Download - Re Islamic Art

Page 1: Re Islamic Art

L.I To know that most of Islamic art is calligraphy and geometrical shapes.

In Islam it is disliked to use faces, so to decorate their books and their buildings, Muslim Artists use Calligraphy, flowers and richly patterned shapes based on geometrical design. Geometrical Designs Calligraphy

Page 2: Re Islamic Art

L.I To know that most of Islamic art is calligraphy and geometrical shapes.

What’s a Geometrical Designs?Geometry is the mathematical study of shapes,

these shapes can include circles, triangles, and squares. Muslim Artists use these designs and make patterns that repeat, like the example below.

Page 3: Re Islamic Art

L.I To know that most of Islamic art is calligraphy and geometrical shapes.

. What is Calligraphy?This is a way of writing in any language in

artistic way. Muslims Artist use parts of the Qu’ran, Names of Prophets or the names of Allah to decorate their houses and books, like below.

Page 4: Re Islamic Art

L.I To know that most of Islamic art is calligraphy and geometrical shapes.

Here are some more examples of Islamic Art.

Page 5: Re Islamic Art

L.I To know that most of Islamic art is calligraphy and geometrical shapes.

• SC: - I Can decorate a sheet with a shape of a vase, in the form of Islamic Art.

Activity, On your desk is a sheet of paper with a shape of a Vase printed on, you need to decorate the vase with the inspiration of Islamic Art. I have also put on each desk a sheet with the Arabic Alphabet for you to use if you wish.