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Hachiko: A Dog Tale

Director: Lasse Hallstrom


Hachi- a faith dog who wait his master at end of the each day at the train station

The Prof. Parker –the master of hachi who treated hachi as one of their family

Years before, an Akita puppy is sent from Japan to the United States, but his cage falls off the baggage cart at an American train station, where he is found by college professor Parker Wilson (Richard Gere). Parker was captivated by the dog. When Carl, the station controller, refuses to take him, Parker takes the puppy home overnight. His wife Cate (Joan Allen) is insistent about not keeping the puppy. The next day the professor expects that someone will have contacted the train station, but no one did. He took the puppy to work, where a Japanese college professor, Ken, translates the symbol on the collar as ‘Hachi’, Japanese for ‘good fortune’, and the number 8. Parker decides to call the dog ‘Hachi’. Ken points out that perhaps the two are meant to be together. After some time, Hachi and Parker became close. But Parker was baffled why Hachi don’t play as catching and bringing ball back. Ken advice Parker that the dog will bring him the ball with special reason. When Parker leaves for work one morning, Hachi sneaks out and follows him to the train station, where he refuses to leave until Parker walks him home. That same afternoon, Hachi sneaks out and walks back to the train station, waiting patiently for the return of the professor. Eventually Parker relents and walks Hachi to the station every morning, where he leaves on the train. He leaves after Parker’s safe departure, but comes back in the afternoon to see his master’s train arrive and walk with him home again. This continues, until one afternoon when Parker attempts to leave, but Hachi barks and refuses to go with him. Parker eventually leaves without him, but Hachi chases him, holding his ball. Parker is surprised but pleased that his dog is finally willing to play-fetch the ball. Professor Parker leaves on the train despite Hachi barking at him. At that same day while teaching his class, he suddenly suffers a heart attack and dies still holding Hachi’s ball.At the same routine, Hachi waited at the train arrives, but there is no sign of Parker. He remains, lying in the snow, for several hours, until Parker’s son-in-law Michael comes to get him. The next day, Hachi returns to the station and waited, remaining all day and all night.Cate sells the house and Parker’s dog was sent to live with her daughter Andy, Michael, and their new baby Ronnie. But the dog escapes and eventually finds his way back to his old house and then to the train station, where he sits at his usual spot, eating hot dogs given to him by Jas, a local vendor. Andy arrives soon after and takes him home, but lets him out the next day to return to the station.Hachi makes his way in living in the station. He survived by food and water given to him by Jas and the local butcher. One day, a newspaper reporter, inquires about Hachiko and asks if he can write a story about him. People begin to send money to Carl to buy food for the dog. Ken, Parker’s friend, reads the article, and offers to pay for Hachi’s upkeep. Although it has been a year, Hachi wants to stay and wait for his master. "If Hachiko must wait, then Hachiko must wait," as Ken says.After a decade, Cate visits Parker’s grave and arriving at the station, she was stunned to see Hachi, old, dirty and weak, still maintaining his vigil. Cate sits and waits for the next train with him. At home, Cate tells the now ten-year-old Ronnie about Hachi. That night, Hachi makes his way to his usual spot, where he lies down and falls asleep for the last time, dreaming of his master, and later sees a vision of Parker who picks him up in a joyous reunion. At the conclusion of the oral presentation, the grandson of Parker is telling his classmates that Hachiko, for his love and loyalty, will forever be his hero. That afternoon, he walks his own Akita puppy named Hachi along the same track his grandfather once walked with his own Hachi.

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I agree that dogs are mans best friend. And I learned from this movie that faithfulness can lead to a stronger relationship like Hachiko and his owner ,Hachiko greeted his owner at end of each day at the train station and he continued the daily routine, that lead them to a good relation. The purpose of this is to inspire other, how dogs loyal to there master. That signifies a strong relation between a dog to there owner. And also signifies that they treated the dog as one part of their family. This movie is very entertaining somehow I feel happy but in the last of this movie I feel very emotional .But I like the story of this movie. I can relate it to my self. After class I go home our dog greeted me came toward to me, wagging his tail feels like very excited, smell me and follow me when I enter the door. That I can relate in my self. I were the vendor at the train station I feel the what Hachiko feel. Hachiko feel to tired for waiting his master to came back but he never give up until the last second of his life. I recommended this movie because it has a inspiring story. I suggest this movie not for entertainment or pass time I suggest this because it has a good story between an owners to a pet that will inspire other that it may lead to a stronger relationship forever. They should watch and and understand the story of this movie.

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The Story Spirits

A Korean Tale


Dong chin- a fine boy, a boy who loves story

Pak- a family servant, who share story to Dong chin

There was a boy who loved story his was Dong Chin. Every night at bedtime he listen to stories from a there favorite family servant named Pak. Dong Chin was a fine boy but he doesn’t like to share stories that he heard. He just wanted to keep them to himself. So every time that Mr. Pak shared stories he makes him a promise that he never tell the stories that he heard to Mr. Pak to share to others. So Mr. Pak promises that he will not share the stories to others. Years went by Dong Chin grew up. When he as 15, his father chose a bride of the same age to marry his son. Every people in the village are so excited in incoming wedding of Dong Chin. He waits for this moment to come. At last the day of the wedding arrived. Early in the morning, Dong Chin and his father are ready to go to the bride’s house for the ceremony. Everyone help and prepare for the celebration the next day. Pak was busy like everyone else. But he rushed around, he passes outside of the room of Dong Chin he was surprise, he heard a murmur of many voices inside the room of Dong Chin. He went up to the paper window and carefully poked a small hole. He peeked through then he was gasped. He saw spirits inside the room. Mr. Pak just silence what the spirits talking. When he heard that the spirits want to revenge to what Dong Chin for keeping the stories and stuck them. Mr. Pak was surprise; wonder that stories shared to Dong Chin are stuck in the room. The spirit makes a plan one of the spirit will become “the story that has poisoned” well in it. If he drinks the water the well, he will be a deathly ill. The second spirit is “the story with poisoned strawberries” in it. When he never drink the water this is the backup plan. The third spirit is “the story with a red hot poker”. The spirit will put it in the cushion when he steps in it the house of his bride will burn into fire. This in case in not drinking or eating of the first two plans. And the last plan of the spirits incase no plan will work is “the story with a deadly snakes”. The fourth spirit will hide the snake under the sleeping mat of the bride then when they go to bed, it will bite them both and kill them both. “No”! Cried Pak. He leaped to the door and threw it open. But there’s nothing. Mr. Pak can’t imagine what they want but I to protect the young master. He rushed out to the road where the wedding procession was already gathering. A gaily decorated sedan chair for the bride’ rested on two long poles held by four servant. Dong Chin and his father each sat on small white horse. Mr. Pak grabbed the reins to Dong Chin’s horse. Then they lined up and started out, with Dong Chin in front and his father in the rear. The day was warm, and Dong Chin ask for water to Mr. Pak to get water from the well but Mr. Pak don’t he just pass on the well and leave. Dong Chin was very hungry he want some strawberries but Pak tell to the that they rushed and Dong chin eat on the celebration. They reach the bride’s house, where the father of the bride met in the gate. As was the custom , two servant brought out a cushion for Dong chin to step down on. But he barely touched it when Pak grabbed a corner and jerked it away. The bride’s father is gasp as Dong chin tumbled into the dirt. Dong Chin was shock and he could see storm clouds. Mai Hee stepped onto the platform and face dong chin. After the ceremony for the rest of the day they enjoy the feasting and entertainment. Late the night when the guest left at last to the room of his bride. He entered and stood shyly in the candlelight. Just then, the door flew open. In rushed Pak holding a knife. Pak stabbed it again , till at last it lay still. Then Pak tell about the story spirit and their to revenge. But no listen to old servant. Dong Chin that this is his fault. He doesn’t want to keep story. He promise that he will that he shared the story to others.

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I don’t agree with Dong Chin because he doesn’t want to share the story with others Mr. Pak tells him. Because of this he looks like a selfish boy. So I learned from this that you should share stories or share your experience to others so they experience too. And may have more friends to share your stories or experience. This purpose is to show what is the meaning of sharing. This signifies that should be generous person not a selfish person and you disagree sometimes in some situation. This story is not much entertaining but I understand it. But I feel very happy because Mr. Pak saves a life, life of Dong Chin. I understand the story because it can change the attitude of one person. If I were Mr. Pak I will disagree with Dong Chin even I’ am only a servant. I would recommend this story to other. They read and understand the story.

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Reaction papers

Hachiko: A Dog Tale

Director: Lasse Hallstrom

The Story Spirits

A Korean Tale

By: Raven Dela Cruz