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Rapid Assessment Report

Sofala 20 March-03 April 2019

The assessment was conducted in Beira city, Dondo, Nhamatanda

districts and Buzi District (Inharongue, Bandua and Grudja


Beira April 2019

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Tropical Cyclone IDAI made landfall in central Mozambique the on 14th March 2019.

An estimated of 1.7 million people across Mozambique have been affected,

according to the WFP. More than 149,964 houses have been identified as totally

destroyed (60,898), partially destroyed (89,066) or flooded (13,728). At the same time

the rivers Buzi and Revue achieved the maximum alert and the dam Chicamba was

opened causing flood in the most areas of Buzi and Nhamatanda district.

IDAI Cyclone route Rovue River flooded. WFP 2019/D. Reane

Buzi River flooded. WFP 2019/D. Reane

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Methodology for data collection

• Multi-Sectorial team composed by WFP, INGC, UNICEF, ECHO, IFRC, WHO

trough the key Informant Interview covering information of the Formulário de

Avaliação Rápida Multisectorial das Calamidades of INGC;

• Self-Observation

• Informal conversation with community members

• Listening

• Some location was isolated and was important to know the number of people

in need for assistance and in that case was important to go to the isolated


Data collection trough interview of key informant

Approach of the Assessment

Apart from the assessment questionnaire, the team was also looking on the food

needs, shelter, accessibility (by road, boat or by Air) and WASH as part of the

immediate response and communicate with the Agencies for rapid intervention.

Accommodation center in Beira City 21st March

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After the cyclone IDAI people that lose their houses around Beira city where taken to

Escola Industrial e Comercial 25 de Junho in Beira City.

Around 249 family, 1,245 people stayed in the school during one week after the

cyclone. INGC was providing food (CSB) with support of WFP.

The sanitation situation was not in good condition as the number of toilets of the

school was not enough for all people accommodated and it could cause cholera in

few days, as solution INGC transferred the accommodation center to Dondo district.

Dondo District

The district of Dondo is composed by five Administrative Post namely: Dondo, Sede,

Savane, Mafambisse, Mutua and Chinamaconde, with a total of 185,012 habitants.

Around 166, 511 habitants (33,302 families) have been affected by cyclone IDAI.

Administrative Post Families affected



People in




Administrative Post Dondo


3,895 19,475 19

Administrative Post


1,575 7,875 07

Administrative Post Mutua 1,939 9,695 07

Administrative Post Savane 380 1,900 05

Administrative Post


1,460 7,300 03

Total 9,242 46,210 38

• 28 accommodation centers were activated, 18 center in Dondo Sede, 8 center

in Mafambisse, 1 Escola de Chinamacondo.

• In Mutua around 7,000 people have been isolated during the first week after

the cyclone, Chinamacondo was also isolated during the first 2 weeks.

• Around 8,500 ha of agriculture prodaction have been lost during the cyclone

and people interviewed in Mutua mentioned that they lost all their assets and

most of their yield crop.

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• More than 50% of animals of the affected people disappeared.

• The community member claim for Food assistance, Cloro and certeza for

water purification.

• The tent provided were for 8 families per tent.

Situation in mutual after cyclone IDAI

Nhamatanda District







Shelter Deaths’

Vila sede 10,139 50,693 13,779 6

Siluvo 7,895 40,209 1,405 1

Matenga 3,040 14,956 38

Metuchira 7,597 37,982 7,370 23

Lamego 6,258 29,849 1,216 36

Bebedo 3,288 17,669 4,160 6

Macorococho 1,357 6,805

Nhampoca 3,339 21,219 7

Chiadeia 1,775 11,450

Chirassicua 2,804 14,342 892 16

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Tica 5,496 27,482 27,482 20

Total 52,988 272,656 56,342 115

• 13 Health Center destroyed out of the 17 existing health units (Nhamatanda

Rural Hospital, Nharuchonga, Metuchira, Lamego, Muda, Macorococho,

Chimbote, Mbimbir, Chirassicua, Tica, Mutondo, Vinho and Nhampoca) in the

District and 4 mother houses waiting in the Health Centers of Nharuchonga,

Macorococho, Vinho and Lamego totally destroyed;

• There is acute diarrhea occurring at Tica Administrative post and in Metuchira


• Schools, Teachers and Students Affected:

o 105 Schools (540 classrooms destroyed in 647), out of the 116 existing

Schools (91%);

o 63 Administrative Blocks destroyed of these, 24 partially and 39 totally

in the existing 81;

o 1,138 Teachers affected from 1,479 (77%);

o 71,746 Students affected of 83,725 (86%);

During the assessment 4 localities were isolated and WFP was requested to deliver

food aerial and it happened after the assessment conducted where the food was

delivered through the Helicopter MI8 to Metuchira, Nhampoca, Bebedo, Chirassicua


• 113,252 ha planted and 100% ha lost.

Needs in the Nhamatanda

o Food Assistance

o There is a need for support in agricultural inputs for recovery of the lost


o Affected peasant families 35,294;

o 370 Collapsed type gorongosa barns;

o 481 Home barns;

Action being taken

• Allocation of 4 vessels to search for rescue and crossing of people and goods;

• Guaranteed sanitation, 7 lages and 7 buckets of 20L of water were distributed

in the

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EPCs of Herois Moçambicano, Jossias Tongogara and Municipal Council Building in


• Medical Assistance in shelter centers and communities;

• Safety in Temporary Shelter Centers

Installation of accommodation center in Nhamatanda

Buzi District

Buzi district was one of the district affected with flood and cyclone IDAI, 154,332

people have been affected (30,867 families), 108 deaths’ 13,600 flooded houses and

58,337 ha affected. During the assessment there was advised that some localities are

isolated and people need food assistance urgently. For that was necessary to find the

coordinate points of the localities and start rapid assessment to find what are the

needs and request respective agencies or sector/cluster for intervention. The locality

visited was Inharongue, Bandua and Grudja, Fumo, Mada, Menamicua.

In Inhanongue locality and there are around 18,500 people (3,684 families) in food

need. The communities lost 100% of crops, there is no accessibility trough road and

food need to be sent aerial. They don’t have problem with water consumption but

don’t have latrines is an issue. They requested also shelter because the majority lost

their houses. WFP started deliver food through helicopter MI8 to those locations in

Fumo, Mada, Munamicua. Part of people were accommodated in the schools.

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District Locality Families People Families People





fetera) 2,834 14,170 2,834 14,170 Aerial

Mada 350 1,750 350 1,750 Aerial

Munamicua 500 2,500 500 2,500 Aerial

3,684 18,420 3,684 18,420

Accommodation center in Inharongue and flooded area Inharongue

Bandua Locality

The second aerial assessment was conducted in Bandua Locality. The total of people

affected and in need are around 29,000 people of which 2,718 are in 4

accommodation center. The locality is isolated. Probably in 2 week truck can go.

There is storage capacity, and people can cook their food. There is a problem of

medicine for diarrhea and malaria

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Bandua 5,800 29,000

*Centro EPC de Sede 503 Aerial /road (small ton 2)

*Igreja Reformada 362 Aerial /road (small ton 2)

*Centro EPC Gangua 1,190 Aerial /road (small ton 2)

*EPC Bandua 663 Aerial /road (small ton 2)

Grudja Locality

In Grudja locality. around 27,250 people have been affected. There is 13 school of

with 5 are destroyed. There was 16 deaths’. There is one accommodation center in

Escola 4 de Outubro, with people that came from other region. There are 19

neighborhoods in 3 local Community leader ( Grudja Sede, Mamunje and Mutanda)

The locality lost more than 90% of their crop and around 70% animals disappeared.

There is a problem of water, most of the people in Mutanda and Manunje drinks river

water. The Health center is not work all the material have been destroyed (pict


There is one company called NICAL that is helping people by providing medicines,

small quantities of food. People lost all their household items (NFI) to cook they have

to request the neighbors the cooking pans.

To arrive in Grudja locality can also be trough road via Inchope – Mutindiri – Grudja.

District Locality HH People Access (Air/Boat/Road)

Buzi Gruja 5,450 27,250 Aerial/Road (Via inchope)

The mark of level of water in Grudja Heath center damaged

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Maize production damaged Health center

Maize production after flood

Market Assessment

Market assessment was conducted in Nhamatanda and Beira City. The form of

market assessment was delivered to Food Security Cluster and they proposed that

the form should be added the NFIs and shared with all cluster, however, arrived new

colleague from food security cluster that will compile WFP information. Regarding

the assessment, the UNDAC working group receive everyday information of different

assessment of different organization and then they will compile to have one common


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• Multisectoral assessment done in Beira report still being prepared by IFRC.

WFP food needs assessment for food delivery be done in other districts but

access is a constraint.

• Very Limited access by road for assessment. Air assessments are the

alternative used by all humanitarian agencies.

• PDNA is planned but dates not clear.

• FSN Post-shock assessment planned for end of April, when access will be

better to visit random selected communities instead depending on secondary

data, mainly provided by local authorities, or going only along the main roads

like it is done currently.