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  • 8/8/2019 RasMolReferenceCard


    RasMol v2.7.3Quick Reference Card

    Copyright Roger Sayle 1992-1999V2.6x1 Mods Copyright Arne Mueller1998; ucb Mods Copyright

    UC Regents/ModularCHEM 1995-1996; RasTop 1.3 Copyright Philippe Valadon 2000; V2.7.3 Copyright Herbert J. Bernstein1998-2005

    Mouse ButtonsClicking on an atom identifies that atom in the command window. Movingthe mouse whilst holding mouse buttons and/or control keys manipulatesthe molecule. The default bindings are described below.

    Mac Windows Action--- Left Rotate X-Y (or Z)Command Right Translate X-YShift Shift Left ZoomShift -Cmnd Shift Right Rotate ZControl Control Left Z-Clipping (Slab)

    General Commands

    load [format] Load a molecule (up to 5)pdb Brookhaven Protein Databankmdl Molecular Design Limited's Mol filemol2 Tripos' Sybyl Mol2 file formatalchemy Tripos' Alchemy file formatcharmm CHARMm format card filexyz MSC's XMOL XYZ file formatmopac J.P. Stewart's MOPAC file formatcif IUCr CIF or mmCIF file format

    exit Exit from RasMol Scriptquit Terminate pgm execution

    help [topic [subtopic]] Display on-line help topic

    select Update part of moleculerestrict Display only part of mol.

    set bondmode [mode] Change bond selection

    script Execute file of commands

    zap Delete molecule

    Bond Commands

    bond + Add a bondbond pick

    Pick bond for rotationunbond Remove a bond

    Display Commands

    wireframe [boolean] Display wireframewireframe Display stick bondsset bondmode all Mark all atomsset bondmode none Mark no atomsset bondmode not bonded

    Mark non-bonded atomsspacefill [boolean] Display spacefill spheresspacefill Specify atom sphere radiusspacefill temperature

    spacefill userstar ... Display stars for spheressurface molecule surface solvent

    Display molecule surfacebackbone [boolean] Display alpha backbonebackbone Specify backbone radius

    ribbons [boolean] Display solid ribbonsribbons Specify ribbon widthstrands [boolean] Draw ribbon as strandsstrands Specify ribbon widthset strands Number of ribbon strands

    label [boolean] Draw default atom labelslabel Label with arbitrary textset fontsize [FS|PS]

    Set label font heightset fontstroke Set label stroke width

    ssbonds [boolean] Display disulphide bondsssbonds Specify ssbond radiusset ssbonds backbone SSBonds between alphasset ssbonds sidechain SSBonds between sulphurshbonds [boolean] Display hydrogen bondshbonds Specify hbond radiusset hbonds backbone HBonds between alphasset hbonds sidechain HBonds donor/acceptor

    dots [boolean] Display dot surfacedots Specify dot density

    set solvent [boolean] VDW or solvent surfaceset radius Specify probe sphere rad.set axes [boolean] Display co-ordinate axesset boundbox [boolean]

    Display bounding boxset unitcell [boolean] Display crystal unit cell

    set monitor [boolean] Show distance monitor labelsset backfade [ boolean]

    Shade to any background colorset display selected Currently selected portionset picking Series of 13 commands:

    off | ident | distance| angle| torsion | label | monitor | centercoord | bond | atom | group | chain

    Colour Commands

    colour [object] Colour representation

    Objects:atoms bonds backboneribbons labels hbondsssbonds dots axesribbons1 ribbons2

    Predefined Colours:

    Black Blue BlueTint BrownCyan Gold Grey GreenGreenBlue GreenTint HotPink MagentaOrange Pink PinkTint PurpleRed RedOrange SeaGreen SkyBlueViolet White Yellow YellowTon


    Atom Colour Schemes:cpk, cpknew amino shapelygroup chain structuretemperature charge useralt model

    colour hbonds type Colour hbonds by offsetcolour dots potential Display potential surface

    Manipulation Commands

    depth[boolean] Enable/disable back-clippingdepth Move back-clipping plane

    molecule Specify molecule to manipulate

    rotate [-] Rotate moleculerotate bond Rotate bondrotate molecule Rotate selected moleculerotate all Rotate all molecules

    translate [-] Translate molecule

    zoom [boolean] Scale moleculezoom Specify magnification

    slab [boolean] Enable/disable slabbingslab Move Z-clipping plane

    centre [expression] {centre|translate}Set centre of rotation

    reset Initial transformation

    set stereo [boolean] Control L&R images

  • 8/8/2019 RasMolReferenceCard


    Scripted Commandsload [format] inline Load molecule

    from scriptpause Suspend script executionecho Display text on

    command linerefresh Redraw imageset write [boolean] Save & write in scripts

    Atom ExpressionsPredefined Sets: alpha

    hydrophobicResidue Ranges: 3,16,12

    9-20Boolean Operators: backbone and not alpha

    ligand or 196-199Primitive Expressions: cys, glu, arg, as?

    ser70a, **p, glu24:1hem*p.fe, *.sg

    Comparison Operators: atomno=4,atomno=6temperature>=900

    Within Expressions: within(8.0,ligand)

    Predefined Setsat acidic acyclic aliphaticalpha amino aromatic backbonebasic bonded buried cgcharged cyclic cystine helixhetero hydrogen hydrophobic ionslarge ligand medium neutralnucleic polar protein purinepyrimidine selected sheet sidechainsmall solvent surface turnwater

    define User-defined sets

    Rendering Commandsbackground Set background colourset ambient [value] Depth-cueing/lightingset shadows [boolean] Enable/disable shadowsset specular [boolean] Enable atom highlightsset specpower [value] Control atom 'shininess'set shadepower [value] Control atom 'contrast

    Language CommandsEnglish English menus and messagesFrench French menus and messagesItalian Italian menus and messagesSpanish Spanish menus and messages

    Export Commands

    write [format] Output image filegif CompuServe GIF formatiris IRIS RGBps, epsf Encapsulated PostScriptmonops Monochrome PostScriptvectps 'Cartoon' PostScriptbmp Microsoft Bitmap formatpict Apple 'PICT' fileppm Portable Pixmap

    sun, sunrle Sun Rasterfileset vectps Enable cartoon outlines

    write script Generate RasMol scriptwrite povray Generate POVray datawrite vrml Generate VRMLdatawrite molscript

    Output MolScript scriptwrite kinemage

    Output Kinemage filesave Save selected atomsset kinemage Set Mage file detailset transparent Allow transparent GIFswrite phipsi Generate phi-psi datawrite RDF Ramachandran plot datawrite RPP Ramachandran printer


    Misc. Commands

    structure DSSP secondry structureconnect [boolean] Recalculate connectivityrenumber Sequentially number chainsshow information Display molecule statisticsshow phipsi Display trosion anglesshow RPP Ramachandran printer plotshow sequence Display molecule sequenceshow symmetry Display crystal space groupset mouse rasmol Default mouse bindingsset mouse quanta Polygen's Quanta bindingsset mouse insight Biosym's Insight II bindingsset cisangle CIS angle cutoff

    Command Line EditingIn addition to the cursor keys, the following 'emacs' control keys may be

    used to edit the command line.

    Ctrl-H / Ctrl-D Delete previous/next characterC t r l - B / C t r l - FMoveb a c k w a r d / f o r w ar d a characterCtrl-A / Ctrl-E Move to beginning/end of lineCtrl-P / Ctrl-N Display previous/next history

    Colour Schemes

    CPK Atom ColoursCarbon l ight grey [200,200,200]Oxygen red [240,0,0]Nitrogen sky b lue [143,143,255]Hydrogen white [255,255,255]Sulphur yellow [255,200,50]Phosphorous orange [255,165,0]Chlorine green [0,255,0]Bromine, Zinc brown [165,42,42]

    Calcium dark grey [128,128,144]Unknown deep pink [255,20,147]

    CPKnew Atom ColoursCarbon l ight grey [211,211,211]Oxygen red [255,0,0]Nitrogen sky b lue [135,206,235]Hydrogen white [255,255,255]Sulphur yellow [255,255,0]Phosphorous orange [255,170,0]Chlorine green [0,255,0]Bromine, Zinc brown [128,40,40]Calcium dark grey [105,105,105]Unknown deep pink [250,22,145]

    Amino Acid ColoursASP, GLU bright red [230,10,10]CYS, MET yellow [230,230,0]LYS, ARG blue [20,90,255]SER, THR orange [250,150,0]PHE, TYR mid blue [50,50,170]ASN, GLN cyan [0,220,220]GLY light grey [235,235,235]LEU, VAL, ILE green [15,130,15]ALA dark grey [200,200,200]TRP pink [180,90,180]HIS p al e b lu e [1 30 ,1 30 ,2 10 ]PRO flesh [220,150,130]others tan [190,160,110]

    Secondary Structure ColoursAlpha Helix magenta [240,0,128]Beta Sheet yellow [255,255,0]Turns p al e b lu e [9 6, 12 8, 25 5]Other white [255,255,255]

    Hydrogen Bond Type ColoursOffset +2 white [255,255,255]Offset +3 magenta [255,0,255]Offset +4 red [255,0,0]Offset +5 orange [255,165,0]Offset -3 cyan [0,255,255]Offset -4 green [0,255,0]default yellow [255,255,0]