand that has features visually similarto the participant’s real hand, including skin color and wrinkles,and, where worn, rings, bracelets or a watch should have a positiveeffect on virtual illusions. Because we demonstrated that the ef-fectiveness of personalized visual cues, even when seen indirectlythrough mirror reflection, we believe a personalized visual cue ofone’s own hand will dramatically increase their senses of illusionin a synthetic reality environment.

    ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThis research was, in part, supported by the Bill & Melinda GatesFoundation (OPP1053202). Any opinions, findings, conclusions, orrecommendations expressed in this material are those of the authorsand do not necessarily reflect the views of the Bill & Melinda GatesFoundation. Additionally, the authors wish to extend their appreci-ation to all members of the University of Central Florida SyntheticReality Laboratory team.

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