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Page --- 381 --- 07-04-08

Any Way The Wind Blows By Ernest Stewart "Any way the wind blows doesn't really matter

to me, to me." Bohemian Rhapsody ~~~ Queen

"My father made him an offer he couldn't refuse." --- Michael Corleone

"I want to be clear on this: Vietnam did not make me a dove. Nor has Iraq; I am no pacifist"

~~~ Bill Moyers

I'm really beginning to wonder if Barry is a plant from the RNC or simply incompetent. I'm pretty sure it's one or the other but either way, he's not the candidate of change. Depending on how you look at it, Obama's latest faux pas, or act of treason, came close on the heels of his bragging about voting for the FISA bill with the Telecom loophole

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attached. That act of treason, and treason it is for one who swore to uphold and protect the Constitution and not gut the Bill of Rights, was explained away by his sycophant, Keith Olbermann, the other night. You may recall Keith said not to worry as we can still get the Telecoms in criminal court. Keith assured us that Bush wouldn't dare to pardon the Telecoms because it would be too embarrassing for him to do so! Yeah, wrap your mind around that idea if you can!

This time Barry wants to expand the faith based programs bringing Church and State together with your tax dollars, allowing the mythologists to hire and fire, i.e., discriminate, against the people running these tax payer funded programs based on their religion or

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lack of same. Your tax dollars at work, America! After his speech came out he's been busy back peddling like crazy since the ship hit the sand but have no doubt he will expand Bush's illegal program to fund every rat-wing church and TV preacher in America with your tax dollars under the guise of helping the poor. All to prove he's no Muslim terrorist. Since the Obama Junta is sure that no matter how much they pander to the fascists that their base of blacks, children and guilt ridden whites won't desert them no matter how far to the right they slide, they keep committing these little acts of treason, one after the other.

Yes, I know that Barry is a politician and therefore a traitor by association and design but just how

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far does he think he can take the Demoncrats? Yes, I, too, know that the Demoncrats are basically the centralist wing of the far right wing and as Gore Vidal says, "It makes no difference who you vote for - the two parties are really one party representing four percent of the people." They didn't use to be so obvious about it, which speaks again to the fix being in and they don't care who knows it! Nothing will be done about it anyway. If you were hoping for a breath of fresh air, for a change from Bush, you had better look elsewhere for it. Somehow, (see the rat-wing controlled media) America has gotten the idea that Obama is at least as far left as a liberal but nothing could be farther from the truth. In many ways he makes McCain look like a leftist.

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The very best you can look forward to is Bush lite and, once again, the slightly lesser of two evils and nothing more, America. Barry won't end corpo-rat rule, he will just reinforce it, perhaps more subtly than McCain but reinforce it, none-the-less! This is a guy who thinks Ronald Rayguns is someone to emulate as in tripling the national debt, supporting apartheid, backing Saddam, crushing workers' rights, initiating fiascos like "Star Wars," supporting death squads throughout Central America, looking the other way while our Salvadorian allies raped American nuns, trading arms for hostages and confusing old movies with foreign policy! That was Rayguns and Barry can't say enough good things about old Dementia head!

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Moreover, since he is far smarter than McCain, he is far more dangerous than Johnny, too! So if you're voting for Barry because he's a fascist, knock yourself out but if you support him because you believe he is at all different than Bush, you better stop and think before you hit that lever!

In Other News

I see where our beloved Fuhrer sent Iraqi leader al-Maliki a message the other day via the special forces troops he sent into al-Maliki home town to slaughter some citizens, including al-Maliki's relatives, over al-Maliki's refusal to sign off on Bush's demands for permanent bases, oil give aways to Cheney's oil pals and permission for US troops to murder anyone

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they want without reprisals of any kind. Just Bush's way of giving freedom to the Iraqi people! According to authorities in Karbala the raid took place last Friday in the town of Janaja near Maliki's birthplace in the southern, mostly Shiite Muslim province of Karbala. Ali Abdulhussein Razak al Maliki, who was killed in the raid, was related to the prime minister and had close ties to the prime minister's personal bodyguard.

In case this seems familiar, you may recall the message sent by Don Corleone to the Hollywood producer Jack Woltz in "The Godfather" to give the Frank Sinatra character Johnny Fontane the role in the film "From Here To Eternity" that Woltz was withholding. Vito sent his message

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by chopping off the head of Woltz's prize race horse and depositing it's head in Wolzt's bed while he slept. As some have said, this can be a highly effective tool in difficult contract negotiations!

You may also recall the "Energy Meeting" between Dick (the Psycho) Cheney and the oil company heads, a meeting that was covered up back in early 2001. Some have gone so far as to say this was about raising oil prices and establishing what sort of kickbacks the Oil companies would be willing to pay to the Crime Family Bush. IMHO, it was to explain the various and numerous oil wars that the Junta was planning from their playbook, i.e., PNAC or the Project for the New American Century." Their version of Mein Kampf,

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spelling out what was to happen and how it would happen once there had been a "Pearl Harbor" style attack on America. This little act of treason was put together, in alphabetical order by... Elliott Abrams, Gary Bauer, William J. Bennett, John Ellis "Jeb" Bush, Richard B. Cheney, Eliot A. Cohen, Midge Decter, Paula Dobriansky, Steve Forbes, Aaron Friedberg, Francis Fukuyama, Frank Gaffney, Fred C. Ikle, Donald Kagan, Zalmay Khalilzad, Irving Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Norman Podhoretz, J. Danforth Quayle, Peter W. Rodman, Stephen P. Rosen, Henry S. Rowen, Donald Rumsfeld, Vin Weber, George Weigel, and Paul Wolfowitz. A veritable who's who of political criminals and "deep" thinkers!

The result of this stink tank, er,

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think tank scam has been the death of thousands of our children, the maiming of tens of thousands more and the slaughter of millions of innocents around the globe. The total destruction of two countries with many more countries to come. Not to mention the financial ruin of Americans, the bankrupting of America and the most obscene profits for our corpo-rat masters in the history of the world. The trouble is that you ain't seen nothing yet folks. The worst is yet to come and come it will and very soon, too! I'm talking about a depression that will make the"Great Depression" of the 1930's look like a "Swiss Picnic" by comparison and with the bombing and invasion of Iran, World War Three!

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And Finally

Bill Moyers finally gets it. He now understands that the 2003 invasion of Iraq was all about stealing their oil and not about giving them freedom. How does Moyers get his great reputation? I have a pen pal who has an IQ of 60 who knew what was going down in May of 2003 but Bill is just now tumbling to those facts? Oh please, spare me the BS!

My guess is that Bill knew all along what was happening but didn't have the guts to mention it as his corpo-rat masters at PBS, who you may recall, are all a little to the right of Darth Vader, wouldn't be pleased by such an action. Bill, being desperate to hang on to his seven figure salary, went along

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with his masters' wishes and ignored the facts while 5,000 of our children were slaughtered and we killed hundreds of thousand of innocents so Nixon/Goebbels could steal tens of billions of dollars worth of oil and sell it to us at three times it's worth. I wonder if Bill got a kick back on that, too? Doesn't that make you wonder as well?

My conclusion is either Bill is too stupid to be a talking head on TV or is a traitor to America and the world. It's one or the other folks! Which one do you think it is, America?


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Page --- 382 --- 07-11-08

Three Or More Is A Congress By Ernest Stewart In my many years I have come to a conclusion that one useless man is a shame, two is a law firm, and three or more is a congress. ~~~

John Adams

"And only the good die young." ~~~ Billy Joel

"The FBI could begin investigations by assuming that everyone's a suspect, and then

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you weed out the innocent," ~~~ Caroline Fredrickson ~

American Civil Liberties Union ~~~

Here's a list of the traitors in the House and Senate that voted yes for the FISA bill, i.e., "FISA Amendments Act of 2008" that let the "Telecoms" off the hook for treason regarding the Fourth Amendment. They call it a "compromise" bill but the only thing "compromised" is our freedoms!

Ackerman Aderholt

Akin Alexander

Altmire ArcuriBaca

Bachmann Bachus

Ferguson Flake

Forbes Fortenberry

Fossella Foxx

Franks (AZ) Frelinghuysen


Murtha Musgrave Myrick Neugebauer Nunes Ortiz Pearce Pelosi Pence

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Baird Barrett (SC)

Barrow Bartlett (MD)

Barton (TX) Bean

Berkley Berman

Berry Biggert Bilbray

Bilirakis Bishop (GA) Bishop (NY) Bishop (UT)

Blackburn Blunt

Boehner Bonner

Bono Mack Boozman

Boren Boswell

Boucher Boustany Boyd (FL)

Boyda (KS) Brady (TX) Broun (GA) Brown (SC)

Garrett (NJ) Gerlach Giffords

Gillibrand Gingrey Goode

Goodlatte Gordon Granger Graves

Green, Al Green, Gene

Gutierrez Hall (TX) Harman

Hastings (FL) Hastings (WA)

Hayes Heller

Hensarling Herger

Herseth Sandlin Higgins Hinojosa Hobson

Hoekstra Holden Hoyer

Hulshof Hunter

Perlmutter Peterson (MN) Petri Pickering Pitts Platts Poe Pomeroy Porter Price (GA) Pryce (OH) Putnam Radanovich Rahall Ramstad Regula Rehberg Reichert Renzi Reyes Richardson Rodriguez Rogers (AL) Rogers (KY) Rogers (MI) Rohrabacher Ros-Lehtinen Roskam Ross Royce

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Brown, Corrine Buchanan

Burgess Burton (IN) Butterfield

Buyer Calvert

Camp (MI) Campbell (CA)

Cantor Capito

Cardoza Carney Carter Castle Castor

Cazayoux Chabot

Chandler Childers Cleaver Clyburn

Coble Cole (OK) Conaway

Cooper Costa

Cramer Crenshaw


Inglis (SC) Issa

Johnson, Sam Jordan

Kanjorski Keller Kildee Kind

King (IA) King (NY) Kingston

Kirk Klein (FL) Kline (MN)

Knollenberg Kuhl (NY) LaHood

Lamborn Lampson Langevin Latham

LaTourette Latta

Lewis (CA) Lewis (KY)

Linder Lipinski

LoBiondo Lowey Lucas

Ruppersberger Ryan (WI) Salazar Sali Saxton Scalise Schiff Schmidt Scott (GA) Sensenbrenner Sessions Sestak Shadegg Shays Sherman Shimkus Shuler Shuster Simpson Sires Skelton Smith (NE) Smith (NJ) Smith (TX) Smith (WA) Snyder Souder Space Spratt Stearns

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Cubin Cuellar

Culberson Davis (AL) Davis (KY)

Davis, David Davis, Lincoln

Davis, Tom Deal (GA)

Dent Diaz-Balart, L. Diaz-Balart, M.

Dicks Donnelly Doolittle

Drake Dreier

Duncan Edwards (TX)

Ehlers Ellsworth Emanuel Emerson

Engel English (PA)

Etheridge Everett

Fallin Feeney

Lungren, Daniel E.

Mack Mahoney (FL)

Manzullo Marchant Marshall

Matheson McCarthy (CA) McCarthy (NY) McCaul (TX)

McCotter McCrery McHenry McHugh McIntyre McKeon McMorris Rodgers

McNerney Meeks (NY)Melancon

Mica Miller (FL) Miller (MI)

Miller, Gary Mitchell

Moore (KS) Moran (KS)

Murphy, Patrick

Stupak Sullivan Tancredo Tanner Tauscher Taylor Terry Thompson (MS) Thornberry Tiberi Turner Udall (CO) Upton Walberg Walden (OR) Walsh (NY) Wamp Weldon (FL) Westmoreland Whitfield (KY) Wilson (NM) Wilson (OH) Wilson (SC) Wittman (VA) Wolf Yarmuth Young (AK) Young (FL)

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Murphy, Tim

Here's the list of the Senatorial traitors...

Alexander (R-TN) Allard (R-CO)

Barrasso (R-WY) Baucus (D-MT)

Bayh (D-IN) Bennett (R-UT)

Bond (R-MO) Brownback (R-KS)

Bunning (R-KY) Burr (R-NC)

Carper (D-DE) Casey (D-PA)

Chambliss (R-GA) Coburn (R-OK)

Cochran (R-MS) Coleman (R-MN)

Collins (R-ME) Conrad (D-ND) Corker (R-TN) Cornyn (R-TX)

Craig (R-ID) Crapo (R-ID)

DeMint (R-SC)

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Not only do the Telecoms get off the hook for their TREASON but, not mentioned by Barry or Dianne or Jay, in "THE FISA AMENDMENTS ACT OF 2008" is a low level of probable cause that permits the government to wiretap U.S. phone calls, faxes and emails.

For example: HR 6304 (2) Probable Cause section under (C)(Order) undermines protections for persons in the U.S. exercising First AmendmentConsidered a foreign power, agent of a foreign power..."government wiretapping and spying.

This is from the Probable Cause section in HR 6304:

"No United States person may be considered a foreign power, agent of a foreign power, or officer or employee of a foreign power solely upon the basis of activities protected by the first amendment to the Constitution of the United States."

Unbelievably, the House inserted the weak word have been more legally binding on Government and police and protected the 1st and 4th Amendments rights of U.S. Citizens. Consequently, it will be harder for persons in the U.S. to defend against government wiretap evidence!

Now that HR 6304 is passed, any person in the U.S. who exercises his or her 1st Amendment Rights under the vague provisions of HR 6304, "MAY BE CONSIDERED" foreign power. This is the result of The House of Representatives leaving out protective words, like

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"Shall Not Be Considered" an agent of a foreign power.

With this Act passed, it is Free Speech in America only

Oh, and did I mention it leaves all sorts of loopholes for Bush to continue spying on Americans and also lets Bush off the hook for 30 felonies that, by themselves, would have given him life in prison! Let's have Barry explain that!

Remember these traitors come election day and vote them out of office! In the case of our presidential candidates, vote Green!

In Other News

Our eternal juvenile delinquent, even at age 62, our national embarrassment, was out and about again bringing shame and disgrace to America, this time in Japan at the G8 conference. Bush had to apologize to the "Italian people" for the "unfortunate mistake"described Silvio Berlusconi, the Italian prime minister, as a one, eh George?

The official briefing note added that Italy was a While all that and more was true, Bush was soon apologizing for this latest faux pas.

The unflattering portrait of both Italy and Mr. Berlusconi, who ranks among America's most reliable

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European allies and adamantly supported Mr. Bush's invasion of Iraq in 2003, came in a handout for US journalists attending the G8 summit.

Mr. Berlusconi's profile dwelt on the seamy side of his political career, he being the only leader at the summit who was farther to the right than Bush and even farther to the right than was called "a businessman who was considered an amateur in politics but used his influencewealth) on the media to gain his premiership, which he lost in 2006,"many but respected by some for his bella figura [beautiful image]."Apparently they have Sheeple in Italy, too? The profile calls Mr. Berlusconi controversial leaders" in Italian history and records - entirely accurately - how he began his career by selling vacuum cleaners and tickets to puppet shows. Which might remind you of a former Texas Congressman who was an insect exterminator before robbing us blind in the House? To give you an idea just how effective the G8 summit on world hunger can be, James Chapman, of The reported: "Just two days ago, Gordon Brown was urging us all to stop wasting food and combat rising prices and a global shortage of provisions. But yesterday the Prime Minister and other world leaders sat down to an 18-course gastronomic extravaganzaon the food crisis. The dinner, and a six-course lunch, at the summit of leading industrialized nations on the island of Hokkaido, included delicacies such as caviar, milk-fed lamb, sea urchin and tuna, with champagne and wines flown in from Europe and the US."good side of all this was that der Fuhrer wasn't in the country to erase more of our rights and, after 7 years of Bush, there isn't much left of our image abroad that he can damage! Still, have no fear, his allies in the Senate including the Demoncratic toadies, are about to erase another chunk of the 4th amendment being led by Nancy, Dianne and Barry, all who swore they wouldn't let the Telecoms off

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the hook and are now flip-flopping at the beck and call of their corpo-rat masters. Be careful what you wish for America. Change can be a change for the worse, too! Those lovable chuckleheads over at the FBI are at it again, America. This time the to begin racial profiling. Their new policy, okayed by the to open terrorism investigations even if evidence of wrongdoing is lacking. Even if there is no crime what-so-ever they can start an investigation of you! Although the Fuhrer has disavowed targeting suspects based on race or ethnicity, the new rules would allow the FBI to consider those factors among a number of other traits, to trigger a national security investigation. Currently, FBI agents need specific reasons -- such as evidence or allegations that a law probably has been violated -- to investigate U.S. citizens and legal residents. The new policy would let agents open preliminary terrorism investigations after mining public records and intelligence to build a profile of traits that, taken together, are deemed suspicious. For example he's a Muslim or a Jew or Black! Or worse yet, he's an Irishman!!!! This really isn't surprising since for years we have been testing peoples pee for drugs, following that old American tradition of do you think they've been building all those new Moshe or Shaquille! "We don't know what we don't know. And the object is to cut down on that,"one FBI official who defended the proposed policy. Yes folks, that's a direct quote. When was it that the Bureau started taking diction lessons from Yogi Berra, does anyone recall? Factors that could make someone the subject of an investigation include travel to regions of the world known for terrorist activity, like the Pentagon or U.S. Senate, access to weapons like 90% of American homes have, military training, good news for all us veterans, and a person's race or ethnicity, see, being alive while black, brown or yellow! Justice spokesman Brian Roehrkasse said, open a national security investigation would not give the FBI any more authority than it already has."

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He declined to give further comments! When you and the family get sent down to, save me the upper bunk and needless to say, don't get in the line for "The era of manufacturing consent has given way to the era of manufacturing news.

Soon media newsrooms will drop the pretense, and start hiring theater directors instead of journalists."

~~~ Arundhati Roy ~~~

To contribute to the cause and help us keep fighting for you just visit our the instructions there. Thank you! Ernest & Victoria Stewart

Page --- 383 --- 07-18-08

The Stealth Candidate By Ernest Stewart

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"It makes no difference who you vote for - the two parties are really one party representing four percent of the people." ~~~ Gore Vidal ~~~

"Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, Iran!" ~~~ John McCain

"We have to do things we've never done before, in order to have things we've never had before." ~~~ Cynthia McKinney

Even after all this time the American Sheeple totally amaze me. As the Wizard of Oz once said, "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain." The Sheeple have bought into that one more time. Whether Republicans or Democrats the people just don't get it. Of course, they come by this madness honestly having been brainwashed by the elite for several hundred years. Neither side will face reality when it comes

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down to their candidates. We expect this of the Republicans but it is also true for the Democrats as is being proved with Obama's "cult of personality."

Barry, who isn't a liberal or anything close to one, nevertheless plays one on TV and his loyal cultists buy that image, hook, line and sinker. As Simon and Garfunkle once said in "The Boxer," "Still, a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest." A more perfect description of the Obama cultists would be hard to find.

For example, to them Obama is an anti-war candidate although his voting record says something completely different, i.e., every vote he's ever made has been in support of the war, every one. He

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has said on more than one occasion that all options, including the nuclear option, are on the table for Iran and Pakistan. While going after the nomination he was all about bringing the troops home with no mention of nukes and new wars, leading us to believe he would talk with Iran and Pakistan instead of attacking them. Now he'll see about bringing the troops home although he may have to leave most of them in Iraq depending upon what Bush's generals tell him and he may even send more troops to the Afghanistan/Pakistan border.

While running for the nomination he was 100 per cent against giving the Tele-coms, Bush and the members of Con-gress from both parties who committed treason by

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allowing the destruction of the First and Fourth Amendments immunity. Now, after Hillary, he voted to give the Telecoms, Bush and Congress immunity and will no doubt use those powers that he voted for in the FISA bill against us!

He's a candidate of change to his followers but everything he's ever done in the Sin-ate was for the status quo, i.e., the corpo-rats in control of us slaves.

He admires Ronald Ray-Guns, who was total disaster as a president, a criminal on so many levels just like der Fuhrer, and a president who all but destroyed America.

Obama says he wants to "bring us together" which was a catch phrase of Tricky Dick's, you may recall, but

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his actions show a homophobic, racist, misogynist. Those are hardly qualities for the people to rally behind.

To his cult members he may be the "Stealth Candidate" but to me he's incredibly obvious. He would be the perfect Republican candidate as he shares all their goals and philosophies and would no doubt have been a Republican had that party been willing to run a black candidate.

The most obvious difference between Obama and McCain is Barry voted for the FISA bill and Johnny didn't!

In Other News

I see where the Iraqi Defense

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Ministry reports that Israeli jets have been using US airbases in Iraq.

The activities and traffic of warplanes, especially at night, have recently increased at the US airbases in Nasiriya, just southeast of Baghdad, and Haditha, a city in the western Iraq province of Al Anbar, the Iraqi Nahrainnet news network reported on Wednesday.

Nahrainnet said the US fighters, cargo planes, helicopters and unmanned planes have intensified their flights in the last four weeks to triple their average.

The US military officials have imposed severe security measures around these bases as some aircraft suspected of being Israeli

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warplanes coming from Jordan, have landed at night at the US controlled al-Assad airbase near Haditha.

You may recall that Israel conducted a military drill under the supervision of top US military commanders over the Mediterranean Sea from May 28 to June 12, using more than 100 Israeli F-16 and F-15 fighters, along with helicopters and refueling tanks, which many consider a possible rehearsal for a strike on Iran's nuclear facilities. With the Israeli Air Force now operating out of Iraq, the Iranian nuclear and other facilities are only minutes away from these US airbases by F-15 and F-16 and, regardless whether the planes have "Old Gory" or the "Star of David"

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emblazoned on them, the results will be the same.

If you like $4 a gallon gas just wait till it hits $10 a gallon after our puppets, the Israelis, attack Iran and moments later, Iran attacks the gulf oil facilities and shuts down the "Straights of Hormuz." If you like the current recession you'll love the depression this will create, not only in America but throughout the world. This is no doubt the work of Dick (the psycho) Cheney and his 5th column pals from Tel Aviv. Remember that "Impeachment is off the Table" when this hits the fan, America!

Whether it happens on the next new moon, as an October surprise just daze before the election or next January 19th, coming it is,

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And Finally

I'm sure you're not hip to it, as the MSM didn't say a word. I haven't seen a single article anywhere about it, either. It's one of America's best-kept secrets. I'm talking, of course, about the Green Party's Convention that happened last week in Chicago.

They nominated former 6 time Georgia Congresswomen Cynthia McKinney as their presidential candidate and Rosa Alicia Clemente as their vice presidential candidate. Looking to vote for a women and a minority? Here are

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two well-qualified black women, real leftists who are not owned and operated by AIPAC and corpo-rat America. So, of course, I have a much better chance of being the next president than they do.

For those of you who are or were Obama supporters because he's sort of black and sort of a liberal and he sort of made you feel all warm and fuzzy inside until he came out of the closet as just another corpo-rat clown owned and operated by Israel and the corpo-rats, may I suggest you check out these women?

For those of you who wouldn't vote for Obama or McCain at gun point and were thinking of voting for Darth Nader or Ron Paul in protest or, if you are like me and were

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going to sit this one out as you are ever-so-tired of having to vote for the lesser of two evils, may I suggest you look into the Green candidates?

Yes, I know, for those who have been with us since before the beginning and remember what I said about the Greens back in the first edition on February 1, 2001, i.e., "Darth Nader And The Green Party" much of that hasn't changed. However, the Greens have changed a bit and have matured and if they keep at it in another decade or two they may have a chance of becoming a viable second party and perhaps we can wrest the power out of the hands of the other party, the Republicrats?

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As we have but one party now and, it is a little farther to the right than Hitler's National Socialists, isn't it time, while there is some time left, to try and change things for the better? More than half of the voting public doesn't vote because they haven't had candidates but now there is some semblance of a left party.

Also, to the women of America, since you got the vote 89 years ago and since you could have at any time since then elected a female president as you make up more than half the voters and yet never did, isn't it time to band together? You could if you wanted to break that last glass ceiling and take the power for yourself and make all those many improvements that only women

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can and will make. Isn't it time yet to do so?

I'm voting Green this year, how about you?


"The era of manufacturing consent has given way to the era of manufacturing news.

Soon media newsrooms will drop the pretense, and start hiring theater directors instead of

journalists."~~~ Arundhati Roy ~~~

It's come down to it again, bills are due and we haven't the funds to cover them. Unless you give us a hand we'll be forced to float a loan, something we cannot afford to do to keep the magazine going. If you haven't spent all of your refund check yet please consider sending

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us what you can. For those of you who are as broke as we are don't send money but do tell all of your friends about the magazine and our cause. Consider staging a fundraiser with your friends and groups. One good topless car wash would straighten up our finances for the rest of the year!

To contribute to the cause and help us keep fighting for you just visit our donations page and follow the instructions there. Thank you!

Ernest & Victoria Stewart

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Page --- 384 --- 07-25-08

You're So Pusillanimous... By Ernest Stewart

You're so pusillanimous, oh yeah. Nature's calling and I must go there.

Another Day ~~~ The Rutles

The Government has carried its burden of showing, by a preponderance of the evidence, that the accused [Salim Hamdan] is an alien

unlawful enemy combatant.~~~ U.S. Navy Captain Keith Allred ~~~

"There shall be equality of treatment and opportunity for all persons in the armed

services without regard to race, color, religion or national origin." ~~~ Harry S Truman

Programs, get your programs. You can't tell the candidate's flip - flops without a program!

Yes, I know, we're talking about

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politicians, lying, two-faced, double dealing, backstabbing, say anything for a vote, politicians. You may recall my definition of politics...

"The word Politics, comes from the Latin, 'Poli' meaning 'Many' and from the English 'Tics' meaning 'Blood Sucking Creatures,' Poli -Tics."


Here are some of the M.P.C. or Major Party Candidates flip-flops. I could go on and on with these but life is short so instead of listing hundreds I'll just list 20.

From Obama...

Special Interests: In January, the

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Obama campaign described union contributions to the campaigns of Clinton and John Edwards as "special interest" money. Obama changed his tune as he began gathering his own union endorsements. He now refers respectfully to unions as the representatives of "working people" and says he is "thrilled" by their support. (Source: Washington Post)

Public Financing: Obama replied "yes" in September 2007 when asked if he would agree to public financing of the presidential election if his GOP opponent did the same. Obama has now attached several conditions to such an agreement, including regulating spending by outside groups. His spokesman says the candidate

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never committed himself on the matter. (Source: Washington Post)

The Cuba Embargo: In January 2004, Obama said it was time "to end the embargo with Cuba" because it had "utterly failed in the effort to overthrow Castro." Speaking to a Cuban American audience in Miami in August 2007, he said he would not "take off the embargo" as president because it is "an important inducement for change." (Source: Washington Post)

Illegal Immigration: In a March 2004 questionnaire, Obama was asked if the government should "crack down on businesses that hire illegal immigrants." He replied "Oppose." In a Jan. 31, 2008, televised debate, he said that "we

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do have to crack down on those employers that are taking advantage of the situation." (Source: Washington Post)

Decriminalization of Marijuana: While running for the U.S. Senate in January 2004, Obama told Illinois college students that he supported eliminating criminal penalties for marijuana use. In the Oct. 30, 2007, presidential debate, he joined other Democratic candidates in opposing the decriminalization of marijuana. (Source: Washington Post)

Running for President or Vice President of the United States: On the January 22nd edition of "Meet the Press," Tim Russert and Obama had the following exchange:Russert: "When we

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talked back in November of '04 after your election, I said, 'There's been enormous speculation about your political future. Will you serve your six-year term as United States senator from Illinois?"

Obama: "I will serve out my full six-year term. You know, Tim, if you get asked enough, sooner or later you get weary and you start looking for new ways of saying things. But my thinking has not changed."

Russert: "So you will not run for president or vice president in 2008?"

Obama: "I will not." (Source: Meet The Press)

Single-Payer Healthcare: On

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January 22nd, the Hillary Clinton Campaign released a video that proves that Obama lied about his position on "single-payer healthcare." The video compared statements Obama made during the January 21st Democratic debate with those he made to an AFL-CIO conference in June 2003 while campaigning for the Senate. Contradicting what Obama said at the debate, the old footage showed the senator saying, "I happen to be a proponent of single-payer universal healthcare coverage. That's what I'd like to see." At the debate, Obama stated: "I never said that we should try to go ahead and get single-payer (healthcare)." Single-payer healthcare is an euphemism for socialized medicine. (Source: Audacity of Hypocrisy)

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NAFTA: On February 29th, the Obama campaign told Canadian Television (CTV) that no message was passed to the Canadian government suggesting that Obama did not mean what he said about opting out of NAFTA if it is not renegotiated. However, the Obama camp did not respond to repeated questions from CTV on reports that a conversation on this matter was held between Obama's senior economic adviser, Austin Goolsbee, and the Canadian Consulate General in Chicago. Earlier that day, the Obama campaign insisted that no conversations had taken place with any of its senior ranks and representatives of the Canadian government on the NAFTA issue. Later in the evening, CTV spoke

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with Goolsbee, but he refused to say whether he had such a conversation with the Canadian government office in Chicago. He also said he has been told to direct any questions to the campaign headquarters. CTV didn't stop there. They announced that their sources, at the "highest levels of the Canadian government," reconfirmed the story to CTV and one of their primary sources provided a timeline of the discussion to CTV. (Source:CTV)

Donations from Lobbyists and Special Interest PACS: Obama say he doesn't take money from DC lobbyists and special interest PACS. This is the type of double-talk "politics of the past" rhetoric Obama rails against. While his claim is technically true, what he

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does do is take money from state lobbyists and other big money contributors who have substantial lobbyist machines in DC, like law firms and corporations. In April 2007, the LA Times quoted the Campaign Finance Institute's Stephen Weissman as pointing out that the distinction Obama makes on lobbyist money is meaningless: "He gets an asterisk that says he is trying to be different. But overall, the same wealthy interests are funding his campaign as are funding other candidates, whether or not they are lobbyists." The Capital Eye reported that "[a]ccording to the Center for Responsive Politics, 14 of Obama's top 20 contributors employed lobbyists this year, spending a total of $16.2 million to influence the federal government in the first six

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months of 2007." (Source: The Washington Post)

Rev. Jeremiah Wright: Barack Obama repudiated what he called "inflammatory and appalling remarks" made by his Chicago pastor. Obama said he had not been present during the sermons in question. Obama told MSNBC, "Had I heard them in church I would have expressed that concern directly to Rev. Wright." Please note, he says that he would have expressed concern, not repudiate, the words. (Source: Audacity of Hypocrisy) Previously Obama had said "I can no more disown him than I can disown the black community. I can no more disown him than I can my white grandmother - a woman who helped raise me, a woman who

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sacrificed again and again for me, a woman who loves me as much as she loves anything in this world, but a woman who once confessed her fear of black men who passed by her on the street, and who on more than one occasion has uttered racial or ethnic stereotypes that made me cringe." (Source: The Hill's Pundits Blog)

Jerusalem: "Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel, and it must remain undivided," Obama declared to rousing applause from the 7,000-plus attendees at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee policy conference. But a campaign adviser clarified later that Obama believes "Jerusalem is a final status issue, which means it has to be negotiated between the two parties" as part of "an

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agreement that they both can live with." (Source: Jerusalem Post)

Meeting with Foreign Leaders: Obama now claims that he will only meet with foreign leaders at a time of his choosing if it will advance U.S. interests, but previously said he would meet with rogue leaders his first year in office ithout preconditions: in his remarks to the AIPAC Conference, Obama claimed that he would only meet with the "appropriate Iranian leaders at a time and place" of his choosing. Obama: "Contrary to the claims of some, I have no interest in sitting down with our adversaries just for the sake of talking. But as President of the United States, I would be willing to lead tough and principled diplomacy with the appropriate Iranian leaders at a

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time and place of my choosing - if, and only if - it can advance the interests of the United States." (Sen. Barack Obama, Remarks At The Annual AIPAC Policy Conference, Arlington, VA, 6/4/08) But at a July 2007 debate, Obama said he would meet with hostile leaders during his first year in office. Question: "[W]ould you be willing to meet separately, without precondition, during the first year of your administration, in Washington or anywhere else, with the leaders of Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Cuba and North Korea, in order to bridge the gap that divides our countries?"...Obama: "I would. And the reason is this, that the notion that somehow not talking to countries is punishment to them - which has been the guiding diplomatic principle of this

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administration - is ridiculous." (CNN/YouTube Democrat Presidential Candidate Debate, Charleston, SC, 7/23/07) At a September 2007 press conference, Obama confirmed that he Would meet specifically with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Question: "Senator, you've said before that you'd meet with President Ahmadinejad..." Obama: "Uh huh." Question: "Would you still meet with him today?" Obama: "Yeah, nothing's changed with respect to my belief that strong countries and strong presidents talk to their enemies and talk to their adversaries. I find many of President Ahmadinejad's statements odious and I've said that repeatedly. And I think that we have to recognize that there are a lot of rogue nations in the world

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that don't have American interests at heart. But what I also believe is that, as John F. Kennedy said, we should never negotiate out of fear but we should never fear to negotiate." (Sen. Barack Obama, Press Conference, New York, NY, 9/24/07) (Source: New York Times)

Legislation Labeling Iran's Revolutionary Guard A Terrorist Organization: Obama has been inconsistent in his views on labeling Iran's Revolutionary Guard a terrorist organization. "Obama's campaign suddenly discovered that their man -despite having spent the last nine months campaigning on his opposition to Kyl-Lieberman 'has consistently urged that Iran's Revolutionary Guard be labeled what it is: a terrorist organization.' Well, not that consistently. Senator

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Obama has been scrupulously careful not to call explicitly for designation of the IRGC as a terrorist organization. Now, however, with the Democratic nomination almost in hand, Obama feels comfortable telling a pro-Israel audience what it wants to hear."(Danielle Pletka, "Obama's Pander Pivot," Weekly Standard, 6/4/08) "[T]he Audience At AIPAC Might Ask Why Senator Obama Has Pivoted From Opposition To 'Lieberman-Kyl' To Support For The IRGC Designation His Audience Demands. Is This Really Change They Can Believe In?" (Danielle Pletka, "Obama's Pander Pivot," Weekly Standard, 6/4/08) "Which Barack Obama Will Be The Democratic Standard-Bearer: The One Who Vowed To 'Eliminate' The Iranian Nuclear Threat Two Days

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Ago, Or The One Who Opposed Designating The Revolutionary Guards A Terrorist Organization?" (Editorial, "Obama And Iran," The Washington Times, 6/6/08) (Source New York Times)

Palestinian Elections In 2006: Obama says that he opposed palestinian elections in 2006. Obama: "There is no room at the negotiating table for terrorist organizations. That is why I opposed holding elections in 2006 with Hamas on the ballot. The Israelis and the Palestinian Authority warned us at the time against holding these elections, but this administration pressed ahead. And the result is a Gaza controlled by Hamas, with rockets raining down on Israel." (Sen. Barack Obama, Remarks At The Annual

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AIPAC Policy Conference, Arlington, VA, 6/4/08) But During His 2006 Trip To The Middle East, Obama Met With Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas And Said The Election Represented An "Opportunity...To Consolidate Behind A Single Government." Illinois Senator Barack Obama's 2006 journey to the Middle East took him to the West Bank for a meeting with the man elected to replace Yasser Arafat. ... There was only the clatter of cameras as the then-newly elected president of the Palestinian authority, Mahmoud Abbas, met with Illinois Senator Barack Obama. At a meeting with Palestinian students, Obama said the U.S. will never recognize winning Hamas candidates unless the group renounces its fundamental mission to eliminate

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Israel, and Obama told ABC 7 he delivered that message to the Palestinian president. "Part of the opportunity here with this upcoming election is to consolidate behind a single government with a single authority that can then negotiate as a reliable partner with Israel," said Obama." (Chuck Goudie, "Obama Meets With Arafat's Successor," ABC 7 News,, 1/12/06) The Palestinian news agency WAFA reported that Obama was supportive of the Palestinian elections being held at their scheduled time. "President Mahmoud Abbas met Thursday with the U.S. Senator Barack Obama (D-IL), in the Presidential HQ in Ramallah...President briefed the U.S. Senator about the latest developments in the Palestinian

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territories including the preparations for the legislative elections.... Abbas and Obama discussed the means of underpinning the American-Palestinian economic relations...Obama asserted the US supports and eager that the Palestinian legislative elections on its proposed time (January 25)." ("President Meets U.S. Senator And Armenian Delegation," WAFA,, 1/12/06) (Source: Fox Business)

Iraq War: "At a time when American casualties are down, at a time when the violence is down, particularly affecting the Iraqi population, is that the right time to try and set time tables for withdrawing all American troops? I mean you talked about... the end

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of 2009," Kroft remarked. "Yeah, absolutely. I think now is precisely the time. I think that it is very important for us to send a clear signal to the Iraqis that we are not gonna be here permanently. We're not gonna set up permanent bases. That they are going to have to resolve their differences and get their country functioning," Obama said. "And you pull out according to that time table, regardless of the situation? Even if there's serious sectarian violence?" Kroft asked. "No, I always reserve as commander in chief, the right to assess the situation," Obama replied.(Source: 60 Minutes)

The Threat of Iran: Obama's comments in Oregon: "I mean think about it. Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, these countries are tiny compared

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to the Soviet Union. They don't pose a serious threat to us the way the Soviet Union posed a threat to us....You know, Iran, they spend one-one hundredth of what we spend on the military. If Iran ever tried to pose a serious threat to us, they wouldn't stand a chance. And we should use that position of strength that we have to be bold enough to go ahead and listen. That doesn't mean we agree with them on everything. We might not compromise on any issues, but at least we should find out other areas of potential common interest, and we can reduce some of the tensions that has caused us so many problems around the world. Today in Montana, Obama changed his tune: Iran is a grave threat. It has an illicit nuclear program. It supports terrorism across the

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region and militias in Iraq. It threatens Israel's existence. It denies the Holocaust..." (Source: Weekly Standard)

North Korea: U.S. Democratic presidential frontrunner Senator Barack Obama...indicated he no longer opposes the removal of North Korea from a U.S. list of state sponsors of terrorism. Obama in January 2005 came out against the removal of the Stalinist nation from the list until it gives an account of the kidnapping and death in the North of the Rev. Kim Dong-shik in 2000. (Source: ROK Drop)

PATRIOT Act: "Giving law enforcement the tools they need to investigate suspicious activity is the right thing, and the Senate showed earlier this year that it can

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be done with the oversight of our judicial system so we do not jeopardize the rights of all Americans and the ideals America stands for. We should not let the PATRIOT Act expire at the end of this year, but instead extend the current law for three months so that we can come to an agreement on these critical issues in Congress." (Source: Obama's Senate site) On the Issues FactCheck: Promised to repeal Patriot Act, then voted for it. (Source: On the Issues)

Coal: Obama, whose support for coal-to-liquid has been widely criticized by environmentalists, sent out a press release clarifying his position on liquid coal: Senator Obama supports research into all technologies to help solve our

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climate change and energy dependence problems, including shifting our energy use to renewable fuels and investing in technology that could make coal a clean-burning source of energy...However, unless and until this technology is perfected, Senator Obama will not support the development of any coal-to-liquid fuels unless they emit at least 20% less life-cycle carbon than conventional fuels. This "clarification" is an important step for the Obama campaign in trying to gain support from environmental organizations and voters. However, the LA Times notes that his position change on this issue is even more significant because it symbolizes "there's a race to the top among the Democratic candidates for the strongest position on how to solve

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the climate crisis."(Source: Carbon Coalition)

PAYGO: Obama promised to "restore a law that was in place during the Clinton presidency-called Paygo-that prohibits money from leaving the treasury without some way of compensating for the lost revenue." but now Obama says he's not going to sacrifice his domestic priorities for deficit reduction. Universal health care, renewable energy, and all the rest won't be sacrificed on the altar of PAYGO. (Source: Q & O)

From McCain...

McCain thought Bush's warrantless wiretap program circumvented the law; now he believes the opposite. (Source: Newsweek)

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McCain insisted that everyone, even "terrible killers," "the worst kind of scum of humanity," and detainees at Guantanamo Bay, "deserve to have some adjudication of their cases," even if that means "releasing some of them." McCain now believes the opposite. (Source: The Carpetbagger Report)

He opposed indefinite detention of terrorist suspects. When the Supreme Court reached the same conclusion, he called it "one of the worst decisions in the history of this country." (Source: The Detroit News)

In February, McCain reversed course on prohibiting waterboarding. (Source: The

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Huffington Post)

McCain favored closing the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay before he was against it. (Source: AZ Congress Watch)

McCain supported moving "toward normalization of relations" with Cuba. Now he believes the opposite. (Source: The New York Times)

McCain believed the United States should engage in diplomacy with Hamas. Now he believes the opposite. (Source: The Carptetbagger Reort)

McCain believed the United States should engage in diplomacy with Syria. Now he believes the opposite. (Source: The New York

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McCain recently claimed that he was the "greatest critic" of Rumsfeld's failed Iraq policy. In December 2003, McCain praised the same strategy as "a mission accomplished." In March 2004, he said, "I'm confident we're on the right course." In December 2005, he said, "Overall, I think a year from now, we will have made a fair amount of progress if we stay the course." (Source: Think Progress.Org)

McCain wanted to change the Republican Party platform to protect abortion rights in cases of rape and incest. Now he doesn't. (Source: The Huffington Post)

In 1998, he championed raising

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cigarette taxes to fund programs to cut underage smoking, insisting that it would prevent illnesses and provide resources for public health programs. Now, McCain opposes a $0.61-per-pack tax increase, won't commit to supporting a regulation bill he's co-sponsoring, and has hired Philip Morris' former lobbyist as his senior campaign adviser. (Source: The Detroit News)

McCain went from saying gay marriage should be allowed, to saying gay marriage shouldn't be allowed. (Source: Vanity Fair)

John McCain initially argued that economics is not an area of expertise for him, saying, "I'm going to be honest: I know a lot less about economics than I do about military and foreign policy

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issues; I still need to be educated," and "The issue of economics is not something I've understood as well as I should." He now falsely denies ever having made these remarks and insists that he has a "very strong" understanding of economics. (Source: Newsweek)

McCain said in 2005 that he opposed the tax cuts because they were "too tilted to the wealthy." By 2007, he denied ever having said this, and falsely argued that he opposed the cuts because of increased government spending. (Source: New York Times)

On immigration policy in general, McCain announced in February 2008 that he would vote against his own bill. (Source: The New Yorker)

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In April, McCain promised voters that he would secure the borders "before proceeding to other reform measures." Two months later, he abandoned his public pledge, pretended that he'd never made the promise in the first place, and vowed that a comprehensive immigration reform policy has always been, and would always be, his "top priority." (Source: The Huffington Post)

McCain believes the telecoms should be forced to explain their role in the administration's warrantless surveillance program as a condition for retroactive immunity. He used to believe the opposite. (Source: The Washington Post)

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McCain went from saying he would not support repeal of Roe v. Wade to saying the exact opposite. (Source: Media Matters)

McCain supported his own lobbying-reform legislation from 1997. Now he doesn't. (Source: The Huffington Post)

In 2006, McCain sponsored legislation to require grassroots lobbying coalitions to reveal their financial donors. In 2007, after receiving "feedback" on the proposal, McCain told far-right activist groups that he opposes his own measure. (Source: The New York Times)

So let me close with that old "chestnut" which is as true today as it ever was...

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(Q) How can you tell when politicians are lying?

(A) Their lips move!

In Other News

Well our Kangaroo court is open down in Gitmo. Captain Keith Allred, Bush's hand picked stooge, presided over this joke. The poor schmuck chosen was a former motor pool driver who had the unfortunate job of driving for Bush family friend Osama Bin Laden. For the most part, though, he drove a troop truck or supply vehicle. In US custody since November 2001, Salim Hamdan was tortured in various black concentration camps from Afghanistan to Gitmo and plead not guilty to charges of

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conspiracy and providing material support for terrorism.

He came before Captain Allred and a five member military tribunal of his peers, oops, a hand picked tribunal of yes men oops, of yes sir men because a jury of his peers, like habeas corpus and the rule of law have been replaced with Von Rumsfeld's ramblings. Our government won't allow Salim any of the rights we once hung the Germans for denying prisoners, his confessions given under torture are to be allowed, according to Allred. Makes you proud to be an American, don't it?

Gitmo, Von Rumsfeld has said, was for "the worst of the worst" but in reality it hasn't worked out that way. Funny thing is that about 97%

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of the people brought there and held, on average, for three years under constant torture were eventually let go without any charges what-so-ever. I'm going to repeat that again for those of you on drugs...

We've been torturing and murdering innocent men, women and children by the thousands so that the Junta can get a hard on!

Most all were picked up by bounty hunters and local warlords and sold to us. Most were teachers, shopkeepers, taxi drivers who had no power or had pissed off the local warlord. We've included a few children as well and are going to bring a Canadian child to trial who was held in Gitmo for years after

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being seriously wounded in Afghanistan where his father took him and happened to find himself under attack by US forces. Apparently not everybody there just laid down and died; someone fought back and killed a Marine. The badly wounded child was the only one still alive so he was charged with killing the Marine, denied treatment for his wounds and tortured for years. His trial is coming up soon.

I wonder how many real terrorists we've created around the world, how many enemies in high places, for absolutely nothing? Let me end by saying I'm all for trying the worst of the worst but only by the rule of law, the law that we're told applies to everybody yet seems to apply fairly to none. If real

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evidence exists then a US court of law will find these bad guys guilty-unless, of course, they're US politicians in which case they'll never go to trial, ever!

An interesting tidbit has come from the trial. According to Reuters:

"...prosecutor Timothy Stone told the six-member jury of U.S. military officers who will decide Hamdan's guilt or innocence that Hamdan had inside knowledge of the 2001 attacks on the United States because he overheard a conversation between bin Laden and his deputy, Ayman al-Zawahiri.

"If they hadn't shot down the fourth plane it would've hit the dome," Stone, a Navy officer, said in his opening remarks.

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The tribunal's chief prosecutor, Col. Lawrence Morris, later explained that Stone was quoting Hamdan in evidence that will be presented at trial. Morris declined to say if the "dome" was a reference to the U.S. Capitol."

You may recall that we reported that the flight was shot down and left a debris field some eight miles wide across Pennsylvania back in 2001. There were dozens of witnesses to the shoot down and the "Let's Roll" bullshit was just that, bullshit. You may also recall another slip-of-the-tongue, when Von Rumsfeld told reporters that flight 93 was shot down. Perhaps some water boarding (which is not torture unless it happens to you; so says the A.G.) would make Donnie

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tell us some more of the truth about 911 and other acts of treason?

The pack of lies and house of cards which is the official version of 911 is beginning to fall and crumble into dust, the Junta may yet hang for their crimes!

And Finally

The old marching cadence of... "I don't know but I've heard rumors" pretty much sums up my service to America back when I was a "Bravo Trooper." Once upon a time, I was one "strike" individual way back when the service had barely been integrated for 20 years.

On July 26, the services "celebrated" being integrated for

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60 years as President Truman signed a presidential order to do just that on July 26, 1948. There were black soldiers, both men and women, serving their country since the Revolutionary War but always in black only companies and regiments almost always led by white officers. Like the Nisei or Japanese American, soldiers who, too, served in their own outfits, the blacks had a sterling battle record and that probably more that anything else, opened America's eyes to the bigotry and racism in America.

When I went in, I met a black kid from Detroit named Carl. Although we had lived barely ten miles apart we were from two different worlds. I had never known a black before since I came from all white

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Dearborn, a Detroit suburb perhaps the most racist city on the planet and as bad as any southern town and then some. Strange thing was we became best friends, much to the consternation of both blacks and whites amongst our "roommates!" Although half of the cadre was black as well, including one Lieutenant in our battalion, the service was still quite racist, it being the 60's and all.

This is back when Colon Powell was making his "Field Grade" status by covering up the My Lai massacre and John McCain was trying to sink the USS Forrestal. However, within a few months we were all together hating LBJ and Robert McNamara as one. Thanks to Carl and the integrated Army, my whole outlook on America changed from one of

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believing "Fairy Tales" to one of reality. Oh, I had known the truth before but it was only after the service that I could face it and do something about it. Thanks Carl, I owe you buddy!

Now Ya'll sing along...

I don't know but I've heard rumors... Bush and Cheney are awearin' bloomers! Am I right or wrong? Am I right or wrong? Sound off... One two... Sound off... Three four. Bring her on down... One two three four One two ... three four!At ease! Smoke'em if ya got'em!

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Page --- 385 --- 08-01-08

Aliens For ObamaBy Ernest Stewart

"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro!" ~~~ Hunter S. Thompson

"Oh brave new world that has such people in it."The Tempest ~~~ Shakespeare

"How could we have known back then what was about to happen, the horror that was just around the corner. It's only now, these many years later, that we can begin to look back and make some sense of it all. The horror that began early one morning in the Arizona dessert. Hi, I'm Uncle Ernie from Issues & Alibis magazine and I would like then, if I may, to take you on a strange journey..." W The Movie ~~~ Uncle Ernie

Just when you think it couldn't possibly get any weirder out there, along comes something that just blows you away. I get, on an almost daily basis, invites to join various groups. Mostly leftist or atheistic organizations as I make it no secret where I stand

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politically. I try to join as many as possible in order to get the word out to as many people as possible. I even try those which border on the bizarre because I often border on the bizarre myself; see the Uncle Ernie series of books!

I got an invite the other day to join the "Zetaheaven group" and their invite triggered my curiosity, so I did. This group follows the teaching of a lady named Nancy Lieder; I know, what's in a name, eh? Nancy must have taken an overdose of LSD back in the early 90's while watching an X-Files marathon to came up this idea for the cult of "Zeta Heaven." A group that believes Nancy talks with space aliens and they tell her about things that are to come and how she and her followers can avoid disaster by following the aliens' instructions! Apparently, the Zetans warned the Mayans about December 23, 2012 as they stress the same date for disaster to this group. Again, yeah I know, you may recall Heaven's Gate, so in my first email to the group I warned the members about drinking the Kool-Aid and being castrated! Nancy has a whole line of books, DVDs and such to intruct her groupies and keep her from having to work for a living!

I can hear you say, so what? What makes them any different from any other cult, like the Baptists, or Jews or the Buddhists, for example? Not a lot really and unlike the more popular sci-fi cult founded by the sci-fi writer L Ron Hubbard, the Zeta aliens have come out in favor of Obama for president. It seems only he can bring about the "Brave New World" that is to come!

Imagine the "cult of personality" merging with space aliens. Unlike magnetism where like poles repel each other, in politics lunatics attract one another. To me it seems they're a perfect match. While both groups do what they do for goodness sake, both groups are about to be incredibly disappointed when the truth finally sinks into their fantasy-oriented brains. Obama is about politics as usual and Nancy is about making money. Perhaps Obama might make Nancy his VP running mate as they both about the same thing, controlling the Sheeple and filling their pockets!

In Other News

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I see where the Washington Post proposes doing away with due process at the Fuhrer's discretion and replacing it with a Minority Report system of justice. In the movie police routinely arrested people who hadn't actually committed a crime but were likely to at some time in the future. And then these people were punished for whatever crime they hadn't committed as if they had committed it. Based on a short story by Phillip K. Dick, it's a great yarn as a story but a nightmare as a reality.

The Washington Post which, since it's recent purchase, has slid even farther to the right, if that is possible, said Sunday in an editorial "Workable Terrorism Trials" and I quote...

"The president must have the legal flexibility to detain those against whom there is credible, actionable intelligence but not enough evidence to bring charges." Their reason for this act of treason is, "...modern realities strongly argue against using the federal courts as the exclusive arena to hold or try all terrorism suspects. Most terrorism prosecutions, including the 1993 World Trade Center case, are brought after terrorists have struck. The first priority of a president must be to protect the country from attack."

This does make sense in an American-law sort of way! In fact, it's already part of the law and is really nothing new. If you commit a crime, say bank robbery, for example, and are caught, you might get 10 years. However, if you conspire to rob a bank but actually don't rob it, just talk about doing so, you're very likely to get 20 years!

Still, in a conspiracy you must have at least talked about or planned to do it. However with Fred Hiatt's bright idea you can be locked away for life or executed because the Fuhrer thinks you might be capable, no real evidence what-so-ever, all in the name of "National Security!" Isn't that special?

And Finally

I see that my old friends Cheech and Chong are back together again. They're getting ready to go on the road with their, "Hey, What's That I Smell" tour. At first I thought they ripped me off for their first movie concept. Trouble is my idea like theirs was a

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stone rip off of the Hope/Crosby road movies of the forties, i.e., rich boy, poor boy thrown together and on the lam from "bad guys and authorities," oops but I repeat myself.

I wrote a screenplay back in 1976 called "Frank and Ernest." Frank, the rich ultra straight Harvard type and his cousin Ernest, a penniless Freak. Frank and Ernest had never met until their rich Uncle Jack died and left them his farm down in Columbia. To settle the estate Frank and Ernest go down to the farm to discover 6,000 acres of marijuana swaying in the breeze. They also discover a Columbian Army Colonel that wants it for himself and wants them dead! The fun and the chase begins. While I realize Cheech and Chong didn't steal the idea from me, I do believe that a scene from "Frank and Ernest" was stolen by "Romancing the Stone." Frank and Ernest, while running through the jungle come across a downed airliner filled to the brim with bales of weed. When they go into the plane to escape a downpour, Ernest's backpack is empty. When they leave the plane his backpack is bulging to the max! Like Hope and Crosby in the "ROAD TO MOROCCO," there was more than one "reefer" joke! While everybody who read "Frank & Ernest" liked it, no one liked it enough to buy it! Oh well, c'est la vie!

Now it's 32 years later and a movie that I wrote in part, acted in and helped to produce may actually make it to a theatre near you in about 10 weeks or so. There are three major studios that want to put "W The Movie" into theatres before the election. Just when we were beginning to feel like David Lynch trying to get Eraserhead in the theatres it looks like we've finally succeeded! Still, W isn't quite done, and in fact, I went to a recording studio in suburban Charlotte on Wednesday to do a few voice-overs to give W some linear direction. I'd like to thank Kevin at K.N.N. Productions for his help with recording those voice-overs. As it stands today, we should have the film together and ready in about three weeks! Stay tuned for further updates!


"The era of manufacturing consent has given way to the era of manufacturing news.Soon media newsrooms will drop the pretense, and start hiring theater directors instead of journalists."

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~~~ Arundhati Roy ~~~

It's come down to it again, bills are due and we haven't the funds to cover them. Unless you give us a hand we'll be forced to float a loan, something we cannot afford to do, to keep the magazine going. If you haven't spent all of your refund check yet please consider sending us what you can. For those of you who are as broke as we are don't send money but do tell all of your friends about the magazine and our cause. Consider staging a fundraiser with your friends and groups. One good topless car wash would straighten up our finances for the rest of the year!

To contribute to the cause and help us keep fighting for you just visit our donations page and follow the instructions there. Thank you!

Ernest & Victoria Stewart

Page --- 386 --- 08-08-08

Don't Be Facetious By Ernest Stewart

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Don't be facetious! ~ Dorothy Lamour Oh, keep politics out of this! ~ Bob Hope

Road To Utopia

"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the

universe." ~~~ Albert Einstein

There are no stupid questions. Just stupid people. ~~~ Mr. Garrison

The smirked one has escaped from his handlers again and is out and about on Air Force One, this time off to embarrass us in Asia.

The Fuhrer's first stop was at Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska where he posed for photos with airmen and soldiers and worked the crowd, at one point lifting a baby in the air, reminding the troops if they didn't vote for McCain in November they'd soon find themselves in the front lines of

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our next war with Iran!

Then Smirkus flew off to South Korea where tens of thousands of Bush protesters were met by tens of thousands of South Korean troops armed with water cannons to keep them from tearing our west Texas porch monkey into tiny bits. Bush met with fellow fascist Lee Myung-bak to explain why we slaughtered fellow Korean fascists and refugees by the tens of thousands during the Korean War when US commanders ordered the bombing, napalming and machine-gunning of families fleeing the fighting because there might have been a commie amongst them. Bush also explained that Lee must buy and the Koreans must consume US mad cow meat if they want to sell their cars in America.

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Next our national embarrassment was off to Thailand on a fact-finding tour of Bangkok's large population of preteen prostitutes. Bush promised to "get to the bottom" of this tragedy, with a "hands on" approach. The he'll be inspecting Thai products from spicy food to "golden triangle" heroin before stumbling into the palace to meet with the King whom Bush thinks is Yul Brenner!

Then it's off to Peking for some duck, plum sauce and the Olympics. Bush will meet with President Hu Jintao whom he calls "Huge Gin and Tonic." They're to discuss how the newly US supplied surveillance equipment has made it easier than before to round up hundreds of thousands of

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protestors, dissidents, farmers and healthy youngsters for trips to the "body parts farms" just so the Commies can look good on TV and not upset the sponsors during the games. Games which may be occasionally seen through the dense smog that blankets Beijing! There Bush will remain for a series of photo ops, which will no doubt remind many of the 1936 Berlin Olympics.

In Other News

I see where Defense Secretary Robert Gates crawled out from under his rock to defended the new "National Defense Strategy" that recommends making fighting al Qaeda and other militant groups the top military priority in coming decades and all but ignores threats

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from China and Russia. Gates says it's an attempt to incorporate the lessons learned from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. I'm guessing for the coming war with Iran?

"The danger is not that modernization will be sacrificed to fund asymmetric capabilities, but rather that in the future we will again neglect the latter," Gates told reporters.

The endless war for American and other corpo-rats will continue regardless of other threats! Will continue even though there is no political constituency supporting the new requirements for irregular and asymmetric warfare!

The strategy paper notes that China is expanding its conventional

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military capabilities and that Russia's "retreat from openness and democracy could have significant security implications for the United States." No kidding?

"I don't see either nation as a threat to the United States at this point, but they both are investing in modernization programs that are of concern," Gates said.

The paper said Russia was leveraging its oil wealth, asserting claims in the Arctic, and continues "to bully its neighbors, all of which are cause for concern."

It also pointed to Russia's resumption of long-range bomber flights, withdrawal from arms control and force reduction treaties, threats to target countries

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that host US missile defense bases and an increased reliance on nuclear weapons as a foundation of its security.

"All of these actions suggest a Russia exploring renewed influence, and seeking a greater international role," it said.

But Gates said the strategic environment the United States faces for the foreseeable future "will be defined by a global struggle against a violent extremist ideology that seeks to overturn the international state system. At the same time we will continue to improve and refine our capabilities to respond to China if necessary."

By all means let's ignore those nations that could wipe us out in an

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instant and concentrate on fulfilling our Corpo-rat and Zionist masters dreams of a Greater Middle-Eastern Co-Prosperity Sphere and the financial destruction of America!

And Finally

I'm sure you've heard by now our beloved Fuhrer's proud boast vis-a-vis Iraq...

"This has been a month of encouraging news from Iraq. Violence is down to its lowest level since the spring of 2004, and we're now in our third consecutive month with reduced violence levels holding steady. General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker caution that the progress is still reversible, but they report that there now appears to be a "degree of

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durability" to the gains we have made.

A significant reason for this sustained progress is the success of the surge. Another is the increasing capability of the Iraqi forces. Iraqi forces now have 192 combat battalions in the fight --- and more than 110 of these battalions are taking the lead in combat operations against terrorists and extremists."

Then old "Tail-gunner Joe" Lieberman and his sycophant Lindsey Graham held a news conference with Lieberman saying...

"That's why Senator Graham and I are introducing a resolution recognizing the strategic success

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that the surge has achieved in a central front - the central front of the war on terror against the enemies who attacked America on 9/11/01, and expressing our thanks to our troops who've made that success possible."

Considering that Iraq had nothing to do with the Fuhrer's false flag attack on 911 I wrote Graham a letter since he's one of the Sinators from South Carolina where I currently hang my hat. The other Sinator being James DeMint who, not surprisingly, is our current Vidkun Quisling Award winner, proving methinks, that bad brains think a like where treason is concerned! Here's what I wrote to Lindsey...

"Senator Graham,

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I see that you're joining the traitor and Israeli 5th columnist "Tail gunner Joe" Lieberman to introduce a resolution a.k.a. lie into the Senate record accusing Iraq of being behind the CIA/Saudi Arabian attack that the Bush Junta allowed to happen on the WTC, in an attempt to cover up America's WAR CRIMES and CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY in Iraq!

Other than yourself, whom do you think you are fooling with this lie Lindsey? Why would you join with the Judas Lieberman? Are you an Israeli 5th columnist too?

Such a lie is an act of treason, is it not? America doesn't need any more lies, the seven years of lies and thousands of acts of treason

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by the Junta are more than enough! They've all but destroyed forever the America which we once knew and loved and replaced it with a 21st century version of Nazi Germany.

If you wonder why the people give Con-gress a 9% approval rating just look in the mirror, if you dare!

Sincerely yours, Ernest Stewart Managing editor Issues & Alibis magazine PS. You are this week's winner of the Vidkun Quisling Award!"

I requested a reply so I'll share it with you when it comes.


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"The era of manufacturing consent has given way to the era of manufacturing news.

Soon media newsrooms will drop the pretense, and start hiring theater directors instead of

journalists."~~~ Arundhati Roy ~~~

This week we lose the Poll as I don't have the funds to keep it going passed it's expiration date of August 13. It's come down to it again, bills are due and we haven't the funds to cover them. Unless you give us a hand we'll be forced to float a loan, something we cannot afford to do, to keep the magazine going. If you haven't spent all of your refund check yet please consider sending us what you can. For those of you who are as broke as we are don't send money but do tell all of your friends about the magazine and our cause.

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Consider staging a fundraiser with your friends and groups. One good topless car wash would straighten up our finances for the rest of the year!

To contribute to the cause and help us keep fighting for you just visit our donations page and follow the instructions there. Thank you!

Ernest & Victoria Stewart


Page --- 387 --- 08-15-08

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Mad Dog Time Again By Ernest Stewart

"You can never really know the size of a person's brain until you have to clean it off the

carpet, and let me tell you, Sleepy Joe had quite a brain."

Mad Dog Time ~~~ Gabriel Byrne

"Liberal soccer moms are precisely as likely to receive anthrax in the mail as to develop a

capacity for linear thinking." ~~~ Ann Coulter

"When I was growing up, it was 'Communists'. Now it's 'Terrorists'. So you always have to have somebody to fight and be afraid of,

so the war machine can build more bombs, guns, bullets and everything." ~~~ Cindy


I got to thinking the other night (I know a very dangerous thing for me to do) about the old Richard Dreyfuss movie "Mad Dog Time." Dreyfuss is the head of a crime family that is at war with another

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crime family and the kicker is Richard is as loony as a March hare and has just returned from the funny farm to take back control of the family. Does that remind you of anyone?

Our favorite madman is back from the Olympics where he spent time getting wasted for various photo ops and calling the Chinese kettle black over human rights issues. Funny eh? Now he's back to ramp up the new war with Iran.

You'll recall that last week Kinda-Sleazy gave Israel the green light to start WW III by bombing Iran. Rice said, "We don't say yes or no to Israeli military operations. Israel is a sovereign country." There has been a lot of talk that Israel is off again to commit more war crimes

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but the truth is Israel has never done a thing without first getting our permission since the Suez Crisis of 1956. Every act of war and every crime against humanity has been approved including the attack on the USS Liberty, which was approved by LBJ as an "Operation Northwoods" maneuver!

However, I would remind Israel of the words of everybody's favorite War Criminal, Henry Kissinger, who once said, "To be an enemy of America can be dangerous, but to be a friend is fatal." So if you murder some Chinese or Russians and if either country starts bombing Israel back to the stone age don't be surprise is we just shake our heads and go, "Tsk, tsk, tsk, Israel!"

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Meanwhile our Texas prairie monkey has sent two more carrier battle groups to the seas off Iran. The carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN71) and its Carrier Strike Group Two (CCSG-2) are now headed towards Iran along with the USS Ronald Reagan (CVN76) and its Carrier Strike Group Seven (CCSG-7), the latter coming from Japan.

The Roosevelt, which was leading the "Operation Brimstone" war games in the Atlantic with ships from the French, Brazilian and English navies, is bringing some of those ships along with her to help in the upcoming naval blockade of Iran. These ships will be joining two existing US Navy battle groups in the Gulf area, the USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN72) with its Carrier

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Strike Group Nine (CCSG- 9) and the USS Peleliu (LHA-5) with its expeditionary strike group.

I wonder what would happen if the Chinese or Russians sent some ships to Iran with naval escorts? Would we fire upon those ships if they failed to yield? Would they return fire? Would Iran sink a few tankers in the Gulf of Hormuz and level the oil refineries up and down the gulf? Oh, and wouldn't it be funny if she had a few A-bombs from her friends in Pakistan and took out Tel Aviv and the "Green Zone?" Wouldn't it? Naw, let's not impeach Bush and Cheney. Let's make sure that Nancy keeps that off the table and the WW III option on the table! Oh and did I mention the next "New Moon," a.k.a. "Bomber's Moon," is August 30th!

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In Other News

I'm having a déjà vu all over again! The FBI's little song and dance about the Anthrax mail brought back memories of a similar cover up from my youth. From the moments that the FBI declared that Dr. Bruce Ivins was the Anthrax mailer whom they were "just about" to arrest and charge, alarm bells started going off in my head. When they laid out their proof, which turned out to be a whole lot less than even circumstantial, I knew the Dr. Ivins had absolutely nothing to do with it.

Fool me once shame on you, but then again the FBI didn't fool me to begin with, even as a child. I turned 15 one week after my grandmother

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and I watched Jack Ruby kill FBI patsy Lee Harvey Oswald. Then, as now, methinks the FBI is covering up for another Crime Family Bush, CIA sponsored affair very much like the Kennedy sanction. You may recall the original drama, like this little play, was run by another Bush, i.e. George Herbert Walker Bush, who ran the two four man CIA hit teams and who can be seen leaning up against the Book Depository Building a few moments after the sanction went down with another agent.

Yes, we can all roll over and go back to sleep because Dr. Ivins was definitely the man who sent the letters. Ivins the Democrat, who sent the letters, not to Bush and other Republicans but rather, only to Democrats and to people he had

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no way of knowing. Ivins who apparently can be in two places at once, like certain Indians dropping Peyote. Ivins who was a bit of a klutz in his personal life but who could become James Bond as an assassin. If you buy that Dr. Ivins did it, then I have this bridge in Brooklyn I'd like to sell you, too!

I won't go into all the reasons I think this is bullshit but do read the Glenn Greenwald piece in this week's Issues and Alibis. Glenn delves far deeper into this act of treason then I have the time for right now.

At times like these one should recall the wise words of old Lucius Annaeus Seneca who, way back in the first century CE, said, "Cui prodest scelus, is fecit" or "The one

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who derives advantage from the crime is the one most likely to have committed it." Ask yourself what advantage did Dr. Ivins get from scaring a bunch of Senators and the people and what advantage did the Junta gain from the same actions? Who trained, equipped and financed Osama and created al-Qaeda? Who has been the Crime Family Bush's stooge since it was created? Who blew Jack Kennedy's brains all over the trunk of the limo? Who did the FBI cover up for then and who are they covering up for now? Give it some thought and I'm sure the answer will come to you!

And Finally

You may have noticed that we don't have a huge election page

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this year as we had back in 2002, 2004 and in 2006. The 2006 election broke me of doing that. We endorsed over 100 candidates for the Senate, House and various governorships that year and about 94% of our endorsements won. Trouble is, only about 5% of them actually did what they said that they would do. Yes, I know, that's the nature of the political beast. Liars. But I won't be wasting my time this time around.

We are, however, backing the candidacy of three candidates because they aren't in the same class as those others. As you know, we're backing Green Party candidates Cynthia McKinney for President and Rosa Clemente for Vice President. Cynthia's voting record speaks loud and clear for

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who she is and what she is about as a seven term Congresswoman from Georgia and Rosa's record as a long time community activists speaks loud and clear as well.

Joining them with all of our backing is the anti-war activist who has a clear record as well. Cindy Sheehan is now on the ballot as an independent candidate for Congress, running against Nancy (Impeachment is off the table) Pelosi.

That's it, America. Those are the ones we endorse, the ones we'll campaign long and hard for, the ones that would bring about the "real change" that this country so desperately needs. We would endorse folks like Barney Frank and Barbara Lee as well but they hardly

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need our endorsement. Their constituents will reelect them without our help but the list of folks we'd endorse is very small indeed.

Cynthia, Rosa and Cindy could be shoo in candidates over Barry, Johnny and Nancy. No problem at all. Yes, we could easily elect them. We could overcome that "zero chance to win" and there would be no wasted votes, if one group of people would get off of the sidelines and use their right to vote. A vote that is long overdue. If the women of America, who are the majority voters, would just once come together and elect a woman president and vice president, something that they've had the ability to do since the 1920 election, we might save America from the ruin we are all facing. Our

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future is in your hands, ladies. We live or die by your will. We can either keep going down the road to oblivion that we are on or you can step in, save the day and show us all the way. It's up to you and you couldn't find three better candidates to bring about our salvation!

I lay this at your doorstep, ladies. Men have had, for some 8,000 years of recorded history, the chance to build a better world and have failed miserably. Consider that after all that time, their crowning achievement is George W. Bush! As I said, it's up to you!


"The era of manufacturing consent has given way to the era of manufacturing news.

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Soon media newsrooms will drop the pretense, and start hiring theater directors instead of

journalists."~~~ Arundhati Roy ~~~

This week we lose the Poll as I don't have the funds to keep it going past it's expiration date of August 13. It's come down to it again. Bills are due and we haven't the funds to cover them. Unless you give us a hand, we'll be forced to float a loan, something we cannot afford to do, to keep the magazine going. If you haven't spent all of your refund check yet please consider sending us what you can. For those of you who are as broke as we are don't send money but do tell all of your friends about the magazine and our cause. Consider staging a fundraiser with your friends and groups. One good

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topless car wash would straighten up our finances for the rest of the year!

To contribute to the cause and help us keep fighting for you just visit our donations page and follow the instructions there. Thank you!

Ernest & Victoria Stewart


Page --- 388 --- 08-22-08

Freedom Cages

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By Ernest Stewart Though your brother's bound and gagged

And they've chained him to a chair Won't you please come to Chicago just to sing?

Chicago ~~~ Crosy, Stills, Nash & Young

"Said the frying-pan to the kettle, get away, blackbreech"

Don Quixote ~~~ Miguel de Cervantes

"Russia must also warn the European countries that... in case of a potential military

confrontation... capitals, large cities, and industrial and communications centers of the countries hosting elements of the U.S. missile

shield will inevitably become primary targets of nuclear strikes." ~~~ Col. Gen. Leonid Ivashov

Well, I suppose it was the next logic step in America's destruction. First Bush introduced "Free Speech Zones" and now, for those of you who want to speak your mind at the Demoncratic Convention in Denver and who aren't corpo-rat goons inside the "Pepsi Center,"

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you will do so inside a "Freedom Cage!"

U.S. District Judge Marcia Krieger said, "That while a designated parade route and fenced-in protest zone may inhibit protesters' ability to express themselves, they do not violate First Amendment rights to free speech. These restrictions are justified by important government interests." she continued. Can you guess who appointed Frau Krieger to the court? No, let's not see the same hands all of the time... If you guessed it was our own beloved "Smirky the Wonder Chimp" you may stay after class and clean the erasers!

Oh, and if you dare to "peaceably assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of

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grievances" outside of the "Freedom Cage" you will soon find that the 1st amendment to the Constitution no longer exists and you will be on your way to another Bush Brothers Gulag known to the locals as, "Gitmo on the Platte!"

Note the similarity to Gitmo "Tiger


Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper (I couldn't make a name like that up if I tried folks), who is a Demoncrat, said Frau Krieger's decision was "gratifying," and noted that "of the three Democratic conventions since 2000, Denver's is the only plan fully upheld by a federal judge." (Which is interesting

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because since 2000 there have only been the 2004 convention and this one.)

"With this validation of our plans, we continue moving forward - focused on making the convention a safe, inclusive and enjoyable event for all," Herr Hickenlooper said. Makes you want to play some John Phillips Sousa and march around the room, don't it? I know what my generation would have done facing such a challenge from Smirky and his minions. I know because I was there as a member of the SDS and it was called the "1968 Demoncratic Convention" in Chicago. I wonder what today's kids will do?

In Other News

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Who didn't get a chuckle form our beloved prairie monkey wagging his finger at the Chinese and the Russians over human rights issues? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! Not to excuse the Russians or the Chinese for a moment but after his millions of war crimes in Afghanistan and Iraq, where does Bush get off?

To the Chinese he said, "We speak out for a free press, freedom of assembly, and labor rights not to antagonize China's leaders, but because trusting its people with greater freedom is the only way for China to develop its full potential." Of course, we've done away with a free press and if you dare speak your mind outside of a free speech zone you'll end up in a freedom cage. Unions? Since old Dementia

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head hit the scene back in `81 the unions have all but disappeared.

To the Russian Smirky said, "The United States stands with the democratically elected government of Georgia and insists that the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Georgia be respected." Say what? Isn't that exactly what we did in Kabul and Baghdad? Didn't we invade, overthrow their governments and take over their countries, appointing puppets to run them?

Then we're treated to another hissy fit from Kinda Sleazy running hither and yon in Europe demanding Russia get out of Georgia all the while pretending what we're doing isn't just like what the Russians are doing-except that we've killed and

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maimed millions.

"This is not 1968 and the invasion of Czechoslovakia where Russia can threaten a neighbor, occupy a capital, overthrow a government and get away with it," Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said. "Things have changed." Oh really? Methinks the "lady" doth protest too much!

That's just our foreign policy chickens coming home to roost. When you've thrown your morals out the window to make a buck on the destruction of innocent countries it's a bit hard to stand up with righteous indignation without the world laughing in your face and calling you a hypocrite!

And Finally

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Kinda Sleazy stopped by Warsaw on her way back to Foggy Bottom to seal Poland's doom by signing the controversial "missile defense shield treaty."

Rice arrived in Poland having attended an emergency summit of Nato foreign ministers, which warned Russia there could be no "business as usual" until it complies with the EU-brokered ceasefire in Georgia.

Russia has threatened that Poland "faces being targeted by nuclear warheads" in retaliation for agreeing to host the US missile system.

NATO secretary-general Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, while rattling his

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sword, described that as "pathetic rhetoric," and declared, "It is unhelpful and it leads nowhere." To which Kinda Sleazy added, "Poland is an independent country. And it's an ally of the United States. And it's a democratic country, to whose security the United States is committed." Remember Georgia had the same promises that we've given Poland!

"The negotiations were very tough but friendly," Donald Tusk, Poland's prime minister said to Rice in English after the signing. "We have achieved our main goals, which means that our country and the United States will be more secure." Don, you really ought to put that crack pipe down, it's making you silly!

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If Russia nukes those two bases in Poland and in the Czech Republic, does anyone really believe that NATO will risk London, Paris and Berlin, etc, by attacking Moscow over Poland? We've already been there and done that, and 60 millions died. This time around it could easily be 6 billion. Of course, that is exactly what our masters want, a population of a few hundred million to clear out some space and serve their every need!

Philip Coyle, a senior adviser with the Center for Defense Information in Washington DC, said the Bush administration has been trying for about 18 months to reach this deal but the timing has turned out to be "most unfortunate from a Russian point of view. The tragedy in all of this confrontation with Russia is

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that the system that's proposed for Poland and the Czech Republic is a scarecrow," he said. "It's not something that Europe can rely on, it is not dependable. If Iran had missiles that could reach central Europe, which they don't yet, this system couldn't be relied on to defend against them anyway." The "commotion and sword-rattling with Russia is for nothing," Coyle said.

For 30 years we had the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty with MAD which both served the world well. Can you guess who pulled us out of the ABMT? I bet you can! That's right, it was our beloved Smirky the "Wonder Chimp" who is doing everything he can before January to commit us to WWIII. Thanks again, Nancy, for pulling

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impeachment off the table. I hope we live long enough to watch Cindy kick your traitorous ass!


"The era of manufacturing consent has given way to the era of manufacturing news.

Soon media newsrooms will drop the pretense, and start hiring theater directors instead of

journalists."~~~ Arundhati Roy ~~~

We'd like to thank David, Terry and David for sending in their donations which allowed us to restart the weekly polls and help pay off some of the bills. We're a lot closer to raising all the money we need to keep going but we're still $2300 short. If you haven't spent all of your refund check yet please consider sending us what you can.

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For those of you who are as broke as we are don't send money but do tell all of your friends about the magazine and our cause. Consider staging a fundraiser with your friends and groups. One good topless car wash would straighten up our finances for the rest of the year!

To contribute to the cause and help us keep fighting for you just visit our donations page and follow the instructions there. Thank you!

Ernest & Victoria Stewart


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Page --- 389 --- 08-29-08

And The Truth Is, There Is Something Terribly Wrong With This Country."*By Ernest Stewart

"Ask the cop on the corner; Ask the cop in the store;

Ask the cop on the rooftop; Ask the cop in the woodpile;

Ask the cop that's knock, knock, knockin' at your back door. (Knock knock)..."

How Can You Be In Two Places At Once When You're Not Anywhere At All? ~~~ Firesign


"Whereas nothing in this resolution shall be

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construed as an authorization of the use of force against Iran." ~~~ H. Con. Res. 362

"1984 Knockin' on your door

Will you let it come Will you let it run your life?"

1984 ~~~ Spirit

Ze papers, show me ze papers! A line from every bad WWII movie that you've ever seen and, with the coming of Bush and "Fatherland Insecurity," a common everyday occurrence in the these here United Snakes. Zeus help you if you don't have a National ID Card or Passport on your person! Now, add to that "Put ze iPod down and stand away from it. PUT IT DOWN NOW!" This is becoming a common scene at the border for American tourists coming back to the country from such exotic and dangerous locales as Mexico and Canada!

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"Federal agents may take a traveler's laptop computer or other electronic device to an off-site location for an unspecified period of time without any suspicion of wrongdoing, as part of border search policies" the Department of Homeland Security recently disclosed!

Also, officials may share copies of the laptop's contents with other agencies and private entities for language translation, data decryption or other reasons, according to the policies, dated July 16 and issued by two DHS agencies, U.S. Customs and Border Protection and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

"The policies are truly alarming,"

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said Sen. Russell Feingold (D-Wis.), who is probing the government's border search practices. He said he intends to introduce legislation soon that would require reasonable suspicion for border searches, as well as prohibit profiling on race, religion or national origin. However searches because of sex, politics or expensive equipment the agent always wanted would be allowed, one can only assume.

DHS officials said the newly disclosed policies, which apply to anyone entering the country, including U.S. citizens, are reasonable and necessary to prevent terrorism. Officials also said such procedures have long been in place but were only disclosed last month because of public interest in the matter.

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An increasing number of international travelers have reported for months that their laptops, cell phones and other digital devices had been taken and their contents examined.

The policies state that officers may "detain laptops or other devices for a reasonable period of time to review and analyze information." (download all your hot porn.) This may take place "absent individualized suspicion."(If they don't like your hair cut or your t-shirt says something critical of Bush)

The policies cover "any device capable of storing information in digital or analog form, including hard drives, flash drives,

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cellphones, iPods, pagers, beepers, and video and audio tapes." They also cover "all papers and other written documentation, including books, pamphlets and "written materials commonly referred to as 'pocket trash' or 'pocket litter.'"

My only question is, if you were lucky enough to get out of the country to begin with, why would you come back in?

In Other News

Are you wondering how were going to go to war with Iran even though to do so would be in violations of many laws and treaties to which this U.S. is signatory? You may recall how the Demoncrats swore that Iraq would never happen again after the Junta lied and lied and lied

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and lied us into the Iraq quagmire and how during the run up to the last election they swore that they'd impeach Smirky on January 20, 2007 if given the power? Ya'll recall?

So would you be surprised to learn that those loveable anti-war knuckleheads are giving Bush just the thing he needs to start WWIII? I'm not surprised in the least. In fact, I expected it as there really is no difference between the two parties. A case in point is H. Con. Res. 362, introduced by Representative Gary Ackerman, you guessed it, a Demoncrat from New York, and co-sponsored, so far, by 261 members of Congress, many of whom are Democrats. This bipartisan resolution of treason is just what Bush has wanted as an

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excuse to blockade Iran.

It begins by asserting as fact that Iran is pursuing nuclear weapons and intimates that it would share its nuclear material and technology with terrorists and "rogue states." The reality is that as of the end of July 2008, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) had conducted over 3,000 man-days of scrupulous inspections, including nine visits that were unannounced.

In a report to the IAEA Board of Governors dated May 26, 2008, Dr. Mohamed ElBaradei said, "The Agency has been able to continue to verify the non-diversion of declared nuclear materials in Iran. Iran has provided the Agency with access to declared nuclear material and has provided the required

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nuclear material accountancy reports in connection with declared nuclear material and activities." The National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) corroborates the IAEA's findings. "We judge with high confidence that in fall 2003, Tehran halted its nuclear weapons program.... We assess with moderate confidence Tehran has not restarted its nuclear weapons program as of mid-2007"

Ergo credible evidence exists to refute H. Con. Res. 362's claim that Iran is pursuing nuclear weapons and engaged in "illicit nuclear activities," the premise upon which this resolution builds its argument for sanctions and a blockade. Since the members of Congress already know that this is BS, H. Con. Res. 362 raises many questions about

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their intent and motivation in sponsoring a resolution that fabricates a "threat" posed to stability in the Middle East and, more importantly, to the survival of Israel by Iran.

Then it demands that Iran "verifiably suspend its nuclear enrichment activities." Which ignores the critical legal distinction between enriching uranium for weapons production and enriching uranium for peaceful purposes which is Iran's sovereign right under Article IV of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty of which it is a signatory!

Finally, H. Con. Res. 362 demands that Bush immediately impose "stringent inspection requirements on all persons, vehicles, ships,

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planes, trains, and cargo entering or departing Iran." Such a land, sea and air blockade, with no mention of seeking a Security Council Resolution, is more than mere provocation; it constitutes An Act Of War. In fact, the International Criminal Court will include blockade in its list of acts of war in 2009. Which means if Russian or Chinese ships refuse to be boarded and we attack one we will have in a matter of moments WWIII! So much for ending the wars, Demoncrats. You, like your Rethuglican allies and your Corpo-rat masters, won't be happy until six billion of us go bye-bye, leaving the elite and their few million slaves! Remember that America was based upon the Roman Empire. In the city of Rome there were 1 million citizens and 3 million slaves! We're almost there,

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America! If you survive, which one do you think you'll be?

And Finally

Thank Zeus; it's the convention season at last. This, of course, means that we're only two months away from the end of this cycle of political campaigns, mind numbing lies and minutia and we get a 3 month respite until the next cycle for the 2010 election begins!

The Demoncratic convention got off to a good start when the DNC tried to bug Cindy Sheehan's Denver hotel room and got caught at it. See Cindy's article in this week's Issues & Alibis. The Denver

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police, being the good little Jack Booted thugs that they are, were soon busting heads of little old ladies and other peaceful protesters like I warned about last week. The 1st amendment doesn't apply in the Mile High city unless you do it behind barbed wire where the cops can't get at you.

Inside the "Pepsi Center" everything was love and brotherhood as Hilary gave a tongue-in-cheek speech about unity while planning her run against McCain in the 2012 election while outside in the streets the real liberal Demoncrats of "P.U.M.A." or "Party Unity My Ass" begged to differ with the corpo-rat controlled DNC. Speaking of which, over at the "Mile High Station" various traitors from the Democratic Party,

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the so-called "Blue Dogs" led by Obama and American industry, attended a party in honor of their treason thrown by their masters at AT&T for their bought votes on the F.I.S.A. bill which let AT&T, themselves and Smirky off the hook for their 4th Amendment crimes against America. That sound some of you may perceive as background noise is actually the founding fathers spinning in their graves!

Meanwhile at a rally to Stop the War, something the Demoncrats pledged to do but didn't during the last election cycle, Cynthia McKinney gave a speech to a cheering crowd that wasn't mentioned anywhere by the corpo-rat owned and controlled, so called, "Main Stream Media" which was

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gleefully listening to a plagiarized speech by Joe Biden. You can, however, read Cynthia's speech in her article in this week's Issues & Alibis. In other words, same ole, same ole. A zero change, corpo-rat controlled song and dance to dazzle the Sheeple and keep this "moving paper fantasy" alive and on track for Armageddon! I can hardly wait for the Rethuglican convention to end!


We don't sell our readers new cars, fancy homes or designer clothes. We don't advocate consumerism nor do we offer facile solutions to serious problems. We do, however, bring together writers and activists every week who are not afraid to speak the truth about our country

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and our world. The articles we print are not for the faint of heart.

As access to accurate information becomes more difficult and free speech and the exchange of ideas becomes more restricted and controlled, small publications and alternative presses disappear. Issues and Alibis may soon join that list.

We aren't asking for much-not thousands of dollars a month, not tens of thousands a year. What we need is simply enough money to cover expenses for the magazine. A few thousand dollars a year. A few hundred dollars a month. We cannot continue to go into debt to publish Issues and Alibis but at the same time we cannot, in good conscience, go quietly about our

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daily lives, remaining silent in face of the injustices perpetrated by our leaders and our government. So we need your help. We need your spare change. A dollar, five dollars, whatever you can contribute. Every penny makes a difference.

Ernest & Victoria Stewart

* Quote from "V For Vendetta."


Page --- 390 --- 09-05-08

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Help, It's The Police!By Ernest Stewart

"Police state, police state, police state... help it's the police!"Police State ~~~ The Firesign Theater

"...never send to know for whom the bell tolls: it tolls for thee." ~~~ John Donne

"If you vote for the candidate of one of the two major parties, this is your choice: John McCain, war criminal -- or Barack Obama, war criminal." ~~~ Arthur Silber

You may recall the 1st amendment to the US Constitution plainly states, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances." Unfortunately, it says nothing about the FBI and various branches of the Minnesota Gestapo abridging the freedom of speech or the right of the people peaceably to assemble and to petition the government for a redress of grievances!

National Lawyers Guild: Police Raid "Preventive Detention"

Calling what went on in Denver and what is currently going on in Minneapolis and St. Paul a simple "Police Riot" is really a vast understatement. The correct terminology would include words such as treason and sedition, to say the very least!

Not only are protesters being beaten and arrested on trumped up charges but so are reporters and members of the press who dare to try and tell the public these crimes. The government, which is without a doubt behind these various acts of treason, is determined to prevent any news coverage! The planning for this has been in the works for many months as various government agencies have designated such groups as vegans, unions and grandmothers as terrorists. Zeus help you if you actually planned

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to protest! Groups all over the country were raided even though they had committed no crime nor were planning to commit crimes. Merely exercising the right to protest the illegal, immoral wars and the other thousands of crimes committed by the Junta and their stooges led to these raids!

Our own Amy Goodman dared to cover the convention as a reporter and you can see what happened to her in this video...

Not only are the actions of these Jack Booted Thugs a crime but the message they are sending is a crime also: "We dare you to protest. Come on, punk, and make our day!" Like the NYC police riots during the 2004 Rethuglican Convention, the 2008 will set new standards for treason and sedition!

Of course, this thuggery isn't just being done around the convention. These goons are blocking workers from entering the Mall of America, turning whole trains full of workers and shoppers back in the name of breaking a union. Star Bucks, which no doubt called them out, just bought themselves a few billion dollars of bad publicity, I know I'll never pay $5 bucks for a 50 cent cup of coffee again! The Happy Camps are ready and waiting. At the whim of our beloved west Texas prairie monkey the round-ups can start in earnest (not to mention rounding up Ernest) and off we go to the Crime Family Bush's Gulag Archipelago!

Of course, the main stream media is strangely silent about the mayhem in Minneapolis. Even ABC hasn't had much to say about one of their reporters being arrested for trying to cover the news. Funny thing that, eh? Funny, indeed, considering how they went ballistic when China did the same thing before the Olympics. Every TV network and newspaper chain went on and on about China's horrible actions but nothing is said when we do it, even though we have laws against those actions and China doesn't. I guess it's not fascism when it happens here, eh?

I wrote St Paul mayor Chris Coleman a letter asking for an explanation. If he has the balls to write me back I'll share it with you!

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In Other News

I see where Smirky is about to unleash his October surprise. All of Europe and most of the Middle East is abuzz with headlines that the Dutch and other European spy agencies are withdrawing their spooks because we're about to unleash an air war from the four aircraft battle groups just off Iran's southern coasts.

We're planning to send in wave upon wave of unmanned aircraft to attack critical military and scientific targets and when Iran responds by attacking everything from the Green Zone to gulf oil fields to Israel then we'll launch everything in the area including long range bombers and bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran back to the stone age!

According to reports in the Dutch newspaper De Telegraaf, the country's intelligence service, the AIVD, has stopped an espionage operation aimed at infiltration and sabotage of the weapons industry in Iran.

"The operation, described as extremely successful, was halted recently in connection with plans for an impending US air attack on Iran," said the report.

"Targets would also be bombed which were connected with the Dutch espionage action."

"Well placed" sources told the paper that a top agent had been recalled recently "because the US was thought to be making a decision within weeks to attack Iran with unmanned aircraft."

"Information from the AIVD operation has in recent years been shared with the American CIA secret service."

On Friday, the Israel newspaper Ma'ariv reported that Israel has stepped up preparations for a contingency plan to attack Iran, should diplomatic efforts, via the United Nations, fail to derail Tehran's suspected nuclear weapons program. Since Kinda Sleazy gave the go ahead last month Israel has been chomping at the bit to destroy the last country in the area that can keep her from forming the "Greater Middle-Eastern Co-Prosperity Sphere" and seizing all the land she wants for a little "leiberstraum!"

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With the US and NATO trying to surround and dismantle Russia, wouldn't it be funny if the Russians gave a few spare SS-27s with Hydrogen warheads to Iran? Or perhaps the Chinese might spare a few old DF-5s similarly equipped?

With Washington chicken hawks calling for preemptive strikes against Iran before the election, and US and NATO warships cruising the Black Sea, might Russia decide to make a few preemptive strikes of her own against the US and NATO? Stay tuned America, there's more to come!

And Finally

I see where our latest national joke Sarah Palin pulled an Obama trick. Just like Barry, no sooner was she on the ticket than off she ran to genuflect before her Zionazi bosses at AIPAC, where she garnered rave reviews from the assemblage.

Not to be outdone by Barry, who promised to destroy the world if so much as a single Israeli curl was messed up, Sarah, on the arm of "Tailgunner Joe" Lieberman, reported for a little bowing and scraping before the board of directors of the America Israel Public Affairs Committee.

"We had a good productive discussion on the importance of the U.S.-Israel relationship, and we were pleased that Gov. Palin expressed her deep, personal, and lifelong commitment to the safety and well-being of Israel," AIPAC spokesman Josh Block said after the meeting. "Like Sen. McCain, the vice presidential nominee understands and believes in the special friendship between the two democracies and would work to expand and deepen the strategic partnership in a McCain/Palin Administration."

Therefore, everyone is on board for committing more war crimes for the expansion of Israel. More American children will be blown to tiny bits in yet another useless, worthless, illegal, immoral war so that our masters, both foreign and domestic, can make a few billion shekels on the death and misery of innocent women and children.

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Ergo, the choice is yours, America. Election day is near, go to the polls and vote. Vote for the Nazi war criminals of your choice but vote! Alternatively, you can send a message of peace, hope and good will by voting Green for Cindy and Rosa. The candidates who aren't owned by American corpo-rats and don't owe their allegiance to Israel and war. The choice and the consequences are yours to make. War or peace. Death or life. It seems a very simple choice to me!


We'd like to thank William B from Madison CT for his help. Although you sent it in on August 1st we didn't get it until last Friday due to a glitch in the mail. Thanks, Bro!

We don't sell our readers new cars, fancy homes or designer clothes. We don't advocate consumerism nor do we offer facile solutions to serious problems. We do, however, bring together every week writers and activists who are not afraid to speak the truth about our country and our world. The articles we print are not for the faint of heart.

As access to accurate information becomes more difficult and free speech and the exchange of ideas becomes more restricted and controlled, small publications and alternative presses disappear. Issues and Alibis may soon join that list.

We aren't asking for much-not thousands of dollars a month, not tens of thousands a year. What we need is simply enough money to cover expenses for the magazine. A few thousand dollars a year. A few hundred dollars a month. We cannot continue to go into debt to publish Issues and Alibis but at the same time we cannot, in good conscience, go quietly about our daily lives, remaining silent in face of the injustices perpetrated by our leaders and our government. So we need your help. We need your spare change. A dollar, five dollars, whatever you can contribute. Every penny makes a difference.

Ernest & Victoria Stewart

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Page --- 391 --- 09-12-08

Recalling Acts of Treason: 911 RevisitedBy Ernest Stewart

"I know 9-11 was an inside job, the police know it's an inside job, and the firemen know it too."~~~ New York City auxiliary fire lieutenant Paul Isaac, Jr. ~~~

"It is unacceptable for Iran to possess a nuclear weapon. It would be a game changer. It's sufficient to say I would not take military action off the table, and that I will never hesitate to use our military force in order to protect the homeland and the United States' interests." ~~~ Barrak Obama 09-04-08

For my military knowledge, though I'm plucky and adventury,Has only been brought down to the beginning of the century;But still, in matters vegetable, animal, and mineral,I am the very model of a modern Major-General.The Pirates of Penzance ~~~ Gilbert and Sullivan

The seventh anniversary of the false flag attack known as 911 has come and gone with the promise of another one on the horizon. It was, of course, the fourth time we've attacked ourselves for political and monetary gain.

Our first "Reichstag Fire" was Pearl Harbor. You may recall when FDR set up the Japanese to attack us? You'll remember that the governments of Great Britain, the Netherlands, Australia, Peru,

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Korea, and the Soviet Union warned the U.S. that Japan was planning to attack Pearl Harbor. Robert Stinett, a decorated naval veteran of World War II who served under Lt. George H.W. Bush, examined thousands of U.S. government documents declassified under the Freedom of Information Act proving that FDR knew about the planned attack on Pearl Harbor but allowed it to happen. According to materials published by the National Security Agency in 1994, the JN-25B code had been cracked in December 1940. The entire Pearl Harbor attack plan was revealed by that code which was regularly used in messages intercepted by U.S. military intelligence. FDR did more than just allow the attack to happen. A memo declassified in 1988 and written on October 7, 1940 by Navy Lt. Commander and Japan expert Arthur McCollum outlined an eight-point plan designed to provoke Japan into a first strike against the United States. These provocations included deploying U.S. warships in Japanese waters, seizing Japanese assets in the United States, and a total embargo on Japan. All eight points of this plan were carried out by FDR before the attack on Pearl Harbor. All this done so we could become #1 and rule the world.

For those of you who say the Junta couldn't keep a secret if their lives depended upon it, I agree. Just remember the WWII information didn't come out until the late 80s and mid 90s. Be patient and similar proof will come to light about 911, too. In fact, a lot of it already has but the Sheeple being the Sheeple...

Our second false flag was a little operation called Operation 34A, also know as the Gulf of Tonkin incident. You'll recall we claimed North Vietnamese PT boats attacked a pair of US destroyers in international waters off Vietnam. Actually, those destroyers were trying to get the Vietnamese to attack the ships by shelling Vietnam, thus committing an act or war. Again, the war related industries and body bag manufactures were the only winners. Half a million US kids were wounded and 60,000 died. 3 million South East Asians were slaughtered to make a buck for our corpo-rat elite. Unlike WWII, the Vietnam war destroyed our economy, forcing us off the gold standard and beginning our long downhill slide.

During this time just before current presidential contender Johnny McCain began his long stay at an apartment in downtown Hanoi

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with his two hooker spy friends, his daddy was running an "Operation Northwood's" project for LBJ, i.e., the attack on the USS Liberty. You'll remember how Israel attacked and tried to sink the Liberty at LBJ's bidding in order to blame the ship's loss on Egypt so we could enter the war and save Israel while gaining permanent bases in the Middle East. Does that ring any deja vue bells, America? Trouble was, the ship didn't sink and, even though they called back American fighters before they could intervene, the truth got out before she could be sunk and the survivors were sworn to either keep it secret or face a firing squad. It took another 30 years for the truth to come out, but come out it did.

Our fourth false flag attack was 911 where, like in WWII, a number of countries warned us that the attack was coming. Issues & Alibis found at least 7 countries that warned us but Robert (Robin) Cook, the British Foreign Secretary, said the number was 11. These countries told us who, when, where, why and how. Of course, as 911 was another CIA operation, we already knew about it and stood the air force down lest they intervene and spoil the plot. I figured it out in July when Bush went to Genoa and took his own missile battery with him. The Italians had uncovered a plot to fly an airliner into the G8 meeting building. That's when I knew they'd attack the WTC, which had just missed being destroyed in `93, and would, no doubt, go for the Pentagon, Langley and the US Capitol with airliners as well. My only mistake was the date, which I got wrong by a week. Not seeing the now obvious 911, I thought the day after Labor Day, one week earlier, would be the best time to strike. I came to this conclusion after the announcements in June that pilots would no longer be able to carry guns aboard airliners, something started under JFK and allowed right up until that time. It was also announced that all Junta members would henceforth fly only in air force planes! Not to mention our good friends the Taliban turned down our offers of a carpet of gold for letting Cheney build his pipeline through Afghanistan and decided they'd rather have a carpet of bombs, which was our other offer. Much like the Kennedy sanction, the CIA set up it's own, Osama and the CIA group Al Qaeda, like they did in Dallas with Lee Harvey Oswald, another CIA operative. If you've seen the photo of George HW Bush leaning up against the Book Depository building

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moments after the motorcade sped away, you'll no doubt recall that smirk on his face!

The conclusion to all of this is that eventually the truth about 911 will come out and will be recognized by all but only after the participates are long since dead just as with WWII and the USS Liberty. As Papa Smirk once said, "If the people knew what we had done, they would chase us down the street and lynch us."

In Other News

I see that Barry had a little Freudian slip the other day. (See above video) Is he a Muslim or a Christian? Does that matter? Does Palin's talking in tongues bother you? Being a Pentecostal, she's liable to do that at any time. For example if old "wet start" bites the big one and Sarah takes the reins and, while making a speech at the United Nations, breaks into gibberish before the world, would that bother you? In the abstract, it bothers me but not in reality. What bothers me about Barry, Johnny, Joe and Sarah is that they're all war hawks, with Johnny, Barry and Joe being war criminals! Then there's Sarah stating that we sent troops to fight in Iraq as a "task from God!" Who's that standing by that signpost up ahead? Why it's Rod Serling!

Time and time again, they've all spoken out in favor of that never ending war our corpo-rat masters want so that they can get rid of most of us and have the world to themselves. Our masters' agents of change are the above four who will carry their plans to expand the war. Johnny, Sarah and Joe want to invade Iran. Barry wants to do that and attack Pakistan as well! No matter who wins we'll get basically the same results as Joe once said on The Daily Show, "John McCain is a personal friend, a great friend, and I would be honored to run with or against John McCain, because I think the country would be better off, be well off no matter who won!" Uh huh!

Of course, the election itself may be just smoke and mirrors anyway. What with most of the country still voting on electronic,

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paperless, non-traceable, rat-wing corpo-rat owned machines the outcome may have already been programmed, tallied and counted! Ergo, the next eight weeks of campaigning, rabble rousing and photo ops could be simply entertainment for the masses.

Of course, you could do something that just might make a difference. Most Americans won't bother voting because the main parties just run the same old bunch of crooks and thieves, so why bother? If the folks who are planning on sitting this one out would instead go to the polls and vote, we might be able to save the day and stop the World War which is just a few months away. If these folks would register and vote for Cynthia and Rosa all this madness that we've seen in the last 7 1/2 years could be ended and repairs made to our tattered Constitution and Bill of Rights. We could end the wars and their war crimes and bring those responsible to justice for their crimes instead of letting them get away with mass murder, war crimes, crimes against humanity, the theft of trillions of your tax dollars, the destruction of three countries, i.e., Iraq, Afghanistan and America. You could do this and ensure your children and their children a decent, safe, healthy place to live. If we don't prevent it, either Barry or Johnny will lead us off into that brave new world of death and destruction. As H.L. Mencken said, "People deserve the government they get, and they deserve to get it good and hard."

And Finally

From what I understand, there are still a few buildings in Afghanistan that are standing and haven't been turned back into dust yet? Accordingly, Major General Jeffrey Schloesser, Commander of Combined Joint Task Force-101 and Commanding General of the 101st Airborne Division wants more troops sent to Afghanistan to get the job done!

Jeffy says, "Though U.S., coalition and Afghan troops are making steady progress against increasingly active insurgent forces in Afghanistan, it's time to turn up the heat. I believe that more forces are required. And I think that over the next several months we can put them, certainly, to good use." "I'd like to speed it up," Schloesser said of the anti-insurgent campaign's pace in

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Afghanistan. He estimated that a troop increase on the order of "a series of thousands" would be of sufficient size.

"I'm going to ask for more troops. I think it's pretty commonly known that I already have," Schloesser said. "And, I'm optimistic that we'll potentially see them in the coming months."

Apparently we've only managed to slaughter a few tens of thousands and wound a paltry hundred thousand or so women and children in "Operation Secure The Pipeline." It's obvious the general feels we're not getting the biggest bang for our buck and wants to step up the slaughter. What with the $ billions spent on the new "children seeking" smart bombs in the inventory just lying around, going to waste.

Then, of course, with more cross border raids into Pakistan, he hasn't the troops to finish the job of wiping out the towel heads before he's sent home. He fears if he doesn't up the ante a bit he'll never get that fourth star!

Sorry, Jeffy, most of the troops who are leaving Iraq and sent to Afghanistan are for the pre-invasion build up along the border of Iran. You'll have to make do with the US and NATO troops that you already have to finish the job on the Afghanis. However, you might take the money given for the rebuilding of Afghanistan and buy, instead, some soldiers of fortune from Blackwater to do your dirty work? These mercenaries really enjoy the work of slaughtering and raping women and children and will certainly help you in suppressing and intimidating the populace!

Jeffy added, "Meanwhile, there is absolutely no way that the enemy will triumph in Afghanistan. We're not losing this war, and we won't lose it even if additional troops don't show up in the next several months." Which, to me sounds like we're losing the war. What's that sound like to you?


We don't sell our readers new cars, fancy homes or designer clothes. We don't advocate consumerism nor do we offer facile solutions to serious problems. We do, however, bring together every week writers and activists who are not afraid to speak the

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truth about our country and our world. The articles we print are not for the faint of heart.

As access to accurate information becomes more difficult and free speech and the exchange of ideas becomes more restricted and controlled, small publications and alternative presses disappear. Issues and Alibis may soon join that list.

We aren't asking for much-not thousands of dollars a month, not tens of thousands a year. What we need is simply enough money to cover expenses for the magazine. A few thousand dollars a year. A few hundred dollars a month. We cannot continue to go into debt to publish Issues and Alibis but at the same time we cannot, in good conscience, go quietly about our daily lives, remaining silent in face of the injustices perpetrated by our leaders and our government. So we need your help. We need your spare change. A dollar, five dollars, whatever you can contribute. Every penny makes a difference.

Ernest & Victoria Stewart

page --- 392 --- 09-26-08

Goose Step MamaBy Ernest Stewart

Goose step Mama, boogie all night long.Goose step Mama, you can do no wrong.You know how to reassemble. Empty hands and knees that tremble.Goose step Mama, oh yeah, Goose step Mama, wah-hoo!Goose Step Mama ~~~ The Rutles

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We starve-lookAt one anotherShort of breathWalking proudly in our winter coatsWearing smells from laboratoriesFacing a dying nationOf moving paper fantasyListening for the new told liesWith supreme visions of lonely tunesHair ~~~ The Flesh Failures

"Bush's MBA is irrelevant. He was a legacy admission because of the Bush Family fortune and the school had to pass him through in order to avoid embarrassment." ~~~ Alan Greenspan

The more I know about and understand Sarah Palin the scarier she becomes. Most people I've talked to have a tendency to see Sarah as just another Dan Quayle, i.e., another harmless rat-wing loony. While we all laughed at Dan at first, we all stopped laughing when he joined with his fellow traitors to produce PNAC. Much like how Bush turned out to be not all that funny!

Sarah's nomination was a stroke of genius. Old "wet start" was still trailing miserably in the polls even though Obama was doing everything in his power to lose the election, from alienating the left with his votes for FISA and running off to bow before AIPAC, to pissing off most of the women in America by choosing Joe over Hillary.

Then some Rethuglican master, who knows perhaps, Dick Cheney or Karl Rove, (it does sound a bit Rovian does it not?), hoping to shore up the fascist base and suck off quite a few Hillary voters chose Sarah. Sarah, who being a mom five times over, Governor, Christian and a little to the right of Darth Vader fit the bill for cementing the Rethuglicans and for getting this election close enough to steal again!

The lights are on in Sarah's beaming face but apparently there is no one at home, at least no one with a brain larger than a duck! Here's a person who may someday be thrust into the role of the most powerful person in the world with thousands and thousands of H-bombs at her finger tips, who thinks that the Iraq and

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Afghanistan wars are "god's" will. She also thinks destroying what little is left of a virgin Earth for a few buckets of goo which will no doubt be sold to Japan is another command from Jesus. She's also up for war with Russia if they were to do what we did in Afghanistan, Iraq or potentially with Iran. Do you want to be blown into tiny bits for a Russian incursion into Georgia or Poland, America? She is a product of hundreds of years of brain washing and could be the poster child for being a Sheeple. Who better to lead the Sheeple to the slaughter than one of their own, a "Judas goat" named Sarah?

Her family life is a joke from her pregnant daughter (so much for abstinence) to her husband who wanted to take Alaska out of the union and make it a separate country, which I believe is sedition (so much for patriotism), is it not? Of course, the MSM, which always has a field day if the merest hint of scandal is found near any Demoncrat, has changed its tune for Sarah. Which, they will no doubt continue doing when Sarah starts banning books, abortion, civil rights and talking in tongues.

If you want to avoid this madness, there is still time. If you think it's time for a women to be president? If you think it's time to elect a black person to be president? If you think it's time to elect a president who is for world peace, have I got a candidate for you, Cynthia McKinney! Vote Green, vote early, and vote often!

In Other News

I see where we're about to become a third world nation. Another trillion-dollar disaster for our corpo-rat masters as we continue to hemorrhage good money into the black hole that is the "Crime Family Bush." You owe the entire world more money than we'll make in a decade and with the constant drain of good paying jobs from this country to countries all over the world, you owe more than you'll make in your lifetime!

It's bad enough that we're considering a trillion-dollar bail out of these corpo-rat crooks but Phil Graham, who fronts for the Swiss banking group UBS, wants US Taxpayers to bail them out, too! You'll recall that Sin-ator who made the Enron debacles possible and most all of the current bank failures and who once said, "You've heard of mental depression; this is a mental recession,"

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and "We have sort of become a nation of whiners, you just hear this constant whining, complaining about a loss of competitiveness, America in decline." No welfare for the poor and former middle class who have lost everything to these same crooks and thieves but Phil dares to ask for corpo-rat welfare. Tweety Bird often refers to Phil as a hypo-twit!

Speaking of market failure, if John McCain is elected president Phil Graham will most likely be his Secretary of the Treasury. This is the same bozo who is responsible for ending regulations and thus, created our current financial debacle and the kind of speculation in oil trading that pushed prices above $4 per gallon. This just in, apparently the State of North Carolina is out of gas! With Phil in charge of the exchequer, I fear you ain't seen nothing yet, folks!

Meanwhile Johnny is suspending his campaign to rush back to Washington to stop the vote on this latest $700,000,000,000.00 bailout as the people have spoken loud and clear that they don't want the expense of saving the mansions, yachts, private jets, islands and vast bank accounts of those corpo-rat goons who have made our lives a living hell. Of course, the Dems, who just started growing a backbone for the first time in 45 years, will soon cave in and your great great grandkids will spend their lives paying for these outrages! How does that make you feel, America?

And Finally

Monkey boy never gives up, does he? There was Bush on the tube warning us, once again, that the world would end unless we gave away the rest of the treasury, this time to corpo-rat Wall Street Typhoons, er Tycoons!

Bush warned if Con-gress doesn't do just as they are told, the country could face "a long and painful recession." I don't know where the Fuhrer has been but this country has been in a long and painful recession for years. It's that gaping maw of a depression that will make the 30's depression look like a "Swiss Picnic" by comparison that I fear.

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One may wonder on what planet Bush and company have been for the last 5 or 6 years. In our new movie, W the Movie that question is never answered but that the Crime Family Bush came from outer space to rule the world is a gimmie. Wouldn't that explain a lot of things if it were true? Wouldn't it? Pity is, it's not true. Bush, like his daddy, is from New England and went to Harvard. He even got a Masters in Business Administration which goes to show what a MBA from Harvard is actually worth. The first president with a MBA will be the one that destroys America's economy. How's that for irony? I find it fitting that Capitalism will be brought to its knees by a fellow traveler!

Got your cave stocked with food and ammo yet? Got plenty of seeds and fertilizer? Have a sustainable source of power? A private source of water, fuel and something to barter with? Got vitamins and a bottle or two of Potassium Iodate (KI03)? K103 will shield (or block) the thyroid and prevent it from absorbing radioactive iodine during a nuclear emergency. Got your electronic equipment shielded from an EMP? Etc. etc. etc.! It's about to hit the fan folks. Don't forget to duck and cover!


We'd like to thank Nikki for her donation this week, we're slowly beginning to close in on our goal to keep fighting for yet another year.

We don't sell our readers new cars, fancy homes or designer clothes. We don't advocate consumerism nor do we offer facile solutions to serious problems. We do, however, bring together every week writers and activists who are not afraid to speak the truth about our country and our world. The articles we print are not for the faint of heart.

As access to accurate information becomes more difficult and free speech and the exchange of ideas becomes more restricted and controlled, small publications and alternative presses disappear. Issues and Alibis may soon join that list.

We aren't asking for much-not thousands of dollars a month, not tens of thousands a year. What we need is simply enough money to cover expenses for the magazine. A few thousand dollars a

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year. A few hundred dollars a month. We cannot continue to go into debt to publish Issues and Alibis but at the same time we cannot, in good conscience, go quietly about our daily lives, remaining silent in face of the injustices perpetrated by our leaders and our government. So we need your help. We need your spare change. A dollar, five dollars, whatever you can contribute. Every penny makes a difference.

Ernest & Victoria Stewart

Page --- 293 --- 10-03-08

Posse Comitatus Blues By Ernest Stewart

"Whoever, except in cases and under circumstances expressly authorized by the

Constitution or Act of Congress, willfully uses any part of the Army or the Air Force as a

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posse comitatus or otherwise to execute the laws shall be fined under this title or

imprisoned not more than two years, or both." ~~~ § 1385.

Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Riding through the glen, Robin Hood, Robin Hood,

With his band of men, The Adventures Of Robin Hood

"I've seen the future, brother: it is murder." The Future ~~~ Leonard Cohen

By the time you read this article it will already be too late. The fix is in. The game is over. While you were sleeping, America, in violation of the Posse Comitatus Act and the Insurrection Act, our beloved dictator formed a rapid response group from the 3rd Infantry Division. Their jobs will be to respond to anything that Smirky tells them to with overwhelming force and do it within the borders

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of these here United Snakes! What's wrong with that? Ya'll remember what William Tecumseh Sherman did to Georgia and the Carolinas? He was a "smart Alec!"

You might ask if this is much ado about nothing as state governors have had the ability to call out National Guard troops to respond to anything that the cops can't handle. An example from my youth was M-60 tanks shooting parts of Detroit and Detroiters into tiny bits during the 1967 riots. There is a lesson for all of you survivalists with your deer rifles and such. You'll last about a nano-second against the Army or Air Force!

No, the difference is that Smirky, without authority of anyone else, and for whatever reason he likes,

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can send the 3rd Infantry division wherever he wants. To stop you from legally protesting, having a meeting or even voting by declaring "Martial Law" and sending out the troops. They can also round you up and hold you indefinitely in a flu epidemic or other disease outbreak whether real or imaginary. Don't like it? Too bad. They have ways of making you cooperate! All summer long various groups have been out in US cities practicing doing to US citizens what they've been doing to Iraqi citizens. In fact they've been doing this since Bush took power in the 12-12-2000 coup d'etat.

As I've explained before, "U.S. Northern Command (USNORTHCOM) was established Oct. 1, 2002 to provide command

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and control of Department of Defense (DoD) homeland defense efforts and to coordinate defense support of civil authorities. USNORTHCOM defends America's homeland," in violation of the Posse Comitatus Act, the Insurrection Act and other federal laws! Another benefit of PNACs and the CIAs 911 act of treason!

USNORTHCOM's specific mission: USNORTHCOM anticipates and conducts Homeland Defense and Civil Support operations within the assigned area of responsibility to defend, protect, and secure the United States and its interests." You may recall that the CIA was set up to protect "American interests" which actually means the interests of our corpo-rat masters! The current traitor appointed by Bush

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to head this illegal group is Air Force General Victor E. Renuart, Jr. who assumed command of North American Aerospace Defense Command and United States Northern Command on March 23, 2007.

So as of October 1st, 2008 the stage is set, the players have all rehearsed their parts, the equipment (tanks, Bradleys, helicopter gunships) are standing by, the Happy Camps are staffed and the curtain is rising on the "Fall of the American Empire" and the October surprise to end all surprises! Stay tuned!

In Other News

Although he doesn't look a thing like Errol Flynn, Henry M. Paulson is

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Robin Hood in reverse, mayhaps "Robbin' Hood" would be more to the point! You'll no doubt recall Herr Paulson was Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Goldman Sachs. Do you think that Treasury Secretary Paulson's bailout of AIG is connected to his former firm Goldman Sachs? It turned out that the failure of AIG would have cost Sachs $20 billion. A coincidence, no doubt, eh? NOT! Now Hank is doing to the US economy what he once did to Goldman Sachs, i.e., destroying it!

Old Robbin' Hood is out to get that $700,000,000,000.00 for his Wall Street cronies by hook or by crook and regardless of what the people want. Most people I've talked to have just one word for Hank's Wall Street buddies and that word is

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JUMP! With that addition to all the other bailouts will mean a $5,000.00 bill for every American over the age of 18 on top of your normal tax burden. All just so some wealthy S.O.B.s can become even richer. Got an extra five grand to spare, America? We don't have money for schools, jobs, infrastructure or health care but we can afford to give these crooks and thieves the goldenest parachute of all time!

What needs to be done is round up everyone on Wall street from middle management on up to the CEOs and put them all in the darkest dankest, sh-t holes we can find and leave them there until they rot away. Take all of their assets, houses, cars, boats, planes, bank accounts, etc and use it to

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pay off the stockholders and then break up these mega corporations and turn them back into little companies so a few dozen groups of men don't hold the economy by the throat.

If I told you that Hank and W have many things in common, for example, they both have a MBA from Harvard, would you be surprised? The twin architects of our current economic disaster are both Harvard grads. Again, it just goes to show you what a degree from Harvard is really worth!

And Finally

I got a taste of the future the other day and as Leonard said, "it is murder!" While returning from a trip to Asheville, we stopped in a

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gas station to gas up as the stations in our neck of the woods were all closed because the oil companies cut off the supply to keep prices high even a the cost per barrel keeps dropping. I recently had to drive up to central Michigan to attend my father's funeral I found plenty of gas and zero stations closed, however, by the time I got back to the Carolina's, there were gas shortages everywhere with 80% of the stations out of gas. I suddenly flashed back to 1973 when OPEC held back the oil and all of America was standing in lines. The difference being, that this time it was American Corporations that were screwing us!

Ergo I thought I'd stop out on the interstate and gas up before

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driving down those country lanes back to our home in Trinity, South Carolina. When I pulled into the stations all the pumps were working but there was a bit of a line as most of these folks were heading into Charlotte, which is just down the road and out of gas. I patiently waited my turn and when it came, a SUV driven by a moron jumped the line and took my spot. As he was coming back from football game with his teenage and two younger sons, all wearing Clemson shirts, I hesitated to walk over and give him a head butt and then stomp him into goo, which was the first thing out of my mind after waiting 15 minutes to get some gas. Instead when I could get to the pumps just in front of him, I spent the next 5 minutes verbally abusing him, talking about his

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mother, grandmother and his great grandmother, too. Nor when he was through pumping his gargantuan truck full of premium did I let him out as I had him blocked in front with the truck and trailer behind him who didn't have the room to back up. So he had to wait until we left (and I flipped him the bird) to get out! He no doubt called the police which came flying in with half a dozen cars as we were leaving the station.

When Victoria returned from paying for our purchase and found out that I didn't at least draw some blood, my sweet, peaceful, love your neighbor, darling of a wife said she'd have kicked his ass had she known that I hadn't!

In that moment, I saw what is

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awaiting us, just around the corner. I saw that in just a few days of having no gas or electricity or water or food this "Christian Nation" will, in a heartbeat, go for each others' throats and will kill one another for a tank full of gas, a loaf of bread or an hours worth of electricity without a seconds hesitation! You can thank Old Deadeye Dick and his corpo-rat pals at Goebbels/Nixon and the other oil cartels for this current emergency and the fun and games to come, America! As I've said, so many time before, "The people at ground zero will be the lucky ones!"


We'd like to thank Dr. Phil and Mr. Jack (Yes, there is a "Who" song in

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there somewhere!) for their generous donations this week, we're slowly beginning to close in on our goal to keep fighting for yet another year. Thanks guys!

We don't sell our readers new cars, fancy homes or designer clothes. We don't advocate consumerism nor do we offer facile solutions to serious problems. We do, however, bring together every week writers and activists who are not afraid to speak the truth about our country and our world. The articles we print are not for the faint of heart.

As access to accurate information becomes more difficult and free speech and the exchange of ideas becomes more restricted and controlled, small publications and alternative presses disappear.

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Issues and Alibis may soon join that list.

We aren't asking for much-not thousands of dollars a month, not tens of thousands a year. What we need is simply enough money to cover expenses for the magazine. A few thousand dollars a year. A few hundred dollars a month. We cannot continue to go into debt to publish Issues and Alibis but at the same time we cannot, in good conscience, go quietly about our daily lives, remaining silent in face of the injustices perpetrated by our leaders and our government. So we need your help. We need your spare change. A dollar, five dollars, whatever you can contribute. Every penny makes a difference.

Ernest & Victoria Stewart

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Page --- 394 --- 10-10-08

Martial LawComing soon to your neighborhoodBy Ernest Stewart

"Catastrophic Emergency" means any incident, regardless of location, that results in extraordinary levels of mass casualties, damage, or disruption severely affecting the U.S. population, infrastructure, environment, economy, or government functions; ~~~ NATIONAL SECURITY PRESIDENTIAL DIRECTIVE/NSPD 51 Part B

"If someone sticks up a bank they get a jail sentence. Wall Street sticks up the Nation they get a 700 Billion dollar bailout!" ~~~ Dennis Kucinich

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"Unlike Wall Street executives, American families don't have a golden parachute to fall back on. It's clear that Americans' retirement security may be one of the greatest casualties of this financial crisis." ~~~ Rep. George Miller (D-Calif.)

When Congressman Brad Sherman (D-Sherman Oaks) stated in a speech on the floor of the House that he had been warned that if the $700,000,000,000.00 Socialist bailout of the corpo-rat goons on Wall Street didn't pass it would mean Bush declaring Martial Law. This wasn't political grandstanding but what Bush can do under the National Security Presidential Directive. As it states in Part B Bush can suspend Constitution rights in matters of the economy. Not only that but, according to this little act of treason and sedition, (I might add) Congress could do nothing about it.

As I pointed out before, Smirky now (As of October 1st) has the 3rd Army standing by to carry out whatever our beloved Texas prairie monkey wants. Just the implied threat to use it is, for the purpose of law, an illegal act, an act of treason. Funny how neither Obama nor McCain have spoken out against this, perhaps because it helped them steal around a trillion dollars for their corpo-rat masters or, more likely, because they might want to use it themselves someday.

As we've pointed out, a lot of Bush's game plan was done before by his Granddaddy's business partner, Adolph Hitler. It was after the Reichstag Fire that Hitler began changing the German Constitution and laws; it was after 911 when Bush started changing the Constitution and laws. Concentration camps. Happy Camps. In fact, the Bush family made $2 million dollars off of the financing of Auschwitz. Here we see the hand of Karl Rove (who imagines himself a WWII historian) in naming this act NSPD 51. Hitler, too, had a Directive 51 and used the initials NSPD or National Socialist Party of Deutschland. Hitler had the Gestapo to carry out his Directive 51. Bush has U.S. Northern Command and the 3rd Army.

Do you see a pattern forming yet, America? Like Hitler, Bush went after non-Christian followers of Yahweh, i.e., Muslims, much as Hitler went after the other non-Christian followers of Yahweh, the Jews. Hitler's Brown shirts started the Reichstag fire. Our CIA

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planned and implemented 911. Here are some of what Bush has done just since the electronic coup d'etat of 2004:

Claiming by executive order emergency powers unauthorized by Congress;Conducting nation-wide mass arrest exercises in 2005, 2006 and 2007;Obtaining from Congress removal of legal impediments to the indefinite detention of US citizens without trial;Obtaining from Congress the authority to use federal troops for domestic police duties, by nullifying the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878;Obtaining from Congress the authority to use national guard units, without the consent of state's governor, in that or any other state;Establishing programs to assist in the implementation of martial law using business community, academics, and clergy;Authorizing by executive order seizing assets of anyone "undermining efforts to promote economic reconstruction and political reform in Iraq"; and,Contracting for the construction of high capacity detention centers throughout the country.

Ergo, don't be surprised if before the election or before January 20, 2009, there is a trumped emergency and we find ourselves under Martial Law and a perpetual Bush dictatorship. Nor should you expect the Con-gress to do anything about it!

In Other News

Well, the Demoncrats and Rethuglicans came together to all but destroy the economy with their $850,000,000,000.00 bailout of some of the richest S.O.B.s in the world. They did this at a time when throwing money at the problem won't solve a thing and will make the coming depression just that much worse.

What they've done will add at least a $5,000.00 tax bill for every American over 18. Ask your representative about that and watch the hemming and hawing begin. Ask him why, with Bush's track record, he would even conceive of giving Goldman Sachs' front man that kind of money to waste, just like he did at Goldman Sachs. I'll guess you weren't surprised to learn another one of

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Hank's co-conspirators from Goldman Sachs is picked to head the Office of Financial Stability or OFS. Neel Kashkari, 35, a former stooge of Hanks will be in charge of giving away your tax dollars to various criminals, bagmen and ne'er-do-wells.

For those of you who think electing Obama will bring change to "Foggy Bottom" and end the Bush destruction of America, you better think again! Obama was leading the charge for Bush and the Bailout as he has done so many times before with for financing our various war crimes and crimes against humanity all over the Middle East. Electing Barry will mean four more years of Bush. Even old "Wet Start" who knows all about financial scandal from his "Keating Five" daze jumped on the "screw American/bailout Wall Street" bandwagon with Barry, Nancy and Harry.

If they really wanted to save the economy, think what they could have done with that money. They could have built fully equipped, new schools in every village, town and city across America and had money left over. Imagine what that would have done for the economy. They could have put 3.4 million Americans to work, paying each and every one $50,000.00 a year for five years. Again, think of what that could have done! They could have rebuilt our crumbling infrastructure, bridges, and highways. They could have given every man, woman and child a fully complete, zero deductible, health insurance for three years, even with no discount for bulk, with a decent discount 10 years! Instead of any of those or many other legitimate uses that would have surely boosted the economy and ended any threat of depression, you get to face losing your, job, your house, your family, your life, with that huge tax bill to boot so that our Congress can keep feeding off the corpo-rat tit!

And Finally

Have you heard what they've done to your retirement plans? In just the last 15 months the stock market gurus have lost $2 trillion dollars in American retirement savings. Thought you were going to retire at age 62 or 65 or 66 or 67 or 67 1/2, did ya? Forget that. Not only are American's retirement savings gone down the corpo-rat drain and into the houses, yachts and jetliners

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of the Wall Street goons but pensions and 401 (k) plans are pretty much gone as well!

And you were worried about Social Security, huh? You were just coming to terms with not driving anywhere and cutting down on eating and planning how to winterize your cardboard box so you and the Mrs. don't freeze to death this winter. As Meatloaf once said, "It's always something. There's always something going wrong. That's the only guarantee!"

No, our beloved Prairie Monkey and his corpo-rat pals have gone way beyond Ronald Rayguns wildest, wet dreams. Next on the agenda is to get rid of Medicare and Medicaid. The purpose of all of this, in case you're not hip, is to save trillions in payments and to see that we die by age 40 or 45, hence, the 45 million American without health insurance, the millions out in the street or living in their cars and children going uneducated or undereducated, which is what "No Child's Behind Left" was all about! There are approximately 6 billon too many of us and this is the what they're doing to "thin out the herd!"

Global starvation, a never-ending war and designer diseases like AIDs and West Nile Virus are ways to cull the mob. Genetically-modified food from plants to animals are being tested on unknowing Americans. Antibiotics are injected into animals and are passed on in their meat and by-products. Eventually that will produce germs that we can't stop. Radiating food, poisoning water with pesticides, herbicides and industrial pollutants-the list goes on.

The stock market and all that it entails are just tiny parts of the overall plan. Got those freeze-dried foods put up yet? Got something to make clean water with? Can you survive off the grid? Can you protect your family? Big darkness come soon!


We don't sell our readers new cars, fancy homes or designer clothes. We don't advocate consumerism nor do we offer facile solutions to serious problems. We do, however, bring together every week writers and activists who are not afraid to speak the

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truth about our country and our world. The articles we print are not for the faint of heart.

As access to accurate information becomes more difficult and free speech and the exchange of ideas becomes more restricted and controlled, small publications and alternative presses disappear. Issues and Alibis may soon join that list.

We aren't asking for much-not thousands of dollars a month, not tens of thousands a year. What we need is simply enough money to cover expenses for the magazine. A few thousand dollars a year. A few hundred dollars a month. We cannot continue to go into debt to publish Issues and Alibis but at the same time we cannot, in good conscience, go quietly about our daily lives, remaining silent in face of the injustices perpetrated by our leaders and our government. So we need your help. We need your spare change. A dollar, five dollars, whatever you can contribute. Every penny makes a difference.

Ernest & Victoria Stewart

Page --- 395 --- 10-17-08

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Reverse Psychology, Child Psychology? By Ernest Stewart

"And I was a physical education major with a child psychology minor at Temple, which

means if you ask me a question about a child's behavior, I will advise you to tell the child to

take a lap." ~~~ Bill Cosby

"My government is my worst enemy. I'm going to fight them with any means at hand." ~~~

Joe Vogler - founder Alaska Independence Party

Meet the new boss Same as the old boss

Won't Get Fooled Again ~~~ The Who

Frankly, I don't get it. The center right is in love with Barry, the far right hates him and we over on the left are amused by it all. If there were ever a black man that the far right could embrace as one of their own, it's Barry.

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First off, he's only partially black so, as blacks go, he's almost tolerable. He could be the offspring of Jesse Helms! Secondly, as his voting record proves, he's one of them, voting for more fascist causes than old "wet start" ever did. He's taken the Sheeple by storm and could use his popularity with the war protesters in the center right to jam through more fascist bills than could Johnny or even Sarah! Hell, even Johnny wouldn't vote for FISA!

Of course, the right knows all this and is using it to get Barry elected. They post a lot of articles that are obviously false even to the Sheeple and, hence, make the Sheeple want Barry even more. An example of this was an article posted in the

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magazines group the other day, i.e., "Illuminati Conspiracy: Barack Obama's 'Hail Satan'" by Henry Makow PhD. The PhD must stand for Pinheaded Dope as Hank states that the sign language sign that Obama sometimes flashes , which is "I Love You," is actually the heavy metal symbol. Hank then states that it means hail Satan. Wrong! As Ronnie James Dio, who started the fad, has explained on many occasions, it's a sign to ward off evil that he got from his Italian grandmother, not a salute to a mythological figure. Of course, any head banger knows this and so can see through the good doctor's bullshit! My thought is the good doctor knows this and wrote it accordingly. You may recall the controversy that was caused when George and Laura used the sign;

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their meaning was the University of Texas Longhorns sign, which is identical so there is little doubt that the doc knew what he was doing.

Meanwhile the Sheeple are convinced that Obama, despite his voting record, is one of them and will, no doubt, turn out in mass to vote for him November 4th. That is if the Hillary supporters get him disqualified beforehand for not being a citizen. It just keeps getting funnier and funnier!

In Other News

These daze one can't speak of sedition and treason without mentioning Alaskan governor Sarah and first husband, Todd Palin. While Sarah has never been a member, as Todd has, she has

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given many rousing speeches before the Alaskan Independence Party including one this year before she became McCain's choice to succeed him. Since then, of course, there's been a spin machine disavowing any knowledge of this group of seditious traitors who desire to secede from the union.

Imagine, if you will, what would have been said if Michelle Obama had been a member of a similar group and wanted to remove Illinois from the union? Michelle made the mistake of saying that as a black "For the First Time in My Adult Lifetime, I'm Really Proud of My Country," and the Rethuglican spin machine had a field day. I'm surprised that she's even proud of the country now. I'm certainly not!

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Still, it could have been worse. She could have the Cynthia and Rosa treatment from the press, which is zero coverage. Not a mention anywhere in the mainstream media.

The reason for this is clear as a bell. Unlike Barry and Johnny, Cynthia is about real change. Cynthia is about ending the wars and bringing peace to the world. Cynthia is about taking care of the people's needs, not some trillionaire corpo-rat goons' needs. Cynthia is about giving the people a voice in "Foggy Bottom." Cynthia is about bringing all the war criminals like Barry, W, Johnny, Joe, Nancy, Harry, Kinda-sleazy and the rest, to trial their crimes. Cynthia is about restoring our Republic and all the laws that once protected us

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from our corpo-rat masters. Ergo there is no coverage, lest the people find out the truth and clear house and take names. No, the corpo-rat owned media will never let the truth be known. That would mean their names added to the growing list of real American traitors and they, too, would face punishment when the people demand justice for all!

And Finally

I see where Christopher Buckley, son of William F. Buckley Jr. the late, great, stand-up comic, has come out in favor of Barry! So why am I not surprised? They are, after all, fellow corpo-rat travelers. He gave this as his reasons for supporting Obama:

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"I have realized that in Obama we have a first class temperament wedded to first class mind. That's it. Respect for intelligence and character has always been the best thing about authentic conservatism. They, the authentic conservatives, have always been the real elitists."

So there you have it in a nut-shell, straight from the horse's mouth! Christopher supports Barry because he is both an elitist and a conservative! Well duh. If there was ever an elitist and fascist it was Christopher's father William F. so there is no doubt that Christopher recognizes one when he see one! I'm glad there is finally a knowledgeable Obama supporter that has the cajones to tell the truth, something that I've been

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saying from day one.

Ya'll vote for whomever you care to, but do be careful what you wish for as you may get it. And when you do, don't be whining about how you got taken in, about how he isn't doing what you thought he would. And be prepared to spend the next four years defending everything he does, no matter how atrocious, criminal or treasonous the act. You won't be fooled again, huh?


This week we'd like to thank "B" from Nebraska for your kind donation and for hitting on Victoria!

We don't sell our readers new cars, fancy homes or designer clothes.

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We don't advocate consumerism nor do we offer facile solutions to serious problems. We do, however, bring together every week writers and activists who are not afraid to speak the truth about our country and our world. The articles we print are not for the faint of heart.

As access to accurate information becomes more difficult and free speech and the exchange of ideas becomes more restricted and controlled, small publications and alternative presses disappear. Issues and Alibis may soon join that list.

We aren't asking for much-not thousands of dollars a month, not tens of thousands a year. What we need is simply enough money to cover expenses for the magazine.

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A few thousand dollars a year. A few hundred dollars a month. We cannot continue to go into debt to publish Issues and Alibis but at the same time we cannot, in good conscience, go quietly about our daily lives, remaining silent in face of the injustices perpetrated by our leaders and our government. So we need your help. We need your spare change. A dollar, five dollars, whatever you can contribute. Every penny makes a difference.

Ernest & Victoria Stewart

Page --- 396 --- 10-24-08

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Or Is This A Joke? By Ernest Stewart

Is this all real? Is this all necessary?

Or is this a joke? Luney Tune ~~~ Alice Cooper

We baked you a birthday cake!If you get a tummy-ache,

and you moan and groan and woe, don't forget we told you so!

An Ache In Every Stake ~~~ Larry, Moe & Curly

"In direct refutation of this portrayal is the fact that relations between American soldiers and

the Vietnamese people are excellent." ~~~ Major Colin L. Powell covering up the My

Lai massacre ~ 1968 ~~~

As a typical American child I read libraries full of comic books. One of my favorites (thanks to the TV series) was "The Adventures of Superman."

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Although I really liked Mr. Mxyzptlk, my favorite thing was the "Bizarro World" or "Htrae." Htrae, that's Earth spelled backwards! Bizarro world was a cube shape instead of an orb. There was the "Bizarro Code" which states, "Us do opposite of all Earthly things! Us hate beauty! Us love ugliness! Is big crime to make anything perfect on Bizarro World!" You get the picture?

So could someone tell me please, when did America become the Bizarro world? We have, of course, been heading in this direction since the revolution but when did we arrive? Some point to Wilson, some to Eisenhower, others to Nixon or Reagan or the Bush dynasty. Still, we hadn't gone completely over

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the edge even at the time of the 12-12-2000 coup d'etat. Methinks sometime between then and now, we made the transit!

We certainly had a Bizarro leader in the Smirkster, who from day one ran with the PNAC plans, even though they were written by the likes of James Danforth Quayle! All of the people who Bush surrounded himself with were certainly from the Bizarro planet. From Ashcroft, who lost an election to a dead man and often poured a bottle of Crisco over his head whenever he got a promotion, to Kindasleazy and Colon, although one must admit these last two did truly great Aunt Jemima and Uncle Tom impersonations; you couldn't have put together a more Bizarro cabinet if you tried!

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Our wars are right out of the Bizarro world, too. Osama and the Saudis attack and murder us; we attack and murder Saddam and the Iraqis. When the Taliban offers to turn over Osama to us, instead of saying thanks, we attack them.

When the banks collapse from too much worthless money being printed, we up the ante by a trillion dollars, with even more cash "surges" to come!

In one edition on the Bizarro world, a salesman is making money hand-over-fist selling Bizarro bonds that are, "Guaranteed to lose money for you!" Sound familiar, America?

So, when exactly did the Bizarro World begin in America? Oh, and

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more importantly, when will it end?

In Other News

I really hate to be the one to have to break it to the Obamaphiles, but even if he wins, we lose. Noam Chomsky has been saying recently (see above) that voting for the lesser of two evils isn't necessarily a bad thing. Nor, I would add, is it necessarily a good thing! For many years I took that way out and voted for the lesser of two evils but no more. I wasn't going to vote until Cynthia got the nomination.

Even as you wish upon a star that the real change that Barry talks about is real and coming, you know

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in your heart there will be no real change. The new boss is the same as the old boss! A very slight change perhaps, at least to the cosmetic level. A slight loosening of the hand-cuffs so they don't bite in too deep, "a kinder, gentler, machine-gun hand" but no real change.

Our wars of imperial aggression will surely go on and spread to other countries. Not only will the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan not end but both candidates have plans of ramping up the war in Afghanistan and expanding it into Pakistan and beyond.

Like Impeachment, the Demoncrats have taken Universal Healthcare off the table so don't expect to see a doctor if you haven't any

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employment coverage.

That illegal, presidential, Praetorian Guard is going nowhere. When the 3rd Army steps down next year a new one will step up.

All those odious, traitorous new laws will remain on the books, our Constitution and Bill of Rights won't be restored!

There will be no punishment for our current crop of traitors, war criminals and international terrorists, not under Barry. He wants to reach out to these criminals and cum er, come together with them!

Barry wants to be the black Ronald Reagan. Do ya'll remember the horrors of the Raygun years?

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Apparently Barry missed those while studying cocaine at Occidental, Columbia and Harvard Law? The rest of us didn't miss a thing that the "Gipper" did, from his support of South African apartheid to the "Iran Contra Scandal." Let's not forget the union busting or Department of Housing and Urban Development grant rigging, the "Lobbying Scandal," the "EPA Scandal" and the "Savings & Loan Scandal." Nor should we forget Raygun's bloody, stupid, unnecessary wars, from the Caribbean to the Middle East! I could go on and on but life is short!

I have copiously mentioned this to you on dozens of occasions since Barry made the scene, so when it all comes to pass, when it hits the fan, America, "don't forget we told

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you so!"

And Finally

MY, My, My Lai! Look, who's crawled out from under his rock and into the light of day. Why it's Colin Luther Powell, the former State Department shill and Bush bagman. Colin came out from under the rock to praise Obama, not to bury him!

Ya'll may recall the career of Colin. He was the Army's spin master of the My Lai massacre, which made his military career and propelled him all the way to his fourth star under Papa Smirk. He became Smirky's front man for our imperial invasions of Iraq. Colin, after all, had experience in planning illegal, imperial invasions like his 1983

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invasion of Grenada and 1989 invasion of Panama for Rayguns, Weinburger and Papa Smirk.

Colin is perhaps best remembered as Smirky's front man at the United Nations where he lied his ass off about aluminum rocket tubes and those mobile production facilities for biological weapons that were known to actually be hydrogen gas extractors for weather balloons. Powell, like the rest of the Junta and most of Congress, knew that Saddam had gotten rid of the WMD's (most of which we had given or sold to him) by 1993, ten full years before Colin's song and dance performance before the UN.

So, I'm not surprised that the war criminal Powell would attach himself to a fellow traveler, the war

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criminal Obama. Are you? Sure McCain is a war criminal, too, with more war criminal experience than Obama and almost as much as Powell but Obama is somewhat black and McCain is incredibly white, ergo. Do you think that Colin is jockeying for a cabinet position? Mayhaps Secretary of War? Hmmm? I wouldn't be surprised if he were, would you?


We don't sell our readers new cars, fancy homes or designer clothes. We don't advocate consumerism nor do we offer facile solutions to serious problems. We do, however, bring together every week writers and activists who are not afraid to speak the truth about our country and our world. The articles we print

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are not for the faint of heart.

As access to accurate information becomes more difficult and free speech and the exchange of ideas becomes more restricted and controlled, small publications and alternative presses disappear. Issues and Alibis may soon join that list.

We aren't asking for much-not thousands of dollars a month, not tens of thousands a year. What we need is simply enough money to cover expenses for the magazine. A few thousand dollars a year. A few hundred dollars a month. We cannot continue to go into debt to publish Issues and Alibis but at the same time we cannot, in good conscience, go quietly about our daily lives, remaining silent in face

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of the injustices perpetrated by our leaders and our government. So we need your help. We need your spare change. A dollar, five dollars, whatever you can contribute. Every penny makes a difference.

Ernest & Victoria Stewart

Page --- 397 --- 10-31-08

The Gates Of Delirium By Ernest Stewart

Listen, your friends have all been broken, They tell us of your poison; now we know.

Kill them, give them as they give us. Slay them, burn their children's laughter.

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On to Hell! The Gates Of Delirium ~~~ Yes

"Some of the FDA's own scientists have charged that politics, not science, is behind the

FDA's actions." ~~~ Joseph Crowley

"What the word? Tinklenberg!" ~~~ Paul Hipp

Apparently we left a few Arab children alive and the Smirkster decided he needed to expand the quagmire into another country before taking his swag and running off to hide in South America. So he sent a few of our children into Syria to murder their children, piss off some more Muslims and bring another threat to Israel into the bloody fray by murdering another family and a few innocent bystanders a.k.a. "collateral damage!"

Bush, like Hitler, decided, since we

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couldn't win his impossible wars, to destroy us all by expanding our war crimes into another country before our next boss takes over. Barry is hot to trot to send the Panzers into Pakistan, turning our good friends and allies, the Pakistanis, into an enemy. Trouble is, Pakistan has a few score of nukes which she will no doubt use on us but she might also give a few to other countries and nuke a few Indian cities for good measure while she can. Meanwhile old "songbird" McCain is still singing, "Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, Iran!" Either way, we are sooooooooo screwed!

The Syrians, who have been bending over backwards to please us, certainly didn't deserve our murdering children paying them a

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visit. Syria now joins the ever widening war that will eventually lead to WW III and our downfall. Talk about your October surprise!

This will, I'm sure, cause the Syrians to look the other way while a few hundred more suicide bombers enter Iraq to kill a few more of our children and a lot more innocent Iraqis trying to buy a loaf of bread or some cooking fuel at the local market. Which is exactly why this war crime was staged. Keep the war moving; keep those shekels flowing to the arms industry and the Pentagoon!

Another October surprise is that Osama bin Laden (you remember Osama, right?) and the folks over at Al Qaeda have decided to endorse old "wet start" for the

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presidency. Funny thing is McCain isn't broadcasting this latest endorsement from Al Qaeda as he did Obama's endorsement from the Palestinians! Funny thing that, eh? I wonder what the next October surprise will be, don't you, America?

In Other News

Have you heard about the poison Halloween candy that the FDA has turned its back on for corpo-rat profits? I've warned you before about the fact that the FDA under Bush is nothing more than a rubber stamp for "Big Pharma" and couldn't give a rat's ass about protecting us from their poisons as

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long as they make a buck.

Mike Adams from The Natural News has an excellent article in this week's magazine about how far the FDA will go to keep healthy things off the market and poisonous things in the market that you MUST read. However, this breaking story beats Mike's by several thousand fold.

You may recall the poison milk scandal in China last summer brought to you by the same folks that poisoned our pets back in April of 2007? Well, that same poison milk and it's by-products, poisoned with melamine and other industrial chemicals, have been sold to processors in this country by the thousands of tons. Chinese produced Halloween and Christmas

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candies (and other foods) have been allowed into this country while the FDA turned a blind eye. We apparently are the only country on Earth that has allowed this to happen. In all the rest of the world this poison wasn't allowed in or else was taken off the shelves and recalled completely, as was finally done in China!

Mike Mozart, from Jeepers Media, has two must see videos on this subject. Click on the one above and take the time to watch all of it. It will be time well spent. Also, there is another video on the Halloween candy from Mike at: that you should watch as well before your children end up like those poor kids in China, i.e., either dead or with

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poisoned kidneys and such!

The reasons for the cover up are both political and financial, as are all of the FDA decisions!

And Finally

I didn't bother building a huge new page for this year's election like the ones I did in 2002, 2004 and 2006. What's the point? We helped elect dozens of new Congress men and women along with several Senators and not a single one fought for what they promised once they were sworn in. In 2006, they promised to end the wars and impeach Bush and Cheney but they did neither, in fact, they didn't

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even try, so I didn't waste my time this year.

We've only endorsed Cynthia and Rosa for President and Vice President. The only Congressional candidate we endorsed is Cindy Sheehan, who is running for Nancy Pelosi's California 8th district seat. As the election nears we would like to add one more endorsement.

We recommend you vote for Elwyn Tinklenberg for Minnesota's 6th Congressional District to replace first term Republican Congresswoman Michele Bachmann. You may recall Michele's interview with Chris (the screamer) Matthews, on MSNBC's "Hardball," where she suddenly morphed into old "tail gunner" Joe McCarthy. You'll remember

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Bachmann vacuously staring into the camera while trumpeting the Republican theme that Americans should be worried about Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama's relationship to terrorists and whether he has anti-American views. So far no problem, typical Rethuglican BS but then as Matthews pressed her, she added to her charges to include Congress, stating that the news media should do an in-depth investigation to determine which members of Congress are "anti-American" and which are "pro-American." Ergo, our support for her opponent Elwyn.

Whether or not Cindy and Elwyn carry out their pledges, they'll both be better choices than the two traitors that they're running

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against. Just as Cynthia and Rosa will be far better choices than anyone else for President and Vice President!


We don't sell our readers new cars, fancy homes or designer clothes. We don't advocate consumerism nor do we offer facile solutions to serious problems. We do, however, bring together every week writers and activists who are not afraid to speak the truth about our country and our world. The articles we print are not for the faint of heart.

As access to accurate information becomes more difficult and free speech and the exchange of ideas becomes more restricted and controlled, small publications and

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alternative presses disappear. Issues and Alibis may soon join that list.

We aren't asking for much-not thousands of dollars a month, not tens of thousands a year. What we need is simply enough money to cover expenses for the magazine. A few thousand dollars a year. A few hundred dollars a month. We cannot continue to go into debt to publish Issues and Alibis but at the same time we cannot, in good conscience, go quietly about our daily lives, remaining silent in face of the injustices perpetrated by our leaders and our government. So we need your help. We need your spare change. A dollar, five dollars, whatever you can contribute. Every penny makes a difference.

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Ernest & Victoria Stewart

Page --- 398 --- 11-07-08

The Fight Goes On!By Ernest Stewart

"He's coming around folks! He's going to be OK and ready to play "Symptom Six" of 'Beat the Reaper!'"Waiting For The Electrician Or Someone Like Him ~~~ The Firesign Theater

"The President may employ the armed forces to restore public order in any State of the United States the President determines hinders the execution of laws or deprives people of a right, privilege, immunity, or protection named in the Constitution and secured by law or opposes or obstructs the execution of the laws of the United States or impedes the course of justice under those laws."~~~ The John Warner Defense Authorization Act ~ signed into law by George W. Bush ~ October 17, 2006 ~~~

"...our soldiers, working with the Bosnian government, seized terrorists who were plotting to bomb our embassy in Sarajevo."~~~ George W. Bush ~ 2002 State of the Union address ~~~

Congratulations America, you managed to elect the lesser of two evils again. As my starter wife, Bitchzilla, was wont to say from time to time, "Whoop-de-doo horse shit!" Sure, we dodged the

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McCain bullet, which would have guaranteed America's death, but are we really any better off? Sure black America was thrown a bone of sorts and Obama is really pissing off a lot of racists, which is a good thing, but it's really only window dressing!

The world rejoices at Obama's election but only because they don't know him very well. They, like the American voters, in a few months or years will certainly change their tune. The truth is, with this election we haven't changed much at all. In fact, in some instances we've gotten worse.

On Tuesday Californians made discrimination legal with the passage of Prop 8, as did the citizens of Arizona and Florida. Today it's okay to discriminate on the grounds of sexual orientation. Today tens of thousands of legal marriages are now illegal. Can legal discrimination for other things be far behind? Methinks the round up of illegal aliens will be next. Look out, Pedro! Perhaps they'll outlaw being married and being black? I mean, they choose to be black don't they? In addition, all interracial marriages are over as well! Or perhaps driving while being Jewish or Catholic will be voted on next? Of course, Californians are getting just what they deserve and will continue to reap what they've sown for years to come. The traitor Nancy Pelosi was reelected in spite of her many crimes and acts of treason and sedition and, of course, they still have the Arnold leading the way into the brave new world of Fascism. So much for the change, eh? So much for the "left coast" theory! Of course, I'm not surprised for I found out while living amongst the native Californians they are the craziest people on the planet, bar none!

If one listens carefully, one can hear on the breeze "The Who" singing bits of, "Won't Get Fooled Again..."

And the world looks just the sameAnd history ain't changed'Cause the banners, they all flown in the next war

We could have voted for real change. We could have voted to elect real black folks and women into the White House but instead got an elitist white man like all the others presidents in our history. Yes, he's black if you buy the Jim Crow laws that said any percentage of "black blood" makes you black. If his blonde-

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haired, blue-eyed mother, the years he lived in the home of a white banker and his attendance of elitist schools makes him black then he's black? Black or white, he's just another man who has voted every chance he got to promote our war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan and now hopes to expand the slaughter in Afghanistan and over the Hindu Kush into Pakistan. Cynthia would have ended those wars and brought all of our troops home but now the endless wars will go on and on. We'll continue to murder millions of innocents, draining the rest of our treasury and slaughtering more of our children in the process. So don't wonder where the blood on your hands came from, America! He voted to legalize the illegal acts of government spying on innocent Americans. Cynthia would have ended those and brought charges against the perpetrators, now under Barry "Big Brother" will grow even bigger. Northcom will continue to grow until the day it unleashes the Panzers against American neighborhoods and those neighborhoods will no doubt be black and Latino neighborhoods. To start with, that is!

There's nothing in the streetLooks any different to meAnd the slogans are replaced, by-the-bye

Big brother will continue to look over our shoulders at our every move and all those rights that Smirky stripped away from us will remain lost. The signing statements will continue, the Junta criminals will go unpunished. The corpo-rat's will continue going to the bank at our expense and making new and horrible laws to control us. Pelosi and Reed will continue to lead the House and Senate for the benefit of our corpo-rat masters as they've done before and all those election promises will be forgotten until the next cycle. In-other-words, same ole, same ole, America!

So don't look for me to be dancing in the streets with the Sheeple. There's nothing to celebrate and the fight for our freedom still goes on! Did you wonder how we're going to meet our date with destiny predicted by the Mayans for 12-21-2012? Well wonder no more. Destiny's name is Barry!

In Other News

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I see where the traitors over at Northern Command have announced that two more U.S. military units will be assigned for domestic homeland security missions, tripling the total number of combat-ready, jack booted thugs operating inside the U.S. to around 4,700. You may recall that Northern Command was set up to be Smirky's private Praetorian Guard.

Air Force Gen. Gene Renuart, commander of U.S. Northern Command recently told the Colorado Independent, "In the next three years the military plans to activate and train an estimated 4,700 service members for specialized domestic operations, according to which was created in 2002 for homeland defense missions. It's to help us manage the consequences of a large-scale event," said Renuart. "We have one [unit] now trained and equipped and assigned to the Northern Command. We'll grow a second one this calendar year of 2009 and a third one in the calendar year 2010 so we can provide the nation three sets of capabilities that could respond to an event of the size of 9/11 or larger."

Mike German of the American Civil Liberties Union's legislative office in Washington., D.C., points out, "This isn't a military police brigade or a civil affairs brigade. This is actually a combat brigade being assigned a domestic mission." You know, with tanks and helicopter gunships!

The "Army Times" quoted 1st BCT commander Col. Roger Cloutier as saying that the units would be trained in the use of "non-lethal weapons designed to subdue unruly or dangerous individuals" for the purposes of "crowd and traffic control." You may recall how these same neighborhood kids controlled traffic throughout Iraq, i.e., run a stop sign and they'll machine gun everyone in your car, kids and dogs included! Oops, sorry grandma, but you shouldn't have changed lanes without a turn signal, grandma, grandma!

All this is a complete violation of the Posse Comitatus Act and the Insurrection Act. Yes, I know, that all that and many more of our rights were taken away with John Warner's "Defense Authorization Act," signed by our beloved Texas prairie monkey back on October 17, 2006. For those of you keeping score this was repealed by HR 4986: National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008, reinstating the Posse Comitatus Act and the

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Insurrection Act of 1807. Despite this repeal, President Bush attached a signing statement saying that he did not feel "bound by the repeal." Bush needs to feel bound by heavy ropes and chains! Keep your wicks trimmed and your powder dry, America!

And Finally

You may have heard about the six Algerians, (all of whom had taken citizenship or residence in Bosnia) who had been kidnapped by Bush and sent to our concentration camp down in Gitmo? The men who recently had all the charges against them dropped but are still being held? Their story is our shame and one of Smirky's many war crimes.

These six men had been investigated, on a tip from a Serbian spook, by the Bosnian police for plotting to bomb our embassy in Sarajevo and had been cleared by the police and by the Bosnian courts when Cheney got on the phone. As the Bosnian court was preparing to release their six prisoners, Prime Minister Behman was informed that Bush, Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld had been personally briefed and the White House had decided that, if they were freed, US troops in the NATO Stabilization Force in Bosnia would seize them, using "whatever force is necessary." So, despite a three-month investigation of the men by the Bosnian police, their clearance by the police and the Sarajevo court and a specific demand by the Dayton Peace Accords-established Bosnian Human Rights Chamber that they should not be forced to leave Bosnia, US forces kidnapped all six, shackled and blindfolded them and sent them on down to Gitmo where for seven years they have been held incommunicado, abused and tortured.

Lawyers defending these men found that the US threatened to pull its troops out of the NATO peacekeeping force in Bosnia if the men were not handed over immediately. According to testimony presented by the Bosnian Prime Minister, Alija Behman, the deputy US ambassador to Bosnia in 2001, Christopher Hoh, told Behman that if he did not hand the men to the Americans, "then let God protect Bosnia and Herzegovina."

If this was the only time that this sort of thing has happened it would be an outrage but those six aren't even the tip of the

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iceberg. Consider that of all the thousands to be kidnapped and sent to Gitmo or other black-ops "Happy Camps," slightly more than 96% of those "terrorist" schoolteachers, shopkeepers and taxi cab drivers have been cleared and released but only after many years of torture, maiming and, in a few hundred cases, death! Not a single one received a dime in compensation for the ruin of their lives. The didn't even get an apology! After all of these atrocities committed by the Junta how many of them will be brought to trial by Barry for their war crimes and crimes against humanity? What sentence will Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, Powel and Ashcroft receive? Will they end up like Saddam dangling from a rope for their mass murder? I see that the Kangaroo Court down in Gitmo sentenced Osama bin Laden's media specialist to life in prison for terrorism. What sentences will old "Watch what you say" Junta media specialist Ari Fleischer get? What will Scott McClellan or the rest of them get for the same crimes? If you said that none of the Junta will ever be punished for any of their crimes, you win a shiny gold star for your forehead and may stay after class and clean the erasers!


We don't sell our readers new cars, fancy homes or designer clothes. We don't advocate consumerism nor do we offer facile solutions to serious problems. We do, however, bring together every week writers and activists who are not afraid to speak the truth about our country and our world. The articles we print are not for the faint of heart.

As access to accurate information becomes more difficult and free speech and the exchange of ideas becomes more restricted and controlled, small publications and alternative presses disappear. Issues and Alibis may soon join that list.

We aren't asking for much-not thousands of dollars a month, not tens of thousands a year. What we need is simply enough money to cover expenses for the magazine. A few thousand dollars a year. A few hundred dollars a month. We cannot continue to go into debt to publish Issues and Alibis but at the same time we cannot, in good conscience, go quietly about our daily lives, remaining silent in face of the injustices perpetrated by our leaders and our government. So we need your help. We need

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your spare change. A dollar, five dollars, whatever you can contribute. Every penny makes a difference.

Ernest & Victoria Stewart

Page --- 399 --- 11-14-08

Meet The New Boss By Ernest Stewart "Obviously he will influence the president to be pro-Israel. Why wouldn't he be? What is he, an Arab? He's not going to clean the floors of the

White House." ~~~ Benjamin Emanuel, father of Rahm

Emanuel ~~~

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"To maintain the ascendancy of the Constitution over the lawmaking majority is the great and essential point on which the success of the [American] system must depend; unless

that ascendancy can be preserved, the necessary consequence must be that the laws will supersede the Constitution; and, finally, the will of the Executive, by influence of its

patronage, will supersede the laws." ~~~ Vice President John C. Calhoun

Armistice Day has become Veterans' Day. Armistice Day was sacred. Veterans' Day is

not. ~~~ Breakfast of Champions ~ Kurt Vonnegut


As that great American sage, Yogi Berra, once said, "This is like deja vu all over again." Do you have that feeling, too, America? You know that I surely do!

You may recall when Barry won, or bought, the Demoncratic nomination the very first thing he

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did was to run directly to AIPAC and genuflect before his masters with solemn promises:

"I will ensure Israel can defend itself from any threat. I will

safeguard Israel's security at any cost!"

After the election the very first person he appoints to his cabinet, to the highest position in his cabinet is Mossad spy and spymaster, Rahm Israel Emanuel, the former Illinois Con-gressman and now Barry's White House Chief of Staff. I'm having that déjà vu thingie again but this time I'm flashing on Martin Bormann, how about you?

Rahm Emanuel is the son of

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Benjamin Emanuel, the well-known mass murderer, war criminal and terrorist. He was a member of the Irgun terrorist group which blew up a lot of things, including the King David Hotel. Irgun's various terrorist bombing throughout the middle east left thousands of innocent dead in their wake! Like his daddy, Rahm joined another well-known terrorist group, the Israeli army, and went off to blow things up for the Mossad in Papa Smirk's first Gulf War in 1991.

Rahm, like so many members of the current Junta, has duel US/Israeli citizenship. Just like Homeland Security Chief Michael Chertoff. Chertoff, like Rahm, is an Israeli 5th columnist. How's that for yet another déjà vu? Come meet the new boss, same as the old

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boss! As it stands the list of almost all of Obama's picks for his transition team and cabinet reads like a "Who's Who of the Bush and Clinton administrations. Change, my ass!

In Other News

You may recall in "Animal House" Dean Vernon Wermer, when reminded that the Deltas were already on probation, said, "Well, as of this moment, they're on "DOUBLE SECRET PROBATION!" We all had a good laugh but I have something here from the Junta that, while similar, isn't funny at all!

I'm taking about the double secret, "Al Qaeda Network Executive Order" which gives a presidential

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OK for acts of war and war crimes. This order permits the invasion of countries with which we are not at war with at the whim of our military. This war crime was issued in 2004 by the Smirkster and Rummy. In addition it was issued after the Bush administration had already granted America's intelligence agencies sweeping power to secretly detain and interrogate terrorism suspects in overseas prisons and to conduct warrantless eavesdropping on telephone and electronic communications. While at face value it sounds alright, you have to remember that "Al Qaeda" or "The Method" was a CIA invention and Osama was, or maybe still is, a CIA agent? All this does in reality is allow the CIA to use the US Army and other military forces to do their

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dirty work! Also, do recall that the CIA is owned and operated by the Crime Family Bush, amongst a few other crime families and has been since it's inception! The CIA's original charter says its reason for being is to protect American business interests, not American interests, mind you, but American business interests, around the world.

This order goes on to identify 20 countries, including Syria, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia and Saudi Arabia "where Qaeda militants were believed to be operating or to have sought sanctuary," a senior administration official said. Iran, however, isn't on that list. It is covered by another executive order! So all the invasions, kid-napping and murdering we've done

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in Iran is covered by another act of treason! This is treason pure and simple. The president cannot do what Bush has been doing without a congressional declaration of war. These are sovereign nations. I should add, that it is treason for Congress to let him get away with it! Like it was treason for Pelosi to take impeachment off the table. She is required by law to impeach Bush with the oath of office that she took swearing to "support and defend" the Constitution.

Dozens of examples have been given of various commando raids from Pakistan to Africa as well as missile strikes, invasions and AC-130 gunship attacks. Most of these acts of war and mass murder have apparently been directed against schools, hospitals and wedding

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parties because it seems that is all that they ever hit! If Osama ever goes to a wedding reception, he's toast! The recent mass murders in Pakistan and Afghanistan committed by bored "Predator" pilots sitting halfway around the world in Nevada and that act of war invasion in Syria are just the tip of the iceberg but are typical examples. Hundreds of other acts of war are still classified as "double secret" operations. One can only imagine the horrors that we, the American people, are responsible for by allowing the Junta to stay in power! Every day we find out about a brand new horror. I wonder what's next, America, don't you?

And Finally

So how did you celebrate Armistice

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Day? You may recall that old Woody Wilson first declared Armistice Day for November 12, 1919 and seven years later on June 4, 1926, Con-gress passed a concurrent resolution requesting the President issue another proclamation to observe November 11 with appropriate ceremonies. On May 13, 1938, almost 20 years after the fact, an Act (52 Stat. 351; 5 U. S. Code, Sec. 87a) was approved making November 11th a legal holiday. A holiday that was not for the celebration of our warriors but rather "a day to be dedicated to the cause of world peace and to be thereafter celebrated and known as 'Armistice Day'."

I'm going to repeat that again for those of you on drugs...

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"A Day to Celebrate PEACE,"

imagine that if you can. So what happened to the peace day I hear you cry. I bet you can guess!

What happened was what happens to things noble and pure in this country; it was taken over by the "Military Industrial Complex" and used for their own perversions! The Emporia Kansas Chamber of Commerce and their stooge US Con-gressman Ed Rees R/Kansas wrote "a bill for the holiday that was pushed through Congress." The Ikester then signed it into law on May 26, 1954. Congress amended this act on November 8, 1954, replacing the word "Armistice" with "Veterans" and it

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has been known as Veterans Day ever since.

Even then they hadn't completely destroyed it. The November 11 date in place but the folks who brought you "In god we trust" on all of are money weren't done with this day of peace. It was 14 years later in a wartime frenzy that along came "The Uniform Monday Holiday Act," (Pub.L. 90-363) an act of Congress that amended the federal holiday provisions of the United States Code to establish the observance of certain holidays on Mondays. The Act was signed into law on June 28, 1968 and took effect on January 1, 1971, making the celebration fall on the fourth Monday in October! Of course, with your tax dollars at work this date wasn't quite right either so they

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changed it back to November 11th effective 1978. By then it was safe to do so as everybody had forgotten it was supposed to be a day of peace and not a day to honor our shock troops and their crimes!

So how did you celebrate Armistice Day, America?

Oh and by-the-way, in case you're wondering, I'm a U.S. Army veteran!


We don't sell our readers new cars, fancy homes or designer clothes. We don't advocate consumerism nor do we offer facile solutions to serious problems. We do, however, bring together every week writers

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and activists who are not afraid to speak the truth about our country and our world. The articles we print are not for the faint of heart.

As access to accurate information becomes more difficult and free speech and the exchange of ideas becomes more restricted and controlled, small publications and alternative presses disappear. Issues and Alibis may soon join that list.

We aren't asking for much-not thousands of dollars a month, not tens of thousands a year. What we need is simply enough money to cover expenses for the magazine. A few thousand dollars a year. A few hundred dollars a month. We cannot continue to go into debt to publish Issues and Alibis but at the

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same time we cannot, in good conscience, go quietly about our daily lives, remaining silent in face of the injustices perpetrated by our leaders and our government. So we need your help. We need your spare change. A dollar, five dollars, whatever you can contribute. Every penny makes a difference.

Ernest & Victoria Stewart

Page --- 400 --- 11-21-08

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No Change Because Values Have Changed! By Ernest Stewart "In the United States, no. These things are not going to happen." ~~~ Patrick Leahy, D-Vt. (When asked during a Vermont Public Radio

interview if Bush administration officials would face war crimes.)

A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on. ~~~ John F. Kennedy

"Over Six Billion Served." ~~~ Issues & Alibis Magazine

I see that the Junta, whether it pardons itself for its thousands of acts of treason, sedition, torture, war crimes and crimes against humanity or not, has nothing to fear from Barry as like impeachment all those crimes are "off the table." Is anybody

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surprised that the fix is in and the American Sheeple fell for it again?

The most obvious reason for letting the Junta off the hook is that Barry and Joe are as guilty as Bush of being war criminals! As for torture, it's not really torture when we do it, right? Sure Barry said he may close Gitmo and prosecute those wretches in the US but the rest of our concentration camps, prison ships and black op sites will remain open with business as usual. Not much of a change, huh?

In fact, there will be no substantial change at all. Barry, being the neo-con that he is, embraced all of Bush's ideas so we'll be listened to and watched and the noose will continue to tighten until there is a camera on every corner and every

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conversation is recorded. The wars will continue in Iraq and Afghanistan with the latter getting a surge of its own. Both sides of the Hindu Kush will become embroiled in new attacks until a full-scale invasion of Pakistan brings nuclear weapons into the mix, which will no doubt begin WWIII.

Every new announcement from Barry's transition team has begun to sound like what we've heard from Bush during the last 8 years and most all members of Con-gress are backing this tragedy to the hilt. Voices that just a few weeks ago were calling for heads to roll are suddenly demanding we forget about the last eight years and move ahead and not look backwards! For example, old

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"Tailgunner Joe" Lieberman not only has escaped being nailed to a tree for his many acts of treason but was overwhelmingly voted to retain his chairmanship of the "Homeland Security" committee! That should erase any thoughts you had about Barry bringing any real change.

Yes, lets all roll over and go back to sleep. Everything is all right; the last eight years were just a bad dream, a nightmare and didn't really happen, America! All those war crimes and crimes against humanity were just figments of your imagination. The economy is great, those homeless people are homeless because they want to be that way and Barry will soon round up those lay-abouts and put them to work in a new Happy Camp for

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their own protection!

In Other News

There are three things that people my age share. We all remember what we were doing when we heard the news.

The last time was 911, something all of us share. (I was working on the magazine when I heard.)

The time before that was July 20, 1969 when Neal Armstrong tried to say about stepping on the Moon, "That's one small step for (A) man, one giant leap for mankind." (I went over to my dad's house to watch it with him, about 2 am.)

The time before that was November 22, 1963. (I was walking

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down the hall between classes at O.L. Smith Jr. High when my metal shop teacher Mr. Marx, who was "mui macho" came down the hall crying like a baby.)

It has been 45 years since the JFK sanction. It was my first coup d'etat and although I was 10 days shy of my 15th birthday, I knew there was something wrong. Any doubt that I might have had vanished two days later when as my grand-mother and I watched they killed their patsy, CIA stooge, Lee Harvey Oswald on national television. Knowledge that the official story was BS arrived in 1965 with the publication of the "Warren Report," a CIA fictional piece designed to cover up their involvement as well as the involvement of LBJ and others.

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However, it wasn't until 1968 when the Zapruder film surfaced that the plot became obvious. One could see the Federal Marshals being pulled off the limo moments before the attack. One could see that Oswald in the Book Depository Building couldn't have fired the shot that hit Kennedy and the governor. Wrong angle. It came from a building across the street. And finally, one had proof positive that the killing shot came from in front of the limo, from the "grassy knoll" as Kennedy's head shot backwards and his brains spewed out in a V shape on the trunk of the Lincoln. You may recall Jackie picking up some of Jack's brain that lay on the trunk.

Years later out came the photo of

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Papa Smirk, who ran the CIA operation, standing beside the Book Depository Building just moments after the limo spend off. Meanwhile, down by the bridge stood three CIA agents (the CIA "hobos," E. Howard Hunt, Frank Sturgis and Harrelson) and across the street another agent stood, all who were the back up in case the other hit team failed. It didn't!

You may also recall that E. Howard copped to being a part of it on his death bed! As Papa Smirk once said, "If the American public found out what we Bushes have done, we'd be chased and hung on the streets."

Many have called Barry the new JFK. I wonder why, don't you?

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And Finally

How time flies when you're having fun, eh? Actually it seems like centuries ago when I said "enough, is enough" and stopped my life in order to spend most all of my time fighting the Bush regime. As I sat and watched in horror the aftermath of the 2000 election and as it became obvious that the fix was in and another American coup d'etat was about to happen, I decided I would do whatever I could to stop what was about to happen and awaken the Sheeple from their long nights sleep! Some of you may recall that I dropped out of my masters program, just when I was to argue my thesis and became "America's favorite JD turned DJ." I did that because I didn't want to teach poli-sci for

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$100,000 a year because I can't really think of anything more depressing that poli-sci! So naturally, I've been doing just that for almost 8 years for $0 a year, life can be funny, eh? I had, however, worked for a couple of years while in school for two little newspaper chains, which taught me everything I needed to know about publishing. Although Uncle Sam was picking up the tab for school, books and things I still needed to work for pot and pizza money!

The coup went down on that black day of December 12, 2000 with the announcement that to count all the votes would deprive Smirky of his chance to ruin America. The Bush and Rayguns appointed "justices" declared, in an act of high treason

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and sedition, that our beloved prairie monkey and drunken, coke head was to be the corpo-rats' puppet. And I invented Issues & Alibis magazine. I wanted to get the truth out because the corpo-rat media wasn't gong to and without a source of the truth we were completely doomed.

Ergo on February 1st 2001, eleven days after Bush over threw the Gore presidency, we published our very first edition. At first we published only twice a month but as we developed sources and connections we were soon publishing every Friday. With this edition we have brought you 400 issues of news, opinion and humor, all without cost to you! Yes, we're all opinionated but we've never told you what to think or how to

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act. We present you the facts and let you make up your own mind.

Issues & Alibis isn't a Democratic or Republican magazine. From the beginning we have been Independent and have used articles from both the right and the left and everywhere in between. When asked about this I have maintained that if there was such a person as "the devil" and he had something honest and important to say I would gladly publish him, as I have publish the words of some famous neo-cons from time to time. Also, like it says at the bottom of the page, "All views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily the views of Issues & Alibis.Org." We try to give you differing views from the left so you can make up your own mind.

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How many more editions will we publish? That depends upon you, who read and support us. Oh, and also on the sense of humor over at "Homeland Insecurity!"

Page --- 401 --- 11-28-08

The Usual Suspects By Ernest Stewart

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"Round up the usual suspects." Casablanca ~~~ Captain Renault

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." ~~~

Albert Einstein

"I may be vile and pernicious But you can't look away.

I make you think I'm delicious With the stuff that I say.

I am the best you can get. Have you guessed me yet? I am the slime oozin' out

From your TV set.You will obey me while I lead you. And eat the garbage that I feed you. Until the day that we don't need you. Don't go for one will heed. youYour mind is totally controlled. It has been stuffed into my mold. And you will do as you are told .Until the rights to you are sold!"

I'm The Slime ~~~ Frank Zappa Apparently Barry likes my favorite film, Casablanca, and has taken Claude Rains' advice to "Round up the usual suspects." Obama has filled his cabinet and advisers with former Clinton administration

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retreads from Hillary to Rahm Emanuel and he's chosen Bush retreads as well. So much for change, eh? These selections do not bode well for the economy, world peace or the Palestinians. You may recall that his picks have genuflected to their Zionazi puppet masters in Tel Aviv and all will continue to look the other way as Israel carries out it's "final solution of the Palestinian Question" and then turns it's eyes toward Syria for some more "Lebensraum." Palestine just won't be enough room! Gangsters never have enough!

With Hillary as head of the State Department, the same Hillary who said, "...what is vital is that we stand by our friend and our ally and we stand by our own values.

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Israel is a beacon of what's right in a neighborhood overshadowed by the wrongs of radicalism, extremism, despotism and terrorism." Also, "And Israel is not only our ally; it is a beacon of what democracy can and should mean. If the people of the Middle East are not sure what democracy means, let them look to Israel." Oh really? And that ghetto wall is just a joke too, eh?

Oh course, Barry made it clear where he stands about Israel when he said to his Zionazi puppet masters, "Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel, and it must remain undivided." He went on to say that America will defend Israel regardless of the cost! So Barry stands ready to sacrifice us all so the Zionazis can hold on to and

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expand their borders and f*ck the Palestinians, they are, after all, the Zionazis' version of the American Indians. Funny. Barry's forgotten about Israel supporting, among other atrocities, apartheid in South Africa!

I got an email from Norm Solomon the other day with a piece entitled, "The Ideology of No Ideology." Norm, like many other "liberal pundits," is beginning to have second thoughts about their support of Barry as he turns out to be Bush lite! Well Duh! I wrote Norm a short note...


So Barry has surrounded himself with fellow travelers, no sh*t? So the central far rightist brought in

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more central far rightists, no kidding? When you were supporting him for being sort of black didn't you bother to look at his voting record in the Sin-ate? I'm not surprised, why are you, Norm? Demoncrats, Rethuglicans, exactly what is the difference?

Your radical pal, Ernest"

So the course is set, "same ole, same ole." We're going to continue into the endless war until we are all destroyed. Until the economy totally collapses and we've brought W.W. III to the world. I guess that's what he meant by change? So far, the only change is that our new Boss, unlike Smirky, can string together whole sentences!

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And lastly, here's something that ought to send the alarm bells ringing. Old "Tail gunner Joe" Lieberman said of Barry's picks, ""Everything that President-elect Obama has done since election night has been just about perfect, both in terms of a tone and also in terms of the strength of the names that have either been announced or are being discussed to fill his administration." "Danger, Will Robinson," indeed!

In Other News

Is Henry Paulson the Treasure Secretary or is it Pat Paulson who's in charge? If it's Pat then this is all a joke, a bit surreal I'll grant you, but a joke none-theless. If it's Henry, then this is being done on purpose and someone should toss

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Henry in a rubber room for a spell.

As Albert said about insanity, Henry just keeps throwing your money (another $800 billion) down a rat hole and expecting different results. Is anybody really that crazy? Methinks it's more likely he's just finishing up the job that the Junta began eight years ago, i.e., making the strongest country that the world has ever seen into a pauper nation! What actually began in 1913 when the government gave away our treasury to a group of European bankers has finally come to fruition.

Just in my lifetime I've seen a tremendous change in the power of the dollar. When I got my drivers license gasoline sold for 28¢ a

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gallon. Good cigarettes were 35¢ a pack and you could buy a week's worth of groceries for $15. Ford was paying $2.75 an hour to its workers and that was good money. A new VW beetle was $1400, a new loaded Cadillac was $5,000 and Bill Cosby bought a new Rolls Royce for $18,000! Oh, and did I mention that $35 would buy you an ounce of gold! An ounce from Ft. Knox or an ounce from Acapulco!

Then along came Viet Nam which turned out to be so expensive that by the time that "Tricky Dick" came along he had to take us off the gold standard as we couldn't cover our debts with the gold on hand at Ft Knox. It's been a rapid down hill ride ever since.

Prices haven't really gone up since

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then; it's just that the money now is worthless. That $500,000 dollar house that you bought two years ago is now worth $150,000 but your mortgage cost is $1,500.000! They're throwing a couple trillion dollars into a hole in the ground, which won't solve any of our problems but will only sink us faster into a major depression. Throwing gasoline on a fire won't put it out. Doing the same thing financially and expecting a different result is truly insane!

And Finally

The reason that I still watch TV is gone. Except for two cartoon shows and the "Weather Channel" it looks like my TV time will be spent with DVDs and video games. With the final episode of "The Shield" there

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is little left in TV's great "Wasteland" that holds any interest for me. No folks, I don't watch TV news, not even at gun point!

I use to be a big fan of HBO but they got into a habit of canceling some excellent shows long before their time was due, shows like "Carnivale," "Rome" and "Deadwood" so when Tony Soprano was gone, I was, too. Tony, like Vic Mackey, was a bad guy with few redeeming features. Even though he was a murdering thief, I could forgive his Mafia ways and still like him. The one thing I didn't like and couldn't forgive was that Tony was a whore and a hypocrite. Tony talked all the time about importance of "family" but would screw around on Carmela at the drop of a hat. Vic was just as bad

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but held his family, especially his kids as sacred.

Both "The Sopranos" and "The Shield" gave honest portrayals of their environments. The Mafioso's that I've known over the years were a lot like Tony and the cops I've known were a lot like Vic, more so than most people would imagine. Ergo, both series were interesting to me and both were extremely well written and acted. Their characters had a lot of depth and honesty and were real people, something that is missing in 99% of the "slime oozin' out of your TV set!"

Vic ended up trapped in Limbo for three years but Vic, being Vic, will no doubt overcome his situation, find his family and forgive Corrine

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for her betrayal and, like Tony Soprano, will someday hit the big screen in a series of films. We can but hope!


We don't sell our readers new cars, fancy homes or designer clothes. We don't advocate consumerism nor do we offer facile solutions to serious problems. We do, however, bring together every week writers and activists who are not afraid to speak the truth about our country and our world. The articles we print are not for the faint of heart.

As access to accurate information becomes more difficult and free speech and the exchange of ideas becomes more restricted and controlled, small publications and

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alternative presses disappear. Issues and Alibis may soon join that list.

We aren't asking for much-not thousands of dollars a month, not tens of thousands a year. What we need is simply enough money to cover expenses for the magazine. A few thousand dollars a year. A few hundred dollars a month. We cannot continue to go into debt to publish Issues and Alibis but at the same time we cannot, in good conscience, go quietly about our daily lives, remaining silent in face of the injustices perpetrated by our leaders and our government. So we need your help. We need your spare change. A dollar, five dollars, whatever you can contribute. Every penny makes a difference.

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Ernest & Victoria Stewart

Page --- 402 --- 12-05-08

Treason And Murder At The FDA By Ernest Stewart

"I repeat, sir, that in whatever position you place a woman she is an ornament to society and a treasure to the world. As a sweetheart,

she has few equals and no superiors; as a cousin, she is convenient; as a wealthy

grandmother with an incurable distemper, she is precious; as a wet-nurse, she has no equal

among men. What, sir, would the people of the earth be without woman? They would be

scarce, sir, almighty scarce." ~~~ Mark Twain

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"There are not enough Senate votes at this time to bail out the carmakers." ~~~ Harry


"I've got to say everything President-elect Obama has done since election night has been

just about perfect." ~~~ Joe Lieberman

After hearing of the melamine poisoning of American infant formula and other foods my better half and I got to discussing it and she said the next big thing for our illegal immigrant population would be to give the women estrogen so that they would constantly lactate and then hire them out as wet nurses. If one wanted to make a bundle now would be the time to set up such an agency. While we said this in jest, it's only a matter of time before some capitalist does just that!

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After China discovered melamine in infant formula and other foods, the FDA said there would be zero tolerance for melamine in American food. Of course, a couple of months later the federal food regulators said they were unable to set a safety threshold for the industrial chemical melamine in baby formula. However, after careful consultation with Nestle and other formula manufacturers, they announced a standard that allows for higher levels than those found in U.S. made batches of baby formula. Funny thing that, eh? No, not really. Not funny on many levels!

To understand how we got to this position with an agency charged with protecting us from various forms of poisonings by the corpo-

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rats one must look back at their history.

The FDA grew from a single chemist in the U.S. Department of Agriculture in 1862 to a staff of approximately 9.100 comprised of, among others, chemists, pharmacologists, physicians, microbiologists, veterinarians, pharmacists, lawyers and a budget of $1.294 billion in 2001. About one-third of the agency's employees are stationed outside of the Washington, D. C. area, staffing over 150 field offices and laboratories, including 5 regional offices and 20 district offices.

The agency stayed in the shadows of Agriculture until 1870 when arsenic was being added to fertilizers! I'm going to repeat that

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again for those of you on drugs...

They put poison in the fertilizers and people began to drop like flies!

The FDA came out in support of the fertilizer companies saying that their product was perfectly safe for human consumption and we've been dropping like flies ever since!

The FDA was called the Division of Chemistry until July 1901 when it became the Bureau of Chemistry. The modern era of the FDA dates to 1906 with the passage of the Federal Food and Drugs Act; this added regulatory functions to the agency's scientific mission. The Bureau of Chemistry's name changed to the Food, Drug, and Insecticide Administration in July

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1927. In July 1930, the name was shortened to the present version. FDA remained under the Department of Agriculture until June 1940, when the agency was moved to the new Federal Security Agency. In April 1953, the agency again was transferred, this time to the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (HEW). Fifteen years later FDA became part of the Public Health Service within HEW, and in May 1980, the education function was removed from HEW to create the Department of Health and Human Services, FDA's current home.

All along the way they sold us out for the corpo-rats and beyond that, have gone out of their way to keep things that are beneficial off the market in order to see us all to an

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early grave so as to keep all of the money we've paid into a retirement to themselves. Melamine poisonings is just the latest example of this policy. Instead of telling mothers that the best ting they could do was to breast feed their infants, even if the baby formula was pure as could be, they tell the mothers to not worry about the formula or the poisonous bottles the formula is going into. It just boggles the mind!

In Other News

Then there was a teary-eyed Harry Reid telling GM, Ford and Chrysler that there are not enough votes to save them. I know a lot of you are probably cheering that info but I'm not and here's the reason why!

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When we gave trillions away to Wall Street both Houses of Congress and both parties couldn't sign up and sign on fast enough. Why? Because, for the most part, it was going to the rich. Yes, I know they said it was for more loans to the middle-class but we all knew that was BS. It went to CEOs, board member, and of course, to banks to buy up other banks, not to loans to buy cars and houses.

The reason why they're turning their backs on Detroit is that money would actually end up in the pockets of the workers and would be spent in the community, on cars, houses and food for the families. Ergo they haven't any money, even though the unions, which they've been out to destroy since Ray Guns with the auto

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workers' unions being about the last unions left, have bent over backwards to give the auto companies concessions. Of course, if there was any justice, the oil companies would be giving Detroit the money!

The object of this exercise is to ramp up our recession into a full-blown depression. Obama, you may recall, said that he was about taking the money from the rich and giving it back to the poor as the poor and middle-class have had that money stolen by the Junta for the last eight years. However, like many other Obama promises made during the election, just the opposite is being done. They're taking money from the middle-class and the poor and giving it away to Wall Street Billionaires!

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I hope you're not surprised by these developments. You didn't for a minute buy that new "change" shuck and jive did you, America? As we've seen by the cabinet and other picks, it's business as usual with the end game being to turn America into a third world country. With a huge military to conquer the world, these United Snakes are just another piece of the New World Order's puzzle, no different than any other country. Down at the bottom of the magazine you'll notice a new count down widget; this one is counting down to the end of the Mayan calendar and whatever comes with it. I'm guessing it won't be full employment in a carefree world!

And Finally

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I've been getting a lot of mail lately telling me that I should stop saying all those mean and truthful things about Barry. I should forget all those past "mistakes" he's made and even overlook his choices for high positions in the new Junta and judge him solely on what he does after he's sworn in, as I'm beginning to ruffle some "liberal" feathers.

In case you haven't been paying attention for these last eight years, that's exactly what I do. I tell you the truth and therefore I piss a lot of people off. That's what I do folks. I make some people mad. By all means, ya'll stop me if I should tell you a lie!

I piss people off in trying to get

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them to face reality, something that most people won't look at until it's too late to do anything about it. While it's true that I waited until February 1, 2001 to start my "crusade" against Bush, I can assure you I waited because we weren't ready to publish until that date.

If pointing out Barry and his Junta's previous faults rallies the troops to make him actually keep a few of the promises he's made to the Sheeple, well good for me. Consider this, dear reader, not only has Joe Lieberman endorsed Obama's picks, now Rush Limbaugh has endorsed Obama's cabinet, too! Doesn't that send a chill down your spine, America? It does mine!

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We don't sell our readers new cars, fancy homes or designer clothes. We don't advocate consumerism nor do we offer facile solutions to serious problems. We do, however, bring together every week writers and activists who are not afraid to speak the truth about our country and our world. The articles we print are not for the faint of heart.

As access to accurate information becomes more difficult and free speech and the exchange of ideas becomes more restricted and controlled, small publications and alternative presses disappear. Issues and Alibis may soon join that list.

We aren't asking for much-not

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thousands of dollars a month, not tens of thousands a year. What we need is simply enough money to cover expenses for the magazine. A few thousand dollars a year. A few hundred dollars a month. We cannot continue to go into debt to publish Issues and Alibis but at the same time we cannot, in good conscience, go quietly about our daily lives, remaining silent in face of the injustices perpetrated by our leaders and our government. So we need your help. We need your spare change. A dollar, five dollars, whatever you can contribute. Every penny makes a difference.

Ernest & Victoria Stewart

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Page --- 403 --- 12-12-08

Thinning Out The Herd By Ernest Stewart Redefining trust is something that's left up to

us. What your getting in return is losing what

you've earned. Your stripped of a soul your ready to fold.

Already been sold, on thinning out the herd. Thinning The Herd ~~~ Bigwig

Yesterday, December 7th, 1941-a date which will live in infamy-the United States of America

was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.

~~~ Franklin Delano Roosevelt

"Mark my words. It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they

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did John Kennedy. The world is looking. Remember I said it standing here if you don't remember anything else I said. Watch, we're

gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy." ~~~ Joe


Our elitist masters have plans for all of us. Unless you're a doctor, mechanic, farmer or perform some other necessary job, my guess is that your fate will be starvation within a few years time. Since we've virtually eliminated the Lions and Tigers and Bears, oh my, ways of thinning out the herd are limited. Starvation has been hit upon as a means to make a little breathing room for the movers and shakers without all that ugly nuclear radiation.

The obvious arguments to support my theory are Darfur, Iraq, Haiti

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and Palestine. Whether done by China, America, Israel or the United Nations, the effects are the same, slow agonizing deaths for dark skinned people.

The less obvious doesn't affect the third world so much as the first world. Once upon a time, the poor people in this country usually had the best diet. Little sugar or caffeine and not very much meat. People may have been hungry but, for the most part, it wasn't due to quality of food but rather quantity! Today only the rich and wealthy can afford to eat nutritious meals. Ever gone to an organic market? Talk about sticker shock!

I've noticed most cities in this country that have large black populations, cities like Detroit,

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Chicago, Los Angles, Philadelphia, etc., don't even have supermarkets inside the city. They have mom and pop stores and fast food takeouts. To go to a supermarket one may have to take a half dozen buses. Why? NO, let's not see the same hands... That's right, racism! Trouble is, if they can get to a market, thanks to the FDA, Monsanto and other corpo-rats, the foods in the markets are pretty much poison, too!

If it's not grown organically, then it will eventually kill you. Did you realize, for example, that soybeans are the most genetically modified plant on the planet? American Agribusiness has been modifying every food plant under the sun and selling these mutated crops as if they were healthy. Are they

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healthy? Truth is no one knows as the FDA has allowed the corpo-rats to produce and sell these mutations without any studies on their safety. How are they doing this? Monsanto, for example, mutates soy so the plants can withstand huge amounts of Roundup without dying. In fact, those soybeans will pass the savings in toxic chemicals on to you, the consumer.

Meat, well, what's safe to eat? Certainly not beef cattle. Countries like England, Canada and these here United Snakes all tried to cover up Mad Cow disease. In America alone upwards of 20% of cattle slaughtered are downer cattle. Cattle too sick to stand up and walk to be slaughtered are picked up with a high-low! What's

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for dinner, eh? In fact, just this week Ireland said it won't halt beef sales despite contamination with unsafe levels of dioxin. Sure they took their pigs off the market when they were found to be contaminated because someone leaked to the press that they contained 200 time the safe limit for consumption set by the European Union, but since the cows only contain three times the safe limit, they'll continue to sell the contaminated beef. Yummy, where's my bib?

For years Monsanto has been selling only seeds that produce seedless crops to third world countries. Once the hook is set the farmers must buy seeds every year. Can't afford to? Then starve to death. We could easily feed the

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world but our masters won't let us. We once were the breadbasket of the world. Now we import a large percentage of our food. And a large chunk of the foods or additives to the food, comes from China. Not to mention that to keep prices down most stores are a day or two from being out of food so that any emergency will disrupte distribution and America will begin to starve to death in a couple of weeks time. Those of you with a full food cellar had better be prepared to protect it from your starving neighbors! That's not "Avon" calling!

In Other News

It's that time of the year again. The time when some great government agency tries to cover up the facts

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about Pearl Harbor and its false flag properties.

This time its that ultra trustworthy source of madness and mayhem, the NSA. It trots out a little song and dance to assure us that all is right with the world and not to worry. Roll over and go back to sleep, America!

This latest song and dance concerns: "who heard or saw a transcript of a Tokyo shortwave radio news broadcast that was interrupted by a prearranged coded weather report? The weather bulletin signaled Japanese diplomats around the world to destroy confidential documents and codes because war with the United States, the Soviet Union or Britain was beginning.

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In testimony for government inquiries, witnesses said that the 'winds execute' message was intercepted as early as Dec. 4, three days before the attack."

The NSA assures us that all who heard or saw the transcript were mistaken. Not that I think that it is, but for the sake of argument let's say that this is true, everyone concerned was mistaken and we didn't know by this intercept that the carrier battle groups were on the way! Trouble is, the aforementioned aside, we knew they were coming in so many other ways.

Several Naval and governmental communiqués were discovered in the 1990s that showed we knew

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well in advance what was going to happen.

First and foremost, Pearl Harbor was designed as a trap for the Japanese. We sent a group of outdated and, for the most part useless, battleships as bait and put them in a harbor where their keels were, at most, a couple of yards above the bottom. Even if they were all sunk they'd be ready for battle in a couple of months time. Consider that the only ship we lost was the battleship Arizona which got her keel broken. Built before 1914, she was of such an early design and only about the size of a modern day destroyer, that they just took her 15 inch guns off, removed her super structure and let her set.

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The rest of the battleships were quickly refloated, fitted out with radar and other updates and were soon bombarding Japanese positions and destroying the Japanese navy!

Oh, and secondly, the British had broken the Japanese Naval code in March of 1941 and passed it along to us in May of 1941. Therefore, we were reading their messages for about seven months before December 7th. Funny how the NSA didn't mention those facts, eh?

FDR wanted to get us in the war, a very unpopular war and so Pearl Harbor was our Reich Stag fire or more to the point our modern day, "Remember the Maine!" You may recall the American battleship Maine, which blew up in Havana

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Harbor on February 15, 1898 due to a fire in her in her coalbunkers that set off an adjacent powder magazine. The Maine's sinking was used as an excuse for America to take on Spain who was blamed for the Maine's destruction. America could steal Spain's empire and have its first corpo-rat sponsored world war, the Spanish-American War of 1898! WWII was started by similar means with similar goals in mind!

And Finally

The blog sphere has, of late, been filled with predictions of doom and despair with the up coming Presidential Ceremonies on January 20th. As with any good conspiracy theory, this theory is held by members of the left, right and

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center, each with a slightly different schedule of disaster. Generally, they're concerned with Barry either being arrested or killed just before or just after he takes the oath of office. You really can't "walk" for the chatter and clatter!

One of my favorite "conspiracy theories" links Canada and Mexico with our own corpo-rat masters in staging a three-country coup d'etat and beginning of the North American Union. What with that old German whore Elizabeth sitting upon my family'S throne in London allowing her fascist puppet in Ottawa, the Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, on Thursday to suspend the Canadian Parliament until January 27th one might get suspicious. Add to that the current political madness in

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Mexico and the traveling circus that is American politics and I can see where some would-be Svengalis would have come to the conclusion that the "jig is up". After all, we have about 20,000 fulltime soldiers ready to rock against all those pesky "darkies" if something should happen to Barry and a civil disturbance followed. Not-to-mention all those brand new "Happy Camps" to send them to! You may someday recall this future deja vue, "First they came for the blacks, but I didn't speak up because I wasn't black! Then they came for the..."

However, I see another future where everything goes according to plan, just as it has for the last eight years. A future where Obama continues most of the corpo-rats'

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programs, wars and such until the final collapse of the economy. Then, and only then, will we swallow up Canada and Mexico for their cheap labor and abundant minerals. I think Liz and Steve are just having a practice run-through for the coming day when it will all be too real!


We don't sell our readers new cars, fancy homes or designer clothes. We don't advocate consumerism nor do we offer facile solutions to serious problems. We do, however, bring together every week writers and activists who are not afraid to speak the truth about our country and our world. The articles we print are not for the faint of heart.

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As access to accurate information becomes more difficult and free speech and the exchange of ideas becomes more restricted and controlled, small publications and alternative presses disappear. Issues and Alibis may soon join that list.

We aren't asking for much-not thousands of dollars a month, not tens of thousands a year. What we need is simply enough money to cover expenses for the magazine. A few thousand dollars a year. A few hundred dollars a month. We cannot continue to go into debt to publish Issues and Alibis but at the same time we cannot, in good conscience, go quietly about our daily lives, remaining silent in face of the injustices perpetrated by our leaders and our government. So we

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need your help. We need your spare change. A dollar, five dollars, whatever you can contribute. Every penny makes a difference.

Ernest & Victoria Stewart

Page --- 404 --- 12-19-08

Symbols Are For The Symbol Minded By Ernest Stewart

"I dont get all choked up over american flags and yellow ribbons. I consider them to be

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symbols, and I leave symbols to symbol minded." ~~~ George Carlin

"I must say, I think it's a pretty good team." ~~~ Dick Cheney (on Obama's national

security choices)

1984 Knocking on your door Will you let it come?

Will you let it run your life? 1984 ~~~ Spirit

If America is one thing, it's symbolic. From "Old Gory" on down, it's all symbolism! Think of the number of symbols thrown back and forth in the last eight years. The most outstanding symbol, of course, was the twin towers burning under a clear summer sky. Most of the trouble in which we find ourselves today can be connected to that one symbol. As was said in the "P.N.A.C.," all that was necessary for the New

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World Order was another "Pearl Harbor" incident, i.e., false flag attack!

Even that iconic act, however, wasn't enough to get us into a never-ending war against reality. For that we needed Kinda Sleazy and her symbolic "Mushroom Clouds" springing up above American cities. Then neocons gave us a neo-Hitler in Saddam Hussein, a man who had nothing to do with 911 but did have all that lovely oil we wanted. And the CIA front man, er, 911 "mastermind," Osama, was still a good symbol for all Muslims. One was totally overwhelmed by symbolism pouring from the "foggy bottom" spin-masters.

Speaking of which, we were also

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overwhelmed with 1984 symbolism from Ari's "they're reminders to all Americans that they need to watch what they say, watch what they do" threat to our glorious Fuhrer's line in the sand for our great "Crusade," "You're either with us, or against us!" Bush went from the poncy, elitist, brain-dead, prairie monkey to Marshall Matt Dillon, muy macho, screaming, "Bring them ON!" And boy did they ever.

Life is short so I'll stop with one more symbolic act. I refer, of course, to the Iraqi newsman Muntader al-Zaidi who lobbed his shoes at Bush in protest of the rape, murder, war crimes and crimes against humanity that Bush brought against Iraq. Pity is that he missed! I, however, flashed back 19 years to a lone man, Wang

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Weilin, standing in front of and stopping a column of Chinese tanks in Tiananmen Square. Wang and Muntader are both real heroes for standing up for what is righteous! My only regret is that Muntader wasn't a chimpanzee. You know what he would have thrown at Bush and how symbolic is that!

In Other News

Yes, I can hear your pleas, your cries in the wilderness to give Obama his 100 daze of non-criticism before I question his motives. I'd like to, but I'd be less than honest if I did.

Folks, I'm not a Demoncrat. I was one for 30 years until Slick Willie came along and drove us leftists from the party. I'm a radical, just

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like ole "Ben Jamin'" Franklin and that revolutionary crowd. Obama is over on the far right, no matter what Fox News and CNN say. Of course, they say Barry's a liberal but ask yourself this, when was the last time that Fox or CNN ever told the truth about anything? If they loudly proclaim he's a leftist, you can bet your bottom dollar that he ain't!

Have any doubts about where Barry will take us? Consider, then, this weeks' announcement from old "Dead Eye Dick" Cheney who came out from under his rock in praise of Barry's picks for National Security! That should send chills down your spine! Dick said, "I must say, I think it's a pretty good team." Cheney went on to say, "the idea of keeping (Bob) Gates at defense is

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excellent. I think (retired Gen.) Jim Jones will be very, very effective as the national security adviser." And Cheney added that while "I would not have hired" Hillary Rodham Clinton to be secretary of state, "I think she's tough. She's smart, she works very hard and she may turn out to be just what President Obama needs." Danger, Will Robinson!

Is Cheney's praise not enough for you? Then consider Time magazine has just named Obama as its person of the year. That should give you goose bumps! You might recall that they also named folks like Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Vladimir Putin, both George W. Bush and daddy dearest George H.W. Bush as person of the year. Not to mention; but I will anyway,

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Ayatollah Khomeini, Hailie Selassie, Nikita Khrushchev, Deng Xiaoping, Richard Nixon, Henry Kissinger, Rudolph Giuliani, Ronald RayGuns and Newt Gingrich! Are you still glad that you didn't vote Green?

And Finally

Here's a little mind blower, Mr. & Ms. America. In direct violation of the US Constitution, the US Marine Corp is now working with the California Highway Patrol, operating checkpoints and stopping motorists to look for drunk drivers and other criminal types.

In direct violation of Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, 8 U.S.C. § 1385., the military police from MCAGCC or Marine Corps Air and Ground Combat Center Provost

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Marshal, are working hand-in-hand with California Highway Patrol, Morongo office, along highway 62. Apparently, they've been at it since last Friday and plan to continue to do so through the holidays, regardless of the law.

You may recall that by "the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, 20 Stat. 152, 18 U.S.C. § 1385, it was provided that it shall not be lawful to employ any part of the Army of the United States, as a posse comitatus, or otherwise, for the purpose of executing the laws, except in such cases and under such circumstances as such employment of said force may be expressly authorized by the Constitution or by act of Congress... ." The effect of this prohibition, however, was largely

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nullified by a ruling of the Attorney General "that by Revised Statutes 5298 and 5300 [10 U.S.C. §§ 332, 334] the military forces, under the direction of the President, could be used to assist a marshal. 16 Ops. Atty. Gen. 162." B. RICH, THE PRESIDENTS AND CIVIL DISORDER 196 n.21 (1941)."

As far as I know, Bush hasn't given anyone permission, ergo the Marines and the police are in direct violation of federal law no matter how good a cause it might be. If you find yourself driving into a police trap on Highway 62 and the road block manned by some Chips and sea-going Bell Hops, do make a citizen's arrest and call 911 for back up!


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Page --- 405 --- 12-26-08

Another One Bites The Dust Part DeuxBy Ernest Stewart

Another one bites the dustAnother one bites the dustAnd another one gone, and another one goneAnother one bites the dustAnother One Bites The Dust ~~~ Queen

"A fool and his money are soon parted. The rest of us wait for tax time." ~~~ Albert Einstein

"The word Politics, comes from the Latin, "Poli" meaning "Many" and fromthe English "Tics" meaning "Blood Sucking Creatures," Poli -Tics.~~~ Uncle Ernie ~ 1971 ~~~

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As the great American philosopher Yogi Berra once said, "This is like deja vu all over again." What triggered it this time was the untimely-timely death of Karl Rove's Ohio bagman Michael Connell.

You may recall that Connell, the Republican "IT guru," and top IT consultant to Messrs. Rove, Bush, McCain and a bevy of Ohio Congressional Republicans, had been in the nation's capital on unknown business before his single engine plane crashed Friday night on the way home just three miles short of the runway in Akron, Ohio. Connell had been set to testify against the GOP in the King-Lincoln Bronzville v. OH Sec. of State lawsuit over electronic theft of the Ohio vote during the 2004 election. He died just before he could implicate the Junta and Diebold Corp. for their crimes of sedition in Ohio. Connell also set up and then erased and moved those "private" White House email boxes for Smirky, Cheney and Rove. You may recall those infamous accounts? That was Connell's work.

You also may recall that a lot of GOP enemies have met this very same fate. For example, Mel Carnahan's plane went down when it, like Connell's plane, ran out of gas. Mel was beating the pants off of John Ashcraft for Ashcraft's Missouri Senate seat when he had the mysterious crash that killed him and his son, Randy. Unfortunately, for the GOP and for America, dead Mel went on to beat Ashcroft for the Senate seat and we got stuck with Johnny when Bush decided to rub it in and selected the defeated Ashcroft as his Attorney General.

Then, you remember, the last Senate liberal bit the big one in another mysterious plane crash. Minnesota Senator Paul Wellstone, his wife Sheila and daughter Marcia died when their plane ran out of fuel. Are you starting to see a pattern forming here, folks? All three thorns in the side of the Rethuglicans were removed, simply, quickly, and permanently without the slightest suspicion being raised by the corpo-rat owned press.

In Other News

Then there was Bernard L. Madoff's Ponzi scheme that the Securities and Exchange Commission was either too stupid or too corrupt to detect, even with people pointing it out as the Ponzi

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scheme that it was. Most likely, members of the SEC were paid to look the other way. Why else would they ignore complaints against Madoff going back ten years?

The end result was Bernard got away with some $50 billion of the rich and powerful's money. I know, oh, boo hoo hoo! Not a lot of middle class or poor people's money here. Of course, Bernard's scheme was insured by your tax dollars to the tune of $500,000 a piece. Ergo, if you lost more than that then you had way too much money to begin with and as we all know, a fool and his money are soon parted!

How did Bernard do it? Simple. He played to their greed. Everyone knew what he was doing was illegal but as long as they were in on it, making money hand-over-fist that was ok. As with all things that the elite do, the proverbial fix was in and there was no need to worry about legalities! And, as with all Ponzi schemes, those in on it to begin with might actually make a little money before the scheme collapses. They get a little money for their investments from new members but eventually the money runs out as there are only so many suckers on the planet!

What was unusual about Madoff's swindle is that it continued for over two decades and was the largest Ponzi scheme ever uncovered with perhaps $50 billion lost or missing. It was also the first fully international Ponzi scheme, with investors from Europe, the Middle East, and China but most investors came from the US. One hedge fund, the Fairfield Greenwich Group, put over $7 billion into Madoff's fund and encouraged others to invest in it as well.

Bernard Madoff is a 70 year old apparently affable but retiring, person. He was very active in Jewish circles and many of his investors were wealthy Jews, such as Jeffrey Katzenberg, Steven Spielberg and Mortimer Zuckerman. His investors included many Jewish organizations including the Eli Weisel Foundation and Yeshiva University. OY VEY, such a deal!

And Finally

It's the time of the year where I normally (well for the last seven years anyway) write a year-in-review piece reminding everyone

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about all the horrors in the world that we somehow managed to survive. This is generally followed by a look forward to the horrors to come in the new year. I swore last year it would be my last as it takes way too much time in this, the busiest time of year. What with all the rampaging in-laws and outlaws and such to deal with rather than the world year-in-review, I'll do a much shorter magazine year-in-review piece!

This year's end is especially busy as we recently blew up our 11 year old Outback and are scraping up the $3400 to get it back. A special thanx to Ken who loaned us one of his Mercedes while "Nellie Belle" was being fixed. Without that act of kindness, we'd be up the creek without a paddle! Last year's economic shortfalls hit the magazine as well as the rest of the economy and we ended up borrowing $3000 to meet out expenses, something we cannot afford to do again. A few of our more generous readers cut that down loss down to about $1200. We had an extra $2000 dollar bill last year as we were forced to buy a new computer as our old ones "bit the dust" so our cost of operation went from near $5000 to $7000. If not for having to buy the computer, we'd have had an $800 surplus, something we've never had. That's right, folks. We've never made a dime at this and unlike every other blogger, reporter and editor, we do this because we have to, regardless! For the first five years I picked up all costs but that big bank book is long since empty and since the end of 2005 we've continued publishing with the help of our readership, just about breaking even until this year when a lot of our regular contributors became unemployed or underemployed.

Ergo, as we can't take on any new debt without going under, in 2009 we'll continue to publish until the bills come due and if we can't make them then we'll close shop and I'll go back to work as your very wicked ole Uncle Ernie hard rock/rocking blues DJ until the bombs begin to fall. After all, according to the Mayans we're on a downhill count of less than four years (12-21-2012) to when the "big darkness come" and we need to get prepared! Happy Holidaze Ya'll!

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