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  • 7/24/2019 Rare and Long Interview with Bob


    Finnegans Wake, Cannabis Seeds and a Rottweiler

    A Brief cut from my interview with uncle Bob!

    [Leading on from some earlier e-mail interview questions you answered for me, can youexand uon why innegans "a#e, $annabis seeds and a %ottweiler are essential elements

    for a &'st century survival #it()

    %A"* +ou need innegans "a#e to understand the merging world village thats aearing

    innegans "a#e is the only boo# thats written from a global ersective, well ounds

    $antos are almost global, they include $hina , arts of Africa, most of .uroe and the /nited

    0tates and some ancient 0umer, .gyt1 2oyce is much more universal, he includes a lot more

    of Africa than ound does 3 a hell of a lot more 3 and a lot more of Asia too1 4hats art of

    your education to live in the &'st $entury, you gotta master innegans "a#e, and then you

    need what( 3 [$annabis seeds) 3 5bvious, that doesnt need any exlication does it( And the

    %ottweiler 61[7A 89 %.$5%:897 ";8L. 4A. 80 $;A97.:)


  • 7/24/2019 Rare and Long Interview with Bob


    9on-Aristotelian 9/ 0cientific hilosofar

    "ith a quad ac# of 7uinness and some #indHumbolt nuggets 8 embar#ed uon my

    otherwoidly trip to owwow with Bob "ilson at his humble home in 0anta $ruC $ounty,

    $alifornia on 10 Artemis. 1 !.S.". [ 10th September 20002 )1 "e had a hearty good belly-laugh together to be fair, Bobs subtle accenting and comedic timing turned what might be

    read silently as some #ind of anarchistplot to overthrowALL world government tomorrow 3

    into softlyglistening satirical situationism, exloding #oans and hilarious looy equations1

    8 hoe that through sharing this interview bright D9/ sar#s can ignite other critters

    everyware into reading and re-reading %A"s encycloedicplaytimespace 1 3 fly agaric &E,

    "ordsley, .ngland, 1#.1$.1%.11.1& ' . Cib ' 1(. )ac [ 20th September 2006 16!22 "#

    hotograh3 'Fth :ecember &===, alm 0rings

    G4his boo# intends to change your way of erceiving

  • 7/24/2019 Rare and Long Interview with Bob


    which are clearly heled by ariuana very clearly and obviously, and they 3 the :1.1A 3

    swooed down and arrested the two eole who own the farm where most of it is grown and

    choed down all the lants and carted them away to destroy them resumably, many

    believe they sell them on the blac# mar#et, thats the most oular belief in the

    counterculture they only seiCe them to resell on the blac# mar#et at higher rices1

    LegaliCation of medical mariuana has a lot more suort across the board, even :iane

    einstein, who 8 thin# is one of the most reactionary eole in congress, shes come out in

    favour of leaving the mariuana cooeratives alone, the medical ariuana cooeratives1

    0hes one of my 0enators, and my reresentative 0am ar#, called it an outrage1 And were

    getting more and more suort on that issue1 All the enemies of medical mariuana oint out

    as soon as thats legaliCed theres gonna be no control, how they gonna #now whos got a

    medical roblem( +ou can arrest and harass a lot of eole with that #ind of conviction stic#1

    8ts only the federal government doing it anyway, whats very curious is that where 8 live JJ

    ercent of the voters of $alifornia voted to ma#e medical mariuana legal and in 0anta $ruC

    county >J ercent in the county-wide ballot voted to ma#e it legal for any urose, so if you

    need it for medicine or you ust wanna get high, use it for meditation and religious uroses

    or ust because they all #now it ma#es a blow ob even better, 8 thin#, for these legitimate

    reasons mari+uana is the test case1

    4heyre ta#ing medicine away from dying eole in ain, 8 mean gee, thats worse than

    anything theyve done internationally, its haening right here to American citiCens, 8 thin#

    its gonna bounce bac# and hit them in the face, maybe its because 8 hoe it will but as

    stuid as the American eole seem to be a lot of the time 8 dont believe they are stuid

    enough to believe in ta#ing medicine away from dying eole, and most of the members of

    "A are dying, most of them are terminally ill cases and theyre in ain most of the timeand the mariuana ta#es the ain away or at least eases it and in most cases it ta#es it away

    for hours you #now1 And the idea that these eole with A8:0 and cancer should die in ain

    because ,od doesnt want them to have any relief from the ain, 8 dont see how long they

    can hang on, its li#e something out the middle ages you #now, its worse than medieval, its

    the dar# ages1 8 dont thin# they can hold onto that osition very long but they sure as hell

    are trying1 8 get my ot absolutely free from the "omens Alliance for medical mariuana

    which doesnt charge, its a cooerative and we do what we can to #ee it going, now they

    have been raided were gonna have to do more, were gonna have to decentraliCe even

    further, decentraliCe the roduction, the ma#ing of the tinctures, the coo#ies, the brownies

    and whatever forms we wanna ta#e it in thats best for our condition, some eole still

    smo#e it, and were gonna have to decentraliCe the growth and roduction and distribution1"hat are they gonna do if >J ercent of the eole in 0anta $ruC $ounty area are against the

    :1.1A coming in( 4hey gotta arrest the whole 7oddamn county, they gotta build a fence

    around the whole damn county and say were all in ail now! 8 dunno they might do that1 8

    saw somebody who was #idding but he sounds ust li#e 7eorge Bushsuggesting we build a

    bomb that will blow u the whole world and cut a hole in the middle the shae of the /nited

    0tates and well survive after we blow everything else u, sounds li#e a great idea to me,

    therell be no more enemies to fear, no more wars to fight, then we can send our money

    getting a health lan li#e the civiliCed world has so everybody has health care1 8f we didnt

    send all this money fighting the rest of the world we might have a health lan li#e .ngland

    or 8reland or rance or 7ermany, $anada or 8srael, or any civiliCed country1 "e cant afford

    it because were so busy fighting the whole fuc#ing lanet at once, their not even finished inAfghanistan, and 8 doubt they ever will be1 And theyre getting ready to start a war with 8raq
  • 7/24/2019 Rare and Long Interview with Bob


    now, and 0audi Arabia or 8ran is next on the list, theyre not quite sure which is gonna be the

    third but its gonna be either 0audi Arabia or 8ran1 All the uslims in the world, which is

    between ' billion and & billion, deending uon which estimate 8 believe, say one and a half

    billion their all gonna hate the /nited 0tates even more than they do now1 ;ere we have a

    lanet of six billion eole, one and half billion eole hate the /nited 0tates, 8 dont #now,840 05 /$D89 $%AK+ 8 $A94 B.L8.H. 841 "hos running this show, the three

    stooges ( $laughs

    $-n 1./2 the drug war budget was 100 million dollars by the beginning o) 2000 the )igure

    was 20 billion dollars yet there seem to be more drugs available(

    RAW* 4heres more of everything, the more they fight it the more drugs aear, its li#e Lao

    4Cu said G4he more laws they ass the more criminals they create and the more weaons

    they create the more terror stal#s the landI 3 the more clearer the exlanations the more

    frogs fall out of the s#y1

    +eah, when they made mariuana illegal in 'EM according to sociologists who have studied

    the growth of the thing, there were around '==,=== 3 J==,=== ot smo#ers in the /nited

    0tates, most of them in 4exas and 9ew 5rleans, now the estimates run between &= million

    and M= million after all this money thats been sent, and its the same with heroin 3 there are

    more heroin users in the country now than there were when that was illegaliCed, it doesnt

    matter whether its a good drug or a bad drug, ma#e it illegal and eole get attracted to it,

    and of course the damage increases1 8 forget who said that Gno drug is #nown to science that

    becomes urer and cleaner, safer or easier or better to use when turned over to the criminal

    classesI 3 4he /nited 0tates has ta#en a whole variety of drugs and turned them over to the

    criminal classes and of course they have bad results, you dont exect criminals to be ascareful as doctors do you( And doctors dont have all that good a reutation, somebody on e-

    mail a month or so ago sent an article claiming that more eole die in hositals from wrong

    rescritions than die of all the illegal drugs combined, so even doctors arent infallible and

    were gonna trust criminals! "ere not suosed to trust them but 3 leaving aside the medical

    mariuana 3 the eole who ust want ot to get stoned and get high and relax, theyve got to

    go to the criminal classes1 "hy( "ell, actually when it comes down to it 8 trust the afia a

    little bit more than 8 trust the /nited 0tates 7overnment1 $)ly laughs

    "hat 8m really afraid of is when they decide to legaliCe it and they come u with a ill,

    some squib, robably .li Lilly3 as the Bush family own a lot of .li Lilly 3 they come u

    with a ill that contains the derivative of cannabis that #ills ain, but it doesnt get you highand then theyll charge about J= dollars a ill, so for real relief from ain itll be out of reach

    for most of the oulation and they will still go on suffering or buying from blac# mar#et

    dealers, meanwhile theyll have a better excuse to close down the medical mariuana

    cooeratives 3 G;ey we got a legal form here and it doesnt roduce that terrible euhoria

    thats bad for youI $laughs smiles 4hey all comlain about euhoria as one of the bad side

    effects of cannabis, aarently youre not in your right mind in this country unless you feel

    vaguely miserable, arehensive and deressed1 8f you start feeling euhoric there must be

    something wrong with you, what the hell! 8 thin# euhoria is art of the treatment! 4heres a

    hell of a lot of evidence and a hell of a lot of boo#s starting with "ilhelm %eichon, rescott,

    :eeo, oh theres tons of evidence that feeling good is good for your health1 0o their

    attemt to ta#e the oy out of mariuana ust means they want you to ta#e longer to heal
  • 7/24/2019 Rare and Long Interview with Bob


    whatever you use it for if your using it for medical uroses1

    $So how can we be more socially synergetic and responsible with drugs and attaining higher


    RAW * 8 thin# the scientific evidence from the early F=s 3 before the government banned all

    scientific research and revived the inquisition 3 there were quite a lot of scientific studies

    ublished and 8 thin# it clearly indicates that sychedelics are good for almost everything

    they were used for 3 almost every disease 3 with some #ind of ositive result in one study or

    another and certainly roduces religious exeriences with only minimum suggestion to get

    them moving in that direction1 Li#e in the 7ood riday study that was done at ;arvard you

    ut the subects in a church and gave half of them acid and half of them a lacebo and the

    ones on acid almost all had religious exeriences1 8 loo# at Learys convict rehabilitation

    research, he reversed the recidivism rate, most of his convicts last heard of were still not

    committing new crimes, the average new convict is bac# in rison within one year, Learys

    convicts 3 almost about >= ercent of them 3 seemed to have stayed out of rison which

    means either the acid made them more comassionate and they stoed committing violent

    crimes or it made them more clever and theyre not getting caught, 8 dunno which, but it

    #ees them out of rison anyway1 "e thin# it made them more comassionate, besides they

    werent all in for violent crimes, a lot of them were in for non-violent crimes li#e drug use,

    embeCClement things li#e that1 .mbeCClement is not nice though, 8 would not li#e eole to

    steal money out of my ban# account, though its not a violent crime1

    $How would you describe *ompassion(

    RAW* "ell, actually it means to feel with, GcomI is GwithI in Latin and GassionI isemotion1 8n 7erman its itleid 3 to feel somebody elses ain, to feel their ain with them1

    8t seems to be a natural human henomenon unless it gets destroyed by unfortunate early

    exeriences1 All my children when they were babies and 8 too# turns feeding them, there

    would come a oint when they would try to ta#e the soon away from me and try and feed

    me, they were trying to show gratitude for being fed by feeding me, my wife told me they all

    did it to her too1 8 so#e to a lot of women about this, they all do it, the natural tendency of

    the human secies is to be #ind to one another, but of course you got a child that gets beaten

    u and brutaliCed and sodomiCed and goes through all sorts of hell theyre gonna grow u as

    cold, theyre gonna grow u as socioaths without any ositive reaction to human beings at

    all excet how can 8 get his money from him how can 8 screw them, how can 8 torture them

    for the longest time and get the most fun out of it, bright ideas guys, were not going thatway though, that ta#es a really brutal ubringing1 0erial #illers for instance, almost without

    excetion had incredibly brutal childhoods, incredibly cruel arents or foster arents so thats

    how they get to feel that way about human beings 3 human beings are no good, theyre not to

    be trusted and theyre a bunch of bastards and lets get even with them 3 thats the way serial

    #illers thin#, to the extent that they thin# at all1 ostly they have one standard victim they go

    after over and over, a certain tye you #now1 4ed Bundy went after college girls or women of

    that age, 7eoffrey :ahmer went after blac# adolescents, he even went after white adolescent

    males, they all have a standard tye, theyre committing the same crime over and over again

    and 3 how did 8 get on to serial #illers( 3 ;annibal Lecteris the excetion though, no one

    can redict whos gonna be his next victim because hes whimsical about it $laughs
  • 7/24/2019 Rare and Long Interview with Bob


    $Long pause smiles hes fictitious though 3 8 hoe1

    $- noticed a cup around here that says something li%e )orget all this sel) improvement -

    want an honest meal(

    RAW* 4hats in the third volume, he said G:amn all this self imrovement 8 want a leasant

    dinner!I $)ly laughs

    Another great saying a lesbian atient of his who meets him after hes been in the nut house

    and escaed and has been at large for '= years and they accidentally meet again and she says

    Gyou #now what 8 remember best was when 8 told you 8 was a lesbian and you said theres

    nothing wrong with being weird dear, you have no idea how weird 8 am,I 3 you never

    understand anything until you try it ! $)ly laughs ;e must have been a great sychiatrist, 8

    mean sea#ing of fictitious characters, 8f he was real1 9o atient could bring in anything that

    he couldnt understand and areciate1 $laughs

    $So why would Hannibal Lecter ma%e a better president than ,eorge ush(

    RAW * "ell, everybody agrees that you need a serial #iller in the "hite ;ouse, 8 mean the

    atriotic line is were surrounded by enemies on every continent excet Antarctica , the

    worlds full of eole armed to the teeth who hate us ust because they hate our freedom1 8

    dont #now what freedom weve got that they could ossibly hate( "e dont have any

    freedom left in this fuc#ing country, but they believe weve got freedom and eole hate us

    for it so we need a serial #iller in there to #ee #illing all these eole who dont have any

    freedom and even hate us for our freedom1 5n the other hand the left wing attitude is that

    these are all wars for oil or other natural resources, the government lies all the time and what

    they try and do is ri off the rest of the lanet so we still need a serial #iller in the "hite;ouse, so either from the left wing or the right wing ersective we need somebody with the

    ersonality of a serial #iller, so what tye of serial #iller do we want( 8 say ;annibal Lecter

    has a lot more culture, a lot more wit 3 ,eorge GBoCoI as 8 call him, ,eorge ush GBoCoI

    his royal fraudulency7eorge the 0econd, he has about as much wit as a box of #itty litter 3

    ;annibal Lecter is witty, educated, erudite, multi-lingual he would ma#e a tremendously

    great imression uon foreign leaders and if he eats a coule of 0enators occasionally well

    hell 3 we could loose a coule of those geological secimens in the 0enate and with no loss,

    with a great gain to the country1 And so he ate the brains, the forebrains of a congressman

    once 3 so what do you need a forebrain for in congress anyway( 3 they all act from the bac#

    brain now, they dont need)rontal lobes1

    $&hat3s your )avourite sound(

    RAW* 4he end of Beethovens ninth male and female voices singing together about oy and

    brotherhood and eace1

    $'o you thin% that the American government produces disin)ormation to discredit

    conspiracy theories and ma%e them seem more absurd(

    RAW* 8 dont thin# they are smart enough to do much of that, maybe the $8A has one guy in

    one office whos in charge of confusing consiracy theories by utting out false consiracies,

    but 8ve seen enough of the consiracy buff world, they dont need that, they ma#e u their
  • 7/24/2019 Rare and Long Interview with Bob


    own craCy theories to disgrace the research anyway1

    $How is it that so many convicted )elons bac% in the 4!S administration(

    RAW* Li#e 8 said we need that tye1 0ince we got enemies on every continent, eitherbecause they hate our freedom as Bush said or they hate us for riing off their land and their

    eole and their natural resources and murdering them en mass1 +ou #now 'E million

    eole have been #illed in wars since the end of "orld "ar & 3 thats the estimate of the

    "orld 7ame $enterin hiladelhia 3 that ma#es ;itler loo# li#e a i#er1 $)ly laughs ost

    of these are Brush wars 3 small wars 3 most of them are the western world against the

    southern and Asiatic world or the third world trying to get out from under the control of the

    maor ban#s in ;amburg, London, 9ew +or#, Boston et cetera what 8 call the real :.A 3

    the :utch .nglish American alliance between the %oyal families and the ban#ers theyre all

    inter-related to one another, when you start getting into it you find that 7eorge Bush for

    instance, is related to the Nueen of .ngland whos related to rince Bernhardof the

    9etherlands whos related to most of the maor ban#ers 3 its all one big hay family when

    you get u there at the to1

    $*an you give me a description o) LA&*A"(

    RAW* 5h, thats a term coined by Buc#minster uller for Lawyer-run caitalism, he thin#s

    that the attemts to control $aitalism by assing laws has turned control of the cororations

    over to their Lawyers whose ob it is to tell them how they can rob as much as they want

    without brea#ing the law technically, and if they do brea# the law what #ind of defence to

    mount against any rosecution1 Lawyers are really running the system, and considering the

    low oinion everybody has about lawyers thats more terrifying than any other consiracytheory 3 li#e the 2ewish consiracy, 8m not afraid of 2ews, all the 2ews 8 #now are very nice

    eole, the 2esuitconsiracy 3 well its a little frightening but 8 met a lot of good 2esuits too,

    the freemasonic consiracy every freemason 8 #now 8 li#e, but the idea of a lawyer

    consiracy! %eally, those bastards are caable of anything1 And thus when youve got to

    argue both sides of any case, thats very good education if your gonna be a hilosoher, but

    its not a good education for anybody whos gonna have any ower over other eole, cuC

    whatever they wanna rove they can rove it to themselves anyway1 4hey can ma#e a retty

    good argument in most cases, thats what legal training is all about1 G95, my defendant did

    not set fire to the building he was merely smo#ing in the hay barn1I 4hat wasnt a very good

    examle, sorry1

    $Have you wrestled with the5ctopuslately and how do you remember "rincess 'i (

    RAW* "hat octous(

    $he 5ctopus7

    RAW* :anny $asolaro( 8m more worried about the 40571 $)ly laughs 4hats the 4sarist

    5ccuation 7overnment1 9ow that we got an official 4sar hes in charge of American

    medicine, if theres enough disutes going on in the other sciences then eventually the 4sar is

    going to be deciding all scientific questions the way he decides medical questions, according

    to ublic oinion ole 3 and, 8 thin# thats the worst threat confronting us1 8 dont #now howthe hell we ended u with a 4sar, this country was suosed to free us from a #ing, now we
  • 7/24/2019 Rare and Long Interview with Bob


    got a 40A% in lace of a #ing! 4hats rogress( 8d rather have the .nglish Nueen bac#

    rather than have a goddam 4sarsettling scientific questions1 And rincess :i 3 when she

    died there was a lot of sentimentality about her 3 8 said to my wife, what the hell did she ever

    do other than marry a rich man and ta#e a lot of his money in the divorce 3 she was leading

    the struggle against land mines, 51D, 51D she did something for us so 8m not againstrincess :i any more, so she got a lot of money from a rich man and she did a lot of good

    too, lus she was a cute loo#ing women 8 must say, besides 3 8 li#e her for dating an Arab,

    that shows the cosmoolitan sirit, thats why she got murdered according to one consiracy

    theory you #now 3 the British %oyal family didnt want her to marry an Arab because then

    the future Ding of .ngland would have an Arab father who might be related to 5sama Bin

    Laden for all we #now1

    $8eah you ever hear o) 'on *ashogy - read somewhere he3s deeply involved with this


    RAW * 3 ;ey! $an you straighten out my god damn Loch 9ess monster , somebody last

    night thought they were being funny obviously and discombobulated it1 4he head goes in

    front, the loos go in the middle and the tale goes at the end1 4here we are1 9ow my cable

    box loo#s the way it should loo#1 4han# you1 :ont you thin# thats one of the more

    aealing decorations in the room( 8 thin# so1 4he Loch 9ess monster on the cable box1

    4hats little 9essy1 $smiles

    $'id you read the *osmic Serpent by 9eremy :arby( Are you )amiliar with his wor%(

    RAW*9o, but 8 thin# 8 read a quote from it ust recently in a debate that went through my e-

    mail, 8m on several e-mail lists, there was a hysicist debating with a hilosoher and 8thin# the hilosoher was arguing that the :9A of all living beings ma#e u a creature very

    much li#e the cosmic serent1 8s that the boo#( 3 the hysicist called it O cargo cult new age

    psycho babble3 1 $)ly laughs


  • 7/24/2019 Rare and Long Interview with Bob


    by other things1

    $How do you see -ndia and A)rica becoming more integrated into the online community(

    RAW* 4o me thats the most desirable goal right now, to get Asia and Africa online seems tome the way were gonna have globaliCation without cororate control of globaliCation, 8 thin#

    we need globaliCation, 8 dont li#e the use of that word as a negative because global

    cororations #now a sensible way to use the resources of the lanet, but theres got to be

    cooeration not ust a bunch of :utch .nglish American ban#ers and %oyals running the

    goddamn world, its gotta be a grassroots globaliCation, and the more eole who get on-line

    the better1 8 met an African guy on a lane to ortugal a few years ago and he was running a

    comuter comany in some country in Africa so small 8 never heard of it, and 8 forgot its

    name, so he wanted to get his whole country on-line within '= years, so 8 was delighted to

    #now there are eole in Africa thin#ing that way and the more it haens in Africa and Asia

    the more were gonna get a world /nion thats not based on force but on communication,

    that to me is the real hoe, ust about the last hoe weve got1 /ntil were all accessible to one

    another at least temorarily and can communicate with one another were gonna be

    mismanaged, lied to, abused and generally exloited by our own governments or other

    governments who come in and throw out our government and say weve come to liberate

    you, and theyre still a dictator1 4he guy that the /nited 0tates installed in Afghanistan to

    hurrahs and halleluahs last year 3 there were two attemts to assassinate him last wee#!

    obviously the Afghanis are not all delighted to be liberated you #now1 After we liberate 8raq

    3 &e , there 8 go again, after they , 8 dont li#e to say we when 8 refer to government its not

    my government its their government 3 after they get rid of 0addam ;ussein , how many

    times are they gonna have to go bac# to 8raq to reinstall a new dictator after the last dictator

    gets bun#ed off( +ou #now .ngland first entered Afghanistan in '>P and they had to gobac# again and again for regime change because everyone installed #et getting thrown out

    by the various tribes who would get issed off at em1 :octor "atson in the 0herloc#

    ;olmes stories got his war wound in Afghanistan, by '' after M= years the British finally

    smartened u enough to say G5h fuc# Afghanistan, you cant control a bunch of religious

    maniacs who live in mountains,I and they got out1 4hen the %ussians in the >=s they fought

    for '= years, then they got out showing theyre M times smarter than the .nglish, it only too#

    them '= years to learn their lesson1 Assuming that we had an unbro#en succession of

    Bushoids 8 imagine the /nited 0tateswill be there for 'M= years and going bac# for more

    regime change every five years or so1

    $'o you recall the last time you saw the movieLawrence o) Arabia(

    RAW* 5h it was only about a year ago or so, maybe even more recently1 8m a eter 54oole

    fan, he seems to be one of the two or three greatest actors in the world, or four or five

    anyway 3 thats one of his best erformances1 8 also li#e him a lot in#y )avourite year

    where he lays .rrol lynnor a character based on .rrol lynn and also he Stuntman where

    he lays the character based on 2ohn ;ustonwho $lint .astwood also layed a character

    based on in G"hite ;unter Blac# ;eartI 8m sorry, 8m rambling1 $)ly laughs no no3

    2ohn ;uston is a fascinating character both eter 54oole and $lint .astwood lay him1

    $&hy should you never whistle while you3re pissing(

    RAW* 5h thats the Ken idea of single mindedness, besides youre more li#ely to ee on
  • 7/24/2019 Rare and Long Interview with Bob


    your trousers if youre concentrating on your whistling1 0ee what 8 mean by single


    $Have you any tric%s you can share with us on how to create Satori during the daytime(

    RAW* "ell, 8 can offer a simulation of 0atori 8 learned from Aleister $rowleywho learned it

    from a Buddhist mon# in $eylon1 +ou simly sit down where you #now youre not going to

    be interruted for at least a half hour and try and answer the question- am sitting here doing

    this e=ercise because> "ell firstly youre doing it because 8 suggested it, why did you ta#e

    my suggestion seriously, what ma#es you thin# 8 have something thats worth learning et

    cetera1 4hen youre doing this exercise because youre interested in trying to achieve

    something li#e 0atori 3 why are you interested( ;ow has your whole life led u to that, what

    haened in the womb that you may be able to find out( "hat was your childbirth li#e(

    "hat was your infancy li#e( "hy am 8 sitting here doing this exercise( "hy here and not in

    London or Berlin or ;ong Dong( And why am 8 here( "hy am 8 here to do this( "hy did

    my arents meet( :id they intend to have a child or was 8 li#e most of us an accident( And

    you go on and on1 .ventually you find yourself coming u with things li#e G8m sitting here

    doing this exercise because the 0candinavians overfished the 9orth 0ea in the Jth $enturyI

    $)ly laughs3 they did! 3 they too# to iracy when they ran out of fish temorarily, and

    during their iratic raids on 8reland some of them decided to stay and 8m descended from

    the 5ld Lochlan which meansson3s o) the 'ane , so thats one of the reasons 3 that the

    :anes overfished the 9orth 0ea1 Another reason is because 8 had olio at the age of four

    which gave me the #ind of ersonality thats attracted to exercises li#e this1 8 was always

    more interested in boo#s than sorts unli#e most boys because my leg was so dammed wea#

    8 was no good at any sorts, you couldnt find a sort 8 was any good at, at least 8 never did,

    but 8 was good at chess, you see what 8 mean(

    $&ould you be able to tal% a little about ?on :eumann and ,ames heory and how they

    in)luenced the cold war(

    RAW* +eah, 8 thin# were all still alive because of 2ohn Hon 9eumann1 Hon 9eumann was

    the ioneer, or certainly one of the ioneers of rogrammable comuters1 4he first comuters

    at 84 were ut together to solve secific roblems then ta#e them aart, ut them together

    again and add another roblem and Hon 9euman drawn and invented a distinction between

    hardware andso)tware and how you could use the same comuter to do many classes of

    roblems1 ;e also wrote one of the best boo#s on quantum mechanics but thats a digression1

    ;e also invented mathematical game theory which he showed could be alied to o#er andother games li#e that, strategy, and to tactics, and to war 3 retty soon the entagon had a big

    budget to build comuters and lay war games on them1 G8f we attac# %ussia this way, how

    much can they hit us bac#I and the answer was always that the losses were too unaccetable,

    most of them were usually total obliteration so they went on laying their war games for E=

    years until the funding ran out and they decided not to have the war at all because Hon

    9eumann showed that by solving these things in advance then when you #now you cant

    win1 "hy go ahead and fight( why why why why why wie yourself out, cut off your nose

    to site your face( 0o thats why were all still here and thats why most of the controversy

    and oosition about Bushs desire to invade 8raq, comes from the military because their the

    ones with the comuters who are wor#ing out "ar games with 8raq on their comuters, and

    they #now its not gonna be the ca#e wal# that 7eorge Bush imagines1 4his has been allover, even on television news, all over internet 3 that the eole in the Bush administration,
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    the eole leading the rush to war have never served in a war1 4he oosition is almost

    entirely military men, they call them *hic%en Haw%s the guys who want war because they

    have never been in one and have no idea what its li#e1 8 can see the /nited 0tates &= years

    from now still bogged down in Afghanistan, still bogged down in 8raq, and attemting to

    fight 0audi Arabia! 5+! 3 9ever underestimate the ower of stuid eole in large grous1$laughs

    $&hy do you thin% some people might perceive it dangerous to understand things too


    RAW* 5h, the first one who said that was 2osiah "arren, one of the founders of modern

    anarchist thin#ing, his boo# rue *ivili

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    have a stro#e that will leave me too wea# to rotest or do anything about it 3 8ll ust have to

    lie there dying slowly1 y mother, my father, my brother, they all died of sudden massive

    stro#es $BA& snaps )ingers3 ust li#e that 3 they were gone in about E= seconds, thats the

    way 8 wanna go1 y wife died from a series of stro#es, horrible, terrible, horrible to me and

    it was horrible for the whole family 3 8 dont wanna go that way, so if 8 have even one mildstro#e 8m not gonna go through a series of mild stro#es, after the first mild stro#e 8d ic#

    the suicide, 8m not gonna hang around dying slowly and losing all my savings, 8 wanna

    leave something to my children 3 8 dont wanna let it all go to the goddamned greedy

    hositals and the goddamned greedy doctors and the goddamned greedy harmacies and the

    goddamned oliticians who represent those goddamned greedy tyes 3 is that clear r1


    $&hat gives you the strength and courage to )ace your daily challenges(

    RAW* "ell 8 see as many ositive ossibilities as negative ones, and since the conclusion

    has not yet arrived 8 dont #now which is going to haen, so it seems to me that worrying

    about the bad ossibilities ust gives you ulcers and ma#es you a generally miserable erson

    and drags down the arty wherever you go, whereas loo#ing at the ositives and sreading

    word about the ositive ossibilities #ees you high and hay and might even cheer u a

    few other eole too, so since we dont #now why not choose the hay ath( Besides, as a

    Buddhist 8 really rofoundly dont give a fuc#! $)ly laughs 4heres a little $hinese saying 3

    G4he wise become $onfucian in good times, Buddhist in bad times and 4aoist in old ageI 3

    that ma#es more sense to me all the time 8 believe in $onfucianism given in the sense of

    etiquette and good manners, courtesy and at least a minimum standard of decency for

    everybody1 8 believe in Buddhism to the extent of detachment because this is a retty bad

    lanet and a lot of bad things haen so you dont wanna get too attached to anything, and8m becoming more and more of a 4aoist because after reading about &= different

    translations of the 4ao 4e $hingand loo#ing u some of the 8deograms in my $hinese

    .nglish dictionary and reading commentaries 8 thin# the basic message of 4aoism is that it

    doesnt matter, fuc# it all $laughs3 8 have all three attitudes simultaneously, 8 can ma#e

    things better by being nice to eole, it doesnt really matter in 4aoism and its all a burning

    house anyway, so dont get too attached to it 3 thats Buddhism1 8 thin# it ma#es a nice

    mixture 1 8 admire the $hinese more than any other culture on the lanet1

    $Such beauti)ul paintings as well those landscapes>

    RAW* 5h yeah, and you loo# at some of those statues of Buddha 3 those scultures 3 youneed to be in a dee meditative state ust to get the exression ust right, and the subect had

    to be there too1 4he whole culture #new things about the mind that our culture is ust

    beginning to tentatively discover1

    $*an you describe some things that help to bring solutions to your challenges( - suppose

    you +ust answered that @uestion!

    RAW* "ell yeah, thats ersonally, socially 8 thin# if anybody goes to the Buc#minster

    uller websites on line youll find that solutions have already been wor#ed out by uller and

    his associates at the "orld 7ame1 All it ta#es is for the governments of the world to give u

    their attemts to conquer one another by %illing one another or by #illing one another off andrealiCe 3 thats not wor#ing1 8 dont #now how long its gonna ta#e, but eventually 3 as uller
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    said Ghumanity as a whole always does the most intelligent thing after all the stuid

    alternatives that fail1I 5nce all the stuid alternatives fail they have no otion left but to try

    Buc#minster ullers world game solution in which everybody gets clean water, good food,

    good healthcare and most of the maor forms of exloitation are made non-economical by

    synergetic cooeration between eoles and then we can have a #ind if virtual utoia, andthe only question is will the governments discover that on their own or do we have to get rid

    of them 3 if so how do we get rid of them non-violently( but 8 can understand why some

    eole get so goddamned frustrated they start throwing bombs, 8 believe that only ma#es

    them stronger, its whats called counter supporting3 counter suorting is oosing

    something in a way that ma#es it stronger by your oosition1 A classic examle, or at least

    when 8 read the boo#, 8 haened to be in 8reland 3 and right away 8 thought of the /lster

    reedom ighters and the 8%A, each one ma#es the other stronger1 4he same thing is going

    on now in 8srael between the 8sraeli right wingers and the suicide bombers, each one ma#es

    the other stronger, so 8 thin# we gotta outsmart them instead of trying to out bomb them,

    outsmart the goddamned governments! ortunately internet exists already and its

    international already and were learning more about how to use it, were learning more and

    more about how to get accurate news over internet and well learn how to ma#e our own

    agreements and byass the governments eventually until they have nobody to govern but

    themselves $)ly laughs and congress will sit down there in "ashington assing laws binding

    uon the JP= members, but not on the rest of us1

    $How do you plan to %eep pot heads busy )or the ne=t ten years(

    RAW* "ell one way is to rint a card u with one side that says Gsecret message on other

    side,I on the other side it says Gsecret message on other sideI 3 this should #ee the average

    ot head busy for at least 'J minutes 8 dont #now about the other PJ1 8n the next PJ minutesthey can run around showing it to their friends and watch how long it ta#es them to figure it

    out1 $laughs smiles

    $-s "resident boyC shrub the legitimate president o) the 4nited States o) America(

    RAW*9ot by my standards1 8t aears that Al 7ore won the oular vote, nobody disagrees

    with that, the only disagreement is who won the lorida vote and therefore the electoral

    college, as far as 8 #now there were four newsaers that collaborated in a ost election

    study and they all concluded that 7ore won even counting that way, then the establishment

    ress came bac#, not by doing their own study but by claiming methodological defects in

    the studies that had been done, thats ust li#e $08$5, they never do their own researchthey ust loo# for methodological defects in the research they dont li#e and as far as 8m

    concerned Al 7ore is the legitimate resident of the /nited 0tates but that doesnt mean

    much to me because the legitimate resident of the /nited 0tates means to me the same as

    the 7odfather of the afia $laughs or imerial wiCard of the Du Dlux Dlan , or general all

    round anti-christ 1 $laughs

    $&hat are some o) your lasting impressions o) &illiam S! urroughs

    RAW* ;e was one of the most intelligent eole 8 ever met1 8f 8 had a list of eole who 8

    regard as the most intelligent, Burroughswould be u there along with Buc#minster uller

    and 4imothy Leary and 7eorge $arlin and my wife Arlan and a few others 3 anybody wholays this tae and youre not included, 8m ust absent minded, Den $ambell, 5rson
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    "elles , although 8 never met 5rson, Arlen met 5rson 1 Burroughs had very high intelligence

    and a great deal of anxiety which he tried to control in various ways including being a un#y

    off and on for most of his life, he tried other methods too, and when 8 #new him in 'FJ he

    was entirely off un# and he couldnt get through an evening without getting drun#, it was a

    choice of narcotics or drin#, he had terrible anxiety left over from god-#nows-what events inhis childhood, very bright, very ressed in his emotional reaction, although not in his sex life

    so 8 hear, and very funny too1 ;umour is one of the best cures for anxiety and if un# doesnt

    wor# and alcohol doesnt wor# you can always try ma#ing a o#e out of it1 4hats the 4aoist


    $&ho was HassanCiCSabah(

    RAW * ;e was the original model for 5sama Bin Laden he lived in Afghanistan too, in a

    mountain retreat with a bunch of religious fanatics and he convinced them they would get

    transorted to heaven1 ;e had an absoluteguarantee if you die in the service of ;assan-i-

    0abahyou will go right bac# to heaven which is full of gorgeous virgin dancing girls all

    ready to satisfy you in every sexual way you can dream of 3 oh, and dancing boys too 3

    ;assan-i-0abah #new all about those near .astern eoles1 ;is agents retty much

    discouraged eole from invading Afghanistan for a long time because he had agents in most

    of the neighbouring governments and any government that decided that it was time to attac#

    ;assan-i-0abah would wa#e u with his throat cut the next morning, always with a dragon

    with the assassins symbol on it 3 one of the servants who had disaeared in the night so

    eole lost interest in attac#ing Afghanistan1 ;assan-i-0abah and 5sama Bin Laden both

    seem to be historically related to u anchu these are all images of 5riental revenge for

    occidental 8merialism, theyre all the nightmares of the ruling elite over about what the rest

    of the lanet is secretly lotting1 4hen theres#ing the #erciless of course, now hesdistributing free cannabis in 8reland 3 have you heard about that( $laughing D:5E3 yeah,

    on election day he sent letters to all the members of :oyle with cannabis in them, all of

    which were rushed to the army to be tested for Anthrax and none of them had Anthrax in

    them, they ust had cannabis in them, every member of :oyle is in danger of having

    $annabis in their des# 3 if it hadnt been for the Anthrax scare running at the same time1 ;is

    real name is lanagan 3 ing the erciless1 8 thin# theres lots of fun in lanagans wor# 3

    4hats a quote from an old 8rish song $BA& singing GLots of fun at innegans "a#e, theres

    lots of fun in lanagans wor#I 3 ing the erciless1 $smiles

    $"aul Krassner recently dedicated his new boo% D#urder at the *onspiracy *onventionE to

    you do you thin% there is a lac% o) original humour in mainstream media at the moment(

    RAW* "ell, lets go bac# to the beginning, aul Drassner3 he dedicated the boo# to me, he

    sent me an e-mail along with the dedication long before the boo# was ublished and as#ed

    me if 8 found it satisfactory and wanted to change anything to ma#e sure 8d be leased by it1

    8 was so delighted 8 dedicated my next boo# to him which is due out any day now, its called

    4057* 4he thing that ate the constitution and its dedicated to aul Drassner 3 Ken Bastard1 8

    originally wrote Gaul Drassner 3 GKen bastard and all around good guyI or something li#e

    that, and sent it to aul, and aul said GKen Bastard is ust what 8 want,I so some eole

    might thin# 8m insulting him but thats what he wants thats his sense of humour so 8 let it

    stand, the boo# says 3 G4o aul Drassner 3 Ken Bastard1I

    $8eah he has a great sense o) humour and integrates it into some o) the most aw%ward and
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    di))icult situations F which seems needed today! "eople don3t seem to be able to ma%e )un

    anymore without getting ridiculed!

    RAW3 "ell humour is always subversive, Arthur Doestlerwrote a very technical analysis

    of humour in a boo# called, Ginside and out boo#I or something li#e that 3 one of thoseboo#s with three word titles connected by and with two oosite nouns li#e he 8ogi and

    *ommissar ,-nside and 5ut ,Arrival and 'eparture , 3 he had that outloo#1 ;e did a P==

    age analysis of humour showing that it wor#s the same way as artistic creativity and

    scientific discovery, it results from loo#ing at a familiar thing in two oosite ways, so thats

    always subversive, thats why there were no o#es about '' until only in the last month 3

    acceted in the most deliberately)ar out and offensive media, nobody else dared to o#e

    about it hell ;+.%L89D Ghtt*

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    had "all 0treet blown u ust li#e what haened and 8 dont claim this is .0 or

    recognition, its ust common sense1 4he /nited 0tates cannot go on bombing two thirds of

    the world year after year, decade after decade, over and over without somebody hitting bac#

    eventually, 8 #new it had to haen, you dont need .0 you ust need a little horse sense1

    $99 #ees referring to it as Gthe day the world changed,I well the world didnt changeeole have been droing munitions on one another ever since 9obel invented modern

    munitions1 eole love droing bombs on one another, its one of the favourite human

    astimes, theyre almost willing to give u)ootball , 8 mean 3 its been going on for ages, the

    only thing that changed is that the /nited 0tates has been doing most of the bombing for the

    last J= years and everybody got used to that, oh yeah we got to bomb another country for

    their own good, its only collateral damage1 4he /nited 0tates gets bombed and they say the

    world changed1 4he world didnt change, its ust the /nited 0tates got included in with the

    rest of the world1 8f you go around bombing eole year after year, decade after decade

    youll have somebody bombing you bac#, 2esus!, no, no thats not the reason they did it,

    they hate us for our)reedom , all the freedoms li#e the freedom to ee into a ar before you

    get a ob interview, thats the #ind of freedom we really need1

    $-nstead o) throwing shit we might +ust DpeeE on one another you %now $laughs

    RAW* 8m more and more examining 2erry alwells idea that ,odoined Al Naeda, you

    #now he said that right after the thing he said 3 G7od oined Al Naeda because there were

    too many gays, feminists and A$L/ lawyers in the /nited 0tates,I 3 and aarently he

    thin#s there are no gays, feminists or A$L/ lawyers in the territory controlled by Al Naeda,

    so thats where hisgod is obviously strongest, or that his god heled the lanes hit their

    targets, and 8m more and more inclined to believe that1 7od seems to me 3 as my leg

    roblems get worse and worse 3 7od seems to me li#e the character described by 2erryalwell and 5sama Bin Laden 3 hes a mean, rotten, 0adistic son-of-a-bitch, thats the only

    #ind of god that ma#es any sense to me, which is why the three religions 8 li#e most

    $onfucianism , Buddhism and 4aoism never say anything about 7od at all, they dont even

    deny god, well Buddhism does, or some Buddhist sects do very exlicitly1 8 remember the

    first time 8 ever heard the :ali Lama was on BB$ and the interviewer said Gsome eole say

    Buddhism has no god is that right,I and the :ali Lama said Gyes very true,I and the

    interviewer said Gbut isnt the Buddha mind something li#e god(I and the :alai Lama said 3

    Gthe Buddha mind is the inside of all things, it is not an almighty creator,I 3 2ee a religious

    leader who ma#es some sense1 8 read a boo# by him and 8 didnt find any bullshit in it at all1

    As the one living '==T bullshit free religious leader on this lanet, they havent found

    another 3 well maybe Bob :obbs $laughs 51D he seems bullshit free too 3 well hes notbullshit free, but the bullshit is highlighted with o#es and so you #now its a o#e1 All the

    rest of them remind me of Gay no attention to that man behind the curtainI the wiCard of


    $'id you ever meet *hogyam rungpa (

    RAW*9o, 8 met at lot of his eole 3 8ve been to Boulder several times after his death and

    theres lots of amusing legends about him including one about a meditation class being led

    by somebody or another and suddenly rungpa aears at the door with a can of beer in his

    hand, he yelled 3 Gwhy are you meditating, 8 will tell you why you are meditating, youre all

    scared shitless about the atom bomb, $laughing 8 tell you, you dont need to be scaredshitless, the atom bomb will not fall on youI 3 8 dont #now whether thats true or not1 4hat
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    was told to me by somebody who lived in Boulder who swore it was true, theres all sorts of

    fascinating legends about him1

    $Leading on )rom some earlier eCmail interview @uestion3s you answered )or me can you

    e=pand upon why Ginnegans &a%e *annabis seeds and a Bottweiler are essential elements)or a 21st century survival %it(

    RAW* +ou need innegans "a#e to understand the merging world village thats aearing

    innegans "a#e is the only boo# thats written from a global ersective, well ounds

    $antos are almost global, they include $hina , arts of Africa, most of .uroe and the /nited

    0tates and some ancient 0umer, .gyt1 2oyce is much more universal, he includes a lot more

    of Africa than ound does 3 a hell of a lot more 3 and a lot more of Asia too1 4hats art of

    your education to live in the &'st $entury, you gotta master innegans "a#e, and then you

    need what( 3 $*annabis seeds3 5bvious, that doesnt need any exlication does it( And

    the %ottweiler 61[7A 89 %.$5%:897 ";8L. 4A. 80 $;A97.:)

    $&hat are some o) the prere@uisites )or 'iscordian math 101(

    RAW* irst of all theres the law of five which states that all things and events are directly or

    indirectly connected with the number J1 4he second law is if you cant ma#e them connect

    that shows your too dumb to be a :iscordian1

    $*an you e=plain Sturgeon3s law(

    RAW* 0turgeons law1 +eah, that was created by a very good science fiction and fantasy

    writer named 4heodore 0turgeon, he was on a anel discussing science fiction and thesea#er before him was a rofessor of .nglish who denounced science fiction u hill and

    down dale, smoted hi and thigh and ended u by saying that J ercent of science fiction

    literature was cra, and then it was 4heodore 0turgeons turn to tal# and he began with what

    became #nown as 0turgeons law 3 Gbut rofessor, J ercent of everything is craI and

    thats true, J ercent of 5era is cra, J ercent of the novels ublished are cra, J

    ercent of the movies are cra, J ercent of the histories are cra, J ercent of the soa

    oeras are cra, J ercent of the aintings are cra 3 its the five ercent that are interesting

    whether its science fiction or modern art1

    $How do you )eel about the many synchronistic and numerological )actors surrounding


    RAW* U'U' does not add u to&E, so 8 gave u on that and decided to hell with it1 .ven

    x ' x ' does not ma#e &E! $)ly laughs

    $Along with D)ood clothing and shelterE what are some o) the essential elements )or li)e

    support as cosmic citi

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    $*an you e=plain why thin%ing writing and spea%ing in -rish seems di))icult to understand in


    RAW* +eah, 8ll try [fly laughs G8n .nglishI) yeah well, if you ta#e a classic 8rish lay you

    find somebody saying 3 Gy grandfather said Oand 8 a child of nine at the time,I now, in

    normal .nglish you would say Gwhen 8 was a child,I and G8, a child of nineI is 7aelic

    grammar suerimosed on .nglish words and this is the way they tal# in western 8reland a

    lot or the way most of them tal# either in .nglish or in 7aelic which is the old fashioned

    grammar which does not ut things in sequence li#e .nglish does, it uts things into

    concentric relationshis, sort of li#e the way $hinese does, which is why "illiam Butler

    +eats said G8reland was a art of Asia until the Battle of the Boyne,I and you can find the

    strain ofAsiatic or what we callAsiatic thin%ing orpreCAnglo Sa=on ,preCAryan 8 dont

    #now what the hell it is 3 we find this #ind of thin#ing in 8reland very strongly and in "ales,

    and in arts of 0ain, and over most of Africa and the 5rient, its a way of thin#ing ust as

    legitimate as the dominant aradigm of the "estern world1 8t highlights some things and

    ignores other things ust li#e the western aradigm does, 8 have never been in favour of

    un#ing the western aradigm and adoting the .astern, 8ve always felt we should learn the

    most of what we can from both of them and 8relands a good lace to do that, an excellent

    lace to do that1

    $hat reminds me o) 9eremy :arby3s idea in his boo%he *osmic Serpentrelating to what he

    calls stereoscopic thin%ing F a little bit li%e perceiving something with your mind that3s both

    internal and e=ternal at the same time creating this %ind o) stereo e))ect!

    RAW* 4hats li#e Bertrand %ussells two heads aradox, you #now that one( [fly smiles and

    nods slowly) 3 you must have two heads1 4hen theres 21" :unne if you have two heads

    you must have an infinite series of heads because in the two heads model you have another

    head thin#ing about all this, once you realiCe that theres another head thin#ing about that ,

    you #now that the heads go on till infinity in an infinite number of time dimensions, this was

    develoed by :unne in two amaCing boo#s called he serial universe andAn e=periment

    with time 1 8ts the wac#iest model in modern cosmology and in some ways the most

    fascinating1 ;e ma#es it sound so lausible1

    $How do you see ?ision @uests(

    RAW* Lets see what 8 can do with that toic1 "ell first of all theres the ordinary

    brainwashing which is called a culturali

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    clown, his %oyal fraudulencyo

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    RAW* 0ome .nglish witches as#ed me to write a free article for their magaCine and they

    said it could be as short as 8 wanted and so 8 wrote them a age and half or two ages and

    they sent me their magaCine from then on until they went ban#rut, or out of business, or

    forgot about me, 8 dont #now which 3 but it did finally sto1 8n one issue of that 8 saw an ad

    for the 5rder of the 8lluminati with an address for central enquiries and ossible admissionand then 8 decided to include that in 4he "idows 0onfor any readers that want to enquire

    beyond the boo# and into the reality behind it, whatever that may be1 Another time 8 wrote

    to an American neo-agan magaCine called 4he 7reen .ggand signed myself as outer head

    of the Ancient 8lluminated 0eers of Bavaria and 8 got a letter from somebody who called

    themselves"hilip count the something or other, sanctuary of the 7nosis 3 who announced he

    was the real head of the 8lluminati and if 8 didnt sto osing as the same he would have his

    lawyers sue me $laughs and so 8 wrote bac# and said 3 Gyour letter will not rogram into

    my comuter in its resent form could you lease re-submit it in log,I $)ly laughing hard3 8

    never heard from him again1 ;e lived in '=== 5a#s1 8 love the idea of the-lluminati having

    its headquarters in '=== 5a#s1

    $&hat are some o) the perils o) cocaine abuse(

    RAW* "ell, in the first lace "avy 7ravy ointed out way bac# in the early M=s in a

    conversation with me that every co#e frea# he #new seemed to die of a heart attac# between

    E= and J=1 8 began to notice that attern myself after "avy ointed it out to me, another

    thing 8 noticed was that everybody 8 #new who got heavy into co#e turned aranoid and

    nasty after a while and 8 also noticed they mostly quit, which convinced me its not as

    seriously addicting as heroin if your worried about addiction, but its a very dangerous drug

    considering the sychological changes it triggers, it seems to be a great deal of .uhoria at

    first and then a great deal of nastiness1 $o#e frea#s are great to #now the first wee# on co#e,you dont wanna meet them after that 3 close the blinds dont answer the telehone and

    retend youre not home1 And then loo# at the olitical record we have had two oliticians

    in the last '== years who were both rumoured to be co#e frea#s and they both bro#e into

    office by non electoral and very irregular methods, which in both cases were followed by the

    destruction of a beloved national monument, which in both cases they blamed on an ethnic

    minority, in both cases they had a witch hunt against this minority, in both cases they cut off

    all revious liberties and installed a totalitarian state, and in both cases they declared war on

    more and more arts of the world quic#er and quic#er, one of them had a funny moustache,

    8ll let you guess who the other one was1 4he thing is that this is what cocaine abuse leads

    too inevitably in every case 8ve seen, tragic1 $hris Langham said you can get the same effect

    by stuffing talcum owder u your nose, rubbing it in with sandaer and then runningaround the house burning all the money you can find, after a month the results 3 esecially in

    your ban# balance 3 will be exactly the same as after a month on $ocaine1 %elating to the

    last asect 8 have #nown three or four co#e frea#s who were in show business and earning

    big money and they all ended u in ban#rutcy court before they #ic#ed their cocaine, 8

    mean they were ma#ing millions and they managed to loose it all, or it went somewhere

    mysterious 3 they were so goddamn frea#ed out they didnt #now their business manager

    was robbing from them, 8 dunno, but they all ended u ban#rut and had to rema#e their

    careers after they emerged from the world1

    $How do you )eel about 5

  • 7/24/2019 Rare and Long Interview with Bob


    RAW* 8 guess theyre having a co#e head convention1 $laughs

    $Have you ever e=periencedAyahuascaor been to South America and hung out with the


    RAW*9o, 9o1

    $&hat you thin% about these modern visionC@uesters who are heading down to the Ama

  • 7/24/2019 Rare and Long Interview with Bob


    Bureau during world war & which was involved with catching and turning all the 7erman

    agents in .ngland and they succeeded 3 totally3 they succeeded to an extent that they could

    not believe them, some of them did not believe that they had total control of 7erman

    intelligence in .ngland so they didnt use them to their maximum otential and after the war,

    they got the 7erman records and found out they had every 7erman sy in .ngland reallywor#ing for them because once your caught 3 if your a sy you have two choices in war time

    3 you can hang or you can go to wor# for the other side, most of them go to wor#1 +ouve

    only gotta hang one of them and then all the rest of them become quite eager to go to wor#

    for the British, and the ay was better than what ;itler was aying them anyway, so they

    were totally in control of 7erman information but they never trusted it enough1 4hey used it

    a bit though, thats why most of the H&s didnt hit London and they landed in the country

    north of London [tongue in chee# laughs) 3 by sending bac# false reorts of where the

    damage was to throw the engineers off, thats one thing about the &= bureau 3 that was 8an

    leming and ;+.%L89D Alan 4uring3 who was sometimes considered the father of

    internet, excet by those who consider 2ohn Hon 9eumann or9orbert "ieneror$laude

    0hannonthe father of the internet 1 :ennis %awlins 3 who wrote 5ccult thrillers and really

    believed in them, he seemed convinced that every consiracy that he could thin# u himself

    for British intelligence was not only the wor# of enemy intelligence but of 0atanic

    intelligence! 4hey were a rare bunch they were,[laughs) 8 thin# that #ind of thin#ing

    gradually too# over the $8A after 2ames 2esus Angletonbecame chief of counter

    intelligence, he was a devout student of all their ways and wor#s1

    $Have you a )avourite ond movie(

    RAW* 8 dont really li#e the Bond movies1 y favourite ;arry almer movie is the first one

    4he 8cress file 1 y favourite all time sy movie is 4he %ussia ;ouse with 0ean $onneryand ichelle feiffer 3 who was born without stain or original sin and could do no wrong,

    not in front of a camera anyhow, 8 #now nothing about her rivate life but 8 never saw her do

    anything wrong in front of the camera1

    $'o you have a new perspective upon the movie 2001 by Stanley Kubric% in light o) recent


    RAW* +eah, do we need more wars to find that god damned monolith( [laughs)

    $#aybe you could spea% a little about Saul "aul Sirag and his possible in)luence upon some

    o) your wor%s(

    RAW* "ell, 0aul aul lives in Ber#eley and after i moved to 0an rancisco i saw him once a

    wee# at the hysics consciousness research grou so we had lots and lots of conversations

    about quantum hysics and 8 had conversations about consciousness hysics with others too,

    li#e red Alan "olf, 9ic# ;erbert, 2ac# 0arfatti, :avid Bohm , 2ohn 7ribbin 3 anyway

    0aul aul was a maor influence and 8 got most of my information from him and 8 told him

    what 8 thought about it and he told me 3 Gthats the $oenhagen interretationI 3 and 8

    found out 8 was art of modern hysics without even #nowing it, excet that 8 aly the

    $oenhagen interretation to everything, not ust alied to the quantum realm1

    $-s that e@uated with what you o)ten call model agnosticism(
  • 7/24/2019 Rare and Long Interview with Bob


    RAW* odel agnosticism yeah 3 dont believe in your own models, they have got to be

    changed regularly and be #et u to date, if you believe in your own models then you wont

    be willing to change them and thats where eole get stuc# and thats where the horrible

    accidents haen, you loo# bac# and thin# how could they be so stuid, your tal#ing about

    our ancestors, they all did stuid things because they could not change things fast enough1 5fcourse that ma#es you feel gloomy, remember that most of our ancestors were retty smart,

    we #now that because they lived long enough to reroduce, that shows at least an average


    $Have you read the sensational boo% he Stargate *onspiracy( 8ou3re mentioned in

    connection to;salencon)erences along with many others(

    RAW* 8 have never heard of this boo#, 8 have no oinion about it whatsoever all 8 can do is

    sit quietly and let you tell me more about it1

    $&ell )rom what - can gather F it proposes that many events surrounding the #illennium

    were a %ind o) spiritual hi+ac%ing by a cross between the military ;! and some people )rom

    the :ew Age movement! -t ties together many great thin%ers and almost every great

    conspiracy o) the 21st3 century into a %ind o) e=traterrestrial stooges show7

    RAW* +eah, 8ve heard of this a few times, 8 forgot about it1 A few times 8 have seen

    reference to it in my e-mail, 8m on a few other e-mail lists and i have ic#ed u a few things

    about this yeah1 4heres also Gthe hidden dangers of the rainbowI which is by a $hristian

    women who claims Buc#minster ullerand doe culture and television and roc# and

    communism are all fronts for the 8lluminati ta#eover, 8 ust mentioned a few of those, the list

    is much longer and includes arylyn erguson, the Brain ind Bulletin, anybody who usesthe wordsynergy should be regarded with susicion, its art of their secret language of their

    cult that is ta#ing over the world1 $laughs

    $Geaturing throughout the Stargate conspiracy boo% isAndri+a "uharichwho published

    three ma+or boo%s The Sacred MushroomBeyond Telepathy and Uri >

    %A"* 8 read the 0acred ushroom1 8 also read the 0acred ushroom and the $rossby

    2ohn Allegro, which curiously enough came u in my e-mail three times in the last wee#,

    thats the first time this boo# has been mentioned in my e-mail1 0uddenly three eole are

    writing about that boo# all at once1 And now youre as#ing about it1

    $&ell - hear so many wild stories about Andri+a and obviously the 4ri ,ellerbiography he

    did was pretty )ar out you %now so it ma%es me wonder! He had a bac%ground in electronics


    RAW* +eah, he has somewhere between &= and E= atents on electronic devices, he was also

    a qualified and certified sychiatrist and if you read his boo#s he sounds li#e hes a raving

    nut1 8 dont #now what to say about uharich, he ust leaves me stunned in wonder [fly Gme

    tooI) and then you read /ri 7ellers boo# and you find out he doesnt disagree with uharich

    at all, but he claims theres a maor difference 3 neither one of them can define the

    difference1 8 dont #now what the hell is going on1

    $Last year - saw 4ri ,eller in my home town called Sturbridge doing his boo% tour and at
  • 7/24/2019 Rare and Long Interview with Bob


    the end o) the show he produced a little seed in his hand he brought some children up onto

    stage they touched his hand and then this seed started to sprout something

    RAW* 8s there a question(

    $)ly long pause

    $-t3s not how many seeds are in an apple but how many apples are in a seed(

    RAW* +eah, .Cra ound in 'P= wrote to 410 .liot 3 Gand now that 8m through the

    economic art 8 gotta get some hilosohy for myparadiso , the only thought 8ve had so far

    is that there is an intelligence in the cherry stone that #nows how to grow cherry treesI 3

    thats the :9A ! ;e almost had it he was a oet not a scientist though1 4hat becomes a

    maor theme in the later $antos3 the intelligence of the cherry seed 3 he even found an

    ideogram in $onfucius which means when translated 3 Gthe intelligence in the $herry seedI

    3 4he other translations say vegetative spirits 1 $BA& smiles )ly laughs

    $- read that when you )irst got to -reland within being there a day or so you heard a show on

    the local radio about a )armer )rom*ounty Kerrytal%ing about the "oo%a(

    RAW* +eah, it was art of the aural history of 8reland or something li#e that on %4.-%adio 3

    the government radio-4H monooly 3 and it was about the oo#awhich is a Fft tall white

    rabbit that often grabs eole on their way home at night from the ub and ta#es them off

    into alternate universes where they meet ionn mac $umhailand all the great 8rish heroes,

    rincess Leia, Lu#e 0#ywal#er,0hiva, Drishna, 4im innegan, Adam and .ve and the

    whole gang from innegans "a#e and the rest of world mythology1 After the oo#a getstired of laying with them for a few billion years he uts them bac# on the road and its only

    a few minutes after they left the ub on our cloc# time but in a arallel universe its E billion

    years, and the interviewer said with what 8 later came to recogniCe as a :ublin uer class

    university college accent 3 Gdo you believe in the oo#a yourself,I and the Derry farmer

    relied Gthat 8 do not, and 8 doubt much that he believes in me either1I 3 8 thought that was

    the greatest examle of 8rish logic 8 ever heard, thats why 8 li#ed to stay in that country a

    while1 8 was hardly an eccentric there1

    $So -3m wor%ing upon a pro+ect called &orld "iss at the moment>

    RAW* "orld eace or world iss(

    $&orld piss

    RAW* "orld iss $laughs3 4ell everybody next time they gotta ta#e a good hardy iss, ut

    it in an enveloe and mail it to 7eorge "1 Bush at the white house1 4hey want to #now what

    everybodys bladder is li#e these days so dont ma#e em send the agents out to your house

    to collect the samles, send them to him voluntarily !$laughs +ou love big brother, big

    brother loves you, war is eace, freedom is strength, ignorance is slavery 3 no, ignorance is

    strength)reedom is slavery1 4he enemy is 8ran, no the enemy is 8raq we ust got one letter

    wrong 3 the enemy is 8ran !$laughs ;old on for the revision! :5 954 A:2/04 +5/%

    89: 84 80 %.AL84+ 4;A4 80 AL/9$4859897! $)ly laughing hard
  • 7/24/2019 Rare and Long Interview with Bob


    $So - thin% that should conclude this recording! -3d +ust li%e to say than% you very much )rom

    the bottom o) my heart and "eace!

    RAW* +eah, eace indeed1

    0etember '=th &==&, $aitola, $alifornia, /nited 0tates of America1

    I- manu)actured hyperlin%s throughout this interview to serve as )ootnotes helping e=pand

    the conte=t J sub+ect matter under discussion! his relatively new phenomena o) hyperC

    lin%ed encyclopedias $web pages has emerged as a power)ul tool )or positive globali