Download - RAPTURING FAITH HAS COME! - Amazon S3 · 2016-10-21 · RAPTURING FAITH HAS COME! (Testimony of Barbara Jean Howard) “Last Monday, Ben and I were talking about faith. I told him

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Thought for the book taken from the

Message delivered on April 4, 2015

Glen Daniel, West Virginia U.S.A.

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©2015 by Ben Howard

All rights reserved. This book cannot be sold,

nor in any way be used for the soliciting of funds.

All scripture quotations are taken from

the King James Version Bible

Published by the Sound Of Liberty

7286 Hwy 53W, Dawsonville, Georgia 30534 U.S.A.

[email protected]

Page 4: RAPTURING FAITH HAS COME! - Amazon S3 · 2016-10-21 · RAPTURING FAITH HAS COME! (Testimony of Barbara Jean Howard) “Last Monday, Ben and I were talking about faith. I told him


(Testimony of Barbara Jean Howard) “Last Monday, Ben and I

were talking about faith. I told him that since the church ages are now

over, I don’t have faith like they did in the past ages. Because during

the church ages they were hoping for the change, and because it wasn’t

time for them to make the change, their true destination was a new life

in the first resurrection. And so it is with those that are still in the

spiritual realm of the seventh church age. They have a certain kind of

faith (church age faith), but there is time no longer for that type of faith.

That’s not the faith that I have, because they are just hoping for the

change; they don’t know whether they will go to the grave or not. But

my faith is not to have my spirit and soul separated out from my body.

Because in this time of rapturing faith, our faith is believing that our

spirit, soul, and body will stay together for all eternity. The Apostle

Paul had already seen what was over there, so he had a desire to go on;

because he said, “I am in a strait between two, having a desire to depart

or stay.” But there is something in me that doesn’t want my spirit to

be separated from my body. (But then, I know if a person’s spirit, soul,

and body are not united together as one, then they are already separated

while they are living.) And I don’t have faith to go through tribulation,

He hasn’t given me that kind of faith either, because that faith hasn’t

come yet; although we can see the seed of that faith in Revelation,

Chapter 7. So I thought to myself, “What kind of faith do I have?”

There is only one faith that is for us. The faith that has come for us is

the body changing faith. That is what we have been given. There is no

other faith for us. On Monday, Ben and I were talking about these

things and I hastily wrote these few words down, “Till faith has come.”

Well, I hadn’t discussed with anyone what Ben and I were discussing

or what I had written down. Then on Wednesday, Leah sent an email

down to us, and it lined up perfectly with what I had written down on

Monday. So I’m going to ask her if she would to read it to us, because

it is absolutely true.

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(Testimony of Leah Farruggia) “I woke up Wednesday morning

with these thoughts: If the mind can shut down a body (we’ve seen it

when depression tears down someone’s mind)—and if anxiety and

depression and fear can cause changes in the body such as heart

problems, colon problems, cancer, and many more diseases which

produce death, then what will the mind of Christ produce? It will

produce life—healing for mind and body, glorification, and

translation! Jesus is the source which produces life, eternal life. But

Satan is the source of anxiety, fear, and depression which produces

death. In the past ages, many saints had much faith, but eventually

still died physically. Because the part of the Word that says, “we which

are alive and remain shall be changed in a moment, in the twinkling of

an eye” wasn’t anointed for that hour. So that faith wasn’t connected

to the tree of life—the part of the Word that He is now activating (or

anointing) for this hour. But when our faith gets activated by eating

the little book (this trumpet message) it produces the faith of the Son of

God which is an anointed faith which produces the mind of Christ and

produces a glorified body with no death in it.”

I want to thank Leah and Barbara Jean for their testimonies; it

is so wonderful to see that God is using the members of the body

of Christ in such a present day way. I appreciate the Lord and

His many, many blessings. Also, I want to thank each one of

you for the singing and the worshipping of the Lord. I also want

to say that it is so good for my wife and I to be here with you

again in West Virginia, to see each one of you and to know that

it is through Jesus Christ that we are the seed of God. It was all

by His choosing, and that is a wonderful thing. This doesn’t

depend on whether we are rich or poor or how much we know

or how much we don’t know; and our education has nothing to

do with our salvation. We are saved by grace through faith and

not of works, so no one can boast of their own goodness.

See, God planned this whole thing back before He ever made

the world. God foresaw the whole thing, and He knows how we

are going to react to what we are hearing in the Word. And if

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we don’t react according to what His plan is for us, God can

nudge us a little to the left or to the right to keep us in line with

His will, because He has already been here (even in this service)

before the world was created. He was with John on the Isle of

Patmos; that’s how John could write about the great white

throne judgment at the end of the millennial reign; even seeing

it all the way into eternity where there will be a new heaven and

a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth were passed

away, and there was no more sea. God was right there and He

took John there with Him and John wrote about it. Well, He’s

here today and He has brought us with Him. And in Him we

live, we move, and we have our being. So let us pray and ask

God’s blessing on the Word.

Heavenly Father, we bless your name, we praise your name, and we

thank you for the love of God, as Paul said, “The love of God that

surpasses all understanding,” Our human mind can’t understand the

love of God. O God, I pray that you will bless us and put your love on

each one of us and let the love of God be seen coming forth as a great

shining light. May we be that which you would have us to be. Lord,

as we read your Word, I pray for the anointing and the inspiration to

bring it into being and it will be as you’ve ordained it, in Jesus Christ’s


I will begin the message tonight and see how the Lord will lead

us. In this hour that we are living in, we are all looking for

something called the translation and rapture. There is a saying

amongst many of the followers of the message that Brother

William Branham brought and the followers of the message that

Brother Raymond Jackson brought that are still living in the

seventh church age. Many times we hear them say, “We are

waiting for rapturing faith,” or “When that rapturing faith

comes,” or “When those seven thunders utter, we will have

rapturing faith.” They don’t realize that the revelation that God

started with the seventh church age messenger, Brother

Branham, was brought up to a higher level by the message of the

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apostle, Brother Jackson. Then after Brother Jackson’s message

was delivered, God continued to move by bringing into being

this trumpet message that produces the marriage of the Lamb

and the rapture. The people failed to follow on to know the Lord

in this full revelation. So both the followers of Brother Branham

and Brother Jackson failed to recognize this rapturing message

and to be in tune with what God is now doing. So having said

this, I want to bring a message today entitled, Rapturing Faith

Has Come.

When we are talking about rapturing faith, we are talking

about the faith of the Son of God that will absolutely change

these bodies that we are living in, just as He changed our soul.

It is not any harder for the Lord to change a body than it is to

change a soul. And it is not any harder for Him to raise someone

from the dead, whether they have been dead ten minutes or a

hundred years or even thousands of years. We seen this when

Martha and Mary’s brother Lazarus died. They sent for Jesus

but He didn’t come right away; He tarried for another day or so

after He got word of Lazarus’ sickness, because He was

following God; He knew what God wanted. Lazarus had been

dead for four days and had even began to decay, because they

said, “By now he stinketh!” But that didn’t matter. It wouldn’t

have mattered if it would have been a thousand years later and

there wasn’t anything left of him, because it was the spoken

Word of God that brought him forth. Jesus spoke the Word and

said, “Lazarus come forth!” And suddenly he came forth after

being dead for four days. Well, Peter, raised a woman that had

been dead for quite some time. (Acts 9:40-42) And Paul raised

a man from the dead (Acts 20:9-10), and the prophets of old did

the same thing. And now Christ Jesus through this last trump

message that is sounding forth through the wife of the Lamb is

also going to raise His own from the dead. The Bible says, “The

dead in Christ are going to rise first, then we which are alive and

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remain shall be changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye,

to be caught up to meet the Lord in the air.”

So those are the things that the Lord is now doing, and He is

giving us faith for it—like the Word of the Lord that Barbara Jean

wrote down, and that same Word that came to Leah when she

woke up the other morning and she got up and wrote it down,

as they both read earlier. That is the body of Christ in action.

These are just a few of the many things that are happening that

God is doing. He has brought us together and has given us a

revelation that will change these bodies without taking them

through the channel of death; and that is a wonderful thing. As

Barbara Jean testified earlier, she doesn’t have the kind of faith

that was in the church ages; for they were under both law and

grace and their faith for the translation was an ‘in part faith.’ But

now there is another kind of faith that has been activated for us

in this hour. And God who put our spirit, soul, and body

together in the beginning, put us this way to stay together and it

cannot ever be separated again. This is one of the blessings that

is granted to us because of the events of Revelation, Chapter 10.

Before Revelation, Chapter 10, came into fulfillment this was not

possible. And now this last trumpet message has sounded out

and the body of Christ has accepted God’s plan by revelational

faith as it is revealed in God’s Word. This is the result of Christ,

the Mighty Angel, coming to the earth to be the body that we

have been baptized into by lifting all the penalty of the fall of

mankind. And in the message today, we are going to read about

this faith that Paul said would come. There was a faith to come.

Paul put this prophecy in the foundation, and now Christ’s faith

has come into the building.

On occasion Paul calls Christ and faith the same thing, as seen

in the scriptures that we are going to read, so we can only say,

“It is an operation of God.” We have a message entitled, Keeping

Our Spirit and Soul and Body Together for all Eternity. Now those

that are part of the wife this side of the rapture will be changed

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without having their spirit, soul, and body separated. And of

course there are those that go into the millennium and on into

eternity after the millennium that will still be in their natural

bodies with no death in them. They will remain in their natural

bodies and will be caretakers of the earth. But here in this

message we are only dealing with the wife of the Lamb.

Remember, those that have gone on didn’t die, they just

moved out of their body into their spiritual body. This physical

body decayed in the earth but their spirit and soul are still alive.

And when Christ came according to 1 Thessalonians 4:14, He

brought the saints with Him (their spiritual bodies) that are part

of His wife. Notice, when Christ came to earth in Revelation,

Chapter 10, He came in an angelical form as the Mighty Angel,

and there was a mighty purpose of Him coming like this. If you

will read our book entitled, Now That Which is To Be Done will

Now be Done, there is a chapter in it called, God’s Message and the

Behind the Scene Powers to Bring it to Pass. The behind the scene

powers are the angels of God with the anointing that brings the

Word of God to pass, and nothing can stop it. And now this last

trumpet message is happening and nothing can stop it. And

there is a people that have received rapturing faith, they have

the revelation that this faith has come! In 2 Thessalonians 1:3, it

says, “We are bound to thank God always for you, brethren, as it is

meet, because that your faith growth exceedingly, and the charity

of every one of you all toward each other aboundeth.” We have a faith,

and this faith is going to sustain us through everything that

comes our way. That is because rapturing faith has come! This

has become our inheritance as the wife of the Lamb. The faith in

this hour has moved beyond the uncertainty of the church ages

as we have been baptized into the fullness of Christ.

When we read the Word of God, we find that God had to give

a law to keep the people under while coming through the seven

church ages when they were in a fallen condition. But the

church age law (which was the mystery age of Matthew,

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Chapter 13, and Revelation 10:7) never did undo what Paul said

the church would be. Remember here, the law cannot disannul

the grace that God has given. Before the law was ever given,

grace was given. The law was only given by Moses 430 years

after grace was given, and the law was an added-in factor until

the seed (Jesus Christ) came. And to the believers the law was

taken away and they were back under grace again as at the

beginning. That’s the same thing that happened with the

church. We, the true church, are now living on and by the great

grace of God as it was at the beginning in Paul’s day; although

the fall came and the church age laws and rituals were added

until the seed came again as seen in Revelation 10:1-7, which

dealt with the church ages (seven thunders). This brought us to

Revelation 10:8-11 and Ephesians 4:13 where we are now back

to living under the great grace of God. We have come out of that

church age law. We have come through the do’s and don’ts of

Pentecost. Now this rapturing faith (Christ) has come down in

His fullness and we are no longer under those do’s and don’ts,

because we don’t need them to do what is right. So what are we

going to do with do’s and don’ts? We leave all of that and move

with this message, because the marriage of the Lamb has taken

place and we are living above all of that.

When we look at what the law is for, we find that it is very

important, and here is why it is so important—the law can’t save

us, it has never saved anyone, we are saved only by grace. All

the do’s and don’ts that we could load in a freight train would

not cause us to have the grace of God on our lives. The do’s and

don’ts were only till the seed came, because the law couldn’t get

us across this bridge. But the law was needful for the church

ages; it kept them looking forward to Christ Jesus’ coming that

we are now experiencing. Remember here, these saints were

going to die and go into the ground, and when they come out of

the grave they will be purified, because death took care of their

bodily purification and the resurrection brings them

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glorification. I’m speaking here of the resurrected body as 1

Corinthians 15:42:43 says, “So also is the resurrection of the dead. It

is sown in corruption; it is raised in incorruption: It is sown in

dishonor; it is raised in glory: it is sown in weakness; it is raised in

power:” But this is not so for us because now we, the living wife,

present our bodies a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God

each day as we let the love of God flow through us. This means

that the Lord Jesus Christ is living in and through us and we

don’t need to die for our glorification, for we are presenting our

bodies now, a living sacrifice to God (Romans 12:12), and we are

now ready for translation.

Now I want to read in the Book of Galatians 3:17. It says, “And

this I say, that the covenant, that was confirmed before of God in Christ

(Now that was Christ (the anointing) which was even back there

in the Old Testament; not Jesus, but it was the same Spirit that

later came upon and into Jesus the Word; making Him Jesus the

Christ (the anointed one). And it was the Christ that was with

God before the world was. And we were there too according to

Ephesians 1:4.) Let’s read Verse 17 again (Paul is talking about

Christ in the days of Moses.), “And this I say, that the covenant,

that was confirmed before of God in Christ, which was four hundred

and thirty years after, cannot disannul, that it should make the promise

of none effect.” In other words, the law that came was put in there

for a season. It wasn’t at the beginning but 430 years later, after

they had been living under the grace of God for 430 years

without law.

Now watch real close here and don’t miss this part; for I’m

showing you the church ages. The body of Christ under the

baptism of the Holy Ghost started out without a church age law

to live by. They started out under the grace of God; and like

Israel, they didn’t even have any New Testament scripture to go

by for quite some time. Then the church ages started in about 53

A.D. and that’s when we began to see the church age law added.

But before that, they were led by the Spirit of God. And Paul

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said, “We are not under the law, but we are under grace.” “We

are not saved by the law, but we are saved by grace.” But when

the espoused virgin fell away (just like Israel fell from grace),

they were put under a law, and we call it the church age law. The

church age law was only added to keep them in line (to survive

on), because God knew what He was going to do at the end time.

He took John to the Isle of Patmos and showed him the Mighty

Angel, Christ coming back to earth as seen in Revelation,

Chapter 10, and once again it would be just like in Paul’s day

when they were without any church age law.

When the church fell, God had Paul put a law in. This is shown

in our book entitled, Bishops, Elders, Deacons, and the Five Fold

Ministry, which can be found in our vast online publication

library of our website. And as I said earlier, before this they

were without any do’s and don’ts, law and traditions. They

were walking with Christ, talking with Christ, obeying Christ,

and being led by the Spirit of Christ expressed in the Holy Ghost

at that time. A turning point from the church age law began

when Paul wrote that this would only be till we came to the

fullness of the man Christ Jesus. And then all those church age

laws would just become the history of the church. And we can’t

live by history. And although we know history, we know that it

is not where the life is at. We can’t move faith from one age to

another, unless we bring that faith up to date with the Word for

that particular time period. So each time the light moves we

receive that updated faith.

There were seven candlesticks lit during the seven church

ages; only one candlestick was burning at any one time until

those ages were over. After this time is over we see that the

candlesticks are back in heaven as seen in Revelation, Chapter 4.

Again, this is after all the church ages are over. In Revelation,

Chapters 2 and 3, we read where Jesus tells the churches,

“Except thou repent and do what I tell you, I will remove thy

candlestick.” This was just like the law that was added 430 years

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after God gave the promise to Abraham that He would save

them by grace. But afterwards when Israel sinned, the law was

added to the grace that they were under. The law did not replace

the grace as far as saving anyone, it just kept them aware of the

fact that they were sinners. So the law in most cases had a shelf-

life on it. When I say shelf-life I mean a time when its

effectiveness ran out and it became history; just like the church

ages have become the chronicles of what has been. But not

anything that occurred in the time of the church ages changed

the promises of God for the wife of the Lamb.

Notice that the church ages didn’t undo what God promised,

because Paul said in 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17, “For this we say unto

you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto

the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. For

the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice

of the archangel, and with trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall

rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up

together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so

shall we ever be with the Lord.” And now once again we have the

same type leadership as was seen in Paul as we are baptized into

the body of Christ and this rapturing faith has come into us.

Although this is happening in our day, it is made possible only

by the great miracle of the redeeming of fallen mankind at

Calvary. And even though He redeemed everything then, He

didn’t claim all that He had redeemed at that time because all

the seed of God hadn’t been born yet. We see in Revelation,

Chapter 5, where the Lamb took the Book of Redemption,

opened it, and He took from it the little book and brought it to

His waiting bride in the form of the Mighty Angel; and He

claims us for His wife with our part of the Book of Redemption,

which is in the little book here in Revelation, Chapter 10.

Everything else will be claimed in its proper time.

This helps us to understand what happened during the time

period of the seven church ages—Christ Jesus was shown as the

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High Priest, the church was fallen, and they were under do’s and

don’ts. They were under that church age law, and He walked

among them as High Priest. This is shown in the first three

chapters of the Book of Revelation as He was dressed in a

priestly raiment, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle.

He was making intercession for a fallen church. But now the

promise for us after the church ages are over is this rapturing

faith. This is the same thing that Paul wrote, “The seed (Christ)

has come.” Then he repeated himself and said, “Faith has

come.” Paul used the words Christ and faith as being the same

thing (Galatians 3:16-25). And that is what has happened to us

in this hour—this faith has come to translate the wife and raise

the part of the wife that are in the grave. All those that are in the

grave that are part of the wife, they will hear the voice of the Son

of God and get up out of the ground. Hallelujah! Well, here is

the voice of the Son of God going forth and they are rejoicing in

it! It’s the same voice that we are hearing that’s going to change

the living.

I want to put this note here about this great event of

Revelation, Chapter 10, by referring to the battles in the Old

Testament. Many times, when one king would conquer another

king, they would put their foot on their throat and that was a

sign to all that the conquering king was the new leader. The

conquering king wanted to show that the defeated king wasn’t

the king anymore, “Look here, I’ve got my foot on his throat and

he can’t do anything.” Well, here came Christ Jesus, the great

conquering King, in the form of the Mighty Angel. He took on

an angelic form and came down. And just as He was the Holy

Ghost (under the first leg of His coming), and just as He was

High Priest during the fallen church age, here He comes now,

He’s the Mighty Angel. But He doesn’t stay the Mighty Angel,

that part came to an end as we were baptized into the body of

Christ. And we now stand forth, the Word made flesh. Christ

doesn’t stay an angel. But the Spirit comes down, the Mighty

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Conqueror, and every angel now knows who this is that is now

in charge, whether they are a fallen angel or whether they are a

good angel. All creation knows that there’s a new King. He’s

the King of the earth. He’s showing forth the very Christ Jesus

that died and went down into hell and challenged Satan when

he had the keys to death and hell and took them from him.

That’s what it says in the Book of Revelation 1:18, “I am he that

liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and

have the keys of hell and of death.” He went down into hell and

brought all those Old Testament saints up. We find them alive,

walking around, and going into the city of Jerusalem and

visiting the people, because there was a Mighty Conqueror that

had come on the scene. (Matthew 27:52-53) Hallelujah!

Now in this last day, a Mighty Conqueror has come, and He

has destroyed the enemy, the spiritual powers, and the devil has

no power over us. Satan is defeated. And the one that came

down as the Mighty Angel has now taken on flesh and bones in

marriage. The Bible says, “He died once and death has no more

dominion over Him.” Faith has come! There is faith to believe

God for translation. There is a faith for a people to keep spirit,

soul, and body together and go in the rapture. That’s not the

faith that says, “I’ll die and get up out of the grave.” Jesus had

a faith that said, “Destroy this temple and in three days I will

raise it up.” But that is not the faith that He has given us.

Because He has given us this faith which says, “I will be changed

into His likeness, while keeping my spirit and soul and body

together, without death.”

I was talking to a man recently and I have mentioned this

before, so I hope you don’t mind me being repetitious, but I

believe it will be good to tell it again here. The man said to me,

“Ben, let me show you something. Let me teach you a little

about the Word. The Bible says that Jesus doesn’t come back to

earth until after the tribulation period is over, so how come you

want to tell people that they are going to be caught up and fly

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into the sky?” Well, I only had a few words to say to him, and I

believe it was the wisdom of God. I said, “I agree with you; Jesus

Christ does come back after the tribulation period is over as King

of Kings and Lord of Lords, but Christ comes back before

tribulation.” Christ in His fullness has come and He has brought

us rapturing faith. Christ comes before the tribulation and Jesus

comes back after the tribulation. Christ is that Spirit that came

down in Revelation, Chapter 10, and He came in the form of the

Mighty Angel and when He did He joined Himself to the

feminine Spirit that was already a part of Him through the

baptism of the Holy Ghost to those that were the wife in waiting.

It’s just like how God took from Adam the feminine part of the

spirit and created Eve. Paul said, “We are bone of His bone and

flesh of His flesh. We are in Jesus Christ’s stead.” Well, we have

become the flesh and bones of Christ as His wife. And when

Jesus comes back as King, we (His Christ) will come back with

Him and will sit by His side.

Notice, grace came first, that is when Abraham preached the

gospel in Christ. (Galatians 3:17) But the law came 430 years

after this, that’s after Israel fell from grace. Watch what Paul is

saying in Galatians 3:18, “For if the inheritance be of the law, it is no

more of promise: but God gave it to Abraham by promise.” Now our

inheritance is not by the law, our inheritance is by the grace of

God. It’s by grace that we are saved, not of works lest any man

should boast. Law has nothing to do with it. We have an

inheritance and it is by grace that He gives it to us.

Now watch as we read the next verse here. Verse 19 says,

“Wherefore then serveth the law?” (What was the law for to begin

with if it doesn’t save anybody? If grace was already here four

hundred and thirty years, why did God put a law in there to

begin with?) Watch what it says, “It was added.” They had grace

first, but law was added to it. They started out under grace in

Paul’s day. The law was added to grace because they fell from

grace. And throughout the church ages they lived under law—

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communion, foot washing, joining a church. But there is a

people today who don’t live under rituals; for they live under

His great grace. “The law was added because of transgressions till

the seed should come to whom the promise was made; and it was

ordained by angels in the hand of a mediator.” But then God added

law, because they used grace for their fleshly pleasures. As Paul

said in Galatians, Chapter 5:13, “For, brethren, ye have been called

unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by

love serve one another.” And he continued this thought in Verses

22-26, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering,

gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there

is no law. And they that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with the

affections and lusts. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the

Spirit. Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another,

envying one another.”

Let’s go back to Galatians 3:21, “Is the law then against the

promises of God? God forbid: for if there had been a law given which

could have given life, verily righteousness should have been by the

law.” And if the church ages could have given us our new body,

we wouldn’t have needed this last trumpet that we now see and

hear. If the law would do, we wouldn’t have needed Christ, and

that is what Paul is saying here. But the law couldn’t do it. And

it tells why. They had fallen away from the grace that the church

started out with. Revelation, Chapter 2, He said, “Thou art fallen

from thy first love.” It stayed that way until the church ages ran

their course, and here came Christ back to earth, the Mighty

Angel, and we were baptized into His body and became the

body of Christ as the wife of our Lord Jesus, thus fulfilling the

Mighty Angel’s part of this redemption plan.

Continuing with Verses 22-23, “But the scripture hath concluded

all under sin, that the promise by faith of Jesus Christ might be given

to them that believe. But before faith came. (Now he is talking about

faith coming. Here Paul calls faith Christ. He is showing that

Christ and faith are the same—seamlessly blended perfectly as

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one.) But before faith came, we were kept under the law (church age

law for us) shut up unto the faith which should afterwards be

revealed.” This wasn’t revealed during the law period or the

church ages. He says, “Afterward it is going to be revealed. This

is going to lift us off the ground.” Watch as we go further.

Verses 24-25 says, “Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster (that

was the only thing it was for; even during the churches ages), to

bring us unto Christ (the Mighty Angel), that we might be justified

by faith. But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a

schoolmaster (the law).” That faith has come—Revelation,

Chapter 10, Christ has come in His fullness and He brought this

faith, and (watch this) He is giving a people a faith. And how

does faith come? Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the

Word of God. And faith for the translation is given as a certain

part of the Word is preached, meaning the last trumpet is


Last week’s message was entitled, Revelational Faith for Hearing

the Promised Word for You, and it goes right along with this. God

has built a faith in us, and we have gotten to the place where we

can’t help but believe. Just like when the Pentecostal

Deliverance Movement was going on, you could start a revival

and no one could stop the people from coming to the meetings,

because they wanted to be part of it. Back in those days, I would

put up a tent and people came from all over and nobody had to

beg them to come, they were there. Many of you remember

those old days. The people came basically to shout and to dance

in the Spirit, and they believed God and enjoyed His blessings.

But then God let that run its course and it died. That’s exactly

what happened. But now faith has come back, faith has come

into the wife of the Lamb and no one can stop it. It is to translate

our mortal bodies. It has given us this rapturing faith that He

said would come. And we are no longer under the law. Let’s

shout the victory, it’s ours. And we are more than conquerors,

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because we are baptized into the fullness of the Mighty


So rapturing faith, here it is! We know by revelation that we

have come through the church ages and that we are the body of

Christ. And God has given us a special baptism that no other

generation has ever had, because the Mighty Angel, Christ’s

body wasn’t here in this way until the Revelation, Chapter 10,

coming of His body for the waiting bride to be baptized into.

And now, without doubt, this is the baptism into the fullness of

the body of Christ, and we have become the very Christ as we

have reached the fullness of the man Christ Jesus. And that is

the wife of the Lamb walking around here in the earth today.

We’re not religious people. Jesus wasn’t religious at all. Those

religious people came against Him, and He called them what

they were, “A generation of vipers!” Religion is not worth a

pinto bean with a worm hole in it. Amen.

This is for the wife who is the spiritual seed of Abraham. It is

sometimes asked, “How can we be the seed of Abraham if we

are not a Jew?” In the days of Abraham there were neither Jews

nor Gentiles. That’s the seed of Abraham. It is Jesus Christ. It

was Isaac in the natural realm, but Christ was the spiritual seed;

and Christ was with Abraham as he preached the gospel in

Christ. And if we be born of Christ, we are of that original seed

of Abraham, we were with Christ before the world. And now

Christ Jesus is speaking right out and bringing His Word. There

is apostolic leadership, and we are not tossed to and fro and

carried about with every wind of doctrine, but we are speaking

the truth in love.

Heavenly Father, Lord, we bless your name and we praise your name.

I just pray, Lord, that you take these words and use them for your glory.

Bless the people and may they receive and realize that we are the seed

of God and we can no more be lost than God can be lost. We don’t have

to keep church age law, because we are under grace and are being led

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by the Spirit. Lord, I pray that you bless each one now, in the name of

Jesus Christ. Amen.

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All sermons by Brother Ben Howard are recorded on Cassette

tape, CD's, DVD's, and Mp3 formats. Also, there is a collection

of published books that are available for download or by

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Sound Of Liberty

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